#emily axford the goat
zodiac-wars · 1 year
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seriously tho emily axford is incredible for this moment, people give her so much (deserved!) credit for the funny ways her out of the box thinking messes with brennan's plans but she deserves an equal amount of praise for her emotional scenes
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retrokid616 · 11 months
k back from break and fuck yeah i was right in the pregame about prsim
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and gods fucking yeah orym getting his spider-man on
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The thing that gets my goddamn goat about hardshine and makes it super insane is that at the end of the day Moonshine Cybin’s number one fan is Jake Hurwitz and Hardwon Surefoot’s number one fan is Emily Axford.
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diabeticgirl4 · 9 months
I was originally gonna do this after finishing campaign 2/ right before starting campaign 3, but then I remembered I'm going to a cr panel this Saturday and I'm bound to get spoiled AF so I want to get my thoughts out before then lol.
Aka- here's what I (maybe?) know about cr3 without actually knowing a single thing about it.
Player characters: FCG/Fresh Cut Grass??? (Sam's), Fearne (Ashley's, at some point?), imogen/laudra(?) (marisha's/laura's, don't ask me whose is whose, I have no idea lol), orym(sp?)/ashton(?) (Taliesin's and liam's- again idk which is which lol). ??????? (Aka does Travis even have a character this campaign?? I swear I haven't heard a single thing about his pc). I'm also p sure I heard about Ashley's pc dying early at one point, I know nothing about that character. Also I think (based off a pinterest comment I saw) either Taliesin's, Liam's or Laura's (??) pc also die possibly in the same episode? Big shrug i don't know anything about that.
(Onto what I know about each character:)
Sam's- a robot??? Literal robot?? (Hey Sam what dnd race is that just curious??) Named FCG which apparently stands for Fresh Cut Grass??? I think that was a secret for a good while. Also side note, I don't know anyone's class in this campaign. They are still playing dnd 5e yeah?? Anyways. Childlike robot. I guess. I think there's been some discourse on whether fcg is Sus or just weird or what, but also from what I've heard sam is just playing him completely genuinely childlike and innocent. idk what to make of this.
Liam's- oh!! This is the backup character he's talked about for ages!! The air ashari (race?? I think he's something small, halfling maybe?) guy who's husband died and he's on a grief mission or something. Is named either Ashton or orym, idk which is which. also iirc liam's character in the Dalen's Closet one-shot was his current pc's stepson? or something? idk fun fact I guess? idk I think he's just a sad boi. liam's fave lmao.
Taliesin's- his pc is the one liams isn't lmao. I think he's orym??? I know next to nothing. I keep seeing a character w like. Gem growth on his shoulders or something?? Or wait I think I remember hearing something about an earth genasi? If so that checks out I guess? Idk I couldn't tell you anything else about him lmao. I get punk vibes off his pc art tho.
Laura's/marisha's- they share a bullet point bc I legit don't know the difference. Laudra and Imogen? At least one of them is v goth and angsty and terrible past a la yasha lol. She's like an undead human the same way costco guy from c2 was? Legit don't know anything about the other. They're a canon couple at some point? Like I think somewhat recently they kissed and everyone went nuts over it? Let's go lesbians?
Ashley's- from my understanding she had a first character that died so then she brought in Fearne. I know absolutely nothing about this first character. In every art I've seen of fearne I would do anything for her, she looks so lovely omg. She's like. what's it called a satyr or something?? she looks at least part fae and like. part goat or something. they're rly going outside the normal dnd races this time huh. also she has very much "looks like a cinnamon roll but could kill you" vibes. I love her already. also I'm p sure she's a spellcaster of some kind, I wanna guess druid. this is purely based off one of ashley's podcast intros where she mentions scrying in a voice that's neither pike's nor yasha's so I'm gonna guess it's fearne lol.
Travis's- ???????? I legit don't know anything about his character. I'm trying to remember names I've seen on ao3 and I'm blanking. He's still in this campaign right???? idk what to tell u. I'm assuming he's playing a guy lol. idk man.
Other things I know??
Apparently they bring in a bunch of guests at some point (like the slayers take mini arc in c1 maybe? Where they split the party and bring guests?) And all I remember hearing about emily axford from naddpod. I'm v excited to see her w the cr crew.
Something about an orgy?? As a main plot point?? I'm mildly concerned.
I have no idea when/where this takes place, at least 20-30 years post-c1 and at least partially in taldorei?? I know they go to Whitestone and talk to Actual Percival de Rolo (and/or one of his kids?) And I'm beyond hyped for that lmao. don't know if any other c1 pc's make an appearance.
Although I guess at some point keyleth returns and/or nearly dies and vax comes to her rescue except he gets turned into a ball? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
idk if this was fandom joking or if it actually happened but I remember hearing talk about all 3 of marisha's characters being in the same room or something. I know about keyleth but beau makes a cameo??
Also something about the moon. Moon(s). Moon drama? Not to trust the moon idk.
I remember seeing a vague post about how caduceus would have fared better w the c3 crew as opposed to the c2 crew. I'm not completely done w c2 yet (just starting ep 120!) so idk what to make of this. from vague vibes and discussions c3 crew is basically chaos incarnate? their morals are hand-wavy at best? they're just Weird? heck if I know.
Yeah I have no idea of anything lol. Also I've kinda heard mixed reviews, but I'm still v intrigued and can't wait to start listening.
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anotherbelievermp3 · 4 years
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everythingevelyn · 4 years
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kickmuncher3 · 2 years
“The beta version of a discontinued multipurpose droid line. Known as "The Jane of All Trades" and "The Swiss Army Wife."”
Emily Axford remains the GOAT
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calderskillday · 2 years
yes i am finally watching it!!!!
"it's normal."
ally beardsley nat 20 to do drugs
finally someone correcting themselves on riva's pronouns thank u em
emily really loves her gear this season 😭
omg emily's face when she asks about armour for service animals
80 MISSED TEXTS LMAO i need to see the text thread for this ep so bad
please every episode brennan introduces another new hot female npc seriously they're all so hot
a timely sip brennan
the ENERGY in this room lmao
"you're not even dead and i have a million credits"
yEAH this motivating speech!!!!
lmao emily's ponytail swirl knocking her glasses off 🥺
zac suiting skip up 😭😭😭
WE ARE THE BALL!!!!!!!!!!!
murph's gone full pro wrestler lmao
revenge of the corn cuties much
out of bounds but no rules so.... there IS no out of bounds babey
"baby who hurt you" EFJOSFKSL
the caption of *dice shaking menacingly* is simply so on point
"take out the trash, baby" GET OUT
murph not knowing what "the game time" is seems on brand
(they haven't been doing the wisdom throws for the kublacaine??)
lmao gunnie looking for eyes to mean mug plinth
emily reacting to murph's moves is always one of my favourite things
oh no it's bad again
fuck dude that was BONKERS
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caligulalotus · 3 years
you cannot love a ghost to life, can you? // i need you to wake up
a playlist about ghosts and hauntings and love for parker macmillan IIIII and wyatt mason
track list below the cut
Jenny-The Mountain Goats
“We were the one thing in the galaxy God didn't have his eyes on”
We Both Go Down Together-The Decemberists
“And oh, my love, my love/We both go down together/And my parents will never consent to this love/But I hold your hand”
How To Embrace A Swamp Creature-The Mountain Goats
“I stand where the flashing swords gleam/And I try to shake my head clear of the dream/But I'm out of my element I can't breathe/I'm out of my element/I can't breathe”
Ghost-Neutral Milk Hotel
“Ghost, ghost/I know you live within me/Feel as you fly/In thunder clouds above the city”
Your Ex-Lover Is Dead-Stars
“There's one thing I want to say so I'll be brave/You were what I wanted, I gave what I gave/I'm not sorry I met you/I'm not sorry it's over/I'm not sorry there's nothing to save”
Ghost Story-Charming Disaster
“Since the day they told me he was gone/Haunts me faithfully from dusk till dawn/Hear him whisper sweetly in my ear/Can't you see we got a good thing here?”
Big God-Florence and the Machine
“I still like you the most/You'll always be my favorite ghost”
Not the Ghost-The Crane Wives
“If only I could break the chain of disappointment/Weighing me down/Shake off the ghosts that whisper warnings/Whenever you're not around/I won't be afraid of all the things I wanted/It's the fear, and not the ghost/That leaves me haunted, haunted”
Do You Want To Die Together?-Stars
“It was you and me that’s what you said/And it's always true, aren’t I here with you?/I may look alive but inside I'm dead/Then let's make it true, let's make it true”
The Good That Won’t Come Out-Rilo Kiley
“Oh, you're almost home/I've been waiting for you to come in/Dancing around in your old suits/Going crazy in your room again”
Naked, The Night Falls-The Crane Wives
“Been enraptured and tied/Turn your ghosts into mine/All the years, all the years I'm alive”
Survivor’s Guilt, AKA, The Moon’s Lament-Emily Axford
“I see you in my dreams/Young and brave and pre-calamity/I will tell your story/I will be the voice you lost too soon”
Poison and Wine-The Civil Wars
“I don't have a choice, but I still choose you/Oh, I don't love you, but I always will”
7 O’Clock-Penelope Scott
“I'll call her again/But she's a huge fucking ghost/I fell for dead air/'Cause it was all I could host”
Until Olympius Returns-The Mountain Goats
“Go through the motions/Every day out in the square/Listen for the hidden rhythms on the air/Nod in agreement when the tyrant holds forth/Look for a beacon from the North”
Up The Wolves-The Mountains Goats
“It's gonna take you people years to recover from all of the damage/Our mother has been absent/Ever since we founded Rome/But there's gonna be a party when the wolf comes home”
Stray Italian Greyhound-Vienna Teng
“But you had to come along didn't you?/Rev up the crowd/Rewrite the rule book/Where do I go when every no turns into maybe?/So what do I do with this?”
All I’ve Ever Known-Hadestown
“I knew you before we met/And I don’t even know you yet/All I know is you’re someone I have always known”
Beautiful Gas Mask-The Mountain Goats
“We hold hands and we jump/And as we fall we sing/Paupers hammering the walls of the castle/Going to meet the king”
Old College Try-The Mountain Goats
“But I will walk down to the end with you/If you will come all the way down with me“
The Diving Bell-The Crane Wives
“Water rushes in/I will welcome it/I am not afraid/To give you everything”
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spacetrashpile · 4 years
Playlists For The Crew Of The Aurora
Jonny D’Ville-Captain First Mate
Track List: One Eyed Jacks-The Mechanisms//Our Boy Jack-The Mechanisms//Elysian Fields-The Mechanisms//House Of The Rising Sun-The Animals//Ship In A Bottle-Steffan Argus//Break My Face-AJR//Maps-The Front Bottoms//No Children-The Mountain Goats//Mama-My Chemical Romance//Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)-Will Wood And The Tapeworms//Run Boy Run-Woodkid//Lukewarm-Penelope Scott//O My Heart-Mother Mother//Dirty Imbecile-The Happy Fits//Hoist Up The Thing-The Longest Johns//Little Lion Man-Mumford and Sons
Nastya Rasputina-Engingeer
Track List: Sleeping Beauty-The Mechanisms//My Heart Is Buried In Venice-Ricky Montgomery//Black Dresses-The Builders and The Butchers//Ribs-Lorde//Twin Size Mattress-The Front Bottoms//Be Nice To Me-The Front Bottoms//Runaway-AURORA//Realization That We Are All A Computer Simulation-Emily Axford//Sweet Hibiscus Tea-Penelope Scott//Goodnight My Friend-Galavant//House Of Memories-Panic! At The Disco//Ghosting-Mother Mother//Dead Hearts-Stars//Two Birds-Regina Spektor//Evacuation-Emily Axford
Ashes O’Reilly-Quartermaster
Track List: Lucky Sevens-The Mechanisms//Skin and Bone-The Mechanisms//Underworld Blues-The Mechanisms//Sigyn-The Mechanisms//Ashes-The Longest Johns//Choke-I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME//Baxter 3rd Is Under Fucking Seige-Penelope Scott//Who Are You, Really?-Mikky Ekko//Old Number Seven-The Devil Makes Three//The Hand That Feeds-The Crane Wives//Burning Pile-Mother Mother//Everybody Wants To Rule The World-Tears For Fears//The Phoenix-Fall Out Boy//Bottom Of The River-Delta Rae//Absinthe-I DON’T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME
Drumbot Brian-Pilot
Track List: Lost In The Cosmos-The Mechanisms//The Hanged Man Rusts-The Mechanisms//Stranger-The Mechanisms//creature-half•alive//We’ll Meet Again-Vera Lynn//Cecily Smith-Will Connolly//Karma-AJR//Brightside-Arrested Youth//Hello My Old Heart-The Oh Hellos//Body-Mother Mother//Icarus-Bastille//Silence-Gunpowder Empire//And The Day Goes On-Bill Wurtz//Blue Lips-Regina Spektor//The Call-Regina Spektor
Ivy Alexandria-Archivist
Track List: Laid In Blood-The Mechanisms//The Record Player Song-Daisy The Great//Prom Queen-Beach Bunny//Hammerhead-Penelope Scott//Curses-The Crane Wives//Farewell Wanderlust-The Amazing Devil//In Our Bedroom After The War-Stars//Spaceman-The Killers//Photograph-Gunpowder Empire//Wander. Wonder.-The Arcadian Wild//Thing’s We Lost In The Fire-Bastille//One More Time With Feeling-Regina Spektor//Ghost Adventure Spirit Orb-Chloe Moriondo//By The Time You Get This-They Might Be Giants//The End Of All Things-Panic! At The Disco
The Toy Soldier-??? (friend)
Track List: Gunpowder Tim VS. The Moon Kaiser-The Mechanisms//Rose Red-The Mechanisms//Under My Skin-Jukebox The Ghost//Lavender-Penelope Scott//A Mask Of My Own Face-Lemon Demon//Mr. Loverman-Ricky Montgomery//I Like Giants-Kimya Dawson//La De Da De Da De Da De Day Oh-Bill Wurtz//Long Long Long Journey-Bill Wurtz//Coin-Operated Boy-The Dresden Dolls//The Mermaid’s Revenge-Jessica Law//Carry On-fun.//Our Last Summer-ABBA//Dream Sweet In Sea Major-Miracle Musical//Everything Stays-Olivia Olsen//Pigeon-Cavetown
Gunpowder Tim-Master At Arms
Track List: Gunpowder Tim VS. The Moon Kaiser-The Mechanisms//Once and Future King-The Mechanisms//Riddle Of The Sphinx-The Mechanisms//Loki-The Mechanisms//Stranger-The Mechanisms//Brave As A Noun-AJJ//Wires-The Neighborhood//Volatile Times-IAMX//You Should Know-Penelope Scott//Drink With Me-Les Misérables//The Cruel Wars-The Dreadnoughts//Achilles Come Down-Gang Of Youths//Fly Me To The Moon-Frank Sinatra//Survivor’s Guilt A.K.A. The Moon’s Lament-Emily Axford//Forbidden Forever-Gunpowder Empire//Little Pistol-Mother Mother
“Baron” Marius Von Raum-“Doctor”
Track List: Blood and Whiskey-The Mechanisms//Favored Son-The Mechanisms//Thor-The Mechanisms//Don’t Know How-Ricky Montgomery//Talk To Me-Cavetown//On The Borderline-Thomas Sanders//You Told The Drunls I Knew Karate-Zoey Van Goey//Two-Sleeping At Last//Call Them Brothers-Regina Spektor, Only Son//Clay-Elliotly//Home-Cavetown//Better-The Honeysticks//House Of Gold-Twenty One Pilots//The Devil Went Down To Georgia-The Charlie Daniels Band//No One Is Lost-Stars
Raphaella La Cognizi-Science Officer
Track List: Empty Trail-The Mechanisms//Ties That Bind-The Mechanisms//Odin-The Mechanisms//American Healthcare-Penelope Scott//The Heroine-Unwoman//Sex With A Ghost-Teddy Hyde//Meteor Shower-Cavetown//Tounges and Teeth-The Crane Wives//Call Them Brothers-Regina Spektor, Only Son//Grey Goo-Emily Axford//Wisdom-Mother Mother//Painkiller-Beach Bunny//Half Jack-The Dresden Dolls//Strawberry Blond-Mitski//Third Eye-Florence+The Machine
(Also thank you to @redrobemerle for a ton of song suggestions)
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explorerspack · 3 years
amos ~ human swashbuckler rogue
(in honor of elantris starts tonight* (*soon) have the playlist for the party member we invented to be dead and i then decided was my character’s best friend in the world.)
1. “Getting into Knives”, the Mountain Goats
behold, i stand at the door, and i knock, and then i knock twice, i’ve adjusted my focus, i’m getting into knives
2. “Me and My Friends Are Lonely”, Matt Maeson
i can’t open up to you, me and my friends are lonely, i don’t know what to do, i always figured i’d be the one to die alone
3. “Bottom of the River”, Delta Rae
and if you fall, hold my hand, ooh baby it’s a long way down to the bottom of the river
4. “I’m Sticking With You”, the Decemberists
but with you by my side i can do anything, when we swing we hang past right and wrong, i’d do anything for you, anything you want me to
5. “Seven”, Sleeping At Last
how nice it’d be if we could try everything? i’m serious, let’s make a list and just begin
6. “What’s Up Danger”, Blackway
‘cause i like high chances that i might lose, i like it all on the edge, just like you
7. “Epilogue: Dance Like The Devil’s Watching”, by Emily Axford
so let the devil do his worst, ‘cause i’m not afraid of his curse
8. “Dance While The Sky Crashes Down”, Jason Webley
when the stakes are high, best to play the clown, and we dance while the sky crashes down
9. “Achilles Come Down”, Gang of Youths
the self is not so weightless, nor whole and unbroken, remember the pact of our youth
10. “On the Nature of Daylight”, Max Richter
11. “Putting The Dog To Sleep”, the Antlers
you said “i can’t prove to you you’re not gonna die alone, but trust me to take you home, to clean up that blood all over your paws”
12. “1 John 4:16″, the Mountain Goats
and if the clouds are gathering, it’s just to point the way, to an afternoon i spent with you when it rained all day
13. “My Friends”, Oh Wonder
and oh, my friends, i am heavy, can i beat within your heart? can i bleed within your love?
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thesmophorae · 3 years
3 & 29!
3. songs you were recently obsessed with
rapture - emily axford
love in the time of socialism - yellow house
sedona - houndmouth
29. three songs that influenced you most (some songs change or save lives)
have to explode - the mountain goats
it’s alright - mother mother
down in the valley - the head and the heart
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kristenbeeapples · 3 years
tagged by @mordredmanor and @myclericalromance to shuffle my playlist and post the first 10 songs (no skipping), then tag 10 people
grey goo - emily axford
i dare you - the regrettes
night light - the mountain goats
potential breakup song (explicit) - aly & aj
all my girls like to fight - hope tala
never forget you - the noisettes
the moon will sing - the crane wives
edge of seventeen - stevie nicks
meet me in the woods - lord huron
two coffins - against me!
tagging whoever wants to bc im pretty sure all of my mutuals have been tagged already haha
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gideonthefirst · 4 years
a playlist for lydia stormborn, general of the undead, dark lord of shadowfell. art by @dvnieldraws, tracklist below the cut.
the widow - emily axford | when i leave - parker millsap | we called it love - stars | you want it darker - leonard cohen | the war drag on - donovan | miss nothing - the pretty reckless | leave my body - florence + the machine | yellow flicker beat - lorde | castle - halsey | hebrews 11:40 - the mountain goats | there will be a reckoning - billy bragg | thus always to tyrants - the oh hellos
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anotherbelievermp3 · 5 years
“I didn’t want to need you” 
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explorerspack · 4 years
duty or love? ~ a playlist for crop
1. soldier poet king, the oh hellos
“he will tear your city down, oh lei oh lai oh lord”
2. warriors, imagine dragons
“here we are, don’t turn away now, we are the warriors who built this town”
3. glitter & gold, barns courtney
“do you walk in the valley of kings? do you walk in the shadow of men who sold their lives to a dream?”
4. soldier of love, sade
“doing my best to stay alive, i am love’s soldier”
5. prologue: dear god, emily axford
“would you send me someone warm, so I can weather this storm?” 
6. king and lionheart, of monsters and men
“but these problems aside i think i taught you well, that we won’t run”
7. do it for her, steven universe
“deep down you know, you weren’t built for fighting, but that doesn’t mean you’re not prepared to try”
8. everybody wants to rule the world, lorde
“acting on your best behavior, turn your back on mother nature, everybody wants to rule the world”
9. daniel in the den, bastille
“and felled in the night by the ones you think you love, they will come for you.”
10. i see fire, ed sheeren
“and should my people fall, then surely I’ll do the same”
11. viva la vida, coldplay
“and i discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand”
12. in league with dragons, the mountain goats
“it’s so hard to get revenge, the human element drags you down”
13. the valley, the oh hellos
“we were born in the shadow of the crimes of our fathers, blood was our inheritence”
14. sicilian crest, the mountain goats
“hope for the best, prepare for the worst, we wait like stockpiled landmines ready to burst”
15. mars, sleeping at last
“how our bodies, born to heal, become so prone to die”
16. up the wolves, the mountain goats
“i’m going to bribe the officials, i’m going to kill all the judges, it’s going to take you people years to recover from all of the damage”
17. broken crown, mumford & sons
“so crawl on my belly ‘til the sun goes down, i’ll never wear your broken crown”
18. icarus, bastille
“look out to the future, but it tells you nothing, so take another breath”
19. all die young, smith westerns
“and definitely maybe i will live to love”
20. hebrews 11:40, the mountain goats
“don’t want to hurt anyone, probably going to have to before it’s all done”
21. things we lost in the fire, bastille
“do you understand that we will never be the same again? the future’s in our hands and we will never be the same again”
22. pompeii, bastille
“and if you close your eyes, does it almost feel like you’ve been here before?”
23. the call, regina spektor
“just because everything’s changing doesn’t mean it’s never been this way before, all you can do’s try to know who your friends are as you head off to the war”
24. survivor’s guilt aka the moon’s lament, emily axford
“i will tell your story, i will be the voice you lost too soon”
25. jenny of oldstones, florence and the machine
“high in the halls of the kings who are gone, jenny would dance with her ghosts”
26. in our bedroom after the war, stars
“all the living are dead and the dead are all living, the war is over and we are beginning”
27. love love love, the moutain goats
“but the things you do for love are going to come back to you, one by one”
28. cry for judas, the mountain goats
“long black night, morning frost, i’m still here, but all is lost”
29. land of gathering, the ceremonies
“maybe since we’re gone and all is through, i’ve got such a view, i’ve got such a view”
30. tree hugger, kimya dawson
“a wish to be a big cactus with a big flower on it, and the flower would be its offering of love to the desert”
31. old pine, ben howard
“and as the old pine fell we sang, just to bless the morning”
32. grow, the oh hellos
“let be what is, let be what isn’t, it’s a natural world in which we’re living”
33. delta, mumford & sons
“when it feels like nothing else matters, will you put your arms around me?” 
34. evacuation, emily axford
"endings are also beginnings, you see, and dusk becomes dawn if you wait patiently”
35. hieroglyphs, the oh hellos
“and if the heavens can be both sacred and dust, oh, maybe so can the rest of us” 
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