#endless laughter
Wednesday Laughter
Characters: Zack= StudentTeacher= Teacher Dialogue : Zack: Sir, can I ask a question?Teacher: YesZack: How do u put an Elephant inside a Fridge?Teacher : I don’t know!! Zack: It’s easy! You just open the Fridge and put it in. I have another question! Teacher: Okay! Ask… Zack: How to put a Donkey inside the Fridge? Teacher: It’s easy! You just open the Fridge and put it in…Zack: No, Sir! You…
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grooviestguru · 9 months
we were robbed, ROBBED, of details of andrew RIDING A HORSE. like are you KIDDING ME? looking beyond the pure comedic value of such a sight, and the upperclassmen's delight, consider too this poor fellow is afraid of heights and being on a horse is HIGH
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glitterghost · 5 months
The way people you know, friends you were once close to, literally sometimes just dissipate from your life like an apparition, is absolutely bat shit insane.
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4typercent · 2 years
Head canon/fic idea
Hob's favourite movie is full of historical inaccuracies. That movie is Monty Python and The Holy Grail.
He wasn't alive for the events of the movie, but who cares? The movie is definitely wrong, but Terry Gilliam & Terry Jones live it up, as do all the actors.
So what does an immortal do? He invites his almost Godlike lover/boyfriend/husband(?) over for a movie night.
"What manner of film is this?" Dream asks as he picks up the flimsy DVD case and reads the back information.
"Inaccurate historical comedy." Hob brings in a huge bowl of popcorn. He knows Dream will have like five pieces.
Hob starts the movie.
"What language is that? I know all of them, but what is this?" Dream asks as the movies opening credits play about the subtitles.
Hob laughs and tells him it's made up. Dream rolls his eyes.
"He would not survive. He would go into shock, then pass away due to blo0d loss." Dream says as the Black Knight Wiggles on the ground leggless and armless.
"What are you going to do, bleed on me?" King Arthur says.
Hob wipes a tear away when the peasants say that they didn't vote for Arthur to be their king. Dream sits confused.
"Jзsus Chris+!" Arthur yells as the French fling the giant wooden bunny over the castle wall.
This brings a slight smile to Dream's face.
Dream is slowly realizing that this is meant to be humourous, he asks why they use coconuts as horse noises.
"It was a money saving tactic. Horses were expensive to hire, coconuts are cheaper and funnier" Hob takes Dream's cold fingers in his hand.
"I see." Dream takes a singular popcorn and muches thoughtfully.
"I am ... Tim ... The Enchanter!"
Hob again wipes tears of laughter away when the Holy Crusaders use a Holy Hand Grenade on the rabbit.
"Answer me these questions three!"
Dream watches as members of the party get flung into the apparent abyss.
The film finishes with Sir Lancelot getting arrested. (amongst other things)
"That was an experience I shall not soon forget," Dream says to the television.
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flowergirlsimo · 2 months
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He is the melody to my heart, the rhythm to my soul, I'll love him forever, that's my only goal.His laughter is music, his presence a symphony, I want to be the one to bring joy endlessly.
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superparadise-ghost · 1 month
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one like and ill do this exact dance next time glass animals come to Australia and play pork soda
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cainware · 2 years
Idk I just think Bruce having am aneurysm when Jason brings Kyle home with him for the holidays is the funniest shit
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theodoradevlin · 4 months
*You hear clacking inside of your closet. Clacking, light banging and tapping, as if some ten-legged decapod is trying to make sense of your wardrobe after seeing your most recent portraits and thoughtfully transfers its thoughts onto the wooden walls nearby. The sounds stop after a while. If you open your closet, at the very bottom there is a small engraving that suspiciously looks like a broken heart. Something somewhere out there misses you, that fact is rather clear.*
Theo turns in her sleep, her arms slipping around a pillow, holding it close. Pillows were cozy enough, but something in her missed the feel of something sturdy, and hard against her.
Clawdia's shell was rather impressive after all.
She lets out a breathy sigh as she dreams, a sleepy chuckle slipping as she feels a phantom pinch teasing at her skin....but she wakes then. It had all just been a dream? Then she hears the noise coming from her closet.
She slips out of bed, spotting the broken heart on the ground. She crumples to the floor, tracing the engraving. There was only one crustacean who would leave such insistent, and slightly threatening, declarations of love in permanent splendor on the floor.
She calms herself and whispers....
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Clawdia might be gone, but she was never far from Theo's mind.
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thornfield13713 · 2 years
Every fucking day I think about Unity Kincaid telling Mr Holdaway that she was going to get to have a life after all after sleeping all of hers away, with her great-granddaughter and -grandson. And that she gave that life up to save Rose. And, unlike in the comics, she wasn’t already dying, it was a sacrifice of time she really could have had - maybe not much of it, but all the more precious for that.
And I break, a little.
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euesworld · 1 year
"Good morning, I hope you have a wonderful day today filled with laughter and smiles.. what is a day without those? I wish you nothing but endless love.."
Life can be a finicky fugger but just know that it has your best interest in mind.. it wants you to grow, to be happy.. so fill your days with things you love and your days will be that much easier - eUë
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matthias-the-tulip · 11 months
this song is soooooooo alex-and-henry-coded it’s crazy
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ofglories · 5 months
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After a certain incident involving an exceptionally massive bird dangling Arthur by the back of his clothes over a cliff, it's fair to say Arthur developed a certain...caution in regards to birds.
And cliffs.
But mainly birds.
It's not so much a fear, not really. But he's definitely wary around birds that look large enough to grab a grown man. Helpfully these are few and far in-between but still! There's also the unpleasant memory of several of his knights deciding the best way to handle the situation was to make a pile of clothes to catch him instead of anything else on top of that...
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paperglader · 30 days
after laugher anniversary really has me feeling a particular brand of mentally ill that only paramore listeners can get
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andoutofharm · 1 year
they need to put remember the laughter behind one of those locked display cases so i have to get assistance to access it and not spiral into remember the laughter world with such intensity
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martyrbat · 1 year
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The Hellbound Heart – Clive Barker
[TEXT ID: "I know" / "No you don't," he told her. "You've no conception of the hunger I've got on me."]
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darthstitch · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Sandman (TV 2022), The Sandman (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling, Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling Characters: Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Hob Gadling, Matthew the Raven, Calliope (The Sandman), Nuala, Methos Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Professor Dream, Literary References & Allusions, Tolkien References, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fix-It Series: Part 15 of History Class Cryptids a.k.a. The Kilig Diaries Summary:
There's a new literature professor in the university, even though he's only there for just a limited series of classes. Honest. He's not going to be teaching there on a permanent basis, really, he's very busy running a kingdom of dreams after all...
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