#dont look at her wiki in the quotes i did nothing to it
novinoviarts · 2 years
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FAIR WARNING! This is a bit of an au as there is very little lore on the witch's in bot ovenbreak and kingdom, two wiki pages worth. so theres your warning. dont like au's? Don't read further. credit to Blaze-On-Fire for the template
Name: Candy Cane Cookie
Gender: Female
Rarity: Witch Hunter (Rarer than Ancient) (Oh so special!)
Unlock quote: Everyone has power… Let me help you unlock yours
Class: Magic
Position: Front
Skill: TBA
Story: Created long ago by a witch, she was rescued by a group of rogue cookies, eventually becoming a Witch Hunter. After a disastrous mission, she and the remaining hunters found the “Cookie Realm”, a pocket world that they still defend to this day. A wanderer and a teacher at heart, she helps every cookie she meets unlock their true potential. Few can come close to matching her raw power and energy. Her full force can be devastating, but she is the pacifist of the Hunters, choosing peace. But if needed…
Facts: Candy Cane likes her naps
She is old, like really old, legends say she was The Third Batch, taught the secrets on killing witch’s by the First and Second Batches, and passed her knowledge onto the Fourth and Fifth Batch’s
So many don’t believe she is a witch hunter. Considering few have ever encountered a witch in the modern day, beside the St. Pastry Order, some don’t believe they exist
She hates the Crème Republic and the order for those reasons, thinks them idiots who think themselves safe if they do the witch’s bidding
She only became a teacher for one student at the Parfaedia Institute
She loves the rain due to her umbrella
She understands dark enchantress cookie. DOES NOT agree with her starting the war, and is miffed that one of the few non witch hunter cookies that knows the truth is evil
It gets worse when she finds out the truth about her
She has fought in several wars: The Great Hunt, The Reckoning, The Judgment, The Great Divide and The Great Reunion. She did not fight in the Dark Flour War, to busy fixing the barriers DEC was destroying
Cookie Décor: TBA
Associated Bonds: Once a student, always a student Candy Cane/Espresso/Pure Vanilla
Leaning back into her chair, Candy Cane looked over the two letters. They were so different, from the paper, to the handwriting, to the ink. But they both carried the same message.
Please, come visit.
One was written on a rich parchment, the handwriting flowing almost lyrically, although it was more relaxed than she had seen him write to dignitaries back in his kingdom’s heyday, knowing she cared little for political games. The little doodle in the corner of the page had her smiling, a flower that she had once given him on a staff years ago.
It reminded her of assignments, another’s handwriting with it although that filled her with nothing but sorrow.
The second was far more comfortable, in fact she could see stains along the edge from what she knew was coffee. The handwriting was neat, never sloppy in his letters, even after years of teaching his own class. It sent a pang of emotion she wasn’t sure of, a mixture of pride and sadness, of knowing she wasn’t really needed anymore.
It reminded her of assignments, of the little cookie she took under her wing years ago and fiercely defended.
But they had ended up in this new “Cookie Kingdom”, each there for their own reasons but now reaching out for her to come visit. She had of course heard the whispers on the wind of the return of the Dark Enchantress, had already written to Peacock ages ago with information.
Maybe it was time to visit her students, to help out once again. Standing up from the chair, she looked out upon her (friend? partner? lover?) fellow Hunter’s land, watching as the cookies below lived their lives, confident in the Hunters that watched over them, comforted that they would keep them safe. They would not lose that trust and she turned back towards her library. She would leave come morning.
The Hunters Reunite
Tree of Wishes Wish: Take your time, I have it
Soulstone Description
This stone holds a piece of Candy Cane Cookie's soul. It emanates so much energy, you can't hold it for very long...
Come on, its time for a break
This ol’thing? Just my Umbrella, nothing more
Lets make sure the lesson sticks this time, alright?
Bonds are important, make them, and keep them close
Do you want to join a lesson?
What I can help with?
I prefer the rain
Time for a new lesson
Come on, lets walk together
Maybe I like a fight or two, so what?
Candy Cane Cookie has always been a teacher, even in her fresh baked days with the younger cookies.
“Come on, lets use our power!”
“Of course I’m here, I will always fight for justice”
“There is so much the cookies of this world are protected from”
Level Up:
Alright, lets do this!
Lets take a walk together, hmm?
Thank you for this chance
Bring it on!
You can always learn new tricks!
Promotion: My Power is always growing
It was always assured
I knew we could do it
Oh, its raining!
I need a nap
Its okay, we’ll do it next time
Aw, its sunny
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quackspot · 6 years
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just a few edits i made
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dead-ghouls · 5 years
Theres no way that i could ask for a break down of what you see in his ftes in ask format is is there?? I already love korekiyo, but I'm really curious about what you have to say.
I can do that! The only thing is that most of what he says I’ll be quoting from memory, but direct quotes can be found in his FTEs and in-game dialogue on wiki. I’ll do my best to provide as many screenshots as I can, but I doubt I will be able to find all, it’s a very long process and I dont have the whole day.V3 spoilers below, ofc. Also TW various types of abuse, you know the drill if you played the game. Long post!Let’s start from what we know about Korekiyo. What makes him Korekiyo, what makes him stand out, what’s special about him. 
- Unique outfit- Long hair- His deep knowledge of anthropology- His interest in occult/speaking to the dead- His deep relationship with death, grief and how he looks at it- His love for ropes- Being a serial killer
Now let’s break down every trait he has and where it comes from.
Unique outfit
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FTE 3, he tells us his sister made it for him to suit her tastes, claiming his school uniform doesnt suit him.
Long hairI don’t remember if it was mentioned in-game, but it was mentioned in V3 manga anthology, that his long hair is a memento to his sister, since she had long hair, so he refuses to cut it. It is stated that events of manga obviously not canon, but I dont think this claim was outside of his canon characterisation. 
His deep knowledge of anthropology
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In the same FTE he mentions that Sister was the one who “pushed him to research as much as he could”
His interest in occult/speaking to the dead + his relationship with death and griefI dont think i gotta find proof for that, he mentioned travelling looking to speak to the dead, the whole ch 3 with Caged Child + he mentioned having near-death experience after a seanse (see next bullet point), and that’s how his Sister came to him.He speaks about human mortality and coming to terms with it, but he himself cant do that. 
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He doesnt fear death, maybe he even seeks it - to reunite with his Sister [cut to him enduring his execution and seeing his spirit happy and free, ready to meet her] but no way he could properly cope with human mortality and his own grief. That’s where all the occult stuff comes in - him telling how he tried so many things and how nothing worked (?). He says it during ch3 investigation, if you wanna look for a direct quote. Him being into occult, speaking with the dead, being possessed by his Sister - all of it is just his ways of coping with loss. He was very dependant on her (I’ll talk about it more below) and couldnt stand being alone.
His love for ropesOf course it can be a kinky thing but also look closely at this exchange:
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This incident with ropes is what actually ended up “reuniting” him with his Sister. Of course he’d hold a special interest to this kind of activity after. 
Being a serial killerWell this one is obvious. Who did he kill? Girls. Why did he do it? To bring friends to his Sister. Simple as that.
Now look back at every bullet point and tell me: do you see a pattern? Yep, every aspect of his life, likes, personality, experiences, even his looks - it all traces back to his Sister. Controlling what he wears, what he does, what he likes; even after her death he is deeply affected and is devoted to doing everything in her name. Now try to recall one single thing about Korekiyo that wasn’t his Sister influence. Something he likes maybe? Something he enjoys on his own free time? Even his official dislike is a reference to a gift you might give in-game, an air refreshener that exorcises ghosts [He believes that he is possesed]. All I can think of is him telling he prefers green tea over black in one of FTEs. Korekiyo that we see and interact with in game isn’t his own person, just a reflection of grief, his Sister wants and needs. His whole existence is just a devotion to his late Sister, and it was the same way when she was alive.
Sister’s personality
From what I mentioned you should already hear the faint bells ringing in your head. “Pushed me to study” “Told me my uniform doesnt suit me” “I will kill people because her spirit told me to”He respected her, depended on her a lot. No shit, Sherlock - he was his Older Sibling. A side note, he never mentioned anyone else from his family, only said that they “had to hide their relationship from others” once. Sadly, I cant remember where it was said. No matter if he had any family present or not (having no family would worsen the case, but with family present its still fucked up) he still depended on her a lot, maybe considered her a parental figure, or at the very least - a role model. Korekiyo’s analysis on youtube brings up a very valid point - anthropology couldve been her passion as well, she just couldnt actually fullfill it because of the sickness. Explains her “pushing” him to research it.Basically we have an older sibling holding power over a younger sibling, presumably, from a younger age. More of her personality and influence can be seen in his trial. “You mustnt lose composure, you mustnt become flustered, you mustnt waver”Im linking this bit, but I strongly recommend rewatching the full version where his Sister appears. She appears to be his guardian, keeping him in check, making him act right. Telling him what to do and how to act. She appears in moments of distress when he needs comfort. He depends on her, he listens, he does everything she tells him to. Im not gonna get into the whole tulpa thing, so if youre not on board with it, I recommend reading into it more, even wiki has a brief explanation. Basically this possession is just his mind, but it does hold her true personality. So Sister is: assertive, calm, plays a role of guardian, has power over Korekiyo due her age, his respect and dependance on her, probably her being his parental figure. 
Now tell me, how this power dynamic could be healthy, consensual and (a very popular opinion in the fandom) this relationship was started from Korekiyo’s advances? How a younger sibling, that was so dependant and devoted could be in a consensual relationship with his older sibling that always tells him what to do?Korekiyo was groomed, he’s a victim. Most people in fandom hate him for being creepy and a sister-banging freak, because he doesn’t fit your cookie-cutter perseption of abuse victims. Everyone thinks that abuse victims only come in “i hate my abuser, i am currently away from them and i am healing” package. Korekiyo was never given a chance to realize it was wrong, he never got a chance to heal. He was groomed, abused, used and forced into relationship. Told that it was secret and sacred, that theyre breaking the boundaries, that’s why he mustnt tell anyone about it. Of course he believed her - its his Sister. She convinced him that his love and dependance on her was romantic/sexual love.
The same analysis brings up a good point of his Sister guilt tripping him because of her illness. Never getting a chance for romantic love, never getting a chance to make friends.
What breaks my heart is that after all of this, after devoting his life to his Sister, studying what she wanted, wearing what she wanted, killing for her sake and even being executed because of her - he says that he wasn’t enough.
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TLDR - Their power dynamic is very obvious from his FTEs and the trial, he was clearly groomed and abused, never got to recover from her manipulations. And fandom either fetishisizes their relationship, excusing their nasty kinks by saying it was consensual, or hates him because they never took the time to analyze the content. He was abused, he was manipulated, god knows what else was done to him when she was alive, and he died driven to insanity, full of grief devoted to his Sister and blaming himself for not being enough. As a side-note: it is completely okay being uncomfortable with his character/everything that happened in ch3. You dont owe anyone interacting with the piece of media depicting such topics. Your comfort and safety comes first. Kodaka is a shitty fucking writer. What is not okay is hating a character for being a victim. 
I probably missed a lot, my brain is very disorganized, so feel free to ask more questions/add your own opinion. 
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cheersrogrs · 5 years
i don't normally do this but i just had to get this off my chest. this is for  everyone that that is hating on endgame and specifically Cap’s ending. full disclaimer: i am not a comic reader (more of a wiki reader tbh) but i am a devoted Cap fan (esp MCU’S cap) and i have been for a very long time; i am also a hardcore bucky barnes fan, and a stucky fan. 
first off lets establish the technical aspect of the time travel - to me, OG Cap went back, successfully returning all the infinity stones to their original places. this corrects all the “divergent timelines”. however, when he chose to stay with peggy, OG CAP = OLD CAP and cap who is still frozen in the 1970s remains frozen until 2012, who then goes to do all the heroic stuff that he did. OG/OLD Cap then returns back to the main MCU timeline where his gives Sam the shield. 
i repeat, I as a steve, bucky and a stucky fan, am so pleased with his ending. because 1) he chose this for himself, 2) he just wanted to see what he would have had if he did not throw his life away for his country, 3) just because of that look on his face, dancing with peggy, sold this send off to me. 
it may not have happened on screen, but i am positive that steve and bucky discussed about this. evidence was that bucky was telling him that he would miss him eventho, to the rest, steve was supposed to be gone for just 5 seconds. and he wasn't even shock when steve wasn't on the platform. 
and bucky; who LOVES steve, do you think that bucky would honestly deny steve that one chance of happiness that he craved for all his life? 
NO. because he knows how much steve has given up. he knows how isolated and alone steve feels. he knows the biggest regret steve has (that he can amend) is to go back to the past and have that dance with peggy. yes i know that he created a new family for himself here (but him going back doesn't not erase this. he doesn’t mysteriously loses his memories and he also doesn't mysteriously disappears from everyone else’s memory so he gets the best of both worlds) and i am sure bucky would be so selfless to say “no, dont save me”. because he, at this current point of time, is already saved. its in the past. technically steve can’t change present bucky’s condition BECAUSE IT WOULD HAVE ALREADY HAPPENED. if he did change things with hydra and saved bucky, that would have created another timeline. our OG bucky doesn’t get a do-over. but he has a chance now to start a new life, with his new friends (sam, wanda, the rest of the avengers). he is finally stable. 
what is he going to do, if he went back with steve? in a MCU point of view: basically nothing?? because again, if he went back to stop hydra -  that would only stop the torture of THAT bucky, not OUR bucky. in a stucky point of view: watch the man he loves, love someone else??
steve and bucky dépend on each other. they are each other’s life line and family. yes. but i don’t want to see them be co-dependent. i see “till the end of the line” as not to be a promise of till death do us apart; it means that i will be there for you whenever you need me to be. steve saved bucky; steve WAS there for bucky when he needed him to be. Bucky gave steve love when no one else loved him, gave him support, gave him the motivation to fight for what was right. to anyone that says that steve broke this promise, please rethink this. bucky would have wanted steve to be happy and for that to happen, steve needed to at least try. bucky, considering the state that he was in BP, IW, EG, seemed to be recovering. let him recover on his own terms. let him be strong again as BUCKY BARNES. Let him create a new life for himself; one that he chose for himself. not the life his country gave him, not the life that his torturers gave him, and not the life that he needed to have so as to not worry steve. they both needed to move on by themselves. 
and the other thing was “peggy’s whole life was erased” IF my time travel theory was true, then that would not have been the case. but if we take away all the complications with the time travel, why would steve going back destroy peggy’s character development? im sure if peggy was as strong as we all know she is, she wouldn't let a man stop her from doing what she loves. she would still be a strong woman. she would still be a founder of shield. the fact that some of you think she would stop her life for steve is completely ironic. she didnt become a founder of shield and the badass woman she was just cause she lost steve. she did it because she could, with or without steve. she has done it without steve once, and now she gets to do it with steve by her side. 
and i see arguments that oh steve only knew peggy for months, what was so significant about their relationship that he threw his whole life away or abandoned all his friends?. it wasn't that she was the love of his life. but she was the definition of the “what ifs” in his life. the man just wanted to try. he already lead his life as skinny, defenseless steve, he has already lead a long and tiring life of cap - the first avenger or the fugitive. now he just wants to see if steve rogers - husband, father, human was possible. and i can guarantee that if peggy or steve did not feel the same away as they did during the war, neither one would have forced the relationship. but they did. DID YOU NOT SEE THEIR FACES DURING THEIR DANCE???? AND THAT KISS? THAT WAS PURE LOVE. 
if you knew and understood (MCU) bucky, you would know that bucky would have been so proud of steve. And i am so proud of him. 
if steve have stayed, yes we would all get more bucky-steve moments, they would be together (almost) forever, but steve would never have stayed down if he did, and guess what, bucky would have followed him. and i personally think that is the last thing that bucky wants. 
i personally believed that bucky was his soulmate in life. but that doesn't mean that steve loved bucky the way we want him to (at least in the mcu). to have someone that you call home, does not necessarily mean that that person is the one that you want to love romantically, marry and spend your whole lives together. but peggy. peggy is steve’s light. peggy is his heart. again, this does not cancel his love for bucky. it’s just different. a lot of people say that the reason why steve is the way he is today (his decisions, his plots in the movies) is because of bucky. i 100% agree but i think a lot of people forget that peggy was also an important person in his life. in CA: TFA, it was bucky that made him step up as cap america, but peggy was also there cheering him on and never losing faith in him. she was also the 2nd person (that we know of) to see steve as he really is even when he was little steve. in CA: CW: it was peggy’s words (through sharon’s speech) that made him take his stand. so to say that bucky was the only sole driver of steve’s actions would be completely false. they both loved him so much. 
also, on anyone shitting on steve’s decision on falcon-cap. screw you. yes, falcon isn't a super soldier, doesn't have extra powers and super strength, but he is a good man. he is kind, he is helpful and he is loyal. and that is what makes captain america, captain america. funny how some of you have the quote “not a perfect soldier, but a good man” tattooed across your hearts and brains but somehow it doesn't apply when bucky isn't the one carrying the mantle. and bucky would have hated carrying the shield. fight me. 
bucky looked so happy knowing that steve lived his life. now he has the chance of living his own life, without worrying about steve. shouldn't that make you happy, as a fan? 
so, no i dont think the ending that we got, erased all of steve’s character development. this was all heart, pure cap. he knows that all is good in his world. he knows that the people he loves are okay and will be okay. he is no longer needed. it was time for him to pass the torch to someone else. it is now his time to rest.  
I’m sorry if i dont make sense, this is all over the place. i dont write my feelings out very well. i am sure that i have a millions more things to say but alas. 
when all is said and done, thank you chris evans for being the best cap that i could ask for. 
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zip-toonz · 7 years
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Posting this again but with all the info I currently have (Set Up as close to the DanganRonpa Wiki As Possible (minor edits and no japanese as i'm not a native speaker and know minimal words) @official-kodaka What do you think 
Edit: Edited this to say science/pet sitter since I had an encounter where she was called invalid for not having her title be a school subject so she uses both depending on who is calling her. at times its Li’l ultimate science and at others  its li’l ultimate (class) pet sitter 
The inbetween for this (since some thin it has to be school related and others do not is lil ultimate class pet sitter. since some schools have class pets that are taken home over the weekend and watched by a student)
what i mean by science is mainly the Biology aspect of it and by pet sitter i mean class pet sitter mainly but she also deals with pet care business as a whole
Quote- Bork! Animal Abuse Is A Big No No And Adults Who Think Its Okay Deserve To Be Hit By A Car! Bork Bork!! ` Fanganronpa Another Episode
Sugimura Yamazaki Is a character featured in Fanganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls
Sugimura is one of the Six members of the Warriors of Hope, in charge of the “Pet Master Class”. She has the title of li’l ultimate Science/pet sitter (Super Elementary School level Class Science/pet sitter).
Sugimura has a robot called “Beast Robot Hell Hound Fenrir”, with special attacks such as Slash Attack Punishment (Physical Attack) and Hell Hound Howl (Indirect attack that Involves Fire being expelled through the mouth of the robot). 
Sugimura Is executed by Monokuma Kids after she lost her fight against Komaru Naegi and Toko Fukawa in chapter 3 (shifting Kotoko’s & Nagisa’s Fights back), but somehow survived and was seen with the other Warriors of hope members at the end of the game. 
Sugimura is an elementary school-aged girl. She has Long purple hair pulled into bun pigtails similar to a character from a magical girl anime and darker purple eyes with paw prints acting as irises. she wears a silver unbranded paw print hair clip since their is no confirmed “pet master emblem”.  (she considers the pawprints the emblem in themselves) 
she wears a pleated black skirt with matching black suspenders which have silver paw print clasps and a black cat hoodie similarly attached with round silver clasp. As well as a white long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled and a black choker that resembles a color with a silver dog tag engraved with a heart. she wraps her left arm with a bandage to cover the scars of an animal scratches. she completes her look with black calf high boots and white knee highs. The silver Warriors of Hope badge is located on her brush bag attached to a right side belt loop on her skirt. 
Sugimura is a mild manner girl who love all animals. she collects stuffed toys that resemble her favorite animal bears as well as any others she can get her hands on. she has a thing for Organization and tidiness especially when it comes to ones physical appearance specifically hair or fur. Thus she always carries combs and brushes 
Sugimura has a “furry” or “animal” like speech pattern as she often starts sentences with an animal like noise  such as “bork” or “mew” and ending them with “bork” or “grr/hiss” depending on the context of the sentence. 
Sugimura Is Cheerful, Well mannered, meek at points, and is probably the most childish of group. She has a caring personality most likely due to her title and is the kindest to Jataro out of the six. she however doesn't get along well with Nagisa due to his harsh reactions hes has with kurokuma. Like the others she tries to stay on Monaca’s good side and often brings her small tokens of their friendship when ever she has something to offer.
Sugimura loved taking care of animals and would take in any stray she found for as long as possible. Now that most animals are absent shes taken on the job of caring for kurokuma constantly brushing his fur when the opportunity arises. she also uses a damp towel or rag to “wash” his fur fearing a full plunge in water will short circuit him. A lot of her behaviors are just habits created during her time as an animal care taker especially animals that need regular grooming or bathing. Her “animal” like behavior is also a habit created during her time caring for animals as she thought they could understand her if she responded with their “native tongue”  and has never developed the habit. She Enjoyed science especially biology and excelled in the subject giving her a dual title.
Sugimura is one of the stronger members of the group as she’s grown use to picking up larger and heavier animals and fighting against them to get them into a tub. she is capable of picking up Kotoko, Nagisa and Jataro but has a more difficulty with picking up masaru. She helps with heavy lifting Gladly but some things are impossible with just her and masaru. “ Its a team effort!” ~ sugimura
Due to trauma caused by parental abandonment, Sugimura has a Strong fear of abandonment by adult figures and has an occasional  trigger for people leaving for long periods of time and any thought of being abandoned by another being.But its nothing compared to Kotoko’s “gentle” Trigger. Supposingly because of junko’s influence she wants to make adults exclusively the ones she considers  Demons experience what she had by killing their loved ones isolating them and making them feel alone and forgotten.  she is bitter and untrusting of adults fearing that they’ll abandon her too if she happens to get to close.
Skills and abilities 
Li’l Ultimate Pet Sitter 
Sugimura was an extremely talented child Scientist/pet care specialist who grew popular though her knowledge on even the most exotic of animals. shes cares for all animals exceptionally. during her introduction she is shown caring for a group of animals cheerfully. 
Prior to tragedy 
Sugimura was born and raised in Towa city. she was a Science/animal care prodigy who’s talent shone after she showed advanced knowledge of a wide variety of animals on a zoo trip. Her mother was a Teacher and her father a lawyer. 
when she was about 10 her parents left her under the care of her grandparents who later passed causing her to be admitted into an orphanage. Her parents never returned for her but were never confirmed dead or alive. she felt abandoned Thus loathed and lost hope in them returning. despite her talent her parents grew to believe she was a burden. Holding them back in a way and left her under someone else's care so they could pursue greater career opportunities. she didn't mind at first as her grandmother was someone she loved dearly and she believed her parent would return but after her passing she began to grow bitter with her only joy coming from science books/caring for animals. due to the experience she developed athazagoraphobia as a result. 
Sugimura didn’t want to ever be abandoned again so she distanced herself from adults and even certain groups of children. she wished her parents would come back for a small amount of time before giving up hope entirely. The Fear made it hard for her to be adopted by another family
Sugimura was also part of Hope’s peak Elementary school  and was put in the class of troublemakers alongside Monaca Towa, Nagisa Shingetsu, Jataro Kemuri, and Masaru Diamon. 
Although Sugimura was on the verge of committing suicide along with the others, Junko enoshima appeared and convinced the children the adults were wrong and that they should create a paradise for children. shortly afterwards she tracked and murdered her parents. she reveals that she would never regret it and that they should have stayed if they wanted to live. 
(Skipping in game actions for now)
Main article: Punishment Of The Master
Kurokuma was Sugimura’s advisor. Unlike the others she adored him finding his jokes funny and his company pleasing. She argued that they should keep him as he kept her company when the others were gone and gave her something to care for. Kurokuma enjoys that someone likes him and find him entertaining. 
Monaca Towa.
Sugimura always feared monaca and always tried to stay on her good side. she sensed that their was great power in monaca and despite her fear she trusted that monaca could make their paradise a reality
Jataro Kemuri 
Sugimura pitied Jataro and wished he let her get closer to him. However she understands his boundaries as she has her own too. she cared about Jataro when the others did not and seemed to be distressed by his death
Masaru Daimon 
She was really attached to Masaru considering him a great leader albeit a little whiny at times. They got along quite well and she admired his strength and agility calling him “A Cheetah!”. she was affected the most by his death and genuinely weeped at his funeral. 
Nagisa Shingetsu.
She had the worst relation with Nagisa having a distaste for his strict nature and cruel nature towards kurokuma (whom she adored). she would rather spend a year with monaca than an hour with Nagisa. she never picked up on his crush for monaca claiming he was incapable of loving something. She was bitter towards him considering him to be more like an adult than even Komaru at times
Ultimate Despair 
Junko Enoshima 
Sugimura, like the other four, have a special respect and love for Junko. She stopped their joint suicide by means of jumping off the elementary school’s roof and convinced them to not only kill the source of their despair, their parents, but to create a paradise for children by murdering all adults
(and thats it for now hope you dont mind all the reading )
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I want to buy a bike when I'm 18 but if the insurance cost to much I probably won't. But I want to know about how much it will cost a month for a sportsbike if I'm 18. I want a ninja, nothing over 600cc. ???""
""Life insurance is 750,000 enough for 3 kids ?""
is 750,000 enough to get three kids from age 1,3,5 through high school and college or do i need lots more""
Need cheap health insurance for my family....?
Im unemployed and currently receiving unemployment. I need leads or info on cheap or affordable health insurance for my 3 children and I. I live in Dallas, Texas if that helps or makes any difference.""
I'm 19 years old and i was wondering if anybody uses rodney d. young for their insurance? is it cheap?
I'm 19 years old and i was wondering if anybody uses rodney d. young for their insurance? is it cheap?
About how much does insurance generally run for a commercial semi truck?
Me and my dad are going to start a small trucking company. Only one truck at first. He will be the driver and I'll be putting up the money for it and be the owner. I'll be getting a big of money when I turn 18 from inheritance (about 130,000). I already have a truck picked out, and we're going to lease on with a company. My dad has driven trucks for over 40 years now and knows a lot about the industry. I've talked to a few other owner operators, and I know permits and such can generally run around 5000 or less but the insurance rates are scaring the hell out of me. I know there's no way of giving an accurate estimate without knowing the drivers records and what you'll be hauling or the type of truck. I know it will be a van though. Also, I know the truck will be a 98' model or somewhere around that year. Anyway, I've seen numbers on up to the millions, and then I've seen rates that are only 1500 to 5000 annually. I would just like to know from any owner operators, or people that might have an idea about trucking, about how much does basic insurance cost for a semi truck and trailer? Also, any other information about permits and total costs and expenses would be greatly appreciated. Would 130,000 be enough to get one truck on the road and running with money left over? Thanks so much in advance for any advice :)""
I want to buy a car insurance by different address?
i want to buy a car insurance by different address which where i lived now. is that getting a problem ?
Car insurance in Florida?
Do i need to have a Florida license in order to have car insurance for a car registered in Florida?
Where can I get non-owners insurance in New Jersey?
I dont own a car, but I rent about once a week, and would rather not have to take out liability insurance each time.""
The insurance on a kawasaki ninja 250?
I don't want a quote it just want to know from people who've had this bike at the age of 17 and how much they paid for their insurance, preferably in pounds because i live in the UK""
Car insurance confusingggg?
Hey I'm looking to get a new car I'm 22 been driving 3 years and have been driving a boring 1.2 since I started so i finally ready for a new car. I got some quotes I originally jus wanted a 1.6 pertol or something but I got a few quotes on more powerful cars just for a laugh. To my suprise I can actually get insured on cars like 2.5 litre turbo ford focus st and golf gti etc. so now obvioulsy i want one of them but concerned about fuel consumption might cost alot I was also thinking about a audi a3 2.0 tdi which is a diesal. heres where i get confused the focus and golf are a fair bit cheaper to insure than the less powerful diesal a3 I really crnt get my head around this, I have got my quotes from confused.com and had one directly from a insurance website it seems strange and too good to be true. Any know why this is and also anyone got any suggestion on fuel consumption in big engine pertol cars""
Missold car insurance?
got my Cover 4 days ago, and yesterday i had car accident leaving my car undriveable, my on 3rd party fire and theif and i now got to wait until pay day to get it fixed. on online and on the phone they sold me i had Courtesy Car cover. Today i rang up and ask about the Courtesy car and i told me i dont have it but yesterday they told me i had. the accident was my fault but the insurance was mis-sold? what can i do? 1 second ago - 4 days left to answer.""
Would insurance for a mustang cost alot for a 16 yr girl with a B average?
i would be on my dad's insurance. i wouldn't get a new one; the one i'd get would probably be from the 80's or 90's. and if it would be alot, is there another fast-looking (it doesn't have to actually be fast) that wouldn't be too expensive for insurance?""
If i have liability insurance and i hit a car but the car leaves the accident will my insurance pay?
I have liability car insurance and the other day a car pulled over in my lane and just stopped i ran into the back of her smashed the front end of my car(non driveable) the police said it wasn't my fault and the other car just left right after it happened. Will my insurance pay for my car?????
""If I never had a car (or car insurance) before, do I need to buy car insurance before buying a car?""
So I'm getting ready to buy my first car. It's located in the next town over. But if I just go over and pay cash and get it, there wouldn't be any insurance on it. It's illegal to drive without insurance. Don't I need to drive without insurance first? If so, how would I explain to them that I don't exactly have a car yet?""
What is the best way to get into insurance sales?
I'm quite interested in the insurance business, and i've heard various methods, one is to get hired into a captive insurance company as customer service and then express an interest in the business, then you have to study for and pass a state exam, and get licensed. but i'm curious what is the possibilities i'd find a company to hire me right away as a salesperson, my background is wireless sales. The thing i'd like to know is, what can I expect my first year in the business, is it entirely full commission or is there a mix of salary and commission? and lastly, what are the odds of a new agent making it for say three to five years? I'm looking for a career for the next 25+ years.""
How much is errors and omissions insurance in california?
How much is errors and omissions insurance in california?
Whats the difference between molina & caresource health insurance?
Whats the difference between molina & caresource health insurance?
What can I expect for getting caught without auto insurance?
I recently got caught driving without insurance (stupid I know). The cop was nice enough not to impound my car, so he just gave me a ticket with a court date. I'm assuming I can expect a large fine, but what else? Anything?""
Lowest insurance cars for 17 year old / first car?
i'm looking to buy my first car and wanna spend about 1000, does anyone know a good lads car around this price with comparatively low insurance for young drivers? thanks peoplee!""
What raises car insurance premiums?
I accidently dented my roomies car with a scratch as well. I was told by a good friend since the car was parked if she took out a claim on it and she didn t list anyone who s at fault (in other words she doesn t know) that her insurance would pay for it. First is that true and if so, would that raise her rates? She told me it would raise her rates. Also she said all it needed was to be buffed, how much do those usually cost? She has a 2007 or 08 Saturn VUE. Because if the buff isn t that much it might not be worth it to challenge her. But there is a possibility the damage might be more then a buff can handle.""
Are Farmers Insurance rates competitive?
My friend has auto insurance with them and claims they raised his insurance rates 4 consecutive times (every 6 months). He has 3 cars with them and no accidents nor tickets during this period. Is this normal other insurance companies to be raising their rates during the last 2 years? I mean the economy sucks and they still raising rates? Is the insurance business a monopoly? Do they raise their rates all at the same time, same rates?""
What do you buy first- the car or the insurance? In Oregon.?
Last year, I sold my car. Since I did not have a car, I stopped my insurance. Now, I am ready to buy a car again, via a dealership. Do I have to already have the insurance, or do I wait until I purchase the car to buy the insurance?""
Is Travelers insurance company good?
We are shopping around for home owners & car insurance. Travelers is coming in cheaper & with more coverage than other places. I have not heard of them before (which doesn't mean anything) but Wiki has a lot of good things to say about their company. Curious on personal experiences & recommendations!
How much should a 17 year old's car insurance cost in the UK?
i'm 17 and want to drive. i'm a full time college student, which probably doesn't make any difference? right now i'm looking at a 2001 VAUXHALL CORSA 1.6 engine, LS 5dr [AC] Hatchback, which is costing around 999 how much should i expect the insurance to cost for this car? or for a car similar? it will be my first car. Thanks.""
""What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
What is the average malpractice insurance cost for a general radiologist practicing in Atlanta,GA?""
How much would it cost for insurance for a 2004 Yamaha Blaster?
im considering buying a quad im wondering how much it would cost.
Affordable health insurance in Georgia?
We're moving to Georgia (currently live in Europe) and my hubby's company has crappy insurance. It's free for him, but for me and my infant it'll cost almost $700 per month! That's just ridiculous! Are there any Georgia residents out there who pay their own insurance and would suggest their insurance company? I'm 32, a stay-at-home mom, and my son is 9 months. PLEASE don't answer that I should go back to work and get insurance there - Our plan is for me to stay at home until our son is old enough to go to school, and then I'll go back to work. Thanks in advance for all educated and serious answers!""
Cost of car insurance in michigan with the full time driver being 18?
what is the cost of car insurance for 1 year in ichigan with the full time driver being 18? can you tell me where you found this?
How does insurance for a scooter in florida work?
I was wanting to get a scooter a little like the one on this site: http://gainesville.craigslist.org/mcy/1167379006.html So anyone have any info that might help me like will i need insurance, would i need a special tag or license that costs more, are there any laws towards scooters in florida, would i need to get something from the owner like any type of paper work? Any tips would help a bunch!! thanks!!""
How much does insurance run for a 16 year old in North Carolina?
My Son gets his Licenses on August 17 of this year. So i am trying to figure out about how much its gonna run for him to have car insurance
Does term life insurance have an expiration date? (Other than death)?
Does term life insurance have an expiration date? (Other than death)?
Don't Have Insurance But My Dad Does. Can I Drive (with him) In His Car?
In other words, I'm from California and I don't have insurance nor a car. I have a Permit. The adult (with a license) has a car and insurance. Is it legal for me to drive his car (with him on passenger seat) even though my name is not on the insurance?""
Liability insurance rates?
I am trying to figure out what it will cost me to have liability insurance on my company. I am the only employee. I only need it to setup a stand on occasion at different locations. I don't know what a general rate would be, so if anyone could give me an idea, that would be great.""
What health insurance will cover people with diabetes?
I have type 1 diabetes and i need affordable health insurance so if you have any inforomation I highly appericate it
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Does AAA have good auto insurance?
Anyone know of an insurance company in Alabama that covers Suboxone?
Ive been checking around and BCBS said that I wouold have to wait till after a year of coverage untill they would cover that drug for some reason, also would it be considered a pre-existing condition if I was prescribed the drug before I obtained coverage?""
Why does car insurance go up if you have a 4-wheel drive?
I am thinking about getting a 2001 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4x4. My car recently broke down and it was a 2000 Chevy Suburban. My parents don't really want to get me the Jeep with 4x4 because they said the price of insurance would go way up. I want to know why is this and about how much would it go up?
I want some cheap car insurance...?
Who offers really cheap car insurance? It doesn't matter what it covers as long as it keeps me legal.
Can I get car insurance when I have a restricted license?
I have a B restriction on my tx license, would I still be able to get insurance, and if so will it cost more than insurance without a restriction""
Why are our insurance rates going to go up again?
When Obama pushed his Affordable Care Act, he said that insurance premiums for families would go down. Last year mine went up. Now that the plan will be put in place fully next ...show more""
Are there anyways of lowering my car insurance? 19 Yr Old Male.?
Im a 19 year old male and I have my own suzuki swift sport which I have worked hard for for the last few years. The only thing is my insurance is around 3000 a year (brand new car)........ I dont mind going on my mothers insurance for example, im not worried about not being able to build my own no claims bonus............................. I have done a small amount of research into going onto my mothers policy and it wasn't that much cheaper........................are there and other ways of legal going about this? Thanks for your time, Matt.""
What is the definition of garage for car insurance purposes?
I would like to know the definition of garage for car insurance purposes, my car is in a building that is enclosed on three sides and has a locked sliding front garage door, i would ...show more""
Which car is cheaper on the insurance part and on the second hand car dealler?
i will be turning 17 soon i am i boy and living in somerset in the uk so im looking 4 a car but i want 2 no which car would be cheaper on the insurance and on the second hand dealership Citreon Saxo 1.1 desire 3dr/5dr Vauxhall Corsa 1.0/1.2 club 3dr/5dr Peogeot 106 1.1 zest 3dr any other car which would be cheap tell me thank you
Cobalt ss/sc insurance price?
i want to buy a cobalt ss supercharged and need to know if my insurance will be too high since i am only 17, i've gotten some insurance quotes but they are all different by a lot. I have a clean driving record with no accidents and my parents are willing to help out with some insurance but i want to know if i will have enough for the rest, thanks""
Car Insurance 10 pts. best answer!?
What are the parties to an insurance policy. So far i've got policyholder, and underwriter what are some other ones? thanks""
Insurance companies offering restricted hours driving to get a cheaper quote?
Insurance companies offering restricted hours driving to get a cheaper quote?
Can taking drivers ed save my parents money on car insurance?
i need to know how much, if any, people save on average""
Car insurance from abroad?
It might be a simple question, but I can't figure it out. Is it possible to have and drive a car in the UK and have a car insurance from a foreign insurance company (e.g. German or French) on a permanent basis? If not, what is the reason? If yes, do you know any foreign insurers who do it?""
Is Travelers insurance company good?
We are shopping around for home owners & car insurance. Travelers is coming in cheaper & with more coverage than other places. I have not heard of them before (which doesn't mean anything) but Wiki has a lot of good things to say about their company. Curious on personal experiences & recommendations!
Is there anyway to get decent homeowners insurance at a cheap price?
My husband and are in the process of purchasing a small home. We are seniors living on a fixed income and have to watch every penny. We have two weeks to find the homeowners insurance and they all seem to be so high in price. Does anyone have any ideas how we find an affordable homeowners insurance?
""When getting car insurance in Georgia, should I lie about dui's or be honest?""
I have 2 dui's from Georgia within 10 years. I just reinstated my license and need liablity coverage. Should I lie about my driving record just to get insurance, or be upfront right away? Do insurance companies check your driving record right away?""
What is the Average cost for health insurance for newlyweds?
Me and my GF are going to be getting married soon we are both 18 and have a house we are renting with steady jobs. What would our monthly average be for Health insurance?
""Can I add my wife's car to my insurance, rather then renew her own policy?""
My wife and I recently married, and it's time for her to renew her insurance. Her driving record isn't great, so her rates have been quite high. Being that we're married, can I just add her vehicle to my own policy to save money, or will she need to have the insurance in her own name??""
Does anyone know where I can find affordable auto insurance for a single parent of two?
I just purchased a 2006 Chevy cobalt four door and I need insurance that will work on a single parents income and I need it yesterday. Can someone help?
How do you find out if someone that hit you has insurance?
the insurance information i was given after someone hit my car turned out to be fake. my insurance company called his company but was told that the policy # does not exist. so is there a way i can find out through DMV or somewhere his true insurance information? if i can't find it, would this qualify as uninsured since i have uninsured drivers coverage? it would waive my deductible and it would pay for the injuries i suffered in the accident but only if he really is uninsured.""
What kind of sport car is good to buy that insurance is not that high ?
im trying to buy 2006 slk but i dunno should i get it or not,20 old""
What do i do for auto insurance?
so i live in Calgary and i'm buying a car in Airdre. i have to drive it back to Calgary. but i need all the information to pay for insurance and registration. and a licence plate that matches the car.. what should i do??? i have a licence plate but its on a kia and im buying a toyota.. HELP!!!!!
Looking for the best prices in auto insurance and Quick!?
I know there are some reliable auto insurance companies out there with killer rates. Anyone know something good?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Is insurance cheaper on a car with a warranty?
I'm looking for my first car, and i was just wondering about insurance It's either between a 2007 tiburon that has a 10 year drivetrain warranty, and like a 5 year basic warranty A dodge charger (warranty would be gone) or maybe a mustang (I know insurance will be high on that) I was looking into the charger, because well, its the coolest of the three and also insurance would be cheaper than the mustang because it has 4 doors. If the warranty affects the insurance, that may be a deciding factor""
Adding 18 year old non-owner to car insurance.?
I am now 18 years old but have not yet gotten my driver's license because of the rate increase before I turned 18. I have had my learner's permit for 3 years and have a perfect driving record (no tickets or accidents). I do not own a car right now. So, I need to know if A) I need to be added to my parent's policy in order to drive their car once I get my license, and B) if so, how much more will the insurance be? I live in Florida.""
Do I Need Car Insurance to drive my parents car?
I live in ct and i was wondering can i drive my parenst car as long as they have car insurance on a registered car or do i have to be on a policy too?
How can I tax my car without insurance?
I am planning on selling my car, which doesn't have tax or insurance as I haven't passed my driving test yet. I have some interest in the car but as it isn't taxed, people ...show more""
How can a medical group charge different prices for people with insurance and no insurance and medicare?
is this legal to charge people with medicare a higher price to go to the Doctor than people that don't have medicare, I thought that medical groups are to charge less so medicare don't go broke and people with insurance, so there monthly don't go up higher""
Where can I find affordable car insurance for a kit car?
I recently purchased a car that was given a kit car title instead of a rebuilt title and now I have no clue who will insure it! I live in Florida and the cars title lists it as a 2006 Neon. Any info would be greatly appreciated!!
""I want a 92-97 Lexus SC 300, how much for insurance in CA.?""
I'm a 17 and 1/2 year old looking for a 92-97 manual SC 300. I was wondering how much it would cost for Insurance in California? Also can I get it California DMV legalized if I swap the engine out for a 2JZGTE, a twin turbo version of the stock SC 300?""
How much does school bus insurance cost?
my friends and i are pitching in to buy a school bus. it seat 22 people, and we are just wondering how much insurance for this might cost. what do busses usually insure for?""
Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?
I've recently bought a summer house in Tavira, Portugal, which my family and I would like to insure because we won't use it constantly. Anybody knows reliable insurance companies that insure summer houses?""
Does failure to signal increase insurance rates in Oregon?
Does failure to signal increase insurance rates in Oregon?
Can I get money back if I cancel my car insurance?
I share a car with my mum but she doesn't allow me to use it, so I figure it would be best to cancel my insurance policy if I get some money back. I only need a car to get home from work on a Thursday night but I have asked my boss if I can do an earlier shift so I can get a bus. He is letting me know if I can do this by the end of next week but in the meantime I would just like to know if it's worth cancelling. The policy runs out in April, I live in the UK and I'm with Zurich if that helps.""
How will my insurance handle a guy that hit someones head in my car?
a guy hit someones head into my car and says he wants to go through insurance to pay for it. I had nothing to do with it, I just happened to be there, but theres a good sized dent. Is this going to make my rates go up? i took it to get an estimate and was around $450""
Is there any cheap health insurance that have good coverage in california ?
Is there any cheap health insurance that have good coverage in california ?
Cost to insure a car for first time driver?
Hi, I just turned 15 yrs old and I'm looking to get a car soon. I live in New York City and you need to be 16 to get your permit, but I'd like to buy a car and add on upgrades and completely redo the interior so it will be nice by the time I can drive it. My parents aren't going to pay for any part of this, but I have money. My question is how much do you think I'd end up paying for insurance? My parents would put me on their Gieco plan, they both have never had an accident in their entire lives and pay very little for insurance. I was wondering if anybody had some kind of idea/range of how much I'd expect to pay for car insurance for these cars: 87-93 Ford Mustang 5.0 97-99 BMW M3 00-04 Mustang Cobra 95-2002 Acura/Honda Integra w/ turbocharger and upgrades 93-94 Mazda RX-7 w/ turbo I don't need exact rates obviously, but if anybody works with a car insurer do you have a range on how much a 1st time driver would pay for each of these cars? Thanks!""
How much would car insurance cost for me?
i'm 16 and i live in the southern california area, around north hollywood. i would be driving a honda accord, thats leased so far but we're (family) is planning on buying it soon. i also have pretty good grades. how much do u think it would cost? and which auto insurance is best and the cheapest?""
Is Travelers insurance company good?
We are shopping around for home owners & car insurance. Travelers is coming in cheaper & with more coverage than other places. I have not heard of them before (which doesn't mean anything) but Wiki has a lot of good things to say about their company. Curious on personal experiences & recommendations!
How do insurance company's value cars?
i had a 07 impala and just got a new 2010 impala and my insurance is cheaper on the new car than the old car why is that?? is the older the car the more it is?? or what really takes place on the prices??
Is the insurance for a ford mustang convertable cheaper or higher than a coupe?
I heard the convertable is cheaper but, that doesn't sound right. Please only answer if you have an idea.""
How much would would Car Insurance be for a 17 year old male?
Im a student, want to take my test. If i pass it how much do you reckon driving insurance will be. Say if i registered it under my mums insurance. i wanit a car for university so i can drive home quickly and easily. How much would it be under my mums insurance and how much would it be if i got thee smallest engine (Vauxhal Corsa or Citroen C2) for example...""
Will I be arrested if my parents do not include me on their car insurance policy?
I am about to receive a license, and am nervous about driving my parent's car without being included on their policy (I am 16). We simply cannot afford to pay for another driver. Hypothetically, if I am stopped for speeding or something of that nature, would they check proof of insurance, and, if so, would I be arrested for my lack thereof?""
How much has disability insurance rates increased in the last 5 years? 10 years?
I am 30 years old female trying to decide whether I can afford disability insurance with the noncancelable.
Please help answer a health insurance question: group vs. individual?
I'm thinking of retiring early. I would utilize COBRA for the full 18 months. After that, I would purchase an individual plan. I'm extremely healthy, no preexisting conditions. My concern is, if I were to become ill after purchasing the individual policy, could I be dropped? I would, of course, make sure payments are always on time. I live in California. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!""
How much would it cost to insure a new Mazda3?
I want to buy a new ('08 or '09) Mazda 3. It would go on my parents insurance, and they both have a clean record. How much would it cost to insure? I live in Nassau County, NY (Long Island).""
""Can a car insurance provider cancel your insurance quote, without giving a refund?""
I recently renewed my car insurance with the Cooperative, I was charged and thought I was insured. After a few days I received a letter from the cooperative saying they have decided to terminate the insurance quote. If i want to know why I have to write a letter. After noticing Ive been charged and not given back a refund, I called and asked why this is. They said they wont refund the money, and all I could do is appeal for the money! They said the appeal has to be a letter sent to them, not email. Can they do this? Not only did they refuse to insure me (when they have done for so many years now), then they sent a letter saying they've decided to terminate it, without giving a reason, and they dont even mention anything about the money theyv charged me, I had to call in, and they tell me they wont refund the money?????""
How much will my insurance be on a BMW 114i?
Ow much will my insurance be roughly on a brand new BMW 114i 25K, I'm 17 yrs old and I think this car is a 1.6l, please tell me how much the insurance will be for me, I need a price with and without my parents added to the policy, my address is 2, bd8 0bw. 2012 plate 3/5 door hatchback Petrol""
How Much do you think my car insurance will go up on a new car ?
OK I just bough a new car today......its a 2011 model and i traded in a 2002 model .....Im 19 years old...over the past 2 years of driving my insurance has been $100 a month and last month it went down to $75 ....i know you may not know how much just an estimate .
Buying first car and auto insurance question.?
I just got pre-approval for an auto loan. I do not even have a car in mind yet. My question is when do I contact insurance companies? Should I look at cars, pick on I like, and then contact car insurance companies about quotes or should I call them before I even go browsing? Im just a little lost. Also, I hear car insurance is flipping crazy for young men. Im a 22/Male in New Mexico so if anyone has insight or suggestions I would appreciate it :)""
How long does it take for insurance rates to go up after getting speeding ticket?
how long does it take for your insurance rates to get affected if you get a speeding ticket.. does it apply right away or do i have time to go to traffic school.. and if i go to traffic school will all evidence of there ever been a ticket disappear?
""Looking for a good first car, one with low insurance rates preferably?""
I just turned 16 and am currently in the market to buy a car. I am looking for something in the price range of around $2,000, possibly a small four cylinder pick up, or a japanese sedan. Does anyone have any sugestions for a good first car, and if any one has expeiriance with insurance can you tell me a price range of what I would be looking at for isurance, I have good grades and looking for a minnimum policy in Florida. Thanks if anyone can help me although I know I probably wont get much help with the insurance part.""
What would car insurance cost in Florida for a 16-year old male with a 2006 Ford Mustang GT?
I am currently 15 years old and I plan on getting my first car next year for my junior year in high school. One car I have just fell in love with is the 2006 Ford Mustang GT that I plan to buy used from a used car dealer. My curiosity has led me to ask what would it cost for car insurance under my circumstances and desires. I only plan to drive to school everyday and sometimes in the weekends. Of course I would need to sign my insurance under my mother's since I'm a minor. How much would this cost for me?
Car health insurance...?
Why does car health insurance not exist I mean if it did then you would just pay a premium and then when you took it to a repair shop the insurance would cover it.
Question about auto insurance?
I'm 16 and have my license and my own truck that i am the primary driver on, but i'm also the secondary driver on my dads truck does that make my insurance cost more by being the secondary driver?""
Car insurance help!!?
ok, im trying to get the cheapest insurance possible. i am 18, i have over a 3.5 in high school, i took drivers ed, and i have never had any problems with the law. oh and if it matters i live in oregon so which car insurance company will be the least expensive?""
How good is tonik health insurance?
active college student who needs a supplement to our generic university health care. snowboarding/mountain biking accidents, etc.""
Where can I get my physical done for cheap? No insurance?
I'm going to be a wrestling captain & I need it for school on Monday. I live in florida
When taking out car insurance. Is it really worth protecting no claims bonus or not?
I have heard that if your no claims is protected and you have an accident (which is not your fault) your insurance still goes up. Is this true?
Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?
Are automatic cars cheaper to insure for young drivers (UK)?
Why does Obama believe only 5% of America will pay more for health insurance?
It is a known fact that 1 in 3 American aged 50 to 64 are without health insurance. There are 300 million citizens in this country. The baby boomer generation is estimated to be 79 ...show more
Cheap car insurance for occasional driver ?
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone knows if an occasional driver's insurance exists? I dont have my own car. My parents do and sometimes I use it for school- once or twice every 2 weeks. Recently, my dad hasnt been allowing me to use it (at all) because I dont have my own insurance and it is too expensive for them to include me in theirs since I dont use the car too often. Do you know any car insurance that is affordable- which company, etc, for someone like me who only borrows a car occasionally? Thanks! x""
How will i know which insurance group my car belongs to in UK?
is there a website to find car insurance group?
Can I teach Yoga in the U.S without buying insurance for my students?
I have been teaching Yoga for 10 yrs, I recently moved to the U.S and planning to start a studio.Any help is greatly appreciated.""
Is Travelers insurance company good?
We are shopping around for home owners & car insurance. Travelers is coming in cheaper & with more coverage than other places. I have not heard of them before (which doesn't mean anything) but Wiki has a lot of good things to say about their company. Curious on personal experiences & recommendations!
0 notes