#donna barr
seikilos-stele · 2 months
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Gay Comix #16, Summer 1992. Cover art: The Desert Peach is Not Amused by Donna Barr.
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allflooby · 8 months
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Found Donna Barr's The Desert Peach 1 and 2 at Half Price Books today. Had to include the back covers.
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kali-writes-meta · 2 years
Our Flag Means Death
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Let's see -- a genteel, middle-aged man comes out of the closet while shepherding a crew of misfits through a war zone and finds love with a canny warrior. What a lovely homage to my favorite 90s comic book, Donna Barr's The Desert Peach.
If you liked the show, read the book.
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piepress · 12 hours
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Indie comic fans, rejoice! Your favorite characters are back in action in this vivid, brand-new collection of prose fiction stories releasing May 7 on Kickstarter! Revisit the comics that started it all, paving the way for some of the biggest classics on the page and screen today, from creators including Mike Baron, Donna Barr, Bob Burden, Don Simpson, Katherine Collins, and Steven Grant.
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donnabarr · 6 months
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Using Bill Morse's Everwood art prompts for October 19: "The Good People." He used the F-word for the Shee, but I never say it. Yes, I am godfree, but I won't have a ouija board in my house. ESPECIALLY not in October.
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brainrotdotorg · 19 days
everyone should go send an email to their favorite author especially if it is an underground/self-published writer. if you like something someone made, you should tell them because sometimes they will email you back and make you revert to a fangirl from 2015. i squeed today. i havent squeed since i was in middle school. magic is real
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dcbinges · 5 months
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Batman and the Outsiders #5 (1983) by Mike Barr, Marv Wolfman & Jim Aparo
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theamazingstories · 1 year
NAMETAGS REVISITED (Column 24 redux)
NAMETAGS REVISITED (Column 24 redux)
Figure 1  – MidAmeriCon 1976 nametag by George Barr I was away all last weekend and, for various reasons, I don’t have a brand-new column this week, but since I was at Spocon 2022 in Spokane WA, I figure it’s a good excuse. At the “tag end” of this column, I’ll speak a little bit about Spocon 2022. Otherwise, you’ll be treated (?) to a repetition of a column from my first year with Amazing…
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1993 Dusty Rhoades (DustyKat) illustration, included in Issue 7 of adult art and comic anthology Genus
See more of the issue here:
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unwinthehart · 3 months
un pezzettino che ti ricordi. Ti mando la traduzione di ghali trovata su X: la tristezza potrebbe aver perso il sopravvento su di me e il tempo è passato. pensavi k il tuo freddo fosse stato eterno qnd hai iniziato a incolparmi? cn l'anima della mia ombra ho volato in alto anche se le nuvole erano scure, anche se sn stato sfortunato. guardando negli occhi le xsone k mi hanno tradito, non le dimenticherò xk le mie intenzioni Sn smpr state buone.
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Mi piace questo scambio perchè pare che le due canzoni si parlino! Adoro. Allora Geolier ha riscritto le barre di quel pezzo di Luchè e mi servirebbe più tempo, dovrei quantomeno risentirla. La prima parte è rimasta uguale:
Il primo amore mi ha fatto più male Se tradisce, non lo puoi fermare Il primo amore mi ha tolto il respiro Ma io mi uccido se mi vuole lasciare
Tu mi hai dato un nome, tu mi hai dato una fede Quando queste preghiere servivano a poco Nei momenti in cui si vede un uomo Tu mi dai quello che non si può avere Quello che tutti chiamano "rispetto" E pure se la Bibbia è un libro molto lungo Io davanti al Signore stasera prometto Che non ho mai pianto più di una volta Che non fuggirò quando arriverà la morte Non conquistarti la rabbia solo con le parole Gli cavo gli occhi quando insultano (quando dicono qualcosa di sbagliato) Tu sei come la donna di un altro Tu sei nuda come la verità Tu mi compri coi soldi sporchi di sangue Tu mi affascini perchè sei pericolosa
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donaruz · 11 months
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24 MAGGIO 1961 nasceva ILARIA ALPI
"Era una giovane donna, forte e determinata, battagliera e femminista convinta".
"Soffriva di vertigini e temeva il vuoto, ma si era scelta un lavoro in cui l'elicottero è uno dei cosiddetti ferri del mestiere, aveva una autentica fobia del vuoto, una vera e proprio chefobia ma volava con tranquillità almeno apparente".
"Era una giornalista coraggiosa con la mente in Europa ed il cuore in Africa"
P.s. Così l'ha descritta sua madre.
Si diplomò al Liceo Tito Lucrezio Caro di Roma.
Grazie anche all'ottima conoscenza delle lingue (arabo, francese e inglese) ottenne le prime collaborazioni giornalistiche dal Cairo per conto di Paese Sera e de l'Unità.
Successivamente vinse una borsa di studio per essere assunta alla Rai.
Ilaria Alpi giunse per la prima volta in Somalia nel dicembre 1992 per seguire, come inviata del TG3, la missione di pace Restore Hope, coordinata e promossa dalle Nazioni Unite per porre fine alla guerra civile scoppiata nel 1991, dopo la caduta di Siad Barre. Alla missione prese parte anche l'Italia, superando in tal modo le riserve dell'inviato speciale per la Somalia, Robert B. Oakley, legate agli ambigui rapporti che il governo italiano aveva intrattenuto con Barre nel corso degli anni ottanta.
Le inchieste della giornalista si sarebbero poi soffermate su un possibile traffico di armi e di rifiuti tossici che avrebbero visto, tra l'altro, la complicità dei servizi segreti italiani e di alte istituzioni italiane: Alpi avrebbe infatti scoperto un traffico internazionale di rifiuti tossici prodotti nei Paesi industrializzati e dislocati in alcuni paesi africani in cambio di tangenti e di armi scambiate coi gruppi politici locali. Nel novembre precedente l'assassinio della giornalista era stato ucciso, sempre in Somalia e in circostanze misteriose, il sottufficiale del SISMI Vincenzo Li Causi, informatore della stessa Alpi sul traffico illecito di scorie tossiche nel paese africano.
Alpi e Hrovatin furono uccisi in prossimità dell'ambasciata italiana a Mogadiscio, a pochi metri dall'hotel Hamana, nel quartiere Shibis; in particolare, in corrispondenza dell'incrocio tra via Alto Giuba e corso Somalia (nota anche come strada Jamhuriyada, corso Repubblica).
La giornalista e il suo operatore erano di ritorno da Bosaso, città del nord della Somalia: qui Ilaria Alpi aveva avuto modo di intervistare il cosiddetto sultano di Bosaso, Abdullahi Moussa Bogor, che riferì di stretti rapporti intrattenuti da alcuni funzionari italiani con il governo di Siad Barre, verso la fine degli anni ottanta. La giornalista salì poi a bordo di alcuni pescherecci, ormeggiati presso la banchina del porto di Bosaso, sospettati di essere al centro di traffici illeciti di rifiuti e di armi: si trattava di navi che inizialmente facevano capo ad una società di diritto pubblico somalo e che, dopo la caduta di Barre, erano illegittimamente divenute di proprietà personale di un imprenditore italo-somalo. Tornati a Mogadiscio, Alpi e Hrovatin non trovarono il loro autista personale, mentre si presentò Ali Abdi, che li accompagnò all'hotel Sahafi, vicino all'aeroporto, e poi all'hotel Hamana, nelle vicinanze del quale avvenne il duplice delitto. A bordo del mezzo si trovava altresì Nur Aden, con funzioni di scorta armata.
Sulla scena del crimine arrivarono subito dopo gli unici altri due giornalisti italiani presenti a Mogadiscio, Giovanni Porzio e Gabriella Simoni. Una troupe americana (un freelance che lavorava per un network americano) arrivò mentre i colleghi italiani spostavano i corpi dall'auto in cui erano stati uccisi a quella di un imprenditore italiano con cui successivamente vennero portati al Porto vecchio. Una troupe della Svizzera italiana si trovava invece all'Hotel Sahafi (dall'altra parte della linea verde) e filmò su richiesta di Gabriella Simoni - perché ci fosse un documento video - le stanze di Miran e Ilaria e gli oggetti che vennero raccolti.[6]
Ilaria Alpi venne sepolta nel Cimitero Flaminio di Roma.
La madre, Luciana Riccardi Alpi, (1933 - 12 giugno 2018) ha intrapreso, fin dal primo processo, una battaglia per cercare la verità e far cadere ogni sorta di depistaggio sull’omicidio della figlia.
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open-hearth-rpg · 8 months
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#RPGCovers Week Fourteen Lace and Steel (1989) Donna Barr
This is one of those covers where the draw is the distinct style and vision of the artist involved. In this case Donna Barr, who did a number of long-running series including Stinz “about a society of centaur-like people in a setting reminiscent of pre-industrial Germany” and The Desert Peach “about Pfirsich Rommel, the fictional homosexual younger brother of Erwin "The Desert Fox" Rommel.”
Barr’s work uses distinct inks (and occasional watercolors). It creates an effect which has cartoonish elements, but doesn’t feel cartoony– like Usagi Yojimbo or the best of Girl Genius. It’s joyful and always carries a sense of fun, even when the material is serious.
The original edition of Laces & Steel was a slipcase boxed set. It was among the first rpgs I remember to use cards as a distinct element, in this case unique sets for resolving verbal and physical duels. The setting is a fantastical swashbuckling version of Europe with peoples of different ancestries (satyrs, harpies, etc.) involved in romances, wars, and social climbing. 
The cover of that boxed set is good: dynamic and engaging. There’s energy and the feel of a real, serious duel– with our noblewoman in the background providing a reaction and a set of stakes. But in some ways the use of color here mutes Barr’s work. You see that when you examine the covers of the four booklets from this game. 
They’re amazing– a brilliant presentation of geography, history, fashion, and more. All of the covers have amazing detail, worked almost exclusively in black and white, with a few greyscale elements. They’re the kinds of images you could look at all day and find new ornamentation. The Character book is properly sexy, Book Two, Naked Steel,  is a mix of triumph with the terrible warfare happening behind, Book Three presents a geography which reminds me of the David Macaulay books, and Book Four introduces more of the frightful and fantastic. 
And all of this doesn’t even touch on the great array of interior art which Barr provides.
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autistpride · 2 days
How many of these famous autists do you recognize? And this isn't even a complete list!
So many amazing wonderful people are autistic. I will never understand why people hate us so much.
Chloe Hayden
Talia Grant
Rachel Barcellona
Sir Anthony Hopkins
Dan Akroyd
David Byrne
Darryl Hannah
Courtney Love
Jerry Seinfeld
Roseanne Barr
Jennifer Cook
Stephanie Davis
Rick Glassman
Paula Hamilton
Dan Harmon
Paige Layle
Matthew Labyorteaux
Wentworth Miller
Desi Napoles
Freddie Odom Jr
Kim Peek
Sue Ann Pien
Henry Rodriguez
Scott Steindorff
Ian Terry
Tara Palmer -Tomkinson
Albert Rutecki
Billy West
Alexis Wineman- Miss America contestant
Jessica- Jane Applegate
Michael Brannigan
David Campion
Brenna Clark
Ulysse Delsaux
Tommy Dis Brisay
Jim Eisenreich
Todd Hodgetts
John Howard
Anthony Ianni
Lisa Llorens
Clay Matzo
Frankie Macdonald
Jason McElwain
Chris Morgan
Max Park
Cody Ware
Amani Williams
Samuel Von Einem
Susan Boyle
Elizabeth Ibby Grace
David Byrne
Johnny Dean
Tony DeBlois
Christopher Dufley
Jody Dipiazza
Pertti Kurikka
James Jagow
Kodi Lee
Left at London
Red Lewis Clark
Abz Love
Thristan Mendoza
Heidi Mortenson
Hikari Oe
Matt Savage
Graham Sierota
Mark Tinley
Donald Triplett
Aleksander Vinter
Hannah Gatsby
Robert White
Bethany Black
Damian Milton
Bram Cohen
Michelle Dawson
Carl Sagan
Neil Gaimen
Mel Bags
Kage Baker
Amy Swequenza
M. Remi Yergeau
Sean Barron
Lydia X Z Brown
Matt Burning
Dani Bowman
Nicole Cliffe
Laura Kate Dale
Aoife Dooley
Corrine Duyvus
Marianne Eloise
Jory Flemming
Temple Grandin
John R Hall
Naomi Higashida
Helan Hoang
Liane Holliday Willey
Luke Jackson
Rosie King
Thomas A McKean
Johnathan Mitchell
Jack Monroe
Caiseal Mor
Morenike Giwa- Onaiwu
Jasmine O'Neill
Brant Page Hanson
Dawn Prince-Hughs
Sue Robin
Stephen Shore
Andreas Souvitos
Sarah Stup
Susanna Tamaro
Chuck Tingle
Donna Williams
Julia Bascom
Ari Ne'eman
Sarah Marie Acevedo
Sharon Davenport
Joshua Collins
Conner Cummings
Kevin Healy
Poom Jenson
Amy Knight
Jared O'Mara
David Nelson
Shaun Neumeier
Master Sgt. Shale Norwitz
Jim Sinclair
Judy Singer
Dr. Vernon Smith
Miina Akkijjyrkka
Danny Beath
Deborah Berger
Larry John Bissonnette
Patrick Francis
Jorge Gutierrez
Lina Long
Johnathan Lerman
Julian Martin
Haley Moss
Morgan Harper Nichols
Tim Sharp
Gilles Tehin
Willem Van Genk
Richard Wawro
David Eastham
Christopher Knowles
David Miedzianik
Henriette Seth F
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brostateexam · 1 year
“What’s up, what’s up, what’s up!” the cheery holographic figure called. Pop music started blasting in the background. “Team 100, I’m Gerren Liles, and this is your fifteen-minute training class focused on your arms and your abs.”
Liles is a real human—a fitness trainer in New York City with 108,000 Instagram followers. He’s also one of the many trainers on Mirror, Lululemon’s futuristic at-home workout device.
Mirror offers both pre-recorded classes and live sessions, and its users see themselves reflected beside their instructor and copy their moves: they walk out to plank position; they do a series of push-ups; they grunt out bicep curls. A counter tracks calories burned and heart rate. In its live classes—and there are about twenty each day—the other attendees appear at the bottom, Mirror’s built-in camera streaming a parade of video avatars. Instructors can watch the attendees and give feedback—“Tap your ankles, Donna Anne,” Liles shouts out during one set of crunches. For those less excited about push-ups, there are other cheerful instructors teaching yoga, Pilates, boxing, dance, barre, and tai chi. Mirror has been billed as the future of exercise: all the personal guidance of a professional instructor in your own home.
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fettesans · 7 months
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Left, detail from Balanciaga SS24, October 2023. Right, photograph by Sigalit Landau, Key Holder, 1996, C-print, 90 x 60 cm. Via. More.
Women are genuinely trapped at the intersection of capitalism and patriarchy – two systems that, at their extremes, ensure that individual success comes at the expense of collective morality. And yet there is enormous pleasure in individual success. It can feel like license and agency to approach an ideal, to find yourself – in a good picture, on your wedding day, in a flash of identical movement – exemplifying a prototype. There are rewards for succeeding under capitalism and patriarchy; there are rewards even for being willing to work on its terms. There are nothing but rewards, at the surface level. The trap looks beautiful. It’s well-lit. It welcomes you in.
There is a case, as laid out by Donna Haraway in her tricky 1985 essay A Cyborg Manifesto, for understanding the female condition as essentially, fundamentally adulterated and for seeking a type of freedom compatible with that state. “At the center of my ironic faith, my blasphemy, is the image of the cyborg,” she wrote. The cyborg was a “hybrid of machine and organism, a creature of social reality as well as a creature of fiction”. The late 20th century had “made thoroughly ambiguous the difference between natural and artificial, mind and body, self-developing and externally designed, and many other distinctions that used to apply to organisms and machines. Our machines are disturbingly lively, and we ourselves frighteningly inert.”
Haraway imagined that women, formed in a way that makes us inextricable from social and technological machinery, could become fluid and radical and resistant. We could be like cyborgs – shaped in an image we didn’t choose for ourselves, and disloyal and disobedient as a result. “Illegitimate offspring are often exceedingly unfaithful to their origins. Their fathers, after all, are inessential,” Haraway wrote. The cyborg was “oppositional, utopian, and completely without innocence”. She would understand that the terms of her life had always been artificial. She would – and what an incredible possibility! – feel no respect whatsoever for the rules by which her life played out.
In real life, women are so much more obedient. Our rebellions are so trivial and small. Lately, the ideal women of Instagram have started chafing, just a little, against the structures that surround them. The anti-Instagram statement is now a predictable part of the model/influencer social media life cycle: a beautiful young woman who goes to great pains to maintain and perform her own beauty for an audience will eventually post a note on Instagram revealing that Instagram has become a bottomless pit of personal insecurity and anxiety. She’ll take a week-long break from the social network, and then, almost always, she will go on exactly as before. Resistance to a system is almost always presented on the terms of the system. It’s so much easier, when we gain agency, to use it to adapt rather than to oppose.
Jia Tolentino, from Athleisure, barre and kale: the tyranny of the ideal woman - How we became suckers for the hard labor of self-optimization, for the Guardian, August 2, 2019.
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