#each other non romantically blah blah
me: spends hours scrolling through tumblr like a useless homosexual
also me, as soon as my straight friend calls me to rant about the same guy: suddenly gets the motivation to do my hw
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kookynella · 3 days
So, I don’t normally write long posts and I thought this was important enough to type a rant, so you’re welcome, I guess:
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I was reading a Sydney and Carmen is a slow burn article on Jezebel (they are my Roman Empire, I go down the rabbit hole willingly), and you know, it was clearly a SydCarmy shipping article, so readers were pre-warned by the title. I don’t know why I thought it would be a good idea to read the comment section, but YELP!
And yes, I was offended and outraged, because for what other possible reason would I then come onto tumblr at 6am in the morning to complain when my ADHD-ass should be asleep in bed?!? Well this is the reason.
The comments were all negative and trying to explain why SydxCarmy is a no-go or should be a no-go zone: Sydney & Carmen don’t have chemistry! I don’t see the romance! Romance between them would ruin a good show! Why can’t men and women coworkers be in a healthy platonic relationship! Me Too movement - say NO to boss employee romances! ClairexCarmy makes more sense!
Blah blah blah, [insert more pathetic, banal rationale here], I stopped reading the comments. The actual (cute) article I read with the shit-take comments is linked below, if anyone is interested.
… extended release rant is under the cut….
And really what they were NOT saying out loud, what I highly suspect to be the real reason for their negative stance: racial intolerance. So, here we are - I’m calling it out, as many others have before me: Some people refuse to see a strong, intelligent, woman of colour character have a romantic relationship with their white male lead on prime time television. They are in denial, they are not ready and frankly, not deserving. It’s intolerance.
Because for what other reason could there be for the outright denial of what is clear as day: the characters of Sydney and Carmy ARE romance coded in the story being told, and they (as played by Ayo and JAW) have amazing chemistry (romantic or not). Why else are people so quick to deny the chemistry? To deny the possibility, the opportunity, the overt displays and undertones of romantic coding that Sydney and Carmen have!?!?!
And I will also say this, it’s my opinion, that there is more chemistry between Sydney and Carmy than between Claire and Carmy, there is more emotion and expression in the former duo’s interactions than in the latter’s. And that’s part of the main point of having Claire there - she’s a tool, a distraction to compare and contrast of what is there and could be more/better (Sydney, the future), to what is there and is not fitting/insufficient (Claire, the past).
People really stay reaching with their non-creative excuses to being anti-SydCarmy. Give me an actual reason like, he needs to do a lot of therapy/personal work, she’s got her own baggage to sort out, before they could be in a healthy, emotionally stable relationship. Or if they went there and it didn’t work out and then work/business is impacted in the messiness. Give me actual arguments not made up ones because a black woman and a white man who are in fact compatible (not necessarily healthy), does not fit your aesthetic of romance, love, attraction and chemistry. I see plenty of popular toxic relationships be lapped up and popularised despite the clear reasons of the characters not to date, but because they are “white” it’s welcomed, acceptable and put on a pedestal, and the toxicity is seen as part of the appeal.
Interpersonal relationships is a huge part of the story being told in The Bear - family, friends, found family, colleagues, professional and unprofessional. And Sydney and Carmen’s relationship is the yin and yang amongst it all, they are two sides of the same coin - their passion, their work ethic, their vision, their growth, their trust - THEM, no-one else holds this dynamic, well maybe you could compare Sugar and Pete’s relationship of differences and balancing each other out but like a way chiller version.
As the story unfolds and we learn more about Sydney and Carmen we see that they are better together than apart, they thrive when bouncing ideas off one another and creating, thy are leaders that best lead their team together. When their commitment and communication is open, they are rolling, they are primed, they are evolved and so is their team. They are at their best when they are keyed into each other.
I don’t know much about twin flames (nothing actually, other than MGK and Megan Fox’s touting that title and journalists running with it), but I imagine if I did know anything, I would be able to write a shit tonne more about how Sydney and Carmen are twin flames, soulmates.
Canonically, theirs is definitely a deeper connection formed in a very short amount of time that these two have known each other, and the others in that kitchen see it. It’s palpable. And whether it gets to be romantic or remain platonic we have yet to see, the foundation for romance is there, regardless.
And you can’t tell me that Sydney is not the catalyst for positive change for Carmy. Sydney ignites his creative spark, he envisions something greater for their restaurant and he thinks it’s possible and puts it into action, again because of Sydney entering the scene - “You could do this without me” / “I wouldn’t even want to do this without you”.
Going back to the Jezebel article and the comments, the (majority female) commentators are denying, what I would say by season two, is undeniable - Sydney is Carmy’s person, their relationship has romance tropes/themes throughout it whether the characters are aware or not.
From my opinion, most romantic storyline’s are to entertain and hook in more female audiences, it’s key to marketing, whether done well or not. And sometimes it may not be initially intentioned but when two actors have undeniable chemistry, writers tend to play on that with the characters, and sometimes change storyline’s to fully realise and employ the chemistry. The romance tropes are definitely there for SydxCarmy, ~even if you have to look under a table to find it.
Another point, EVERYTHING in The Bear is intentional - I wasn’t sure what my points were, I came in here to vent, so “bear” with me. The show has great writers, great directors, great actors, great editing, and you can tell they do. Even if they didn’t win all those awards you would know the show is done well. I’m sure film schools will use The Bear for students to dissect the art, because it is exemplary. Anyway back to my point, they didn’t come to play, everything is planned and even if it wasn’t - when it’s left in the final cut: IT IS INTENTIONAL.
The set design, the menu, the costuming, the lighting, the music, the pacing, the dialogue, camera angles, the editing, it is all an intentional choice. And they are choosing to have scenes imbued with intimacy, vulnerability, intensity, emotional rawness, in small spaces, loud, busy spaces, quiet, calm spaces, it’s a busy restaurant after all - things get stressful and wild, and haaaawt for a variety of reasons (mainly people working in close proximity, under a lot of pressure). All these charged moments carry significance for the characters and none get more intimate than Sydney and Carmy in that under the table moment - they slow everything down in that episode for that scene, where he invites her to confide in him her internal worries and she relents, and he reassures her then recommits to her. The world is quiet for one moment so they can have this heart to heart, and they are both willingly exposing themselves emotionally, they bolster each other up as they are bolstering that table, and then he gifts her with an expensive, planned, personalised, gift that he knew she would love (the cost, the effort and attention to detail from Carmy= it’s a designer engagement ring your honour).
And on that note, even when Carmy is spending time with his “she’s not my girlfriend/is she my girlfriend?”, Claire, we have INTENTIONAL shots of Sydney interspersed. Why are they bringing her into the scene when she isn’t physically there? Because she’s important, vital even, to Carmen’s thoughts and feelings, and therefore his actions. Sydney doesn’t belong with them in their one-on-one interactions, (intimate scenes) and yet there she is. Why this call to attention??? Because Carmy is not where he should be, because Carmy is not with the person he is meant to be with, because his attention is split and his focus is not where it should be. And it is going to be to his detriment - as we see later for everyone involved, but mainly him.
Claire is a distraction for Carmy and not necessarily a welcome one on his part, and yet he is spending more time with her, and Sydney’s scenes cut in-between are reminding us of this.
It’s showing not telling, but some people really do need to be told because they cannot read between the scenes.
Sydney is Carmen’s partner/equal/inspiration/hope/muse/balance (read soulmate).
Meanwhile, the ClairexCarmy scenes had all the obvious - This is a romantic relationship! stuff. And yet it lacked, I want to say: chemistry, heat, warmth, fire, depth of emotion. How is this possible to be lacking such weighted feeling? When you have two very attractive people in such close proximity, developing a romantic relationship that - feels romantic, it should be child’s play right? So, how could the portrayal be lacking such vitality, when ClairexCarmy scenes ticked all the romantic/couple boxes? Because it’s meant to be portrayed as lacklustre. It’s a foil for what the, equally attractive yet somehow hotter, SydxCarmy relationship already has, without realising that’s the space their characters inhabit.
And some commentators/viewers trying to make some moral/workplace ethical ground along the lines of “but he’s her boss”, she’s his junior employee”, “it’s inappropriate”, to all of those persons, I say NO. Maybe Sydney, may have appeared green to some viewers as a newcomer to The Beef and to the not so well-oiled kitchen crew, but Sydney is experienced, well trained, and brings her own heat. So, come season two in establishing The Bear restaurant it is also firmly established to viewers that Sydney is Carmen’s partner (business partner, yeah-yeah), she is his equal, he identifies her as such.
The man offered her to go into, possibly lifeling, debt with him to open up their dream family restaurant - the one thing he wanted to do with his dead hero older brother, the brother that was busy fighting his own demons and pushing Carmen away, making Carmen believe his big brother didn’t value him or see him as an equal and leave and punish himself to become the best chef he could be, which was the best in the world according to Sydney.
And Sydney was already in deep financial debt, but she didn’t even hesitate, it wasn’t until her worried, practical father started asking her the tough questions that she thought on it, (got defensive), then doubled down on her decision, because, Yes, Syd trusts Carmy, she will invest her hopes and dreams in him and with him.
Carmen initially hires Sydney because she’s excellent (too good for The Beef), and over a short period of time he comes to identify Sydney as his equal. Very early on, he makes her his right-hand woman - season one “Brigade episode. He trusts her to lead and to share the load, even if he left her high and dry first thing, but he did apologise). He also, opens up to Sydney about Mikey which he’s avoided talking about with his nearest and dearest.
Then Carmen ups the ante (where Mikey had pushed him away instead of making Carmy an equal), he does what he wished Mikey had offered him - he invites Sydney to be his business partner and to co-create. We learn of the shared vision they have in the season one finale, witnessing how in-step and connected they are when Sydney returns, bringing Carmen the hope of establishing his dream, The Bear.
Let me re-cap it for the sheer joy, because the amount of times I rewatched this scene:
The gang is un-canning Mike’s cash stash, Sydney nervously walks into the restaurant after previously quitting, and she is stopped by the chaotic scene before her, the gang notices and welcomes her back, she questions WTF is going on but stays still as Carmen zeroes in on her, the world quiets, as they lock eyes, she stands there uncertain, clutching her bag, and he continues to stare with a dumb look on his face, looking at her like she hung the moon and the stars (like the episode one meet-cute, but on steroids), and then he speaks and they riff off each other, without any preamble, like they’re reading a practiced speech, about their Family style, two-tops, booths, Danish design, tasting menu at the bar, window on the side, restaurant.
And that is one way to tell me I’m witnessing a marriage proposal without telling me I’m witnessing a marriage proposal.
As for Sydney, what does she get out of agreeing to team up to open The Bear? Other than being saddled with a huge debt with a lost, sad, grieving, lonely, driven, awkward, anxiety ridden, CPTSD, OCD, brilliant little, white, chef man?
Well, to do “the thing” her father questions her about - to realise her dream: to be (co-)owner of a restaurant. And and to do it with a world renowned chef who cooked the best meal she’s ever had, where she can lead and create, and have the opportunity to work towards a Michelin star, and for her to have a found family in that journey, to have other people to rely on and support and work towards a common goal, because she tried alone in the past and it didn’t work out. And this is an opportunity that she won’t pass up, regardless of her father’s concerns.
Also, Jeremy Allen White is a strong actor, and Ayo Edibiri, who is relatively a newcomer, holds her own, and adds to the scene. She brought her A-game - she meets him at his level whilst maintaining her character, she balances him out well in his rawness in bringing her own dynamic, those two actors playing those specific characters belong in the kitchen together, the casting choices are *chef’s kiss”.
Well that’s all, it is A LOT, and I had to get it all out, now that I’ve said my piece bring on season three of The Bear, I needed it yesterday!
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rubyreduji · 10 months
blah blah blah dont assume people's sexualities blah blah blah
okay here's my svt ranking of whos most gay
HOSHI; has a boyfriend/sugar daddy/whatever you wanna call lee soohyuk and he wants to hold woozi's hand for the rest of his life fr
MINGHAO: constantly giggling over other men 🤨 shuts down carat's advances bc he's too busy coddling hoshi
SEUNGKWAN; loves women in a gay best friend way yall gotta trust me on this
WOOZI; yall are gonna be mad he's so high but his world revolves around 12 other men and he cant look women in the eyes
VERNON; bisexual king
MINGYU; him and jaykay have kissed on the mouth at least three times
SEUNGCHEOL; wants attention from everyone, man, woman, non-binary he don't care
WONWOO; he was gonna be lower but then i remembered he's obsessed with dino and has a slutty little waist (yes it contributes to the opinion)
DOKYEOM; likes kissing his bros but in a "has a lot of love" way
JUN; not a big preference either way man just has rizz and it works
JEONGHAN; i dont think jeonghan is super gay i think you guys want him to be super gay so you can feminize him even more
JOSHUA; despite his chronic gay face i feel like he's pretty woman leaning and just loves his bros
DINO; this one is just vibes/doesnt stand out as super gay so he cant compete with the rest of the fruit fest
tbh i think they're all fruity (and probably romantically in love with each other) but some of them are just more obviously fruity than others
@nishloves and @sstarryoong asked for this so i am delivering hehe
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the-type-a · 2 months
omg imagine an au with duncney as actors playing love interests in a movie… (i apologize in advance bc this is pretty long)
and the movie doesn’t necessarily have to be a romantic movie it could be any genre and they don’t both have to be the main actors they could just be side characters with important roles, with other td characters acting in the movie, BUT i was thinking that it could be a romance movie with them as the main characters and it would be like;
- courtney is a well known actress who is very passionate about acting. she auditions for this romance movie and gets casted, obviously
- duncan is a less well known actor compared to courtney. his agents convince him to audition for this movie because it could gain him more popularity
- duncan gets the role of the main lead. however, he is NOT enthusiastic about it at all because he hates chick flicks.
- because of this, courtney is under the impression that he doesn’t take acting seriously, that he’s an industry plant or whatever, and that she had to work her ass off to get to where she is today meanwhile this completely unserious guy just gets roles handed to him on a silver platter
- she calls him out on his lack of enthusiasm which causes them to start having beef, non stop bickering on set blah blah blah you can imagine the rest
- he would tease her after kiss scenes, he would say stuff like “you were totally into that kiss” and she would tell him to shut up
- i dont have the creativity to imagine what would cause for this to happen but courtney opens up about her parents super high expectations of her ever since she was a kid (maybe she could have been a child actress, or a theatre kid) and hes like yeah my dads an asshole too. after this they put the beef aside and become amicable
- courtney catches feelings for duncan because she feels like hes the only person that appreciates her for her and not because of her fame and achievements. and duncan falls for courtney because well, shes courtney duh
- one day duncan keeps making mistakes which pisses the director off but courtney defends him and its at that moment that duncan realizes that he loves her
- after they both realize their feelings, they have to film a scene where they make out and they’re both super into it and completely forgetting that it’s just for a movie. and then the camera guy says cut and praises the both of them and says something like “that was some great acting it really felt like you two were in love” and after that it’s SUPER awkward between the both of them
So now i dont really have any other ideas left but I would LOVE to hear your take on this!
Oh, I absolutely LOVE this 🤭
Ngl I got a little Notebook vibes from it because Ryan and Rachel hated each other while filming but then ended up dating sooo yes I can definitely see this happening with Duncney.
I love the idea of them coming to terms with their feelings and just being able to express it without actually having to confront the other about it (in this setting). It just makes it so funny and so entertaining because just imagine their inner dialogues having to do that make out scene 😮‍💨
Don’t even get me started on their thoughts when they aren’t really on good terms. They would absolutely hate admitting the other is a good kisser lmao
If you have more ideas for this please lmk because I’m hooked and there only HCS, I would 100% read this if you decided to make it a fic!
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maximwtf · 6 months
Hi there! first off, I LOVE your fics so much! Secondly, I’d like to request for Stede since I agree, there is a lack of fics for him!! I love the way you’ve written for him so far. Feel free to ignore this if you don’t feel like writing it for whatever reason, of course 💟
Though, perhaps I could request a Stede x reader where the reader sees Black Pete and Lucius’ romance blossom and they think it’s the most endearing thing ever but it also makes them a bit nervous because they have feelings toward someone in the crew (Stede) and they don’t know the first thing about how to express it. Stede noticed the reader is down one day and they accidentally spill their dilemma but they leave Stede’s name out. So then Stede is giving the reader courting lessons pretty much and then after the lessons have “concluded” and Stede’s like “okay now go get ‘em!” pretty much, the reader stands there and is basically repeating back everything they learned to him. He’s not taking the hint so he’s like yes that was wonderful practice, now go and tell the lucky person all of this! And the reader is like well…it’s you. And confessions both ends ensue blah blah💕again if you don’t feel inclined to write this, no worries! Wasn’t sure if you are taking romantic requests for him. But maybe even if you aren’t this plot could still apply just minus the part where the reader uses it on Stede, where he gives the reader courting lessons still and it’s all cute and fluffy?
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Stede Bonnet x Reader
Words: 3130
Google docs pages: 5
Warnings: None? Reader is bad with emotions, they don’t know what to do with love. Is the author's inability to write non-tragic romance also a warning? Nah but fr it’s the best fluff I can offer!
Opening: You watch Pete and Lucius’ relationship blossom, becoming jealous of it. Stede notices you being down more often and tries to help, when you end up telling him of a crush you have. He offers to teach you ways to confess, though he doesn’t seem to realise who this crush truly is.
AN// Reader can be any gender ! Thank you for this request, ahh. I don’t usually get excited over fluff, but if it’s for Stede I’m here for it. I hope this came out good !^^ I’m still learning to write for him, this being only the second fic I've made for him wahh
“Go get em’ !”
There were no other words to describe how you felt when you saw Pete and Lucius be able to embrace their love, other than jealousy and melancholy. How they could so openly tell each other that they loved one another, how they could spend time together freely and knew how to tell the other how they felt. If you would have been able to do that, you wouldn’t even be in this position. This feeling wasn’t even you wishing anything bad for them, only wishing that you could have something that they had, with the person you fancied. 
But that person walked on deck, having no clue of your silent feelings and admiration. And if you didn’t soon find it in you to somehow tell him, you feared you’d miss your chance eventually. Hell, he was an attractive man and surely there’d come another if you sat at the sidelines and did nothing. But what could you do?
Your whole life, you hadn’t been the emotional kind. Showing any feelings that would show vulnerability was almost automatically forbidden for you. Far before you’d even heard of the Gentleman pirate had you been like this. A rough life at the sea hadn’t been kind, and even if it was more so now, you lived in the olden days. And most of the time when it turned out to be a fault in the new crew, you looked at Izzy and excused yourself. He was similar, so why should you try to change? Being the way you’d always been was comforting in a way, and learning a new set of behaviours sounded exhausting. Having to open up more, and be able to tell someone you cared for that you loved them felt impossible because of that. What if you came off as rude? Or even worse, if they didn’t even feel the same. Especially on a ship where you had to meet the same people every day, having to face the person who rejected you felt horrifying. And you couldn’t possibly keep avoiding this person, he was your captain after all. 
Stede Bonnet. The former rich landowner, who had abandoned his previous life in exchange for a pirate’s. An idea that you thought you would possibly never truly understand the reason for. From growing up on a pirate ship, to being a permanent member of his crew, you had no idea why one would like to become a pirate. Almost every day was a fight to win, but this man somehow stayed positive and had taught his crew manners you’d never seen on a ship. You had thought you would never be able to fit in, but so you did. Because he had welcomed you with open arms, like he had known you his whole life. He didn’t care about what you’d done, who you had been or where you’d come from. He cared about who you were now. A truly admirable person in your eyes. 
Not to mention, you had an eye for nice fabrics and clothes. You’d never been able to afford them, nor were they practical in the action you had to take part in daily, but did they look nice. And he wore them well, all the ones he’d brought with him on the ship. All the nice colours, shapes and textures were a sight for a sore eye. You didn’t know if he’d ever noticed you checking out his outfits, but you hoped not. What would he even think? If he didn’t know why you were staring, you assumed he would think you were just creepy. Another reason why you didn’t want to confess to him. 
But did all of this make your chest ache, long for something that you were almost positive you couldn’t reach. The thoughts started making you distance yourself when the time gave you the possibility. You’d spent time at the bow of the ship, or all the way up in the crowsnest. Places where you could be alone for a moment, to try and convince yourself that eventually you’d tell him. 
But during all of this, you failed to notice that your absence hadn’t gone unnoticed, as much as you had hoped that would have been the case. Stede noticed soon after, starting to note that you seemed awfully upset. He had planned to ask you about it, but never could. He almost started blaming himself, if he had done something wrong to scare you off? Perhaps you wanted to leave the crew all together for a yet unknown reason? He knew if that was the case that he would never be able to stop you, but he could always try. Which had originally been the reason why he’d come looking for you. And if you were going to leave, he wanted to say his goodbyes, as much as it pained him to even think of that possibility. 
Once more, you leaned to the railing of the ship, watching the vessel make its way forward. Sometimes you wondered if this feeling was all your fault. You were the one basking in melancholy instead of changing. Yet, these thoughts never had enough power to make you actually quit these habits. 
The sound of someone coming towards from the hallway near you brought you back from your thoughts. To your horror and pleasure, it was Stede. He noticed your quick turn towards him, giving you a gentle smile before fully emerging through the small door frame, placing himself on the other side. Though, that smile faded rather quickly as he seemed to remember the reason why he’d come to find you. “Ah, I almost ran out of options as to where you could have been!” He said, a slight chuckle in his tone as he unintentionally tried to ease the rather tense atmosphere. You gave him a shrug, keeping your eyes keenly on the water, watching it swirl and hit the ship in waves. “See, I came to ask you how you’ve been feeling? You seem like you’re keeping something bottled up?” He continued to speak, guessing you had nothing to say to his first comment. Though, this one froze you. What could have you said? That he was the reason why you’d been upset this whole time? Blame Lucius and Pete for all of this? Or were you upset because of yourself. “Homesick, you know how it is.” You lied, trying to joke off the question. But your attempt had gone down the drain, only making Stede furrow his brows in concern. He knew you were lying, knowing you viewed the ship as your home. “Please, it’s not good to continue like this. Better to talk it out.” He insisted, making you bite your inner lip in return. Like you were holding back something you feared you might slip on accident. 
Yet, that helped as much as rowing a boat without oars. “I fear the person I care for doesn't feel the same.” You sighed, ashamed of admitting to your feelings. Your gaze was tilted faintly upwards, eyes watching the water, too scared to look at Stede. A gentle hum came from his side. “Then why don’t you go ask?” The advice sounding like he was relieved it hadn’t been anything worse than that. But to you, this was as worse as it was ever going to get. Being stuck with feelings you didn’t know how to express. But even that feeling, the frustration was hard to show to him. Having to keep him in the shadow from how you felt. You shook your head, lowering your gaze. “I don’t know how.” A defeated sigh leaving you as your shoulder slumped down. If you were to guess, an empathic expression had appeared on Stede’s face. He stayed silent for a moment, before placing a hand on your shoulder. You almost pulled away, startled by the sudden touch. Yet there was something so comforting about it that it didn’t take you long to ease into it. “If you want to, I could offer you a few tips on confessing in the proper way?” The captain suggested, voice gentle as ever. He spoke with confidence, knowing that he could possibly help you. And you knew that, but that hadn’t been the reason for your reply. “Oh, I would appreciate that.” Even if he couldn’t help you, you could finally spend time with just him, as he talked to you about the subject of love, having no clue that he was that subject for you. 
And after that conversation, you collected all of the courage in you as you prepared for the first meeting of the few you would continue to have with him. And with a deep breath, you pushed the door open that led to his quarters, finding the man himself seated on one of the couches. He got up to greet you, starting the ‘lesson’ soon after. 
You sat in front of him, listening as he talked. “You didn’t tell me more about this person. What kind of confession would fit them? If it is a pirate, I’m not so sure a fancy confession is the thing you need.” He laughed the comment off faintly, a hint of doubt in his voice. “N-no! I’m sure- they’d love it.” You answered rather abruptly, thinking he might be rethinking this offer. “Well then…A confession is often considered a private matter. So you would find a place such as that to confess in. You would usually think the wording of the confession beforehand, polite and respectful.” The man started, his eyes looking up as he thought of how these tips could be used on a ship. As he paused speaking his thoughts out loud, he turned to you, as if waiting for you to have questions. But you didn’t, you looked at him keenly, waiting for him to continue. “Well- You could ask them out to eat before confessing. But I’m not so sure you could do that here, I’m afraid.” He said, tilting his head a little at the shame of that. “Thoughtful gestures are an alternative, perhaps a small gift or a letter?” He added after, clearly deep in thought as he tried to come up with something that was doable on a ship. “I’m not so gifted with my hands.” You muttered, thinking of the possibility of giving him a gift. After all, he was describing the way he had been taught to confess, so you wanted to follow those tips he gave you. “You don’t have to be, a confession on its own is good enough.” He smiled, shaking his head slightly. 
You turned to look at your feet, silent as you thought of what he’d said. Though, the moment didn’t last long as Stede spoke up again. “How about we practise the tips I gave the next time we meet?” He asked, tilting his head slightly. You turned to look at him, blinking your eyes a couple of times. “On who?” He couldn't have possibly been suggesting that you-, “on me, if that is alright with you.” He said, a friendly smile on his face, per usual. You blinked again, faster this time. “I- Of course.” You nodded, internally stunned by the suggestion, having to shake your head slightly to bring you back into the moment. You would have to learn how to keep your cool, this was practically the same thing you’d have to say to him when you actually told him. 
After that, he gave you a couple more tips, explaining the almost laughable mannerisms he had been taught or that he had read of. It amused you to watch him make fun of the things he had been taught into, giving you the slightest of ideas why he had chosen the life you’d had to live for most of your life. By the sound of it, you would have most likely done the same. 
You went to the next meeting with him, this time more relaxed. He stood in the middle of his quarters. By the way he was breathing he must have just moved some of the furniture out of the way. “Evening.” You greeted him, looking around as you walked in. “Ah, just in time.” Stede smiled, nodding his head as a greeting when you came closer.  “I thought tonight we’d try the advice in action, what do you say?” He asked after his initial comment, seeing as you hadn’t said anything. “Oh, of course. Yes. How do I start?” You asked, looking around as if exploring the cabin, a desperate attempt to hide sight of you being flustered. A light laugh left Stede before he replied. “If it’s okay, I thought I’d show an example first.” Your gaze snapped to him, soon after looking at your feet again to not seem odd. “Ah, of course.” You nodded, taking a small step back to give the man space. 
Stede cleared his throat, taking something from the table near him and stepping towards you. “A private place.” He hinted at the space the two of you were in before going forward with the example. He brought his hand towards you, handing you a nicely folded piece of paper. You took it with a slightly shaky hand, trying to keep in mind that he was only giving you an example, having no idea of how you truly felt. 
You weren’t sure what to say so you automatically opened the paper, eyes scanning over the words on it. You didn’t have to read often, so the skill hadn’t developed much, but if you read slowly enough you understood what the short letter said. A few compliments, subtly hinting at his yet hidden ‘feelings’. You looked up at him, lowering the letter. “I- Thank you?” You stuttered out, an awkward look appearing on your face as you realised how rusty it sounded in a situation like this. Stede only gave you a polite smile before offering you a hand. “Please, allow me to fetch us a place to sit.” He said, leading you to one of the couches. He allowed you to sit down first, taking a seat only after. “I’m afraid I don’t have anything to offer you. But let us use imagination.” The man in front of you explained, you gave him a nod while folding the piece of paper into your pocket. “When do you confess?” You asked, turning your gaze on him. “Well, we’d eat and maybe after or a little later you’d pull them aside to tell them.” He said, standing up and leading you to the middle of the room yet again. 
You stood in front of him, listening as he spoke. “Dear, I hope you’ve had a pleasant evening. But before it ends, I wished to tell you my admiration for you. Because I do fancy you.” He spoke calmly, knowing exactly what to say. You bit your inner lip, nodding after. “Alright.” Stede put his hands together, pleased with how it was going so far. “Do you want to give it a try?” He asked, tilting his head. You blinked a couple of times, nodding your head before even giving it a proper thought. “Okay, whenever you’re ready.” He said, giving you space. You took a deep breath, deciding that this was going to be it. You’d confess to him, and somehow manage to make him realise that you were being serious. 
You walked up to him, taking a moment before pulling the same letter he’d given you out of your pocket, handing it to him. He looked a little surprised, but still accepted the offer and looked over the letter quickly, as if he didn’t know what was in it. “Ah, thank you. Go on.” He smiled, looking back up. “It’s only the truth. I wished to show you how much I admire you, because I have had my eye on you. Stede, I fancy you.” You said, adding his name in as a desperate way to try and make this more obvious. But instead, he put his hands together, seemingly excited. “Ah, that’ll do it, almost swooned even me. I think you’re ready, go get em’!” He nodded firmly after, nothing but kindness in his eyes. Yet the longer you looked at him the more it seemed like he wasn’t so happy about what he’d just said. Like he hadn’t wanted to say it at all. You bit your inner lip for a moment, having to insist on making him understand. “I admire you, have for a long time.” You said, almost repeating yourself. Stede furrowed his brows, smiling at you a little awkwardly, now more confused than anything. “Wonderful practice. Now, go and get this lucky person!” He encouraged you. “Stede I’m-” You took a breath, not even sure what to say anymore. He hadn’t taught you what to do if the person you’re confessing to is the person teaching you how to confess. 
By this point the man in front of you seemed worried, offering a hand out to you. “Are you feeling alright?” He asked, placing his hand on your shoulder. You looked at the floor before taking a hold of his wrist, gently. Your eyes looked into his, desperate to make him understand even if you couldn’t show it properly with words or small subtle actions. “I fancy you, Stede.” You said, and as soon as he was opening his mouth again, you quickly added in, “it’s you.” This made him close his mouth for a moment, soon a softer look appearing on his face. “I love you.” You mumbled out to avoid any tense silence from forming. “Dear, did you go through all this trouble to confess to me?” He smiled, seemingly relieved yet he said nothing of it. You gave him a slow nod, afraid this was only the starting point of him rejecting you. “Because I was afraid I was losing you from the moment you started disappearing to this moment right now.” He added, gently pulling you towards himself to offer a hug, which you accepted. 
He felt warm, somehow he managed to also smell better than any other pirate you’d been close to. “I assumed you were leaving the crew and later realised I must have missed my opportunity with you.” He said, pulling back slightly, still close to you. You humoured the thought of him somehow sensing you didn’t want to go far from him at that moment. “You thought I was going to leave?” You asked, furrowing your brows, slightly amused. Though, you understood why he had thought that. He didn’t answer, only giving you a faint eye roll before placing a hand to the side of your neck, his thumb pushing your chin up slightly, making you look up at him. “I fancy you too.” He said, that being the only thing you’d ever wished to hear him say. 
AN// Yall TRUST I proof read this, but with the mindset of someone who hasn’t slept. Also why is Stede so hard to find good images of, bros making a face in like 99% of all images >:(
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sunshine-scented · 2 years
Hi! I love ur writing! Can I have some hcs of Jin and Yin having a crush? Thanks!
Kikiki~ why thank you ♡ it's been a while since I've seen these two little rascals phuhu
❀ Look at me!-No! Look at me! ❀
: The gold and silver demons having a puppy crush
: Jin, Yin x gn! Reader
: Fluff, and a hint of crack
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Jin & Yin
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This goes on two ways
If Jin has a crush he's definitely going to brag about it to Yin non stop everyday every night
Literally brings you up on every conversation when he gets the chance
"Oi look, it's that one pendant that people keep talkin' 'bout"
"Yeah you're right, (Name) loves that color by the way, did you know that (Name) loves that color by the way?"
"I know that you're ain't sleeping on the bed t'night"
Hopeless romantic, I mean, he is the one who encouraged Mei and MK to date so it's no surprise there
Is constantly complimenting you, from doing your work, to hobbies, to even just breathing
Won't. Shut. Up.
He just keeps on blah blah blah-ing to Yin and god bless his soul cause once he starts we will never stop
Literally lights up when he sees you but kind of waits for you to start the conversation cause he doesn't know what to say
He's a headache
For Yin, there's not that much difference since they're so in sync
However, yes he does brag about you too, he doesn't do it as much as Jin
On the side note, he's constantly trying to show off
"HEY (NAME)! LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" *Smashes a window* "IM SO STRONG!!!"
"Whatever you say, Yin"
However, this is only if they have individual crushes
If they both like you, oh dear
Constantly fighting over you
Having these petty arguments with each other claiming how one saw you first and the other denying it
"Hi (Name)!" "Oi! I was about to greet (Name) first!"
Showers you with gifts everyday
Don't ask where they get the money though, then again, you don't think the paid for any of the stuff either
It's like a game of "Tug of war"
Jin is here complimenting you and Yin is now breaking every window he comes across
If you give one more attention than he other, he'll be so smug about it and constantly rubs it on the other's face
Literally dorks I tell you
One time, you were just walking on your way back home then when you come across a puddle the two of them jumped and slammed their bodies flat on the wet surface to prevent you from "getting hurt"
But, they both did it at the same time and bumped their heads making them instead fall head first into the puddle, and you're just standing there by the way
They're acting all cool like yeah, this is what we planned all along haha please praise us now
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I'm hungry :(
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vi-sigoth · 6 months
how did you come to be able to trust and believe in men not to betray, hurt, or degrade you over time? i've never been in a situation where i was surrounded by "cuck" leftists as you say, and while i agree those men are awful in their own way, i'm also wary of right leaning men that tend to hide a general sense of contempt for women. a common example i have on my mind often is higher IQ men who willingly marry women who are significantly or at least noticeably lower IQ because they don't believe or care if there are women closer to them in ability, and they enjoy having such control and influence over their wives or live-in girlfriends. there's more but i don't want to throw you a wall of text lol
So, there’s really no good answer to this. I can tell you my own experience, but my life and yours are probably very different.
I have absolutely noticed a lot of conservative men marrying women who are lower IQ, (and tons of “racist” white men marrying poorer Hispanic, Asian, and even black women, which…we don’t have time to unpack all of that).
I would say—keep your heart open. But have your hand on the gate, ready to slam it shut and lock it when you see a red flag. I think a lot of women, because we tend to be more agreeable and less inclined towards hurting feelings with men maybe are afraid of asking the more difficult questions towards the beginning of the relationship (although I think that both men and women nowadays suck really hard at communicating with each other). There are some things you need to ask about that people don’t like—because they’re pragmatic and not very romantic, but in my opinion, women should be asking—
1. What are your religious/moral/ethical views?
My husband and I are the same religion. He and I discussed it very soon after meeting each other. I know that some people like to say that people who are extremely religious probably don’t get divorced because they’re afraid of the shame and stigma, blah blah blah, but I don’t buy that entirely. I think people who’s religious views (which inform your morality and ethics) don’t get divorced as much as non-religious people because their worldviews simply align more and because of that, they’re able to build more harmonious marriages. Going back to Conservative men marrying lower IQ women — I’ve noticed a bizarre trend, mostly with the older generations, of Conservative men marrying liberal women, or marrying women that have a different religion than them. It’s because those men in particular don’t care very much about their wife as a fully-fledged human being. Who cares, let her have her silly worldviews, as long as dinner is on the table; women are stupid anyway, I’d only talk politics with the boys down at the bar—type mindset. Make men tell you their religious views. How do those views inform the way they think about women and the treatment of a wife?
2. What are your thoughts on sex? Is it appropriate to go to strip clubs? To look at porn? Will you ever ask me to swing/have a threesome? How kinky are you in bed? Do you like doing anything in bed that would be considered outside of the norm?
Now this—people REALLY don’t want to talk about this. I’m going to be mega-cringe and cite Jordan Peterson here, but he was absolutely right when he said that nowadays, young men and women do things in bed that they can’t talk about with each other. But you HAVE to talk about sex with each other. I promise, it’ll save you massive heartbreak down the road. Can you imagine being nineteen and staring deep into the eyes of your boyfriend and thinking about how much you love him, only for him to completely blindside you and ask you to have a threesome? Haha. Yeah. (I said no). Talk about sex now, even if you are waiting until after marriage, you can absolutely discuss the act even if you haven’t done it yet. How many times a week does he expect sex? My now husband and I discussed this, and we both unequivocally agreed that strip clubs are out of the question, as is porn watching, and neither of us want to bring other people into our bedroom. We are also on the same page about which sex acts are fine, and which ones are gross and never happening. If guy is pissy about any of this or unwilling to answer or discuss this, major red flag. What it typically means is that he’s already doing those things or wants to do them in the future and doesn’t want to make a promise that he won’t do them knowing full well he won’t keep it. Don’t ever let a guy make you feel like you’re crazy, stupid, or nagging for putting your foot down about pornography and strip clubs. He engages in that shit? Drop him. Men need to be behaving better, but we, as women, also need to be more active in punishing men for bad behavior. Also, ask how will he feel if for some reason you’re sick or recovering from childbirth and you can’t have sex with him for a few months? He understands that there might be periods of time when that happens, yes?
3. How will you contribute domestically? What will our split be?
Whichever person works less hours out of the house does more housework. Period, the end. He knows how to do dishes, do his own laundry, cook reasonably well, and clean a bathroom, right? He better. You also need clear affirmation that he understands that just because a woman stays at home, doesn’t mean they just sit around and do nothing all day. If you are a stay at home mother, he’s going to step in at night when he gets home and parent his children to give you some downtime, and he’ll help you with household chores at night that you might not have been able to get done because you might have been too tied up with taking care of kids? The answer to that better be yes. Make sure he’s not one of those guys that think that all he has to do is go to work and come home, and NOTHING else.
So yeah, I would say, I came to start liking and trusting the men around me a lot more by making sure that I was thoroughly vetting the ones that were interested in me romantically. My husband showed me that he was loyal and trustworthy while he was still my boyfriend because, not only he did he agree with me about all the above things, but he showed me by his kind, sweet, and thoughtful actions. Not only does he agree with me about splitting domestic labor (we both work the same hours outside the house at the moment) he actually does it. He helps with grocery shopping, making our lunches, making dinner, taking care of my cat, as just a few examples. A man who loves you will always show you.
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mmmteaaa · 1 year
Ok this sounds stupid but listen:
Platonic KizuHara.
(sorry in advance for the horrible English and for the long rant).
Like not kidding, Kizuna and Uehara are like besties and love each other platonically.
Think about this:
• They are opposites. Sun and moon. One of the best relationship dynamics. So I know my idea is right.
• The social, egocentric (probably gay) with a hidden inferiority complex Kizuna Tomori, and the not-social, (probably gay too) and more serious person who has problems communicating with others.
•I imagine before the killing game, Uehara would observe his classmates because he didn’t know how to socialize and he then saw Kizuna. A bit loud, social, outgoing, and does not care about what people think of her.
•Then Kizuna realizes Kinjis’s staring and thinks something along the lines of- “I knew every guy was the same. It doesn’t matter even if their a boring priest”- or something
•Like, Kizuna doesn’t understand the concept of a guy being non-romantically interested in her.
•And she does her usual as she would do to guys that are interested in her- she tries to flirt with him.
•Kinji would be like girl what and immediately back off.
•So Kizuna is now confused kinda like in her free time events.
• Probably asks Kinji if he’s gay or something (he most likely is).
•Yes it’s an awkward start but imagine; one day the whole class has a meeting at whatever place and they start talking about random things.
•Kinji probably realizes that Kizuna is hiding her true emotions.
•And Kizuna is probably wondering why he isn’t into her.
•After that, they decide to spend more time together. Kinji tries to get Kizuna to open up and learn to be more social, and Kizuna to understand she can have male friends who aren’t only with her because of her looks (difficult considering she’s in the same class as Haru and Mitch)
•The class would be like “wtf when did they become friends” and are mostly praying for Kinji (ironic I know) so he doesn’t end up corrupted.
•I think Kizuna would try and seduce Kinji but this time more subtly. Like accidentally falling on him or getting too close to him just to “prove” him. Maybe he tries to give him a makeover.  And paints his nails and does his hair or something.
• Kinji is still not into her (obviously).
•So now is Kinji’s turn and he decides to invite the class to the orphanage. Kizuna probably told him to do so. She told him to invite the class to a place he likes. She was not expecting an orphanage.
•She is not enjoying it, she doesn’t interact with kids or with anybody at all.
•She’s not used to hyperactive kids running around and ends up sitting under a tree to rest.
• And there is Kinji, observing everybody. So as usual, they make small talk.
•Kizuna goes like damn you’re always with kids how tf do you not know how to talk to people-
• So Kinji just tells her that he’s not used to talking to people of his age because of his job and blah blah blah and he tells Kizuna how, though loud and a bit annoying, he admires how social she is and how she doesn’t care about what people think.
•And Kizuna proceeds to trauma-dump on him telling him that he doesn’t know her and that she doesn’t understand why Kinji doesn’t want to hook up with her and that that has never happened to her.
•To which, Kinji tells her that she wants to know more about her in a friendship way, in a platonic way.
•And that’s how they start the true platonic relationship.
•They just hang out like friends that care about each other as if they were married. Kizuna tries to help Kinji with being social (failing) and Kinji helps her to overcome her distrust of men and be closer to her female peers.
And this was it, thank you for coming to my TED talk, very sorry for the SUPER LONG rant and the bad English, bye bye
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saturnovelove · 2 years
something funny i noticed
english is not my native language, so pleaseee forgive me for any mistakes! also, spoiler alert for sx education (especially season 3) hello bylers, i was just rewatching sx education when this happened:
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and it reminded me so much of:
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like. are you kidding me. (also this scene HURTS me everytime. poor el she deserves the world,,,)
if you never watched SE, let me explain: there’s this boy, his name is Otis, and he meets Maeve and simply falls in love with her, but doesn’t do anything about it. they’re friends. but there’s also this boy named Jackson, who also falls in love with Maeve. Maeve and Jackson end up together. and later on, we find out that Maeve, apparently, likes Otis back! she and Jackson break up when he asks her if she loves him, and she says “I don’t”. then he says, “I think we both know that you like somebody else (Otis) anyway”. she wants to tell Otis about her feelings, but sees him kissing Ola, who becomes his girlfriend. Maeve once tells Otis that she thought there was time when he liked her and she liked him back, and he's like, "why are you telling me this now, that's not fair, i have a girlfriend and everything's great. of course i liked you, i turned myself inside out liking you!" blah, blah (it gives little women lmaoo). and then it happens again, Ola and Otis break up (Otis wasn’t over Maeve), but Maeve gets in a relatioship (i don’t remember if they were together or just hooking up) with another boy (who has practically sabotaged her relationship with Otis a bit, because when he [Otis] records a voice message to Maeve about his feelings, Isaac [the other boy] deletes it). and then Otis gets in a relationship with Ruby (the “you like me, but you don’t love me” girl), and when Ruby confesses her love for Otis, he replies with "that's nice". he never says it back. she’s visibly hurt and angry with him. then they have this “you like me, but you don’t love me” talk.  ANYWAYS, MY POINT IS, none of their relationships lasts the end. Maeve and Otis actually end up kissing (after 3 whole seasons). i still can't believe we had to get to 3 seasons just for them to kiss. i honestly don't remember if they end up together, because Maeve leaves for school or something, i don't remember. :sob: SE presents us with a painful example of two friends in love with each other, who never did anything about it. everyone around them knew they were "meant for each other," but not them. even their partners were like, "nah, you guys aren't over each other". anyways, then i remembered of mike's "i like you" (but you don’t love her?) valentine card:
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and Noah saying "Mike likes El" (again, but he doesn't love her? he can’t even write it.) and Steve x Nancy parallel (the "then tell me, tell you what, that you love me" one) and then of this:
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let's be real, how am i even supposed to believe el and mike are romantically in love. cmon. again, sorry for any mistakes. my eyes and brain HURT from writing so much in a non-native language. i really hope it makes sense. anyways thanks for listening to me. remember: byler canon.
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brekker-by-brekkerr · 2 years
Live reaction hsmtmts 3x06:
Please the canoe scene is the cutest thing ever they're so cute i love them The way ej said so we can stay together like I'm crying babies please stay together
Kourtney is so iconic i love her and her teaming up with Carlos madox and jet will be incredible
Wait i really love val now and also everyone has been assuming things about ash and telling her how she is but val didn't she was like no I'm not about that. wait im kind of getting on board with this
The pizza oven joke was good
Ms Jenn being like EJ my tallest child. Any time the wildcat fam is canonically referred to with familial terms my heart is so happy
Yes a Corbin bleu song let's go
EJ and Miss Jenn scene: stars i love EJ literally my favourite
Dewey says: why do Ricky and EJ give off boyfriends energy every time they interact like you're standing so close together you're so comfortable around each other what is this. Also don't think i didn't see it was EJ pulling you back at the start of the episode like he's your bf
Ricky asking if miss Jenn is tired he's so sweet i love him but also i feel like Ricky's always having to be emotionally responsible for the adults in his life so it’s like habit now :(
When EJ was concerned about the wildcats finding out miss Jenn was there bc he doesn't want them to know he's struggling- i get that, especially bc if the person in charge doesn't have it all together everyone is freaked out, but like can someone tell him that it's okay for him to not have it all together bc he has way too much pressure on him, and that these are his friends so it's okay for them to know not everything's perfect. They can work on this together
I don't like miss Jenn and Mr Bowen it's wack get that away
Jet genuinely cheering kourt on? So cute. Like the little "you got this kourt" I wasn't sure about jet x kourt bc jetwen and also i love Howie and kourt but i could get on board with this. Like her calling his stuffed animal cute that was nice. But i think they would be a cute friendship anyway
"Richard !" And then her throwing the freaking rock at him and Ricky being so confused help 💀
The way Ricky kept looking at jet when he said he was a very committed man 👀👀👀👀
No this is so cute wait we're getting more portwell content
Also Ricky's out here helping everyone with their relationships, romantic and non romantic. Like yeah i get it this is for love triangle spice blah blah blah but i appreciate that Ricky was out here helping seblos with their big moment, and then jet and maddox with their relationship, and now with PW's little moment
Also Ricky guiding in EJ like why is the caswen content there though. The way Ricky looked at EJ. Also they're both wearing converse
why are they doing this to them
Also quick tangent i hate that fireworks are always a metaphor for whether a relationship is good or not in media bc some relationships are like fireworks but like Belly's mom says in tsitp some are like campfire some are more comforting and that's not a bad thing and it's just so dumb it's not an indicator of a good relationship i hate this
I get that it's a metaphor for there being sparks but we know portwell has chemistry and sparks why are they doing this hhhhh
No seriously the more I think about it the more Im so tired of the fireworks metaphor. Fireworks are not a necessary component of a relationship. Often you'll feel fireworks or butterflies or whatever but when you're more comfortable with a person and a relationship it feels comforting and right
Big red and her were cute if i was super invested in them I'd be mad but i like this and redlyn might stay together anyway this is just ash’s queer awakening 
That was such a cute moment even if it doesn't go anywhere bc Val's in college and all that it was still a nice little sapphic moment i appreciate it
guys you have no idea how much i would love if everything was a misdirect if Ricky got with jet and portwell figured themselves out oh my stars
Ricky calling jet a nightmare that was flirting
No Ricky that was so scary your face was so scary pls don't do a repeat of season 1 what was that
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this is quite possibly the worst thing I have ever written (not self-deprecating, just objective, I'm awesome, I love myself, blah, blah blah) but I'm sharing it bc the richjake fandom needs to be fed.
inspired by this post (link may or may not work, I'm bad at tech, it's by @theabyssgazesalsointoyou and the gist is rich wearing jake's clothes and jake loving it but I like...twisted the idea. a lot. for my own purposes.) and one of my headcanons that I can't say without spoiling the whole thing. kinda. whatever.
anywho here is this fic. i wanted it to be like 700 words but it's 2611 and I'm not giving you any hints as to what it's about, just read it!! for me!! anywho enjoy
Before moving in with Jake, Rich had spent almost every night at Michael’s house. Despite being hesitant to let a scarred arsonist sleep at their house, Michael's parents had grown to accept him as almost a son within days. He did chores, went to family events, he even started to rival Jeremy’s title as their favorite friend of Michael’s. He didn’t quite snatch the spot before Jake invited him over for dinner one night and, instead of just cooking Rich pasta, gifted him an entire bedroom and house key. (To please Michael’s parents, Rich had always called that night ‘the great kidnapping’)
Rich was endlessly grateful to Jake for letting him move in, happy to not only have his own space but also to get the privilege of waking up to see that gorgeous face in his kitchen every morning. He wouldn’t have it any other way, really.
But there was still that small part of him that was only sixteen, and though Jake gave him independence and a new type of love Rich had never thought would be directed his way (it couldn’t be romantic, Jake was straight, but there was this glowing adoration in Jake’s eyes whenever he looked in Rich’s direction that made Rich forget about the SQUIP and fire), he couldn’t offer the same familial love Michael’s household could. 
So, no more than once a month, Rich would spend the night at Michael’s. It wasn’t the same as it had been before—Rich was a guest this time around rather than a resident—but Michael’s parents still lit up at the sight of him and spent the entire night feeding him and playing board games in the living room. They asked about school, girls, boys—all the things Jake subconsciously knew and didn’t need to ask about. Rich, grinning, would happily answer all their questions while Michael (sometimes with Jeremy, sometimes alone) would do something or other in the background, completely unentertained. 
Rich looked forward to those nights. Jake knew he looked forward to those nights. Which was probably why he decided not to tell Rich he had a 101.8 degree fucking fever.
“Since when?!” he whisper-yelled into his phone speaker, holding it close to his mouth to keep as quiet as possible. He was hiding in Michael’s bathroom, sitting on the edge of the bathtub while Michael and his family ate dinner. He was supposed to be with them, but Brooke had been texting him non-stop for the past ten minutes, and considering their friendship mostly consisted of group events and choosing each other for group projects in classes they had together, he decided it was probably urgent enough to sneak away from dinner to see what the hell was going on. 
“I don’t know!!” Brooke whisper-yelled back, mimicking Rich even though she had no reason to keep quiet, “He was complaining about having a headache earlier?”
Rich ran a stressed hand through his hair. He could hear his heel tapping against the tile floor, though he was completely unaware of the motion. He wasn’t—he wasn’t that overprotective, okay? He knew Jake could handle himself in almost any situation. But he also knew Jake was probably the most independent person he’d ever met, and if he texted Brooke asking for help (technically he’d asked for, quote, ‘love and affection’, but for him, that was practically the same thing), then he was probably on the verge of death. So yes. He was stressed. Not panic-attack-break-down kind of stress, but reaching not-abiding-to-speed-limits-on-the-way-home levels.
“Is he gonna be okay on his own?” he asked, knowing full well that whether or not Brooke said no, he’d probably still end up going home anyway. He thought mournfully back to the wonderful meal Michael’s parents had prepared for him. Honestly, with the image of Jake all alone at home, it suddenly didn’t seem that appetizing. 
“I don’t know, probably. He said he threw up.”
“Fuck. Okay. You don’t need to go over, it’s fine. I’ll be there in twenty.”
“Are you sure? I can probably—”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m sure. He’ll probably be embarrassed as fuck if he finds out you had to come over and take care of him.”
“He literally asked me to.”
“He’s not mentally stable right now, it doesn’t count,” Rich replied, already getting up and opening the bathroom door. 
“Fair point. Don’t tell him I told you, by the way, he doesn’t want you to know.”
“Seriously?! That ass—” he glanced down the hall to see Mrs. Mell looking at him curiously. “ —jerk,” he amended.
“Shut up. He was being nice, wanted you to enjoy Michael’s house and all.”
“Of course. I hate him. I’m gonna go now, I’ll text you when I get there. Bye.”
“B—” her voice cut off before she could finish. By the time she’d realized he’d hung up, his phone was already in his pocket as he walked back into the dining room. 
Mrs. Mell was giving him an innocently hurt expression, clearly confused as to why he left dinner just to take a phone call in the bathroom. Rich felt guilt well up in his throat—-this house was quite possibly the closest thing he had to a real family—but Jake. Jake took priority over every other thing on this planet, no matter how loving or kind.
“I’m really sorry,” Rich said, walking back to his seat only to stand behind his chair rather than sit down. “Jake’s got a fever and I can’t—I gotta go make sure he’s okay.”
Mrs. Mell #2 (not Rich’s least favorite, just the second one he was introduced to) frowned. 
“Aww, sweetie,” she said, “Are you sure you have to go?”
“Yeahh,” Michael said, voice drawn out by the excesses of weed he’d done before Rich arrived (Jeremy had been over, Rich didn’t want to know what they’d been doing in that basement), “Are you sureee?” 
Rich was positive Michael’s parents didn’t notice his sarcasm.
“Yeah, I know, it’s terrible,” Rich said, deadpan just to piss Michael off, before turning to his parents. “Seriously, I would love to stay, but he’s a total mess. Can we reschedule for next weekend?”
Even as he said it, even as they were offering to let him take leftovers home with him, Rich was drifting towards the door, mind already focused completely on Jake. He slipped his shoes on as quickly as he could and left, offering goodbye smiles and adult-leaving-an-adult-party waves (since moving in with Jake, a lot of the things he did seemed a lot more adult now. Small talk with strangers, paying bills, going grocery shopping—growing up wasn’t nearly as life-changing as he thought it was going to be. Most of the time, it just consisted of snuggling with Jake on the couch as they did homework together).
He didn’t let his fake smile falter until he was pulling out of their driveway messily, hitting the brakes too hard when he realized he was going too fast and forgetting to switch on his turn signal until he was already rounding the corner out of their neighborhood. He considered texting Jake, but he didn’t find the time to pick up his phone between buying cold medicine from CVS and searching the isles for Jake’s favorite snacks and an herbal tea that was advertised to reduce congestion. With no update as to how Jake was doing, he ran a few red lights and ignored a few laws that were probably important for the safety of everyone on the roads on the way home.
“Jake?” he called the second he opened the door. The whole house reeked of sickness, the blinds pulled down, the lights off, and the kitchen messy. There was a pot on the stove with ramen still in it, a half-eaten pop tart on the island, and a couple of bowls on the counter. Rich cringed. Jake was a neat freak. Not a good sign. 
Rich dropped his bag of stuff on the counter and cast a glance at the living room as he passed, just in case Jake was on the couch. He wasn’t.
“Jakey?” he called again, this time a bit gentler. He knocked on Jake’s bedroom door, not waiting for an answer before opening it. 
Empty. Jake’s bed was a mess, the covers pulled off and all the pillows gone, but there was no Jake. Rich went as far as to check the floor on the far side of the bedroom, but that was as spotless as it had been this morning. 
Okay. That was fine. This was totally fine. Stress level: phone-in-hand-to-call-the-police. Slowly reaching the-love-of-my-life-died-and-I’m-going-to-spend-the-rest-of-my-life-mourning. 
“Jakey? Where are you, bro?”
The bro felt heavy in his mouth, mixed dangerously with the pure, soft, obviously romantic concern.
“R’ch?” Jake called, voice so hoarse it gave up on the ‘i’ in Rich’s name and slipped right into the ‘ch’ that sounded more like a ‘k’. Rich, previously unaware that one person could sound so completely helpless, stumbled from Jake’s room and into his own, drawn to Jake’s voice like a fucking cliche, metaphorical magnet. 
“Jesus Christ,” Rich breathed. Jake was on his side, piled under both Rich’s comforter and his own. He was shivering, his face both pale and flushed with sickness. Alone. The fact he hadn’t called Rich—he’d just planned on staying here by himself—
Rich, who’d dedicated months to undoing all the damage Jake’s parents had done, sent up a curse directed both at himself for failing to notice Jake was sick earlier and Jake’s parents for leading him to believe he couldn’t ask for help when he was like this.
At least Jake had found comfort in Rich’s clothes, apparently. Four of Rich’s shirts were strewn across the bed and one of his favorite hoodies was being used as a pillow. Another was being used as a stuffed animal, Jake snuggling it with his mouth and nose burrowed in the fabric. Rich, for the life of him, could not figure out why Jake would do such a thing, considering he could hear his rattling breathing from here.
“‘M not feelin’ good,” Jake said, muffled by the shirt. Rich laughed incredulously as he knelt next to the bed and pressed the back of his hand against Jake’s forehead. 
“Yeah, buddy, I can tell. What’re you doing in my bed? You trying to get me sick too?”
For some reason, that seemed to upset Jake. His breathing quickened without deepening, and Rich could practically hear Jake’s snot leaking onto Rich’s hoodie. Disgusting. 
“No,” Jake whispered, his voice cracking, “No, Richie, I’d never, I swear, I—”
“I know, I know, it was a joke,” he replied quietly, making a small ‘shh’ing sound to try and soothe him.
Rich could see Jake frowning even behind his sweatshirt. As gently as he could, he reached for the fabric to take it away from Jake’s mouth, hoping it could help him breathe easier. The second he tried, though, Jake made a whining sound and shuffled away, hugging it closer and letting out a tiny sob. 
“No? Okay, that’s okay. But don’t you think moving it will help you breathe?”
Jake shook his head ‘no.’ Rich frowned. Okay, different approach then.
“You’re getting snot all over my sweatshirt,” he said, plain and simple if not a bit accusatory. He sounded so much more apathetic than he felt. He was playing this ‘straight boy who doesn’t care that you look so small and helpless and oh my god I want to kiss you,  wait, no I don’t, I’m straight’ character really well.
That, unsurprisingly, got Jake to let go of it long enough for Rich to pull the sweatshirt away and add it to his growing pile of laundry. There was shuffling behind him as Jake tried to sit up. 
“Do you need anything?” Rich asked, turning back to Jake, “Soup? Medicine? A… Jake?”
Jake was upright and crying. Straight-up tears pouring down his face, eyes red and lips pursed pathetically. He was clenching the comforter against his chest and trying to hide his face behind it without getting snot on it as Rich had previously complained about. 
‘What’s—holy shit, what’s wrong?” 
Rich shot across the room, searching Jake for some injury that could cause him to fucking—
Rich had never seen Jake cry before. He didn’t know what to do. He wanted to run and hide, to protect himself from such an unholy sight, but he couldn’t bring himself to leave Jake here. Alone.
“‘M sorry,” Jake sobbed, collapsing forward onto Rich’s shoulder. Rich could feel Jake’s fever through his shirt and, not caring if he got sick, wrapped his arms around Jake and pulled him closer. “I didn’t wanna—I just missed you so much, and you were so so far away and you’re so tiny—”
Instinctively, in a desperate attempt to return some normalcy, Rich squeaked out, “I’m not that short!!”
Jake shook his head and cried harder. Rich ran a soothing hand through his hair. 
“You’re so short your stupid sweatshirt doesn’t fit—”
Rich paused. 
“You—” Jake rasped through tears, “—you always wear my stupid sweatshirt when you’re sad and… and I thought it might make me happy if I could smell you, or pretend you’re here and not at stupid Michael’s, but—but you’re so small it doesn’t fit, and I tried to hug it but it wasn’t enough because I was cold and you’re warm and if you were with me I would never ever be cold, so—so I came here and I didn’t mean to mess up your clothes ‘nd make you angry.”
If Jake continued like this, Rich’s heart was going to erode away into nothing but Jake Jake Jake. He was going to get a false sense of hope that nothing could break. The world was already more golden than it had been before, already so much brighter despite the fact Jake was crying. 
“I’m not angry, idiot. I just wanted you to be able to breathe.”
Jake’s sobbing ceased. Nuzzling deeper against Rich, he whispered, sounding childish, “Are you sure?”
“Of course. Of course, dumbass.”
Jake tried to laugh with relief, but all that came out was a coarse groan and unhappy sigh. Rich kissed Jake’s forehead as he untangled himself and laid Jake back down on the bed, ignoring Jake’s protests. 
“I’m not letting myself get sick, but I promise you, you can have my entire closet until you're better, yeah?” Rich said, unable to stop his giddy smile.
Jake gave him a sleepy but content sound of agreement.
“I wan' that stupid shirt with the nerdy science pun on it," Jake breathed, already drifting off to sleep.
If any other sick person in the universe was asking, Rich would flip them off and tell them it was his favorite shirt and no one could touch it. No one was even allowed to eat spaghetti at the same table as him while he was wearing it. 
But it was pretty, smart, perfect Jake, so Rich took it off its hanger and gave it to the poor guy to snuggle with for the next three days. 
(And if, while Jake was still delirious with fever and sound asleep, Rich snuck from the house and to Target just to get a sweatshirt for himself in Jake’s size, then no one needed to know. If he had to hide his smile behind his hand when he walked into their apartment a week and a half later to find Jake cooking dinner in that same sweatshirt, then only God was his witness. If he was so overwhelmed at the sight that he grabbed the drawstrings and dragged Jake down to his height to kiss him, then that was between him and Jake. 
And everyone else. Because Jake, apparently, felt the immediate need to brag about getting ‘Rich fucking Goranski, like the hottest guy fucking EVER to kiss me, Jenna, he kissed me. Me!!')
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shinessi · 1 year
Family’s hard sims4 challenge
gen 1: the cool parent
You always loved the idea of a family but you could never find that special someone to start it with but besides that you always knew whatever your child wanted they would get
traits: family oriented unflirty neat
goals: have 4 baby’s and 2 furbabys have 1 set of twins(may use mcc) get married as an adult and go from a one star restaurant to a two star restaurant get to level 10 cooking skill and parenting skill buy atleats 12 things for your child complete aspiration
Aspiration :super parent
gen 2
a mistake which was a blessing
Children? No! Take in your siblings? No! Country life? live in a house? Noooooo! Your parents had 4 kids and your The eldest life is chaotic to relax you’d rather just party pets are fine but baby’s absolutely not commitment to a family a husband a partner NO but what happens when a one night stand goes wrong you find out your pregnant what are you gonna do you wanted to be famous not pregnant and now our parents want US to take in one of our siblings and take care of them and your pregnant you can barely take care of yourself what are you gonna do!
traits: party animal non committal high maintenance
Aspiration : world famous celebrity
Complete aspiration
have a sibling move in with you until they are a young adult
have a one night stand
move into a apartment for majority of young adult life before moving to del sol valley for the rest of your life
Have only 1 kid
get to level 10 acting and singing
get married after all children move out get married to one night stand
Get to branch level of career
career:the acting one I forgot
Gen 3:why won’t you love me?
your parents never talked much to each other and you mom didn’t even really take care of you or love you so when you have your own kids and your mom loves on them you feel a burning pain in your heart jealousy maybe..?
traits:jealous hates children paranoid
Aspiration:anything in the evil category you pick!
fall in love and marry as a soon as you age up from a teen in a toxic relationship
have a teen pregnancy
get divorced move in with mom again
have 2 children + 1 pet
get remarried as an young adult w your true love
have a favorite child
have bad relationships w one child and parents
reach level 10 mischief skill
be a criminal and complete career
gen 4:
running away law suits out of the closet in the closet there’s nothing but drama in your family and sometimes you just wanna relax and go to the town bar but the bartender there was always someone who sparked your interest..”I like you” “I’m gay” well there goes that then came a new person who came to the bar every day that you to got along really well start dating blah blah blah they cheat okay whatever let’s fry this one more time but instead of going to the bar I’ll be the bartender someone comes in ask’s for your favorite drink you talk it’s true love but when the other bartender starts getting flirty with them you got make your move before they do..
Traits:romantic ambitious foodie
aspiration:master mixologist
have 3 kids
marry as a young adult
master mixology skill
master charisma, skill
make 1 of your coworkers an enemy
Have 1 small pet
tend at bar when it’s a ghost night
gen5: stressed out step parent
Growing up you've always loved kids and taking care of them,you've been through quite a lot of rocky relationships as a young adult but you've finally met your true love an they have a kid! You think you and their kid will be best buds but turns out they doing like you and the fact your dating their parent at all and once you announce that you are becoming part of the family by marring their parent their furious,can your fix your relationship with your soon ti be step child before you tie the knot? Maybe even find out why they don't like you?
Aspiration: successful lineage
Traits: family orientated romantic clumsy
Complete aspiration
Reach max level parenting
Reach max level handiness
Reach max level charisma
Have 1 or more kids(step child included)
Build tree house
Have a.gold level wedding
Go from a difficult to close relationship
Gen 6: turning bad
your parents raised you with manner and rules and your sick of it so you ran away as a teen started a new life changed your name and full identity tattoos dark makeup dyed hair!? Yes please but when it comes to getting a job or getting into a relationship that’s hard, but your dream has been to become a famous singer but when you know your parents will recognize you that’s hard what will you do when they reach out to you..
non comital
cat lover
Run away as a teen
reach level 10 in singing skill
have 2 or more cats
Reconnect with parents
have a accidental pregnancy/or adopt a kid
Have 5 or more tattoos
optimal with mods:commit one crime
never get married
aspiration: you can pick
career:no career you have to figure out how to make money
Gen7:”I wanna be a mermaid”
growing up you always watched paranormal shows about vampires werewolves and aleins but the occult that always caught your eye was mermaids after years of research about them you finally are able to Persue your dreams of becoming a mermaid first step is to go to sulani
traits:child of the ocean adventurous and good
move to sulani
ask 2 sims about mermaids
befriend 1 dolphin
marry a mermaid
become a mermaid
complete aspiration
as soon as you have your first kid move out of sulani
woohoo in the waterfall
Aspiration:beach something
gen8: what am i
You never knew where you came from just knew where you lived every time you would take a bath or a shower your skin starts to glow and you get gooy and scaly you know ur parents are mermaids because they told you and you have done a lot of research about aliens and vampires and werewolves you have no similarities with vampires or werewolves but aliens you have a lot of similarities
traits:squeamish you can pick and vegetarian
go to sixam
Get to level ten of career
adopt 2 kids
don’t get married but have multiple love encounters
build a rocket
aspiration:you pick! Have fun!
gen9: maybe I don’t belong
when traveling around all the time and seeing all different animals the one that peaked your interest was horses so you saddle up and move to chessnut ridge you meet up with a old pal of yours and decide if gonna be the best rider but when a enemy tries to bring you down you ride back up and face the challenge
traits:self assured horse lover clumsy
aspiration:championship rider
have 3 kids
marry enemy or best friend
Upgrade from a small ranch to a ranch mansion
have the best ranch in chessnut ridge
win 1st place at least three times in competitions with your horse
make 10 excellent nectars
complete aspiration
write a book about how to ride a horse and life in chessnut ridge
gen 10: I’m not special
U grew up in a family a famous extraordinary speacial people so you thought maybe you be good at something special to nope you’ve never been good a riding horses never good in the love departments never good with kids never good at anything so when life got hard when cameras were at ur extraordinary family with ur siblings cousins aunts uncles grandmas grandpas great grandma great grandpas etc all good at something you felt excluded so when you sat down at a canvas you could truly let out ur feelings that’s when it hit you “IM GOOD AT PAINTING !!!” And as you continued ur journey through painting you seem to peek interest in a worker at the art gallery but when you date them you find something wrong
aspiration: painter extraordinaire
traits: creative art lover perfectionist
marry someone who always knew you were good at painting
Complete aspiration
make 3 masterpieces
have 2 kids
move to the big city
Have ur side hustle be critic or interior designer
reach level 10 at painting skil
have 3 gold level dinner party’s showing off ur art
Hope you had a wonderful time playing this challenge tell me if you want more generations
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daylite-writes · 3 months
Asks are open! But be warned:
- I take a while ;-; pls be gentle.
- The most raunchy I get will be implied, never explicit.
- This is a side blog. I won’t prioritize this too much, so it may be that I just choose to not do your ask.
- I go radio silent occasionally, wuh woah. Don’t be worried, I will return!
- “Harbinger/character group react to…” is a format I love, but it’s a lot at times and will heavily slow down my production rates. To increase your chances of getting a quick response, a more specific selection of characters may have better results! (3-5 probs).
- Full fics/continuations to full fics only really occur when I get really into an idea, and so requests like those may get a small drabble, but often not a full fic. (You can still ask for one! I may really like the idea and write a full thing for it)
- “Please write more of this!” Give me ideassss. If you share your brain rot it’s more likely I will write.
- I am willing to write platonic yandere and romantic yandere! I am also willing to write romantic yandere for mid-older teen characters, like Freminet or Razor as they are either in my rough age range, or I think a teenage romance with them is fine.
Important Info:
Fandoms Available for Requests: Genshin Impact, Hunter x Hunter, Honkai Star Rail (I am not up to date with Pecony so no one from there)
Topics I’m fine with/like: fem/gn reader, yandere (and the acquainted tropes, murder, kidnapping, blah blah), character x character x reader (as in the characters like each other as well), animal hybrid!character, animal hybrid!reader.
No No Topics: age inappropriate age gaps (make it legal, no child reader x adult character, teen x teen allowed), racism, sexism, explicitly stated non-con (sometimes I will imply it, but basically never between the character and the reader, and I will always trigger warning it),
More mild no-no’s: named ocs, specifically male readers, character x character, BAMF reader (I’ll do vision holders or supernatural reader sometimes tho), AU’s that don’t exist in Teyvat (modern au my beloathed), pregnancy tropes.
Anything can be updated at any time!
0 notes
jophinabean · 4 months
Reviewing The Improbable Meet-Cute series
Book one - The Exception to the Rule - One typo, and a boy and girl connect by chance. Wishing each other a happy Valentine’s Day isn’t the end. In fact, it becomes a friendly annual tradition—with rules: no pics, no real names, nothing too personal. As years pass, the rules for their email “dates” are breaking, and they’re sharing more than they imagined—including the urge to ask…what if we actually met?
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐... Without question! 🥰 Soooo cute! Sweet little love story that had me smiling the whole way through! The first half is written in an email format spanning 10 years which I actually really liked. Only (I think) 24 chapters, 80+ pages long, but you really get to know the mcs and fall in love with their love story! I'd recommend this to anyone looking for a short and sweet read for Valentine's day! Definitely my favorite in the series! Plus the mmc, Callum, is 🥴😘👌
Book two - Worst Wingman Ever - Holly is dealing with the impending death of her grandmother and still reeling from a bad breakup. One bright spot: a Valentine’s Day card on Holly’s windshield—even if it wasn’t meant for her. An amusing mistake soon turns into a lovely exchange of anonymous notes, little acts of kindness, and a growing affection between two strangers. What happens when one of them has to say goodbye?
⭐⭐⭐⭐... Also very cute and fun! Again getting a good look into the mcs lives to get to know them separately, but wasnt revolved around them together as much. In fact they only interacted face to face twice the whole time, I would've liked more interaction so they could feel more right for each other by the end. Good story non the less!
Book three - Rosie and the Dreamboat - Rosie Whittaker and her sister are up for some Galentine’s pampering at a day spa. Getting locked inside a flotation tank is so Rosie. Enter a firefighter hero determined to pry this luckless pearl out of her high-tech shell. All Rosie has to go on is a dreamy voice and a flirty sense of humor. Remain calm, Rosie. This could be what you’ve been waiting for. Is this the man she’s waited for her whole life.
⭐⭐⭐⭐... This one is a hit or miss, but I personally loved it! A lot of people said it was too unrealistic, like Rosie (who supposably has ptsd) being so calm in her situation, being perfectly fine afterwards and not sueing the spa. Those things didn't bother me as much because after all... it is improbable love stories. It had really good and funny banter between the mcs, although very cringy at times. Overall I really enjoyed this one too! And for me Leo is also 🥴🥰👌
Book four - Drop, Cover, and Hold On - This Valentine’s Day, Daisy Murray has her heart set on binge-watching rom-coms. Instead, an earthquake traps her inside a bakery with its impossibly rude and insufferably handsome owner and head baker. They already have a history: she’s always smiled, he’s always scowled. Where better to finally get to know each other than amid the disaster? Then again, they have no choice. Besides, it could have its sweet, undeniable, and unpredictable perks.
⭐... Really disappointing. Boring, skipped though paragraphs that just thoroughly described a pastry or fmc getting texts from family and friends. The mcs had no connection with each other or the reader. They had a weird dynamic and just blah dialogue. They really didn't show any interest in each other until the end when they suddenly really wanted to have s*x. It was just weird, boring, and had nothing romantic about it... and I can't believe I didn't leave half way through.
Book five - With Any Luck - Audrey Love is cursed to be the person before you find your soulmate, the girl you dump for your true love. So when her best friend disappears hours before his Valentine’s Day wedding, Audrey fears that she did the unthinkable and kissed him at last night’s bachelor party. With help from the best man, she retraces her steps to find the missing groom and, with any luck, a true love of her own.
⭐⭐... This one was eh. The story had potential but it wasn't executed very well. Reading two disappointing stories back to back... I basically forced myself to finish this one, telling myself maybe the ending will be good... It wasn't. One brief surprise s*x scene with moderate detail was the most exciting part of the whole story, but I didn't enjoy it anyway since I wasn't enjoying the story. Disappointing to say the least.
Book six - Royal Valentine - Did not read. Literally, I was so disappointed with the last two that I didn't even read the last book. Didn't want to waste my time if it wasn't going to be good.
The first one is definitely the best and the one I would most likely read again. The second and third are still good, the third being my favorite of the two. The last ones.... 😶‍🌫️
Also these are all written by different authors but two of them mentioned 90s Brendan Fraser to describe the guys... Which I found humorous but also kinda lazy writing ???
0 notes
So I found this old assignment from 9th grade that I never got past the rough draft/planning stages of jshdhsikfff XD
Ok fine so do star trek romeo and juliet
The story takes place on some random non-specific ship in starfleet, (not the Enterprise, Voyager, or any or the important ones actually in a series) 
Romeo can be cardassian, juliet can be bajoran, or the other way around but this is because those two species are against each other, paris can just be human because we don’t know that much about his character, rosaline is vulcan because she’s logical and doesn’t want anything to do with romeo romantically, friar lawrence can be vulcan too because logical, or maybe he can be betazoid because of how he always seems to understand the situation (telepathy), or he can be trill because of how old and wise he is (experience of several lifetimes) OR Friar Lawrence could be El-Aurian (because Guinan)- Yes friar Lawrence IS Guinan hahahah. tybalt can be romulan or klingon because he’s really angry, Lord Capulet should be Ferengi, but that doesn’t work if juliet is bajoran, so I guess he can be some sort of stepfather/caretaker, maybe lady capulet (bajoran like juliet) is a widow, lost her husband to the occupation after Juliet was born and got into the federation at first as a refugee, (extra reason for them all to be against cardassians) and then lord capulet the ferengi seduced her somehow I guess (because he’s quark and he saw she had a daughter (juliet) and he wanted to take advantage of that because he wanted to eventually marry juliet off to somebody for the profit, plus maybe he wanted lady capulet (bajoran) to massage his ears because… ferengi) and she joined starfleet, benvolio and mercutio can be human because we don’t have very many humans yet. Nurse is betazoid because of how caring she is for Juliet, plus she’s really bawdy like Deanna Troi's mom.
Romeo and juliet meet like they did in the story at a masked party/ball, (because otherwise they’d recognise each other’s species), and then Romeo being the romantic convinces her that they should take off their masks together so he can kiss her or something, which she agrees to I guess, and then they recoil because oh my gosh he’s a cardassian evil guy blah blah blah, and oh my gosh she’s so much younger and that’s not right, and also she’s bajoran and it’s just wrong and she’s going to immediately stereotype me as evil and hate me oh no, so then they both go crying to the nurse and mercutio/benvolio respectively
The nurse is the ship’s counselor and very reasonable so she kindly tells juliet to get over herself because she literally just met romeo and she shouldn’t worry about it, and then they proceed to have a tearful conversation about feelings
Mercutio and benvolio both have pretty much the exact same conversation with romeo, telling him he’s known juliet for all of 5 minutes and to find another lady because she’s underage and bajoran and please don’t take this personally but she’s never going to like a cardassian and also what happened to rosaline?? blah blah blah, and then romeo proceeds to cry and tell them about feelings too.
Friar Lawrence is the bartender because he’s Guinan, so he doesn’t hear what’s going on (too far away) but he sees everything and thinks Romeo’s a fool but it would be cute if Juliet weren’t getting married to Paris
It needs something that makes the story not exactly the same other than the setting, some kind of plot twist to take the story away from the original plot, so
The ship gets attacked in the middle of the party, interrupting the feelings conversation
The party is a pre-party thing for Juliet’s marriage to Paris and she doesn’t want to be married but lord capulet/quark made her do it before she met Romeo and so now she’s extra conflicted because she doesn’t like Paris but she wants to be respectful to her parents so she felt like she didn’t have a choice so she consented to the marriage but not really it’s just because she didn’t know how to stand up for herself so she’s going to get married to Paris in a few hours but she just met Romeo, who’s a cardassian, and she’s afraid that she’s fallen in love with him, but she can’t do that because of her obligation to her parents and to Paris, who doesn’t seem terrible but she doesn’t really know him very well (lord capulet’s managed to convince everyone otherwise), plus also the whole thing about cardassians.
So the party ends, everyone goes and does whatever for a few hours, then to their quarters to get changed for the actual wedding, and this time focuses on everybody’s thoughts, which is a ton of mostly everyone having internal conflict.
Juliet: more conflict about respect to parents (marry paris) vs feelings (romeo being a nice guy she talked to for a while but he’s cardassian and also not Paris)
Romeo: pre established conflict of his feelings for juliet vs mercutio and benvolio’s arguments against it (also he doesn’t know juliet is the person he met or that she’s getting married to paris because he was just showing up for the fun of the party and the food, so he doesn’t have that conflict yet)
Lord Capulet: excited about the bride-price he’s going to get from Paris after a lot of negotiating and lying to him about Ferengi customs
Paris: NOT having doubts about this whole marriage thing because he’s the antagonist and he wants to be married to Juliet because he’s evil and a creep who wants to take advantage of her and so far he’s just played nice around Juliet to keep the marriage on. 
Nurse: Sensing the malicious intentions from Paris, and becoming a little worried, but changes her mind and tells herself she was just being silly, he’s a fine young man and she’s just excited about the wedding
Lady Capulet: totally been manipulated and lied to by Lord Capulet, she feels like there’s something off about everything but doesn’t want to speak up because she’s been drawn into the Ferengi belief that women are useless and nothing and inferior to men, and that if she doesn’t let Lord Capulet marry off her daughter, he won’t protect her anymore, and she won’t be able to fend for herself because she’s just a woman, no way could she get a job or anything without his help, and of course it’s probably just fine for Juliet to get married… right? She’s only 13… but she’s almost 14, so… it’s still not okay but it’s not like they have a choice? Lord Capulet’s been gaslighting her and it’s all very wrong.
Friar Lawrence: Not really thinking much or being conflicted, just pleasantly humming to himself as he cleans up the room after the party and starts getting everything set up for the wedding. He’s not sure about the morality of what’s going on, but so far as he’s concerned, all those short-lived species can figure out their own problems and everything will turn out alright in the end. If one of them is worried or needs advice they can come ask, but so long as everyone seems relatively fine, it isn’t really his business is it?
Benvolio and Mercutio: laughing about Romeo and his lovesick heart in their quarters, playfully making bets on how long it’ll be before he sees another pretty lady and forgets “that bajoran girl” just generally making fun of Romeo and stuff.
Rosaline: She’s going to be Juliet’s hero. Vulcans are logical and they suppress emotion, she wasn’t “having fun” at the party, she was analyzing all the situations and talking to people in a “friendly” manner to gather some final tidbits of information. Because Rosaline has been noticing little wrong things everywhere for a while. Lord Capulet says that Juliet and Paris are totally in love, can’t wait to be married, best friends, but has she seen them hanging out together? Never. Why is Lady Capulet so reserved and nervous all the time around Lord Capulet? Also suspicious. Paris is in his 20s while Juliet’s 13 going on 14?  She read through databases on human versus bajoran maturing, traditions, customs, ages of consent, etc. and that most certainly isn’t right either. Rosaline has come to the conclusion that whatever this marriage is, it shouldn’t be happening, and she’s going to try to rescue Juliet because all her logic points to that being the right thing to do.
Rosaline goes to Juliet and convinces Juliet to go on a walk with her, “calm the nerves before the big moment,” but actually wants to talk about everything with Juliet so they can make a plan for how to avoid her getting married to Paris. They end up talking about Romeo, and Rosaline advises Juliet that “he was in love with me yesterday, if you like him then fine by me, but take it slow and make sure he won’t run off with the next pretty girl he sees before you set your heart on him, the young man’s a fool.”
So far, Rosaline’s plan for avoiding the marriage is to have Rosaline pretend to be Juliet (like Thor pretending to be Freya) because Rosaline can keep a clearer head in the moment and can explain all of what she believes to be going on to the audience, and make sure none of the blame goes on to Juliet or Lady Capulet. While Rosaline does that, Juliet can hide somewhere else on the ship with a com link to Rosaline so she can hear what’s going on, and if it somehow backfires horribly, well they’ll figure that out in the moment and Rosaline will protect Juliet. Juliet isn’t sure about this idea, but right now there’s not enough time to think up a whole new plan. (Later: right when the “I do-s” are supposed to happen and Rosaline throws back the veil to begin her monologue, Tybalt attacks the ship and everything is put on hold to address that issue, leaving everyone wondering what’s going on. After they defeat him diplomatically or whatever, they decide to restart the wedding, and this time, Juliet steps up and adresses Paris directly and then Lord Capulet and stands up for herself and it’s all very well and good, but then there’s the aftermath to deal with– she stood up for herself in front of everyone, but what about later, when she might be alone?) the captain of the ship (hmm… the captain is the Prince, and he’s human because eh) […unfinished…]
Meanwhile at the end of the original party, Romeo learns from Friar Lawrence that Juliet is the lady he’s fallen in love with, and that she’s the one getting married to Paris. He runs off to Mercutio and Benvolio (again) accidentally catches them kissing (this is an older ship, sometimes the door system is faulty and allows people into the quarters without verbal confirmation from those inside, you need to explain that BEFORE this scene though) but he’s really oblivious and ignores that/doesn’t realize and just brushes it off without a thought and goes on to complain about stuff to them. (this is a comedic use of the faulty doors, you need a plot-central use of faulty doors at some later point)
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laughingpinecone · 2 years
Yuletide 2022 letter
AO3: laughingpineapple (double-checked a-ok for treats as per the recent AO3 update blah blah)
Hello and thank you for writing for me! I hope you’ll have a great time playing with one of these wonderful canons!
I love a wide variety of fics - from the most delicate gen to explicit, any tense, any format, big yes to all kinds of weird experiments up to and including interactive fiction. In general, I love canon expansion (showing new places in the setting or exploring those that are barely mentioned, just outside the borders, and ditto with events), character work of all stripes (expanding on little quirks, putting characters in situations that complement/challenge certain personality traits of theirs, just... observing these weirdos as they live their lives, for better and for worse), magical realism and adjacent approaches. I eat up emotional moments with a spoon when a fic is character-centric (danger! catharsis! hurt/comfort! the nitty-gritty of attraction!) and also love abstract stuff that is not character-centric at all: fake academia, a wider focus, inhuman povs, anything goes.
For both romance and friendships, I love it when it’s clear (not necessarily to the characters themselves, but to the narrative) what they like about each other, how they get along, if and how they trust each other. The specificity of each dynamic! I also love it when the characters are very into something that makes sense for them, be it a hobby or a kink or whatever, even if it’s something I may not personally care for.
DNW: non-canonical rape, non-canonical children, focus on children, pregnancies, unrequested ships (background established canon couples are okay, mentions of parents and paired-up OC randos are okay!), canon retellings
And now, in strict alphabetical order and with the usual disclaimer that shorter prompts don’t mean I want it any less:
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Disco Elysium (Steban, Uli)
The Leftist Infighting(tm) request. I love them and I love to poke fun at them. I love this take on useless ivory tower intellectuals who are also so young and bristling to be part of something real, love that that something real is coming fast and hard and they may die for it, love that given the state of Communism in Revachol they radicalized themselves up by their bootstraps, love that Steban studies economy (that’d radicalize me too, I think) and Uli stopped attending altogether, their stray-cat-friendship with Cindy, that Gaston speaks up against “communists” being about to be evicted and that means Steban and... Cindy and/or Uli? Where does Uli live anyway? Was there only one bed? I love that they are very earnest and very silly, love that they look like echoes of Harry and Kim in a different life, love Uli’s barely repressed anger and Steban seeming “like a romantic, in his own way”. I love this little crumbling corner of idealism that doesn’t even know what to do with itself and certainly doesn’t fit a world that’s not made for it, but remains moving and true.
If you want to ramp up inframaterialism talk, with pure theory or some other small miracle happening, I’m here for it. Ditto if you want to write one of their articles for La Fumée, have them write or talk about Dobreva and Abadanaiz, or share their Opinions On Mazovian Yaoi. Like a “& worldbuilding” request, basically. They have Opinions! On so many things! And I’d love to hear them.
Or have them interact with anyone else in Martinaise! As part of the expansion of the book club? Who do they manage to recruit? As neighbors? Cindy is right there painting in their attic. The Smoker lives next door and maybe studies at the same university. Cuno also lives next door, technically. Or do they end up at the ravers’ club? Do they ever hear the city and in what context? Do Harry (and Kim?) come back to the club? A chance meeting with Dros pre-canon, speaking of leftist infighting, I think it’s their turn to be called fuckin libs. Helping Gaston in the wake of René’s loss?
Additional prompting round thanks to a friend: do they try to win over Garte? How do they get along with Liz (who shares their same theme of "sheltered Youth wants to feel something real" and has her post-tribunal issues to work through)? What do they think of Evrart, if it doesn’t already come up in some twist of their convos I haven’t seen? What happens when (GASP) Steban and Uli eventually discover some minor doctrinal difference they have with each other?
As a sort of Tlön Uqbar Orbis Tertius crossover prompt, if something like that happened in Elysium would it be a win for inframaterialism or a terrible perversion of plasm? What does the book club think of that short story?
Ship-wise: can these two manage to turn their UST/feelings/relationships into a political act, weave some abstruse discourse into it, be all the more into each other for it if applicable, and not touch grass at any point whatsoever? You know that fanart where they’re even more insufferable once they’re together? That. Or before that, who’s pining for whom, and what’s the tipping point? Frankly I think that if Kim saying that his buddy is "only saying that because he *likes* getting thrashed like a schoolboy" is worthy of a “TMI, guys” reply from Steban, fair and square... then Uli offering up HIS buddy to be punched is also. skirting close to. something. Can’t exactly unthink “Uli are you by chance into this”.
Ships: I’m into both Steban/Uli and Steban&Uli. I also like Kim/Harry, Ruby/Soona, Garte/Sylvie. Cindy/Liz?
Fandom-specific DNWs: overall positive depictions of the RCM, overall positive depictions of the Innocentic system and Dolores Dei in particular, “$character is the next Innocence” what-ifs, postponing Le Retour, averting the nuke, averting the end of the world, Jean Judit a/o Trant appearing or being mentioned in the fic.
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Ghost Trick (Cabanela, Jowd)
I love their dynamic at its highs and lows, with that unstoppable force+immovable object thing they've got going, the competence and charisma. As best friends or romantically, how far does Jowd's loyalty go? Cabanela loooves playing villain- to what end, and does Jowd call his bluff? They're difficult people to be with, how do they get each other in a tough moment, maybe one when Cabanela's choice of coping methods (intense denial and all) backfires, or when Jowd is more toxic than radioactive waste? With many thanks to last year’s amazing fic for this prompt, forever in my heart, do they go somewhere incognito or costumed for work or otherwise, and do they coordinate or pretend not to know each other?
I’m intrigued by the effort that Cabanela must put into maintaining his perfect secrets, always controlled, never leaving a clue. As the cast’s foremost “yes, and” enthusiast, it could be fun to have Jowd play along with gusto if it’s a shared secret, or see through him anyway if it wasn’t shared. Because there’s one person in the world (two when Alma is alive... three with Sissel eventually?) who knows how to handle this ridiculous human being and it’s his godsdamn best friend. Who is just as ridiculous.
Jowd coming to terms with the extent of Cabanela’s loyalty never fails to get me. It’s so much! All for him? Why. All the guilt and self loathing that makes it very complicated for him to reciprocate.
New timeline casefic with ghost support is always great. Maybe they discover another ghost, too?
Or if you want, go wild with AUs! Western with ghosts? Space opera with aliens? Fantasy? Species swap, what kind of animals would they be?
Ships: Cabanela/Jowd as long as it's not cheating, Alma/Cabanela/Jowd, Alma/Jowd&Cabanela, Alma/Cabanela in alternate timelines when it's not cheating. I love "married couple gets a +1" in any flavor that does not involve cheating. I LOVE to see takes on Alma and her dynamic with her husband and their Cabanela.
Other characters: love the whole cast! Please feel free to bring in anyone - my faves are Alma, Kamila, Sissel, Missile, Pigeon Man and Emma. I am not interested in receiving anything Cabanela&Yomiel (a Yomiel&Jowd detour otoh is cool).
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Püha ja õudne lõhn | Sacred and Terrible Air (Any: Khan, Zigi, Saint Miro, Worldbuilding)
BIG HONKING SPOILERS. Feel free to ask for canon availability!
Khan: tell me everything about his collection! Make up memorabilia! Or his venturing into the Pale. What does he feel, what does it give him and what does it undo about him. I’m fascinated by the part of his personality that focuses, and is shaped by, disappearances. In general, I love how the book observes the ways in which the boys’ single-minded focus shapes them and wrecks them in three different ways. And Khan’s case is the one that’s by far the most interesting to me (I love characters who feel pulled to the void one way or another and he puts a fun spin on it). The evolution of his friendship with Tereesz is also intriguing, I’d love a piece about the two of them.
Zigi: Elysian STALKER go go go! Zigi and his imaginary best friend Ignus Fucking Nilsen. If that’s not metaphysical comedy gold I don’t know what is, I wish those chapters lasted forever. So, please more of that, or of Zigi traversing the near-Pale by himself - what does this liminality feel like, does he feel the pull of the depths? Did he feel the acceleration when it happened? We know that his dad thinks St Miro is a cringe nihilist, what’s Zigi’s take on it, did he even find out about recent political developments from the depths of his peculiar choice of hermitage? Give me any detail of his daily life in this ever-expanding impossible space!
His Innocence Ambrosius Saint Miro: give. me. the. deets. Controversial media personality, infamous since the early ‘50s at least. Gets crowned on the brink of a world war and fucking nukes it. WHAT a guy. They don’t make ‘em like this every century. Dude ensured they won’t be making any guys in the next one. How about another speech of his? (And people reacting to it? Disco Elysium characters having Opinions, for a crossover prompt? Please refer to my Disco DNWs, in case. For one, I’d kill for Harry “Raphaël Ambrosius Costeau” Du Bois and Kim to discuss the next Innocence. Or the ravers. I’m expectantly holding up a mic in Noid’s general direction) The circumstances of his anointment? Did he believe he had the stuff to be crowned Innocence before, does he now or is he more of a fake it till you make it kind of guy? How do his nihilist views hold up against the sensation of being the embodiment of the spirit of the times, and that his times are the end times? Does that sensation change him? As an accelerationist (and a very successful one at that!) what does he see in the Pale? Glowing lungs are so passé, what’s his iconography and what weird and poignant extraphysical phenomena follow him?
Worldbuilding: I’d also like weird and poignant extraphysical phenomena regardless of the asshole in charge, please. Another instance of ZA/UM usage (be it by Tereesz or OCs). Whatever the hell was up with the entroponetic qualities of cherry speed. Mold. “The Romangorod Conference distinguishes ten different types of missing persons. The ninth of them, non-entity, is in gross violation of the International Declaration of Human Rights” okay what about the tenth one tho. Or the fifth. Anything in detail about the Noosphere and freaky lil Mirova details (feat. Dora if you wanna crossover). Something something Self-Chiller. Something nice happening to Dobreva and Abadanaiz before their deaths. Or make up a “lore chapter” wholesale, make up a topic that parallels to some degree whatever’s going on in the book. ...What WAS that sacred and terrible smell in the air that time, anyway?
Ships: I’m really into Dobreva and Abadanaiz annnnd that’s it I guess.
Fandom-specific DNWs: overall positive depictions of the Innocentic system, as it were.
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Pyre (Volfred)
I’m so charmed by this smug revolutionary tree it’s not even funny. Make up any situation in which he can do his thing and I’ll be happy - be sort of full of himself but also sort of rightfully so, pragmatic to a fault except when he’s overwhelmed by grief, bearing the burden of taking care of the practical side of an impossible shared vision (and seeing it fail before it started and eventually picking up the pieces and starting again), long-winded and very much in love with his voice (also rightfully so) and also that’s what history professors are like, extremely charismatic, a mind reader with a higher calling which is always a dangerous combo when it comes to maybe going a step too far. I love this story set at the end of a cycle and I’m enamoured with characters who have enough historical awareness to acknowledge it and see that it’s up to them to bring about a new era. Canon’s bittersweet idealism is catnip to me.
I love him with Tariq who seems to be as charmed by him as I am (the shy, vague title of Volfred’s theme combined with its James Bond vibes are a killer combo. Tariq please) and with Oralech who’s maybe the only guy who can go “Volfred no” when needed. With oldest friend Bertrude with all the camaraderie it entails and all the Nightwings, really. Volfred & Hedwyn! & Rukey! & Pamitha! & ae!!!
I would also be interested in seeing him face people from the other triumvirates in more or less friendly situations - generally sticking close to canon for the level of danger they might pose. Volfred & Dalbert bonding and fanboying the Scribes on one end; Udmildhe maybe being a real actual threat on the other end, with Extreme Sap Drama Volfred VS Manley somewhere in the middle - Volfred would hate having to deal with Manley and what is fanfiction for if not bothering our faves? Or Volf VS Brighton for that matter, with similar levels of annoyance and pomp and juicy ideological clashes. In these cases I wouldn’t be interested in a reconciliation, and I don’t sympathize with Manley nor Brighton but I do find them very funny and I’m just here with popcorn for the catfight. How’d it go if he had to spend some time with Ignarius? Or Celeste?
As general Volf prompts: he’s a natural schemer, does he naturally assume that everyone else is also scheming 24/7? Does he, an actual historian with focus on the Scribes, find any reliable info on the Scribes from primary sources Tariq or Sandra or Celeste, or from ae? Does anyone (my bet’s on Pam) find out that he literally graded the Nightwings’ usefulness to the Plan? Is he a chain smoker or is it a one pipe a day kind of deal?
I don’t have specific headcanons about Sap biology; if you do, please tell me all about them. With or without Tariq’s or Oralech’s involvement (whose biology is probably also delightfully weird). Capital-letter-Reading can also be involved! What’s it like to mind-meld with the actual moon, or to get permission from the guy who spent like six years hating your guts?
Ships: Volfred/Tariq, Volfred/Oralech, Volfred/Oralech/Tariq. I also like Pamitha/Bertrude and Celeste/Jodariel.
Fandom-specific DNWs: Oralech dead, Volfred and Oralech split end (I’m good with either topside or downside ending), Ignarius/Jodariel, Tariq/Celeste. The Reader being a central character in the fic.
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Tlön Uqbar Orbis Tertius (Worldbuilding)
If there’s ever been a “go hog wild” request in the history of Yuletide, this is it. Oink oink. go. Please and thank you. The more transcendentally weird the better.
Any layer of this story is ripe for expansion and fractal instances of awe. A story about hrönir? More sophisms by heresiarchs? Fun times with visual geometry? Poetic objects? An encyclopedia page about Tlön’s take on some hyperspecific topic? Some strange surreal corner of Herbert Ashe’s involvement? Two or three of those astronomers, biologists,  engineers, metaphysicians, poets, chemists, algebraists, moralists etc having heated opinions, as academics are wont to have? And I’m sorry, let’s keep it philosophical first and foremost and all, but can we go back to the transparent tigers and tower of blood for a hot second? But also: that was the 40s. It is now 2022. What does society look like, under decades of influence by Tlön? What WAS Orbis Tertius, was it a work that would exist in writing or a work that would be lived by billions of people, a 1:1 cartography remaking this “third planet” of ours into its own image, and has it come to pass...? Convergences, intersections... ...where does this process leave Uqbar, that first fictitious nation whose fictitious literature depicted Tlön? What about Mlejnas?
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