#electra netflix
criterioncollected · 6 months
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the worst man alive + his favorite daughter
electra at the tomb of agamemnon by federic leighton (1830–1896) / YOU s4e4: hampsie / interview with the vampire s1e5: a vile hunger for your hammering heart / scandal s7e1: watch me / succession s2e1: the summer palace / RADIOMETRIC DATING: age of substence based radioactive decay / house of the dragon s1e5: we light the way
corresponding spotify playlist here
inspired by this post by @devilskettle and this post by @dirchristophernolan
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3lectra-he4rt · 4 days
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blood-of-zeus-fan · 4 days
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bro needs a hug
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wanda2themax · 1 year
I was watching s2 of Daredevil on my flight home and it was the Kinkabu episode and i had skip part of the boxing ring scene lmao
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peppermintdraws · 2 years
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(2/?) Adding to the roster the villains/vigilantes of Hell’s Kitchen as cats
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lexsssu · 2 months
If you love the art style of the animated Castlevania on Netflix, have you seen Blood of Zeus on netflix? Its made by the same creators so the art is the same; THE Men, Apollo, Hermes are looking fine as hell! not to mention how sweet they are to Heron - Since they understand Heron's situation, because they too were in that position - I can picture Lucifiel getting into shenanigans in that universe, A dragon protecting Heron and gaining the attention of certain gods LOL
I've actually heard/seen screenshots of it when it first came out but never actually watched until now cuz of this ask HAHAHAHA
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So far Hermes is turning out to be my fave cuz he's such an overall sweetie <3 But also damn, Apollo's chara design certainly caught my eye asdfghjkl
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Lucifiel is probs outcasted as a 'foreigner' who doesn't look like anyone in town and gets taken in by Heron and his mom. Throughout the events of series she'd probs be hovering over Heron, or hecc, might even pretend to be his mount the whole time like Sera's winged beastie and fly him around
That would look so badass but also t's gonna be so hilarious if like, after the big fight she turns back into her more human form and catches the attention of certain handsome gods-- HAHAHAHA
Apollo: "Bruh, where tf did you find her and can I have her--"
But also ngl I'm kinda getting a soft spot for Seraphim after seeing his back story too :'))
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I imagine if Lucifiel gets isekai'd into BoZ and is the one to find Sera broken and bleeding just before he found the giant's remains, she'd have scooped him right up and healed his avenger ass-- HAHAHA
Tho considering how fate works, I'm sure some other poor fool will end up at Meladoni and find the giant instead which will push the story right back to where it more or less originally was
I feel like once the canon timeline starts tho, Sera would still choose to live in the forest with Lucifiel and the bears, but by that point they'd have already gotten revenge on his uncle's family.
I imagine that thru a twist of fate, Heron will come across them, or they themselves might end up at Heron's home and perhaps unknowingly meet with Electra and prevent her untimely death
Who knows, Sera might become a king still, albeit with reluctance, but then again who best to rule the people than someone who doesn't want to rule?
But anyways, all these scenarios are so fun to think of while watching asdfghjkl
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that-one-empty-skull · 7 months
Got tagged by @dingbingbats
Rapid fire questions go
coke or pepsi? Bepsi :)
disney or dreamworks? Dreamworks have dragons so
coffee or tea? Coffee for utility tea for pleasure
books or movies? You can't make me choose
windows or mac? Windows, Mac scares me
dc or marvel? DC ig, I like Harlivy
x-box or playstation? PC and Nintendo consoles
dragon age or mass effect? Never played either of them
night owl or early riser? Born to night owl forced to early rise
cards or chess? Cards, I suck at chess :(
chocolate or vanilla? Depends, mostly chocolate though
vans or converse? Vans are more comfy but I love my Converse to death
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar? Don't speak French
fluff or angst? BOTH
beach or forest? Forest
dogs or cats? Both are lovely beasts but I have a slight cat bias
clear skies or rain? Rain 100%, not to be too emo but I love the sensation of raindrops falling on my back
cooking or eating out? Cooking all the way if it wasn't for executive dysfunction
spicy food or mild food? I like it a bit spicy. Like "spicy at a Turkish restaurant" not "spicy at an Indian restaurant"-levels
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas? Halloween:)
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot? The latter is just menopause so that one ig???
if you could have a superpower, what would it be? Shapeshifting or invisibility, you're on the trans loser website
animation or live action? Animation
paragon or renegade? Don't speak Italian
baths or showers? Showers
team cap or team ironman? Unchecked nationalism or hypercapitalist libertarianism. Captain America I guess because I cannot imagine a single emotionally resonant story that could be told with the current iteration of Ironman
fantasy or sci-fi? fantasy but I've been getting more into sci-fi lately
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they? The Sappho quote, you know the one;"[…]Heaven and hell are the same but in heaven they feed each other";The good ol' Memento Mori
youtube or netflix? Youtube
when do you feel accomplished? God has cursed me for my hubris, and my work is never finished.
star wars or star trek? Horny Space Fleet
paperback books or hardcover books? hardcover, I'm too clumsy for paperbacks
to live in a world without literature or without music? You cannot meaningfully separate one from the other
who was the last person to make you laugh? Probably the dingus who tagged me
city or countryside? city
favorite chips? Those corn based chrupki that come in bags the size of a small child
pants or dresses? Pants
libraries or museums? Libraries
character driven stories or plot driven stories? Character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? Bookmarks
Dream job? They should pay me for being a special little boy, so ig Court Jester
What gives you comfort? Art, friends, pillows to hug
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? My theology/ I like to know that he's watching me/ Fulfill me up like a prophecy/ put the fear of God in me ; Sodom & Gomorrah by Dorian Electra my beloved
favorite ice cream flavor ever? Can't go wrong with mango
first fandom?
tagging others, add your own new question at the end if you follow up:
@vikugnavikugna @vzajemnik @nectadraws @sephinot @immortalsapphics @randomarcher2013 @asphyxi-art
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docgold13 · 1 year
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365 Marvel Comics Paper Cut-Out SuperHeroes - One Hero, Every Day, All Year…
Supporting Character Supplemental - still more fun supporting characters
Following the jump are a few more supporting players that I couldn’t fit into the schedule in that the idea for extended cast supplementals was an idea that came to me late in the process.  Apologies in advance for all of the cool supporting cast members who are not included.
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The enigmatic warrior and sensei known only as Stick was born blind, yet honed his other senses to such an uncanny degree as to entirely compensate for his lack of sight.  He was taken in and raised by the shadowy order of warriors known as the Chaste who believed Stick to be the reincarnation of Yamato-Take.  
The Chaset had been in a centuries-long war with The Hand and Stick was selected to lead The Chaste in this ongoing conflict.  
He received extensive training throughout his life, including tutelage in the mystic arts by The Ancient One (the then Sorcerer Supreme).  Having become a master of multiple forms of martial arts and mystical practices, Stick set about recruiting and training new warriors to bolster the ranks of The Chaste.  Among these students had been Matt Murdock whom Stick sought out not long after Matt had lost his sight.  Stick helped Matt utilize his hearing and special radar senses to compensate for his blindness, aiding him on his path to becoming the superhero known as Daredevil.  
A later pupil of Stick was Electra who ultimately turned away from him to become an assassin for The Hand.  After Elektra was killed in battle against Bullseye, Stick sacrificed himself, using his life energy to bring Electra back to life and purge her of the evil influence of The Hand.  Although Stick was later himself resurrected by the cosmic entity known as The Grandmaster.  Actor Terrance Stamp portrayed Sick in the Sony Films movie, Electra; whereas actor Scott Glenn portrayed the character in the MCU Netflix television shows.  The blind sensei first appeared in the pages of Daredevil Vol. 1 #176 (1981
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Wendy Kawasaki
Wendy had been a student who asked Captain Marvel for an interview as part of her research.   Marvel was so impressed by Wendy that she hired the young woman on to act as a personal assistant.  
Wendy would later join the Alpha Flight Space program.  She earned the rank of lieutenant and has more recently been appointed commander of the program.
The character first appeared in the pages of Captain Marvel Vol. 7 #9 (2013).
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Ganke Lee
Ganke Lee is the best friend of Miles Morales, and one of the only people whom Miles had shared his secret with. It was Ganke who figured out that Miles carried similar abilities to Spider-Man. He was first alerted to his friend's newfound powers when Miles came bursting into his room and explaining the events that transpired to give him such abilities.
Thrilled at Miles's ‘cool’ powers and making the initial assessment that he was a Mutant, Ganke made suggestions that he should be a superhero and embrace his abilities; though Miles was much more reluctant to use his powers and wanted to ignore them in pursuit of a normal life. Ganke later made the correct deduction that Miles's abilities were not a product of the X-Gene, but as a result of tampered genetics.
Following the Secret Wars event wherein the Ultimate Universe was destroyed, The Molecule Man recreated Ganke in the 616 Universe as a favor to Miles who had shown him kindness during the ordeal.  
Actor Jacob Batalon portrays a version of Ganke (renamed Ned) in the MCU Spider-man movies.  The character first appeared in the pages of Ultimate Spider-Man Vol. 3 #2 (2011).
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Moira MacTaggert
Doctor Moira MacTaggert had been a brilliant geneticist, medical doctor and researcher who became a staunch alley to the X-Men and Mutant rights all over the world.  Based on Muir Island, MacTaggart was at the forefront of trying to find a cure for the terrible Legacy Virus.
She was later revealed to be a Mutant herself who possessed the capacity to recall the events of her life across a near countless spectrum of alternate realities.  She used this knowledge to guide the Mutant race so to avoid extinction events and establish the Mutant nation of Krakoa.  Yet the emotional toll of having experienced and being able to recall her own death across some many different time lines ultimately drove her mad and she became evil.
Actress Rose Byrne portrayed MacTaggert in the Fox Films X-Men movies.  Moira MacTaggert first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #96 (1975).
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Roz Solomon
Agent Roz Solomon served as a member of SHIELD in the organization’s environmental sciences division.  A staunch environmentalist, Solomon investigated an illegal oceanic drilling practice conducted by the Roxxan Oil Corporation and ended up sharing an adventure with the Mighty Thor.  Following the dissuasion of SHIELD, Solomon accepted an offer by King T’Challa to become a part of his Agents of Wakanda program.  The intrepid young agent first appeared in the pages of Thor: God of Thunder #12 (2013).  
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Ian Soo.  A latent Inhuman who gained his powers by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis did not alter Ian’s physical form and endowed him with telekinetic powers, the ability to lift and manipulate objects with the power of his mind.  The upper limits of Ian’s telekinetic abilities has yet to be revealed.  Ian was living in New York City when he was bestowed his powers.  He had recently lost his job and apartment and was having terribly difficult time finding new employment.  Desperate, Ian chose to use his newfound powers to rob an armored car.  Brand new to this would-be turn of becoming a super-villain, Ian chose the truly awful codename of ‘Telekinian.’  
Ian’s attempt to rob this armored car was foiled by the hero Hellcat (Patsy Walker).  Rather than duking it out in typical fashion, Ian and Hellcat ended up bonding on their mutual love of musical theater.  Patsy convinced Ian to give up his villainous ways and the two became roommates and good friends.  On occasion, Ian would resume his guise as Telekinian to aided Hellcat in her heroic endeavors.
The hero first appeared in the pages of Patsy Walker, A.K.A. Hellcat! #1 (2015).
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A toddler aged Morlock whose Mutant powers and attributes were active at birth.  Leach’s abilities act to nullify any other Mutant’s powers in his immediate vicinity.  He essentially takes away other Mutant’s powers, although these powers return once they are away from Leach’s vicinity.  Leach’s power-nullification abilities also work on some non-Mutant super powered beings and the reasons for this remains unknown.  Leach survived the Morlock massacre and currently resides at The Baxter Building as a member of The Richards’ Family and student of The Future Foundation.  Young Leach first appeared in the pages of Uncanny X-Men Vol. 1 #179 (1983).
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Arthur ‘Artie’ Maddicks’ Mutant powers manifested in childhood, leaving him mute and physically transformed in a fashion that his father found grotesque.  Although he had lost the capacity to speak aloud, Artie gained the power to tap into and project the thoughts of himself or other people.  
Artie’s father had Hank McCoy abducted so to force the scientist to find a means of ‘curing’ his son’s mutation.  The ordeal resulted in tragedy and Artie’s father was killed.  Now orphaned, Artie was taken in by X-Factor were he became lifelong friends with fellow Mutant child, Leach.  He first appeared in the pages of X-Factor Vol. 1 #2 (1986).  
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A latent Inhuman named Jovanna whose transformation was caused by exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis endowed Swain with psychic powers that enables her to read and control the emotions of others.  The transformation also left Swain with a reptilian-like tail.
Following her transformation, Swain accepted the invitation of asylum of New Attilan.  She was made the captain of the Royal Inhuman Vessel (or RIV), an enormous flying fortress that circumnavigates the globe following the Terrigen Cloud.  Swain’s central role aboard the RIV is to use her empathic powers so to maintain the wellbeing of Hub, the new Inhuman who was transformed into a powerful dynamo of unlimited energy.  Hub’s energies power the RIV, yet his transformation has caused him great pain and emotional duress.  Swain has used her powers to help Hub feel in control of his anxiety and the process of powering The RIV acts to quell his pain.  
The intrepid NuHuman first appeared din the pages of All-New Inhumans #1 (2015).  
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Nancy Whitehead and Mew
Nancy Whitehead is the college roommate of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.  A young woman of incredible intelligence and ingenuity, Nancy has become involved in many of Squirrel Girl’s adventures and her quick thinking and no nonsense attitude has proven crucial in saving the day on numerous occasions. 
Nancy is a proficient author of fan fiction and self-made comic books.  Her favorite character is CatThor, a version of the Mighty Thor who is also a cat.  She is Loki’s favorite human.  Shge claims her cat, Mew, is the greatest cat in the world (debatable).  
The unbeatably clever roommate first appeared in the pages of The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl Vol 1 #1 (2015).  
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Dinah Soar
Much of Dinah Soar's history remains a mystery. However, during her long life, she came to live in Wisconsin where she was drawn to helping others despite her inability to communicate with others and many humans fearing her appearance.
Dinah Soar was one of a few individuals who answered Mr. Immortal's advertisement looking for costumed superheroes and became one of the founding members of the Great Lakes Avengers.  Sadly, Dinah was killed in action whist battling the villainous Maelstrom.
The mysterious heroine first appeared in the pages of West Coast Avengers Vol. 2 #46 (1989).
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Tyesha and Gabe Hillman
Tyesha Hillman is the fiancee and later wife to Aamir Khan, the brother of Kamala Khan (Ms. Marvel).  Tyesha and Aamir later had a son whom they named Malik.  Her younger brother, Gabe is a classmate of Kamala and has acted as a member of the ‘Kamala Korps,’ a group of would-be crimefighters who stepped in to patrol the streets of Jersey City during a time in which Ms. Marvel was missing in action.  
Actress Travina Springer portrayed Tyesha in the Disney+ series Ms. Marvel; actor Jordan Preston Carter portrayed Gabe in this same series.  Tyesha first appeared in the pages of Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #2 (2015); whereas gibe first appeared in Ms. Marvel Vol. 4 #5 (2016).
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Very little is known of the origins of the Inhuman hero known as Naja.  A latent Inhuman whose transformation was caused by way of exposure to the Terrigen Cloud.  Terrigenesis greatly altered Naja’s physical appearance, changing her into a reptilian form, with green scaled skin, clawed hands and feet, and a web-like membrane connecting from her wrists to her lower trunk that allows for glide-based flight.    Along with these physical changes, Naja also gained greatly enhanced dexterity, strength and durability, the aforementioned flight, as well as the capacity to alter the color of her scales so to blend in with her surroundings in a camouflage-style process.  
The heroine first appeared in the pages of Inhuman (2014).  
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William Reilly was a Mutant who possessed the ability to control and redistribute fatty deposits on his body.  This enabled him to increase his size, strength and durability.  He was recruited into the corporate iteration of X-Force and served as a member of the team under the alias of ‘Phat.’  He was later killed in action, although a portion of William’s lipid structure was saved by Doop who used it to create William’s ‘daughter’ BabyPhat.  
The character first appeared in the pages of X-Force Vol. 1 #117 (2001). 
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The friendly fellow affectionately known as Grills had been a neighbor of Hawkeye (Clint Barton) when the Avenger was living in an apartment building in the Bedford-Sty area of Brooklyn.  The two became pals and Hawkeye assisted Grils in tending to his aged father during Hurricane Sandy.  
Unfortunately, being friends with superheroes can be a dangerous matter and Grills was sadly killed by the assassin known as The Clown.  
A version of the character featured in the Disney+ series, Hawkeye portrayed by actor Clayton English.  Grills first appeared in the pages of Hawkeye Vol. 4 #1 (2012).  
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broodparasitism · 2 years
Happy STS!
Amazon or Netflix want to adapt WW. Assuming you have complete creative control what would your requirements be in order to make it a product that is up to your ideal standards?
Thank you - this is a FANTASTIC question and bear with me if I end up adding more things later on bevause the cogs are whirring in my brain. Anyway:
I don't know if it could be easily adapted to a film without losing a lot, which sometimes is necessary but not what I want. I would ideally want a 9 episode limited series, each an hour long. I understand these are too common now and often really not worth it in a lot of cases, but, please hear me out. I am that loser who likes them.
Age rating I do not know. 15 or 18, but I don't know where the threshold from 15 to 18 is. Perhaps 18 to be safe? The sexy stuff could be made less explicit - in writing it isn't exactly erotica levels - but there's no going around the LSD sequence, but crucially I don't want them to hold back on the violence and gore. It needs to have its finger severing and faces getting bashed in and eyes being gouged and heads exploding etc etc it is GORY.
I'm notoriously bad at actors so cannot say too much there. It's more important that the actors for Noel and Jean resemble one another than actually having the physical traits described. Wish I wouldn't have to say but no whitewashing of Raphaelle, Tamsin and Varsha, and having size diversity in the cast is something I want as well - I intentionally didn't really mention body types at all in my character descriptions for my own sake but I wouldn't want thinness to be the default.
Soundtrack/score stresses me out. I do want a few needle drops - but diagetic for the most part. It's a horror story so a good score and sound design are a MUST, and I'd really like something like what Thom Yorke did for Suspiria. Another idea that calls to me is an artist along the lines of Xiu Xiu covering classic contemporary songs. Other important things is I would want the non-diagetic score to incorporate a late 60s psychedelic rock sound, and definitely some loon calls for the atmospheric moments.
I really would want cinematography, promotional images, and if necessary opening credits to take inspiration from Baroque and Rennassaince art. The number of suitable characters doesn't quite add up but I can't get the idea of the Last Supper but Wormwood out of my head (Elinor as Jesus, Noel as Judas?).
If it could look like it was made in 1971 as much as possible I'd be happy. I just want it to ooze the era.
In terms of costume design, I wouldn't want them to shy away from the less timeless elements and I'd hate for them to water down the era. I would want it to have an over the top Carnaby Street/Woodstock aesthetic, all the colour to make Olivia more notable for wearing black. I think everything needs to have the overaching colours of green and gold, except for the devon scenes, which are blue and grey.
I would take advantage of the different format to make it less limitied to Noel's point of view. We could see more about what happened to Electra, and more also about what Elinor is doing. And there would be certain scenes that would be incredible from Tamsin or Eliza's point of view in particular.
Do not hold back with the tripping scene. I want it weird.
I do not want to even entertain attempts to make Noel seem more 'likable'. Or to make Olivia kinder. I'd be afraid of Cora's, Tamsin's and Raphaelle's journeys as creatives being overlooked as well.
I'm going to think more about how Noel's writing would be adapted, I'm going to have to come back to this. I'm thinking at the moment having them be visually identifed in the same way as Noel's nightmares are, somehow having both existing in the same space.
Those are my initial thoughs anyway!
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bissinesstudio · 2 months
La época de los secuestros aéreos en Colombia
La película de Netflix que recrea el secuestro del vuelo 601 de SAM el 30 de mayo de 1973. la pesadilla empezó cuando dos hombres desenfundaron sus armas y se taparon las caras con capuchas después de pararse rápidamente de sus asientos situados en la penúltima fila del Lockheed L-188 Electra que acababa de despegar de la ciudad de Pereira, en Colombia, el 30 de mayo de 1973. Para ese momento,…
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3lectra-he4rt · 4 days
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weekly-tea · 4 months
5.2. - 10.2.2024.
Alison Espach - Bilješke o tvom iznenadnom nestanku
Ne želim lijepiti ikakav link (recenziju) ili uopće guglati išta da si spojlam, jer uživam u čitanju. Duže nisam čitala neku knjigu koja nije (auto)biografija ili tzv self help; ali kad sam ju uočila u knjižnici - osjetila sam toliku energetsku povezanost koje se nisam mogla otarsiti.
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Lover, Stalker, Killer
Mislila sam da bu baah, ispalo je wow. Fascinantno.
Opet sam binđala ''Gone girl'' i ''Girl on a train''; jer mi to instant ide zajedno.
Zadnje sam ih u paketu gledala pred 22 mjeseca hah.
''Gone girl'' mi se sad pak puno više svidio, a prije je bilo obrnuto; sad mi je puno bolje sjeo, puno bolje sam ga razmijela. ''Girl on a train'' mi nije ovaj put bio neš, ali sam više išla pogledati da skužim tko je ubojica; 45 min prije kraja mi je sinulo i onda me kraj iznova razoružao.
Grše ft. Miach - Fantazija
Koji vajb. Super! The pjesma.
Ostale su tu za znamen:
James Hype ft. Kim Petras - Drums
Electra Elite - Bebe bebe
Cassö x Raye x D Block Europe - Prada
''Mali'' , a značajni dokumentarci, pravi true crime sa twistom; premda ne znam zašto je HBO izabrao ovih par filmova prilagoditi, a ima ih još masu iz te produkcije.
Gabby Petito
Caroline Crouch
Grace Millane
0 notes
courtneysmovieblog · 2 years
I watched “Blonde” so you don’t have to
Blonde is the worst biopic I’ve ever seen since Wired, and I don’t write that lightly.
Like Wired, Blonde isn’t really a biographical film at all: it’s adaptation of Joyce Carol Oates’ fictional novel about Marilyn Monroe. Wired was a bastardized fictional piece based on Bob Woodward’s book about John Belushi, which many of Belushi’s friends and family felt was exploitative and inaccurate. I have been pretty outspoken on how much I hated Wired and how it portrayed John Belushi. So please believe me when I say that what Blonde does to Marilyn Monroe is just as bad, if not worse.
Writer and director Andrew Dominick has made it very clear that he didn’t think much of Marilyn’s career, and it shows in this movie. He doesn’t bother with facts or accuracy (yet another thing this has in common with Wired). He doesn’t bother to delve into how hard Marilyn worked as an actress, or even the positive aspects of her career. He just just focuses on her trauma and flaws in the most graphic and grotesque ways possible.
I’m not going to get into how graphic it gets. Odds are that you’ve already heard about those scenes. They are bad. Very bad. I guess I’m grateful this was on Netflix and not in theaters because there was no way I could have sat through three hours of this garbage in theaters without the privilege of a fast forward button.
It is such a waste of Ana de Armas, who does everything she can to show Marilyn some respect. With her luminous, vulnerable eyes and breathy voice, she nearly disappears into the role. Had this been a better movie, she would have been perfect. Unfortunately, Marilyn herself is reduced a needy, unstable victim with an Electra complex.
Mind you, the real Marilyn was no saint. But like John Belushi, she deserved better -- far better -- than to be posthumously exploited and humiliated with all of her flaws embellished and dramatized for the whole world to see.
So, directors of the industry, I beg you: do NOT make movies about people you don’t care about. It was a lesson that the Wired filmmakers had to learn the hard way, and I have a feeling that everyone involved in Blonde will too.
3 out of 10   
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salstylesblogs · 3 years
Marvel Defenders Electra is ridiculously powerful
The Electra from marvels Netflix TV show is way overpowered.  In this show she was able to take out stick, Luke cage, daredevil and Jessica Jones at the sometime? A bit ridiculous for someone who has been taken out by bullseye who is not known for any special feats other than taking out Electra herself? If you look at Electra's stats in the marvel guide A to Z you will see they are nothing special.  In fact unimpressive characters like echo are above her even! I wonder why they did this in the show? Why does the MCU over play their characters? @marvelentertainment @marvelheroes @marvel-dc-art
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lochlot · 2 years
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Drew this scene and I was gonna be BRILLIANT and put her line in the text box but crazy hilarious thing I failed to realize is she doesn’t say a damn word in this clip so haha. Ha.
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insidejobheadcanons · 2 years
i will not let this blog die. reagan listens to marina
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