#east of eden (ooc)
lowerqualityrp · 3 days
I'm finally on season 3 of The Walking Dead (iirc first time watching through this season) and it's so fun, but my lord I cannot believe how much I'm loving the Governor. What an icon. What a legend.
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ourpretender · 3 months
— get to know me better!
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alias/name: jk zodiac sign: taurus ( & dog in the chinese zodiac ) height: grateful for the new era of short kings . . . hobbies: drawing, writing, organizing, ttrpgs & dnd content, hyper-fixating, hiking, eating out, etc. etc. favorite color: green current book: just finished listening to an abridged audiobook of east of eden by john steinbeck !! last song: apparently it was "landline" by arlie last film/show: catching up to d20's latest season ( otherwise, last movie was '71 ) inspiration: emerald fen.nell's sal.tburn of course, alongside barry k.eoghan's acting choices !! but outside of that, thought about cassius from shakespeare's julius caesar, endoparasites, the nature of obsession & consumption, the faint grey line between disgust & desire, aaaand plenty of private conversations with my beloved @felixferitas !! story behind url: pretty plain and clear, ollie is a pretender -- specifically when it comes to people he wants to impress and/or wants attention from. we know he lies to two groups of people in the movie: the cattons, and his own parents. and i personally believe he lies to them because he has a wariness & discomfort in who he is as a person ( i imagine he'd seen disinterest in their eyes whenever he attempted sincerity, or assumed it to be disinterest and thus decides to mask heavily ). and additionally, appears to be as egotistical as he is full of self-hatred -- and i am nothing if not a fan of complicated hypocritical characters so ruined by love & attachment & the potential of belonging, that they destroy all things in their path !!
tagged by the kind: @petitsdieutagging: whoever's interested !! wary that ooc information is not always the most fun to tackle so assume i tagged you if you feel like filling this in :-)
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clare-with-no-i · 2 years
100% agree, Clare!! I think that’s why I’ve always been so drawn to Lily and don’t necessarily get the appeal of aus that try to change that about her or even James. It’s just makes them into different characters 🤷🏻‍♀️
yeah, absolutely. making them ooc instead of just pivoting to another ship has always baffled me, lol. these two characters lived and died by their goodness, by their desires to see the world improve and to be a part of that improvement. by their commitment to justice. I always come back to the Hebrew word timshel (which, yes, I learned from the song!), when I want to sum them—and, in my mind, especially James—up succinctly. this quote from East of Eden always takes my breath:
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that which makes a man great and that gives him stature with the gods, for in his weakness and his filth and his murder of his brother he still has the great choice. he can choose his course and fight it through and win.
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stargod · 2 years
Can we PLEASE take a moment to talk about that lady from east of eden???
She literally just ran after what she wanted her whole life and never allowed herself to feel tied down to things that felt wrong to her. and Steinback was like this is Satan. This is Lillith. This is the epitome of evil. Like bro, thats a girlboss.
Yes, i know about the murders and her intent to either kill or emotionally subjugate the main character, i think that just makes her cool and sexy actually <3
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wexarexrichmond · 2 years
Hey all! Sorry for being MIA. Life got super hectic out of nowhere and I’m at the end of this semester so it’s even more crazy. BUT winter break will be here at the end of the week and I’ll be more available, which means I’ll be around to do replies and such. Thank you all so much for your patience!
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lowqualityrp · 3 years
Hey, all!
Just a little update, I’m moving this page to @lowerqualityrp so I’ll be able to follow back and do, ya know, normal blog shit. It’s still a good bit under construction, but I’m pretty much there. Not like I was advertising high quality anyway lol
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starredarm · 3 years
🌹❣️This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask box of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out ❣️🌹 LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL
/You dork. I love you and right back at you<3
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thesecondmartell · 3 years
/Hey all! Today I just got my second COVID vaccine and should be getting replies done within the next couple of days. Sorry for my absence but thank you for your patience!
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You like anime? Would you be willing to share some of your favorites or suggestions? I've always wanted to try it out but I have no idea where to start 😳 And you seem like you would have good taste!
Yes! I love anime. It makes up part of my DNA. Boy I both love and hate this question because I really REALLY want to do you justice…. So I’m just not gonna overthink this and speak from the heart on it. 
In no particular order:
Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. It is a classic. The end. It has everything one could really ask for in terms of an anime story. Adventure, a SOLID world, amazing story, heartfelt ensemble cast with meaningful relationships. Plenty of characters to fall in love with. Watch it! ✨
Ancient Magus Bride – More of a Magical anime! Came out on Crunchyroll 2 years ago I believe? Soft lovable magic demon giant thing who takes care of a smol skittish young girl and teaches her as his apprentice. Chosen family. You will cry. 
Snow White With The Red Hair – Fairytale anime! Love! Adventure! Romance! This is just an all time favorite of mine. Know how most shows create drama by misconstruing character’s words and motives and causing “conflict” by telling lies, etc? This show doesn’t do that at all. Which, when you think about it, that in and of itself deserves some kind of award. How do you have a show with nothing but understading, compassion, and love? How is that interesting?? This anime will show you. Seriously underrated. 
Psychopass – Syfy action anime! Seasons 1 is really, really great. Just a well done show. Gets you hooked!
Eden of The East – Mystery anime! I watched this in college and was obsessed. Beautiful art. Beauuuutiful. Compelling story.
Parasyte – I love romance cutie pie anime, but also kinda messed up anime (of which there are many *cough* Devilman Crybaby*). This sassy little alien takes over a high schooler and well….they’re normally out to eat the humans but they become “friends” and share culture and try to save civilization – kinda. Super funny Syfy anime. Gory, beware.
Devilman Crybaby had me stare at a blank wall for 3 hours once I’d finished it and contemplated my life. Watch at your own risk. Literally. 
If I think of more I’ll reblog them onto this post. I know I’m missing some, but this is a great start! And anime movies lord don’t even get me started on those. Cry fest. Cry city.
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livedlongenough · 3 years
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lowerqualityrp · 5 days
Because SOMEONE (*cough* @backwaterscum *coughcough*) had to make a Daryl I GUESS I'm adding Glenn and an OC. Cannot believe this.
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patervenandi · 7 years
Eden // v: a garden to the east // Open
This is the time of Adam's truly mortal life. Life is new, confusing, filled with faith and many firsts. It often encompass the age of the Garden in it's prime, but it also hold the era after the Fall. This era encompass over a thousand years.  
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wexarexrichmond · 3 years
Test and Tag Drop
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lowqualityrp · 3 years
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starredarm · 3 years
Test and Tag Drop
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thesecondmartell · 3 years
/I’m so sorry. I swear I’ll be back soon. Life just got really rough all of a sudden.
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