thisbluespirit · 1 year
Maynard triplets for the character ask meme?
hehe, thanks!
1. Who would you rather swap aesthetics/outfits with for a day?
They're all wearing school uniforms, so it's hardly going to make much odds. I'll take the gentian blue edition as that always sounded nice.
2. Who do you team up with in a 2v2 volleyball match? Which side wins?
Con. We can both be hopeless at it together and let the other two win so then we can get on with chatting about writing fantasy or historical fiction.
3. If each of them got one million dollars, who would waste/spend their money the fastest?
Margot. The others would both definitely spend a little, buy gifts for their large family and then put the rest away. If one of them was going to do something wild with it, it'd be Margot. I'm not sure what though, because $1 million in Chalet School terms is a LOT.
Mind you, Len might found a scholarship for the school if she's left it. Maybe that's the most likely way for one of them to use it up sooner.
(Also, Joey would not approve! XD)
4. Who would die first in a horror movie? Who would be the survivor?
Margot would die first. If anyone's going to run off from the group or do the thing that you've been told not to go, or go to the place, it's going to be Margot.
Len surviving with the other two dead would be the most actual horror this scenario can conjure, so she'll have to sacrifice herself to make sure Con gets out.
Con will sleepwalk and writes horror novels ever after in this disturbing AU :-(
5. They're all on the run from the law! What crimes did each commit and who is most likely to get caught?
I don't mean to keep blaming Margot, but I strongly suspect that she's committed the crime and the other two are refusing to say which of them committed the crime and all on the run together to protect their fellow triplet.
They should run, anyway; this meme wants to put them in a horror movie!
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earmo-imni · 1 year
Level one and Playtest for the D&D asks?
From this ask game!
Level One: What was your first experience with D&D? How did you hear about it? What was your first game like?
My first experience was, I think, listening to The Adventure Zone (Balance arc, of course). It wasn’t my first time hearing about it, it’s ingrained in pop culture enough that I knew a little bit, but I’d never really looked into it.
Then I listened to The Adventure Zone and practically had a religious experience because holy shit it was amazing. (To be fair, that’s partly because of the McElroy family being awesome, but it’s also because I realized just how much you can do in DND.) Plus around the same time I think, Critical Role started creeping into my awareness, and I eventually watched a few episodes of CR Campaign Two, which was just further “Holy shit, this is amazing!!!!!!!!”
I don’t make friends easily, however, and I’m not very social at the best of times, so I never had anyone to play with until Pop Con (I think it was Pop Con…) last year, when I discovered they had set up some short one shot DND games. I kinda went “this might be my only chance for ages, I am NOT losing it,” played, and then immediately played again the next day because I absolutely fucking loved it.
I played a level one half-elf bard and we had like. A single combat in the first game and none at all in the second thanks to a combination of stealth, charisma (hi yes me), and a good amount of knowing when to cut and run lol
Also thanks to that first game I was able to join a group! A couple of the other players who played with me invited me to join their regular DND group and I’ve been playing with them ever since, so it worked out really well for me.
Playtest: What class (or subclass) do you want to try out?
All of them? /half joking
For real, though, while I genuinely would like to at least try all of them, since I’ve really only got a good feel for barbarian, the ones I’m most interested in are wizard and druid. Oh, and bard (more than just level one, this time.) As much I love Rhogar, I greatly prefer magic and ranged attacking. I’d also just…like to have more options with what I can do in combat and out. Again, I love Rhogar, but he’s fairly limited in what he can do most of the time (for various reasons). I want to have the ability to get creative. I want to have to get creative, so I can work on it.
Thanks for the ask!
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2, 9, 11 for the fandom asks meme? :)
2. Favourite ships this year
I don’t adopt new ships very often, so it’s probably the same thing it’s been for a few years - Fitzsimmons from Agents of SHIELD & Bel and Freddie from The Hour. Am I constitutionally incapable of shipping anything other than friends to lovers? Probably!
9. Favourite fandom discovery of the year
I am not sure if this question means “favourite new fandom” or “favourite discovery within an existing fandom”, so I’ll do one of each. My favourite new fandom is Rings of Power, because really that’s just an extension of the first fandom I ever actively participated in. Despite all the criticism the show gets, I actually thought it did a pretty good job with themes that were very important to Tolkien, like fellowship and hope conquering despair. The fandom is also pretty cool once all the negativity is filtered out! Lots of very nerdy discussions of obscure bits of the LOTR appendices. Favourite discovery within a fandom is “A trifling domestic catastrophe” (https://archiveofourown.org/works/38319205/chapters/95751202) which is a Lord Peter Wimsey - Jeeves & Wooster crossover fic and is somehow perfect for both worlds, despite them being very different. Every time it is updated I drop everything to read it.
11. Biggest squee moments of the year
The moment when Thirteen regenerated into Fourteen in The Power of the Doctor! I have valiantly tried to love the Chris Chibnall/Jodie Whittaker era of Doctor Who, but I have not been successful. I haven’t consistently enjoyed the show since Moffat and Capaldi left. I was already very excited about Russell T Davies returning, and then the regeneration moment was such a lovely surprise on top of that! Lots of very excited texts between myself and my mum after that episode aired 😂
Thank you for the ask (& belated Happy New Year)!
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aerillaya · 10 months
Had the worst week at work, so I kept myself in high spirits until I can cool off on my day off by reading @elennare 's fics. they kept me sane. Here's a sketch tribute to it- maybe one day I'll finish it, or anyone else can finish it
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imma go now scream into the pillow from stress and pass out
p.s. I'm not joking about those fics, they seriously kept me from losing my mind
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@grundyscribbling and @cycas have tagged me in the Last Line Game - thank you! RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence. I'll go with the last fanfic sentence: I suspected that the King had required no urging whatsoever.
That would be ten tags (only if you want to/have the time, of course) @vefanyar @elennare @youhavereachedtheendofpie @starspray @independence1776 @naryaflame @fealiniel @dawnfelagund @autistic-elda and whoever wants to feel tagged!
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List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last ten people who reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals & followers!! <3
Music! Gotta put on music and force myself into happiness by dancing when I'm sad, and singing while not dancing (because doing both simultaneously is HARD) is also delightful
Video games, especially stardew valley (cosyyy but also sort of stressful lmao) and red dead redemption 2 (new comfort video game, I love riding horsies and helping people)
BOATS - love being around boats. Maritime museums are my shit, I blame the copious amounts of Swallows and Amazons I consumed as a kid
Playing in my band - my fave thing to do when I come home is go blast some sax music with band, especially the piece Abba on Broadway arranged by Michael Brown (find a performance on yt it's so fun)
Reading books or fanfic - currently reading, by @lis-anxiety-writing 's recommendation, The Starless Sea by Erin Morgenstern. Fuckin love it, tis about the power of storytelling and all that good shit
Thank you @elennare for tagging me! Imma impose lovingly in some people's inboxes soon muahaha
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msviolacea · 2 years
This sounds fun! What series is it?
The book I was reading yesterday is Hunt the Stars by Jessie Mihalik - very highly recommended if you like space opera romance! (Ragtag space crew! Intergalactic politics! Sexy telepathy/telekinesis!) I finished it and immediately went to buy the second book in the series. I also really enjoy her previous series, the Consortium Rebellion trilogy. 
Good space opera romance is so hard to find, but so good. I’m not so much into the alien alpha phenomenon (more power to those who are, chase your bliss my friends), but give me something that evokes “Han and Leia on the Millennium Falcon” vibes, and I will buy everything you ever write. 
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nerenda · 1 year
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I posted 9,325 times in 2022
That's 511 more posts than 2021!
87 posts created (1%)
9,238 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,221 of my posts in 2022
#dracula daily - 591 posts
#wheel of time - 338 posts
#wot book spoilers - 256 posts
#middle-earth - 174 posts
#suomeksi - 110 posts
#ayakashi romance reborn - 107 posts
#ace attorney - 107 posts
#my vow to my liege - 100 posts
#eurovision - 96 posts
#my vow to my liege liveblog - 77 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#looks like another elex™ event bonanza where i spend the first hour or two just figuring out how everything works and what to prioritize
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can't help worrying about how much of what Mina says is actually her and how much is Dracula's influence 😬
27 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
To one thing I have made up my mind: if we find out that Mina must be a vampire in the end, then she shall not go into that unknown and terrible land alone. I suppose it is thus that in old times one vampire meant many; just as their hideous bodies could only rest in sacred earth, so the holiest love was the recruiting sergeant for their ghastly ranks.
Jonathan are you saying what I think you're saying 😨
27 notes - Posted October 3, 2022
So Mina's no longer really awake between sunrise and sunset, huh 😬
37 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
Oh that contrast between Seward's two messages is quite something, oof.
51 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Take heart afresh, dear husband of Madam Mina.
Even Van Helsing has now named Jonathan the wife guy.
647 notes - Posted October 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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electricdragon99 · 1 month
Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the most recent people in your notifications! ✨ 💜
I haven't seen one of these in ages! Thanks for sharing, @elennare. 5 things which make me happy are:
Getting home after a busy day, and getting into bed with a film or a book, and knowing you don't have anything to do the next morning and you can just relax. And likewise, lazy weekend mornings with coffee and toast and some property show on the TV which you're only half watching.
Walking along a windy clifftop, overlooking the sea.
Evenings with friends where you laugh so much you forget how to breathe.
Writing, when the inspiration strikes and you don't have to stop and think about words, they just seem to flow out of you unprompted.
Finding a new, really good audiobook to listen to whilst crocheting.
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Thanks for the tag @elennare!
Last song: Sun in the Night by Lighthouse Family (very much long car journey music from when I was a kid which has now become chill Sunday music for me)
Favourite colour: blue and golden yellow
Currently watching: uhh I don’t really watch tv or movies, but my Time Team rewatches are like painting the Forth Bridge, so probably that?
Spicy/Savoury/Sweet: yes 😂. Spicy and sweet together is best imo
Currently reading: Sistersong by Lucy Holland! Only just started it, but it’s set in Post-Roman Devon (and Cornwall as well? Let’s just say South-West England) and (lifted verbatim from the back of the book) “…reimagines ‘The Twa Sisters’, an old British folk ballad.” Also the first PoV character is
Relationship status: N/A (I dislike saying single as it implies I want a relationship so.)
Current obsession: the boring answer is trying to reduce/get to the bottom of a turtle-stack of tech debt in a project at work. Out of work, don’t really have one at the moment, I’ve been getting back into reading Silm fic recently but knowing me I’ll probably fall right into a post-Roman Britain obsession once I finish this
Tagging: @effervescentdragon @jaz-the-bard @istaricelebelasse @swallowtailskies @bookworm-2692 @urbanxfantasy
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thisbluespirit · 2 years
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
I was tagged by @elennare​ (thanks!)
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media, in no particular order, then tag ten people. 
I’ve done this before, so probably not too many surprises:
1. Spooks | MI5 - Ruth Evershed
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(RUTH MY DARLING fave of faves.  this has some bonus Tom Quinn and is from one of my all time fave eps of anything, too.)
2. Sapphire & Steel - Silver
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(with some bonus Sappire and a grumpy Steel’s hand to complete the perfect ot3)
3. Doctor Who - Seventh Doctor
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(Doctor Who is VERY hard only to have one fave, and of course, in the end it must be the Doctor, and Seven remains my favourite Doctor.)
4. Blake’s 7 - Vila Restal
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(I think I usually put Servalan, but B7 is also hard and I usually end up going for Vila or Servalan, so today, let’s have Vila.)
5. Legends of Tomorrow - Zari Tomaz | Zari Tarazi
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(LoT is fun, but either Zari has been my runaway fave ever since she turned up.  Er.  Both of her.)
6. Department S - Annabelle Hurst
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(She’s so matter of fact but she feels things a lot, and also is great at sending up Jason.)
7. Press Gang - Lynda Day
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(Formative fave. <3)
8. The Librarians - Jenkins
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(I love everybody in this bar magic library, but Jenkins most of all. <3)
9. Adam Adamant Lives! - Georgina Jones
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(I love Adam too, and they obv go together, so have both, but Georgie = <3)
10. Public Eye - Frank Marker
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(I’ve been talking about Public Eye/Enemy at the Door/Mr Palfrey lately, so that was a reminder, and Frank remains such a great character, so wonderfully played.)
Tagging (if they want to be tagged! <3): @pers-books​ @captain-aralias​ @allegoriesinmediasres​ @mariocki​ @basiltheratatouille​ @jurijurijurious​ @bunn1cula​ @maryellencarter​ @pedanther​ @lurking-latinist​ (and anyone else who wants to do it; gosh I had actually a bunch of people left over after tagging 10, my tumblring is improving! <3)
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kimabutch · 5 years
I was listening to Homemade Dynamite by Lorde today, and it is such a Scanlan song! "I'll give you my best side, tell you all my best lies" is very him, and while Percy may be the one actually making the homemade dynamite, I think the chorus also fits with Scanlan's delight in Percy's bombs and attempts to acquire his guns.
Nice!!! I think the references to partying, sex, and bad decisions work particularly well for (early) Scanan, too:
“Might get your friend to drive, but he can hardly see/ We'll end up painted on the road/ Red and chrome/ All the broken glass sparkling/ I guess we're partying” 
In a completely different vein, this song was also sent in for Caleb & Nott!
Come yell at me about songs that remind you of Critical Role — but please note that there’s a long delay in responses! (Playlist | FAQ | song spreadsheet & masterlist by disasterhumans | CR music tag)
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ravenpuffheadcanons · 10 months
Thank you for the tag @roamingbadger! It has taken me ages to decide on my answers but I am here now to answer the tag: name 10 songs with 10 names in the titles that I like and tag 10 people at the end. I wasn't sure if it was the name or the song I was supposed to love, so I tried to pick songs where both were true.
(Have I stretched the definition of "name", "title", and indeed "song" almost to the point of breaking? But of course!)
Peggy Sang the Blues - Frank Turner Sweet Sue, It's You - Fats Waller Othello Suite II. Children's Intermezzo - Samuel Coleridge-Taylor. This version is played by Chineke! Orchestra and Sphinx Organisation, but my favourite version is the Chineke! studio version. (I do sincerely like the name Othello despite the murdery connotations. And my copy of this has the suite name in all the track titles, so it counts, right?) Hard-Hearted Hannah - Ella Fitzgerald. (Incidentally, my own name is Hannah. Why do I love this song about a woman called Hannah who's a real monster? I don't know. I bet a psychologist would make a lot of hay out of it, but honestly I just really like the song). Adieu Sweet Lovely Nancy (traditional) - recorded by The Ballina Whalers Aurelié - Wir Sind Helden Bronwyn and Arondir (Rings of Power soundtrack) - Bear McCreary Free Man in Paris - Joni Mitchell (Paris is definitely a name! I know it isn't being used as one here but there are definitely people called Paris!) I'll Have to Dance with Cassie (God Help the Girl soundtrack) -God Help the Girl Jackson - Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash
Plus secret number 11 - Komm, Jesu, Komm by JS Bach. My favourite version is by the Bach Collegium Japan, which is not available on youtube, but I do also like this version by the Netherlands Bach Society. As a Christian it felt a bit flippant to just class "Jesus" with a bunch of other "names I like" - but, you know, this is probably one of my favourite pieces of music of all time. So I had to find a way of having my cake and eating it as well!
I can never think of ten people to tag in these things - but @beth-is-rainpaint @cygnascrimbles @elennare if you want to play I would love to see your answers (and no pressure if you don't! And if anyone else sees this and wants to join in please consider yourself tagged).
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Pass the happy! When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the most recent people in your notifications! 💕
Ahhh you are sweet!
1. Art!!!!!
2. My family and wonderful friends!
3. Cats that need cuddles when a thunderstorm hits
4. Singing!
5. The Internet letting me feel close to people who are far away!
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I’ve been tagged by @grundyscribbling and @softnitwit to play! Let’s go 1. Three ships? Uuuuhm. Sophie, Bellone, Polychrest?
2. First ever ship? Jokes aside, Vicke the Viking/self-insert ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3. Last song? Melanie C - Northern Star
4. Last movie? Glass Onion
5. Currently reading? Patrick O’Brian, Post Captain (which may explain the answer to 1, for which I apologise)
6. Currently watching? Derry Girls
7. Currently consuming? Tea. East Frisian. Hot. With milk and two sugars.
8. Currently craving? For this week to be over I’m tagging @vefanyar, @independence1776, @elennare, @youhavereachedtheendofpie, @shrikeseams and whoever would like to feel tagged, if you want!
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disasterhumans · 5 years
Top 5 DND classes? Or class/race combinations?
Rogues!! Perhaps because much like Nott, I, too, am an accidental one. And also because thieves and assassins are some of my favorite character archetypes. You could sell me on a piece of fiction purely by telling me there are heists and/or assassins involved.
Clerics! They’re so incredibly versatile, and I love the ways that all of the different domains give you a lot of different themes to play around with. None of the clerics we’ve seen in Critical Role have been even remotely alike in how they play their class and I love it so much.
Bards! (I think i may just really love support classes?) Storytellers with the power to change reality with their stories? Music as magic? Being able to persuade people at disadvantage after making an Objectively Bad Argument, just because you literally leak Charisma out your pores? Sign me the fuck up. (I am already signed the fuck up.)
I’d really love to play a Druid because I’ve always been drawn to elemental- and nature-oriented characters and stories. But also it seems very daunting.
Monks—similar to clerics, I really like the thematic versatility built in with them. But I’m not necessarily drawn to melee classes generally, and I tend to like casting classes. (Though Sorcerers and Warlocks scare me)
I don’t have very many favorite race/class combos—I kinda like finding combinations that don’t seem immediately obvious (my backup character is an Orcish Druid), but for whatever reason I seem drawn to the idea of building Wizards that are one of the Small races. 
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