#eeee this is so good!
flownwrong · 12 days
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5x05 Mirrors // 5x09 Lagrange Point
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anonymouscheeses · 1 month
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I just want them to be absolutely head over heels with eachother. No one sided simping in my hazbin hotel!
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halogbs · 2 months
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Yeo ☆.☆
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kabutoden · 5 months
hi! if you haven't already, id love to see your take on equius as a buggy troll! :]
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I posted him with Nepeta before, but here’s another one!! he is a LARGE AND STRONG beetle. It makes me so happy multiple people asked for Equius, I think he’s great!!
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inpacho · 1 year
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Have YOU voted for Joe Hills today? Go vote HERE
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hypocriticaltypwriter · 8 months
✯𝐃𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟?✯
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Notes: So like... @mjtheartist04's Little Red Riding AU, amiright??? 👀 This is just a little gift for my pookie 😚🫶🏻 gotta say this one's pulling me out of a writers block, so thanks for having such a clever dream, 'Jay!! 🩶❤️🩶
"I don't believe in fairytales, Genya." Rika stated with a mear shrug, her eyes leaving the young innkeeper as she glances back at the picture etched into the aged paper of a wolf, baring its large teeth at a little girl cowering against a tree deep into dark woods. She closes the burgundy leather clad book, setting it back down atop the dark oak front desk that Genya had tapping his finger against, the tapping in sync with his anxious leg bobbing, causing small whines to leave the old floorboards.
He only grunts in response, his jaw taught as he almost seemed to be grinding his teeth behind his tight lips. It wasn't new to Rika about his behavior, but something about it of all nights felt... Off.
"What? Don't believe in the Big, Bad Wolf?" Genya stated - almost genuine, and Rika would have considered it so if it weren't for the slightly raising of his brows that implicated his comment was supposed to be taken with humor.
Rika returned it with a grin splaying across her lips, bringing a hand up to the end of her crimson colored hood, tugging at it like one would tipping a hat, the action causing some of her Prussian hair to fall at her shoulders from where it had been hidden behind the vibrant fabric. "If that were true, I wouldn't have a job, now would I?" She strides across the room, not leaving Genya's train of eyesight - both not daring to break it just yet.
"To say The Big Bad Wolf would be insinuating the folks around this village believe we're dealing with a Werewolf problem which, of course, is ridiculous." Rika says, Genya tilting his head ever so slightly, eyes squitning just a tad, as though he wasn't curious by the theory, but almost offended.
"Even then, the problem is as obvious as finding the difference between water and wine." Rika gives a lopsided grin, leaning a window at the front of the dimly lit inn.
"Sheep and other wildlife disappearing or found mangled is a simple conclusion: it's just a pack of hungry wolves - actual wolves, I mean. And they just need to be relocated or taken care of."
She turns to the window, using two of her fingers to pry open the dark fusia curtains, just enough to take a peek outside and see her horse chewing at a few weeds that had crept from a few floorboards beneath near the stone streets. For some reason, she didn't feel comfortable on the idea of leaving him out there any longer, wanting to get him to a stable soon before the sun had fully set in only a few minutes.
"Look at that moon... It's beautiful tonight." Rika spoke, her voice a little softer now, dual colored eyes trained on the full pale beauty in the night sky, glistening against her iris’s of blue and pink. "Wven in the dark of night, something about their always being a light, even behind murky clouds... It makes you feel safe, doesn't it?"
"Funny." Genya spits bitterly, his voice breathy and muttered - but Rika caught the venom, almost feeling as though it was aimed at her. "It's funny what the moon does to people." He finishes after a second of silence, now seeing he had Rika’s attention.
Genya's execcent tapping against the counter came to a halt as his nail dug into the carvings, making a small squeaking noise at the traction of his nail splintering into it. He pulls away from it, trudging toward where Rika once was, eyes trained on the book, his buckled boots dragging across the floor, making a noise that didn't bring comfort to Rika, her brows furrowing.
"For most, it brings comfort, a feeling of safety," he picked it up, flipping through the pages, his fingers skimming along the assorted jumble of paragraphs and such, matched with pictures and depictions- his dark eyes lingering on a picture of a man, almost in aogny as his body began to morph into a clawed, fanged, yellow-eyed beast.
"For others, it's a curse, an omen, a warning... For people like me." He snaps the book shut with a feirce 'crack!' As the pages collided shut once more- earning a little flinch from Rika, who had now forgotten her attention on the sky outside, and kept her cautious gaze on the man in front of her.
"Genya... You're scaring me." She speaks, her voice faltering ever so slightly to prove that point, but she still kept her ground, finding her hand slowly making its way toward the hilt of her weapon, hidden behind her cloak.
"I know."  Genya bluntly confirms, finally standing to his full height instead of hunched over the table. Something about him made him almost look taller now. "I can hear your panicked breathing."
The statement had already set enough alarm bells off in Rika’s head, enough for her to start backing away from her close friend- which she immediately regretted, cause Genya must've taken it as a challenge, and with each step she took backwards, he took a step forward.
"What good ears you have." Rika would have said it in a sarcastic dry tone if it weren't for the tremor in her voice, keeping her vocals to a mere mumble.
The pit in her stomach grew deeper and steeper with each step, unable to tear her eyes from Genya, almost in fear that if she did, he'd take that chance and jump at her. Hell. She didn't even want to blink. She felt so... Hunted.
"The better to hear your pretty little heart racing with."
In that moment, watching the cautious steps he took, the way his body almost hunched like an animal hiding in bushes and trees, his eyes trained and laser focused, not a sound coming from him other than his voice. He was like an animal stalking.
And she was prey.
"I can see it too. See your heart pounding in your ribcage... I can see it all." His eyes were like empty sockets, nothing but a blazing gold in place of iris’s that put the dim candlelight in the Inn to shame.
"W-what good eyes you have." Again, Rika stated, and with each one, she was beginning to see a side of Genya she knew she wasn't supposed to see. As a matter of fact, one she was supposed to ever find out about.
"The better to gaze at that face of yours morph into fear." Genya explained almost subtly, like it was passing conversation, his voice low and quiet - different from his usual behavior and mannerism. Rika didn't like it. This wasn't Genya. This wasn't her Genya.
It only took one final step before Rika felt the sensation of the wall, and the pit in her stomach formed so large that she was surprised it hadn't swallowed her whole. The beating in her chest started to sound louder, thundering in her ears so hard in almost hurt. The grip on her weapon stayed firm- but that's where it stayed, her body almost frozen with fear and defeat, leaving her unable to draw put and ready herself for the ever coming attack.
And now, finally unable to escape, she watched helplessly as Genya got closer - painfully slow in doing so, as if he was enjoying the sight as she realized she was cornered and unable to run. Not this time.
His lips curled into something sinister, all teeth and no smile, suddenly, pearly white fangs on display, prodding from his dark gums, his jaw tense and causing the muscles along his neck and collarbone to strain.
"W... What big teeth you have." Rika swallowed thickly, her throat feeling suddenly dry, her body both hot and cold as a sweat begins forming on the back of her neck, and a chill slithers up her spine, like daggers drawing into her skin. Her face was hot, and she thanked heaven above it was too dark to see the red shade her skin had began to become.
At this point, Genya is already too close for comfort. His now clawed hands were splayed out at each side of her face, his face far enough Rika begin could examine the new features starting to become apparent under the moonlight still creeping through the sliver of opened curtains... But he was close enough she could hear the low growl emiting from his throat with his slow rise and fall of his chest.
Genya opened his mouth as though to finish this little banter of words between them, but he simply laughs, a low, slow laugh, his head lolling to the side as he brings his face close to the side of her own, his almost manelike hair tickling against her tan skin, causing goosebumps to ripple along her shoulder.
He brings his hand down from where it was perched, his knuckle barely brushing against her cheek, the cold meeting her warmth was enough to even make him shudder. Tugging a long strand of her dark hair from where it was hidden behind her pointed ear, playing with the strand between his fingers.
"Now that you believe it," He starts, his voice gravelly and low, animalistic, something she hadn't heard out of him before. "Tell me something, Rika..." His breath was hot against her ear, making her hiss ever so slightly between her teeth, trying to cock back from the feeling, but only making contact with his other arm, caging her in.
"Are you scared of the Big, Bad Wolf?"
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2aceofspades · 3 months
okay Ace, I need you to know that I keep staring at your newest sona design update doodle and
heckin amaze-balls as per usual
i literally cannot stop looking at your antenna like its gonna start flashing out morse code
we'll be able to tell if you're in distress from a mile away cause we can see the light just frantically
... --- ... -.-.--
on repeat xD
also lowkey imagining a anglerfish scenario, luring someone closer to attack them with stickers or that definitely not terrifying bat of urs
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Hi hello and GAH- Thank you so much!! 😭😭 You really know how to make a goon feel special 🥹
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That's cannon now ✨ my lil antenna can definitely be used as a distress signal OR a way to lure in prey~
We're moving out of the trenches, my dear morse anon...mehehehe~
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marybatson · 2 years
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Shazam! (2021) #4 variant cover by Juni Ba
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pilferingapples · 7 months
By May 1852 Hugo’s manuscript ran to 600 pages. It was almost done. But he decided not to publish it. He kept accumulating material that raised questions about aspects of the story he wished to tell. This in itself would not have stopped him.
lmaoooooo roast himmmm
(from Writers and Rebellion: Victor Hugo: the Republic as a Learning Experience)
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marcsnuffy · 1 month
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need to know what addictive chemical kaneshiro put in him that make people react the way they do with him
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maggotwithanf · 2 months
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progress on my armor for Neo >:)))))
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phoen1xr0se · 2 months
hoya, this doesnt need to be answered publicly but uh for this scene
"He reached the portal and stepped into its shimmering light, feeling the strange pressure sweep over him. He turned around to catch one last glimpse of Aziraphale between the streams of angels and demons running for the archway, and felt his blood run cold. Aziraphale stood encircled in black flames, his eyes dark and hollow, and he held aloft a sword that was spitting out fizzing black and red sparks."
because im trying to draw this what expression would you say Azi has? like does he look scared or confident or anything?
anyway thank you!
Confident, determined. Ready to fight, to defend, to protect.
It's what he was made for, after all.
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moothecowgirl · 1 month
your moon landing playlist, A+, 10/10, that's all
Yeah I’m smiling so big right now, I’m glad you like it! It’s one of my favorite playlists heh 🛬 🌝
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cyellolemon · 2 years
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My character on Violet looks like a human sprigatito and it wasn't on purpose but eheh twins
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ktsumu · 6 months
oh my god this cute guy at the library tonight just randomly came up to the corner i’d been studying in all day and asked to sit down at my table, then proceeded to talk to me for like 30 minutes until his friends came and tracked him down ???
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ineffably-poetic · 1 year
good omens s2 countdown
days left :D
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