#dr Traum
sundove88 · 4 months
Precure All Stars F: Group Photo Post Credits Scene
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If PreCure All Stars F ever got a post credits scene, it would have EVERY SINGLE Cure and their Allies (Plus the ancient cures) gathering together for one final group photo to celebrate their victory ala OUaS (Once Upon a Studio). Also, a cameo from none other than the two newest cures at the very end!
(The screen fades to black, but then it shows Cure Black setting up the camera.)
Cure Black: Ok, camera’s set, and timer is going!
Cure Sky: Don’t forget to watch the birdie! (Attaches a little plastic Tsubasa attachment to the camera)
Chongire: Dr. Traum, you’re taking up the background.
Dr. Traum: Oh! Sorry! There we go, that’s better.
Regina: Ready to go, Echo?
Cure Echo: Almost! Now we’re ready. (Sets the camera)
Cure White; Ok, everyone! Smile and say “Magic”!
All: Magic!
(Black, White, Sky, Prism, and Echo run back to the group just as the camera clicks.)
(Cut to the group photo being hung up in Iroha Inukai’s bedroom.)
Iroha: Isn’t it awesome, Komugi?
Komugi: *Barks in approval*
Iroha: I thought you’d never say that!
(The End)
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precureshowdown · 1 year
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lanliingwang · 1 year
things I haven’t stopped thinking about:
Hugtto Precure having Listol be voiced by Shinichiro Miki of all VAs tbh
Takaya Hashi voicing Dr Traum in Hugtto Precure and James Moriarty (Archer) in FGO as well
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msimpossibility · 1 year
Favorite part of the Hugtto "trip around the world" episode
Dr Traum chilling in a hot spring saying that if the Precure are going around the world, there's no way they'd make one of their destinations a hot spring
And Harry floats by in a bucket
And they both remain completely oblivious to eachother
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choconobiscuit · 4 months
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egg-emperor · 1 year
As another way that something can date back to Eggman's childhood, which a lot of other things about him seem to in the games too which I'm super happy about, I like to think he always loved theme parks but it was like never in a totally innocent normal way. He liked theme parks and especially rollercoasters and any other rides that were big, high, fast, and crazy because he thought it was awesome cool and fun for the high action and risk and was very thrilled and passionate about that
But I like to think he just as quickly had a fascination for dangerous and deadly rides because he wanted to know just how extreme, shocking and scary they can get. When he'd learn of horrific accidents in parks he'd think it was epic and funny. XD He was passionate and curious about both, it became his special interest and combined with his genius he easily learned and memorized everything about ones he liked down to exact measurements, speed, how they were created and operated, etc
He started to sketch his own ideas and designs inspired by the exciting ones he could actually ride and enjoy and combine them with things he liked about the canceled scary and dangerous ones and it resulted in his perfect ideal entertaining rides that he dreamed of making a reality, as he would decades later as an adult. He was always so entertained by the idea of things falling apart, exploding, throwing people off, abruptly stopping and plunging people to their doom lol
And he still draws them out today but now as real plans for creations he makes into a reality in his gloriously twisted theme parks and has the exact same entertainment, passion, and amusement in it as he did as a child, nothing changed there and it never gets old to him, he has the same childlike wonder, joy, and cheekiness in it. Well except for how he also knowingly gets very sadistic enjoyment out of it too as his fascination only became more extreme and deranged over time!
I like thinking that combining innocent things with deeply messed up, dangerous, and deadly things was always a fascination of his even as a child, with many other things like carnivals, circuses, casinos, toys, etc too. But theme parks are his favorite because even when innocent and designed for safety, there's still thrill and risk and he gets even more excitement out of making it even more extreme by making it intentionally as dangerous, scary, and messed up as possible.
And that's how you end up with the existence of the glorious sadistic hell on earth that's Eggmanland and Eggman's mindset behind it 🥰💜💕
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aquarterasian · 10 months
joje cri redemption scene is so bullshit like yeah yeah sad story but like WHERE'S THE REDEEMING QUALITY IN THE PRESENT DAYS. like what he did with hana and THAT SCENE of other girls is so distressing yeah but that's villain stuff! that gets a pass! but like....not even feeling ounces of regret for doing those? let alone not even getting punishment for it? what is this redemption??????
i think he should have died
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minchananigans · 11 months
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oh no, she did not just.... 😩
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ftmtftm · 11 months
This isn't something I have fully articulated thoughts on yet but honestly? I really do think that transandrophobia and the way people who talk about their experiences with it are isolated is, in part, why transmedicalism existed (exists still? I'm very detached from that discourse now) as a primarily trans man/trans masc dominated ideology.
I'm going to share my own experience and I can only speak for myself here, but when I was a really isolated late teen/early 20-something dealing with a lot of unresolved trauma re: my assault (that happened as a result of me coming out as trans to an ex), some immediate family's reaction to my transition being "well why can't you just be a masculine woman", and frustration about not being able to medically transition yet combined with the mid-2010's pressure to be a non-threatening feminine soft boy, I got sucked into transmedicalism.
I do want to be upfront and recognize a lot of my feelings at the time were a trauma response and projection. I recognize this now but I had no resources to recognize that then. I just want to make it clear from the start that I know my own thinking was flawed, that's why I'm reflecting on it openly so others can potentially recognize something that resonates here within themselves and grow.
Getting back into it though- I felt really triggered all the time in general trans spaces because of that 2010's culture. I felt pressured to be feminine or a woman in trans spaces online, just like I did around my ex or at home. I didn't want to undercut my masculinity or manhood for other people's comfort, especially not for other trans people who I felt should've understood. In contrast to this though, transmedicalist spaces and the trans men within them DID actually offer the support I was asking for. I was actually given space to talk about my assault and the pressures I was experiencing with a bunch of other trans men/trans mascs who understood it for the first time, ever really.
The idea of "there is a medical explanation for gender dysphoria that can be treated with medical transition" was also really comforting to my traumatized mind that kept thinking "if I'm open about my assault someone is going to accuse me of just being traumatized and not actually trans, if medicine is on my side I can prove them wrong" Which - let me be clear again - was a very traumatized way of thinking. I do not think that way anymore thanks to therapy and cultivating a healthier relationship with my body and gender and transness. I was not the only trans man with a history of assault that felt this way in the transmed community at the time though.
And I'm not justifying any of this ideologically right? Like. Transmedicalism is fundamentally flawed and incorrect in many of its ideas about sex, gender, and gender identity. Many people who believe in transmed ideology spout some absolutely horrible, transphobic bullshit on the regular and often align their ideology with conservatism and TERFs. I'm not here to defend transmedicalism.
What I am saying is this: It makes sense that a group of ostracized individuals who felt like they had no space to express their traumas would cling onto transmedicalism because it was the only ideological community giving them space to talk about it. Hate movements thrive on preying upon those kinds of vulnerable, traumatized people.
I'm just thinking about a lot of the friends I met via transmedicalism back then and now they're all either TERFs with a lot of repressed trauma and internalized transphobia that I've since cut off completely or they had a similar realization to myself and discovered their attachment to transmedicalism was rooted in trauma and a desire for trans masc community, addressed it, and now they live much healthier, happier lives.
I'm losing steam fast thinking about all of this because recounting trauma takes a physical toll on one's body BUT tl;dr I really do think if we had healthier spaces to address trans male/trans masculine traumas within the wider trans community via conversations about transandrophobia back 5+ years ago we wouldn't fully be here now wrt: how large transmedicalism became as a movement. I genuinely think I wouldn't have been sucked into that space if there had been more resources and space to talk about the experiences I was having, all of which are things people naming transandrophobia are trying to address in healthy manners.
I think healthy, open, conversations about transandrophobia in wider community spaces can do so much good to protect people who were in vulnerable positions like I was and can absolutely potentially prevent more people from getting sucked into the false support offered by hate movements within our own community.
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cherry-posts · 5 months
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Sie ist sich ihrer Kraft bewusst!
Sie kann selbst stehen, gehen und bei Bedarf auch andere halten ohne dabei Schaden zu nehmen!
Ihre Ängste verdrängt sie nicht und erlaubt sich auch, schwach zu sein. Und sie gibt keinem anderen Macht!
Eine starke Frau wartet nicht auf bessere Zeiten, Zufälle oder den Märchenprinzen.
Sie hat erkannt, dass sie für alles verantwortlich ist was sie tut oder unterlässt.
Das Drehbuch ihres Lebens schreibt sie selbst
und führt kreativ Regie. Wenn es sein muss frech, frei, anders!!!
Die starke Frau steht nach Niederlagen auf, schüttelt stolz den Staub vom Kleid und belohnt sich für ihren Mut.
Sie ist bereit das Leben nicht nur zu träumen, sondern - endlich - ihren Traum zu leben.
Eine Frau, die sich achtet, schleppt anstehende Probleme nicht jahrelang mit, sondern bemüht sich um sinnvolle Lösungen.
Eine starke Frau ist nicht zwanghaft abhängig von Schminke, Kleidung, Frisur oder dem Kiloanzeiger der Waage! Aber sie legt Wert darauf, das Beste aus sich zu machen.
Eine starke Frau schreibt Ihre Geschichte selbst ...♡...
[Prof. Dr. Rotraud A. Perner, danke
Art by Pinterest]
~Shadow - Light and Love
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FUCK, MARRY, KILL: Daniel Brühl Cinematic Universe Edition
Just for funsies. Don't have an aneurysm. Leaning towards Zemo, Laszlo, and Böse, in that order, at the moment. At some other point, I might have said Thomas Lang, Niki Lauda, and Erik Jan Hanussen.
Because of the 30-photo limitation, I removed his minor and/or underdeveloped roles and the ones that wouldn't be difficult to "kill". I also didn't include the ones I haven't seen, so you won't see Salvador on this list. p.s. if anyone has a copy/link to that movie with English subs, I'd be forever grateful!
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Lukas, The White Sound (2001)
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Daniel, No Regrets / Nichts Bereuen (2001)
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Alexander Kerner, Good Bye, Lenin! (2003)
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Paul Krantz, Love in Thoughts / Was nützt die Liebe in Gedanken (2004)
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Jan, The Edukators / Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei (2004)
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Andrea Marowski, Ladies in Lavender (2004)
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Lieutenant Horstmayer, Merry Christmas / Joyeux Noël (2005)
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Tonda, Krabat (2008)
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Dr. Georg Rosen, John Rabe (2009)
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István Thurzó, The Countess (2009)
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Fredrick Zoller, Inglorious Basterds (2009)
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David Kern, Lila, Lila (2009)
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Hans Krämer, The Coming Days / Die kommenden Tage (2010)
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Konrad Koch, Lessons of a Dream / Der ganz große Traum (2011)
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Álex Garel, Eva (2011)
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Iván Pelayo, Winning Streak / The Pelayos (2012)
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Niki Lauda, Rush (2013)
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Daniel Domscheit-Berg, The Fifth Estate (2013)
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Thomas Lang, The Face of an Angel (2014)
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Daniel, Colonia (2015)
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Sebastian Zöllner, Me and Kaminski (2015)
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Tony Balerdi, Burnt (2015)
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Dr. Laszlo Kreizler, The Alienist (2018 - 2020)
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Ernst Schmidt, The Cloverfield Paradox (2018)
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Wilfried Böse, Entebbe (2018)
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Thomas Fischer, My Zoe (2019)
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Daniel Weltz, Next Door / Nebenan (2021)
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Erik Jan Hanussen, The King's Man (2021)
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Baron Helmut Zemo, Captain America: Civil War (2016) / The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (2021)
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Matthias Erzberger, All Quiet on the Western Front (2022)
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precureshowdown · 1 year
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Round One has concluded, with some very one-sided polls and some pretty dramatic upsets alike! ROUND TWO WILL BEGIN ON SUNDAY!
But first, a quick summary of round one...
Feminism absolutely lost in this round. That’s it, that’s the summary.
Just kidding. Family also won, because the entire Tropical Rouge villain family swept their matches. Good for them!
(The Selfish Family almost made it, but we lost Marmo this round.)
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thewarmestplacetohide · 2 months
Dread by the Decade: Best of the 1930s
👻 You can support or commission me on Ko-Fi! ❤️
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Dracula (1931 | USA): a doctor and young man must defeat a powerful vampire. ★★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
See below the cut for the rest of the list!
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Frankenstein (1931 | USA): a scientist unnaturally creates life. ★★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931 | USA): a doctor makes a potion that turns him into a violent sadist. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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M (1931 | Germany): the people of Berlin search for a child murderer. ★★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Freaks (1932 | USA): sideshow performers must save their friend from a cruel trapeze artist. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Island of Lost Souls (1932 | USA): a man is stranded on a mad scientist's island. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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The Old Dark House (1932 | USA): people shelter in a strange home. ★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Vampyr – Der Traum des Allan Gray (1932 | Germany): a man must save women from a vampire's curse. ★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Doctor X (1932 | USA): a doctor tries to catch a serial killer. ★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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La Llorona (1933 | Mexico): a man fears ghosts have cursed his family. ★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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King Kong (1933 | USA): an actress is abducted by a giant ape. ★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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The Invisible Man (1933 | USA): a scientist is driven mad by an experiment that turns him invisible. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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The Black Cat (1934 | USA): a WWI POW seeks the man who betrayed him. ★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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El fantasma del convento (1934 | Mexico): three people shelter in a strange monastery. ★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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The Black Room (1935 | USA): a prophecy foretells that a baron's twin will kill him. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots
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The Bride of Frankenstein (1935 | USA): Frankenstein is forced to build his monster a bride. ★★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Mad Love (1935 | USA): a mad doctor replaces a pianist’s hands with a murderer’s. ★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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The Raven (1935 | USA): a doctor becomes obsessed with a young dancer. ★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Werewolf of London (1935 | USA): a botanist is cursed. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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The Devil-Doll (1936 | USA): a man uses a shrinking potion to seek revenge. ★★★½ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Fährmann Maria (1936 | Germany): a ferryman ushers Death across the river. ★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Dracula's Daughter (1936 | USA): Dracula's daughter tries to undo her curse. ★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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Le Golem (1936 | Czechoslovakia): a rabbi reawakens a golem to save his people. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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夜半歌声 (1937 | Republic of China): an actor believes he is being tutored by a ghost. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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The Cat and the Canary (1939; USA): a millionaire's heirs are stalked by a killer. ★★★★ Review | Screenshots | Facts
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pannypunkpanda · 1 year
Happy New Years everyone! Best wishes from all the Tiny Brühlies, they’re having a New Year’s party XD jfjdkdkdkd — December 31
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List of Brühlies (please refer to December 22 post to see the number references)
1. Paul Krantz - Love in Thoughts
2. Lt Horstmayer - Joyeux Noël
3. Matthias Erzberger - all quiet on the western front
4. Tonda - Krabat
5. István Thurzó - The Countess
6. Checo - Schlaraffenland/Paradise mall
7. Jan - Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei/The Edukators
8. Father Antonio - The Intruders
9. Other Dirk - All together
10. David Kern - Lila Lila
11. Daniel Weltz - Nebenan
12. Niki Lauda - Rush
13. Sebastian Zöllner - Ich und Kaminski
14. Konrad Koch - Der ganz große Traum
15. Alex Kerner - Goodbye Lenin
16. Andrea - Ladies in lavender
17. Daniel - Colonia
18. Hans Krämer - Die kommenden Tage
19. Wilfried Böse - 7 days in Entebbe
20. Ernst Schmidt - The Cloverfield Paradox
21. Iván Pelayos - The Pelayos
22. Dr Laszlo Kreizlier - the Alienist
23. Daniel Berg - the fifth estate
24. Alex Garel - Eva
25. Thomas Lang - The face of an Angel
26. Lukas - das weiße rauschen/The white sound
27. Dirk Brûlée - Everything at once
28. Hubertus Czernin - Woman in Gold
29. Marko - Elefantenherz
30. Baron Zemo - Marvel
31. Tony Balerdi - Burnt
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sundove88 · 5 months
Chicken Run (Sundove88’s Version) Casting
In honor of Chicken Run: Dawn of The Nugget!🐔
Award-winning Golden Feather Studios animation from the Blue Sky team, telling the story of a band of cartoon birds doomed to a life of egg-laying on a Yorkshire bird farm. When a flamboyant American Macaw arrives on the scene, the others hope he can teach them to fly to freedom. However, when a chicken-pie making machine is installed, their need becomes urgent and they must devise other means of escape.
Having escaped from the farm, Jewel and Blu welcome a new little adventurer into their lives. Back on the mainland, the whole of cartoon bird-kind faces a terrible new threat.
Jewel as Ginger (Rio)
Blu as Rocky Rhodes (Rio)
Northa as Mrs. Tweedy (Fresh PreCure)
George Kurai as Mr. Tweedy (HUGtto! Precure)
Westar and Soular as Themselves/Mrs. Tweedy’s Employees (Fresh PreCure)
Skipper Riley as Fowler (Planes)
Boomer Kuwanger as Nick (Mega Man X)
Gravity Beetle as Fetcher (Mega Man X3)
Rosalina as Babs (Super Mario Galaxy)
Captain Ice Cookie as Bunty (Cookie Run)
Olive Cookie as Mac (Cookie Run)
Nebusoku as Edwina (Healin Good PreCure)
Various Other Animals as The Other Chickens
Lumine as Daniel Spoon (Mega Man X8)
Willow as Molly (Angry Birds Stella)
Dahlia as Frizzle (Angry Birds Stella)
Klein as Dr. Fry (Fresh PreCure)
Dr. Traum as Reginald Smith (HUGtto! Precure)
Charaleet, Papple, Gelos, JinJin, Takumi, Daigan, Bicine, and Listol as Themselves/Reginald Smith’s Employees (HUGtto! Precure)
Peppermint Cookie as The Commercial Boy (Cookie Run)
Splash Woman as The Commercial Mom (Mega Man 9)
Here’s your hint for the next casting (It’s Pixar):
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m!a for Hans and Kolten, for 5 asks a manifestation of their worst fears will hunt them at every turn. nobody else can see it, but it can hurt them. what it looks like depends on who is fronting at the time of any given ask.
good luck, boys!
Dr. Ludwig was standing in the serene sterile environment of his lab. The smell of rubbing alcohol and the odd sweet scent of carbolic acid wafted thickly in the air.
The sink dripped, the only other noise aside from the ticking clock and the droning generator; which could be heard from anywhere in the base, was his gentle, slow murmur. A mix of mumbles about paperwork, and an old German folksong from his early childhood.
🎶"Ich hab die Nacht getraumet, wein einen schweren Traum... Hmm-hm hmm hm hmm hm..."🎶
The haunting melody played in his head, at the back of his mind, almost foreshadowing with an egging warning. He couldn't interpret this omen, thinking of it just as a random thought stringing through his loud mind.
He was jolted away from his thoughts, jerking his head up to worriedly gaze across the lab, further into the dark. The only light in the lab was seeping moonlight from the windows above, the light gleaming from beneath the entrance of his lab, and the lamplight from which he was using to tend to his piles of paperwork.
"... H-Hallo?" He spoke, barely croaking out a sound from his dry throat. When no answer came, he cleared his throat, putting his pen aside and standing, never letting his gaze leave the far side of the lab.
He blinked a few times, trying to adjust his eyes to the darkness, letting the swivel chair gently glide backwards. He felt uneasy... But he couldn't for the life of him understand why, he knew the lab to be the safest place on Earth for him.
A whisper came through his mind, taking him a moment to process.
"Ja, I am aware I am just being paranoid... Just give me a moment." He answered quickly, breaking out of his frozen state, adjusting his glasses and pushing forward into the darkness.
(Post 1/2)
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