#draft me i dare you
the-amazing-boop · 3 months
Idk wtf the u.s. thinks is gonna happen if they decide to officially start drafting people. The main selection pool for this generation doesn't want this dumbass "war" and yall can't trick us into thinking it's for all for glory and to protect our country. We have the internet unlike the previous generation showing us how these monsters run poor people into ground with their petty cock fights so that they can grad another piece of land for profit and use it to create more climate disasters.
You don't want to give us guns. I'm liable to turn it on myself.
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coquelicoq · 1 year
gurathin, thiago, indah...starting to get the sense that if murderbot didn't have any specific person playing the role of "someone i deep down respect who i'm convinced hates me" at any given time, presaux would have to assign someone, for enrichment purposes
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pocketramblr · 2 months
Dash simulator
Blog 1: lol anyone else seeing a lot of strawberries in new recipes now? sometimes its fun but i really dont get the appeal of adding it to everything. why did you make strawberry garlic bread
Blog 2: u kno im not a fan of strawberries, i really like the rich sweet and sour notes from oranges, oranges and chocolate is such a good combo. i altered a recipe for a smoothie with oranges last week and it was soooo good ill give you my notes if you want Reblogged by: Blog 1: ahaha yesss i love chocolate and oranges
Blog 3: I canNOT believe the hate im seeing to strawberries right now, like, you know guys know the rule don't like don't bake right?? you know you can hit the back button right?? honestly what's wrong with yall
Open draft- wait guys you know there's a difference between leaving a comment on a recipe saying you hate strawberries and the recipe writer should never use them, and going to your own blog to say you don't really like strawberries, without naming any specific people or recipes right? you know there's a difference right?? - Save - Post - Discard
Draft discarded
Blog 4: why is everyone jumping on the strawberry hate train right now. what is wrong with you. Reblogged by: Blog 5: I knowwww like guys some people stop baking because of reading things like that, please stop it, if you don't like strawberries you can be quiet about it
Open draft- im so sorry if anyone's getting sent mean messages or comments about what they're writing and baking, but i'm literally not seeing any of that and if you are, please use the block button. but someone making a post on their own blog is not that, and if you can't see the irony in you being allowed to complain on personal blogs but not them i can't help you... - save- post- discard
Draft discarded
Blog 2: are strawberries even in season?
Blog 6: woo cherry pie!
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mystery-star · 8 months
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Russell Crowe as John Biebe in Mystery, Alaska (1999)
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kukurubean · 4 months
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For fifteen years… I have had a recurring dream. A nightmare… it's only a nightmare. That's what I told myself. But now I know, it wasn't a dream. I'm sorry, Edgeworth. But I don't believe in your "nightmare."
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helianskies · 7 days
ugly maths.
i hate maths, right. i don't usually like numbers, and if i do like numbers it's gotta be an 8 or a 48 and nothing else.
thing is, i've recently caught myself doing maths again. ugly maths. the kind of maths that, really, i've been trying to avoid as much as possible because, well, it's ugly!
you... wanna see?
okay, fine... but don't say i didn't warn you!
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ugly, see? look at all those numbers! not a 48 in sight!
huh? what's that? you don't see what i'm on about? oh... oh! hang on, lemme just—
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better? yes? no? no? okay, what if i—
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mmh, yes. ugly numbers. see it now? can you see why they're ugly?
here, i can make it worse.
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these numbers are ugly. the maths they make me do is ugly.
now i'll level with you: the worst ones by far are the yellow numbers. the maths they make me do it the ugliest.
why ugly?
because it makes me ugly.
those numbers turn me into not only a suddenly number-obsessed fool, but a fool who also cannot understand these numbers and what they mean and why i feel like they reflect on me and my ability.
87, 75.
the thoughts are as follows:
• the orange numbers are big, so why are you being ugly about the yellow ones? you should be happy with what you have. so many nice big numbers! not everyone receives that.
• is it that there are two different audiences for these two different fics? perhaps. they are quite different works, with different appeals, and different themes. maybe you are reading too much into it.
• why are you obsessing over numbers anyway? you don't like maths! you left maths behind when you were 16, put it down!
okay, okay, fine! i'll put the maths down. right here, in fact!:
that 87 was an 83 at the start of the year. the 6161 it is attached to was a 5453.
4, 708.
ugly maths.
the 75 is a nice number. in fact, compared to 87, it is beautiful, radiant, enchanting. at the start of the year, 75 was 48. wow. now that is one sexy number!
6161, 1061.
87, 75.
you know, my most favourite comment left recently on a fic of mine was 2 characters long: :(
it made me :)
well, actually, it made me >:) because it was left in response, presumably, to one of the key scenes in a new chapter which left the exact impression on someone that i hoped it would.
they must be the only one who reacted like that, though.
have i mentioned that that 87 and 75 include author responses?
i won't try to do more maths, there. it might not end well for me. the maths is making me tired enough as it is, and i have an early start tomorrow.
oh! but, that being said, i have another set of ugly numbers to show you, so keep 87 and 75 in mind.
838, 245.
(want a hint? the green numbers!)
838, 87. 245, 75.
9.6, 3.3.
ugly maths. it's ugly again, see? i don't like it. i'm seeing numbers within numbers within numbers, and i can't seem to stop!
the numbers make me ask new questions:
• why is it not good enough?
• people seem to engage more with one fic over the other, so shouldn't you prioritise?
• is all this maths this really good for you?
no, it isn't.
i want to avoid ugly maths. ugly maths makes me want to tear my hair out. it makes me want to start from scratch. it makes me want to grab someone and scream. it makes me want to cry and press a button that has tempted me many times before when the numbers become too ugly to bear.
ugly maths turn me into an ugly person.
ugly maths make me obsessive, paranoid, anxious, regretful, vindictive, spiteful, alone.
i hate maths. i hate numbers, just like, it feels, the numbers hate me.
#helia rants#cw vent#i'm okay but i'm not#this has been playing on my mind over the last couple of weeks#it's aimed at the sky rather than anyone here#i know i'm not the best myself as commenting. i justify it to myself by affirming i don't read much. which i don't.#since the start of the year i have tried to comment on everything i have read#bearing in mind i may also dm someone rather than comment because i want to scream and ramble about their fic more personally#that being said. i know i'm not the only one who finds themselves doing ugly maths#and in turn starting to feel uglier too#i don't like looking at the numbers#i was doing well at the start of the year#but as i open my drafts and look to a new chapter and at the notes i wrote#i can't stop myself from opening the fic. from seeing where it's at. from seeing if it's changed. from checking my inbox to see if...#if only...#what it's meant is that i've come to a point where a fic i loved has become exactly that: a fic i loved. past tense#the other fic is still a fic i love. but i know deep down that that is tied to the numbers too#i hate that this is what i've become#because i have tiny fics. fics with 50 hits and maybe 1 comment. and i love them. i still love them#but when it comes to the big ones. the multi-chapters. the hefty fics. after a point all i see are numbers#and those numbers have come to determine both my happiness and fulfilment as a writer#and so i am ugly. i am sad. i am pathetic.#and i don't know how to stop.#helia's stuff#this was meant to save back into my drafts. i was editing tags. tumblr decided it should post. so... so be it.#also this is not an attention thing if anyone dares go 'oh but you're a good writer uwu' i might do something we'll all regret#this is also not a 'ffs comment on my fics will you 😒' hell no#it's just about me. and my issue. and my unhealthy relationship with these fucking numbers.#gotta get this shit out of my head somehow :)
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andorerso · 10 months
can't help thinking about what a blow this is gonna be for gifsets and fanart and fanfics and all other fan-made stuff which are ALREADY getting less and less notes and reblogs
like awesome, now you'll post something and no one's even gonna see it? GREAT idea tumblr thank you
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ilgaksu · 8 months
weird anxiety insomnia for NO REASON JIM. NO REASON AT ALL???????????????
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recitedemise · 4 months
❛ the first time i met you, i had no idea you'd mean this much. ❜
𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬: no longer accepting.
"Neither had I, but," Gale hums, "I so enjoy the discovering. The thrill of learning." He sounds distant, starry. "And the gradual act of knowing."
You're silly, scholar, something in the quaint, feather-light silence laughs. Smiling, Mr. of Waterdeep's inclined to agree. All the same, he's farther, farther than even those most distant stars from harboring a sliver of shame for it. He's ravenous for mystery, breaking in secrets as one would shoes! He snaps them open, feasting to their heart. And Eve, of course, is one such mystery, the keeper of this something so delicate between them...both tender and flowering, a honeyed thing. Honestly, head whirring, Gale's face could color with the thought. Instead, he smiles, a sincerity naked in the warmth of his eyes. Eve is vulnerable. And he is, too.
"To say what you've become to me, I would require at least several more great, elvish lifetimes," he jokes. His lips quirk into a smile, and a humble laugh more a passing chuckle tumbles soft off his lips. Gauzy and drusy, the night hour lumbers. "Perhaps even those of the suns, I've the mind to argue. But to be sure, you bring to me the feeling of some...staggering discovery: the revelation that I'd unknowingly sought this for all my life." Comfort. Safety. Breathe. "I hardly believe I could go back to not knowing. Eve, you've changed me."
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muzzlemouths · 1 year
✏️ - Favorite AU character to draw/write about?
DMD Sun is definitely my favorite to work with! Not only do I have a lot of fun with the design (especially with the flower-rays update) but I love getting to write with heavy lingo and feeling like I'm being possessed by the spirit of a spiteful seventies housewife
DCA AU Ask Game
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theinfinitedivides · 1 year
having Billu (2009) thoughts... while also having Jodhaa Akbar (2008) thoughts... i need to go lie down
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daydadahlias · 11 months
everything I’ve learned about 5sos’ romantic relationships has deadass been against my will because fans can’t seem to understand the concept of 1) consent and 2) how to mind their damn business.
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omni-scient-pan-da · 11 months
Apparently,,, May still has,,, so much service overseas,,, which means they will most likely be able to respond to me immediately once they read my confession,,, which means having to deal with the consequences of my actions,,
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How many more of these messages will I get after they read my letter,,, I need to cherish them while I can,, what have I done,,, nooooooooooooooooooooo
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coffeebanana · 1 year
me: you're not reblogging this ask game. it's too open-ended and if you do it'll take you 20000 years to come up with answers which is time you'd probably rather spend writing me when i see other people start getting asks from the game: 🥺
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ircnwrought · 9 months
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oh hello new dash
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mimicteruyo · 2 years
I feel like my NaNoWriMo cover image perfectly encapsulates the go-getter attitude I’m approaching the challenge with.
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