#edit: and I’m glad it lasted for a short time I don’t think anybody would’ve wanted it to be long term
kadextra · 1 month
I’ve been literally reeling cause wdym I predicted this yesterday in my drafts????
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Grace Heals 01: How Did You Betray Simon?
This is dedicated to the growth and wellness of Grace Monroe. I hadn’t seen much fic content for where Grace may go next that wasn’t centered around “fixing” the series. I don’t feel like it needs fixing, but just wanted to venture where I’d love to see Grace go and be as she works on things after we last see her in Book 3. So, everything that was canon precedes this story that I’ve began for my beloved baby girl @pearlseleganciess and my sister @andromidagalaxie (I cannot tag you sis, I don’t understand why, so I’m sorry, but this goes out to you). @i-am-a-passenger Idek if you wanna read it, but it seems like something we’d be on about in the messages, so I’m tagging you at least to this one to see how you feel.
“How did you betray Simon?”
Grace had been standing there for a while, after having had every denizen plaything brought to her so that she could try to see if they could be mended. She was taking a break whenever Lucy’s voice rescued her from her thoughts, but it took her a moment to try to process the question. “How did I, or why did I? We have to get in the habit of clarifying our questions before giving our answers, so that we know what we’re saying. That way… There are no misunderstandings and if anybody is hurt, it’s not because we lied to them.”
“Is that how it happened? You were unclear when you lied to him?” Lucy sounded a little disappointed in that thought.
“No. I was clear. I deliberately lied. I thought that I was doing what was best, and I stand by it. But… I get that… maybe if Simon and I could’ve been clearer sooner, understood each other more instead of just leaning into what we thought we needed… Maybe I wouldn’t have felt like I needed to lie to protect Hazel. Maybe we would’ve been better for each other. Maybe we wouldn’t have misguided so many kids that I genuinely wanted to help in the same way that I thought I was helping Simon…” 
Lucy picked up Simon’s book and began scribbling in it. “If we’re going to change our language, maybe I should edit out every usage of the N word.” Grace appreciated that she took the liberty of doing so on her own, instead of looking to her for permission. “Replace the Null of Dissention with… The Denizen of… Repentance?… No. That’s too long. I’ll just put H.. was it Hazel?” Grace’s eyes welled with tears and Lucy’s good eye noted it. She nodded once, “It was Hazel,” she said, going through to edit. 
She stared at the book for a while longer, then finally said, “I meant how. How did you betray Simon? I didn’t know him as long as you did, and I didn’t like him as much as you did, but it was still really hard for me not to listen to him. Even when what he said sounded wrong. What he said about you didn’t sound like you. But, I believed him. I trusted him. How did you figure out how to not trust him? How did you decide not to follow the king?” Lucy looked shaky, regretful. She was asking for instructions, not for Grace to explain herself. 
Still, Grace had to be certain, just like she promised, to be clear about the conversations she had with others and to answer them to the best of her knowledge. She couldn’t be a know-it-all anymore. She had to just be honest and straightforward, even when she didn’t know, and do her best to understand what was being asked of her, instead of presuming. “Lucy… Are you asking me this as a way to help you figure out how to learn to stick up for yourself?”
“I want to be brave enough to overthrow an unfit leader. Simon was an unfit leader. A lot of us had to have known. I couldn’t be the only one who didn’t like... the changes…”
Grace sighed and nodded her head. She sat down, legs sprawled and rested her elbows on her knees as she thought, “Well… I think that first and foremost, the important thing to understand is that even if you were the only one who didn’t like it, there’s nothing wrong with that. There’s nothing wrong with not thinking like everyone else. There’s nothing wrong with thinking for yourself and having a different opinion than other people. The problem isn’t in our opinions, but our actions. Whenever I… realized that I cared about Hazel, I knew that Simon had a different opinion, but… my actions. I wanted so much to keep what I had with Simon, to keep our peace, to keep him happy, I hurt a little girl that thought I cared about her. I couldn’t take that back.”
“We were going to wheel you… Can… can we not take that back?” Lucy asked, worried.
“The good news is that I made it. I know how it feels to let down a friend and to hurt them, and I never want to make you feel that way. As long as we’re both still here, there is time to change, and time to talk it out. So, to answer your question, we can’t undo what we’ve already done, but we can use what we learn from what we did wrong to do better in the future.”
“But… Do you hate us? Doesn’t some part of you hate us, like Simon hated you when you betrayed him?” Lucy was now losing her tough exterior and clenching the book tightly.
Grace reached out and touched her shoulder. She loosened up and Grace took the book from her and tossed it aside to hold both of her hands.
“I could never hate you, Lucy. You and me, we’ve gone through something together that has forever changed us. I’m really glad that you have a better chance now.”
Lucy shook her head and started crying, “But, what if we had wheeled you? What if we had wheeled you like all of those nulls that we’ve wheeled, and now have to think about how wrong it was for us to do that to them? What if we had to think about that too? About having done it to you?”
“You didn’t! You didn’t!” Grace said, trying to calm her. 
She reached for a hug, but Lucy resisted and shook her head. “I called you a void. I knew that it didn’t seem right, but I still listened to Simon. You should be throwing me to the wheels.”
Grace clasped her hands together and sputtered out a breath. “Nobody should be thrown to the wheels. Believe it or not, I wouldn’t have even wanted that for Simon. I loved him more than I can put into words. From the first time I saw that I needed to protect him, that’s… just what I did. It was nice, to be needed. It was nice to have someone see me and see the best,” Tears were in Grace’s eyes now, “And it was so hard to have him see me and see the worst. For a moment, I even thought that I deserved it. I thought, what I’m guessing you’re thinking, that because I did something to hurt him, maybe I had to do more to help him.”
“You told him a stupid lie and he tried to kill you. I feel like that’s an overreaction,” Lucy complained. “He failed us.”
“No, Lucy. We failed you. He’s just the one who didn’t live to fix it.”
“Shouldn’t all fall on you,” Lucy said and kicked Simon’s book off the table.
“And, it doesn’t. Remember, we’re doing this together. I can try to help you, but I can’t fix everything. But, you have me here and I’m telling you the truth when I say that you deserve to get to change. Everybody does.”
“Then, why can’t everybody change? Why couldn’t Simon?”
Grace shook her head and blinked away more stinging tears, “I can’t answer for Simon, but maybe a part of life continuing is not having an answer for everything. Maybe… we’ll all do our best to find answers that are good and sound, because we saw how… badly it could end… if we’re not willing to see any other ways but our own.  I know I'm willing to give it my best shot." Lucy nodded her head and finally was ready for a hug. Grace squeezed her tightly, thinking of Hazel, but not wanting to equate Lucy and Hazel. They were both two very different little girls. She had regrets about Hazel, but she had also come to terms with that mentally. Maybe she would see her again, but probably not and she couldn’t equate every kid she knew with Hazel; just like she shouldn’t have equated every kid she met with a sad short boy in socks and sandals.
But, she was never going to stop loving either of them. That was just… How she was. People didn’t get close to her and the ones who had… Well, she was going to have to learn how to let other people get close too. It would take some of these kids a long time to trust this new evolution of hers, but most of them wanted to. 
Lucy had wanted to. “Umm… Grace?”
“Yes, Lucy?”
“Can… you stop hugging me. It’s getting a little uncomfortable.” Grace quickly let go and placed her hand on the back of her neck, laughing. Lucy just smiled at her, almost like you would some poor silly fool. “Thank you for clearing it up,” Lucy said and picked up Simon’s book off of the floor. “On second thought, I don’t think we need this. I’m gonna wheel it,” Lucy said. Grace wanted to stop her, for sentimental reasons, but… None of the other kids touched Simon’s things. There would be something that she could hold on to, whenever she had the nerve to go in there. That book… it was probably filled with things that she never wanted to think about, with all the parts of Simon that she didn’t quite notice until she started changing. 
“Lucy!” She called after her, realizing that she had never answered her question. The girl stopped, panicked for a moment, thinking that maybe she had done something wrong. “I changed. That’s how I betrayed him. I became a person that valued something more than I valued what we had, what we built.”
“But… you built something that was bad,” Lucy said. Grace nodded. “So, you changed into someone good.”
“I changed into someone who was thinking from a good place. I don’t know if I feel comfortable saying that I became good.”
“I feel comfortable saying it, because I have a different opinion than you, and that’s okay.” Grace smiled at Lucy as she trotted along to the door to get rid of the book. At least somebody believed that she was good.
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oddlyunadventurous · 3 years
I’ve always been a sparse reader but 2018 and 19 had me accelerate my reading habits to the point that I think I’ve read the most books this year that I ever had. I suppose I’ll count them all here, just to make sure!! I said something or other about the Moomin books at the end of last year’s Inkt*b*r so, this being the month of traditions, let’s make a new one by tallying up my literary “yays” and “nays” at the end of the season.
Video game text boxes don’t count, online publication articles don’t count, psych/aesthetic papers and 1000 page biosemiotic textbooks don’t count, but they have sure pursued me in my sleep during the year as well. This list is really mostly for my benefit (and no I won’t get a Goodreads account tyvm), so under the cut you’ll find a list of titles in roughly the order I read them, along with short notes. I’ve done longer reviews of these books elsewhere and I need not bore you with them here. 
K. Stanislavski - An Actor Prepares (1936) I started reading this book in 2012, then dropped it because I couldn’t understand it at the time. Kostya attends acting school and gets lessons from The Director. He learns to sleep like his cat.
K. Stanislavski - Building a Character (1949) Supposed to have been published along the first one in a single volume. Kostya continues his lessons. A lot of thoughts on walking, gaits, eloquent speech, phrasing, etc. Both these books are wonderful looks into the author’s artistic life. It’s very heartfelt and down to earth, considering it’s quasi-fiction made to edutain. Very inspiring.
M. Polanyi - The Tacit Dimension (1966)  A book on the origin of knowledge, the integrated performance of skills, the emergence of life and other phenomena in the universe, marginal control between levels of reality, the moral death of the communist regime caused by the unbridled lucidity of the Enlightenment, the responsibilities of science, and thoughts about open societies of the future. This is one of the two shortest books I’ve read in the list, it covers all of this under 130 pages and manages to do it well.
B. Rainov - Eros and Thanatos (1971) A communist propaganda book attacking western mass media and escapist culture. It gets no points for being correct, as the author mostly swiped the truths from french philosophers. Very variable in its intellectual prowess, almost as if it picks its arguments in order to push an agenda. Informative but also infuriating. Also expectedly homophobic.
J. Hoffmeyer - Signs of Meaning in the Universe (1997) A somewhat pop-sciency book about biosemiotics. Forgettable but also humbly written and explicative.
A. Noë - Varieties of Presence (2012) An unimpressive book about sensory perception. Noë’s theory on sensorimotor action is worth considering but the book is poorly edited and mostly spent arguing with peers.
E. Fudge - Quick Cattle & Dying Wishes (2018) A look into a registry of last wills and testaments from the period 1630 - 1650 in Essex. The book is about early modern people’s relationship to their animals and what they meant to them in life, as well as in death. Fudge’s argumentation is sharp and her style is modern. Being a scholarly book it is really overwhelming with the footnotes sometimes, but otherwise satisfying. One gets beautiful glimpses of family relationships, thoughts and feelings that people now dead for 400 years once held.
G. Márquez - One Hundred Years of Solitude (1967) The Buendia family get all their sons killed. The Banana Company sucks. People love each other. A lot happens, generally. It is a hundred years, after all. The upper class sucks.
K. Polanyi - The Great Transformation (1944) The Industrial Revolution sucked. England sucks. It reduced all its workers to subhuman wretches. Every single decision made after the empiricists made labour and land fictional commodities has been a band-aid to the essential contradiction that the market economy wants to annihilate its human host. Laissez-faire sucks. It caused WW1. Fuck everything. Fun book.
R. Coyne - Peirce of Architects (2019) Talks about architecture and the ideas of logician/father of pragmatism Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Informative about both. Brisk and not very in-depth, but to its benefit rather than its detriment.
R. Williams - Culture and Society (1958) A survey of the 18th and 19th century England, and the emergence of the concept of “culture” as defence against the horrors that the Industrial Revolution inflicted upon society. Consists of some two dozen outlines of contributors to the romanticist tradition, from Adam Smith, through Ruskin, to Orwell, their beliefs, contributions and literary works. Very eloquent and interesting.
E. Fudge -  Brutal Reasoning (2006) A fantastic book about much: early modern views of the difference between a human and an animal, the Christian discourse of reason, the logical fallacies that lead to its implosion, the advantageous use of dehumanisation by imperialists in other to genocide natives, Montague and Shakespeare, and the ethical hell of animal murder that led Descartes to deem animals as machines so as to allow his buddies to perform live vivisections on dogs without feeling guilty about it (this is the real reason, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise). There is even space for an entire chapter about an intelligent horse who could tell a virgin from a whore and learned Latin at Oxford. This is my favorite book I read this year, so it gets an extra long review.
R. Williams - The Long Revolution (1961) A sequel to Culture and Society that’s worse. The start and end are brilliant but the middle sags. It contains some historical reviews of English cultural elements, like the newspaper industry, the Standard English vernacular and the realist novel of the 19th century, but honestly if the book was just about about the creative state (intro) and Marxism (outro) it would’ve been fine, if not better.
P. Klee - The Thinking Eye (1956 & 1964) Bauhaus boy in 1920s Germany! Love you Klee, xoxo. You really have to read his thoughts to understand his work imho. You can appreciate it just fine on the surface level, but his completely eccentric (though very self-consistently logical and sharp) views on art creation open a new outlook into his primitive approach.
F D.K. Ching - Architecture: Form, Space & Order (1979)  A staple book for architecture students. Or so I hear. Steeped in gestalt psychology. Very good, though not necessarily stuff I don’t know already. Very nice looking pencil illustrations, Ching looks to be an accomplished technical draughtsman.
H. Wölfflin - Principles of Art History (1915) A strong contender for second place in the tier list. The book examines the transition between Classical to Baroque in Italy and Germany (and all the Germany clones, like the Netherlands). It is a systematic, precise aesthetic treatise that reveals much by conceptualizing and grouping characteristic art features in which the two styles differ, then explaining their bearing on their decorative content as well as the outlook on life that they embody. Lovely.
M. Porter -  Windows of the Soul: The Art of Physiognomy in European Culture 1470-1780 (2005) A historiographical treatise about early modern views on physiognomy. The book deals mainly with the extant literature on the subject and tries to gleam what it could mean for the customs at the time - palmistry reading, occultism, persecution of the “gypsies” and the Christian scientific project of attaining meaning. Macro- and microcosms, as above so below, hermeticism, that sort of stuff. It’s an interesting read but it’s too long, the quality of writing varies greatly from chapter to chapter, and it is far too expensive. Wouldn’t recommend it.
S. C.Figueiredo -  Inventing Comics: A New Translation of Rodolphe Töpffer's Reflections on Graphic Storytelling, Media Rhetorics, & Aesthetic Practice (2017) This is the shortest book I read, mainly translating Töpffer’s 1845 "Essay on Physiognomy" along with giving his biography and some other paraphernalia. It’s not worth the price for the content contained within, but  Töpffer is the father of the modern comic book, so I thought I’d learn what his philosophy was. On that front, at least, very interesting! If only I knew French I’d save myself the trouble and read the original, which is now public domain.
D. Bayles - Art & Fear (1985) A useless self-help book. Not entirely bullshit but completely banal from all angles. Shouldn’t even be on this list but I did read it, so...
I. Allende - The House of the Spirits (1982) A child rapist gets a redemption arc. Well, kind of. All women are queens. Men are awful. The poor are wretches and it’s their fault. Oh no, the communists are going to take our land! Pinochet’s concentration camps sucked. Overall a better magical realism book than 100 Years of Solitude, to be honest. Very well written characters.
R. Arnheim -To the Rescue of Art: Twenty-Six Essays (1992) What it says on the tin. Wide range of subjects, from art appreciation, to schizophrenic and autistic child art, to gestalt psychology, to philosophy of science, to Picasso’s Guernica and the fate of abstract art, to reflections on the 20th century and the writer’s life in pre-nazi Germany and America. I love Arnheim, I’ve read many of his books and I’m glad I picked this one up.
R. Arnheim - Film as Art (1957) A book about cinematography, one of his earliest, actually, mostly a personal translation from an original German book he published in 1933. Somewhat outdated, but foundational. Not as informative to me but I don’t regret reading it.
G. E. Lessing - Laocoon; or, On the Limits of Painting and Poetry (1766) A book by a greekaboo about a fucking dumb poem and a statue of a naked dad and his two sons getting fucked by snakes. It’s misogynistic and authoritarian in several places, and altogether awfully full of itself. 100 pages of interesting observations stretched over 400 pages of boring Greco-Roman literary discourse.
L. Tolstoy - Childhood, Boyhood, Youth (1852, 1854, 1856) One story serialized in a magazine then later collated in three separate books. Aristocrat boy grows up in pre-revolution Russia. A very, very relatable coming-of-age story. Tolstoy is a lovely writer.
F. Dostoevsky - Poor Folk (1846) An epistolary novel consisting of letters between literally Dobby from Harry Potter and his maybe-niece, whom he wants to fuck. Starts bad, gets better by the end. A bit rough and tumble for Dostoevsky’s first, so I forgive him for wasting my time a little bit. A decent character study of the middle/lower classes, at least.
L. Tolstoy - Family Happiness (1859) An amazing romance novel for the skill employed in writing it. It is very short yet delivers so much emotion. Rather simple narrative at its core, but executed with such bravado one cannot help but be impressed.
F. Dostoevsky - The Double (1846) In which the Author starts swinging. A pathetic, neurodivergent old man gets used and abused by the people around him and nobody cares. Satirical and biting, better than his first.
A. Lindgren - Pippi Longstocking (1945) I last read this when I was 6 years old so I thought I’d refresh my memory. I remember disliking the book then and I can see why. Pippi’s kind of an asshole. Still very enjoyable to read. I know it’s meant for a younger audience’s reading level yet I cannot help comparing it with Tove Jansson’s books and how much better the prose in there is. Sorry.
I think that about rounds them up! That’s about 30 books, give or take. For next year I’m hoping to:
Finish Tolstoy’s and Dostoevsky’s bibliographies
Read more econ and marxist writing (low personal priority but i have to, in THIS economy *rolls eyes*)
Finish the Tintin and Moomin comics, as well as Jhonen Vasquez’s collection of edgy humor
Read more about botany and biology in general
Get started on Faulkner’s and William Golding’s bibliographies
Read more children’s books
Search for more Latin American fiction from the Boom
Read more psych/aesthetics/pedagogy literature, which seems to have become my main area of interest
Thanks for sticking till the end of the list, hope you’ve learned something and maybe you’ll pick one of these up if it took your interest. I don’t have to be a philistine just because I’m drawing video game fanart! Bye now!
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maikatc · 4 years
Black Sun Tale | A Demon
yes i decided to release it early, surprise! count it as a new years surprise as you will. we’re starting off the decade by being introduced to my favorite character!
remember this is only a first draft and only has minor edits, but regardless enjoy! comments and reception are always appreciated!
The forest of Fowls always left an empty chill in Alice’s spine. The cold, grey skies and silence never changed for the past four-hundred years she stayed dormant in the land. 
A plain door stood with stubble footing on top of the grass. Nothing connected to the passageway. It’d open at any time for her to be welcomed in. She waited with her scheduled patience for the sovereign to be ready. The boy making any big commotion was doubtful, however. 
As time passed, she reviewed what her next moves could be with the others.
Han and Margaret possibly could’ve been of use later on, in her eyes they seemed to have been settling without a fuss as always. Orelia could’ve also been helpful for her; however, she would run off to her own escapades too often. Mei-Ling was also a possible choice for a good friend for her son, though her distance with everyone else would made it impossible for her to get along with someone brand new. 
Despite all of her arguments against the idea however, the Sweet siblings were her best shot. 
At least Vittorino is doing well thus far… She grumbled to herself about the matter. 
Regardless, even after the last few centuries, the new children have been settling themselves well, no matter how dirty their deals were played. 
“You can enter now,” a child-like voice called. Alice made no flinch despite the suddenness, turning to find the door open. She breathed in and out, ready to manage whatever nonsense he held. 
She entered through the door, escaping Fowls to a new realm. 
The realm would’ve been blank if it weren’t for the views of the Obodo streets. A storm blew gusts of winds against the neighborhood trees. Citizens scurried to find the nearest shelter in a café or bar. The city was alive with desperation. 
Alice found a boy sitting in the middle of the endless room. He sat on a wooden stool in the middle of the traffic line, being unaffected by the rushing illusion of cars. His pale body shined against the dark evening along with his white, angel-like hair. A golden circlet laid on his head, baring a dirty, coal-like bort gem with a rough cut. He didn’t bat an eye on Alice, instead observing a family arguing in the rain. 
“Tell me, Alice,” the boy started, “how many people have you meet in your lifetime?” 
She answered with no time, “That’s not countable, Akeldama. You’ve likely met more than I have already.” 
“Then, let’s put it to simpler terms.” Akeldama turned his seat, facing her against a now clear room. His red eyes darted her, his left holding a black sun, yet his face bared only curiosity. “How many people have you met before you met me?”
Alice followed what he said, standing tall against him though still in his command. “If you put it as that, then that’d roughly be about fifty to a hundred, not counting infants. My village wasn’t quite as large as others, as you know.” 
Akeldama sat upward, tapping his chin. “Mine was about the same. It’s fascinating, isn’t it.” He turned back to the thriving city, smiling at the humans in front of him. “To think that societies have grown so much.” 
The room transformed into a small diner. The two faced a couple conversing with their waiter, grinning in delight of what they talked. 
“You can meet just anybody in a day, thousands throughout your life. Yet, you can forget their existence a few hours after.” He smiled. “It’s compelling if you ask me, because how do you even grow to care about others when there’s so many?”
“For the most part… you just do,” Alice answered. 
Akeldama stared at her with her answer, then turned back around at the couple. He twisted his hair back and forth. “Would that mean that it’s just human instinct then? From what I can tell, people care about others for the pleasure of them being around. You can say it’s almost selfish in their part as it’s simply self-satisfaction. Though, the instinct to protect others and do whatever for them is… natural too… right?”
Alice reminded him, “Akeldama, I think we’ve already had this conversation before, if you can’t recall.”
“Don’t just say ‘I think’ when you know you’re right,” Akeldama ordered. “And I know. I’m solely… curious about it… It’s been making me satisfied from the past few years.”
“Why is that,” she grumbled. 
The room went blank again as Akeldama stared in mid-space. “I’ve been- well, less bored for one thing. But I’ve been feeling more scared, guilty, even a little sad for other people! The most emotion I’ve felt towards someone was like two feelings and that was only after they left!” His eyes shined a vermillion. 
Alice pondered, “And just why would that be good for you?”
He cheered, “It’s just great to have those kinds of feelings, you know? Goes to show that I’m less of a monster than I was made out to be.” He spun in his chair. “As a demon, I’m glad that I can feel that kind of stuff too.”
“You’re nonsensical at best,” Alice complied. “A terrible being if you ask me.”
He giggled and shrugged her off. “I don’t think that’ll matter in the end.”
She sighed. “… I assume that these emotions are occurring because of my son?”
He gave short, clunky chuckles. “It’s pretty obvious, isn’t it? He’s one of the only people I’ve really talked to in years. Of course, I’d feel bad for him.”
“Yet you have no remorse for anybody else?”
His brows furrowed at her. “Oliver at least has a reason for my attention. I really shouldn’t feel emotions all that much especially like this. It’s just unfortunate nature, as you’d call it… I guess this is instinct going at itself, but overall it’s nice to have.” 
Akeldama turned back around to the room’s scenery. Alice stared from afar. She couldn’t help but ask him for another time. 
“Why did you have to impose yourself as Faustus just to talk to Oliver?”
Akeldama pulled back, rolling his eyes. “I didn’t want things to be too obvious for him and Ayu. It was too easy of a connection. Had to hide my identity so I had to use one of my dead names for the kid.” He pouted. “It sucks that I had to leave before his conditions started… but I had to leave before he started asking questions.”
He bit his lip. Alice waited for more as he took a pause. 
“Besides, I had to start using more of my time to mess with Ayu.”
“What do you even wish to accomplish with Ayu?” 
“… You’ll know soon enough.”
No clear answer, Alice confirmed, as expected from him. “Why do you do all of these terrible acts, then? Why subjugate everyone like this?
“Don’t worry.” Akeldama lifted his finger swirling it around to form a small black whirlwind. “It’s all to have what we want in the end. You’ll be free to do as you wish once this is over.” He counts with his other hand. “Give it ‘til June 6th.”
The idea of freedom boggled Alice. However, she remained silent. 
“By the way,” Akeldama snaps the whirlwind into thin air, “it’s been a while now since I’ve wanted to say this. Go tell the others that they don’t have to make their monthly payments to me anymore.” He grinned at her. 
“Wait.” Alice stammered. “You mean that-”
Akeldama nodded. “No more lives at your risk, but you’ll still be allowed to if you’d like. Go tell Vittorino if you don’t want to deal with- what do you call it, the ‘second era’ about it.”
“B-but, why now?” Alice took a step forward, but flinched and stepped back immediately. 
Akeldama eyed her but grumbly replied. “Everybody probably wants a break. You’ll have more time with your son too, won’t you?” His voice broke into a stingy tone, only to clear his throat after speaking. “You may leave now if you wish.”
She squinted at him in doubt. Though she pushed it aside and gave him a bow. “Thank you.”
“Don’t bow at me,” he bickered. 
“Yes, yes, I know.” Her lips curled up as exited back into the forest. 
The door behind her shut and disappeared after she took her steps out. Though in front of her eyes, she found a familiar child, matted with a messy trench-coat and black hair. 
“How’d it go this time?” Vittorino held his arms crossed, lying against a tree. 
She took no time. “Tell the others that we’re on break.”
“Wait really?” He twisted his body, the balance making him fall over in the process. He swiftly got up and brushed off the dry grass. “That’s what he said today? I don’t even think anyone would even care.” He paused and snickered. “Eilwen’ll definitely have an earful for you.”
“She always complains about him,” Alice walked by him, removing the grass stuck on his back. “Almost everyone before you did.”
Vittorino scoffed. “First and second eras are different.” 
“Very different, Vittorino. That’s why you’re telling them for me.” She patted him on the back and was about to walk off. Vittorino nearly disappeared on her until she asked, “What happened to Oliver afterwards…?”
Vittorino blinked, then sneered. “He had a panic attack after Ayu found him as a mess.”
“Oh, dear lord,” Alice placed a hand on her head. “Is he alright otherwise?”
“If you count angry, confused, and overall emotionally distressed, then yes.”
She glared at him. “Your attitude is not needed at the moment.”
“And doubting the obvious is not needed.” He slapped her sluggishly by the arm. “Get your job done with already. He’s already getting along with Ayu like you wanted. Now all he needs is to get some help for once.”
“Yes, don’t fret,” she assured Vittorino, “I’ll contact him soon. I’m just hoping he’ll grow up to be like Christopher in the end.” 
Vittorino looked to the side. “Yeah sure. I’ll still try and talk with him. It’ll make the next few months more entertaining… aside from Roselle and those guys.”
“That reminds me, how are those people doing?”
Vittorino leaned back on the tree. “Roselle’s the only one I’m really paying attention to right now. But Jackson’s actually getting a clue for once and the others just aren’t doing anything.”
“Why is Roselle the one you’re paying attention to?”
“Easy.” He nodded. “She’s the heartless one out of them all, but she’s also the most vulnerable to mess with. She doesn’t want to interact with anybody nor does she even care about the iblis or us killing people, so it’s easy to hop around on what she could do.”
“I see…” Alice muttered. “Don’t do anything severe with them, regardless. Akeldama wants to make sure there’s some damage to them but not enough to their deaths.” 
Vittorino pushed himself out of his stance and waved her off. “Can’t promised you that.” 
He was gone in the blink of an eye. 
Oh Roselle, I give you my prayers. Alice made another step into the tall grass, as she walked back to her own cottage. The future ahead of them held no boundaries out of what could happen.
Ten Dollars | Bread and Water | Red Eye | Crimson Capture | November 1st | A Mother | Next>>>
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seizure95 · 4 years
High functioning alcoholic Curtis back at it again. I’ve been trying to mix for 3 hours but I’ve just found my self back in bed with my my bottle of wine each time.
What the fuck happened with my life?
(Edit here: just read this back and realized I used first names, most of my followers on here are pretty random and there are only a select few I know know, so I don’t think itll be an issue.)
Ive come to realize that I may have attachment issues when it comes to relationships. However I’m gonna break this down into 4 catagories. Let’s start with the most simple.
Chelsea - The Quick Fuck. Chelsea was my deaf partner for a span of 3 or so months. We had meadiocre sex at best? However she was a real chill down to earth girl who didn’t give af about what anybody thought about her or her handicap. She took on the world and would push you out of the way if you were in her way. I felt like it would’ve worked out if the timing was right. However her goals weren’t what mine were what so ever so we cut it off. We just started talking again but I doubt anything will come out of it.
Tiffany - The high school sweetheart. While we never had the chance to actually be “extremely intimate” for lack of a better term. Our connection was one of the strongest ones in these categories. We essentially spent 5-6 years of our lives together, we have countless memories that I’ll cherish forever. We’ve had our ups and downs for sure. But We’ve always been drawn back towards each other no matter what, weather it’s a relationship or just a friedship. She’s wonderful and deserves happiness. And while I may not see eye to eye with her current partner I’m glad she’s found happieness with in them.
Here’s the one I’m gonna right the book about.
Andrew - The one I connected with both mentally and physically. When you put both of those fuels in one fire its something that burns so hot that you just want to shout it from every roof top known to man. I Love Andrew, I mean, I’m absolutely in love with that boy. there is no doubt in my mind. Unfortunately I’m coming to terms that he doesn’t feel the same way about me. It sucks. Because everything about him is what I look for in a partner, he’s intelligent, he knows what he wants out of life, he knows how to Persue his dreams, and he wouldn’t let anyone or anything get in the way of that. That’s a strong individual who should be proud of who he is. Unfortunately the last time I spoke to him was before COVID, really took off. It suck. That man has my heart sure. He was the only person I could let my guard down around. And he still accepted me for me. I love that boy, I just wish he would love me.
Finally. And this maybe kind of shocking.
Katelyn. The one who got away. (Kinda)
Where do I start with Katelyn? We dated for a short time in high school but broke it off. However if there has been one constant person in my life it’s been her. Out of all the people I went to high school with (including Tiffany) Katelyn is the only one who has kept up with me through the years. Both of us are pretty busy usually. She works at a university and I work nights so we usually chat during the afternoon/evening
Katelyn brings a smile to my face every time I talk to her. I’m glad she’s happy with her boo thang, I just kinda also wish they’d break up. 🤷🏼‍♂️ it is what it is. But for real I’d lay down my life for Katelyn if it came down to it. She’s entirely to sweet.
So drunk....
That about does it for me. I’m drunk and I’m gonna pass out. #drunkseizureinhisfeelsagain. #bedtimecauseotherhashtatoolong
Might y’all!
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tumultuoustuna · 7 years
Hey hi! :) For the writing prompt maybe Shidge 16? .- @quinzak
16: Things you said with no space between us
Shout out to @orcaspanielmermaids for helping me edit this tiny monster; I love you bro!
Also, warning, it’s v long. the keep reading is there so I spare others from having to scroll for so long, I swear 
Training is always close quarters, whether it be slashing and dashing away from the training sentinels or taking on a fellow Paladin. Today it was the latter for Pidge.
Shiro was a brutal opponent. Yes, she had defeated him before, but that was when he was under the influence of mind-controlling mushrooms. Now with Shiro as a true opponent, Pidge could only repeat one thing to herself as they brawled.
The Black Paladin launched forward again, speed unparalleled to any of the other Paladins. Pidge took advantage of her jetpack yet again. Shiro hadn’t managed to catch her yet, but Pidge was counting. She just knew sooner or later he’d grab her.
She aimed her Bayard at the ceiling and pulled herself up. She planted her feet on it and looked down (well up from where she stood). 
Waiting her turn to spar Allura was off to the side. She snorted, amused at Shiro’s frustration.
“Training usually consists of actual fighting last time I checked Pidge. You know, actual fighting?” Shiro called. Pidge smirked in return, putting all of her strength into keeping herself from falling.
“Pidge, come on,” he yelled. Pidge shrugged.
Pidge’s eyes narrowed. “Game point.”
To say the least, it surprised Shiro when a ninety-five-pound, green torpedo dropped on top of him, crushing him flat.
“I win,” grinned the torpedo.
Allura introduced the Paladins to the very, very overdramatic Altean soap operas one night after Coran had gone off with Slav and Matt to a planetside bazaar.
According to Slav, the planet was too liable to the shenanigans of the Paladins (”In 57% of most realities The Blue and Red ones get into a massive fight that ends with fire and the Castle crashing onto the planet.”). With that information and with it being a fact that Lance and Pidge found ways to be gremlins in short amounts of time, Allura agreed it was a good idea to stay on the ship and land it.
As they watched, Keith was overly confused, Hunk tried making hands-or-tails of the dialogue, Allura sighed dramatically at the idiot characters, and Lance was laughing at the jokes that broke through the language barrier and matched his style of humor to begin with.
With that said, Altean humor is actually just a bunch of memes and k-drama tropes.
It amused Pidge.
A lot.
Shiro too.
And while Matt would’ve been amused as well, he also would have tried to worm out Shiro’s secret meme humor, more to humiliate him then to laugh along with his friend. As it was though, Shiro was holding back making any remarks.
But alas Pidge knew better.
Coran, Slav, and Matt return shortly, gaining Lance’s and Hunk’s attention. Seeing the items they had procured were food based, said Paladins got to cooking. Matt, in favor of cooking, took Hunk’s place on the couch next to Keith.
When the credits started to scroll, Allura tossed a slim remote to Shiro so he could scroll through the channels on the holovision (Pidge’s genus name for the holographic tv) and find something to watch. “You need this,” she had smiled, leaving the room to watch Hunk work.
Shiro’s choice was a technicolor kid show. It starred aliens as the leads, who resembled cows. They were reciting what Pidge could only guess to be some sort of alphabet.
“What the fresh fuck, man?” Keith whispered slowly to Shiro, sounding genuinely concerned for his mental health. 
Matt doubled over in fits of laughter. “Yeah! S-Shiro, buddy, what the heck?”
“What? Can a grown man not enjoy a colorful kids’ show with deer as its main characters?”
“Those are cows,” Pidge chimed in. “And you’re only two years older than me buddy, I assure you there’s nothing grown about you maturity-wise.”
Pidge made a grab for the remote.
“Pidge no. Let me have this,” Shiro pouted, shoving the shorter Paladin away by the shoulder.
“No, this is for your own good,” Pidge insisted, ducking under his arm and crawling over to snatch the remote.
“Get ‘im!” Matt encouraged.
Pidge squinted ever so slightly and pursed her lips. “Game point,” she muttered before making one last sitch effort to free the remote from Shiro’s grasp.
It all ended with Shiro more or less sitting on Pidge. And as massive as a fail it was, Matt sure got a kick out of it.
“I win,” Shiro smirked.
Pidge, with her head in the cushion, flipped him off
Matt was wheezing on the floor.
“I’m done with all of you,” Keith sighs, and leaves the lounge in favor of starting a food fight with Lance helping cook.
Shiro had issues sleeping some nights. It led to him wandering everywhere, even in the other Lions’ chambers. This led him to also find out what his fellow crew members did if sleep didn’t come.
Coran occasionally stayed up to see Allura to her room and that Allura often cried, away from eyes other then Coran. 
Keith, even though he was a sucker for sleep, would be found in the kitchen. He stared wide-eyed at food rotating in the machine equivalent to a microwave when he had something on his mind, weighing him down. 
Often he’d find Lance staring at maps on the bridge, looking at Earth. Tears silently rolled down his cheeks. Shiro often wanted to reach out and comfort him. Most of the time he had no idea how.
Hunk fiddled with random pieces of metal, crafting and welding together beautiful sculptures; he said it was because he loved the Balmera’s crystals, wanting to replicate them artistically.
Matt, upon coming back and plagued with nightmares, sought out Shiro some nights to talk. 
Slav never slept, Shiro was certain.
The Blade members… He wasn’t sure what they exactly did. Played card games? Strategised? 
Pidge was one he often didn’t see around the Castle. He had, more or less, seen everyone at one point doing their own thing at night, but Pidge was the odd one out in this format.
So seeing her in Green’s hanger actually took him by surprise. He blinked, shook his head, did a double take. Yep, it was Pidge.
“So uh, what brings you here? Come here often?” Shiro asked. It sounded too loud.
“I would hope so,” Pidge remarked.
“Uh, yeah.” Shiro scratched the back of his neck. “A better question I guess I should ask is why you’re here now?”
“Green’s cloaking device. It uh, broke.”
“Might I remind you of Lotor’s last attack?”
“Oh, right.”
“It’s okay. We were all very… stressed. I don’t expect anybody to remember anything, let alone Green getting hit so precisely her cloaking device was damaged.”
Shiro’s brow raised. “This much apathetic salt leads me to believe you need some sleep, Katie.”
“Probably, Takashi.” Pidge yawned.
Pidge didn’t protest when Shiro scooped her up into his arms and started towards her room. She snuggled into his solid chest, glasses off and in her hands.
“I really wish Zarkon could be changed by just the power of friendship. It would make things so much easier,” Pidge muttered about halfway through the trip.
Shiro laughed softly. “Right? Lotor at least.”
“I mean, he has a bunch of generals. I’d would assume they’re friends.”
“The one named Ezor seems like she is.”
Pidge smiled sleepily. She had fought Ezor once, and she couldn’t stop talking to her the entire time. Sure, it was a serious fight, but what was a better catharsis to war than casual banter with the enemy? Ezor was actually quite fascinating and Pidge hoped they would meet one day on better terms, like the mall, and be able to talk even more casually.
“Yeah, she seems to be.”
Shiro opened the door to her room and set the small Paladin down as gently as he possibly could. He tucked her in, earning a look.
“I’m not five, Shiro.”
“I know, but I’d think anybody likes feeling like a kid again. That and I feel like you’d fall asleep without actually having blankets on yourself and freeze yourself.”
Pidge snorted. “Dude, how tired are you?”
“Very, if I’m gonna be honest.”
This gave the small girl an idea. “Why not stay here tonight?”
“You kinda wander aimlessly in the halls and I worry sometimes. Maybe instead of being alone, you could stay here tonight,” Pidge nonchalantly laid out. 
The Black Paladin looked over at the door for a moment. What would the others think?
“If you’re thinking what Matt would think, I can assure you he wouldn’t ask. Come on, give yourself more credit. You aren’t a sleazy guy.”
“It’s… okay.”
Shiro discarded his shoes and carefully removed his arm, putting them off to the side.
“I don’t think I’ve seen you without that honestly,” Pidge said in almost awe, staring at the now still appendage.
Shiro blushed. “Well, after I figured out how to turn off a lot of the nerves I took advantage of it. It was really painful to take it off at first. Enough so that I’d just scream.” He paused and sighed. “Your research helped a lot with that.”
“Well I mean, I’m glad I could help.”
“Me too. We’d be screwed without you.”
“Meh, your leadership holds us all together, not my skills.”
“Pidge, you’re the only way we have access to the ships’ computer systems and survive.” Shiro put his hand on her shoulder. “You are the reason anything gets done, ‘nough said.”
It was Pidge’s turn to blush. “I mean, yeah, but what I mean is that I’m not… Eh, how do I put this? Not the most approachable person? I mean, compared to Keith I’m a stellar example of extraversion. But I’m not the ‘team glue’ if you will. That goes to Lance.”
“Yes, but that’s not my point. Pidge, can you not just accept my compliment?”
“No. I must push away all forms of kindness and connection if I want to reach extreme levels of edgy-ness.”
“I am more than positive you got that from Keith.”
“He said it to Lance once; it was quite clever.”
Shiro grunted a ‘yes’ and fell silent. Others might have found it awkward, but the two Paladins stared into each other’s eyes for quite some time before Pidge smirked and said, “So are we going to sleep now?”
Shiro smiled, eyes drooping. “Uh huh,” he replied, mouth closed.
As Shiro drifted off, probably for the first time in a few days, Pidge grinned and wrapped her short arms around him as much as she could. Game point, she thought. As he snuggled closer, Pidge smile turned fonder as she said, “I win.”
“So did I,” muttered a half-conscious Shiro. 
Hope you enjoyed!
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thejpfdude-blog · 7 years
The Week in Anime (Week of 8/14/17)
Hello friends and welcome to another edition of TWiA! There’s a lot to get through, but first let’s head on over to...
The News Corner
This week didn’t have too much in terms of shocking news. The one thing I do want to highlight that came out this week is:
Violet Evergarden PV2
Mmm that’s good stuff. Not as amazingly animated as the first CM, but that was more or less done for the light novel so I don’t expect the whole show to be that level of quality. And even then the PV had some dang good animation, complete with some more information about the show. From the translation done here, one might think it has a big focus on romance. And that’s what I thought too, that is until I read another comment in the same thread that mentioned light novel spoilers but had a TL;DR stating it’s a coming-of-age story and not a romance. Good to know, otherwise I probably would’ve had the wrong expectations for it.
I’m not gonna lie though, I’m pretty hyped for this show. I’m trying not to be, but ever since the CM came out (which was the first glimpse of the show), my first question was “when?” (which has since turned into “how many days until January?”). I’m excited for the potential pairing between KyoAni animation and a great story considering the light novel won the Grand Prize award in the same yearly award that other light novel-turned-KyoAni shows like Kyoukai no Kanata and Chuunibyou only got Honorable Mentions in. Well, only four months to go. That’s not that long of a wait honestly.
Now before I get onto the rankings and awards, I want to write some blurbs about some shows I recently finished. Now some of these shows aren’t ones I finished within the last week, but I think it’s a good time to talk about them after having them stew in my head for a little. So let me start by talking about a show I might have an article on in the future...
Love Live Sunshine
With season 2 of this coming soon, I was determined to try and finish this show. And I did. So that’s nice.
On a more serious note, Sunshine was a nice sort of spin-off to the main Love Live anime. I think one of the biggest complaints I heard was that it was too similar to the original anime, and I can see that. The whole school-closing storyline was a bit too convenient, though it actually didn’t get resolved by the end of the season, so that’s something to keep an eye out next season. Another thing was the similarities of the leaders of each group, which I strongly agree with. I mean I wasn’t a huge Honoka (Honkers) fan in general, and Chika to me feels sorta like a ripoff of her (hence the reason I call her Ripoff Honkers).
But some of the other stuff wasn’t as bad to me. Like other than Ripoff Honkers (and Dia to an extent) I feel like each character is unique enough to be their own person, rather than be a clone of a previous μ‘s member. Sure there’s some obvious parallels that can be made. Ruby/Hanayo for shyness (which is even eluded to in the anime), Mari/Nozomi for being the memester, etc. But when I think of, say Hanamaru, I don’t think of anybody from μ‘s in particular, but about her zuras and her eating habits. Same schtick for the rest of them (except Ripoff Honkers). If anything, I like Aqours a bit more than μ‘s so far, if only because my favorite character from the Rabu Raibus is in Aqours (though favorite group is still a toss-up as of now).
Story-wise, I liked Sunshine a lot more than the original, if only because there was a minimum of the “power of friendship” stuff that the original had (like the final scene from the last episode of S1). And before episode 10 when the third-years joined the group, I actually liked how the drama didn’t feel too cheesy. Of course, that changed when the third-years joined, but it still wasn’t as cheesy as the original show, which was nice. Add in the fact that the slice-of-life scenes added some nice snark (making it less /r/wholesomememes cult-like happy), and in the end Sunshine > original (at least anime-wise). 6/10 overall, and actually somewhat excited for the next season in 2 months-ish.
Funny story. Actually not really funny, or a story: I had this on my list for some time, but it wasn’t until I visited my friend last week that we ended up watching the first 6 episodes of this show. And then from there I finished it a few days later, and now we’re here.
This show’s pretty famous for its manservice (fanservice of the male variety), and I’m not gonna deny that. In fact, I’ll confirm it: there were a lot of shots of those muscular sculpted bodies, toned to perfection.
Uh yeah. But other than that this show was actually pretty fun to watch. I don’t know how much of that is the fact that there was at least one main girl character in the show, who ended becoming one of my favorite girls and now has a place in my Favorite Characters list on my MAL profile.
But it’s really because in it’s core it’s a sports anime, and not of the shounen type. Like there’s competition and hype sports moments with none of the shounen tropes like explaining every single ilttle thing. It’s actually... like sports with just plain competing, which as a huge sports nut I’m down for. The races were pretty hype, and the drama between the characters wasn’t too out there (though the whole thing between Rin and Haruka seemed very ship-friendly).
So overall, a surprisingly good show, manservice aside. I’ll definitely be watching the second season of this soon (once I settle in to my new place). 7/10 would recommend for swimming shenanigans.
In my quest to have Nisemonogatari be my 200th entry on MAL, I watched shorts/specials that wouldn’t take too much time to watch. So why not watch the famed 2-minute short known for having faster pace than the Roadrunner? Generally I don’t like fast-paced shows, but I think that this short does a really good job with itself. Content-wise this show is so freaking ridiculous and doesn’t take itself seriously. But it works for the most part, and it’s pretty hilarious. Though it’s technically about a tennis club, I think they only have tennis in like 3 of the episodes, with the others focusing on some other random subject.
If there’s one negative to this, it’s the pace. Because as well as they use it, it’s still super quick, and sometimes an episode goes by and I go “what just happened?” Still, it’s a stupidly fun show: overall 6/10, and definitely will be watching the next 8 seasons (no I’m not joking, the ninth season is airing right now).
So that was an adventure. This was an interesting case study, considering these were the stories that Nisio Isin (the author of the light novel) never intended to be released. As a result this show ended up being probably the most controversial entry in the Monogatari series. And it showed: this version of Monogatari really ramped up on some questionable scenes. Before I get into the infamous scene this show’s known for, let me get into some other stuff I wasn’t really about. First, the bath scene in episode 4. I don’t doubt it was an important scene: in fact it’s probably one of the most important scenes in the whole of Monogatari. But it’s the whole showing a naked 8-year old girl for the majority of the episode thing that made me pretty uncomfortable. It’s funny looking at the comments of the rewatch thread, and people trying to explain why it wasn’t that bad. The most common thing I saw was that it wasn’t sexualized at all, what with Araragi not being pedo like he is with the others and the fact that there wasn’t any zoom-ins of the naughty bits.
Yet the problem I have with that is that at it’s core it’s still... a naked 8-year old for the majority of an anime episode. And I’m not denying what the people in that thread are saying: actually it makes a hella lot of sense. But it’s still a naked 8-year old. I’m not about that life, even with the deeper meaning and all that.
And now that toothbrush scene. That... was a thing. Yep, a thing. Indeed. A. Thing.
Sigh... that was honestly the most uncomfortable I’ve been while watching anime. I’m glad I live alone or else I would have feared a roommate or something coming into my room and seeing me watch that. 
Now before you start telling me “deeper meaning” and all that jazz, I’ll just say this: my least favorite subject was English. The reason? I always had to be on the lookout for some deeper meaning, some symbolism, etc., instead of just enjoying reading. Now with the Monogatari series full of its more deeper themes, symbolism and looking deeper into events is very necessary. But looking past the deeper meaning this scene is a guy brushing his sister’s teeth while she starts getting sexually aroused, almost leading to a kiss in the end. That’s... also not my thing. Big time.
Well, that rant’s out of the way. Not counting the above scenes (as well as some of the other questionable stuff like imouto boob touch), I actually did enjoy this show. Monogatari’s slowly becoming one of my favorite franchises, making what should like a boring dialogue-heavy show fun and interesting. And now that Nisemonogatari’s out of the way I’m excited for what’s arguably the best version of Monogatari, Monogatari 2nd Season (kinda misnamed don’tcha think?). Overall despite above statements still a 7/10 show, with hope for the future.
Now that that’s done let’s move on to the good ol’...
1 (0). New Game!! (9/10) [5/12]
2 (0). Princess Principal (8.5/10) [6/?]
3 (0). Kakegurui (7/10) [6/12]
4 (0). Tsurezure Children (7/10) [6/?]
5 (0). Boku no Hero Academia 2nd Season (7/10) [19/25]
6 (+1). Sakura Quest (5/10) [19/25]
7 (-1). Ballroom e Youkoso (5/10) [6/24]
8 (0). Centaur no Nayami (5/10) [6/12]
9 (0). Isekai Shokudou (4.5/10) [6/?]
10 (0). Nana Maru San Batsu (4/10) [6/12]
The Tangent Award: Centaur no Nayami
After 6 episodes, I think I have a general idea of why I feel like this show is off. Now, don’t get me wrong, I do like the show. Some of the scenes offer some nice commentary on the small issues that these people face (like the whole toilet thing) that some people may think is pedantic but I think is super interesting. Basically the stuff like the first few episodes of Demi-chan wa Kataritai (with the nice interviews and stuff).
The problem that this show has is that it goes through different scenes that seem jarring in transition. It jumps from one thing to a completely random thing, leaving me wondering how they even got to a certain point in the episode. Though in the end they’re able to show that the disjointed events are somewhat connected, the connection’s as fragile as Troy Tulowitzki (sports fan explanation: a baseball player who’s seemingly always injured, hence he’s called “fragile”). And in the end I continue on, wondering what I just watched for the past 23 or so minutes. I feel like there’s a better way to organize the episode, but I’m not really sure how yet. For now I’ll just continue watching, because despite questionable organization it’s still a mildly entertaining show.
The Not Comfy Award: Kakegurui
Yo but actually what was that episode. Return of masochist queen = return of fear for my life. This show isn’t high on my “comfy show” list, but after this episode it’s sunken even lower.
On a totally unrelated note, I’ve changed my opinion from slightly liking Yumeko to not liking her at all. In fact it’s kinda funny that my opinions of Yumeko and Mary flipped, and now I find Mary to be the better girl (if not best girl of the show). Seeing how she’s not just one of the crazies and actually seems kinda nice is reassuring to say the least (even if the crazy leaks out at times). The return of Suzui was also nice, considering he’s a good dynamic compared to the insane characters in the show. If anything, I’m curious to see how this ends, considering the pace so far and the fact that it’s one cour.
Best Episode of the Week: Princess Principal
After three straight weeks of New Game!!, we finally get a new show for best episode of the week. It was a hard choice, considering this week’s episode of New Game!! was very good. But Princess Principal wins out with a great episode about Dorothy and her life before being a spy.
I won’t go deep into the episode because I want to try to not have too much spoilers in these blurbs. But what I will say is that dang, these girls have good reason for being spies. Also that the end of this episode was pretty sad, especially considering Dorothy’s final line. Princess Principal’s been impressing so far, and I love the disjointed style of storytelling (with case 6 last week and case 18 this week). Next to New Game!!, this show’s been my favorite of the season. I highly recommend it even if you aren’t the biggest fan of CGDCTs or spy stuff.
And that’s all for this week! Thanks for reading! Just a quick announcement/notice: I’ll be busy next week preparing for school and moving into my new place, so I wouldn’t be surprised if I don’t have the time to watch the currently-airing shows. If that does happen I’ll mention which ones I didn’t get to, and if it doesn’t well then it’ll be business as usual. Anyway, thanks again and I’ll see you in the next post!
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