#enjoy cricket
theonekierce · 3 months
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i. accidentally did a leyendecker-ish study? i promise i started this just meaning to do a warm up doodle but alas. whole entire painting feat. the actual albany windows.
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cicaklah · 2 months
a raffles primer for the lads
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pyjamac · 18 days
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i hope i don't come across as a coyote in your eyes
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elialys · 3 months
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Calling my own readers out on AO3. I wish I didn't have to do this. I've been sharing fics online for 20 years and it's never been this bad. It's always been bad, but 10 years ago, you at least got 5% of readers giving a shit.
This current fic is one of the most popular I've ever written. It's got close to 300 subscribers, and every time I update, the hits go up by a 1,000 within a week or two. I shouldn't have to beg in my notes so that more than 10 people will actually engage with me.
Fic writing was all about sharing & discussing, once upon a time. It was a community. It was not about shaming writers for being upset over low engagement. I spend an average of 20 hours working on each of my chapters. That's almost a whole day. So yes I am going to be sad and upset when I see hundreds of people reading, yet barely a dozen of them acknowledge me. Ask me how my imposter syndrome reacts to low engagement.
It thrives, I don't.
Be kind to your fic writers. Engage. Write comments.
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idontknowreallywhy · 5 months
Estera - Ch 23 - Jump
Ok, I lied. I accidentally finished another chapter.
Have been looking forward to this one for a while 😁
What went before
He spotted the gap in the hedge and pulled into the small car park, stopping the car a little way away from a huddle of harnessed and helmeted people gathered at the back of a van. He’d assumed from the limited message he’d received Estera was attending some kind of social event, but this looked a lot more like an Activity of some kind… given the proximity of the sheer cliffs this part of the coastline was famous for, perhaps abseiling?
Quite chunky harnesses for abseiling though.
He couldn’t quite spot her among the group and hoped he hadn’t come to the wrong place. Pulling at the sweater to make sure it was definitely hiding the waistcoat, he left his warm but completely inappropriate tailored wool coat in the car and walked as casually as he could towards the van. One helmeted head snapped around as he crunched across the gravel and he felt a rush of relief which partly but not entirely overcame his uncharacteristic self-consciousness. She gave a tiny wave and mouthed “two minutes” before turning back to focus on the person giving instructions. Scott paused where he was and watched as the briefing seemed to finish and the group sprang into action to unload a series of tightly wrapped silk bundles from the van.
His jaw dropped. He knew what those were. Estera turned back and caught his eye and he pointed to the edge of the clifftop and raised his eyebrows disbelievingly. She nodded and grinned slightly maniacally. Then beckoned him over.
He drew alongside and murmured “I thought you weren’t a fan of heights?”
“Just airplanes” she whispered back. “This way you get the rush without needing to get into one. Just, err, don’t mention it to the school kids.”
He chuckled. “Not going to lie, I’m quite envious.”
“Don’t you do this kind of thing all the time? Given your day job?”
“Not for fun. It’s hard to enjoy the moment when someone’s trapped or injured or something and they are waiting for you.”
She looked thoughtful. “Give me a minute.”
“We have a rig spare though don’t we? Robin hasn’t turned up.”
“That doesn’t mean we can just let a randomer jump, Tez, you know that. He’s not done the training.”
“He’s done this kind of thing a lot, though, for his job.” She looked round to see Scott happily chatting to a couple of people and suddenly realised that maybe he wouldn’t appreciate losing his anonymity right now. So she fudged it. “He’s in… outdoor pursuits” she invented rapidly “really extreme stuff. In, uh, Australia.”
“Unless he can show me a qualification… the insurance company would string me up if something happened.”
“Isn’t there anything we can do?”
She knew the disappointment was showing on her face and the wheedling was beneath her. She wouldn’t usually push, but… she glanced back over at Scott… she had a sense that he might need this as much as she did today. Mentally slapping herself for being outrageous but ploughing ahead anyway she pulled out her best puppy dog expression and watched Gary crumble.
“He’ll have to go tandem. I’ll take him. And he needs to do the E-learning first.”
“I’m sure that would be fine!”
The stocky instructor approached Scott who stood to attention, being about 8 inches taller than Gary she could see his reaction over the shorter man’s head. Estera could guess the order of conversation from his open-book facial expressions - the grin and sparkling eyes would be in response to “you can jump”, the slight frown probably meant the news that he’d have to go tandem had been delivered and the hastily suppressed cringe was very likely indicative of worse news re the e-learning requirement. Scott nodded seriously, said something she couldn’t hear and accepted the offered tablet, immediately starting to read.
She jogged over.
“When he’s finished that you brief him on the geography. And get him kitted up.” Gary looked pointedly at Scott’s very-much-not-BASE-Jump-Association-approved trousers and sighed pointedly. “At least his shoes are alright.”
Scott was sat on the footplate of the van, studiously focussed on the iPad but she was sure he blushed slightly. Gary marched off to oversee the setting up of the jump point.
“In fairness I have done far crazier things in similar trousers.”
She tried and failed to suppress a snort of laughter. “I’m sorry… I’m sure if you told him who you were he’d let you do what you liked.”
Scott smirked. “I did consider it. But… he’s not actually wrong. I don’t know any of your equipment, we do a LOT of training with ours. I don’t know the jump site and it isn’t as if I can scan it to get the data to an HUD. It would be pretty awkward if I misjudged and ended up a greasy smudge on the Devonshire coastline… given the day job.” He jerked his head in the direction Gary had disappeared in “Apparently the paperwork would ruin his week.”
Estera spluttered and he grinned up at her. “Just promise me you won’t tell a soul? I’ll never hear the end of it if Gordon or Alan find out. Anyway TEZ…” she screwed up her face at the awful nickname and he winked “aren’t you supposed to be briefing me?”
She pointed at the iPad and tapped her foot. He shrugged.
“I can take in both. Go ahead.” The last two words had a certain… commanding quality to them. Which she guessed made sense. Given the day job.
“John. I believe there might be a Situation with Scott.”
John nearly inhaled his crème d’oursin and was halfway to his feet before his brain engaged. It was entirely possible he was catching the smotherhen from Scott. Penny had of course remained composed and asked EOS to elaborate.
“Certainly, Lady Penelope Creighton-Ward. I have been monitoring the life signs at the coastal location his rental vehicle reached. There are 16 life signs and I believe one represents Scott Tracy and another is highly likely to be Estera Hermaszewska.”
“Is he injured?
“It appears not, John.”
John placed his cutlery down delicately. “EOS… why? I haven’t asked you to monitor him. In fact I believe Scott specifically asked you not to do so.”
“Scott asked me not to monitor his vitals and location via his personal comm unit. He did not make any reference, positive or negative, to remote monitoring of his vehicle and its environs.” The AI’s voice had a petulant edge to it.
“Reference spirit of the law versus the letter of the law”
A few seconds passed.
“You still haven’t explained why you are monitoring.”
“I am interested in the development of human friendships and believe Scott Tracy and Estera Hermaszewska would make an informative study. I am simultaneously monitoring three weather fronts, a wild fire in Peru, a developing coup in a Eurasian separatist state and I have learned 14% of the rules of cricket.”
“Still going on the cricket, EOS? It’s been a week?”
“I am determined to master it, John. It is the only sport where my understanding remains incomplete.”
John nodded and glanced at Penny who had been holding her napkin to her lips for rather longer than necessary to wipe the non-existent food residue from her face.
“Dare I ask what the Situation that concerns Scott is, EOS?”
“Yes, John.”
A pause. He clarified:
“What is the Situation, EOS?”
“All 16 life signs appear to have fallen over 100 vertical metres from the clifftop to the beach, John. All 16 remain viable and highly mobile which is anomalous in the circumstances.”
John frowned and ran a quick search on popular outdoor pursuits at the location. Then nodded. And sighed deeply.
“EOS, you need to stop monitoring Scott. He won’t thank you.”
“But John, what about…?”
“The only cause for concern here is that my eldest brother has found a friend as ridiculous as he is.”
Scott leapt back in surprise and cursed loudly as the frigid water did its best to give him immediate frostbite.
Their harnesses and other equipment had been abandoned along with their shoes just above the tideline. The thrill-seeking group were dealing with the adrenaline comedown by rolling their trousers above the knees in order to sample the waters of the English Channel in late April. Which was clearly a lot closer to the Arctic Circle than his knowledge of geography had previously suggested.
He mock-glared at Estera who was unflinchingly shin deep in the gentle surf and doubled over laughing at him.
“Can’t we just jump off the cliff again?”
“I thought you lived by the sea?”
“Not this kind of sea!” Oops that was edging closer to a whine than he was proud of. Come on Tracy, man up.
He edged cautiously back to where the waves lapped over the pebbles and gritted his teeth to suppress the shudder as the nerves in his toes gave up and died on the spot.
“Last night I went for a swim and it was 72 degrees…” he quickly converted “about 22 Celsius.”
“Aaah this would be about 10.”
That figured.
“You should come back at Christmas, it’s tradition to swim in it on Boxing Day, sometimes we break the ice to do so.”
“Yep, I’m increasingly convinced the British are insane.”
She kicked icy water at him. He shrieked in an incredibly macho way and responded in the only way a self-respecting Commander, CEO and Responsible Big Brother could:
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fleshadept · 2 years
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Behind the Shadows
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bitegore · 2 months
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So seriously: if you have a serious recoil/disgust factor at uncommonly eaten parts of an animal being in any kind of food context (eg: whole fish being served at a table) and you want to work on minimizing that reaction, I really really recommend eating "normal" versions of those unusual foods, like for example deli-sliced tongue. I know I'm talking out of my ass here, but things like liver and haggis (organ meat), tongue (tongue), and probably a whole lot of others I've never had can be pretty easily made into forms that taste real good and don't look much like a weird lump of flesh you can recognize, and being able to get from "that's weird and gross but I want to get it" to "that's weird but it tastes really good and I want to get it" will probably make building up momentum easier when you move on to less "common" pastures.
Good luck, by the way. I believe in you.
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chelsiegeorgia · 2 years
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So, what did I actually think of the movie? I thought it was OK. Absolutely pales in comparison to the original as with all these remakes, but I still think the lion King is the worst of them. That being said I hoped Disney would have a little more respect for the movie that their whole theme song is from but guess I didn’t wish hard enough on that star. Would I recommend it? Probably not. Just watch the original, it’s a timeless masterpiece for a reason. 
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Still on that Copium I guess
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hes-a-tough-kid · 11 months
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I’ve been thinking a lot about how Spider felt when he hit puberty and started growing facial hair, making him even more different to the Na’vi. I wonder if he hated it.
Also the inherent tenderness of a boy trusting someone else enough to help him shave for the first time… something about it makes my chest hurt. I really tried to capture it in Foreign Body but there’s so much more that I wish I’d left space for.
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theonekierce · 1 month
Hello! I only just started reading the Raffles stories with the beginning of Letters from Bunny, and am very excited for your comic! It looks fantastic so far!
!!! ahh thank you! im trying to get page layouts done for the rest of part 1 before i start finishing them just to like, streamline the process i guess? flkdfk i know its been 3 weeks so im really glad to know people are reading and enjoying even though i'm a bit slow with updates lol. this is the first comic i've actually posted before so im! figuring it out! but i am also very excited!
here have the page sketch i have open right now <3
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conceiteddemon · 1 year
Ylfa recognizing that The Wolf is an authority figure -> understanding that The Wolf saved her life and gave her the strength to survive a cruel cyclical existence -> realizing that there can’t be beginnings without endings and death is a part of life -> saving The Wolf from being boiled alive over and over again
Ylfa @ the big bad wolf
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theseasideskies · 1 year
I knew I’d wanna wait until “Cricket” released so I had more context for Rusty’s family dynamics
I didn’t expect the older brother
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gadzooksgalore · 8 months
🎧 Headphones strongly recommended 🎧
Bit of an unconventional art piece, but I had the idea to create a 'sound scene' with Cricket and @kbthebearcat's Donald since I really love audio as a medium. I thought an audio clip might be able to capture certain feelings better than what I could accomplish with one of my drawings. It took a while to find all the right sound effects but I'm fairly happy with how it turned out!
For context, Cricket suffered through some pretty traumatizing events during her time in the science facility, which means loud and overwhelming stimuli (like thunder) may cause her to experience intense fear stemming from unrelated situations. Fortunately Donald is there to help get her through those difficult moments.
Narrative description and audio credits can be found below the cut.
Rain can be heard falling heavily against a window. Cricket is frightened by the storm and whimpers softly. Thunder suddenly roars overhead, which causes Cricket to cry out in fear. Her breaths quicken as she begins to hyperventilate. Donald's voice appears and offers reassuring words. As Cricket's breathing gradually begins to slow, Donald picks her up and fabric rustles. Donald holds her close to his chest with a gentle hand; a steady heartbeat and calming breathing become the focus while the harsh rain fades into the background. Muffled thunder can be heard soon after. Fabric rustles again as Cricket repositions herself into a more comfortable, relaxed position against Donald.
A list of all audio credits can be found here.
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violetfaust · 8 months
🙃 blocking Kill Beauty in the Belle tag like it’s 2017 🎶
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softichill · 1 year
I love you sketchy linework I love you messy coloring I love you just erasing the sketch lines instead of doing "proper" line art I love you screenshots of art that clearly comes from a doodle page I love you physical sketchbook art covered in sticky notes and eraser marks I love you messy highlighter coloring I love you incredibly bright filters I love you pieces that never get finished bc the artist loves how the sketch looks I love you "imperfect" art made for the sake of creation I love you I love you I love you
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