#end aparatheid
his-heart-hymns · 8 months
Khoon Phir Khoon hai
- By sahir ludhianvi
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mudaship39 · 5 years
Excerpts from Alpha Centurion War about two disabled poc superheroes
Amelia Himmat Mishra a disabled Black British South Asian Indian woman of color said to Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith a disabled Japanese Colombian Polynesian Hawaiian Tongan Indigenous Pasifika, “I can still feel it you know my real arm and my real leg.” “My eyes knows it is gone and is now replaced with a bionic arm and a cybernetic leg but my mind you know it still remembers how it feels.” “The phantom pain is there.” “The nerve endings inside the prosthetic limbs and the cyberware enchancements help ground us and help us realize the prosthetic limbs are there though.” “Just like you know your real eye is gone Alexander/Alexadnria but your mind doesn’t yet realize it’s been replaced by a bionic and cybernetic eye.” Alexander Mack Smith/Alexandria Macy Smith said, “We were both disfigured in intergalactic war by the same female alien super soldier.” “Jesiso Von T’satora who fought to uphold the colonialism and imperialism of Earth on the Vega, Sol, & Polaris System and to uphold the neocolonialism, aparatheid, & occupation of the Terran Empire on the Andromeda, Milky Way, & Xeno Galaxy.” “She took your arm and leg and she took my eye when she disfigured us with her hard light great sword.” Amelia said, “You know every single day I have to ask my wife Maysa Nabila Uzun (a lesbian Muslim Middle Eastern Iranian Black African Egyptian woman of color) to help me attach my prosthetic bionic arm and cybernetic prosthetic leg so I can do simple task that abled people take for granted.” Alexandria/Alexander said, “We still both have nightmares from our depression anxiety and ptsd of that super soldier taking our autonomy and independence away from us as disabled people of color veterans.” “I wake up screaming every night Amelia.” “The war ended for everyone else but it never ended for us,” said Alexander Kana’i Mack Ryuu Francisco Makoa Smith/Alexandria Ataahua Macy Haruka Francisca Kamalani Smith. “The war came home with us in our chronic mental illnesses.”
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his-heart-hymns · 8 months
Blood is but Blood
A poem dedicated to Palestinians.
Repression is still Repression,rising it must flop Blood is still Blood spilling it must clot Whether it clots on desert sands or assassin's hands. On justice's head or around shackled feet On injustice's sword or on the wounded corpse Blood is still Blood spilling it must clot However much one lies in ambush
Blood betrays butcher's hideout Conspiracies may veil in thousand darkly mask Each blood drop ventures with burning lamp on its palm Tell oppressions vain and blemished fate,Tell cruelty's crafty faith,Tell the UN security council Blood is crazy it can leap up to the cloak, The blood you sought to supress in execution house,today that blood moves out into the streets Here an amber there a slogan there a stone Once blood comes into flow no barriers can stop,Head once it is raised cannot be downed with black laws
What is about oppression? What is with its impression? Oppression is all of it but oppression from beginning to end,Blood is still Blood myriad form it can assume,Forms such as are indelible Fires such as are unextinguishable Slogans such as are irrepressible.
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