#ending this post here bc i can ramble to infinity and back
Okay so my general mru timetravel saga phase thing. + how I’m doing the YA.
Since I think focusing on timetravel instead of the multiverse would have been a better next saga since timetravel was set up formerly.
Also, champions and Runaways will likely feature but I need to defamiliarise myself with the comics to feel more comfortable deciding on HOW. But I’ll get to it, just not in this post.
(Ramble below the cut)
First Phase:
I would make the first phase AFTER endgame extremely chill. More grounded, focus on a smaller group of heroes and the affects of the snap. TFATWS would be my preferred first project but obviously could change when I go to write it. Maybe seven projects in all? Keep it small. Six main solo projects, an avengers team up. I want to make it clear that things aren’t running as smoothly as they could be post-Thanos, there’s a lot of tension, the team isn’t quite… teaming.
Steve shows up as cameos in TFATWS and the avengers teamup, but not to take away from the focus of Sam being the new Cap. He’s more of an… advisor. He has experience, but that’s all he’s got to offer. He’s done with the fight. I don’t think he should’ve died in endgame personally bc I think people need a main avengers to continue showing up to really keep their investment until another character proves worthy enough for focus.
Eli is the first Young Avenger to be included, which would make a whole ‘oooo Young avengers maybe??’ But he’s played off like a cameo that’s there because Isaiah is there, no need to rush into the YA.
Kamala is also showing up. Ms Marvel wouldn’t be a MAIN solo project and would be kind of hinted to be disconnected until Carol shows up in the last episode.
There will also probably be a Hawkeye series but I don’t want any of the YA to be heroes before the YA. So Kate will likely cameo but I don’t want her to be a Hawkeye yet. That’s YA stuff. It can wait.
Second Phase:
A little more funky now. The Marvels is a good guide to take for the balance of funky and grounded. Sure it’s in space but it’s a pretty typical movie, nothing too big. Of course, the marvels = Teddy introduction. I’ve not watched the movie yet (literally on the way there now) so I can’t promise how I’ll introduce him, but it’ll probably be a small ‘cameo type’ thing.
The phase starts on a lighter note but slowly degrades, the avengers are slipping apart. It ends on a Loki s1.
Introduction of Kid Loki also. And I’ll probably do Sylvie differently. But with the demolition of the sacred timeline, there comes chaos in the storyline.
Introduction of the champions might occur here, whilst things are still light and dandy. Depends on what I can swing.
Third Phase:
House of M. Wandavision, obviously, introduces the Twins. They’ll probably remain toddlers though, to keep them little and cute, plus terrible twos + superpowers would make it obvious she’s crazy when she CHOSE that. They’re the two YA introduced this phase, no America until the multiverse unfortunately.
The avengers are slowly falling apart even further, Loki s2, and then, bosh, kangs. Not THE Kang, though. Other kangs. Fighting aaa. Some avengers probably die, Scott definitely does. They win and have to fight THE Kang, don’t win, Kang escapes.
Idk how to explain my idea for that film considering I haven’t properly planned it. But, basic idea is that he WILL come back.
Phase four:
No avengers. They fell apart, like they did for infinity war. If things like this keep happening, there’s no point anymore. Womp womp everything sucks. Some people, like Sam, are trying to keep everyone together but it’s so… hard. They wonder if they’re really just making things worse. They probably are.
Yeah there are solo projects. But it’s mostly pretty dismal. They’re trying to prepare to fight kang but they know they’ll lose. In the final solo project, there’s an end credit scene. Someone in a suit appears in dark streets and picks up a loose newspaper. ‘The avengers disbanded’. In a robotic-ish voice: oh no.
And then, final avengers movie of the saga. Except… it opens up to kids being assholes and oh wait this is just an adaptation of the first Young Avengers comic with some more emphasis on the avengers. Why have a huge crossover movie when teenagers can stab people? This isn’t to say there won’t be any closure for other storylines, I just don’t think every storyline needs to end in an AVENGERS storyline. The big crossover movie will probably be phase 3’s big Kang gang up movie, with everyone fighting their own time travelling war lord. But Kang’s death belongs to Nate. So that’s how it’ll be. Other superhero team ups will probably happen. But the big bad will be slain by those who now carry the avengers torch. It’s to me the only way to actually get people interested in the Young Avengers.
Some post saga notes:
There are some things that will be included. Like fantastic four and Xmen. It’s just a little difficult to try and explain how they fit it without going into masses of detail.
The next saga will likely be multiverse based. The Young Avengers are pretty well prepped for that kind of storyline. I’ll likely reallocate TLAT to this saga. Multiverse works better for god-based movies than time travel. It’ll probably include Children’s Crusade and YA vol2 for some of the avengers movies.
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btsqualityy · 2 months
TW: ED/ lost loved ones.
hi my love. my life has been so hectic & i’ve went through sooo much shit in the past few months, good & bad. i lost my grandma, bought a car, working non stop, & im changing a few lifestyle habits to cater to my health since i lost a shit ton of weight due to stress & my ED flare ups 🙏🏾 but i just wanted to let u know that i love you 🤎 i’ve been in a creative rut when it comes to my makeup, i used to do a makeup look everytime i had a day off, but now i just rest on those days whenever i can. i learned that being patient with myself, & not rushing the process helps me come up with my best work & i feel like my most authentic self. (no shade to anon at all!!) but i noticed the ask “did you give up” & it prompted me to send this, bc one of my followers asked me the other day on insta if i “gave up on makeup,” & i told her i didn’t give up, but life just be life-ing 😭 so in a general sense, sometimes you can love what you do so much, you end up having to take lil breaks here & there in order to give it your all. & sometimes, you don’t even mean to take a break but LIFE be LIFE- ING 😂😂😂 i don’t wanna make it seem like im speaking for you at all! just thought that any other creator who may be just as busy as we are could see this & relate 🫶🏾 p.s. “love a black woman from infinity to infinity” HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH QUEEN 🤎✨
My girl! Im sorry for your loss and I’m happy to hear that you’re prioritizing your health and happiness!
But I completely agree! I literally never meant to take as long of a break as I have and I’ve been going back and forth so much about lately. Like, I miss writing and still love it as much as I did when I started this blog and I still have so many ideas. But also, working full time and trying to maintain a life where I’m not miserable everyday and maintaining relationships with my family and friends and this guy, it’s hard to balance all that with this blog. I have so many moments where I’m like “dang, I should write something today” but I literally can’t find the energy to most times. I’ll literally open my drafts, write a sentence, and close the draft 😭🤦🏽‍♀️
This blog feels like such a part of me now and it’s been weird to not post something everyday. Like, if you’re an OG, you know the blog has NEVER been this quiet 🤣but I don’t know. I’m about to be 25 in May and life is just so different than it was when I was 19 and starting this blog. I think that’s also something that’s been bothering me, that life is different now and trying to figure out how to still make time for the things I’ve enjoyed for years
ANYWAYS, that was a lot of rambling but yeah. I love you more and thank you for always being so supportive! 🫶����❤️
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fatestrings · 3 years
Yeah I think what the family needed was not only touya going to a therapist, but endeavor too because the guy’s obsession with #1 was the root cause of their destruction. I think there was a genuine, mutual connection between touya and the dad in the earlier years which probably factored into why touya was so messed up over it. Not to mention the miscommunication of it all. I also feel like too many fans exclude endeavor from young!touya’s healing when he’s a major part of it, like it or not. Idk that’s just my 2 cents. Sorry for rambling :s
Also I don’t think either parent thought he was p-slur, they just didn’t know how to talk or handle him in typical traditional asian family fashion. I do see touya thinking this about himself though.
You know what I think they *all* needed family therapy because rei showed signs of being afraid of touya ever since he tried to kill shouto plus with her own diminishing mental health she wouldn’t have been able to properly help him with these feelings inside her. They were all messed up except for fuyumi and natsuo :’s sorry last one I just had a lot of thoughts with my own family as well
no need to apologize, i appreciate that you've chosen to share your perspective with me!! it's an unexpected gift :-)
endvr cld definitely use some rehabilitation. ideally, his behavior wldve been addressed much earlier on and spared us some of the heartache to come. obv setting his whole eugenics plot into motion after only like a year or two in second place was a major issue that spoke to how flawed his psyche was; but for him to so naturally fall into that, to aquire a wife to breed and to mistreat so many people with such ease, implies that he's already been in that mentality and been allowed to get away with things for so long that it was already second nature. that sort of deep, long-term mentality takes a Lot to unlearn and unpack, even if you're fully dedicated to it. he reminds me a bit of what bakugou used to be like, at the very beginning of the manga. if bakugou had continued to have his middle-school worldview validated, to have never made or friends with or had irl role models that were such good people, to have been congratulated for every misstep, i think he could've grown into an envdr- type character.
i think the best and the safest option for the family would've been to separate him from the others as early as possible. for him to get help and try to improve, and to create a support system for him that doesn't involve anyone he's forced into a subservient role. due to the fucked-up and firmly-established power dynamics in that house, i don't think there's any potential for him having a healthy relationship with rei or his kids unless he removes himself fully from the situation and doesn't pressure them to make any contact with him. he'd have to allow his family, for once, to interact with him out of their own free will. i also think that if he's going to make an honest attempt at improving, he needs to reflect upon + restructure his entire concept of heroics. aside from his ranking obsession/ inferiority complex, he fights to decimating the "bad guy" first and foremost, rather than focusing on helping the civilians or on de-escalation, and he causes a lot of unnecessary death and destruction as a side effect of this cruel and single-minded thinking. i don't think he'll be able to treat people better if he continues fighting humans so cruelly and indiscriminately (think of his vigilante vendetta), esp not when he's publically congratulated for these "wins". (i have a bit of a bone to pick with the toxic hero-civvie-villain culture at large but that's neither here nor there...)
i agree that all of them could benefit from therapy. fuyumi and natsuo are the quietest in the family about it but they have also definitely been traumatized by growing up in that place, in a major way. natsuo's actually out of the house and has been able to heal the most out of the lot in canon, but by virtue of his siblings still being entrenched in the thick of it, he's stuck in a situation where he can either be closer with his siblings and be unable to move on from envdr, or to heal on his own and continue distancing himself even from fuyunee. and then she's got her entire life dedicated to servitude- it's apparent that she's never really allowed herself any indulgences, and she probably wouldn't know what to do with her life if she was no longer able to serve the family or her students. she took upon herself rlly early on the role of the mother and of the mediator and has obviously internalized this as her duty. i wouldn't be surprised if she felt personally responsible for like "failing her familial duties" every single time a dinner is derailed, or she doesn't manage to keep endvr's rage under control. they all need to learn how to be people, instead of tools to be wielded.
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alias-b · 4 years
Can you talk about your marvel fic? After what you did with stranger things, I bet you killed the mcu for its crimes.😘
Anon!!! You opened a whole bag of sour patch kids here. Settle in. I haven’t gotten a lot of feedback on this project. If I should go back and revamp to my new ao3 with edits. So, I’m not sure if has enough interest for a go head. But, it’s an old Loki/OC fic that’s near and dear to my heart. The first major fic I completed, clocking in at 800K words. Yeap. Longer than Les Mis. Longer than the LOTR series including the hobbit. It’s a beast. But, it’s my beast and I own everything I did in it.  🤣 See below and come shout at me more about this fic bc I adore it too much. Basically, it’s about a woman realizing she’s the Protagonist. With lots of smut & not all with Loki.
Basically, it’s structured a little like a cinematic universe with phases and “prompts/arcs” within the phases that end up building into a growing story. It starts eons before the first Thor movie! Loosely goes into the movies before veering off into his epic mashup of Marvel movies, including The Amazing Spider-man//X-Men//Fantastic Four, with a lot of comic canon events and twists into this monstrosity where I bash hopeful/dramatic themes into your face a million times.
Concretely, I wrote it from about  Nov '13-Oct '17 so well before the Infinity War mess. Posted it Dec ‘17-April ‘18. The only mcu movies I get into are Thor1/2, Avengers, & Winter Soldier. Needless to say a lot of characters appear and some from the mcu don’t even show up or are just mentioned in passing, I rly had to pick and choose with the storylines from the comics I sunk in. At the core, it’s still a Loki/OC if you can believe that lmao to be fair, his dumbass did kick a lot of the events off....
The OC, who I only ever call the Lady outside the fic, is actually unnamed. For all 800K words. She gets nicknames/terms of endearment/an Avengers tag, but it never felt right to name her. And it became a fun game of how her name was being said and who refused to use it//only use nicknames. She’s an Asgardian with Issues. Which is more common than you think. Flawed Gods. Theme.
For millions of years, Asgard is a place of these warrior gods pledged to protect the realms//the lands within Asgard itself and do not much else. I made Asgard the full realm it was supposed to be, not the tiny planet it got reduced to. Each realm is important to the balance of Yggdrasil. One falls, they all do. Being a god is an absolute commonplace and Asgard is wrapped up in old ways that Thor’s generation is trying to break from. Theme. We also get a different dynamic when they journey to earth and are actually treated like gods. Theme.
The Lady is an out of place budding warrior trying to find her footing in the world like everyone else. She’s from a poor village, has a not great home life, and struggling with newfound feelings right off the bat for one of her oldest friends. Prince Jerk Himself. She’s been a longtime companion of the Warriors Three/Sif/Thor/Loki and always felt like she’s behind and playing catch up with them. She’s got mental issues she has to hide bc gods aren’t allowed to be flawed. And we find out very quickly that they are. Theme. I play with a lot of fun coming of age tropes actually in Asgard’s setting lol
Her story is the focus, it’s her growth as a warrior and independent woman just trying to protect her friends. Loki, after years of asking him, agrees to teach her magic bc she expresses an talent/a passion that she hasn’t had for other means of fighting and it’s all downhill from their for them. Her quest for power starts out as a means to protect her friends and prove herself and turns into a full blown insatiable obsession to Save Everyone. Theme.
She and Loki struggle a lot, they’re imperfect people with make a lot of wrong choices. There are periods where their relationship is genuinely unhealthy/toxic with Loki’s fall to villainy and the Lady’s quest for knowledge and power. Lessons come with that and characters grow. They both attract some unsavory villains and struggle with the notion of what freedom really means. What it means to be god and human. What they’re willing to do to protect those they love. Also soooo much found family tropes lol bc I can’t resist. I ignore like....80% of what the MCU did, esp with Odin/Thor/Asgard. I just went all out and wrote a monster.   Anti-Villains, Ultimate Alliances, Heroes, and Redemption Arcs Galore.  
The Lady is...a special OC. The fic centers on her story, a lot of hellish things happen to her and she just keeps fighting through it all. It’s also a first person fic just due to not naming her lol She’s a plus size, mentally ill, WOC. And I’m not shy about this, her backstory and trauma was all accurately taken from my own like so their are some major triggers in early chapters of abuse, s*lf h*rm, past csa mentions, etc.
I hope I get more asks about this fic, I’d love to take on the project of reposting it with fresher eyes. I think I could do a lot with my style now and the clunky bits I could improve on! Let me know what you guys think! Thank you, Anon, sorry I rambled so much XOXOXO. You’re a gem!!!
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im supposed to be working on uh literally anything else but instead i gotta get this outta my brain
tl;dr: slag is causing the Psychos to spread across the galaxy bc the Calypsos are using it to both brainwash their cultists and give them ‘special powers’. i mean, its not just slag, it’s eridian ruins/tech, too, but the Twins are utilizing slag the most. which explains the slagfalls and also the processed eridium everywhere still. im hoping sirens will help us cure this- starting with Krieg because slag/Psychos have some sort of connection to the other dimension, just like Sirens, but more messy. also this insanity from the slag/Psycho-ness is literally Mayhem and us fans are taking part in it- we’re the cult irl. plus, this game is gonna be about love and the relationships we have with the people we care about and that’s all the roses mean because i’m feeling s o f t tonight. tomorning. whatever maaaaan
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“… among their fractured ramblings, it is tempting to try and find a deeper meaning…”
“[their madness] defies attempts at explanation or containment. from an isolated region of a single planet, to a nearby moon, to systems throughout every human colony, madness is catching…”
you can’t tell me this isn’t just BEGGING for us to figure it out
so, for my own sake:
i have a theory.
i kinda sorta hinted at this with my destroyer theory but i REALLY wanna go all out in this because i think this is actually something to think about… mostly because ive seen A Scene… and i wants to talk about it, vh. i wants it
now im gonna `lol` ignore everything about my lost legion eternal theory and start entirely from scratch. it’s also 1am here for my apologies if this comes across as incoherent because wow i should be asleep but fuck it i got research to do
so it all starts with psychos. i mean i guess it does. it’s gotta right? i brought in pictures it must
the guide admits that the first psychos came from Dahl’s prison colonies
the ones abandoned on pandora, now ive kinda talked about this b4 but imma talk about it again bc uhhh fuck it? why not.
so we know a lot of the bandits left on Pandora mutated because of the eridian ruins/the key. this is referenced mostly in sledge’s mine
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its like world-wise called headstone mine but i never remember that. SLEDGE’S MINE
notice that line “most went crazy and many were physically mutated as well”
so i think it’s safe to say whatever they found in there started causing psychos to appear on pandora
im saying that i think eridians are the cause of Psychos across the galaxy
i have a lot more proof for this so please sit back and enjoy the ride because i think its really really cool
so lets look at hector’s logs from the newest dlc
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“one of my boys found a shiny alien trinket”
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“a few boys went rabid already, had to put them down”
now idk if there’s a connection here, but it’s interesting that both times, people who found these eridian artifacts started going crazy soon after
shit i mean even tannis begins to go off the wall after her and her dig team start investigating the eridian sites. although if that is because of the horrific incidents that befell her and her team or the ruins idk for certain. i’d bet its the shitty incidents tho
there’s more to this, hang on…
alright, so, lab rats? they’re pretty cool right?
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we all like lab rats! personally, chase is my favorite, but adam is hilarious. that final season, huh? pretty wicked… wasn’t really a fan of the island setting but you know what, to each their own. it’s cool they actually progressed the show instead of staying stagnant. that got my respect even if it moved in a direction that wasn’t my cup of tea.
anyway Q U O T E S:
“Hyperion opened my eyes. i didn’t want it!”
“needles in my eyes!”
“don’t you look at me!”
“i can see! i don’t want to see!”
so there’s obviously something ~fucky~ going on with the lab rats and whatever it is they can see from the hyperion experimentation. we know hyperion had a hard-on for slag experimentation and you know i wouldn’t even be shocked if they were injecting these rats’ eyes with slag.
the best part is their reactions when they’re phaselocked. Unlike most enemies, the lab rats will only react to maya’s action skill, and none of the other VHs.
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vs something like a marauder:
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who has all these voice lines for Zer0, Axton, Sal (merc), AND Maya
the lab rats will only ever respond to being phaselocked.
and what do they say?
“i see the universe!”
“i see infinity!”
“it’s beautiful!”
 (now weirdly enough i was told on the tv tropes for bl2 that the lab rats will say “I see it more!” when phaselocked by maya, but i couldn’t find a source for that. couldn’t even find it in the files i extracted from the game. i checked an online video just to double check because you know, my extraction could’ve been off, but it wasn’t there, either. even phaselocked one a bunch as maya and i couldn’t get it to proc. so, idk where that info came from, if someone could give a source/proof that would be awesomesauce.)
sooo what do other enemies say when phaselocked? usually… they just see blue. so nothing quite as interesting as infinity.
so wtf is up here? 
im thinking the experiments hyperion performed on the lab rats are letting them see the dimension maya locks them in. i mean, tbh, i think they can see into that dimension whenever they open their eyes, but maybe maya’s phaselock makes sense of it for them. because they seem to be in indescribable agony outside of it
but the lab rats aren’t the only enemies that only react to being phaselocked
turns out the psychos only react to phaselocking, too
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they also have some fun lines:
“I can see forever!”
“I’m home!”
“I’m inside… I’M INSIDE ME!”
with some other nonsense thrown in for fun
so idk, just taking a look at this, it’s clear the psychos and lab rats are seeing something that the other bandits just aren’t seeing. most reactions are demands to be released or that they’re flying, or just straight up confusion as to what’s happening.
is that the side effect of their exposure to slag/eridian tech? yeah, imma bet on it. their mind machines probably broke because they saw something they weren’t supposed to (possibly into the other dimension. the one maya phaselocks them in) without proper ‘protection’ and thus went batshit. like maybe sirens are protected from the craziness of the other dimension because they’re ‘chosen’ or whatever. iunno.
i do think it’s most interesting that the psychos seem familiar with whatever they’re seeing, calling it ‘home’ and well… themselves. 
so why in the fuck am i talking about all this? because i think it ties straight into bl3.
let’s bring back lab rats and their experiments
you know how hyperion was supposedly injecting their eyes with slag? and it caused them to shoot those weird blue lasers out?
what happens to the destroyer’s eye in tps?
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yeah we inject this bad boy with slag
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“i only juice the eye with a little bit of slag at a time”
which ends up causing a singularity around the eye the second time you do it
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“if this slag stuff is powering the laser, we need to force as much of it as we can back into the eye. the increased power will trip a failsafe and let us shut everything down”
oh, increased power? you mean like how Sirens get increased power from absorbing eridium? that kind of increased power?
we know in bl1 the Destroyer seemed to have something like slag in it- those glowing pockets on the tentacles that explode into purple goo
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even its attacks are like purple liquid. which, you know… would be quite similar to slag (tho tbf, these attacks actually hurt instead of applying the debuff)
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and boy does the destroyer not like it
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“warning. space-time instability detected.” after injecting the eye with too much slag. but… why? it got too powerful? are its powers directly connected to the other dimension and by increasing it’s strength a bunch we created some sorta link between our dimension and the other one? 
i mean given the other dimension allows for teleportation and shit, im not surprised there’s a space-time instability!
i mean we’ve all seen it do the eye laser thing, and the tentacles, and the purple goop. but causing space-time instabilities… that’s new isn’t it? kinda like how Sirens get new powers after they absorb a bunch of eridium???
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so i wanna take a guess as to what the destroyer is
we know its ‘immortal in its own realm’ but when it’s taken an actual body that we can kill it, so odds are, it never actually died in bl1 OR tps. i imagine the Destroyer we see in bl1 is just a small fragment of it, and that it’s consciousness can be spread out across hosts. *EDIT: actually the lovely @automata-systemata-hydromata reminded me that you can find the destroyers brain in Helios. The other stuff I left in should be fine tho I thiiiink (thank you!).
and that, y’know, is cool and all, but what IS it??
Jack uses slag to give it a power boost, but it doesn’t seem to be happy about it when it happens. in fact, it even seems scared.
to be honest, all we know is that the eridians locked it away for some reason
idk im just spitballing here, but what if the Eridians were the creators of the destroyer? not intentionally, or maybe it was the result of one hell of a slag experiment/exposure to the other dimension/eridian tech, but we’ve seen what slag/exposure to eridian stuff does to humans… makes them go crazy, makes them start mutating. i mean, look at badass psychos. look at goliaths.
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i mean shit even think about bloodwing. she goes wild, attacking the VHs and not listening to mordecai’s instructions despite their bond
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she grows to a huge size and gains a whole shitload of new powers she didn’t have before. including fucking fire breath (which we’ve seen in burning psychos)
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you know these dudes
i go into all this eridium/slag mutation stuff in SO much more detail in this post here, so if you’re interested in mutations, read this!
so what if the destroyer is just one HELL of a mutated eridian/alien and it plus all the eridium was locked away forever in the other dimension to keep this from ever happening again? because god, i wouldn’t want that to ever happen again, either, and i guess locking away the eridium (you know the stuff used in all these hyperion experiments) would be their best bet at ensuring it. also maybe just… locking away anything with eridium for that long probably isn’t the best idea… maybe that’s why it’s all tentacles and death. maybe they just locked someone away in a Vault as a prison and then leaving them with all that eridium caused them to mutate wildly out of control. kinda like the FEV. 
i mean we know ‘slagged psychos’ look like this 
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i wouldn’t be surprised if we gave them enough slag/time they’d end up mutating even worse. and the destroyer was left in the vault for hundreds of years.
so wtf is the connection here with Sirens? there’s gotta be one, right??? is slag experimentation the first rung on the ladder of volatile science to achieving siren-hood? like you’d have slag/eridium experiments/mutations -> the lost legion eternal -> actual Sirens. maybe if sirens take in too much eridium they become something like the destroyer. now that’s fucked up to think about.
maybe it’s better the twins took lilith’s powers away from her…
oh, speaking of mutations and burning psychos and hyperion experiments, you know what we haven’t talked about yet?
let’s talk a whole lot about Krieg, because he is super important
krieg is important for a lot of reasons.
u know what his teaser trailer was named?
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yeah i don’t think that’s coincidence one bit
ahhh Mayhem.
“deep beneath pandora, an experiment has escaped”
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we know krieg is a hyperion test subject, dr samuels confirms this (and apparently contracts insanity as well at the end of the Crawmerax DLC)
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also we know some other tests going on at the WEP from the quest Doctor’s Orders:
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“this vault key didn’t make eridium come outta the ground for nothing, right?”
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and there’s this one very very very interesting line by Tannis at the end of the quest:
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“the spread of slag poisoning” yeah call it that DUMB name tannis, im gonna call it what all the kool kids are calling it: ~Mayhem~
so… Krieg.
what’s so special about him?
well… he gives us insight into what the hell is actually going on inside the heads of some psychos.
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so idk about you guys but i always took this as a poke at Maya and Krieg, but i realize now that this is talking literally just about Krieg. it’s about his body holding both sides of himself.
krieg does appear to be like lucid behind the psycho controlling his body, which, idk about you guys, but for me that plants some pretty horrible mental images of all the psychos in-game who probably have similarly exasperated people behind them who are getting murdered because they can’t control themselves anymore.
and idk i wrote this whole post about how maybe the slag experimentation is turning people into hosts for the destroyer’s consciousness and that could explain all the wacked up psychos and shit. but tbh im not gonna talk about that today
just about slag experimentation/eridium exposure. we know what it ACTUALLY does and that’s mutate the hell out of things and cause insanity.
Krieg is like… the poster child for slag experimentation/eridium exposure
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soooo why does slag experimentation make people go insane? could be any number of reasons, but tbh i would bet it has to do with that other dimension somehow. because eridium isn’t a normal ‘our dimension’ element. it came out of a vault. from a different dimension. and who knows the long-term effects of that shit.
i personally had a theory that the 4th dimension had something to do with time and that only Sirens are able to harness this power, but then i have no idea how to explain angel and amara’s powers through that lense, so eh. fuck it. just seeing an upper dimension would make you go crazy anyway, so let’s not bring any time shit into this because that’s just asking for trouble. 
either way
i think that sirens are able to make sense of that other dimension. they have some sort of command of it/some sort of tie to it that allows them to not go crazy the instant they interact with it, unlike psychos. unlike lab rats. unlike Krieg. it’s like… eridium is our window into this other dimension or some shit and Sirens are (literally) able to process it, while it just fucks over anyone else who tries to interact. ~kachow i just introduced parallels~
and tbh i think we’re going to use Sirens to help cure this plague of insanity going around the universe. probably starting with Krieg. i mean, the only time he’s able to get even an iota of control is when he sees Maya. “Turn around pretty lady!!” like… that’s HUGE for him. and Maya’s a Siren. im not saying the power of love isn’t strong… but maybe the power of Sirens is stronger. i’d love if tannis helped us out with that. maya, too, if she really did learn more about sirens on athenas. 
this all ties into borderlands 3 for 2 reasons:
1. Mayhem being both the tagline for this game and Krieg the Psycho’s DLC pack is not a coincidence
2. The calypso twins are going to be using slag to both brainwash people into becoming cultists and give them special powers
`breaks fingers` this is the real meat of this theory, all that other stuff was just getting you READY for this
let’s put the Mayhem stuff off to the side for a second and just focus on the Calypso twins.
We know they’re promising their cultists special powers and free brainwashes (lol)
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we’ve seen that one concept art from the museum of mayhem with the giant slag pool
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we know enemies are STILL dropping refined Eridium even though it seems like all manufacturers have stopped creating slag weaponry
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and we’ve seen the slag falls in a bl3 promo material already
oh yes
okay so i said right at the very beginning of this document that i’ve seen A Scene that i wanna talk about and oh baby this is it
This Scene right here
look in the very back there
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look familiar???
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~it shooouuuuullld~
yeah this is it!!!
so what i think is going down: anyone who’s not already insane is sorta ‘baptized’ as their entrance into this cult in the big ol slagfall. maybe the twins have a way to induce slagged cultists so they can have elemental affinities. not sure about that.
the twins are using slag to drive people insane (turning them into psychos) as a form of brainwashing to force people to join their cult.
so that’s the special powers and the free brainwashing and the slagfalls down.
let’s talk about why exactly we’re seeing enemies drop bars of refined eridium even though hyperion stopped making them. because the twins are making it!! it makes sense why there’s no slag guns still, even if it still exists in-universe: of course no manufacturer is going to contact an insane bandit cult just to get their hands on slag for their guns. 
there was a 7 year dry spell of eridium production so there was no slag to go around, so companies started phasing it out of their guns and replacing it with nuclear. 
but the twins have recently started production again. they’re obviously not using it in their guns, or selling it to other manufacturers. so wtf are they using it for? it’s gotta be important, it’s holy holy holy.
special powers and brainwashing!
and the refined eridium is back in circulation, so enemies are still dropping it. see? solution acquired.
as for psycho-ness spreading across the universe? it makes sense. not only are the twins using their slag to brainwash people and turn them into psycho cultists, but people are also being mutated by the eridian ruins/vault keys/vaults on the other planets and being driven insane. This craziness is quite literally Mayhem.
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Mayhem is coming, indeed! 
now let us talk about what the fucccck gearbox is doing with all that Mayhem stuff in the trailers and shit.
sooo WE are the cult surrounding this game. as the fan base. 
do u think it was coincidence that they made ‘ECHOnet’ Streamers the leaders of their big bad cult and then also immediately introduced, in real life, the Twitch ECHOcast extension and invited a bunch of streamers to play their demo? they knew exactly what they were doing. Giving away a free cultist psycho mask to everyone who preorders a console copy of the game? that’s intentional. everyone who preorders the game gets a ‘gold weapon skin pack’? yeah! you know what gold weapons represent in-universe? higher standing in the cult!! gearbox is making commentary on how we are all just like the cultists!
all the trailers having something to do with Mayhem? ‘Mask of Mayhem’ ‘Mural of Mayhem’ ‘We are Mayhem’ ‘Mayhem is coming’. We’re all insane cultists because we’re all absolutely fucking rabid for this game and they KNOW IT.
oh also we’re all in love with each other lmao. 
in all seriousness, i think the game is going to focus a lot on the relationships we have with the people we care about- our found family, our romantic interests, our friendships- and that’s being expressed through the roses. 
i think that’s why all the characters are shown in the roses on the cover art. why the roses are so prominent in the So Happy Together trailer. why Zane is sitting at a bar with a rose between himself and his clone (as a joke, but still, it’s the intent). 
red roses are, like, the most obvious way to show your affection to someone. and we know the bl3 Vault Hunters are going to find family in each other in this game. that we’re going to watch the calypso twins’ relationship become warped as the game goes on. hell, we’re probably even going to have a whole plot about tina and mordy (and talon) and brick being a small family together, and maya and ava being one as well. plus ellie and vaughn have gotten together since commander lilith. shit, guys, even claptrap is building himself a girlfriend.
this game’s about love, guys.
anyway i have been working on this since 1:30am. it’s currently 6:06am. i am very tired and very wired and those never mesh well. im gonna go eat some motherfuckin pizza.
edit: i missed the obvious connection the first time around: of course we’re going to cure Krieg, he loves Maya. and this game is all about love.
that and/or one or both of them die and gearbox hurts us right in the softest parts of our hearts.
edit 2: also yeah at some point in the near future im writing that Hyperion-Twins theory because as much as i love Atlas, i have ~seen some things~
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