#don't even get me started on the sterek shippers
kvtnisseverdeen · 2 years
thinking about how teen wolf really gave us a POC main character and a strong female character (remember when #AllisonIsaSlut trended?) and all of y’all went crazy for a white boy instead and shipped him with another white guy 
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nilletellsstories · 2 months
My stance on Buck, Tommy, Buck and Tommy, and Buddie.
This is about to become an essay so... yeah, you've been warned!⚠️
So, I am a big Buddie shipper. I wasn't always, I must admit. I've been keeping a distance if you will from Slash-shipping and voicing my opinion about shipping after some sh*tty bullying from Sterek fanatics for being a big shipper of Stydia. But eventually i started reading Buddie fanfics and i was sold.
Now, with all these new developments with Buck, Tommy, and Eddie, I would now like to give my opinion about it.
Buck's bi! Or he likes boys too and kissing them! But he's queer! As a bi-curious girl, seeing this happen for him and reading the interviews with Oliver Stark about Buck's sexuality, have solidified something for me and helped me accept that it's okay to not have a label on my sexuality, that it's okay to be fluid and have opinions change, it just has to be YOUR truth. Not another one's truth. So, yeah, I'm bi-curious, not bisexual. That is my truth. If you wanna know more about it and me, my ask and messages are open! I would love to talk!
I love him. I love the character. Even from the flashback episodes with Hen, Bobby and Chim. I like the actor a lot from his other works, especially Sgt. Rocker from S.W.A.T., though there, I had to warm up to him, tbh.
But, Tommy. Tommy is good guy. I genuinely believe that. Of course, we don't know much about him, other than he's formerly been apart of the 118, now at the 127, he's someone who likes to help out (when chim called him to help out the 118 with a fire in a neighbourhood and with flying the team out in to a HURRICANE to save Bobby and Athena), and apparently he likes Twilight 😉
I know that we found out in the latest episode that he was also in the army, knows muay thai, but you know that I mean. Bottomline (so far), I love Tommy Kinard!
Buck & Tommy
Buck and Tommy as a pairing is a surprise that i didn't see coming, but a happy and welcoming one. I love this ship. For me, it makes sense. Tommy is the right person for Buck for right now. I hope that they get the rest of the season together, where Tommy can guide, teach, cuddle, show Buck "the ropes" and just be there for him through this new stage in Buck's life. Buck needs that, in my opinion. Buck needs Tommy.
This relationship with Tommy is what I believe to be a part of Buck’s discovery and journey towards Buddie.
The Buddie of It All
For me, Buddie is endgame, no doubt about it.
But, while it's been a long time already, I don't want it to happen RIGHT NOW. Buck only just realised that he likes boys too and kissing them. Eddie is DEFINITELY not there yet.
Which is why, again, I think Tommy is good for Buck now. If they went with Buddie straight away, something would just be not right. It wouldn't make any sense.
Eddie needs to have his own discovery and journey.
In the Future
I hope The Powers That Be make it so that this season (season 7) is about Buck and his discovery and journey, with the season maybe ending with Eddie having his and then season 8 (YAY!! Thank you ABC!) can be his journey, so we end season 8 with Buddie actually happening.
This, for me, should absolutely NOT be rushed. There needs to be a journey for both Buck and Eddie before Buddie happens. Tommy will be a part of Buck’s journey and I actually hope that Eddie will get his own Tommy to help him through his journey.
Yes, it's been 6 seasons already, but neither Buck nor Eddie are ready for Buddie yet, no matter how much us fans are.
If you guys are still here reading, thank you. If you wanna talk about something I've written here or just ramble about other shows, movies, pairings, etc., my asks and messages on here are open!
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princeescaluswords · 10 months
(contd2) And then in S4 he only trusts/remembers Scott when he's deaged, he's ready to die for him when he thinks it's inevitable, and ofc later there's his whole thing about only coming back *for Scott* and not for the town (or anybody else in it). Idk, I just find it so funny how insistent he is about his motivations and how his admiration and affection for Scott overshadow his connections with literally anybody else and people?? Don't get the memo?? HE MADE SEVERAL WHOLE SPEECHES ABOUT IT!
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Hey, do you remember this scene from The Wolves of War (6x20)? I do. It is the culmination of a story that began in Wolf Moon (1x01). What started as "We're brothers now." ended in "No. Came back for you."
When that scene first aired, an individual made a gifset of the scene. Within the first twenty or so reactions, there was a reply to it. I remember it as much as I remember a splinter dug under my skin: "As a Sterek shipper, I reject this." I'm sure it's still out there somewhere. We could find it no matter how bad Tumblr's search engine is, if we put our minds to it.
Of course, several people responded to the reply with what you might expect, explanations of shock, dismay and outrage that a self-identified member of a group with the motto "Derek Hale Deserves Nice Things" would look at a scene of deep friendship between Derek and Scott and "reject" it. My response, though, was different. My first thought was "How the hell is that relevant to Sterek?"
If you take the concept of the Sterek ship at its basic principles, it's the idea that Derek and Stiles are not only sexually compatible, but uniquely positioned to enhance each other's lives and fulfill each other's emotional needs. I can fully get behind that. I think that there is definitely an aesthetic argument to be made for the pairing; it seems the fandom agrees with me.
My enormous and undying problem is that when you examine the overwhelming Sterek content created, there is an undeniable aspect to it that adds a completely unnecessary complication. For some reason, Scott hate (or at least the idea that Scott is an impediment to Sterek) is a major component of the Sterek fandom. And that just doesn't track. Derek and Scott have conflicts at the beginning, but given the situation that is unavoidable. On the other hand, as you have so carefully pointed out, they grow into a mutually beneficial friendship. How can the fact that Canon Derek and Canon Scott come to mean so much to each other interfere with Sterek? Scott and Stiles's friendship is the beating heart of the show, even as it is Scott's story, so much so that Stiles has to be mentioned repeatedly even when he's not present on the screen. How can the fact that Canon Stiles and Canon Scott love each other so much be seen as an impediment to Sterek?
My premise: it is not, and the prevalence of anti scott hatred in the Sterek fandom has nothing to do with shipping Derek and Stiles, and everything to do with racism.
Take the example above. I could see it, maybe, if Stiles had been living in Beacon Hills and standing in the background, and Derek had specifically proclaimed that he had only come back to Beacon Hills for Scott, then it would be reasonable for a Sterek shipper to have a problem with the scene. But that didn't happen. Stiles was not only no longer in Beacon Hills, he came back to Beacon Hills with Derek. There is nothing in that scene that infringes or diminishes or prevents Sterek. So why the hostility?
There's nothing in canon in any of the relationships involved -- Scott and Stiles, Stiles and Derek, Scott and Derek -- that is hostile to Sterek shipping.
It can't be because Scott said a few mean things to Derek in the early seasons. For every slightly mean thing Scott said, such as "Then they had a reason" in Magic Bullet (1x04), Stiles said two to three, such as "Oh, is that contagious? You know what, you should probably just get out." or when he tells Scott that Derek is beginning to smell like death when Derek is sitting right next to him, or "You know, that really doesn't look like anything some echinacea and a good night of sleep couldn't take care of." all three of which happened in the same episode.
It can't be because Scott resisted accepting Derek's leadership, because for every time Scott rejected Derek's guidance, Stiles undermined Derek's positions openly.
It can't be because Scott took antagonistic actions toward Derek, such as deceiving him about joining his pack to save Jackson's life in Raving (2x08) or valuing Allison's life over Derek's discomfort in Master Plan (2x12), because Stiles literally tries to convince Scott to let the Argents kill Derek to stop Peter in Formality (1x11) and for Allison to shoot Derek "preferably in the head" in Venomous (2x05) because he valued Scott's and Lydia's life over Derek.
It can't be an aversion to queerbaiting, because the show had multiple significant gay relationships. For every scene that made us question Stiles's sexuality, there was a scene which put Scott in a similar situation. Derek never had a scene like that, but even so, all three of them only pursued women romantically.
It can't be because Tyler Posey once said something negative about the ship overwhelming all other fandom activities, because both Tyler Hoechlin and Dylan O'Brien said things inimical to Sterek as well.
So, there's got to be a reason that a major component of Sterek shipping, superfluous to the ship itself, is hostility to Scott McCall and his actor. Some factor that drives some participants in a ship to viciously hate the main character who is canonically not an impediment to their ship and enables the rest of participants in the ship to tacitly support it.
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storiesbyrhi · 1 year
The slightest break in our usual Eddie Munson programming for me to scream about Teen Wolf: The Movie.
Spoilers below the cut.
I'm an original Sterek shipper from back in the glory days. I watched the new episode each week. I was queerbaited to death. In the year 2023, why must I continue to suffer like this?
You chose the villain most associated with Stiles, but can't convince Dylan - the heart of the show - to come back? The reason Stiles is M.I.A. is that he has his 'own fires to put out' with the F.B.I. Lazy?! Lazy writing! He would have come A.S.A.P., but especially after Sheriff was taken by the Oni!
"Maybe you should call your son." What the fuck?
You give me this shitty Stiles-free movie, and then make Derek's son Eli a) obsessed with Stiles' Jeep and b) have the personality of Stiles? And have Derek and Sheriff Stilinski buddy up? And have Sheriff kind of go all dad on Eli too?
Don't get me started on Derek's death. I'm very pro-major characters dying but Derek has suffered unbelievable cruelty and yet, he triumphs. He builds a real life. Then you kill him. Not just kill him, but send him to, what, hell?
"Derek had complicated feelings about that Jeep." Give me Sterek or leave it alone.
Also, on the subject of Derek as a hero - @thisdiscontentedwinter made a succinct and absolutely correct post about it here.
AND, you chose a villain heavily reliant on Kira, her culture, and her family but won't pay Arden what she's worth? You use Japanese folklore and Japanese-American history (e.g. internment camps in the U.S.) but can't even begin to service the meaning or legacy of that? Kira isn't even mentioned?
You replace Kira with Hikari, a young Japanese-American woman, and a Kitsune. Don't worry - she's also Liam's love interest! That means she's got character! Right?! RIGHT?! She literally is just there to deliver Japanese lore, be another body in the fight, and make foxfire and ramen. "We're here for our pain," she says. Yeah, Hikari, you sure are. (Hikari is played by Amy Lin Workman, who is not Japanese.)
Nostalgia couldn't even save this. When you bring something so problematic into the current year, all it does is draw attention to how fucking problematic it was to begin with. Jeff Davis' ego is far too big for him to admit mistakes and rectify them here.
The only good things were Jackson being so Jackson, the introduction of more gore and swearing into the Teen Wolf universe (sorry but I love a "fuck" where there were previously no fucks allowed), Peter's entrance (he's even campier now), and Lydia and Allison's friendship being important.
There's already a huge catalogue of posts on Tumblr about why the movie was so fucking shit lmao. I'm going to enjoy reading them. And, oh my god, am I going to start reading Sterek fanfic again?!
Also, why is everyone wearing flannel?
I miss Isaac Lahey.
How'd everyone else feel about it? Are we all crying in Beacon Hills?
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skelingtonsderek · 8 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks to @willowmckinley for tagging me!
How many works do you have on ao3? 67.- 29 are Teen Wolf and the next runner up is Justified at 24
What's your total ao3 word count? 565,534 total… Rinse Cycle (Teen Wolf) is my biggest single story at 145,979 not counting the bonus coda. The biggest series I have for the current fandom I’m focused on is Bad Habits at 92,533
What fandoms do you write for? Justified, Teen Wolf… I would love to do more Grimm and I’ve wanted to write for Buffy the Vampire Slayer for so long but I always end up backing away slowly holding my hands up in defeat.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
What Did You Expect With A Mouth Like That? - For Teen Wolf at 1,902
When You Are No Longer Useful - For Teen Wolf at 763
The Hard Part- Teen Wolf at 619
We Have Worn Out The Meaning Of Our Clothes (part of the Apparel Series) - Teen Wolf at 582
Every Nickname Has A Reason (part of the Apparel Series)- Teen Wolf at 470 And a sixth because 4 and 5 are the same series:
The Killing Type- Teen Wolf at 456
The benefits of being unpopular means I get pretty easily dodged. The next closest I have that's the current fandom I've been writing for is Remembrance. at 170
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes. Every single one of them every time. I’m trying not to compulsively respond to every response forever though so I’m practicing only responding a few times. Not sure I enjoy it though. It being making myself stop replying once we're two or three replies deep.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I know this might sound strange to anyone who has started but been incapable of finishing the stories I write but I’m not very good at ending unhappily. I’d say the angstiest would be It’s About Boyd (Justified) or maybe Scenes From The Battle of Us (Justified) is a good angster.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? . Uhhhhh….. Rinse Cycle or maybe Remembrance.
8. Do you get hate on fics? I think the closest I get are Sterek shippers who read some of my fic and then get a bit pupset that Sterek isn’t end game even though I always warn that it isn’t at the start if it isn’t.
9. Do you write smut? I’m not sure I remember how to write things that don’t have at least 7 sex scenes in them.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written? I’m not personally a fan of crossovers so much. I might read them if the premise is good enough but it’s not common for me. I find that they tend to get kind of muddled and it’s at times difficult to fuse the two worlds together in a way that makes the various themes of each cohesive. That being said, I don’t mind them. Just find that the combined elements tend to distract instead of add. It's a task to crossover universes and I don't think it's one that I'm up to.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? I had a problem a very long time ago with some one reposting mine without permission or attribution on an unaffiliated third party e-publisher but that was super long ago. I have done the opposite though. I used to make it a very small hobby of mine to write short stories or poems or whatnot and leave them anonymously in people’s inboxes with a note that it was theirs to do with whatever they wished. I’d on occasion also write serial stories and pop them in to ask boxes on tumblr with permission one part at a time for a person's favorite pairing or universe.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? I’ve had people ask if they can but I’ve not seen that it has happened.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Not fic, no. But I’ve worked on popcorn stories and collaborative pieces elsewheres. They were all original pieces so they wouldn't be available on AO3.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? I don’t think I have one.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? In fic? I only have two that would be considered WIPs. One of them (The House Carpenter) has an ending already and is complete but there is an un-published sequel I took down because I didn’t like where it was going but I plan to work on that one in the winter. The other one is an active prompt fill style fic whose ending will be when I run out of prompts. (Bad Habits) I think the closest I got is that there’s a fill I did forever ago that was supposed to have two endings and I only wrote one and never did the second. I’m not sure I ever will. I want to but I haven’t. ([Fill] My Mouth With Ecstasy)
16. What are your writing strengths? I like to think my strength is in the grounding. I like to track and block a character’s movements and make sure there are as little unaccounted for motions as possible. Outside of that… Maybe my flagrant disregard for grammar conventions?
17. What are your writing weaknesses? My flagrant disregard for grammar conventions. Also sometimes I get hung up on granular details that make it difficult for a scene to play out appropriately. Also also I’m very loosy goosy and don’t exercise enough precision or control over what I write. Also also also I like using repetitive descriptions too much.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? This can be useful and I have written dialogue at times in another language but I try to limit it as much as possible because I don’t speak any other languages well. I think it can be done very well but just not by me despite my attempting to repeatedly.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Probably Sherlock (BBC).
20. Favorite fic you've written? All of them. But Rinse Cycle and Remembrance. are close seconds.
I'm pretty sure Willow tagged literally everyone I've ever known so if you see this and you wish to do it then please claim that I tagged you to do it.
Would you like to do this @acorrespondence @im-not-thinking-confetti-cannons @apolardream @tallsinspace @gaylanrivens ?
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brazilian-whalien52 · 5 months
Shipper tag game
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
There are so many that I tought would be forever, specially from my childhood shows. Still they give me the nostalgia tingle, so its not indifference. But maybe some like Katara and Aang? Like them but dont much care. Oh, and Hinata and Naruto I dislike now, after the ignored confession I just lost all interest.
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Kind hard to tell, maybe Isa x Alex from Isa TKM? I was really invested (but Isa did have some serious mental problems)
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3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
My first fanfic was a Harry Potter elf insert, so no ship there, now my first couple one was AMUTO from Shugo chara
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
It was probrably Sasuke x Sakura, i remember I loved the youtube videos with their fanarts, specially thought Sakura with akatsuki robe looked super cool
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
I guess one time? When Naruto ended... omg why so many naruto answers? a trip to memory land results in that
6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
Always a MakoHaru hater, altrought i dont care much now, the hate is just nostalgia at this point too.
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
That is embarissing but i tried a little the house wilson x house fanfics, now that i watching the show.
8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
Zosan is my OTP since I first watch One Piece. But I do have others that are mentioned around
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9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Merthur, I will never understand why, the story point to that so much. But I do have some that get me way more mad, I just can't remember Because when I do I go in a rant
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Hm, maybe drarry? It wasn't dislike per say. But just seemed weird shipping them because of my childhood. But the fanfic were so good that I gave a chance.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
Sterek and Shizaya. Sterek has the age gap that o didn't even realize was there when I was younger. Shizaya is just all levels of toxic enemies.
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
Akafuri, I have it so bad for them. And it was extremely funny when they stopped being a crack ship. Also spideypool? When I started Shipping them they also didn't have anything on them, it was just funny the two together, so it's crazy that they have comics together.
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics off?
Probably zosan, sterek and drarry? Zosan was in portuguese, sterek when I started reading in English and the Harry Potter fandom just has so many...
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
I think I have a lot of enemies/rivals ships? Or that usually have some kind of banter going on.
15. What you absolutely hate in a ship?
First, when they are boring. Second, I hate ships where one side (A) is completely obsessed with the other (B). Specially when B does not show any interest in person A and seem clueless. I can watch romance story with these plot, but I feel like in other genres they always mess the execution up and I never feel B truly has deep feelings, just that A is convenient (thats why I don't like ships such as naruhina, gruvia, stydia, Hancock x Luffy...). Just not my cup of tea.
I am tagging: @dual-domination @killerandhealerqueen @wen-kexing-apologist @slayerkitty @gloster @nenehyuuchiha @jackpoompkin @kennyomegasweave @momofmysquad @hyperfocusmadness @kami-no-ikku @magnusgraycloud @geometricalien @enteisabo @hautegirl07 @callipigio @chitaprrrrrrrr @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @twig-tea @hyperbolicgrinch @bunnakit @tdwlara @i-che-bi @latinokokonoi @theflagscene @significant-ace-nnoyance @kuronekonerochan
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camedownonamoonbeam · 11 months
Tagged by @junkshop-disco and @combatbootsfemme 💙
Trope Game
Rules: How much do these tropes affect your decision to click on a fic?
-10 -> very dissuaded
0 -> don’t care either way
10 -> very enticed
nope -> if it’s a hard no and you’d never click on a fic with that tag or or you even have the tag blocked or you’d insta click out of the fic if it wasn’t tagged
Bonus points for explaining the rating and whether it’s conditional
Age Gap: 9/10
The more differences that add to an unequal power dynamic, the better lol. But i've never specifically looked for fics with an age gap, they just tend to come with the kind of fic where the unequal distribution of power within the ship is the point... I wouldn't click on a fic bc of the age gap tag if that wasn't the point, though.
Codependency: 7/10
I love it when characters are fucked up lol. But i wouldn't want this in a fic that's not about that kind of fucked-upness and toxicity, you know? It’s not cute and I wouldn't want it in e.g. a romantic Barris fic. But it can be excellent in fic about toxic relationships.
I like one-party dependency better than codependency.
Enemies to lovers: 10/10
I started as a Drarry shipper so this is much of what I read for the first couple of years of my fandom life lol. It’s exceedingly delicious to me, so many confliction emotions and characters being in pain from both going back and forth about what they are to each other lol.
Enemies With Benefits: 8/10
I remember having read hate sex fic only once tbh by an incredible writer, so maybe that's also why it was so good, but I wanted so much more of it.
Fake Dating/Relationship: 10/10
This is the good shit! The more pining the better. This is one of my most read tropes.
Found Family: -10/10
I could be into it if they were toxic and/or dysfunctional, but fandom always makes sure to write it in the most off-putting way achievable, where everyone is super sweet and super good at communication and extremely open emotionally and they all cuddle together and have movie nights and shit, and everyone is always completely ooc and a weird stepford wife cardboard cut-out, and it all makes me viscerally uncomfortable. So no I will not be clicking on a fic with this tag. The only exception is Barris fic from people whose writing skills and understanding of the characters I trust/agree with enough that I believe they've not made it disgusting like fandom typically does.
Friends To Lovers: 0/10
Idk, I feel like this is something i don’t notice, because it’s just... a lot of fic, isn't it? I don't think most people even tag it? It doesn't seem particularly interesting nor in any way off putting.
Friends With Benefits: 8/10
Ah yes, the accidental catching of feelings. I do love pining. But I've never seeked out this tag. May i also present fwb where one party actually doesn't have feelings for the other but knows about their feelings, thus essentially using them for sex? There’s a sterek fic where stiles magically exchanges away his feelings for Derek bcz he thinks Derek's never gonna love him, and after they keep having sex with stiles no longer caring about hurting derek and it’s SO GOOD. There’s also one (one of my all time fave fics ever) where stiles is dying or thought to be dying, and he just doesn't want to die a virgin, which derek knows but is ofc in love with stiles and hopes it meant something more, but it didn't, and it's so fucking good.
Hurt/Comfort: 10/10
Does the backbone of fandom even need explanation? It’s the best. I'll take both physical and emotional h/c!
Love Triangle: nope/10
I'm sick of this in shows, I don't want it in fic too. And I'm a monoshipper to the core, I doubt I'd get any enjoyment out of this.
Mistaken/Hidden Identity: 0/10
I'm not sure I've read this.
Monster Fu… Relationship: ?/10
Depends on the monster! Tentacles? Boring, I never understood the tentacle thing. Same with succubi/incubi. Werewolves, though? Hell yes, 10/10. Especially if said werewolf has a knot 👀
Obsession, Possessiveness, etc: 10/10
I'm a helpless sucker for this lol. I'll take both mild possessiveness that can still be considered sweet (and yes I know it’s fucked up irl but you know, fiction) and the very toxic kind, but obviously which one works for me depends on the ship.
Opposites (like grumpy×sunshine, etc): -10/10
I hate the grumpy x sunshine trope with a passion. It's sure to flatten any character into a 2D cardboard cut-out. No one is either/or, where's the fucking nuance. I do like it though when they seem dissimilar on the surface but actually have a lot in common. But I don't think I've seen this as an ao3 tag, anyway?
Poly: -10/10
I'm a monoshipper. I tried to read a sterek poly ship once and actually felt like i was cheating on sterek lol. Yes it’s ridiculous, but i couldn't do it lol. The funny thing is i was in a poly ship for 5 years irl, so you'd think this would be jam!
I can, however, read smut fics where the third party is there for the shag.
Pregnancy: ?/10
Regular preg? Fuck no. Angsty mpreg where the pregnancy makes things a lot harder? Yes. Omegaverse mpreg where omegas have limited or no human rights? Fuck yes x 100 000 000
Second Chance: ?/10
I guess? Depends on the context. Thomas and Richard missing their first chance when they met during a London season when they were both footmen, and meeting again in -27? Would read.
Sex To Feelings: 8/10
Is this fwb without the friends aspect? Just benefits? Lol. But it sounds good, I'm a sucker for pining.
Slowburn: 10/10
Fuck yes, but only if it's REAL slowburn, as in like a 100k, none of that 4k "slowburn", thanks. I'm a huge sucker for pining, and all the little moments - held breaths, heart jumping bcz of accidental hand touching, and FINALLY The Long Anticipated Kiss tens of thousands of words in? Fuck yes. On the condition, ofc, that it makes sense, but I will take both thinking "he won’t ever love me" as the reason lol.
Soulmates: ?/10
The traditional kind is too fluffy and too centered on just finding "the one" as if that solved all your problems, or as if that was your only problem or indeed mission in life, and I think the concept itself is ridiculous. If things were like that, just about no-one would meet their soulmate bcz there’re billions of people... i've read some out of curiosity, though, and i liked the one where the stiles' soulmark is around his butthole and derek's is at the base of his dick, and to join together as soulmates or something they have to join these marks together lol.
I do, however, like what I call biologically determined soulmates, as in like in omegaverse or werewolf AUs when their pheromones make them extremely attractive to one another (to the exclusion of others, and them just knowing this is it). The woo woo kind of soulmates is too fluffy and too woo woo, but "the most biologically compatible breeding partners" soulmates works for me for some reason, even if they can't have kids bc there’s no mpreg - that doesn’t stop same-sex attraction irl, so why would it in a world where one's partner is largely chosen by pheromones lol. So it depends on the kind we're talking about!
Everything (except the nopes and usually the minuses, too) ofc depends on the ship and all the other tags and the summary and the author, so in the end nearly everything is conditional lol.
I tag @hobbitkate @infinity2020corner and @celticghirl, but no pressure 💙
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ohhalefire · 2 years
For your headcanons ask - Stiles, if you haven't already had an ask for him :)
[ from this post ]
Ohhh you're in for a RIDE. A warning: Headcanon A deals a lot with both Sterek and Stydia, and I know this may not be everyone's cup of tea on my blag, so feel free to jump to B if you're here for more Stiles-specific or Sterek content. :)
Headcanon A: realistic
Before I start with Headcanon A, I want to drop a disclaimer: I don't believe at all that I'm going to change one single person's mind about this. You don't have to agree with me when this is done. I just think that the hard line between Stydia shippers and Sterek shippers doesn't actually have to be as hard, because evidence for one doesn't have to mean evidence against the other.
So I think Stydia being canon actually proves that Derek is exactly Stiles' type. Sure, Lydia is a short redheaded woman and Derek is a big brunet werewolf dude, but I'm not saying the resemblance is physical. I mean that the way Stiles feels about them, the way we see the attachments between them build and evolve, is exactly the fucking same.
Stop me if any of this sounds familiar:
Stiles has a really long-held crush on a true-blue perfect ten, someone with the type of beauty that they can use to get whatever they want with one gorgeous smile and a flash of an adorable dimple. Initially the crush is light-hearted (and maybe slightly infused with intimidation, because this person is just so damn hot and also just kinda scary), but even so, Stiles knows their secret: that they're smarter, deeper, and much less prickly than they pretend to be. They're hiding their secret nerdery, their passions, their true softness, all as a defense mechanism - and Stiles knows all about it. He gets it.
Over time, this crush deepens. Instead of fading the way most high-school crushes do, it matures... and Stiles can't be nearly as funny about it. But Stiles is, above anything else, a truly decent human being, and he knows that this person either doesn't feel the same way as he does, or simply isn't ready to open that can of worms. This person has had a previous relationship end messily (at best), and now is only looking for someone pretty they can hold at arms' length, if they're looking for anything at all. So Stiles will not pressure, and will not make a move. He never once makes his feelings for this person anyone's problem but his own.
Then Stiles gets himself a girlfriend in Malia. And it's not that he doesn't really care about her - he so does! - but the crush doesn't entirely go away, even then. Sure, maybe he can ignore it a little more while he's focused on his actual relationship, but the feeling is still there, little embers of the fire still aglow inside him. It's always there. And maybe it always will be.
Now, tell me: who am I talking about? Lydia or Derek? Both?
The very fact that Stydia does become canon after all that time - after all those tiny touches they never talk about, all those stolen moments that never change their friendship - shows to me, at least, that Stiles is capable of having these long, profound, deep loves that don't go away no matter what else happens. He can almost move on, can even believe he has, and can love someone else, but that deep love is still embedded in him. It's essentially a part of who he is. In fact, to me (an obvious Stydia and Sterek supporter), Stydia does not make sense if you don't assume he's loved her, at least a little, through the entire show... which in turn demonstrates that he's capable of holding love for Derek in the exact same way. (Yes, Stiles sort of thinks this trait of his makes him a bad boyfriend to Malia. Yes, he tries to get over both Lydia and Derek multiple times. No, it never fully works.)
If this is how we read Stiles - that he tends to develop these major loves that ebb and flow, grow and wane, and that he can almost get over them, but never quite completely move on - then one thing becomes abundantly clear: his type isn't 5'3 redheads or six foot sourwolves. His type is someone he connects with and understands at a visceral level, because he understands the need to protect your own heart. He knows what it's like, being both clever and traumatized. And he sees them.
Some other things that start to make more sense if we think of Stiles as being at least a little bit in love with both Derek and Lydia throughout the series:
That long look back at Derek's dying body at the end of S4 is the moment when his slow-burning love for him, something he's almost been able to ignore since he's been with Malia, howls back into painful life in his chest as he watches Derek die - and his guilt about having that emotion carries through the rest of his faltering relationship, as he heals from a broken heart he doesn't think he should have
Yes, Stiles is pining for Derek at the beginning of S5, and Scott knows it
In the end, when Derek left and tore a hole out of his heart, Lydia was the one who was there. Derek's leaving is what made Stydia inevitable. This doesn't mean Stydia was any less valid - it means Stiles had two loves, but that all semblance of choice between them was taken away when Derek left.
I know that a lot of Sterekers do feel like Stydia comes out of left field in the show, and that a lot of Stydia fans feel like Stiles and Lydia are singular soulmates. Again, I'm not here to change anyone's opinion on that. But I do think that we, as a generally monogamous society, tend to assume people only carry 'true' love for one other human at a time... and to me personally, the only way the canon makes any amount of sense is if Stiles has true love for them both.
While there's nothing in canon to explicitly suggest that Stiles has interest in having polyamorous relationships - or even if he's thought about it - he's certainly a person who cares for a lot of people at once. To me, that's clear. I think in general, humans often like our love stories to imply that the two people involved are made for each other, that they fit together and with no other person, but in my experience, our emotions often resist that simplicity. Stiles' struggle with all of his varied feelings, his desire to let them go but inability to fully move on, reads very human to me.
Now, I don't believe any TW writers/etc did this on purpose. But TV shows are essentially written by committee - showrunners write arcs, then writers write scripts, then directors stage the story, then actors breathe life into text, then editors edit it, with multiple people at multiple stages having input about different parts of it, etc - so really, no one person is 100% the reason for every little thing you see onscreen. Do I think someone in a writer's room somewhere was like, "Aha! Let's make Stiles fall in love with all of these characters and be confused about it"? No. But like in the Sterek Round Robin Challenge I'm currently a part of, that's kind of the fun of it: that the final story shows a little bit of everyone involved, and doesn't belong wholly to just one person. So while I don't think this is the story anyone set out to tell, I do think it's the story they ended up with, in the end.
Look, as I mentioned in my Derek Hale headcanon post, I am a very fix-the-canon person, as opposed to a fuck-the-canon person, and I know that's sort of an unpopular opinion in the TW world. I know a lot of us just like to think about the parts of the story that interest us, and prefer not to explore the parts that don't, and this is perfectly, 100% fine by me. Do what brings you joy. That's what fandom is for! But what personally brings me joy is story structure and analysis - taking apart the story as a whole, including all its messy, even poorly-written parts, and seeing how the whole thing works (or doesn't work) together. This is what I'm doing here. And taking the entire story as a whole, every wonderful and shitty moment together? Welp, that Stiles is a little bit in love with both Derek and Lydia is the only conclusion I personally can come to.
I guess all that's left to ask is this: why then am I so obsessed with Sterek and do I post so little about Stydia? Well, the canon gave me exactly the Stydia story I wanted. That arc finished in a wonderful, satisfying way for me. The Sterek arc, though, feels excised from the story entirely, almost surgically removed at around the point of 3B, and therefore completely unfinished. This is why I'm so interested in reading/writing future fic: I want to finish up all the unfinished arcs... Sterek included. :)
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Stiles has no problem with knowing Scott can smell all his, uh, teenage hormones and pastimes on him. They're brothers; they know everything about each other. He knows no embarrassment when it comes to Scott McCall. But when he knows he's gonna see Derek... well, suddenly he takes a lot of showers. :3
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
If Stiles ever gets bitten, two things will happen.
1) His eyes will be blue. Scott doesn't think of anything the Nogitsune did as being Stiles' responsibility, but Stiles sure does. He carries the weight around his heart of a boy who has murdered innocents.
2) He'll be a werefox. Sure, his body is functionally human in every way, but at the end of the day, it's a construct made for him by a thousand-year-old demon. He can never, ever shake that. And he doesn't want to look at himself in the mirror every day and see what the Nogitsune did.
If he had reasons before he became void not to want the bite, he has a thousand more after it.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Again, I'm not usually the person to ask for fuck-the-canon content, but I'll offer this up as tribute:
Stiles memorized all the books on Derek's bookshelf and secretly borrowed copies from the library (to prevent his scent getting all over Derek's copies and clueing him in). A lot of them are dense, formal reads, and some are kinda a slog, but he keeps going anyway... because he wouldn't admit it, but they're also kinda good. :P
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thehollowprince · 2 years
"Scott stuck by Liam, walking him through being a werewolf" Except that Scott wasn't even there with Liam during the full moons. In fact, Scott was too busy having a date with Kira to take care of the boy he bit, assaulted and kidnapped against his will. But sure: Scott walked Liam through being a werewolf! Also: don't you ship Sceo – a crack ship between two heterosexual character who never showed an ounce of romantic interest/attraction toward each other in canon? Lmfao talk about delusional
Oh, A...
How many times are we going to go around this merry go round of bad faith arguments and questions that can be easily disproven by just watching the show?
I mean, it's getting tiresome, but if you insist.
So... Liam's first full moon happened in the episode "The Benefactor", right after "Muted", where he had been bitten. In just keeping with Liam's storyline this episode, we see him tied up in Scott's bathtub in a comical scene that I thought really drove home the point that Scott and Stiles are still just teenagers. Liam escapes in another funny scene (lots of comedy this episode?) and then is invited go a party by Kira to get him away from everyone so he wouldn't accidentally hurt someone. Once he's at Lydia's lake house and the full moon starts to rise, he's starts changing and when he goes to attack Scott, Kira does this.
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That's right, she knocks him unconscious with a paddle! After which, they chain him up so that when he awakes, he'd be contained.
While he was out, Scott and Kira have a little dance.
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At no point in time did Scott abandon Liam to go have a date with Kira. As a matter of fact, the moment Liam awoke and broke his chains, Scott left Kira to go after him, to help him. Liam's arc this episode ended with this touching scene...
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Again, I need to state, this is not my opinion. This is not my interpretation. This is what happened on the screen. And short of placing the entire episode (or show) on here and forcing you to watch it á la Clockwork Orange, there's nothing I can do to help you realize that.
As for me liking Sceo, this is a fact. We already know this. I liked the chemistry these two had together on top of Theo's arc on 6B where he was trying to make up for what he did in the past, specifically to Scott. It was the foundation of what could have been a nice romance.
That being said, you will never find on my blog that I think Sceo is the height of romance. And you want to know why? Because it never actually happened on screen! That's the key difference between me and most Sterek shippers. I can acknowledge that the ship I like is based off of my own bias and imagination and not try to say that it was canon if you stand on your head with your finger up your ass squinting sideways at it.
Have a Merry Christmas, A.
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morningleaf24 · 2 years
A note on Stydia
I think a lot of Stydia shippers consider Stydia to have the perfect build and development and they very perfectly grew to become a couple. But that's not true, Stydia is far from perfect. Stiles' interactions with her start off slightly creepy, which he does grow out of thank god. Season 2 is pretty nice in terms of Stydia, I feel like Stiles had a bit of closure when Lydia confessed her love for Jackson and everything. Season 3 was also pretty good, we saw them get closer. However, Season 4 kinda puts them on standstill. Lydia is mostly isolated this season and doesn't really work. Its fun to see her figure out her powers but its even better when there are other people. Season 5 is also a weird case, especially the first half. There is barely any Stydia interaction and I think it would have been nice to see them as good friends before moving to the second half. I'm a sucker for the Stydia scenes in 5B. But by then I was getting kinda tired of seeing Lydia in a hospital bed, like she is in the hospital three times this season like why. I love season 6A, it was nice to see Lydia's perspective on their relationship but it would have been more organic if they had built the two of them up as friends better. I have the same problem with Anne and Gilbert in s3 of Anne with an E. Seeing them as good friends would have made their final getting together that much better. Ahh I still love their kiss though its amazing.
So, Stydia is not perfect but it is the best developed ship on the show. By far. Like a lot. Scallison was basically love at first sight, which is fine but a bit boring. Scira was also like that a bit, with a little more build-up but eh. Stalia was absolutely adorable when they were together and they were exactly the kind of person the other needed at that point. Though we can agree that they had zero build-up but that was fine. It kinda worked. I did not think they would last but I hated how their break-up was handled. Stydia shippers who hate on Malia are brainless. Malia must be protected but she could probably do that herself. Plus I kinda shipped Malia and Kira, their personalities would clash in fun and amusing ways. Like when literal I-have-been-a-coyote-for-8-years Malia has to teach Kira how to relax in a social setting. I always felt like the writers never knew what to do with her after s4.
Sterek confuses me. I started Teen Wolf because of Sterek but I was extremely confused while watching. I had heard a lot about how Sterek was queer-baiting and stuff but honestly? No. Maybe outside of the show, the creators and cast definitely baited the audience but in the show itself? Absolutely not. Those two barely have positive interactions anytime during the show, its either a dream-sequence or a flash-back like what. Plus I find it very disturbing that people started shipping them when Stiles was 15 and Derek was a full-grown adult. Honestly even if he was 19 it would still feel iffy. It is not homophobic to not like Sterek. If you do then good for you! But I don't think you can say that it has any strong basis in the show itself. It is completely a fanon ship and I am honestly surprised that it even became so popular. It's like Zukka in a sense, not hinted at in the show but people still love it. Except I actually like Zukka. Ultimately I think Stydia is the best written ship simply because it doesn't really have any competition. In a show that is not very good at handling relationships, Stydia stands out for being built off trust, a long friendship and mutual respect. Ig people who ship Sciles could probably say the same though. The show literally ran on Stallision, Stydia and Sciles and nothing else.
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markantonys · 3 years
okay so I too am rewatching teen wolf bc my best friend loves dylan and was like "I wanna watch this" and we're both second semester seniors so it was like fuck it okay lets do this thing and YES PLEASE STYDIA?!?! I never understood the sterek shippers like they don't like each other?? it is a reluctant friendship at best. sterek shippers need to come to terms with the fact that the only reason they ship is bc theyre attracted to both dylan and hoechlin which like me too but they dont interact
anyways I am a big big fan of stydia but I never finished the show so im glad they become canon in the end :) im excited to watch the end of it with my friend bc now shes also in love with lydia so she's gonna go nuts.
NICE!!!! i’m secondhandedly excited for you and your friend to see the end oh it was such a satisfying moment! i didn’t properly finish the show either, stydia gets together at the end of 6a and after that i was like “ok i’ve finally gotten what i’ve sat thru several bad seasons for, i’m tapping out” haha so i didn’t watch 6b except i did tune in for the very last episode just to see how it all ended. and in my recent rewatch i only did seasons 2 and 3 bc i was just there to see my boy isaac, those are defs the best seasons anyway and still plenty of excellent stydia content! i was so worried i wouldn’t like stydia as much now as my teenage self did but great news, they hit just as well for me this time, if not even better now that i Knew they officially end up together and all this buildup didn’t end up being for nothing (sidenote: ppl who call them getting together in 6a fanservice are so wack like oh i didn’t realize that bringing a 6-season-long plotline to its natural conclusion was fanservice but go off i guess)
and i agree about st*rek like i started the show back in the day bc i saw it all over tumblr and i was fully expecting to ship them bc i saw that so many people did, but then i actually watched it and i was like ?? there’s nothing here?? i’m all about fanon gay ships as you know but teen wolf has SO many better options for it and i don’t understand why that was the one that took off when scott/isaac, scott/stiles, allison/lydia, stiles/isaac, etc. are all RIGHT THERE
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theexecutionerssong · 5 years
hi! I think you're a Destiel shipper and I was wondering if you could explain how a crack ship can have a fandom that big? I don't get it. It must be frustrating to watch? Why do so many people ship it when there are other explicit ships in other shows, with actual representation? I hope I don't sound rude, it's just something I've been trying to understand and I thought I'd ask you xx
I started rambling whoops, this turned into an essay on queer characters representation in TV shows from the early 2000s to today lmao so it’s under the cut. 
Well, for me, it was a matter of chemistry and that we had nothing else elsewhere, actually. I don’t know how old you are but I think most people nowadays either weren’t there or have forgotten that we didn’t have much if anything to latch onto in terms of LGBTQ representation. Most popular mlm and wlw ships back then weren’t canon and the characters weren’t even queer and the popularity of the ships was not because people really just wanted to see two boys or girls fucking like I’ve been seeing for years. It’s because the chemistry we saw could be interpreted as romantic and because we had close to nothing to compare to. 
Like, just a quick look at the canon mlm or wlw couples and shows with LGBTQ representation I’ve enjoyed over the years:
2000: Willow and Tara in Buffy The Vampire Slayer
2008: Ianto and Jack in Torchwood
2009: Arizona and Cali in Grey’s Anatomy
2010: Naomi and Emily in Skins
2011: Ian and Mickey in Shameless
2012: Nasir and Agron in Spartacus, Sara and Nyssa in Arrow
2013: Ethan and Danny in Teen Wolf, Captain Holt in Brooklyn Nine Nine, Orange Is The New Black, Cosima and Delphine in Orphan Black
2014: Oliver and Connor in HTGAWM, Kieren and Simon in In The Flesh, Black Sails
2015: Sense8
2016: Wayhaught in Wyonna Earp, Philip and Lukas in Eyewitness, Even and Isak in Skam, Alec and Magnus in Shadowhunters, Clarke and Lexa in The 100, Maggie and Alex in Supergirl
2018: Eliot and Quentin in The Magicians, Omar and Ander in Elite
2019: The Umbrella Academy, the Skam remakes, Grizz and Sam in The Society
As you can see, I personally had barely nothing canon to relate to between 2005 when I started questioning my sexuality and 2012. I didn’t like Glee. Cali and Arizona had so much heartache. Tara, Ianto and Naomi die. Ian and Mickey in the early seasons of Shameless weren’t the prime exemple of a healthy relationship. 
So when Cas came along in Supernatural in 2008 and there was this immediate intensity with Dean (even if you don’t ship it you can’t deny that), fans saw their relationship as possibly romantic because there is no way to deny that if Cas had been in a female body, all their scenes would have come off as romantic to everybody and they would have been together by the end of season 4. What else did we have? Nothing. Scraps. Hints. Two minutes of screentime for a guest star. Bury your gays tropes. Smallville, Veronica Mars, Lost, One Tree Hill, Prison Break, Desperate Housewives, Heroes, all these incredibly popular shows in the 2000s and none of them had  really positive LGBTQ representation if any (the crazy murderous lesbian in Smallville, the psychopath in Prison Break, and I’ll never fucking forget Andrew coming out in Desperate Housewives and Bree telling him “I would love you even if you were a murderer” azsdfghjk nice comparison). 
Subtext was all we could latch onto for the longest time. So of course, Destiel became popular, and so did Johnlock, and Sterek, and Stucky at the same time. I was also still closeted and it felt safe to watch shows about seemingly straight dudes while nobody knew I was reading fanfics at night. It wasn’t (only) straight fangirls fetishizing straight white pretty men. It was because the subtext was more than we had in canon anywhere else. 
Ships, especially wlw and mlm ships, used to be for fandom only and never made it to being explicit on screen, but it didn’t make them any less real in fandom space (think of Kirk and Spock in Star Trek in the 70s for exemple, that ship has always existed). I remember the debate around 2013 about “will it go canon or is it just now queerbaiting”, and the massive push for ships to go canon and I was confused because as much as I would love it and was frustrated with the queerbaiting… being explicitly canon didn’t use to factor in whether fans shipped it or not. Fandom spaces and TPTB didn’t use to interact so much before social media, it got more common around 2012. So we could ship in peace, confined to myspace, livejournal and ff.net. Now that we have more representation, non canon ships feel cheap for many people, and that’s fine. But I personally won’t forget that some older ships were all I had 10 years ago and they gave me a safe place. So yeah, I still ship Dean and Cas. Not as in I need it or expect it to be explicitly canon in the show (though that’d be nice), but in the fandom space, hell yeah. It isn’t a crack ship. Crack ship used to mean shipping completely random chacarters that have never interacted or aren’t even from the same fandom. Nowadays, I feel like anything that isn’t canon is a crack ship. Nah. Not for me.
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bhadpodcast · 7 years
Nyx doesn't understand that some of the Sterek shipper have ever seen TW. How the hell am I going to be racist for leaving out others if I do not even know there are "other characters". I don't care about the show, I do not want to see it and she can not force me just because for her that makes me a bad person. Yes I read about them in some fic but I do not know how they really look or what is true about them.
Oh girl don't get that heiffa started blaming us for not informing other stereks about Scott's existence, lol!
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