#eddie’s night
yabakuboi · 2 months
Steve watched Eddie's van turn the corner and shut the front door, closing himself away from the outside world so none of his neighbors could see him as he rested his forehead against the painted wood.
"I'm not going to cry," he told himself.
He said it even as his eyes began to burn and his face began to twist, teeth grinding and throat closing. He wiped quickly at his face, again and again, as he stumbled to the couch to sit, drying each tear as it rolled down his cheeks, clinging to his jaw.
"I'm not going to fucking cry," Steve choked, and then doubled over into himself, arms around his thighs, and he began to sob.
So what if he was twenty-two, living in his parent's house alone, working the same dead-end job with a sixteen year old manager. So what if all his friends and family were in college, spread out from New York to Chicago to Los Angeles. So what if his boyfriend was moving to Seattle for his band and they broke up, because Steve was never going to be his parents, resenting and being resented for keeping his partner from his dreams. So what if he was too scared to ask Eddie to stay, to ask Eddie if Steve could go with him. So what if everyone moved on and Steve couldn't?
Steve grew up lonely. He could get used to it again.
He didn't realize how hard he was crying until the front door burst back open and Eddie hurled himself at Steve's feet, long limbed and clumsy and babbling.
"Baby, oh fuck, I'm sorry," he said, already untangling Steve from himself, tying all his loose ends back up together with his until they were a knot of their own. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Stevie. I never should have— I wanted to—"
"I'm sorry," Steve sobbed back. He gasped and swallowed it all back down. Eddie had already gotten them raveled up again, it would take forever to pick it back apart. Steve knew it would hurt worse this time. "Fuck, Ed, you didn't have to— I'll be okay, I don't want to hold you back—"
"Come with me," Eddie burst.
And Steve couldn't help himself, and began to sob again.
"Please," Eddie begged over Steve's crying, his voice shaking and his face wet enough to match Steve's. "Please, sweetheart, honey, please just come with me?"
Steve took a shaky breath, embarrassed and now too full of hope and fear. "You sure?" he whispered. He pressed his face into Eddie's neck, breathing him in again for what might be the last time, again. "Eddie, don't—"
"I'm so sure," Eddie said. "I'm so fucking sure, Steve, please."
"Okay," Steve breathed. Eddie had always been the braver of the two of them, especially when it counted. Steve leaned back so he could look at him, red faced and watery eyes. He tried to give Eddie a smile, but he knew it was wobbly and weak. "Okay."
All of Steve's fears meant nothing as he watched the happiness break like dawn over Eddie's face.
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eldritchparasol · 1 year
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lazylittledragon · 1 year
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rockstar eddie gets invited to the met gala and brings that one guy with him
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usereddie · 2 months
i need to go to bed so bad but i can't stop thinking about bi buck and him kissing a man and how that whole scene was so clearly about eddie the whole fucking time. buck's shock when it's tommy on the other side of the door and not eddie. 'trying to get your attention has been exhausting' when he's been huffy and jealous and pissed even when tommy wasn't around, but always when eddie was near. 'my attention?' and the skeptical look on tommy's face, like he already knows this isn't gonna go anywhere but it'll be fun while it lasts and that's fine by him. 'yeah, i guess so' because, yeah, the male attraction part feels right and the jealousy about the closeness between eddie and tommy feels right but something about it is still missing. but, hey, something about him has never clicked in place either, so maybe things aren't meant to. maybe evan buckley is just doomed to live life a little off kilter. it doesn't matter that his whole face lit up when tommy said christopher talks about him all the time, and it obviously doesn't matter that he brought up eddie and how great he is mid flirting two seconds before getting kissed. there's obviously attraction between the two of them, but tommy very clearly knows buck is eddie's in a way he'll never be anyone else's. thanks for coming to my ted talk i'm losing my mind.
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2jihiir0 · 16 days
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5 more minutes, baby …
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ayo-edebiri · 23 days
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Christopher needs consistency.
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mamulgogi · 9 months
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tangerinesteve · 8 months
"Do you think Eddie likes me?" The question leaves Steve's mouth absently, like an afterthought. Wayne watches his shoulders tense as he holds the cabnet door up. His eyes are on the floor. His cheeks going red. Wayne hums genlty, trying not to laugh in Steve's face. If he only knew.
Instead he sits with the question for a moment, keeps working, tightening the screws till they're snug. He nods at Steve, he lets go. Wayne swings the door back and forth a few times. No squeaks. And it doesn't fall off into his hands. He and Steve both nod at the same time, satisfied, Steve's hands dropping to his hips.
"Does he bite you?" Wayne asks, trying to sound as thoughtful as Steve had with his question. Steve stares at him. Wayne raises his eyebrows.
"Eddie. Does he ever bite you?" He repeats, giving Steve a pointed look.
"Oh! Um.. he... yeah? S-sometimes." Steve stammers a bit, his brow furrowing as he rubs at the back of his neck. And then his hand falls to his shoulder. And then drops by his side and clenches. Wayne smiles.
"You ever heard'a cuteness aggression?" Wayne asks, putting his tools back into their box and stashing it on top of the fridge. Steve shakes his head and frowns again. Wayne nods, motions for the small table and sits, Steve following him and sitting across from him.
"Well what I understand of it, and I'm getting this information from Eddie so... take it as you will." Steve smiles, a knowing look passing his face as he nods, and yeah, this kid has it bad for his boy.
"It's when someone thinks something is so cute it makes them violent. And Ed's got it bad. Took him ages to get it under control. What do you think happened to Gilberts ear?" Wayne nods toward the couch where their chunky brown tabby cat is napping. He looks up at the mention of his name and meows inquisitively.
"Oh my god what?!" Steve gasps, his hand jumping to cover his mouth. Wayne snorts.
"I'm just messin with ya kid. He was like that when Ed found him." Wayne smiles. Steve looks at him, straight faced, unimpressed. One of Eddie's favorite looks to wax poetic about.
"Very funny." He says dryly. Wayne chuckles, taps his hand on the table and says,
"I thought so. Anyway, point is. If that boy's teeth have sunk into you at some point. Odds are he likes ya just fine." Wayne smiles warmly, watches the gears turning in Steve's head, his brow furrowing and then relaxing as his mouth drops open in a little "O".
"So he'd say yes. If I- I mean if I wanted to-" he watches Steve swallow nervously.
"If you asked him out. Yes. I believe he would say yes." Wayne just watches Steve, takes a sip of his coffee. Steve nods to himself.
"Okay. Okay cool. I can do this. Awesome. Thank you!" He'd stood, hands wiping at his thighs, patting down his pockets, looking for his keys, before startling and turning back to Wayne to thank him.
"They're on the table by the door. And you're welcome son." He took another sip.
"And Steve?" He calls as Steve's hand hits the door, the boy turns to look at him, wide eyed.
"He can be a little... dense. When it comes to these things. Best to be forward. To the point." Wayne nods again, gives Steve a knowing look. Watches as his head tilts like a puppy as he processes.
"Forward. To the point. Okay. I got this." Steve said, nodding, to himself really, before darting out the door.
Wayne shakes his head, smiles as he cleans out his coffee cup and hopes that he'd done right by his boy. He couldn't take much more of Eddie's love sick puppy eyes. And Steve had been doing them for a few months now as well, and it was all too much. It had to be done.
Three hours later the trailer door slams open and Eddie rushes in. Steve hot on his heels, hand locked in Eddie's as he drags him down the hall.
"Evening boys." Wayne says, nonchalant, from his place near the stove, leaning against the counter.
"Hi Wayne!" Steve calls, happy and polite.
"No!" Eddie says, points at Steve aggressively and then to Wayne.
"No more talking! You two have talked enough today!" He half yells, and then drags Steve into his room, both of them laughing. His door slams shut. And then promptly opens again. Eddie bounds into the little kitchen, right into Wayne's space, and nearly tackles him in a tight hug.
Wayne squeezes him back, feels Eddie's lips press gently against his shoulder and then he's gone. Twirling away from his uncle's hold.
"Thanks Wayne." He says, his eyes bright and shining, his cheeks dimpled with happiness, and, right along his jaw, the imprint of teeth. A bitemark. Right on his face.
Wayne nods, and smiles as Eddie disappears into his room again. He can hear them talking and laughing through the wall as he makes dinner. Dinner for three now. As it has been for months.
He cooks. And he thinks. Three hours later and Steve still had to bite him to get his point across. Wayne shakes his head, smiling as he breaks the noodles and tosses them into the water, happy that his boys were finally happy.
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plistommy · 25 days
Steve acts like a pouty brat and a total bitch when he’s sexually frustrated.
Enter Eddie, love sick and clearly pining for Steve ever since they started being ’kind of’ friends after the whole ordeal with Vecna. He doesn’t think he has a chance with him, because, well, Steve Harrington is ’straight.’
But Eddie is in for a surprise when Steve comes to him one day, eyes big and body buzzing with something as he leans close to him…
”Have you ever fucked a guy before?”
The question made Eddie choke.
He thought it was a joke, it had to be, but the way Steve’s eyes got all heavy with a glimpse of desire and pink lips wet by his tongue, Eddie knew this was very much real.
Steve was really asking him about fucking guys and that was definitely not something he would’ve ever expected, which made him nervous, but with unusual confidence, Eddie slowly leaned closer.
”Why?” He dropped his voice ”You curious, darling?”
It was supposed to come as a small comeback, making Steve get a little taste of his own medicine as he caught Eddie off guard just now, but Steve just bit his bottom lip while eyeing Eddie’s lips instead.
And then, he smirked.
”I might be… but only if you’re up for it, Eddie.”
The breathless sound of his name on Steve’s tongue made Eddie’s whole body feel hot as he dropped his hand to the younger boy's hip.
He didn’t know where he got the strength to ask, ”And why me?”
”You’re… handsome. Pretty too. You have really nice hands, I like the rings. And - not to sound creepy, dude, but a huge fucking dick too.”
”Yes, dude.” Steve whined as he rolled his eyes and all Eddie could think about was how much of a brat he was. Especially with that pout on his lips.
He loved it.
”So, will you fuck me?”
Eddie grinned, ”Ask nicely.”
”Fuck me!” Steve demanded with a frustrated groan and all Eddie could do was laugh while pulling Steve in, finally grabbing that beautiful ass as he leaned in to capture those hungry lips.
”What a bitch.”
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roanniom · 11 months
First Date
Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ ONLY, heavy petting, groping, slight hand job, dry humping
You both try to go slow, it's your first date after all. But it’s not as easy as it sounds when his hands are wandering and your lips are on his neck. Eddie has the top of your dress pulled down (he’d groaned dramatically when he realized you weren’t wearing a bra) and his body leans over yours, your thighs on either side of his hips and your back on the couch.
You knew you weren’t going all the way, but you’d told him he could take his jeans off. It was a selfish ask. It made it so that you could feel him better when you rubbed against him.
You suck lightly on his earlobe and Eddie gasps.
“Oh fuck.”
“Yeah?” you ask breathily, more tease than you would have guessed yourself capable of. He chuckles but it is half pant.
You kiss his earlobe again, grazing your teeth lightly over the shell.
"I need to fuck you," he mutters, though he pulls back and away from your mouth. Eddie looks down at you with hazy. "But we're not fucking tonight, so I need a second to get my shit together."
While he takes a breath, he sits back on his heels, your legs still around his hips. He rests his hands heavy on your thighs and looks down at you in your amused, debauched state. It's absolutely not helping him calm down. Neither is the fact that he can't stop his hands from sliding up and squeezing over your exposed breasts.
"Fuck," Eddie mutters as he watches the supple flesh give and spill around his large fingers. His audible frustration makes you let out a giggle, and you notice that his cock twitches in his boxers at the sound. The sight has you ready to end this break, so you push him so that he's sitting against the back of the couch, clambering up to straddle him.
"You're hot," you mumble before kissing your way from his jaw to his lips. Your hand slides down his chest to rest on his abdomen. He cants his hips upward and the tip of his clothed cock taps your hand, obviously encouraging you to grasp it through the fabric. So of course you do.
"Shit, no you're hot."
You bite your lip to keep from arguing with him. He's calling you hot and if you're honest with yourself, you've never felt hotter than you do right now with his hands all over you, so you decide to go with it. Eddie hangs his head so he can watch you jerk him slowly through his boxers. It's hot and hard in your palm and you're sure to rub your thumb over the mushroom head, pleased to feel a little bit of sticky precum bleed through the cloth.
This is absolutely not what you'd assumed would happen when you agreed to spontaneously go on this first date earlier today. You'd guessed you would, at best, enjoy some good conversation and company. You hadn't anticipated agreeing to go back to his place after just a few drinks, but holy fuck are you glad that's the direction the night took.
It's not long before Eddie's hand drops over the back of yours, stopping your motion over his member.
"Baby...you're killing me. We might need to stop," he grunts. Contrary to his words, his hand continues to guide yours up and down his cock, making you laugh. Eddie's eyes flash up to yours in amusement.
"What's so funny?" he asks. You shake your head but keep laughing, so Eddie takes the opportunity to push you onto your back again. His hand cups between your legs, fingers pressing over where your clit should be. You lift your hips to seek out more friction, though you know it's a useless pursuit with how snug and thick your stockings are.
"Right there?" Eddie asks, pressing more pointedly. Your roll your hips, impatient.
"Yeah...under layers," you joke. His hand worms into the tight control panel waistband of your stockings so he can play with the top of your panties.
"You know," he says casually, as if his hand isn't between your legs making you melt. "I could go down on you."
You blink up at him.
"I could go down on you," Eddie repeats, leaning down over you to kiss your neck. "If you want."
When you don't reply, Eddie pulls back to gauge your reaction. It spurs you to speak up.
"Nobody's ever done that before," you say quietly. Eddie continues to swirl his finger over the top of your panties, but the movement is gentle.
"Really?" he asks, voice colored with disbelief. You shrug and try not to show that you're embarrassed by the inexperience you're projecting. Eddie's having none of it. "I'd go down on you, baby."
You surge up then at his words and pull him into another deep kiss. It's all tongue and teeth with your hands in his hair, tugging hard. Eddie's hand pulls out of the waistband of your stockings so he can grip and grab at you wildly in response.
You do it so that it can distract him from the offer he was making. Because there's nothing you wanted more than to let him rip your stockings off your body and put that talented tongue to use at your apex. But you had promised yourself that - even if you were going to hook up pretty intensely - you weren't going to have sex on this first date.
Eddie finally pulls back to let you breathe, which you do with a gasp, and he rests his sweaty forehead to yours.
"Probably better not. If I go down on you...I'm pretty sure we'll end up fucking."
He says it with a smug grin on his face. Pure confidence that makes you laugh and want to contradict him, but you absolutely know the man is correct.
"Yeah, I guess that's right."
Eddie sits back up to give you room to do the same. You both sit facing the long dark television to catch your breath. Out of the corner of your eye you notice Eddie has his hand on his still hard dick, stroking softly. He catches you looking and shoots you a grin.
"Sorry, I'm so fucking tuned on." He's saying sorry but his thighs are manspread performatively and it's very clear he likes you watching him. Just as much as he likes watching your breasts bounce as you laugh and lean forward to kiss the tattoo on his pec. You rest your head against his shoulder so you can watch him touch himself for another few minutes before you sigh.
"I think I have to leave before I end up doing what I really want to do."
Eddie groans and stills his hand, moving it up instead to cradle your jaw, turning you towards him for one more lingering kiss.
"Let me call you a cab," he says against your lips and you nod.
While you run to the bathroom to adjust your dress and make sure it doesn't look like you'd just dry humped Eddie Munson for an hour, the man in question puts his jeans back on. You walk out to find him adjust his still hard cock in the confines of the garment, wincing.
"Alright there, champ?" you ask him with a grin. The cab honks its arrival out front.
"I will be jerking off the minute you leave, just know," he says matter-of-factly as he leads you out the door. "I don't know if girls need to do that, but I'm pretty much gonna die if I can't cum after all that."
He says it good-naturedly and for once in all of your dating life, you don't feel pressured or shamed. Just extremely flattered to have this kind of effect on him.
At the bottom of his front step you turn and place a hand on the side of his neck and pull him down closer to you.
"I don't need to make myself cum. But I'm definitely going to," you whisper into his ear before running off to the cab, sparing him one cheeky look over your shoulder so you can bask in his dumbfounded expression.
Hope you enjoyed! Please let me know if you did!
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loveshotzz · 1 year
do you think bartender!eddie would bend us over the lil bathroom sink in the foxy lounge bathroom on his 15 min break?
i think he would.
100 percent yes, especially if you were wearing that short skirt he liked you in so much.
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yabakuboi · 27 days
There's an incredibly pretty girl at the front desk in Family Video, and Steve—Eddie's boyfriend of eight months—is leaning over the counter with a sly smile and half-lidded eyes.
Eddie pauses in the doorway, struck dumb for a moment as he takes in the scene, and then gleefully ducks down behind the nearest shelf.
"So tell me," Steve says, all low and intimate. "What kind of movie were you looking for?"
"Um," the girl says. She doesn't sound very enthusiastic—barely indulgent at best. Eddie wishes he could see, but any sight of him will ruin Steve's chances right now. He's got a pretty good mental picture though. "I really like those old black and white movies, the really glamorous ones, you know?"
"Oh, totally," Steve sighs, like he's swooning. "Like Cary Grant, Clarke Gabel?" Eddie can practically hear his smirk. "Katharine Hepburn? Ginger Rogers?"
"Oh, I love Ginger Rogers!"
"Really?" Steve says matching her excitement. "Well, you're just in luck! Robin here knows all about those old black and white movies, don't you Robin?"
Eddie presses a hand to his mouth to hide his snickering. Robin had looked like a hooked fish when he'd walked in, she's gotta be gaping stupidly right now. "Uuuh," he hears her mumbling, and tries not to snort too loud. "Y-Yeah, uh, golden age of Hollywood stuff, absolutely. I could? Show you where they are?"
"Oh my gosh, that would be amazing!" the girl says, her interest in the conversation now warmed by several degrees. Eddie is still a little in awe of how well his boyfriend can sniff out gay girls.
"I got the front here, Robin," Steve cuts in smoothly. "You ladies take your time, make sure you pick out a good one!"
Eddie waits another beat, listening at their footsteps shuffle away, before he pops up from behind the shelf. Steve, lighting up like a Christmas tree, beams at him.
"Am I a genius or what?" he whispers, grinning ear to ear.
"Your lesbian powers know no equal," Eddie says just as quietly, taking the girl's spot at the counter, leaning into Steve's space. Steve happily mirrors him, until they're tucked together, the world narrowing down to the two of them. It's Eddie's favorite place to be. "All hail Steve Harrington, blessid he, lesbian whisper. Come to aid all useless queers in the fight against singledom."
"Thank you, thank you," Steve says with an air of novel benevolence. "I promise to only use my powers for good."
"Dingus. Doofus."
They jump away from each other as if shocked. Robin glowers at them both, but the pretty girl behind her is giggling and standing way too close for friendly, just at Robin's elbow.
"Move it, lovebirds," she hisses as she rounds the desk. "I need to check Claire out."
"I think you already have," Steve says. His smile this time is down right evil.
Robin actually hisses at him, and hip checks him away from the register. Eddie does a bow, sweeping his arm out to give Claire the prime spot in front of the desk, before he turns back to Steve.
"My dear, if you could please," he simpers, all posh and nasally. "Show me to your finest, grossest horror movie, thank you my good sir."
"Ugh," Steve groans already heading off into the shelves, not waiting for Eddie to follow. "You're lucky I love you, Ed. Shit gives me nightmares."
"I know," Eddie sings, chasing him. "I love you too."
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batty4steddie · 3 months
The first night Steve stayed over, Eddie gave him a Corroded Coffin t-shirt to sleep in. It was meant to be a temporary solution, just something to throw on to sleep, but it quickly became his shirt. It was the most comfortable piece of fabric to ever grace his skin. No matter how much he wore it, it still smelled like Eddie. After Steve cropped it during a brutally hot summer, he felt tawdry whenever he wore it in front of Wayne. It was worth the slight embarrassment whenever Eddie wrapped his arms around him from behind. Eddie’s hands would rest on Steve’s midriff and squeeze him so tenderly that every inch of him felt loved.
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nerdnameddinkey · 7 months
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-You're not going to win a good grade with intimidation, or whatever this is, Munson.
-Trying doesn't hurt.
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lazylittledragon · 11 months
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just realised i never posted any of the stuff i did for the alternative steddie dads au
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lihhelsing · 11 months
Steve who keeps using famous rockstar Eddie Munson’s DMs as a place to store notes for himself (grocery lists and to-dos) because he knows Eddie will never see any of that.
Until the day he does see it and asks if Steve remembered to buy onions. It turns out Eddie’s been reading Steve’s lists for months
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