#email advertising
web-seo1 · 5 months
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digitalcomputerclasses · 10 months
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Are you ready to take your business to new heights? Harness the power of digital marketing and unlock endless growth opportunities! For more details Call : (+91) 78789 71550, 78498 08031, WhatsApp: 78498 08031 Visit : www.digitalcomputerclasses.com
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babu-2022 · 11 months
Udimi: Targeted Advertising & Lead Generation Powerhouse
Udimi is a marketplace that connects businesses and marketers with solo ad providers. Solo ads are a form of email marketing where businesses can pay to have their message or offer sent to a targeted list of email subscribers. Udimi allows businesses and marketers to find and purchase solo ad services from a variety of solo ad providers, making it easy to reach a targeted audience and drive traffic to their website.
One of the key features of Udimi is its large selection of solo ad providers. The platform has a wide range of solo ad providers, each with their own list of email subscribers, which means that businesses and marketers can find providers that have a targeted audience that aligns with their niche or market. Additionally, it offers a review system, which allows users to see the performance of the different providers and helps them make an informed decision when purchasing solo ad services.
Another great feature of Udimi is its fraud protection system, which helps to protect businesses and marketers from solo ad providers who may not deliver on their promises. The platform has strict guidelines and a system in place to detect and prevent fraudulent activity, which means that businesses and marketers can trust that the solo ad services they purchase will be delivered as promised.
Udimi also offers a range of tools and features that make it easy for businesses and marketers to manage and track their solo ad campaigns. For example, the platform offers a click tracker, which allows businesses and marketers to track the number of clicks their solo ad received, and a split-testing feature, which allows them to test different versions of their solo ad to see which one performs the best.
In addition, Udimi offers a user-friendly interface and a variety of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets. The platform offers a free account, which allows users to access basic features, while paid plans offer more advanced features and tools. This means that users can choose a plan that fits their needs and budget.
In conclusion, Udimi is a valuable tool for businesses and marketers looking to reach a targeted audience through solo ads. The platform offers a wide range of solo ad providers, fraud protection system, and a variety of tools and features that make it easy for businesses and marketers to manage and track their campaigns. Additionally, its user-friendly interface and customizable pricing plans make it accessible for businesses of all sizes. With Udimi, businesses and marketers can easily reach their target audience and drive traffic to their website, making it a powerful tool for online marketing.
Discover the power of Udimi and unleash your marketing potential!
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baxisgaming · 1 year
The roles of email advertising
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Email advertising is a digital marketing strategy that involves sending promotional or marketing messages to a group of people through email. It is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience and can be an effective tool for building brand awareness, generating leads, and driving sales.
There are several key roles that email advertising plays in a comprehensive marketing campaign.
Building brand awareness: Email marketing can be used to introduce a new product or service to a large audience, or to remind people about a brand they may have forgotten. By consistently sending emails to subscribers, a company can stay top-of-mind and increase its visibility in the market.
Generating leads: Email marketing can be used to nurture leads and move them down the sales funnel. By offering valuable content or promotions in emails, companies can encourage subscribers to take action, such as filling out a form or making a purchase.
Driving sales: Email marketing can be a powerful tool for driving sales and increasing revenue. By offering special discounts or promotions through email, companies can encourage subscribers to make a purchase.
Keeping customers informed: Email marketing can be used to keep customers informed about new products, services, or events. By sending regular updates, companies can stay connected to their audience and keep them engaged.
Segmenting audiences: Email marketing software allows companies to segment their audience based on various criteria, such as location, interests, or past purchases. This allows companies to send targeted, personalized emails that are more likely to be relevant and effective.
Overall, email advertising plays a crucial role in building brand awareness, generating leads, driving sales, keeping customers informed, and segmenting audiences. When used effectively, it can be a powerful and cost-effective way to reach and engage with a large audience.
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insanitysilver · 2 years
I wish more fanartists would put their work on AO3. Just followed an artist who organizes their work by making a series for Fandom X, and within that, they have multi-chapter works for different ships & gen. Every new chapter is just their latest image for that subject.
It's been so delightful not to have to wade through social media algorithms and endless ads.
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rnewman19 · 2 years
The Best Way To Make Money Online
The Best Way To Make Money Online
Affiliate marketing is an effective way to make money online. There are several different ways to go about affiliate marketing. Some people prefer to do it the old fashioned way, where they post ads and wait for people to click on them. This method is still in use today but there are other ways that you can use to promote your business. One of the best ways to go about affiliate marketing is to…
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View On WordPress
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sleepy-bebby · 2 years
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Gonna sign all my emails this way from now on.
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butcharium · 2 months
hats off to those of you who do do this but i could never post art on tumblr that I think could be connected to my person in any way like i could never connect my art on tumblr to an instagram which in turn could be connected to my activities with my art. Which to a certain extent is a shame because irl I've had art on markets and in exhibitions etc so i kind of reserve my Good Art TM for informal and formal events irl. so to an extent tumblr get second rate which i think is a shame but people still like what i've done now so if i integrated these different spheres for my art that would mean more people get to see my art however i am paranoid & would never admit to having a tumbrl irl anyways and also i mostly listened when my teachers talked about internet safety in the 00's i guess.
And this all to preface that I am making some lino-cut bookmarks for a small local bookstore, and at least one of the designs depicts a butch - I wish i could show you but rather feel comfort in the knowledge that in near future in a bookstore somewhere an artwork of a butch will be included when people buy their books <3
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thenegoteator · 1 month
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fabioafterdark · 9 days
hi i have a job interview pls wish me luck with fingers crossed etc etc
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Thinking about a lot of things but mainly of how Terry Pratchett writes tiredness.
(Which means I’m mainly thinking of Sam Vimes. Which is normal.)
But he gets it so right.
The feeling behind your eyeballs. Stealing time from your future self with coffee, and, when the coffee doesn’t work anymore, going on sheer bloody mindedness because you cannot stop, you can’t. Not being sure when you last had real sleep. The strange state of mind you land in where you should absolutely not be tested because everything’s on a hair trigger, and things feel like they’re moving through treacle and your ability to make decisions feels shot to hell so you can only hope that you’re making the right choices.
Not Terry Pratchett’s words, if course, but I can’t get to my bookshelf at the moment, and, if I could, I’m not sure that I can read anymore. 
I’m tired, is what I’m getting at.
And Terry Pratchett writes the whole spectrum of being human so brilliantly, but, damn, how he nails down being tired. 
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imabunbun · 11 months
When does Tumblr support ACTUALLY reply to their emails?? I sent one over a week ago, still no reply 😭
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cushfuddled · 8 days
(Same anon as last time)
Art commissions :3
Omg, fantastic! :D
My current price chart is:
Headshot (head and torso) - $35
Full body - $75
5x5” illustration (one character + background, with each additional character adding $15) - $200
6x9.5” full page illustration - $375
Custom dimensions are totally possible; I hope those give you an okay ballpark estimate.
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Cinnamoroll Build-A-Bear
Plush | Sleeper
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nando161mando · 10 months
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"Repeat a 1,000 times: #Google is an #advertising moloch and #Chrome browser monopolist, NOT your friendly free service provider!
Google is about to smack down on the #OpenWeb, killing it with their so-called "Web Environment Integrity API" #DRM proposal.
"Wanna watch those #Netflix or #Youtube vids? Better have Chrome without #AdBlocker then"
"Here's plenty #ads. Now hand over your #PII so we can grow our #SurveillanceCapitalism empire"
#GiveUpGoogle #DitchChrome
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alex51324 · 2 months
Everyplate unboxing
I did the Everyplate offer again! Seriously, guys--I'm not trying to be, like, a corporate shill here, but if you do their introductory offer and then immediately cancel, they will beg to give you the introductory offer again. And again. And again. I've done it like six times, all with the same credit card/address/etc. They've even started adding bonus offers--this time I got an extra meal and a packet of steak for $1.
If you live in the US, have a credit card, and like cooking, you should probably do it, is what I'm saying. All you have to do is remember to cancel it when the box arrives.
Here's the box:
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It's a nice box, with a corrugated/reflective lining for temperature regulation. It's sturdy enough that you can re-use it (and the ice-packs that you get) as a little picnic cooler several times.
Here's inside the box:
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Everything's just kind of jumbled in there, so you have to unpack it and sort out what goes with each meal. I've been doing the 6 meals/2 servings plan the last few times (the first few times I did 3 meals/4 servings), and with the extra meal offer this time I got 2 servings each of 7 meals. (You can get a smaller number of meals, but the shipping is a flat $11 no matter how many you get. If you pay attention when you're choosing which recipes you want, you can easily stretch the box out over 2 weeks--pick some things with vegetables that keep well, like carrots and so forth, and put the meat component in the freezer.)
Chicken stir-fry and dijon mustard steak:
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With their stir-fries, I like to add some extra vegetables; I made this one last night and put in carrots and some more peppers, and it ended up being more like 3 servings than 2. The other one is originally a pork-chops recipe, but I'm going to do it with my free steak instead; I'm planning to have it tomorrow.
Shepherd's pie and linguine:
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These two I'm putting aside for next week--I put the ground beef in the freezer, and everything else should be OK.
Sweet-potato hash and sausage flatbreads:
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The sweet potato hash is also for next week. I made the flatbreads today. It was a little more complicated than I thought--they have you making a white sauce from scratch; I had to go out and buy milk--but it was really good!
Cherry pork chops/chicken:
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They do a lot of recipes that are chicken or pork chops with some sort of fruit jam--I've done apricot and fig ones; this one has cherry jam. Since I ordered two meals that came with pork chops (this one and the dijon mushroom one) I swapped one set of pork chops for chicken, but then I also got the $1 steak, so I have an extra packet of meat; once I decide which one I want to have, I'll put the other one in the freezer.
I paid, like, $35 for all this food. I don't really understand why it's worth it to them to keep sending me this introductory offer when I have never bought a single full-price box, but they keep sending me emails asking me to please consider letting them send me a big box of food that they cannot possibly be making any money on, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . I will oblige them.
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