#egyxos imagine
Hello, I have a request from Egyxos :)How would Kefer react if in a battle Leo and Exaton face each other, but this time Exaton seriously hurts Leo making him bleed and leaving him unconscious?How traumatic would it be for Leo?
Trauma- trigger warning, discussion physical and mental trauma.
Hyper-traumatic for all involved.
Let's start with Kefer. This is everything he has wanted to avoid.
The pharaoh's heir wasn't supposed to be so young. He shouldn't have gotten involved so young. 12 years of life are not the training needed to be a warrior, he's not close to being an adult. That doesn't change that Leo is here, can be here and can come as he pleases with his ancestor's artifact.
Kefer understood all that. That's why there were so many measures. He's ensured Leo has had training from the best of his warriors. There's been bodyguards watching over the boy so that Leo can have his life without having to worry about potential threats showing up in the middle of his school day. Never, ever has Kefer ever handed Leo a solo mission to do purely by himself; there's always a warrior with him, there's always backup, someone to help.
And it wasn't enough. Leo's not moving.
For the first time in a long time, Kefer fights Exaton with intent to wound.
For Leo, it's a different series of events.
Leo wakes up not to swirling sand but a warm bed and cold tiles. Neither do much against the ache. All of his body is immediately in fight or flight and he can't turn it off and he doesn't know why it's like that. Exaton isn't here, this is a safe place, Osiride's lab has always felt safe so why is his mind rushing, why is his heart pounding like it's running a marathon?
Why isn't his body moving to his commands to run?
Egyxian medicine is good, but it is not miraculous. Injuries requires time to heal.
There is not a warrior in Egyxos who does not stand by Leo's side in his time of great need.
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darkcat8 · 28 days
Who would you think would win
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So first of all, i love your tmnt and egyxos art, and most of all i love your anubis!leo, like the possibilities?
Also imagine the egyxos cast meeting anubis!leo villains and heroes alike.
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Have bad drawings lol
But being real, I haven't thought about Anubis!Leo for a long time for the Bad Future AU... I must correct that!!
Anubis Leo was born because he was chosen to be the next Anubis, the new god that would take care of the death. He didn't want to be Anubis, he ditched the role and ran because Ra would just force him to be the new Anubis. But after an incident, Leo didn't have any other choice but to accept the role. Anubis!Leo now lives among the gods whom he once called friends...
So, how would the OG Egyxos react to this???
This would particularly disturve them. Even the villains. Is been millennials since a human was chosen to be a God, it was something too abnormal to do, to accept a mortal in the same standards as a deity.
Kefer of all would be devasted to see what his father did to Anubis!Leo, thought the man wished for his Leo to live as long as he did, to have the child close to him, it was horrible and unfair to see in what position Ra had put Anubis!Leo.
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egyx0s-brainrot · 9 months
And so, the brainrot continues...
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Here's my Hyksos redesign!
I had to ditch the 'ninja' motif for one that leaned more towards scientist/inventor (no worries, Hyksos is still very much a nerd)
This Hyksos is Osiris' apprentice! I imagine that in Egyxos (the city) there is a School of Arts and Sciences, which Hyksos won a scolarship for when he was younger by winning a competition. He's a little clumsy and forgetful, tends to misplace items and even some of his inventions. He's sort of an organized chaos
Has a little leather-bound notebook that he always brings with him to annotate whatever idea he gets for a new invention. He could use a tablet, but he prefers the feeling of writing on paper
He likes to visit Earth from time to time (but don't tell Kefer, shhh) sometimes Kha goes with him
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More scenarios/episodes using dumb tropes:
A festival, party, or holiday from Egyxos that Leo has to participate in because of his status.
Toby and Juliet are kidnaped and Leo goes actually nuts and even the Golden Army are scared of what big brother Leo is capable of doing.
For some reason, I want a story where a magic shenanigan happens and Kefer or the whole Golden Army become humans and lose their powers, so that means that Leo must help them and teach them that being human is not so bad.
A solo Kefer and Exaton adventure!!!!!
Apis reconstructs his labyrinth and makes it more dangerous >:)
Hyksos builds a robot similar to Shu using some old scrips from Ra. This one can go both good and wrong.
A solo Horus and Bastet ep where Horus learns more of the Twilight islands. Or maybe an ep that tells us who Horus's father is??
A Kiki, Toby, and Juliet ep????
Evil clones episode! Or shadow copycats maybe??
More Jackal shapeshifters appear!
I´ll be mad until they give me my Kefer and Leo brother bounding arc!!!!
But what do you think??
Yeah! They probably have big celebrations. For example, ancient Egyptians had Opet festival dedicated to Amon-Ra. And it was big, like really big. And very important. I imagine that people of Egyxos would have a festival dedicated to Ra and his sons (pretty similarly to Opet) but Exaton is not showing up for obvious reasons, so there's Leo instead of him.
Seeing how in one episode Leo sent Anubi in knock out after the jackal man dared to show up at his home, I think that's a very realistic outcome. Maybe when he becomes so enraged the brastet of Ra is sparkling with its huge amount of energy. Imagine Leo punching mummies, throwing them left and right while his friends are standing behind him like: 😰
I feel like some of them: Hyksos, Ramses and maybe Kha will be more optimistic about living on Earth for some time. Kefer and Neith may be constantly afraid for the safety of their city. And Horus... He's just himself. Remember how he didn't want to take Leo seriously and hating on humans, I don't think he changed his mind that much. I mean, he probably respects Leo, but still think the whole humanity is a weak civilization (Leo is an exception for him now, because he's the Last Pharaoh). So it would be fun to see all those different reactions mixed up.
I picture it like they get into some kind of hurricane or vortex that throws them somewhere in a deserts. And Kefer is confused by what happened at first, but he's happy he's not alone, he doesn't mind Exaton and sees the situation as an opportunity to spend some time with his big brother, maybe talk about their incomprehension. Exaton is just himself. He's angry, refuses to listen to his brother, leaves Kefer alone, gets in trouble, goes back. And then they're trying to find their homes.
One day Apis is like: "You know what's cooler than a dangerous maze? Even more dangerous maze!" Or he's just bored and got tired of an old planning that he already knows by heart. So he starts a new project, Kefer sends him some workers and Apis also asks some of his friends to help him. But them someone gets lost, someone is trapped, very dangerous creatures escape from their cages and then disaster fun begins.
Just imagine Ra seeing a copy of Shu and panicking (tho I think Hyksos would give a robot some design changes so they aren't that similar to confuse the viewers). I wonder how he would call them? Maybe Onuris/Anhur since he was like one of Shu variations in mythology. That would be symbolic. Need to think, I don't remember all Shu alternatives only that one.
We were ripped off the Twilight Isles. They mentioned a cool new location and never showed it. I always wanted to see who lives there except Bastet and her daughter. And, yeah, Horus should be in that episode. You know why. Also speaking about Horus' father. I have an idea about that (spoilers: it's not Osiride), but it's too big to type it out here, I'll made a separate ask for that.
Sounds like secondary episode arc. Like, you know, Egyxos episode always have showing Leo's normal life. But I'd want to see more of other characters having fun, maybe getting into some adventures while Leo's fighting in Egyxos. Tho I don't have anything in mind for a plot? Maybe the twins are lost? Or maybe combine it with an idea of Exaton kidnapping Leo's siblings?
Yeah, the mirror match! But who would cause such a trouble? I imagine that episode to be like those when Kefer and Exaton work together. So there might be a new or old character who's against both of the brothers. Or Exaton's evil plot fails and everything just turns against him.
Who I have in mind: Anput or Upuat/Wepwawet. Because they're pretty popular.
Considering that Leo never had an older brother and Kefer never had a younger one that would be wholesome to see. Exaton just stays behind, because he's a bastard man.
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Darksiders & Human with bracelet of Ra (like Leo from Egyxos)
War: He is amazed by how golden armour can be resistant at magic and/or weapon attacks and how bracelet can be weapon itself.
Fury: She will be interested in style of made bracelet and after using it even without „ Power of Egyxos” think she will be more respectful for  human . If she saw Golden arrmour she will be in awe.
Death: He will be outside neutral but inside intriguet how humans can claim such powerfull magic. Golden armour make Death more calm about safety of human durning fight.
Strife: His interested in bracelet will be only at design. When human made „ Power of Egyxos” think and change his normal clothing to Golden armour Fanboying mode turn on. For now human will be on every missions with Strife.
Azrael: He was alvays fascinated by humanity but meeting human with magic bracelet and Golden armour only make his fascination deeper. He will be searching information about artifact.
Lidith: After „ Power of Egyxos” think she will be proud that humanity claim such powerfull magic and not getting hurt in the proces.
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 Golden Armour:
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An Egyxos request!
How would Kefer react to Leo fighting Exaton for making him upset? (Even if Kefer probably won't like it, because, well, that man is really nice) how do you think he wpuld feel? And how would the rest of the Golden Army see this?
An excellent question!
And to be honest; not very good.
Kefer and Exaton have had their long-standing quarrels since before Egyxos went to a whole other dimension but there is some respect there. Any time they have had to team up in canon, they haven't been at each other's throats nor actively insulting each other. Exaton's been almost cordial in each instance. As combative as they are they are still brothers; arguments don't undo years of family.
Leo fighting Exaton over the issue of rage then is difficult. There's been plenty of times where Kefer has been tempted to do the same but he never has because that's his brother. That's his older brother who taught him how to master those moves that felt always out of reach. His older brother who, after Kefer's first mission as a prince, gave praise and a shoulder to lean on. Exaton is a villain now but he was a brother first.
None of this is mentioned to Leo. It's a sore spot as is and Kefer is not one to be that open with his heart, not when there's a kingdom of people who need him to be strong. What Leo hears is a solemn talk on not falling into rage. Egyxos has already lost a prince to rage. They will not lose their ally to it too.
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Do you take requests for a cartoon called Egyxos??
May I have some headcanons or scenarios for a big and little brother relationship with Kefer and Leo?
Sorry, is just that I love dead fandoms
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I do not get NEARLY enough Egyxos requests.
Kefer fully went into this knowing he was going to be a mentor to Leo. The last Pharaoh is young, he's youthfully rash and where his heart has good intentions his mind is still learning morals. What Kefer did not expect, and could not fully take into account, is growing such a soft spot for the young boy so quickly. It took the man less than 3 episodes to start sending bodyguards and mentors to keep Leo alive out of concern for his well-being outside of combat, this did not take long at all.
In Kefer, Leo finds an older brother figure to follow. His parents are typically busy or away for work and oftentimes he is the responsible kid in the house (he has to be with two siblings - oldest sibling representation). Kefer is actually around - as in, actively makes an effort to be in his life even if he is busy with something else. He's a leader, he's kind, he's determined - there's a lot of reasons Leo looks up to him.
Kefer sees Leo as a brave boy thrown into a situation he had no say in and still stepping up to do the right thing. That's admirable. The more guilty part of Kefer's mind sees this in two ways - firstly, a child brought into a war Kefer should have stopped by now instead of involve a kid and secondly, himself. He had an older sibling once. One that had grown from a warm brother to a cold, distant enemy. An older guide would have made much of his life far easier. Leo is an opportunity to be that guide for someone else.
Leo absolutely is that little brother that is always nosy about everything. Anywhere Kefer goes, Leo is sure to follow if allowed (or not) - curiosity killed the cat but it could not get through the golden armor. Unlike some of the worried adults in his life though Kefer usually answers Leo's questions, actually showing him what they're up to.
Kefer is that older brother who listens, a faithful ear to turn to when life is crazy. The realm of humans has long sense changed since Egyxos last touched it but people are people. Problems with parents are not unknown problems.
They do play tricks on each other though. Leo's obvious about it, but Kefer will straight up mess with Leo and feign a cough perfectly when confronted about it.
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darkcat8 · 4 months
Ammit and anubis reunion.
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darkcat8 · 5 months
Horus and bastet just have a moment with each other, then leo walks in.
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darkcat8 · 3 months
There is egyxos au about kefer being leo's biological father. i want to talk about leo's mother, Dalia, the Queen of egyxos
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When Dalia was born with the power to control nature and create rare and unique plants, however, because of her power, she was always a constant target always running from the enemies who were try to take her power for themselves. Dalia had a sister who was envious of her power that one day she sold out Dalia to one of the enemies that were targeting Dalia. However, karma stepped in by taking out Dalia's sister and the enemy who was after Dalia. A while after that, Dalia got captured by exaton, and later, she broke out of her cell and met the golden army.
Dalia personality was almost similar to kefer. Like she is kind and fair, she thinks others before herself, she is gently and strong and confident, resilient.
Although she is a bit energetic and not trusting when it comes to strangers. She also has a little of a temper. I like to imagine Dalia stopping her from wrapping a thick vine tightly over exaton mouth.
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darkcat8 · 3 months
I imagine the conflict Leo must feel once he learns that he is not only Kefer's son but also a god...
Like, the kid might think that he will have to see his human family die while he still lives or be scared that he might hurt someone with his powers.
Also, do you think that maybe Leo's human family suspected that he was not human?? Maybe saw him lift something too heavy when he was little or maybe Leo's grandpa found out something that linked Leo with the gods?
I can see leo feel conflicted about finding out he is not human and will probably out live his family and most of his friends I also think leo would pass out after the fact the he was basically a God.
Although I would like to add my au about Kay being the egyptian warrior with an ancient spear that likes leo's bracelet, but only because she is technically a descendant of the warriors from egyxos thr more she uses the spear the more she becomes of a goddess. So even when leo outlive his family and friends on earth, he will still have Kay.
Now, getting leo powers, I like to think that wind would fit leo just because, since kefer has the power of lightning. It would make sense for leo to have the power of wind. I also like to think right after leo found out he was adopted was when his powers started to show themselves. After Kefer finds this out, he takes it upon himself to teach leo how to control his powers and then asks anubis and Kay to help leo if his power goes out of control while he is on earth. To Kay Immediate agrees to while anubis is hesitant asking kefer if it was a good idea if he watches leo after his history with D.A. which kefer assured anubis that he had faith in him after he started fighting with them against exaton.
The only one to know that leo was from egyxos was his grandfather. I like to think that leo has a birthmark in the shape of the seal of the kingdom of egyxos, but the birthmark is located on a part of his back were leo didn't even know was there until either his parents or someone from egyxos pointed out. That is one of the reasons his grandfather found out leo from cause before he left earth while he saw the seal from egyxos looked exactly like leo's birthmark. And maybe when they met again in egyxos, Flinn probably thought leo somehow found out the truth.
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darkcat8 · 5 months
Hey what about an Egyxos x Gargoyles crossover??? The GA see the Gargoyles and at first think that they're members of the DA
Then Leo meets Elisa and they talk about it
I like to think that with this crossover, we get introduced to the Multiverse. So, it starts out with a storm starting at night in New York in the gargoyles' universe opening portal taking the gargoyles to the egyxos. the gargoyles wake up in egyxos in the middle of the desert. the gargoyles are confused. the gargoyles have never been in a desert before. then they see the dark army there watching them. exaton explain that he was the one that brought them here and want them to join his cause. it doesn't take too long the gargoyle to figure out that exaton is a threat to them. a battle breaks out between the DA and the gargoyle. little did nether of them know the GA were watching the battle. after the storm GA went to petrol the desert that is when they came across the battle between the DA and the gargoyle. the gargoyle seems to be to just as strong as the DA that was until the sun started to come up. once the sun started coming up the gargoyle started to turn to stone. the GA intervened and a battle between GA and DA. while the battle was happening exaton's mummies sneaked away with Brooklyn, Lexington, and Broadway does not have time to sneak away with goliath and Bronx before retreating. the GA decide to talk goliath and Bronx back to egyoxs to see what they are and why did exaton bring them here. while the GA was trying figure out what goliath and Bronx are Leo comes to egyxos after being called forth. when Leo walks in to throne room and immediately he gets frightened by goliath who was still in stone. then Leo asks what is with the gargoyle statues. Kefer explains that these gargoyle statues. (Side note for plot reasons the time this is happening Leo is on spring break and the reason why GA need to figure more about the gargoyles because they hear of gargoyles, but they know about as much about gargoyles as much earth.) by the time Leo and GA started to figure how this happen the sun goes down and Bronx is the first to wake up and break out of his outer shell. And I think we all know how Bronx get around strangers. Leo who a little scared back from Bronx. Leo tries calm Bronx ''easy, good gargoyles doggie.'' which only caused to start chase Leo around the room. right when goliath started to wake up and break out of his outer shell. getting everyone's attention. after he calls off Bronx then goliath asks where they were? and were the other gargoyles. the GA explains that they are not the gargoyles enemy and that DA have taken the other gargoyles. the GA help goliath and Bronx rescue the other gargoyles. I can see Leo make friendly jokes about how the gargoyles are from New York and how some are name after some of the place in New York. I can imagine Leo asking goliath. "Are one other the gargoyles named Broadway." and goliath saying yes not know joking. I can see goliath being good friends with Kefer and Horus because their all open-mind, positive, strong, devoted, warriors. then later goliath mentions Elisa when GA asks if any humans know about the gargoyles. when Leo asks if his relationship with Elisa is similar to Leo and GA relationship. goliath says that his relationship with Elisa is complicated. all also see Horus and the gargoyles talking about the struggles of flying. i can see lex and Hyksos have so fun inventing things. i feel like one the gargoyles saying that exaton is worse than xanatos. i also see Brookly remind the GA of either Neith or Seth.
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darkcat8 · 7 months
Something that I keep asking myself and makes me imagine a 1000 scenarios of how it could happen...
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Is what could happen if Flinn (Leo's grandpa) decides to go back to earth to see his daughter (I have no idea if there's a grandma Walker, but if Flinn still has an alive wife then it would look bad to have left her for a life of adventure ☹...)
I also hope that Flinn visits Leo on the Golden Army when he has the time, Leo needs some familiar care from time to time
If Flinn ever found another Portal to somewhere in egyxos and when to earth, he would have to make an excuse to explain how he regained his youth to his daughter because it is not like he can tell the truth about egyxos, the pools of youth and leo earth last defense.
As for leo's grandmother Considering we never she talked about and that leo's mother seems more sad when was talking her father going missing my guess is she passed long before Flinn left earth .
And I do think that Flinn would aid leo and the Golden Army in the future. i can kinda see one of the golden army says leo just like grandfather.
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darkcat8 · 4 months
To those who are new, i have an egyxos AU about Kay being the last of ancient egyptian warriors who chose to fight in the war against the dark army. I kinda redraw and made some changes of the designs to Kay's armor. she still has a hood and a face mask. I just wanted to draw in her armor without the hood and mask, and I wanted to draw her wearing little makeup.
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I also want to go into what Kay is like while in egyxos or on the battlefield. When Kay is in egyxos, she tends to be cautious and try not to cause attention to herself thanks to her spear showing all about egyxos. When it comes to the creatures in egyxos, if she unfortunately comes across any of them, her main tactic is to not provoke them, not to be afraid, proceed with carefully. I also like to imagine like how leo's becomes more confident and energetic, Kay becomes more confident, smarter, more cautious, level-headed, little tempered, and a little snarky, but only towards the bad guys
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darkcat8 · 4 months
If we could find another Egyptian deity for Juliet just like with Toby and Kira, who would you choose?
I have been looking for deities considered children but I can't find anything 😥 I think that I'll make an OC since Kira is not part of the Egyptian pantheon as well.
I kinda of seeing juliet and my oc bomani have crush on each other when their both teens. Yes, i know Bomani would be a little young, then her. But imagine when juliet meets bomani after tagging to egyxos with Toby to see kira when kira introduced bomani. Bomani had grown into his confidence because, by the time he became a teen due to all the success he had in training. After kira introduced her little brother to juliet and bomani just like Prince in a fairy tale, he kisses juliet hand before saying it is nice to meet her, causing juliet to blush while kira smiles and Toby asking if kira planed this.
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