#edit: oh fuck me dead i forgot to tag spoiler
nishihii · 7 months
rennala marika toxic yuri i cant get you out of my head
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emmitaaa4 · 5 months
Minor HOFAS spoilers ig?
The Walmart bonus chapter just leaked and good lord some people need to be for real. I'm so tired of people picking and choosing evidence.
So you're telling me that *gasp* Azriel's shadows seem to dance when he hums?? they react to sound/music?? no way. people from all sides of the fandom have been saying that for years (and use it for different arguments), and looks like ppl are still tying anything they can to feed their ship--which is fine but at least make it somewhat accurate.
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The above is the last page of the Az/Bryce/Nesta chapter, and just as a refresher, this is the oh-so controversial phrases from the Az bonus chapter:
"(...) one of his shadows went out to dance with it (gwyn's breath) before twirling back to him. like it heard some silent music." and "(...) he could have sworn a faint, beautiful singing followed him. could have sworn his shadows sang in answer."
I'm confused, which is it? Was the shadow's reaction to her breath & the singing he heard all metaphorical, thereby hinting at a mating bond between gwyn & az (as in "music between souls")? Or was it rather azriel's shadows reacting to a literal sound coming from someone who has arguably been hinted at having some voice/song-related abilities? Because if it is the first, then this new HOFAS excerpt is completely unrelated. Well unless Azriel has a mating bond with himself? pleaseee make it make sense I beg. And if the second is true, it would mean that for someone to be able of making his shadows dance, they'd have to have similar powers as him... its just gonna fuel the lightsinger theories (which btw approx 5 ppl are saying means that gWyn is eViL) so this literally changes nothing. nada. absolument rien.
Oh also.
"He says no partner right now, aka NO FUCKING ELRIEL. ELRIEL IS DEAD." (no hate to whoever posted that btw)
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He literally rushes out that answer. Idk about you guys but to me the poor man still seems internally dead over the whole mate existential crisis, which as far as we know was left with him wondering "what if the cauldron was wrong". Sidenote but if I understood correctly, this all happens 2-3 months post acosf and Bryce spends ±5 days in Prythian, so it is very likely that it is all set during Acotar 5, and that the events of HOFAS in general are happening while Az is separated from the other MC (ie. the acotar5 FMC).
Regardless of all I just said, I am going to ask people once again to be for real. cause this whole chapter Azriel keeps glaring at Nes when she is about to reveal too much info, so WHY would he be mentioning Elain (or literally anyone he cares about) to someone who he is said to be highly suspicious of? make it make sense x2
Almost forgot. Last thing.
"Azriel said that Nesta killed the King! He didn't credit Elain!"
... no? for context, this is what Az said:
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See my second point above. He told Bryce exactly what Nes did, and nothing more: she beheaded Hybern. We could speculate about what his look at Truthteller made him think of... but tbh I'll leave it to someone else cause perso I dont really see the point.
I am getting tired guys... guess who finally understands what "fandom fatigue" is.
-----quick edit-----
I don't mean to sound hypocritical by tagging ships, cause tbh i dont even wanna put acotar ship tags to this, mais bon c'est la vie et j'en peux plus. this fandom is kind of a mess. Goodnight loves ♡
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Some more random thoughts about "The Lost Slayer" Buffy series. But I'm going to break from the norm I've adopted for this series so far and not put everything under a "read more" this time. So, major spoilers for that entire series ahead, beware. If you want to read the series yourself and don't want anything spoiled for it, you probably want to stop reading now.
Buffy and Willow's friendship in the saga--despite the awkwardness in it, and it getting a little fractured a bit--means the world to me. Mainly in that, even with all that, they work things out and still remain the best of friends. And the fact that Willow stayed in the thick of things in the horrible, apocalyptic universe for Buffy, according to Oz kills me. Kills me! -sobs-
Willow and Oz breaking up in the future--because Oz had to kill Willow's vampire-ified parents to save her, Xander, and himself from them, and then Willow not being able to forgive him for that--breaks my heart. But I also think it makes sense, of course. It reminds me a bit of some Fred and Gunn stuff in AtS. And that one line in the book where Willow thought something about, "She couldn't imagine her life without Oz," or whatever, made me think, "That could be foreshadowing that Oz is eventually going to leave her here in S4, sadly, but I also think it's more than that." And I was right. It was this whole Willow not being able to forgive him in this AU, and them breaking up for that reason thing. And I really liked that foreshadow and how this whole thing was set up.
Speaking of Oz, I really loved seeing him in this book and it makes me wish we'd gotten to see more of him in S4. I know it's impossible, because Seth Green wanted off the show, but I guess that's what things like this are for:)
Backing up a bit... Holy crap, the fact that Willow's parents tried to kill her (a second time for Willow's mom, after the "Gingerbread" thing) is so fucked up, and must be so traumatizing for Wills. Ahh! Poor Willow! This whole thing gives me so many feelings.
So, there's a moment where Buffy kisses Xander in here, and while not being a Buffy/Xander shipper (I don't really think the author Christopher Golden is, either), I was more than okay with it. I got the feeling that it was moreso Buffy trying to give Xander something to hold onto/look forward to, because he'd changed so much and become so depressed after everything they'd lost, largely after his losing Anya. And she thought if she didn't, he might go into the upcoming battle in a very reckless and almost suicidal way. (And Buffy thought Angel was dead at this point, so why not give Xander hope and perhaps try to move on with him, maybe?) And fortunately, she was able to reach him. But Xander still died:(
And ahh! His death killed me! And his funeral was so sad! And I think it's fitting that that's the thing that made Buffy and Willow adamant that they were going to find a way for Buffy to go back and fix things.
I also really appreciated the scene where Buffy avenged Kendra, even though I see Dru as a victim of her circumstances (something I really got into in the tags of another post).
Somewhat off-topic of this, but on the topic of Dru, I suppose, The SpikeDru in this book was also great.
And then Wesley thinking about how he'd actually really respected Giles and Giles' attitude towards the Council, and hated to see what had become of Giles as a vampire and the Big Bad of this series... and all the things Wesley in general in this book, really. He's so good here!
And Faith was so awesome! And led the Slayer front for five years while Buffy was imprisoned! And tried to save Joyce from getting killed from Spike, but alas. (And Joyce even came to Buffy in her dreams and told her that Faith tried to save her, before Spike killed them both [also, it's super depressing that in this universe Spike of all people kills Joyce]).
...That's all I can think of right now. There might be stuff I forgot to mention.
Edit: Oh. And the "The Freshman"/"City Of..." parallel we got here, when Buffy thought about calling Angel, but hanging up and not talking to him--because she doesn't know if she'll have the strength to talk to him--in just needing to hear his voice after he'd died in the horrible apocalyptic future she'd seen, that thankfully she's now stopped.
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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stormsbourne · 5 years
the homestuck epilogue, summarized by me
edited after: I’m leaving this here for my own reference but there’s a decent amount of stuff I got wrong in these. I’ve tried to correct most of it. still please don’t bother with these if, for some reason, you’re still free of this dark knowledge in the post hell 2020 timeline
there’s doubtless parts of both sides (which are actually only one side, big spoilers there) that I’m going to forget so I apologize in advance for that but I read the entire thing very quickly and some parts are more memorable than others. this is also only slightly polished up from when I posted it on discord, which I did in a tremendous hurry. so pardon the grammar
please be wary that I literally CANNOT tag this with everything there are warnings for so if you’re not sure, check the actual epilogue tag list, because literally all of it is mentioned in some capacity.
letsa go
john decides not to go. immediately, things start going strangely well for literally everyone, who all get exactly what he thinks they want (or what SOMEONE thinks they want, more on that later. I think it's still john doing the influencing.) davejadekat hook up. john and roxy get married. etc. gamzee gets “redeemed” by which I mean john rescues him at calliope’s request and he goes around saying he’s good now. but as always there's trouble in paradise and the things that seem to be "good endings" end up being bad. jane becomes president of earth but this leads her to become a fascist dictator who may possibly be responsible for the future genocide of trollkind (this shit is full fascist racism shit. “troll camps” are a thing.). dave and karkat are in love with each other and jade getting in with them has actually just made it harder for them to be honest with one another. gamzee basically serves no purpose except to be annoying and gross. 
at some point literally all the trolls start getting resurrected because of timeline shenanigans where the black hole is spitting out their ghosts onto earth c (which is actually inside of the black hole in paradox space somehow. don’t think too hard about it). rose and kanaya adopt a grub they name vriska to honor her sacrifice and also because it looks like vriska. john and roxy have a kid named harry anderson. jane basically rapes jake (he's drunk and also the lollipop is invovled) and conveniently gets pregnant with a kid they later name tavros. AS TIME GOES ON, karkat breaks up from djk because he's sick of it and then goes on to lead a troll rebellion against jane. jane starts cucking jake with gamzee. roxy and john break up because john is depressed and also because john is way more interested in texting terezi than in his real-life spouse. dirk kills himself for reasons that have more to do witht the construct of the meat timeline than the candy one.
all of this is slightly out of order but I’m trying to be succinct so when things get crazy I can keep the relevant details close together.
john decides to go. he makes a quick stop to grab the ring of life from aranea, then scoops up the other game over kids, who head off to face caliborn. the masterpiece goes down as you would expect it to with the beta kids getting stuck in the juju. the betas are later released from the juju by vriska but it doesn't actually kill english (dave does with his sword, then gets decapitated), and john gets nailed hard in the chest by caliborn's gold tooth, which begins to poison and kill him. davepeta appears for like two seconds and then vanishes into the black hole. jade's corpse is the only one of the kids that isn't fucking vaporized but it gets sucked into the black hole. we'll come back to this later. john runs into meenah, who steals the life ring and peaces out into the black hole. then he runs into terezi in the remains of paradox space and the two of them fuck. 
IN THE MEANTIME, on earth, karkat mounts an opposition run to jane's presidency, at dave's urging. dave and karkat are explicitly not together but also explicitly dancing around how they both know they love each other; jade keeps trying to start a threesome and both of them are like "UHHHHHH." roxy and calliope are together. jake and dirk have a stupid wrestle rap tv show but it is iterated on over and over again that dirk thinks jake is a useless idiot who he can't treat well and who deserves nothing and whom he needs to babysit and control so cool I guess. dirk goes to talk to rose and it becomes clear both of them are experiencing the same thing with their expansion of consciousness giving them awareness of other timelines and vague control over them (”ascending”) AT WHICH POINT it becomes clear that dirk is actually the narrator+controller of the entire meat timeline. the narration turns orange and dirk’s character voice (or what the epilogue says his character voice is) begins to leak into how it’s written.
jade's corpse from the meat timeline crashes down into the candy earth c through a ghost black hole portal. nobody knows what the sweet christ is happening, but roxy proposes having another funeral since the kids only see one another at funerals (the last one being dirk’s) and aren't very close. they have the funeral but in the middle of it, jade sits up and has been possessed by the spirit of red calliope, who claims she is protecting this version of the planet and is keeping watch out for a bad actor who could destroy everything.
kid vriska is horrible to kid tavros. john and terezi talk a lot and it's routinely implied that john cares more about her than about roxy, and that john is the only person she talks to. jake eventually walks out on jane with their kid but only after she’s treated him horrendously and continued to cuck him with gamzee. meenah also comes down through a hole in the sky, where she meets karkat and they hook up romantically. dave and jade get married but it’s implied to be a very troubled marriage. kid vriska begins banging harry anderson once they are teens. also once they are teens, ACTUAL (alive) vriska comes crashing down onto the planet from being sucked into the black hole. she and kid vriska have some conversations about terezi, but only after vriska hatefucks gamzee. vriska sends terezi a message. we don't see how this pays off, which makes me think that more is probably coming. 
dave, while trying to help karkat with the troll rebellion, comes upon actual literal barack obama, has a conversation about sexuality with him and how he’s not really into jade (here he calls himself “gay” while in the meat timeline he is very explicit about being bisexual). obama tells him that ascension to one’s ultimate self is impossible for the normal human body to withstand and helps him turn into a robot so he can handle the transformatiin and help save another timeline. 
btw a war has started between jane’s fascist empire and the trolls, led by karkat, who has an eyepatch. john, having patched some things up a bit with roxy, reconciles with his son. this is basically how candy ends.
now that dirk's control over the narrative is firmly established he actually starts exerting some level of control over people through his narrative voice. he uses this to start making people do things he wants.
anyway jade falls into a coma at some point and when she wakes up, the spirit of red calliope is using her to "transmit" and dirk and red calliope start literally fighting over who gets to write the story. red calliope wins at first, and dirk's narration is reduced down to small font where he passive aggressively swipes at calliope. alive calliope takes one look at possessed jade and runs away almost literally screaming. oh also I forgot calliope and roxy both go by "they" at this point in time and dirk+calliope spar a bit over that as dirk also keeps calling roxy "her." fun times. 
anyway while calliope is running the narrative jake agrees to endorse karkat's presidential run as dirk makes plans involving a rifle and the phrase "jake english, your ass is mine." during the rally where jake is about to endorse karkat, dirk fools calliope into thinking he's trying to shoot jake, but wheels around and hits jade instead with a tranquilizer through a window. this makes red calliope's influence go away and dirk resumes control of the narrative. 
using his regained control of the narrative, dirk presses his thumb down on jake to remind jake how much he loves dirk, how he’s IN LOVE with dirk, and how "to love dirk is to obey him" and jake, obligingly, endorses jane in front of the entire crowd gathered there to watch his speech about karkat. 
dave and karkat, drinking together after jane handily wins the election, hook up though dave basically has to shout dirk out of his head because he wants to do it on his own terms instead of the way dirk keeps writing it, and dirk WILL NOT LET HIM because dirk knows best. eventually dirk leaves him alone but only after dave basically forcibly chases him out (without knowing what he’s really doing, sort of like Aimless Renegade in the comic). john and terezi come back to earth, where john dies and terezi captchalogues his body. dirk (as narrative) and terezi (as herself) spar a bit until he makes an offer to her to come see him about her dead boyfriend. this is the last we see of her. 
dirk then convinces kanaya (using the narrative) that he and rose are in love and he's better for rose than she is and she needs to let them go if she really loves rose. kanaya obligingly does this. dirk leaves kanaya some medicine that will wake jade up and goes to talk to jake, where he sex blackmails jake into lending him a spaceship. jake thinks he's coming along on the trip but dirk assures him this is not the case. jake breaks down literally sobbing and begging to go, dirk kisses him and tells him he'll never let jake break his heart again, and dirk leaves with rose (in a coma which dirk will resolve by putting her into a robot like dave).
jade wakes up and, with memories of red calliope's goals, shouts that dirk has to be stopped, pointing out to various people (namely kanaya) how weird they’ve been acting because he’s been subtly influencing them using the narrative as lowkey mind control. they all make plans to go find dirk though none of them can figure out where the sweet fuck john is (terezi is awol). they ask jake who, sobbing, confirms that dirk took a spaceship, and then go plan to get one of their own and follow him using red calliope's instructions.
also this is impossible to get in anywhere else but roxy is going by “he” now and dirk has a whole paragraph about how suave and manly and cool and masculine he is
the actual ending of each consists of the following: candyverse davebot shows up on candy earth as red calliope opens a hole presumably back out to the furthest ring (after literally eating caliborn’s body). he and aradia (she was in candy for a while now but did pretty much nothing) are like cool let's go and vault into the hole. meanwhile, meatverse dirk and robot rose draw closer to a new unnamed planet as rose does dirk's laundry. they both know the planet is destined for a new sburb session in the future.
yeah yikes.
if you’re like me you should ignore it and just keep doing what you want to do. have fun. the author is dead, long live the fanfic author.
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geek-gem · 5 years
So when I was on Twitter. I saw that Gmanlives made a legit spoiler review for the movie. He basically goes through the whole movie. But don’t worry it’s not very long. I’ve seen reviews from him of some games, especially the Doom franchise. I didn’t watch this on Twitter because I wanted to watch this at home which I am now. 
I also wanna say I deleted my post sharing Metroidjunkie’s review of the movie because I found out and I was wondering if I saw it some where at first. He has that review on here already. So there was no point in having two posts showcasing the review. I deleted the post this morning but back to the point.
Very interesting Gman reviewed this. Gonna say I’m glad he goes through the whole movie. Again spoilers because he goes through the whole movie.
I’ll admit the video was funny at some moments. Including I get Gman’s points on the film. I was mainly expecting him to really rip it apart because of the fact he actually made this review. Because it was leaked yet today it was released. So even if he’s saying this might get taken down, I think probably not because it’s been released or for whatever reason.
Again while I totally get his points and opinion. I disagree with him. No this is not the best we are gonna get. Because this is bullshit and again I don’t want Universal to have the rights anymore. Especially after the horrible reception it’s been getting. But Wikipedia says it’s been getting mixed reception which I want to think is bullshit. Yet there’s also no Rotten Tomatoes score at all for both versions of the movie or even audience score.
In fact to be honest while I have only seen I Hate Everything’s review of the first House Of The Dead movie, I’ve been thinking Doom Annihilation seems to fit in that category of possible worst video game adaptions. Especially due to how this movie is cheaply made and could be something from the 2000′s okay that could sound stupid. I know it’s a direct to home video release. I just want Doom to have a better movie adaption. 
Sorry if this is getting long but I want to speak about this. In fact I have been thinking about making my own version of a Doom movie reboot. But been stalling because I feel certain decisions might bother fans. While my ideal vision for a reboot would be a respectable adaption, I feel some changes might bother some folks. Because I was inspired by my what if post of the 2005 Doom movie with what I did with that movie.
Basically I’ll name inspiration such as like I’ve said before, “John Wick but with demons” and the 2012 film Dredd. Including spoilers a bit from the video, I love how Gman mentions Dredd when talking about Karl Urban.  
While it’s interesting to see from his point that it’s not as bad.....again Universal shouldn’t have the rights anymore. Because while I’m gonna sound harsh. I kind of hope this film doesn’t make money or something. I just want Universal to give up the rights. I’m sorry that I sound like an immature brat. Because I feel like this might be the way I should be talking about the film. But I sound kind of immature about it. Especially it’s a direct to home release movie based a video game series I like.
I’ll be honest, while I have been thinking of stalling on making that Doom movie reboot idea I had. Because I feel I’m torn on what vision of what I wanna say. Such as using elements from which games. Yet I’m leaning into towards the 2016 route in a way. Despite my ideal vision for a movie.
But I feel after watching this, I think I might wanna make that post because I want to write something that sounds a lot better than what fans were given with this movie. Even before than I have thought about making it. But again seeing this review, it seems like I might wanna make it knowing this is how the movie is. Including again for Doom fans if they read it and want to engage in a discussion.
Sorry for all that rambling. That was stupid of me. Again I liked his review. Also I’m sorry I think it may be kind of funny or the fact I love the whole, “I’M YOUR ULTRA NIGHTMARE MOTHERFUCKERS!” because that’s just......I know it’s a reference to the hardest difficulty. But it seems weird to say and just a saying to reference the game. Okay I just watched the end of Gman’s review twice, oh God it’s fucking funny I laughed, my throat felt a bit tired just...it’s weird but funny.
Again I just put the Doomguy tag after the Doom tag. Because I want to make sure this gets more traction. Edit also I forgot to mention spoilers from the video. Glad Gman even noticed the refence with the name of Joan Dark. While I haven’t played the Perfect Dark games with Joanna Dark, I thought the name seemed very familiar. I was just too late to say something about it. Another edit I was reading comments below the video before I shared this. When I first discovered this on Twitter I was reading the comments again before I shared this on Tumblr.
I was looking for a comment that mentioned and I was just looking for it, I can’t find it now. But I saw it on my phone. It was a comment mentioning a Doom movie be like the original Predator, but the Doomguy is the Predator. Which would be fucking amazing because I’ve have had thought of the original Predator for some possible inspiration.
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makeup-wonder-woman · 7 years
A Soulmate to Remember Chapter 15
I made 300 followers! WHHOOOO-HOOOOO. Tomorrow I’ll post the other chapters of Poison and Lies, I’m also taking requests.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14
Tags: @otaku-fangirlse, @lucy-fire20  @purplelily24, @welcometothecity, @miss-nerdalots,@marvelsimaginess, @naturalnation123 , @suavehayes @nervouswastelandvoid, @glrynwor, @miraisnotavailable , @lunar-vulpix (let me know through my askbox if i missed someone or you want to be tag)
Pairing: Jason Todd X Reader
word count: 1,146     
TW: None, unless you need one added.
You opened your eyes with a groan and saw a well-lit tan ceiling. There was a laugh that caused my blood to freeze. Not because it was scary or unfamiliar.
  But because you knew it.
     You turned your head to see Ben sitting opposite me in a train car,"Good evening sleeping beauty! I'm so glad you're awake."
  "B-Ben?" Oh god. What has he done? You took big gulping breath to try and keep calm.
   Ben slid from his cushioned seat and kneeled in front of you,"Yes darling. It's me, you weren't feeling to well, a few of the other passengers were worried. Your mom has been calling you, but I thought it better to wait till you woke up."
  "Are we on a train?"
  Be laughed again,"Yes sweetie. Remember our first trip away together?"
 "Oh... Yeah," You lied, playing along, making Ben beam, and you nodded,"I remember now."
   "Yes, after we had taken out the trash your cold medicine kicked in. I had to hold your arm to get to your car."
     "What happened to yours?"
   Ben smiled,"That's a funny question. But I didn't take it today. I walked."
    "Oh." Damn, there goes someone seeing his car... Then you noticed that he had changed your shirt, but then I shifted and felt the comforting pressure from your cami under it, and you felt better.
   Ben took your hand and squeezed it,"By the time we got to the train station your medicine was in full effect. Some other passengers were so kind to us, they chatted with us while we got to our car."
   "Did I do something funny?"
   "No, no, you were just really out of it. The older couple couldn't believe we were soulmates, they said our babies would be too adorable!"
   He laughed and you forced a giggle out of your throat, sitting up,"You... Said my mom called... Could I call her?"
   "Of course honey," then he leaned forward and his eyes got that scary look in them again,"But nothing funny, cause I can make this train stop in a fun way," he snapped back into his happy-go-lucky self," Here you go!"
   He pressed your cellphone into your hand. You saw from the lit up screen that your mother had called you almost a dozen times, and texted you about a baker's dozen. You flipped down to the last notification. It was Jason. You felt your mouth go dry and dialed your mother, showing it to Ben with a smile. Your mother picked up the phone and shouted like a harpy,"Y/N L/N why have you-"
  "Mom! I'm so sorry, my phone died I’m just getting your texts and calls now. I didn't mean to worry you."
"Yeah, and I didn't check my phone because I ran into Marsha from high school she took me out to lunch and now I think that lunch is turning into an afternoon and evening kinda plan. I didn't even notice my phone was dead till now. I'm so sorry!"
"I...  See..."
  "I know, I'll remember to keep it charged, I promise. Is it okay if I stay? You don't mind do you?"
"No. No. I understand. I'm sorry I overreacted..."
"You didn't overreact Mom, it's fine. I love you!"
" No, I love you more... Good bye sweetie."
  "Goodbye mom!"
   You turned to Ben and handed him the phone. But stopped and smiled,"Should we take a picture to commemorate our trip?"
  Ben smiled and sat next to you and put his arm around you,"Of course!"
  You held the phone out and snapped the picture, then exited out of camera,"Let me just edit it a little."
   You opened the photo folder on your phone, and tapped on the app you hoped You'd never, ever have to use. It started loading, but crashed, you sighed,"I forgot it did that!" The clicked the actual editing app and picked a filter. Ben watching over your shoulder the entire time.
Jason raced down the stair and started frantically typing on the computer. The stamped that sounded above him meaning that the rest of the Batfamily was soon to be down here with him. He pulled up the signal and got the details and GPS signal,"We've got a fucking problem," he yelled over his shoulder as anger boiled up inside of him. Soon he had to move or do something or he would explode. So Jason stood up, knocking the chair over. Dick was the first one down the stairs, his mouth opened in horror when he saw the screen.
    Once everyone else could commute what was happening, Jason went on a tirade. Cussing and pacing. Tim jumped up to the computer and started typing saying,"I'll get keep the signal strong and alive so we'll know the movements."
  "I'm going after her!" Jason roared, stalking over to his suit.
  Bruce grabbed onto his second oldest son,"No! Going in there without a plan will get her, or someone else, killed."
  Jason turned to his father-figure and snapped,"I don't fucking care! "
  Mrs. Wayne strutted up to him,"You most certainly will care Jason Peter Todd Wayne! I won't see Asha, you or anyone else hurt! Not today!"
 "But, Ma-"
 "No buts!"
 Jason let out a yell of rage and smacked Bruce off of him,"Fine!"
  Dick was typing away at the other computer station,"I've got video and records of her at Gotham's train station, it seems that she's traveling to... Metropolis?"
    "Was there anyone with her?" Barbra asked as she came up beside him, Cass, Damian, and Steph went to go suit up. Katie went to call Luke, it would be a hands on deck kinda night.
 Dick pulled up footage and enhanced it,"Yeah, this guy seemed to be helping her onto the train. Other footage shows him driving her car..."
 "Wait, she went willingly?" Barbra asked in surprise.
   "Play that back,"Bruce ordered and Dick did,"See how she's staggering. If I had to guess she was drugged. Maybe a date-rape drug. The kind that put you in a trance."
 Jason analyzed the man's face,"I know him! He works at the church, name's... Ben, I'm pretty sure."
 Tim looked over from his computer, having dug through Ben's financials already,"Yep! And Ben's shelled out some money to a private shipping company, the intern weary says it's heading to a small country on the Russian border. They get that far, they probably won't be coming back..."
 "They're not making that boat,"Jason growled,"Not in this lifetime."
  Dick crossed his arms over his chest and looked at Bruce,"What are we gonna do?"
 "Meet them at the train station in Metropolis. Batwoman, BlackBat, Spoiler, Robin, and Batwing when he gets here. I need you all to patrol Gotham while we're gone. Everyone else, get geared up, That train company takes scenic routes and multiple stops, so it's at the least a six hour ride. It's only a two hour plane ride. Move."
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squirenonny · 7 years
Okay, so I just finished Voltron Season 2 and: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Short, spoiler-free version: I have a few things to take issue with, but as a whole I absolutely LOVED this season. *screeching* !!!
Long, spoilery version under the cut
Starting with my three big complaints before this devolves into excited screaming:
1. They’re still going with the Hunk food jokes. Like. Please. The mall cop episode (which was fantastic, by the way) did Chef Hunk right--he’s competent, he knows what he’s doing, he’s cooking in a way that obviously a large number of people like, AND he actually taught Sal how to cook?? Like oh my god, Hunk is the best space Gordon Ramsey, yes! A lot of the other episodes, though, are more of the same old tired fat jokes. Hunk’s always hungry. He’s always talking about food. He’s always making shallow food metaphors. We get it. I’m really hoping the writers cut it out in season 3, or at the very least continue to shift the focus toward other aspects of his personality.
2. I’m more than a little salty that we didn’t see half the team’s reactions to Keith being Galra. Like... I didn’t need a “reveal scene” (we got that with Shiro, and I loved that it was a shock that immediately turned into a non-issue.) What I wanted was the kind of thing we got with Hunk--the aftermath, and the other paladins figuring out how they feel. Hunk’s stuff was great, tbh, and Allura’s was pretty good (a little disappointing that she was so harsh with Keith, but I get it. She’s lost a lot to the Galra and all very recently.) I just wanted...something. Something with Pidge and Lance, at least. Some interaction that wasn’t in the middle of a battle anytime after the reveal. Maybe that was supposed to be because they were all so rushed trying to put their plan into action, they didn’t have time to process. Maybe we’ll get Lance, Pidge, and Coran’s responses in season 3 (god I hope we do). I just wanted more emotional fallout from the reveal (or support. Support would be good too. Somebody give my son a hug.)
3. Everything else can basically be summed up with, “Why isn’t season three here yet??” I wanted more of a lot of things, and I get that you can only fit so much into thirteen episodes, especially when the plot was so BIG. Holy shit you guys, so much happened in this season. So, yeah, I really wanted more Lance development (more Hunk, too). Klance? Shallura or Shatt development?? Keith and Pidge??????? The team was split up for so much of the season, and fighting battles the rest of the time, that a lot of relationships got shafted. I’m not overly bitter about that, but I am hoping we get that relationship development in season three.
Okay. There’s my salt, now time for the screaming: (Sorry, intermittent caps lock because I couldn’t control myself.)
AAAAHHHHHH OH MY GOD GALRA KEITH!!!! I have never been so alive! Fuck. I’m so happy (lack of fallout with Lance and Pidge aside. Dark Voltron season 3, give me an episode specifically dedicated to Pidge’s reaction to Keith being from the same race that took her family.) I’m choosing to imagine that Pidge has bottled up any reaction she may have had, and that it won’t come out till things have calmed down (or she’s stuck alone with Keith) and that Lance considers it such a non-issue that he had no reaction, and for him to be surprised when Keith is wary around him after that last battle.
ALSO????? I’m so happy that Keith’s mom is apparently the Galra??? I jsut?? YES??????
MATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my GOD Matt! Matt’s out! Matt’s with rebels! REBEL MATT HOLT HOLY FUCK! I need season three like yesterday, and it had better have Matt Holt, Rebel soldier/spy/hacker/medic/literally anything. I’m so freaking happy Pidge actually got a chance to search for her family--and FOUND SOMETHING! Ahhhh!!!
HAGGAR’S ALTEAN! HAGGAR’S ALTEAN!! HAGGAR’S CANONICALLY ALTEAN!!!!! I so called this, and I could not be happier!! Augh!! I screamed! I screamed so much holy fuck
DRUID ALLURA????????? What???? I need more of this. What happened? Is she using magic or just redirecting it?? How?? Why???? Is she going to learn more???? Allura being badass with that staff was awesome, but imagine Allura charging into battle with her staff a deadly blur and a lightning storm swelling around her oh my GOD MY QUEEN!
WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO SHIRO????? I’m so scared for him, oh my god?? But, like, in the best possible way. He’s not dead (I hope????? Don’t kill Space Dad, Dreamworks, PLEEEEEASE!) But we can still have Black Paladin Allura in season 3?? And maybe even Matt Holt, Rebel (TM) saving his boyfriend???
SHIRO AND KEITH OH MY QUIZNAK! “You’re like a brother” haaaaa Okay, I’m dead. “My live would have turned out a lot different without you” *screeches* I still want more (mentor at the Garrison? Foster brother?? How??? do you know each other?????) ((Presumably not forever, because Shiro didn’t know anything about Keith having a knife, but still???????))
The heITH in that one episode?? Or like... at all??? Keith joking? Hunk making Galra Keith jokes? THem workibng togethera and thanking eachother and Hunk standing up for Keith when Allura’s tyring to ingore him???????? AUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHHH
Klance Emperor’s New Groove AU???? Oh. My god. Like. We didn’t get much Klance this season, but we got them cliMBING UP AN ELEVATOR SHAFT like pros?? I die.
KEITH’S FRIEND FROM THE TEASER? Who are you?? Are you Matt? Are you WITH Matt’s rebels?? What did you need the Weblum secretion whatever for?? Why aren’t you talking??? Are you mute?? Are you a lady rebel?? Please be a lady rebel! (Mute or nonverbal lady rebel, y/y?????) *whispers* season threeeeee
Space spore snowball fight!!!! I’m so happy!!!! Lookit my son Shiro being a kid!!!!!!! Lookit Keith and Lance flirting with glowy space goop. :)
Pidge/Tech continues to be my otp
Shiro? Getting pushed past his limit by what’s his name. Slav? W/e. I died. Even Space Dad’s patience isn’t infinite.
When Keith was asking Coran about whether Galra have ever been to earth and Lance is RIGHT THERE? LIke??? You’re in the middle of your facial regimen, Lance, what happened? Did you hear Keith’s voice and  immediately sprint to the door??
Pidge having a gay squish on Alan Turing??
Ryner??? Is??????? So great?????? My biologist daughter????????? Also she came so close to the “we’re all made of star stuff” quote and I just? Die??? hONESTLY, season three needs to bring back her, Shay, and Nyma and let them be badasses.
There’s tons more I’m sure, but my brain is on complete overload right now and I just. I can’t. Frick.
EDIT: I cannot believe I forgot: Pidge is SO NOT CIS!! Like! Frick! The bathrooms! Which were conveniently color-coded in a way that’s consistent with Earth bathrooms. In a way that Keith didn’t even stop to think about. But Pidge??? Is at the very least much more aware than Keith that the gender binary is a social construct--and you could very easily make the argument that she was debating whether aliens have the same biases as humans. Should she risk using the girl’s bathroom? Does she pass by alien standards? What even ARE alien standards for gender conformity? All this to the point that she’d rather just hold it.
(On that same note: trans Hunk? y/y)
((On a closely related note, rewatching the mall episode: Keith pulling Hunk onto the cow is weirdly adorable?? This season is gonna make me ship Heith more than ever, frick.))
I think I need to rewatch this for character/ship tags now, kthanx. Feel free to yell at me about anything!
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geek-gem · 5 years
Two things I wanna say about the Transformers film franchise
1: I'm just thinking. Just imagine all this talk and the buzz that Bumblebee is a clear reboot. Just fucking imagine if after it's done in theaters or if they get shit straighten out the people behind the films like Lorenzo. They straight up confirm a sequel to Transformers The Last Knight, literal Transformers 6.
Michael Bay isn't directing it's a new director maybe James Wan like I want or someone else, Mark Wahlberg is probably back as Cade Yeager.
After all that positive feedback and the box office being a success. It means I guess in a way nothing. But it's confirmed that Transformers 6 would be the last in the Bayformers oh God it won't be called Bayformers anymore but it's the last in that timeline. They confirm they would make a reboot following Bumblebee or whatever the hell.
Imagine that?
Especially spoilers it's about the rise of Unicron their just gonna fucking do it, doesn't matter how fucking difficult it is they confirm their gonna straight up do Unicron in live action. A homage in a way to the 1986 film or whatever despite Unicron is Earth in this franchise.
Now this goes to the next part.
2: I'll be honest I have been going back and forth on The Last Knight. At first I found it weirdly enjoyable yet I know it's a mess. To me disliking it a bit more and thinking this is truly the worse in the Bayformers.
Especially I talk about I'm glad it's the last one and me saying I think I want a sequel to wrap this up.
I was watching some of Delzinki's videos and this inspired me mainly for that first part and inspired the 2nd part where I'm just I'll admit I'm going back and forth. It's such a weird and messy movie I'm seriously reminded even said that to myself of a hour ago or so just it reminds me of The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Of how that was setting up a Spider-Man cinematic universe and look where it got itself at.
But seriously I weirdly wanna see a continuation of the story The Last Knight set up because it's so insane and some what impossible in some ways unless you really go with what Transformers Prime did even though I wouldn't mind some parts used but I don't wanna use the whole thing. Yet like Delzinki said in where we ever see Unicron rise video or something they had no vision or plan for this.
Yet I wanna see how fucking insane this would be and how would you end the Bayformers or the original live action film franchise.
I would go see it. As long as it's the true last Bayformers or just yeah I'm sounding stupid but I might not care now. If it's a new director fucking great. Yet the director and writers would have to deal with such a fucking insane and messy continuity that The Last Knight basically destroyed.
Fuck it imagine if many characters come back Sam Witwicky, Cade Yeager, William Lennox, Robert Epps, Mikaela Banes, Carly Spencer, Viviane Wembly, Simmons, and my God I swear to God and it would make no sense some how out of fucking no where Charlie Watson shows up what the fuck. Also Izabella that's the problem I can't believe I forgot about her and this continuity is a mess and I forgot about Cogman. Edit yes I remembered Jimmy but didn't put him in because it be too much and remembered Santos sometime ago. Seriously theirs so much shit and characters listen I'm rambling at this part. Next edit some what whoever returns and whatever the hell happens with this franchise.
Especially just can we get more Dinobots please.
Okay I'm sounding ridiculous.....the point being I would see this if it's the last in the original film continuity. Also the Sam Witwicky thing it's hinted he's dead yet theirs a good theory he's probably alive.
But seriously I feel like what happened with the Spider-Man film franchise we're gonna get a summit or something. Basically the people behind these films, especially Paramount and Hasbro along with the producers which are the people behind this and other folks. They are gonna decide the fate of this franchise.
A continuation to The Last Knight one last movie to end it all, or straight up reboot with Bumblebee. Especially I feel like a continuation might happen for some stupid reason because Lorenzo acts like he doesn't wanna let go or whatever.
Tags dealt with just understand I want a reboot but I really wonder what the hell is gonna come up next because I stupidly feel because the people behind it were gonna have people having the difficulty to let go. Especially their are folks that want to see the Bayformers finished which may sound ridiculous to some folks but it's something. If the film is better then The Last Knight then that's good. Especially let's be glad we got Bumblebee and hope afterwards I'm sorry I'm saying like it's confirmed.
It's just we don't know and it's these people and the companies that own these films like Paramount are gonna decide.
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geek-gem · 7 years
Infinite And Lord Dominator
This is something just I’ve been wanting to make ever since I made the post, “Infinite’s An Asshole”. Including waited a bit for my mom’s sister to not be by even said to her I was chilling when I was first about to go, looked at the Sonic Heroes cover a bit, wiped it as good as I feel it needs to be, went number 1 in the bathroom, and went to see my cousin’s T’s girlfriends mom is here changing her daughter’s well baby daughter. So it wasn’t a Desinty shirt some American Vapor thing. The logo sorry yet sorry about that.
So Lord Dominator from the show Wander Over Yonder. A show I really like and ever since her appearance and as she went on in the 2nd season. Some things were revealed and she’s kind of become a popular icon on the internet or well mainly for cartoons. I’m just saying ever since that fucking song aired and was on YouTube shit okay not insane.
Also I felt it would be appropriate to put lord in the title. Yet despite that…..my whole mindset of Infinite from Sonic Forces being a major asshole and douchebag. It seems very out of character yet we hardly know much of him mostly from his appearance in the E3 trailer, his own trailer, and his theme song which amazing and tells a story within it possibly talking about what happened to him. Kind of meaningful and makes the song a lot more beautiful.
So just like the, “Infinite’s An Asshole” one honestly these are all taking place within the same thing. The characters will make 4th wall mentions because they don’t give a shit if they are fictional. Including this will be…quite harsh. Along with…..a bit of my own thoughts. Seriously I’m as sad as everyone else who misses Wander Over Yonder and it being cancelled very early at only two seasons which sucks said it in my head stop.
But at times just…I forgot I think we passed the day when the final episode aired on tv. Which sucks as theirs no more Wander Over Yonder reruns on tv.
So please beware. Because I’ve been thinking I feel I don’t wanna hold back but I’m kind of scared of what I’m gonna put for this gas or some shit meh.
Infinite: So your the one and only Lord Dominator. I’ve heard a lot about you. Kind of interesting to meet you now. I’m surprised you’ve still made an impact on some stuff.
Lord Dominator: Pfft yeah I did. I’ve heard and seen of you too *puts her left hand on her hip and points with her right finger* your mister edgy with his all so edgy song HA!
*Infinite then remembers the Stupid Infinite Head Canon post that he hates the word edgy*
Lord Dominator: EDGY EDGELORD EDGY EDGELORD EDGY EDGELORD EDGY EDGELORD EDGY EDGELORD! *she flayed around her arms and laughing just to piss him off*
Infinite: How does it feel to be cancelled and left for dead whore.
Lord Dominator:…..exuse me *she looked furious as her face was filled with rage and was gonna attack with a right lava arm, and left ice arm*
*Then two huge cubes enclosed on both her arms basically stop but keep her arms motionless*
Lord Dominator: What!
*She struggles and grunts as Infinite is ready to speak again*
Infinite: Again how does it feel to be cancelled and left for dead whore.
*Dominator was enraged hearing mainly that final word he said of what word he decided to describe her*
Infinite: Here’s the thing. What I find funny about her of how your the worst. How and your stupid song makes you seem like the worse being ever to exist. For what now…never to be seen again. Including never to be heard from again.
Lord Dominator: Umm *She decided to listen a bit more this time*
Infinite: What I mean is how your existence means nothing now. Including how fucking stupid you seem to be. Such as wanting to kill everything just for fun, and just learn everyone’s weakness, and use them against them destroy them even more. The fun part I’m a bit bothered by. Including how fucking pathetic you are when theirs other God’s out there more terrible beings showcasing to be more worse then you. Along with how your a absolute fucking child, you get beaten, and act like a fucking fool.
*Dominator’s face actually went to become less filled with rage, with a bit more confusing with sadness slowly rising*
Infinite: Or what about the fuck your possibly all alone, no friends, I’m surprised you spoilers let a fucking hippie of a space alien and a actual fucking dumbass of a villain beat you but that’s not the thing. Also you denied the hippies welcome of being a friend. The fact you became weak and decided to turn your back on anyone. I wonder now and I find it funny. We’re your parents not nice to you. Did some people pick on you.
Lord Dominator: Stop.
Infinite: Oh no what about the fact compared to me a God who can simply kill you right now yet I rather destroy your fucking spirit. Because your weak, helpless, and you act all high and mighty. Where the fuck did you have your beginning. With my song which is so much better then your own terrible song. Have you been through I felt. Seriously have to Lord Dominator ever felt pain, and see the world as it really is a fucking lie. A world where heroes think they are right but are terrible people who will never save you. Who inspire hope but what I got from it their is no such thing as hope. It’s all a lie all a fucking lie. Which now leaves to my mindset that everyone you and anyone good or evil no matter who or what they are must die.
Lord Dominator: Stop please!
Infinite: My face, my scars are proof I’ve seen some shit I’ve been through shit. Your just a fucking child you actually says this business is fun. I’m the God damn fucking devil compared to you, the world, the universe, every dimension doesn’t deserve a chance. Because I never got that chance. This mask here is the true face of evil compared to you. Including the other real deal you will never come back!
Lord Dominator: STOP PLEASE!
Infinite: Your show was cancelled and it doesn’t matter how much SaveWoy their is, at this point it might never come back. They cancelled you because you were a fucking failure. Your song is fucking horrible, you never made it beyond season 2, it doesn’t matter how much your loved, you might as well be fucking forgotten. I at times may enjoy being the devil but you never gonna go anywhere in life again because they denied your chance, Disney didn’t give you a chance, your fucking gone and that’s final. Unlike you I’ve seen shit and I will even this day show who’s better your whore!
*As Infinite stops talking, Lord Dominator just looks to the ground. Then slowly begins to cry as you hear the sounds of her beginning to sob. Then both cubes disappear as she manages to keep her arms to the ground first so she doesn’t fall on her face. Including as she’s trying to not let her face be shown to Infinite to show even more embarrassment of herself. As she slowly sobs and tries to not be loud*
Infinite: Much better.
On a funny note all the characters from the, “Infinite’s An Asshole” post simply have their mouths jaw dropped.
To be perfectly honest I was hoping for something like the last post where Infinite insulted characters. Yet I didn’t think this through a bit. It mainly led to something very personal and just…down right harsh.
Oh head but… Jesus it now makes me want to see what Infinite is really like. While this is mainly a parody of how I see Infinite’s personality. Jesus I mean…I’m scared to tag Wander Over Yonder related stuff…
Along with my cousin T came in here hugged me, and washed my hands and got back to the part where I mentioned the ice arm…..
Jesus I thought in my head I feel like I don’t want Infinite to be this harsh almost left hard. From what I know the game is it E10 already just I know it’s not gonna be like this and we don’t know much of Infinite’s personality. Yet Jesus just…I went dark for this one a bit more then the Cream one which was my last text post about Infinite.
What turned and thought Infinite being an asshole dancing and just being an asshole to everyone to…..God damn I thought of putting could put but no Eggman saying damn and I thought I was a terrible person or bad person shit.
Got tags down and…took out sonic forces infinite and put it back in…I almost left the word out but I put the WOY related tags they have Lord Dominator again….
Sorry just wow sorry mainly this is supposed to be a parody and I like the character of Lord Dominator despite some problems.
Forgot what else to say…for the last this and the last two Infinite related posts. Listened to Infinite’s theme the Natewantstobattle cover with Arin Hanson which is still amazing to just inspire me to make these…just stalling now
Edit so up out of chair almost put shit. Yeah that's silly I've been thinking even before I ever made these of mentioning or whatever mainly the Amy Rose one with Infinite that I feel it's best to read some other versions of how people wrote Infinite and listen to the Natewantstobattle cover of the theme which is amazing...but also read fan fiction stories damn audio thing now done I mean gone just how people already write Infinite. Said please don't suck in my head yet it might not random shit ticks.
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geek-gem · 7 years
The Sonic OVA
Well I saw it after a long time. Including me mentioning it in that Metal Sonic post. Mainly I wanted me DeviantArt message ha and a Tumblr message ha man. Sorry okay to smile even now a bit.
Yet I was wanting to watch it at a perfect time. Such as well today is Pizza Wensday something my family does and mom well I said alright with it ha man. Sorry about the ha thing. Including went to photo first by mistake yet…
Just saying took some time well got a Diet Dr. Pepper and had to turn on my phone. I watched the OVA on my PS4. I’m just glad I found the video wait I mean DVD. Now I put it with well a top of my Blu Ray Spider-Man, Predator, and Alien films. Just to make it easier man.
I’m gonna say okay this isn’t really a review yet it’s kind of a reaction. But you know have you ever wonder you love something so much and your mind kind of take it out of hand. In a way that’s what happened me with this movie exuse me burp twice man lol.
But I’m not saying it’s bad. What I mainly wanna say. I kind of praise the shit out of it. Even if it’s well originally a two episode thing of a Sonic anime that never went through.
Yet both episodes as a movie. It’s something Sonic related I wanted. Something that’s fun and will say it is silly at times. Yet it’s honestly very badass and just has this nice amount I think I shouldn’t say maturity yet I feel being older I seem to like it more. It’s kind of like a PG-13 Sonic film in a way without some stuff.
Just saying I also put on English subtitles quite different and have I talked about the OVA I’ve watched it before ha man…stop okay to smile even now man.
But just saying okay yeah I freakin love this OVA. It’s animation, and I’m alright with the voices, even Martin Burke as Sonic. At times well originally I thought he was British but he’s not. Also the best damn thing that Eggman/Robotnik is voiced by Edwin Neal the guy who played the Hitchhiker in the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. That’s something I like. Yes also he voiced the president in this. The other people did good too. Even at times I forget them yet seeing the credits. Just saying the voice of Metal Sonic yeah spoilers in case man. The voice of Metal named Gary Dehaen produced and directed this. I guess the English dub ha man stop okay to smile.
Seriously I don’t mind the voices I like them. Yet not the best.
But also I guess it’s a bit simple.
Should I just fucking say it. This is the best God damn version of Metal Sonic just ever. Because every time I think of Metal Sonic it’s from here. I know he first appeared in Sonic CD and he’s cool there too. Yet this adaptation whatever did him justice.
Mainly it really makes me think why in later games just…they ever try to show case Metal Sonic he’s more then a robotic copy. I may seem crazy yet I’m a fan of Metal one of my favorite characters including he has lots of fans too.
I honestly like the whole concept in this that he has Sonic’s memories and remembers everything Sonic has seen or felt. Along with combing that with the concept Metal Sonic wants to prove he’s the real Sonic.
Basically the main thing if I could best describe it Metal really wants to beat Sonic cause he just me and other fans feelings. Or it being confirmed he hates being in the shadow of Sonic. He hates the fact of basically being a copy so his goal is also not just Eggman/Robotnik programing him to kill Sonic. It makes it more personal the fact if he kills Sonic. He thinks my thoughts or…he will finally complete what he was born to do, what haunts him the most.
Including as the games went on even with Sonic Heroes he developed more of a personal AI it became self aware. I don’t know that kind of conflict and idea. To me I feel the games could explore that a bit more. Because the concept of that is so personal to Metal. He’s willing to do anything and once Sonic is dead, his purpose in life would be complete.
I don’t know of how deep I can go with that. Also in a way I feel Metal’s life would be complete shit having that feeling always over him always thinking about it. Including even having a father who might not give a shit and treats his robots like robots.
Some weird shit I always keep thinking Metal is kind of like a depressed Sonic. Or basically just imagine this is what Sonic would be if he wasn’t a thrill seeker or making jokes. Or even helping people out.
Really I like the whole thing between Sonic and Metal because that was their thing. I really like Shadow but I honestly don’t like to think of him as some darker version of Sonic. That belongs to Metal. Shadow to me is his own character. Compared to Metal who was littertly made in the image of Sonic, built to being better then Sonic. Yet he’s trying so hard to become better.
I’m sorry I’m talking about this too much.
Sorry about the Metal Sonic worshipping. Including really the characters are still really cool.
Because just I like this OVA oh stomach man. Including the action is to really good and how they portray Sonic and everyone else.
Seriously in a way can that Sony Sonic movie 2019 be not like a remake but take some stuff some elements if it can from this OVA. Can we have Metal Sonic for the love of God. Just establish that Metal Sonic is Sonic’s like main nemesis yes theirs Eggman/Robotink but mainly show Metal is not just a robot.
He’s what I call the Metal Son, a cute yet badass nickname I thought of for him. Because he’s literally a robot built to destroy Sonic and what is one of Eggman’s/Robotnik’s greatest creation that he even states in this OVA. Even call him Hyper Metal Sonic but okay if theirs copy right I don’t know man.
Fuck it I still like it love it a shit ton man gonna put Loud House one ha stop okay to smile that’s it 10 out of 10 my all time favorite Sonic animated thing. I’ve been in a 2000’s mood even if this was made 1996, English dub in 1999, and I think I saw this during my teens in the 2010’s or I forgot ha…I think 2000’s been playing some Spider-Man 2002 on GameCube.
So wrote Sonic movie twice for tag well deleted it and retyped meh smiling a bit. Sorry but okay in a nutshell I still like it a shit ton right hand rub head and by mistake turn off screen with left hand using phone here 5:02 pm there changed to Nick West oh stomach 5:03 pm normal to smile
Edit 5:10 pm random post shit random as fuck I deleted them. Mainly was saying PS4 on just gonna let it rest looked at it, it will mate. Along with I had a shit ton of pizza. Just 8 ,6:40 now 41 pm pieces sticking together 5:11 pm
0 notes