#dst Wolfgang x reader
Don't Starve Together (Wolfgang x Strong GN! Reader)
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✿ When you first moved into the camp Wolfgang had no real reason to talk to you.
✿ Don't get me wrong he found you to be cute, but he was just too awkward and shy to start up a conversation on his own, so you two never really talked besides a simple 'Hello'.
✿ One day when he went over to his weightlifting machine he saw you looking at it. Upon asking you if you liked it you were quick to reply.
"Heck yeah, used to have something like this back at my old house. Too bad I can't use it anymore I'm starting to get a little weak and rusty," you explain moving your sleeve to show off your muscle.
✿ That took him by surprise not only are you nice, but you're also strong too. After a moment of thinking he asks if you want to use his machine sometime. Giving a happy 'yes' and 'thank you' you go off to help someone.
✿ After that, you and Wolfgang started to work out more together. It was a little awkward at first since it was so quiet, but slowly you two find a flow and it becomes something Wolfgang started to look out for.
✿ One day after you used the machine, with Wolfgang's watchful eye ready to catch if you were to fail, you confessed your feelings for him. Giving you a bone-crushing hug he says yes and you two become a power couple.
✿ Both of you work together to lift heavy ass items. You also look out for each other to see when they overwork or need more food.
✿ He knows you can lift your own weight and you don't need help most of the time, but he sometimes stresses when he sees you carrying a heavy object or when you use his machine.
✿ Wolfgang likes to sometimes lift you up to show off his strength and prove he's better than you, but oh my god the moment you did that to him he was so flustered and a little ashamed.
✿ When you both work out, or it's just you, he'll get caught up in the moment and watch you work out with a massive blush on his face. If you catch him he'll pretend like he was lifting weights the whole time.
✿ He's probably the stronger one in the relationship since he does use a bit of magic, but you have better stamina and can hold a heavy weight longer.
✿ Sometimes you or he will challenge the other person to a "weight off". Which is when you try to see who can lift the most weight. It can get a little out of hand with you both lifting other survivors up.
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offersqueen · 1 year
Don’t starve x reader requests!!
You can message your requests. No lemon for now. No creepy requests. I can do yandere stuff. I can do a little lime. I will do both male and female characters (including non-binary WX) but I would rather write male characters because even through I'm pan, I don't want people to over sexualize stuff. And as I am a girl, I would probably write it in a female perspective (unless requested otherwise).
ABSOLUTELY NO ROMANTIC STUFF FOR CHILD CHARACTERS!!! But sibling, parental figure, or friend requests are ok.
You can send in cool requests like self aware requests, or angst requests.
Requests are open!
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writin-with-the-blues · 3 months
I’ve had this idea for awhile but- Don’t Starve Wes x reader where the reader got trapped in the constant looking for Wes, established relationship type stuf!
A/N: Anon dropping an amazing request and acting like they didn’t say anything important. Here you go Anon!
A Popped Balloon
Content: Wes x Fiancé!S/O (Romantic), 2K words, Wes is disabled, reader understands French and French Sign Language (LSF)
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Were you crazy? Sure.
Were you insane? Maybe.
Hallucinating? Not something that happens.
Well regardless of what happened, here you are waking up to a field with no civilization. At first you were in full blown denial, just lying right there and looking to the sky. However, it was just how real everything felt that got you up and moving. The smell of the flowers, the sound of wind hitting your hair, and the way the berries, plucks of grass, sticks, and rocks felt in your hands. There was no denying the fact that this was happening and being the determined person you were, you to continue your investigation of your dear fiancé, Wes.
You met Wes in France seven years ago after moving there from America. You wanted to work as a performer however you didn’t find that much success in America so you moved to France. You tried to learn all the languages you’ll need before moving, one of them being LSF. You didn’t know ASL or completely knew French so learning LSF was difficult to say the least, but in hindsight it was probably one of your best decisions. You learned all of this mainly because you didn’t want to stand out all too much, well as much as you already did as a performer.
You bumped into Wes after a somewhat successful performance, enough to keep yourself housed and fed for a good while. You tried to talk to him in French, though he signed to you, “I doubt you understand LSF since you have an American accent but do you?”
Your immediate response, not even responding to the question he asked, “I have an American accent?”
Oh god the way his eyes shimmered like a kid on Christmas when you responded. He smiled so much his dimples showed as he responded, “Yeah, you sound breathy. It’s a bit hard to understand.”
“Breathy? What do you mean breathy?”
“Sounds like you’re.” He pauses his hand movements trying to find his words, “Breathing in between your sentences.”
You smiled at him as he smiled at you.
As you got to know him, the more you could say you fell for him. According to him, he has been mute since his birth so he decided to become a mime, he had gotten so good at being a mime it might as well be magic. The reason why is according to him, ‘C’est la vie’ or roughly meaning, ‘That’s just life; you got to work with it.’ The thing you always wondered is how he got his balloons to float without helium. However, every time you asked him how he did it, he’d sign to you, “A good performer never tells their secrets,” with a shit eating grin.
Even today, as you are collecting materials and finding ways to keep them on you, you still wonder about the logistics of that. Why you were thinking of that of all things instead of looking for shelter or food was probably a way to cope with the situation you are in. The sun went down as you picked the rock down little by little, you could hear the sound of bat screeches but you ignored it. Your hands hurt from the work on not only chopping down the trees but picking rocks. Your sticks were held together by you wrapping them with the grass which was surprisingly sturdy for grass. You went back to reminiscing about the past as you continued working.
You remembered the day you two became a couple like it was yesterday, it wasn’t particularly a beautiful day with storm clouds slowly rolling in. You both had a failed performance, what made it worse was the rain that came through which just completely ruined any chances of continuing, so you both sat on a bench under Wes’ umbrella. Wes’ makeup was ruined, his mascara and face paint washing away from the rain, it slowly dropped down in streaks to the bottom of his chin. It was attractive to you, however you knew that Wes didn’t agree with that sentiment based on the way he acted so you decided not to bring it up. He tried to communicate one letter at a time because his other hand had his umbrella, but you gently took the umbrella to allow him to fully converse with you. He signed, “Thank you.”
He started the conversation by signing, “Hopefully your performance was at least a bit better than what happened to me.”
“Well…” You looked to the sky, “the rain ruined it.”
“Yeah, me too. Well as you can obviously see.” He gestured to his face as he continued to sign, “My whole act was ruined, considering my makeup is melting off.”
He sighed, as the two of you remained in relative silence. You could see his cheeks blush a bit thanks to the rain wiping away the white face paint. It was a light dusting sure, but you can totally see it, so against better judgment you asked him, “Are you embarrassed?”
“What? No. No, absolutely not.” He signed quickly, so fast it was hard to pick up what he was saying, “What made you say that?”
“Well, I-“ you cleared your throat, “saw you were red in the face and just wanted to check in.”
It took a bit for him to respond, taking a deep breath he signed, “I love you.”
Your heart was going miles an hour as he continued, “For a while actually and,” He pauses his movements, “it’s just so amazing to be around you. I don’t really know if I am saying I love you too early but I don’t have the heart to care. So, do you love me like I love you?”
He was looking away from you before you gently moved his chin to look at you. A smile spread across his face as he kissed you on the lips and you reciprocated it. You were there for a while locked into each other’s lips as the sound of water tapping on Wes’ umbrella continued. Once you pulled away, you answered, “Of course. Of course I love you like you imagine Wes”
Another one of his shit eating grins spread across his face as he signed, “Good luck trying to clean off your face.”
You slowly wiped your lips only to find his stained lipstick on there, and all you could do was smile and teased, “You’re a piece of shit and I love you.”
As the relationship grew and grew, you always noticed how physically affectionate he was. Walking down the streets of France while holding his gloved hand, often hugging you tightly, and kisses dear god. You love the man so much and he loved you too, but the way his makeup stains your face was obvious and clear. Obviously he was super apologetic about it after you told him about the dilemma, trying to only kiss you when he had his makeup off.
Speaking of his makeup off, you got to see a lot more of that when he wasn’t on the street. Especially just lying next to you in your humble abode, cuddling with you over the soft sounds of the radio. Kissing along the back of your neck keeping you tightly in his arms. He always somehow lazily signed to you, “I love you.”
Your home essentially became his as he brought gifts to you after performing. Sometimes it was some pastries to share, sometimes it was nice daisies, sometimes he did a balloon trick. Essentially, a roll of the dice of what he’ll do when he gets home between sharing and enjoying something with you or just cuddling until he falls asleep. Though after a complete flop of a performance, being a shoulder to cry on was nice but you also cried on his shoulders when you needed to.
So of course, it was only a matter of time before he proposed. After almost four years of being with you, he cleaned his late mother’s ring, and came looking for you. You were performing on stage, as you were finishing up you heard footsteps from behind your makeshift stage. Seeing Wes was a comfort to you and then seeing him pull out a ring made you instantly hug him. Although that stunt caused you both to be injured in some way because you basically jumped on him, you accepted it with a giggle over the situation. You both knew that marrying each other now would cause major debt, so you decided to keep each other as just fiancés.
But then. It all was taken away from you.
His life was taken away from you like a popped balloon.
The police showed up to your home and asked for your account for the disappearance of Wes. Your Fiancé. Obviously you were worried, desperate to find out what happened, but the verdict they settled on was infuriating. After he traveled into the alleyway, he was stabbed to death and brought someplace else, well at least that was the verdict the police settled on. Having his funeral only a week after the verdict to just move along. You obviously tried to argue with police after they had the verdict chosen.
“C’est la vie. You’ll find another love someday.”
You went to the county jail for violence against a police officer, specifically punching them directly in the jaw. It was worth every minute of community service you had to do. Why would anyone say that? Especially to someone who is grieving? It just solidifies the fact that something is wrong with what they described his supposed death. So after dealing with a lot of legal jargon, your next priority was figuring out what actually happened.
You went to talk to George T. Witherstone, a man that was also interviewed by police in the disappearance of your fiancé. However, George was a sleeze, who was connected to a much more famous performer who had disappeared named Maxwell. Maxwell and his assistant Charlie were both famous magicians that had kick started the careers of many famous performers such as yourself, but what George said clicked for you, “Well William Carter couldn’t pay his debts to me, frustrating I know.”
William Carter? That was his full name? The rest of what he was talking about was nothing but a blur as you fixated on that specifically.
Well there was no use in interrogating George when you began to run out of money to live in France. So, with all of the money you had left to your name, you went back to the United States to live with your family. You wanted to stay in France, but you had to go back, much to the disappointment of your family. However, hindsight is 20/20, so what was really a horrible thing turned out to be the very thing that brought you to where you were now.
You began searching through past magazines in your library about William Carter, continuing to connect the pieces together. Finding article upon article about Maxwell and Charlie’s disappearance, though you also found out about a strong man named Wolfgang saving William Carter’s life. You search through articles about him, he disappeared. In fact, the weirdest part about the whole thing is that the people with the weirdest disappearances always had a W at the beginning of their name.
Like Wes.
You snapped out of your own memories as you began to tinder a fire, being slow and calculating as you made sure that your makeshift torch would set aflame. You see the sun slowly setting until it turned night, the moon a crescent in the sky. You had to keep moving, you had to.
When you were searching through possible leads, the only one you could settle on was Wilson. Most of the rest didn’t have as much of their location or history out to the world. Especially Maxwell, whose house had been turned into a museum for himself. So, taking up a backpack, and using the knowledge you had, you went towards the shack that sat upon a hill which took you three hours to get there by car. You opened the door to find papers scattered across the floor, the sound of radio static, and a machine, massive in scale with a leaver. Against everything in your gut telling you otherwise, you flicked it.
Everything went to nothing, not black, just nothing. As if you were to close one eye, but for both eyes. Just nothing. Until there was something.
Which leads to now, where you continued to move forward until you saw dawn. As the morning began, you heard idle chatter through one person. Probably in his mid-thirties, most definitely tired and exhausted, just average overall. You decided to eavesdrop on the conversation, just letting the words come through.
“So Wes any objections to that plan of action?”
“I am taking your silence as yes.”
Then the shuffling of two people’s feet. Almost as desperate as you were beginning your adventure you almost screamed out, “Wes?!”
You heard the sound of running as you got hugged by Wes. His arms felt just as great as you remembered them. You were surprised though, causing you to fall on your ass, but there was laughter involved in it all. Just like the day he proposed.
If you were asked to do it again to see those glittering eyes again, you’d take it in a heartbeat.
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Cross-posted to AO3
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