#eat sleep wear
keepremembering · 1 year
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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+3 friendship with Jin Ling: He actively tries to dissuade you from further embroiling yourself in the homosexual allegations.
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henreyettah · 1 year
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Foxhole 🦊🦊 🦊 🦊🦊 🦊🦊 🦊 🦊
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garmabawls · 3 months
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The more you think about it……… everything is a ninjago reference !!!!!!!!!!!!!83&:£\€~£|
tornadoes were literally based off of spinjitzu!!!!!!!!! what!!!!!!!!!!
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napping-sapphic · 6 months
Relationship where we get all dressed up and put on our fanciest clothes together just because
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jinnazah · 4 months
what kills me is how people here in the west are so …. willfully, blissfully, ignorant of what’s transpiring in palestine. like i have even seen poc, even seen HIJABIS still buying starbucks and i’m like …… i guess dumbfounded at this point. “oh but it’s just one drink” “oh but my one dollar won’t make a difference if i spent it or not” “well it’s not my problem, the middle east is always at war”
are people so arrogant they think they are the exception to what’s happening in palestine? in fact. the victim blaming against the palestinians is insane “well they should’ve just left” “well they should’ve agreed to a ceasefire” “well they shouldn’t have let hamas take over” you guys make me sick to my stomach!!!! my god this rhetoric is so narcissistic it hurts!!!!!
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luhvey-duhvey · 4 months
Curious to know what you all think Leander’s fatal flaw is bc I wanna have a discussion..
I’ll start.
(he either kills people or eats them I’m just saying!!!)
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Hell yeah, aroace Wally that loves, does, and says romantic tropes my beloved.
yes yes this as well Yes
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cloudyeucharis · 27 days
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Saw this and it immediately became a reality
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pangolin-404 · 18 days
thinking about how buddy is inherently more durable than its crew. they are humans (presumably), soft and killable. but buddy is not its body, but a mask, which is very hard to break. it can get burned, shot, dismembered, poisoned, and blown up six ways from sunday, and its mask will be fine. thinking about how the crew settles into that mindset that buddy is innately more expendable whether they want to or not
it can travel in front. if there is a bracken, it will follow last. it is first to cross the gap to determine if the jump is worth the risk. it loves to do this because it keeps its crew, significantly more vulnerable than itself, safe. it serves as bait for a spider and laughs when it is numbed with venom and collapses, laughs knowing it just had to get the thing to turn around, to leave itself open to be killed by someone else. fifteen teleports it for the seventh time and grows numb to seeing what a thumper does to a body, watching the host stop moving in the ship. it shoves five out of a nutcracker's line of sight and gets shot and still twitches and laughs as it bleeds its energy out, to keep its attention on it rather than anyone else. how readily it will split from the others and serve itself on a silver platter to anything and everything, just to keep them alive.
its crew don't like it, how it has formed some odd complex about it. it never gets downright reckless with itself, because getting a body is a pain kept to a minimum, but that doesn't stop that looming knowledge of how it can be used. a useful ability to have, leaving it and its team assured that there is a fail-safe. that it's okay for someone to lag behind or march into danger, because they can always get it another body. it is the perfect sacrificial lamb.
it gets a little scared when the baboon hawks rip it apart, seeking for things to swallow whole, and wrap their maws around its skull. turretfire or a nutcracker could hit its mask. a pack of dogs fighting over it could (and eventually do) crack its mask. but it does it anyways, no matter how it disturbs itself or its team, because that is the role it has embraced; it is happy to die for them. it can afford to get eaten alive, so why wouldn't it place itself between a dog and its beloved crew? it is simultaneously ready to die and terrified of death
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girlscience · 11 months
i am so goddamn tired of every single fantasy story being about men. i am so goddamn tired of women being side characters and love interests and set dressing and an afterthought. i am so goddamn tired of women who are powerful but feminine. women who are "dressed to kill" and they are wearing eyeliner and a dress and heels. i am so goddamn tired of women always being healers and having water magic. i am so goddamn tired of men going on adventures and dying nobly. i am so goddamn tired of never being able to find a story about women that i can fall in love with. i am so goddamn tired of all fandom being about men.
#i have spent the past several weeks becoming increasingly upset about this#hannibal? men. lotr/the hobbit? men. stargate atlantis? men. dragon age inquistion? men. one piece? men.#the handful of superhero's i periodically read about? men. transformers? men. every goddamn anime i've ever loved? men.#the witcher? men. fantasy anachronism? men. literally every single fantasy adventurer series? men.#it's men and men and men and men and men and men and men and men#i just want ONE. one single goddamn story about women that is as well written and well made and as deep as everything else#i want ONE story about a women or women who are noble and honorable and fight in the face of impossible odds#and i don't want them to be pretty and small and feminine#make them hairy and fat and muscular and tall and wear steel toed boots and carry swords and fight monsters and sleep in the woods#and eat stew and carry heavy packs for long distances and be intelligent and sneaky and cowardly and fearful and brave#make them laugh and cry and scream and fall in love and write poetry and books and songs#make them wrestle and pick on each other and pull each others hair and sit around campfires#MAKE THEM GODDAMN PEOPLE#there are books out there about women going on adventures. they exist. i've read some#but they are not the majority and they never get big#and so many end up being poorly written or a romance or a combo of the two#i don't WANT to have to read genderbends just to read about women#i don't want to scroll tumblr and just see men on my dash#all i have ever wanted my whole life is to be a fantasy adventurer. and none of them. not ONE of them looks like me#i am tired of watching youtube critiques of fantasy shows/movies/stories and them just shitting on the women characters#i am just so tired of it
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok at the Temple and B’Elanna at the Monastery
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synthshenanigans · 1 year
I have not slept so shitty doodles have once again been created feat. baptism and 3am cereal
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b-blushes · 2 months
let me be a hater for a second. i miss being able to go into shops and try on clothes sooooo bad, it's taking me like 3 attempts PER ITEM that i'm trying to buy to find things that fit me and it's. also turning my brain into liquid and making the process of replacing items take three thousand years. the only positive is that i'm Experiencing The Symptoms inside my house instead of 'in a shop changing room where i will now have to figure out how to safely get home when my brain is falling out of my ears and my body feels like it's gonna disintegrate' but oh my god. oh to have one bajillion pounds and have someone tailor make all my clothes for me in my own home with fabrics that i can stand to wear and in a way that actually FITS ME. killing me.
being disabled: do not recommend currently if you want to do things like 'daily life activities'. OKAY evil hours over it's time once again to be kind and compassionate to myself instead of engaging in pointless rage. peace and love
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headslikekites · 12 days
tornado knocked out the power in my house on tuesday and we've had no progress since feeling BAD
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thegeekyartist · 6 months
Mutuals come over for Christmas movie night, I'm making peppermint hot chocolate
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