#eah Crystal
spittyfishy · 29 days
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Crystal Winter has a really pretty colour palette, I think it’s neat they leaned more into purples rather then blues for the ice character
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Crystal Winter, daughter of the Snow King and Queen
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hair inspo
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everyday clothes
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formal outfits
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*everything can be found on pinterest*
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i-like-polls · 30 days
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froggywentaprincin · 2 months
She already has one of these lol but I’m not leaving anyone out
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Epic winter rewrite because it deserved more
Crystal started the winter storm, which is blamed on Raven ofc
Jackie and Northwind leave the snow kingdom to warn the people at Ever After High
Crystal asking for the roses of the seasons in exchange for stoping the storm
The storm gets worse the longer it lasts
Raven and Apple actually being in the special, like why weren't they in it?
Keep Faybelle's side plot because it was probably one of the best parts of epic winter
Crystal being a backstaber and not actually stoping the storm
They get help from the evil queen (like how they did it in one of the books)
Overthrow the monarchy
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mauveink · 1 year
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Crystal Winter from Ever After High
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iheartlava · 11 months
Ever After High animation is beautiful
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sp00ky-scary · 6 months
Ooo doll redesigns/au designs
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We've got Spring Unsprung Holly, Getting Fairest Maddie, and Epic Winter Crystal !!!I'm gonna discuss my thought process under the cut
Spring Unsprung Holly
I tried to go for like a renfaire kinda thing, which will be my thought process for any other Spring Unsprung designs, really it's a pretty simple design, I spent most of my time drawing it annoyed because stuff wasn't working out. She's got little towers for heels also she has locs I just drew them rly big, they aren't that thick though drawing every individual one would've just been a lot of detail. The purple was taken from her actual doll any resemblance to Disney's Rapunzel is unintentional. Please ignore that the dress physics make absolutely no sense.
Getting Fairest Maddie
I like reinterpreted this line a little into more of a pyjama/sleepwear line just because the og line is literally just the same dress 4 times, however it still fits the original idea behind the line. Went for more pastel colours because I just like Maddie in pastels. Additional note Maddie would sleep with a bonnet I just didn't draw an alt version with that.
Epic Winter Crystal
Technically Epic Winter is Crystal's core doll however I designed this as if she has an actual core doll and this is a separate outfit to fit into the Epic Winter line. Unintentionally ended up with a slight 1920s inspo for the face, other than that I think her design is pretty self explanatory.
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hoolay-boobs · 2 years
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Love them
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silverthelovebug · 3 months
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Faybelle will never hear the end of it
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moths-wonderland · 5 months
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Crystal Winter agere moodboard💎❄️👑
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frogboy0 · 2 months
OKAY!!!!!! This is my rewrite of EAH Epic Winter!!!!!! It's a LITTLE MESSY and just a BIT disorganized but you'll be able to get the general idea!
If there's any confusing parts, feel free to ask me questions!!! (•◡•)
I was originally gonna draw out like,, the entire thing like how I did w Dragon Games BUT IT WAS A LOT?? Like there's WAAAY more that I changed in Epic Winter (sorry but the whole thing had to go, I BARELY stuck with cannon LOL)
But I drew SOME of it ^^
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xbomboi · 2 months
thoughts about Epic Winter, & reconciling its place in Ever After High’s story as a whole
i wanna talk about epic winter because it—arguably more than any other aspect of the franchise—is definitely ever after high’s ‘ugly duckling’ piece of media, so to speak.
now obviously, a lot of it has to do with being the final big installment in eah’s main story, its premise being a side quest that sidelines the main protagonists in favor of new characters who are comparably far less compelling as the show’s actual leads, leaving the audience without any actual closure to the story which they were following.
in isolation, epic winter isn’t that terrible (though i think most would agree its better parts are the ones centered around already-established characters as opposed to the new ones), but in context it leaves a sour taste.
i entirely understand why anyone rewriting the series would either heavily rework it, only keep more important story beats such as daring’s arc & faybelle’s side plot, or completely remove the outing altogether.
in my case, however, deleting epic winter isn’t an option; my intentions are to continue where ever after high left off, and organically finish what they started. that means epic winter stays in tact, sanity be damned.
with that writing handicap, i can’t edit any pre-existing media in the ever after high animated lineup, which has forced me to brainstorm ways to recontextualize the purpose for epic winter’s place in the story and make the time spent on its story retroactively feel, at the very least, a little more worth it.
and the solution i found comes from viewing all that is introduced in the special through chehkov's gun.
(if you're unfamiliar, chehkov's gun is a narrative rule that everything introduced in a story must be done so with a purpose to serve. i.e. if you give a character a gun, they must shoot it.)
what's done is done; if we have to go on this detour following crystal winter and the top of the world, so be it. but let's pocket it like a tool that can be used later.
so here's my idea: bring crystal and the winter kingdom back into the story later down the line when the events of the story have reached a far more grandiose scale.
basically, i think the best way to use crystal would be when the story reaches a point of confronting and opposing the ruling powers in the fairytale world. having become the new snow queen, naturally, she'd be included in a gathering of the rulers of the kingdoms in the fairytale world.
i want there to be a moment in the story where the ruling powers gather together, and we see familiar faces return (including ones that we'd be introduced to after epic winter but prior to this), such as snow white, king charming, the queen of hearts, and of course, crystal.
with her outlook that would most reasonably be more aligned with the students at ever after high, she could end up being one of-if not the sole person-those present to voice opposition to whatever unfavorable verdict the rest of the rulers have made, as it would serve as direct conflict for the protagonists. she'd find herself outnumbered and ultimately her voice holding little to no power to sway the decision (especially being disregarded for her rather young age). afterwards we'd see her reflect on her frustrations with her colleagues and their rule of the system, thinking about it in terms of what kind of ruler she wants to be, before seeing her find determination towards something, though we aren’t yet shown what she actually decides to do.
the next time we'd see her would then come a little later, the conflict reaching the most dire circumstances. all hope is lost for our heroes; raven, apple, and co. would be down on their luck against odds they're unable to overcome. and that's when crystal would show up to offer her support, providing the numbers of her kingdom as allies to help better the odds. (she wouldn't be the only ally to show up, as this would be a 'getting help from all the friends we made along the way' ordeal. she would simply be one of said friends.)
crystal's help would ultimately play a part in winning the conflict. and because the audience would be familiar with crystal and the winter kingdom to a decent extent way prior to that point, the inclusion of it in the present fight at hand wouldn't feel like an ass-pull or a deus ex machina of sorts; it would make sense and feel earned for the most part.
and i think that's honestly the best thing to be made of epic winter's main adventure. we can't change it or fix it as it is, but we can create a payoff for it all later down the line. think of it like begrudgingly doing chores that lack any enjoyment factor, only to find that afterwards, you're glad you did.
so, yeah, that's my idea for how to give epic winter a genuine purpose. but i'm just spitballing.
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i-like-polls · 7 months
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froggywentaprincin · 4 months
Ever After High Characters that would fit in pretty well as they are at Monster High, based on appearance:
Ramona Badwolf
Cerise Hood (not hiding the fact she’s half wolf)
Bunny Blanc
Cedar Wood
Crystal Winter
Farrah Goodfairy
Faybelle Thorn
Jackie Frost
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cometblaster2070 · 1 month
i'm here to peddle my crystal and farrah agenda so that means it's everyone else's problem now too.
i'd personally like to revamp crystal's entire character. like instead of being the snow king's daughter (which is fucking stupid might i add) she's just the snow queen's daughter, and in this version, the snow queen is a very cold and neglectful mother who couldn't care less about her daughter.
i think it'd be cool to have it established that canon crystal's personality is basically what crystal acted like as a child when ashlynn and briar knew her; as a fun-loving, carefree child with far too much power, but ultimately someone with a good heart who just wants to have fun.
but then crystal grows up. she grows up in a cold, isolated palace, entirely alone save for her callous and uncaring mother and hordes of servants who fear and hate her because of her mother.
this crystal is one that grows up and turns into her mother. she grows up bitter and spiteful and powerful, and she grows up with zero checks on her behavior, because the servants are too scared to ever say no to her, while her mother doesn't really care about what she's doing.
i'd like her to grow into someone so confused and upset; someone who very, very badly suffers from a lack of love or a loving home or parent. someone whose only happy memories are of the friends she made so, so long ago. someone whose happy memories are pushed so far back in favor of all the terrible things that have happened since.
anyways then the entire epic winter plot plays out, those shards in her mother's eyes or whatever, and instead of just being neglectful and cold, her mother becomes downright tyrannical and EVIL, and crystal's forced to go down to ever after high to get help from the only people she has left, who are, of course, ashlynn and briar.
and then, instead of having a whiny fucking little bitch who can't tie her laces and complains at any given moment, we'd have a crystal who is numb and unfeeling (something which i want ashlynn and briar to visibly question and be concerned about; i want them to CONSTANTLY be asking themselves about what the fuck happened to their friend and how can they help), and someone who is very, very selfish and is used to taking care of herself and only herself.
but then throughout the special we see crystal grow, we see her mature and we see her learn to love others and realize that she has a lot of people who love her and care for her too; and then gradually, we see her soften and see how her relationships with the other characters deepen.
and here is where i would want to put farrah in, because the crystal x farrah agenda is getting to me i think it'd serve to highlight the contrast between the two of them.
because on the one hand, we have farrah goodfairy, who loves helping people, who always puts people above herself, who risked literally death in order to ensure that ashlynn had a happy ending with hunter. farrah is someone who is said to exist to make others happy, that is her "job" as a fairy godmother; her own happiness doesn't matter.
but then there's crystal winter. crystal winter, who has cared for only herself and has learnt about the cruelty and harshness of the world from a very young age. someone who was not awarded any warmth and love and has learned to turn acrid and bitter and turn away all and any love. crystal is someone selfish. someone who thinks that she's self-sufficient and would not care to help anyone other than herself.
and then throughout epic winter we see them interact and we see them grow through their relationship with each other. farrah is baffled as to how anyone can be so selfish and self-centered and crystal can't believe anyone as optimistic and naive as farrah exists.
soon they get to know each other however, and crystal learns about farrah and her struggles with realizing her own happiness and farrah learns about crystal's lonely upbringing, and we see how crystal learns to be less selfish and care more about others while farrah learns to finally put herself first and prioritize her own needs sometimes.
and then they kiss in the magical epic winter fever dream because i said so and because all of my favorite ships had cute moments in the dream. i'm not really sure about the end, honestly, i'd just like to change crystal's character.
anyways sorry for this horrible ramble, i just have really strong thoughts on crystal and her ruined potential and epic winter, and i couldn't resist mapping something out.
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