sickly-qt · 3 years
can you please do 🤧✋?
thanks in advance!!
I don’t actually know how good this is but it’s what I got. This is also gonna double as a lowkey intro to Finn and Drew’s plot. I hope you enjoy even though it’s kinda bad and I didn’t proofread it.
Warnings: General descriptions of illness (just cold stuff).
Finn let himself into Drew’s apartment, she had given him a key awhile ago but this was the first time he actually had to use it. He went straight to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water, downing the whole thing. He felt like shit, if he was being honest. His throat hurt and he was exhausted, all he really wanted to do was lay down but he wasn’t about to cancel dinner over a cold. He leaned his head back against the cabinets and closed his eyes, he took a deep breath through his mouth since breathing through his nose was becoming a chore. 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Finn! At least let me know that you’re here, a simple ‘Hey Drew! It’s me, your boyfriend, not a goddamn serial killer,’ would suffice.” Drew yelled, standing on the other side of the island holding a broom.
“And what were you going to do with that? Broom me into submission?” he laughed, and then broke into coughs.
Drew leaned the broom against the counter and walked over to Finn, wrapping her arms around him. “I’m stronger than I seem… What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing, I’m fine. My throat is just scratchy.” 
“You sound sick.” She mumbled, tugging on his shirt.
“It’s just a cold, I’m okay.” He said, leaning down to kiss her.
“It’s just a cold so you’re going to infect me?” She said, pulling away and walking into her room. She came out about five minutes later, changed with her hair pulled out of her face.
“Why are you changed? We have reservations in like thirty minutes, it was really hard to get a table on Valentine’s day.” He said, pushing himself away from the counter. 
Drew approached him and pulled off his jacket before unbuttoning the first couple buttons of his shirt.
“I’m sure there is some desperate couple out there who would be dying for our table. C’mon, I can crack open a bottle of wine and we can just relax. I feel like we never just relax.” Drew grabbed Finn’s hands and pulled him into the living room, sliding her sock-clad feet backward across the floor. “Your nose is bright red, I’m pretty sure you have a little fever, and you sound like a sixty year old who smoked marlboro’s their whole adult life. Lay down, please.”
“You’re going to be drinking wine alone, it would be a waste on me I can’t taste a thing.” He said, sniffling through his stuffy nose.
“Then we’ll have a dry night,” She sat on the couch, pulling her feet up and patting her lap. “It’s okay to unwind sometimes, baby.”
Finn sighed and kicked off his shoes before laying across the couch on his stomach, his head falling on Drew’s legs. “Thanks.” He mumbled, closing his eyes.
“No problem at all, you’ve been taking care of me and my random bouts of illness recently. So I can be here for you.” Drew carded her fingers through Finn’s hair and then ran her hands down to his shoulders.
Finn sniffled again and coughed, “That feels really good.”
“Does it?” Drew trailed her hands down his spine and gently massaged his back.
“Mm, I love you Drewann Louise Kennedy.”
“I love you too, Loser. Happy Valentine’s Day.” She mumbled, leaning down and kissing his hair. “You can’t leave me alright? You’re stuck with me Finnegan Marks.”
“Who said I’m going anywhere?”
“No one, I just- I needed to say it. I love you and I hate it, but you make me feel things and I need you, Stupid.”
“I need you too, babes. You have nothing to worry about.” He mumbled, sleepily.
Drew took a deep breath and continued massaging Finn’s back, “I really hope so.”
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anissanlife · 7 years
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer - New York Post
New York Post
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer New York Post “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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peakembiz · 5 years
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Custom Apparel by: DrewAnne We have over 10 years' experience and good reputations in wholesale rhinestone transfers,etc. by supplying superior quality goods at competitive prices in the world market.
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Lucille: I can’t believe you and Anne broke the bed last night!
Mari: Must have been a wild night.
Drew: Haha… Yeah…
[last night]
Anne: Bet you can’t jump high enough to touch the ceiling.
Drew: Try me.
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sickly-qt · 4 years
What are your characters middle names?
Thanks so much for the ask! Here are all of my character’s full names! 
Remington Alexander Paxton (a mouthful)
Mila Danielle Lawrence
Leah Rose Paxton
Julian Michael Paxton
Liam August Lawrence
Ambrose James Marks
Finnegan William Marks
Drewann Louise Kennedy
Morgan Thomas Kennedy
Leo Peter Anderson
Maxwell Raymond Walsh
Mischa Adrian Ivanov
Evelyn Grace Barnes
Lauren Marie Anderson
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sickly-qt · 4 years
My OCs!
I have a bunch of OCs so I’ve split them up into groups but they’re all generally interconnected. I have face claims for them which I just found on the internet and looked the most like how I imagined them! I have a couple of characters that I don’t really write for exclusively, but are included in the storylines on my character page here! This post is going to be long, I’m sorry.
Feel free to ask me anything about any of my characters!
The Top 1%
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Name: Remington Paxton (Remy)
Age: 26
Birthday: January 1 (Capricorn)
Relationships: Mila (Girlfriend)
                       Leah (Daughter)
                       Julian (Cousin)
                       Ava (Ex-wife)
Physical Appearance: The picture is pretty spot on but his hair is usually neater and he likes to stay clean shaven.
Fun Facts: He’s the son of business mogul who is set to inherit a multi-million dollar entertainment company. He has a semi-serious heart condition that he keeps under wraps, but can really mess him up on occasion. He tends to come off cold and rigid but he’s really just a goofball who likes to be cuddled. Leah means the world to him and she is the only thing that he has left of Ava. Remy has a really hard time in most modes of transportation, unless he is driving them. He can’t drink because of his meds for his heart and he spends basically any free time that he has with Leah. He also has a terrible immune system.
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Name: Mila Lawrence
Age: 24
Birthday: September 12 (Virgo)
Relationships: Remy (Boyfriend)
                        Liam (Brother)
Physical Appearance: She’s a bit more tan than the picture and she doesn’t have freckles.
Fun Facts: Mila is a ghost writer for a bunch of musicians so she makes royalties, but doesn’t get any credit. She prefers to be behind the scenes rather than in the spotlight. was a barista at the cafe in the lobby of Remy’s office building. She’s very much a natural caretaker and tends to be there for other people almost too much. She played hard to get with Remy for awhile because she felt that he was too perfect and something had to be wrong with him. 
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Name: Julian Paxton (Jules/Juli)
Age: 18
Birthday:  April 16 (Taurus)
Relationships: Remy (Cousin)
                       Leah (Second Cousin)
Physical Appearance: His eyes are green and he’s a little paler than in the picture.
Fun Facts: He moved in with Remy after his dad kicked him out when he was 17. He can come off really standoffish and kind of rude, but he’s really just super shy. He wants to be an orthopedic surgeon but he’s afraid that he’ll never be good enough. He doesn’t like to ask for help or show his weaknesses. He gets motion sick if he reads in the car but he doesn’t do well on boats either. He spends a lot of time playing games with Leah and playing rugby with his friends.
The Seattle Crowd
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Name: Liam Lawrence
Age: 26
Birthday: August 17 (Leo)
Relationships: Ambrose (Boyfriend)
                       Mila (Sister)
Physical Appearance: The picture is pretty much him, just add a couple of years.
Fun Facts: Liam teaches trig to high school kids. He loves teaching but sometimes it really tires him out. He has an autoimmune disease that is pretty new to him, and he’s just kind of figuring out. He’s allergic to tree nuts and can’t handle super greasy foods. He moved out after he came out to his parents and they didn’t really react well, they’re okay now though. Him and Mila were always really close and talk on the phone a lot and they visit each other when they can. Liam loves to travel and he and Ambrose visit a new place every summer.
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Name: Ambrose Marks
Age: 25
Birthday: October 4 (Libra)
Relationships: Liam (Boyfriend)
                       Finn (Cousin)
Physical Appearance: Ambrose has blue/gray eyes and he has some stubble rather than a full beard. His hair is also a bit more red.
Fun Facts: Ambrose is a nurse, he works A LOT. He doesn’t get sick too often, but when he does it’s usually pretty rough. He’s really distant which irritates Liam a lot. He’s very much a caretaker and a very bad sick person. When he gets sick he tends to close up and avoid everyone, mainly so he doesn’t pass on whatever it is that he has. He’s pretty disconnected from his family except for his cousin, Finn, who he stays with whenever he’s in California.
Opposites Attract
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Name: Finnegan Marks (Finn)
Age: 23
Birthday: June 26 (Cancer)
Relationships: Drew (Girlfriend)
                       Ambrose (Cousin)
Physical Appearance: Finn is clean shaven and he has freckles.
Fun Facts: He’s from Ireland but he works at his uncle’s company in California. His parent’s passed away in a car accident when he was 15, in which he was the sole survivor. He has a lot of anxiety but hides it behind a lot of false confidence. He met Drew through an online escort service. He’s loyal to a fault, he will literally take a bullet for someone he cares about. He’s very cuddly and likes to have his hair played with.
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Name: Drewann Kennedy (Drew)
Age: 22
Birthday: November 18 (Scorpio)
Relationships: Finn (Boyfriend)
                      Morgan (Brother)
Physical Appearance: The picture is perfect for her.
Fun Facts: When Drew was 4 she was put into the system along with her brother, both she and her brother were adopted by a wealthy couple in Boston when she was 9. She was sent to college in California where she dropped out and started taking any jobs that paid her well enough to support herself. She’s very much a wild card who never really planned on settling down, until she met Finn. She has pretty self destructive habits that stem from some buried trauma that she doesn’t talk about.
The Bros
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Name: Morgan Kennedy
Age: 20
Birthday: December 8 (Sagittarius)
Relationships: Leo (Boyfriend)
                        Drew (Sister)
Physical Appearance: He has green eyes and his hair is a dark brown.
Fun Facts: He’s a really sweet boy who is loved by most. Just an all around soft boy. He was really close with his sister while growing up but they tapered off after she left him behind in Boston. He moved out to UCLA for school but has yet to meet up with his sister. He has a tendency to get cluster headaches which can take him out for days at a time. Morgan has Tourette’s, his most common tics are rapid blinking and nose scrunching. When he was a kid he had seizures pretty often but he hasn’t had one in years.
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Warnings: Drug Abuse TW, Overdose TW
Name: Leo Anderson
Age: 19
Birthday: May 28 (Gemini)
Relationships: Morgan (Boyfriend)
Physical Appearance: His hair is a bit less curly and is usually a bit more tame than pictured.
Fun Facts: When Leo was 15 he was in a car accident with a bunch of his friends from high school, everyone had minor injuries except for him who had to get his left leg amputated. He struggled with addiction for most of the rest of his high school career. He dropped out at the end of his junior year. He was sent to rehab after overdosing in his sister’s bathroom. Alcohol does NOT mix well with his medications (he learned that the hard way) and he promised Morgan that he would stay clean for him. He lives with Morgan in his apartment right outside of the UCLA campus. He’s very independent and gets very frustrated when he can’t do things because of his disability.
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anissanlife · 7 years
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer - New York Post
New York Post
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer New York Post “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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anissanlife · 7 years
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer - New York Post
New York Post
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer New York Post “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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anissanlife · 7 years
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer - New York Post
New York Post
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer New York Post “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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anissanlife · 7 years
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer - New York Post
New York Post
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer New York Post “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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anissanlife · 7 years
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer - New York Post
New York Post
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer New York Post “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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anissanlife · 7 years
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer - New York Post
New York Post
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer New York Post “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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anissanlife · 7 years
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer - Fox News
Fox News
Widow claims 9/11 toxins gave her teacher husband cancer Fox News “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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anissanlife · 7 years
Former teacher claims 9/11 toxins gave her husband cancer - New York Post
New York Post
Former teacher claims 9/11 toxins gave her husband cancer New York Post “I think 9/11 was the trigger for Robert Rodney's cancer and passing,” Brandwein said. Drewann Rodney recalls her husband driving back to their New Jersey home after the attacks and seeing his Nissan Maxima covered with white dust. Robert cleaned the ...
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Anne, reminiscing on when Drew and Anne first met: Why am I sad?
Drew, trying to be serious: Chemicals.
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