#don’t read tags if this will trigger you btw
dissociated so hard i almost passed out!
(it hasn’t gone away)
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nympippi · 5 months
Laying in bed and then all of a sudden my nose starts bleeding, I looked like horror movie ghost or something. It was awesome I should’ve gotten a picture (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)
An artist rendition of what my bathroom mirror saw at 11:20 at night. Trigger warming blood btw!
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concreteangel92 · 4 days
Thou Shalt Not Kill - Chapter 1
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AU Noah Sebastian X female reader
Summary: Reader is a detective and is assigned to a murder case which she soon connects with previous killings and figures out the religious affiliation, proving there is a new serial killer within the city. The reader soon becomes obsessed with the killers mind and methods and won’t rest until she figures out who the killer is. All while she gets used to working with her new partner on the case, detective Noah Davis.
Warnings: DESCRIPTIVE writing of graphic murders and killings, blood, gore, serial killer, violence, use of religion. I’m pretty certain that’s it for this chapter but please let me know if I’ve missed anything!
I will say this now, this story won’t be for everyone!! I’m comfortable writing/reading about this as I’ve always loved serial killer documentaries, murder mystery novels, etc but I’m not responsible for you reading this if you think you might get triggered or upset!! You have been warned now, I don’t want to get any shitty messages because you haven’t listened.
I have taken huge inspiration from AHS: Hotel which for those of you who know it, will definitely catch on haha but for this whole story, I’m taking inspiration from many different characters and stories! I do not claim to be an expert on detectives/the police btw haha so if it’s not completely accurate then I do apologise!
I’m very excited to start this, it will be fairly longish, definitely no smut at the moment but be patient, it will come haha 🤣
And again, if you would like to be added to the tag list then let me know!! I’ve added everyone who asked, who reblogged and some who liked the original post if I recognised your user names but I’ve probably missed so many out so let me know!
Tags: @reyadawn @thefallennightmare @hayleylatour @calleyx13 @english-fucker @malerieee @lilhobgobbler @glccmreid @badomensls @madomens @loeytuan98 @rosebushjhj @livingdeceasedgirl @lilrubles @samanthasgone @blackveilomens @hellayeahsworld @lookwhatitcost @thatchickwiththecamera
Ok so I believe you guys asked to be tagged but for some reason it won’t let me and keeps saying blogs couldn’t be found? I’m not sure why but I’ll try and fix that!
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You walked fast down the dimly lit corridor in the seedy hotel in downtown LA, the place had a damp, musty smell and you knew if these walls could talk, they’d no doubt scream.
You’d been called to a particularly gruesome crime scene, you hadn’t had much else to go on but you knew your sergeant wouldn’t have called you if it was a ‘straight forward’ homicide.
Seeing some of your colleagues up head, you pulled on a pair of blue surgical gloves and walked into the hotel room.
The sight that faced you wasn’t one for the faint of heart. A couple that had been engaging in sex were now impaled together by what appeared to be a long metal rod. Both sets of hands had been nailed to the headboard and from the looks of it, they were still joined in the middle.
“The scene has already been documented detective”
“Not by me it hasn’t”
You ignored the officer and continued to survey the area. Two driving licenses were on the bedside table with two set of wedding rings next to them, you took note of the victims names and saw the marks where the rings would normally sit on their fingers confirming that they belonged to the deceased.
“They were married but not to each other. They were having an affair”
The officer from before spoke up next to you.
“Jealous ex?”
You glanced back to the couple on the bed.
“No. This isn’t jealousy or a crime of passion. This is something else, I highly doubt it was an upset partner”
You walked over to get a closer look, the woman who was nailed by her hands was slumped forward, body only being held up by the pole that was embedded low into the headboard and running through the man’s chest, blood had run down her body and into his, but what you noticed immediately was that there was more blood that had congealed around her groin and his.
You glanced around the room again and noticed a glue bottle sticking out from under the bed on the floor, picking up confirmed what you already knew.
“They were glued together”
You turned to the officer and handed him the glue to be put in an evidence bag.
“Have the forensic team been in?”
“Yes detective”
“Please have a case file sent to my desk immediately, start cleaning up in here and get someone to inform the families.”
You pulled the gloves off your hands and wrapped them up as you walked out of the room, heading back to the station.
You walked into your office with a cup of coffee in hand, knowing it was going to be needed for the long evening.
You’d phoned ahead and asked for a few other files to be brought to you, something very eerily similar about some cases you’d read recently.
You picked up the first folder and flicked straight to the crime scene photos. Once again, these were not for the faint of heart, you felt your throat go slightly dry at the scene before you.
The photos showed a woman in her mid twenties strapped to the bedposts of her bed spread out wide, wrists red and cut from trying to get lose from the metal cuffs, her mouth had been sewn shut, her genitals and thighs covered in blood where the autopsy had concluded that she’d been assaulted by foreign objects repeatedly, ripping her apart from the inside. The bed was soaked dark red and written on the wall behind the bed in her own blood were the words ‘a lair is always willing to take the oath’
Her name was Nina Platt, she had been involved in a court case a year ago accusing her ex of raping her, he had been convicted and later took his own life in prison. Only later had his innocence been proven too late. Nina had been under further investigation when her body was discovered in her apartment.
You took a breath and put the photos down, needing a second before opening the next folder.
Oliver Wicks. 19 years old, body found in an ally way, hands cut off and never recovered, his body surrounded by stolen wallets and phones. This young boy had a criminal history of petty theft, in and out of juvie for years.
And the last folder showed an older couple in mid fifties, throats slashed, both clutching bibles with some of the pages shoved into their mouths. They had both been members of their local church, records showed that wasn’t always the case for them however, both had been well known on the drug and party scene before finding god later in life. Their bodies were discovered on a Sunday night after they failed to show for the Sunday service.
You took a sip of your coffee, wishing it was something stronger, before taking one photo from each crime scene and putting it up on your board. Taking a step back you looked over them.
You had no doubt that they were all connected somehow, they all showed similar qualities, they were a show, a display, for what, you weren’t certain yet but you were determined to find out.
Your train of thought was interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Come in”
The door opened to reveal sergeant Matthews walking in.
“Detective Y/L/N”
You nodded in his direction and looked back over the board.
“Fuck…what a gruesome display. And you believe these are all connected?”
“I do sir, I think we have a serial killer on our hands. I just haven’t figured out the motive yet. None of these people have any connection to each other, all different crimes but somehow the same”
Sergeant Matthews ran his hand over his chin as he took it all in.
“This person must think that they are god”
Something in your mind sparked up.
“Say that again!”
“This person must think they’re god?”
Your mind was going into overdrive, something on the tip of tongue, what was it? What was it?
“God? God!”
Then it hit you and you quickly ran back to your laptop and started typing.
“Detective would you mind filling me in on what’s going on in that head of yours?”
Your eyes went wide as you’d found what you were looking for, you walked back over to the board and pointed first at the photo of the young boy.
“Thou shalt not steal”
You pointed at the older couple.
“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy”
Then at the young girl’s photo.
“Thou shalt not bare false witness”
And finally at the couple from this morning.
“Thou shalt not commit adultery”
Your sergeant turned to you.
“The 10 commandments”
You nodded, you felt almost breathless at your discovery, there was a new serial killer in town alright and he’d been killing for the last couple months right under your noses.
Once word had got out, the newspapers had dubbed him ‘The 10 Commandments Killer’. The press was having a field day, it was on every channel and on the front page of every paper. A serial killer loose in the city, it was a frightening prospect.
All the previous cases had been transferred onto you, this was now fully your case and you had every intention to catch the killer as soon as possible before he struck again, there was still 6 commandments left after all.
You were once again stood in front of your pin board in your office, it was now filled with more crime scene photos, newspaper articles and all photos of any evidence that had been obtained. You were trying to figure out the killers mind, see what the connections between these people are or were they completely random? That thought was even more terrifying.
A knock at the door pulled you back into the room.
Your sergeant was once again in your doorway.
“I have assigned you a new partner to help with this case. I feel this is too much for one detective alone, especially given its nature.”
You nodded in understanding, no one should take on a case this big alone.
“Who am I working with?”
“Detective Noah Davis. New to station within the last month but had an excellent recommendation from his old station in Richmond, Virginia from where’s he’s transferred, highly experienced and he should be an asset to this investigation. I’ve brought him here to meet you”
Sergeant Matthews opened the door wider to reveal an extremely tall, broad but handsome man, his dark brown eyes meeting yours with an intense gaze.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you detective Y/L/N”
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hanasnx · 1 year
stop because i literally thought this was just me being completely utterly weird but knowing that there’s someone out there that thinks the same thing is literally so relieving, like yes?? anakin is and would be “gross” when he’s having sex?? and omg and dropping hot wax on him?? i loved all of what you said, we need more “gross”anakin. 
thank you for coming to my Ted talk.💗
(btw I’m talking about you “scratching the surface” with anakin’s other kinks)
val it’s so real it’s practically canon.
prev post
like i absolutely know padme (who’s not prudish by any means & even if she was that’d be fine) was barely keeping up with her husbands sex drive and kinks. but the man knows how to lay the meanest pipe so i just know she loved being along for the ride 🤷‍♂️
sometimes some of the gross stuff i write for him i don’t even write it as a “this is gonna be so hot” it’s literally like “yea ani would do this and probably be into it” like i really try to stay true to his character and he thinks it’s hot. whether or not i do or you do is subjective. the reader in the fic is always gonna reflect ani’s sense of adventure and therefore be into what he’s into for the sake of storytelling
i have a series of unarticulated thoughts on anakin’s so-called “grossness” and i try to sprinkle them in evenly throughout my work. but since u asked for more, i’ll give you a list
let’s talk more about anakin’s disgusting habits under the cut
warnings: f pronouns + anatomy, dead dove do not eat for sexually and potentially triggering explicit themes. things such as feet stuff, butt stuff, armpit stuff, pregnant/breeding/lactation kink, titfuck. mommy/daddy kink, mentioned vomit from gagging on cock & cleaning it off & face fucking, slight dubcon, sadism, dacryphilia, piss kink, blood consumption
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☥ he’s so impulsive, so eager to act on a whim. unapologetically gross
☥ ani is treading pretty dangerously close to a foot fetish bcos it’s part of “his worship” for reader. and he would 100% “floss your toes with his tongue” and he’d tell reader that to their face too
☥ would make out w your ear tbh.
use tongue when he kisses you on places that are supposedly chaste. your hand or your cheek or your forehead during goodbye. what’s the point? he doesn’t know. he wants to taste the sweat on your skin
☥ he eats ass like a starving man and he loves when it’s done to him too. he doesn’t even fuckin care istg he loves ass. he loves fingering it while he’s fucking your pussy, he loves fisting it, fucking it, making you wear cute jeweled butt plugs. he wants to fist your pussy too but that’s not nearly as easy as your perfect asshole
☥ unhinged enough to lick & suck your armpits. sweaty or not. part of his insatiable need to have touched/licked every reachable inch of your body no matter how unorthodox. the possession in him
☥ my friend (i’d tag them but i didn’t know if they’d want to be tied to this piece of info 💀) once said “he wants to live inside your skin” and she was 100% right
☥ shamelessly attracted to pregnant women & milfs & tits. the mommy issues on this kid is out of this world. he wants you to take care of him like you’re his mom and i mean that. and he also wants to fuck you. he’s so fucked up. if you made dinner for him? in nothing but an apron? he’d call you mommy and eat whatever you made right off of you
☥ breeding. we all know it, it’s been done before a thousand times. anakin’s the king of the breeding kink. but i’d like to say some more about it.
if you’re pregnant, he’s constantly trying to fuck you. you’re like “my love, can you grab me that? i’m in a lot of pain right now i can’t—
immediately, he’s asking: “you want me to fuck you too? it might relieve some of the pressure. i read somewhere..”
he’s practically vibrating sitting next to you thinking about how he— him— he put babies inside you. h i m.
god and if you let him have you?? he goes crazy
he’s like grabbing your hair and licking up the length of your spine and saying shit like, “gotta make sure right? gotta make sure… you’re gonna take it all… my little wife.”
“i did this to you, didn’t i? say it, baby, who got you fucking pregnant? fuck, your tits are gonna get so fucking big. you’re gonna let daddy milk you, right?” cos that lactation kink is so real too
he’d honestly wanna fuck your tits while they’re full of milk. watch your nips drool milk all over yourself and his dick while it’s nestled so tight in between em. you’re practically crying from the oversensitivity which is just an added plus for him.
part of the pregnancy kink is definitely the thrill of almost forcing you to have his children.. going bareback and bein like “you ready for another one? let’s make another. if it doesn’t take this time, we’ll keep doing it. i’ll give you my cum as many times as it takes, yeah? you fucking love it.” after you literally just had one of his children bcos he’s selfish and cruel and tyrannical and gets off to shit like this
☥ after a blowjob he wants you to swish and gargle his load. open your mouth so he can spit in it and make you mix it in. watch you as you swallow it and probe your mouth with his tongue to taste the remnants
☥ piss kink. he has it. he wants it both ways. something about watching you kneel in front of him to get pissed on makes him feel so superior. disgustingly superior. telling you how good you are sitting so pretty for him while he pisses on you. you’re so dirty for liking it. might make you drink it depending bcos he’s def had yours—
☥ making you practically vomit on his cock from fucking your throat so deep. swells with pride when you lick it off of him like a good girl. he loves seeing you gag and choke and lurch. the way your throat looks closing up and how your body surges from the involuntary movement. it makes him moan and fuck your mouth like a pussy. as hard as he can.
☥ twisting and pulling and flicking your clit and nips. slapping your pussy. tugging at your folds. simply bcos of his sick fascination to put you through so much for his own sexual satisfaction. don’t worry he expects the same from you.
☥ he’d lick and drink your blood in the right circumstances tbfh. if he broke the skin on you somewhere he’d lick the wound
☥ he wants to watch you hopelessly fuck so many things for him. for him, specifically. not you. for him. he wants you to put on a show for him. to redden and whine and cry bcos whatever thing (which is most likely not a toy, and something not meant to be stuck up your ass or pussy. that stretches it too wide or whatever other reason) just isn’t working and it’s not getting you where you need to be. and you beg for him to help you. to let you stop. but he doesn’t. not yet anyway
☥ seriously,,, there is so little i don’t see this boy doing ,,, there’s definitely more but this is just what i had on hand. 🥵🥵 i love anakin’s disgusting side. disgusting is an understatement. he needs a stronger word
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rachelsfav-queer · 5 months
….. can you… give us some of those wenclair recs pls? 🥺
Okaayyyyyy if you insist 🙄 /j
(All these are on ao3 btw, that’s the only site I use lol)
So the one I’m currently reading is “Bark Once for Yes” by Strickmaler and it has me 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 though I would recommend reading the tags carefully first! It has some pretty heavy kinks that might not be everyone’s thing. Be careful y’all and remember the golden rule of ao3 (at least mine is) Don’t like? Don’t read! No need to spread negativity just because you exposed yourself to content you don’t like or triggers you because you don’t read the tags!
Anyway, some more!
“Terms of Endearment” by Calchexxis is so damn good, legitimately one of the best fics I’ve read, period, let alone one of the Wenclair fics lol. Hard recommend this one. It has some good smut but it’s not the focus of the story. Honestly considering rereading this one actually.
Actually, these are the only ones I can find to actually recommend lol. Sorry, like I said I haven’t been reading a whole lot recently.
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kkurokitty · 5 months
the fact that people go out of their way to send the type of asks someone has said they’re uncomfortable with is insane. do you people have brains? why do you lack empathy? your brains have been rotted by the entitlement that you can’t fathom that someone has boundaries and you can’t cross them. this is exactly why i don’t write. you all are despicable little brats for purposely trying to trigger someone just because they don’t write something you want to read, when there are plenty of great accounts that do. and trying to stir up drama with a dark content blog (who couldn’t care less btw) because someone doesn’t write dark content is insane.
i also enjoy dark content, but unlike some of you, i’m not a freak that will demand every writer write dark content to suit my tastes. fuck you, genuinely. i don’t care about being nice to any of you that feel that’s okay.
nobody is kink shaming, but we are entitlement shaming.
i apologize for adding the tags but i need the entitled anons to see this. stop sending people asks they’ve explicitly stated they’re not comfortable with. it’s not funny, you’re not cute, and it can genuinely send someone into a panic attack or a downward mental health spiral. there will always be someone who writes exactly what you want to read, go find them!
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Astrophel, He/Him.
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Thanks for visiting my account!
Here I will publish various kinds of art based on your requests, in particular fan fiction (although maybe I will publish drawings too).
For now, requests are open, so don’t be afraid to give me ideas for different types of art!
But I want to warn you that I will not accept anything with fem readers. I want to make this blog aimed only at gn and male readers, so with your idea (which is great, I'm sure!) with a fem reader, you should go to another creator.
Smut stuff, NSFW in particular(Don’t worry, I will mark it with a special tag if you are uncomfortable with this genre of reading.)
(Ero)Guro, a detailed and non-detailed description of cruelty. I’ll warn you right away that I’m new to describing this kind of stuff, so if you have more experience or just want to correct me, my DMs are always open!
Headcanons. From the sweetest fluff "How [OC name/character name] and [OC name/character name] spend their mornings/etc" to the most horrific descriptions of violence of one character (or even characters) towards others.
Incest, big age difference, etc. I absolutely don’t care who’s sibling and what age your characters are, but I understand that this is very triggering for many, so I will also publish similar posts with a separate hashtag and TW/CW (And also please don’t try to somehow reproach me for this or somehow condemn me, cancel me, etc., etc. My job is to create art, fiction.)
Trans guy/s, non-binary characters, etc. You guys are in a safe place.
Abuse, Self-harm, etc. Again, such fics will be published under a special hashtag so that you guys still feel comfortable being here.
As you understand, I publish and write whatever your perverted brain wants, and I promise you 100% anonymity and respect. But, of course, I have my limits.
There is no separate list of things that make me uncomfortable, but I can refuse your request if it seems uncomfortable/strange/unpleasant/etc.
I don’t have a DNI either, but for disrespectful attitude towards others (homo/transphobia and queerphobia in general, propaganda and approval of such behavior, neurophobia, psychophobia, belief in “narcissistic/borderline/antisocial/histrionic” abuse (fuck you. I have cluster B disorder, and I certainly won’t approve such crap on my account), and simply being aggressive towards others will lead you to a permanent ban.)
Btw, selfships and self-inserts are also okay! Love you guys.
My level of English is quite low, and I also created this account in order to develop my level and just to ✨️have fun✨️, so if you see mistakes, please point them out politely. I can also often be late with fanfiction and requests, but I will try to publish them faster. Please be patient, thank you.
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Poppy Playtime(Current hyperfixation)
Danganronpa(Fanganronpas too! Sdra2, DRDT, P:EG)
Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Madoka Magica
Yandere Simulator
Hotel Hazbin
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None, for now.
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narastories · 4 months
what we can have
I want to say ‘this is a weird one’ but let’s face it: when have I ever written something that’s not?
That said… this is: a) a crossover b) wizardbaron
Fandom: The Dresden Files - Jim Butcher, The Fetch Phillips Archives Series - Luke Arnold Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Relationships: Harry Dresden/Johnny Marcone, Thurston Niles/Fetch Phillips Tags: Crossover, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Dimension Travel, POV Alternating, POV First Person, POV Third Person, Marcone POV, Fetch POV, in terms of the Dresden Files it's set after Fool Moon, in the FPA universe after OFITF, pining Wizardbaron, established Philes, because I said so, somehow Philes ended up being the emotionally more mature couple in this which is hilarious, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Fae & Fairies, Niles & Marcone bromance, Fluff
John Marcone has a bad start of his day when he manages to get his favorite wizard to help him, only for them to be transported to a different city. Fetch Phillips also faces trouble when a self-proclaimed wizard and a trigger-happy mafia boss enter his café unexpectedly.
The story of four men grappling with the unpredictable nature of magic and their impractical crushes.
Read on AO3
To answer a few questions you might have in advance:
Can I read this if I haven’t read the Dresden Files?
Yes, totally! There are a few minor spoilers from book 1 & 2 but nothing big. If you are familiar with the general premise of the Dresden Files, you should be fine.
Can I read this if I haven’t read the Fetch Phillips Archives?
Technically, yes, but from the FPA perspective, this takes place after the third book, and there are some pretty significant spoilers alluded to. If you have no intention of reading the FPA or don’t care about the spoilers, you should be fine. However, I think if you like the Dresden Files, you should really give the Fetch Phillips Archives a go, and maybe save this fic after you read the first three books ;)
Nara you never seemed like a huge Wizardbaron fan, how come you wrote this ship? Can we expect more Harry x Marcone fics in the future?
I’m sorry for being so antagonistic about this. I have a real love/hate relationship with Marcone and this ship.
I get everything I ever wanted from enjoying Harry/Nic and Fetch/Niles. The reason why this fic ended up being Harry/Marcone is because they are much closer in vibe to Fetch/Niles, and I thought Marcone and Niles would get along pretty well. These ships and characters mirrored each other nicely so Marcone fit my idea better.
If I could have gotten away with making this Harry/Nic I would have, believe me.
I will always respect Wizardbaron enjoyers as the backbone of the DF fandom. And I also liked the idea of writing something that they could realistically enjoy without having to descend into the rarepair hell with me lol
I have no intention of writing more wizardbaron tho, sorry. Although as all fanfic writers know we have limited control of what we end up writing, am I right?
Also I re-listened to Even Hand while editing, and I highly recommend the audiobook version of that if you’re far enough into the DF series. It’s narrated by Mr. Author himself (btw I don’t know why I always call him that but you know, I think I’d better stick to Fae rules and don’t call him by his name on a fanfic lmao) and he clearly had so much fun with it. Certain implications for future theories aside it’s also one of the good parts with Marcone.
Anyway, if you read all that ramble i love you hope you enjoy the fic <3
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dorindameddler · 5 months
what steps did you take to recruit minthara btw? (from the context it seems you are doing a Good Playthrough, so i got curious). i've read a lot of conflicting information and i want to recruit her in my next game
So on my romance for her I did her recruitment before they dropped patch 5, so I did the “not resolving the situation in the grove” route to get her. This was the good or neutral playthrough way to get her before patch 5. I did the shadow Druid stuff to get the druids to stop the ritual so the tieflings don’t get kicked out of the grove, and then I just moved on without doing any further grove stuff. You do lose the tieflings for the rest of the game, and I’m not even entirely sure what’s supposed to have happened to them, bc you don’t find their bodies along the way or anything but then you do find zevlor in the mind flayer colony? So it’s not written super well lol but wyll and karlach will stay in your party this way and you can still get minthara at moonrise. You also lose halsin (no big loss for me lol) and thus can’t fix the shadow curse in act 2 (which is too bad, I hate that it requires halsin)
The way my gf and I did it on our astarion and shadowheart multiplayer campaign is the way that became available with patch 5, where you can knock minthara out in the goblin camp and then take out the other leaders to complete the grove protection stuff. You have to make sure to knock out minthara when she has the “temporarily hostile” tag, so triggering a fight by stealing in front of her or attacking a goblin or something. Once you knock her out she should have the “temporarily unconscious” tag if you did it right. Knock her out BEFORE taking out dror ragzlin, bc killing him triggers the whole camp to go permanently hostile and minthara won’t show up at moonrise if she’s knocked out while permanently hostile. You also can’t knock her out at the grove assault, it has to be in the goblin camp
Also if you take her armor off her body while she’s knocked out she’ll be naked at moonrise lmao so. Don’t take her armor from her if you don’t want that (or do if you do lol)
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malectober · 1 year
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Happy Valentine's folks!!
Or, more accurately, happy Malectine's!!! (I propose changing the official name to Malectine's Day. What's better, naming a holiday for romantic love after a hateful bigot who got none anyways or after Mr. Lovey-Doveys?)((By hateful bigot, I mean Valentine Morgenstern ofc. I'm sure St. Valentines was a delight))
Ehem. Anyway. I have decided to host a teeny tiny little Malec event this Valentines. Sponsored by a lil bit of time from my finals study sessions.
(I'm getting paid in sanity, not money btw)
((please help me NOT lose my sanity during finals, which, funnily, start the day after Valentines))
(((My only date for Valentines is, unfortunately, biochemistry. I'd really appreciate seeing some proper lovely chemistry that day instead of the kind that sucks my soul dry)))
((((okay I'll stop rambling now))))
Anyways. *clears throat* *dramatic flourish which Magnus would approve of*
Introducing the Malectine's Roulette Challenge!!
In this challenge, you're gonna spin a (virtual)
Now, here's how you can participate:
Step 1: Have a tumblr account (Ao3 account is optional)
Step 2: Spin the virtual roulette here to get a prompt!! There’s 7 prompts, each of which is from the Valentine’s week list thingy.
Step 3: Take your prompt and go wild with it!!
Step 4: On Valentine’s Day, post whatever you created here on tumblr (and if it’s a fic, in the Ao3 collection which I’ll link below) and tag @malectober so I can reblog it here!!
Now, before you go all spinning about, here’s a few ground rules and other information:
Please don’t spin more than once 🥺👉👈 The whole point of the challenge is to, well, challenge yourself. Make the best of what prompt you get. It wouldn’t really be a challenge if you kept spinning till you got the prompt you wanted. (However, if you’re racking your brain and still unable to come up with a good idea, you may have a second spin behind my back). Now, I won’t know if anyone spins multiple times, of course, that’s between you and your internet, buuut that also means it’s up to you to keep the challenge authentic.
You can do anything!! Art, fic, edits, playlists, you name it!!
Interested in the challenge but not really a malec fan? That’s fine! Take a spin anyway and go for it, but you don’t have to tag me.
Nsfw content is allowed, as long as it is put under a cut (Read more)
Speaking of which, any and all content is allowed!! Even if it’s the goriest darkest whumpiest content a human can possibly make. Just make sure to add any appropriate TWs to the beginning, and in case of particularly graphic/triggering content, put it under a cut!
For fic, there’s no word count limits, minimum or maximum. You could submit in one single word for a fic and I’ll still accept it!!
You may tag your work with “#malectine’s day” and “#malectine’s 2023”. But do tag this account within the post so I can notice it and reblog!!
I know I’m calling it a challenge, but there’s no reward or winners or anything. The true treasure is the malec content y’all will create, plus some of that sweet sweet validation.
Most importantly, do not, I repeat, DO NOT hate on any of the participants or content submitted.
That said, enjoy the challenge!!
Again, here’s the link to the roulette (Please let me know in case either of the links don’t work)
And here’s the link to the Ao3 Collection
Lastly, just for funsies, here’s a poll
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hana-no-seiiki · 5 months
hellooo! you're one of my favorite writers on this site, and each and every one of your stories never fail to intrigue and captivate me!
I'm interested in dipping my own toes into writing, but I'm not very confident in my own skill.
If it's not too much to ask, do you have any tips when it comes to writing stories?
again, love your work so much ❤️ i hope you're doing well, and remain safe and healthy :D
Some practical ones and some not (tysm btw!! my writings in quotev were a lot more polished ngl i prefer those, but here i get to let my adhd fester and ended up writing more)
Number One: Just write. Often times an idea pops up in the middle of the night and if you have the headspace and time to do so, write.
Number One 1/2: If you don’t wanna write, then don’t. Chances are you’ll get a lot of asks for continuations and whatnot. It’ll get overwhelming.
Number Two: Make rules and boundaries. Don’t be afraid to be mean when enforcing them. Block if necessary.
Number Three: Use personal experience. Idk why people see those as cringe but I found it to enhance my own writing.
Number Four: SPACES. Space your paragraphs! Don’t make walls of texts good lord.
Number Five: Especially in tumblr, take into account every single trigger. If you’re gonna get into Dark Content it’s a must.
Number Six: Get a proofreader if you really want your work to be good. Honestly a lot of popular fics here have a ton of grammatical and spelling errors so if that’s your goal then any level of skill is fine.
Number Seven: TAG MEH- I WANNA READ-
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orangeshinigami · 6 months
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Mutuals only / Slow replies & low activity blog. Multiship / Multiverse / OC & Crossover friendly! Mun is 21+ so mature themes may be present, everything will be tagged accordingly though. Est. Nov. 2023.
Discord available upon request for plotting & rping purposes.
( Header credit: RIDLEEY / Icons credit: THE-CURSED-ICONS & MENDINGGASHES / icon border credit: TOSKASRPH & as of Jan. 2024 I started using a border made by POOHSOURCES )
Update March, 2024: Icon border / post divider / banners credit - CROWDITS
MAINS: @auburniivenus (ship exclusive) / @adversitybloomed (ship exclusive) / @lockedtowers / @glacialdeath / @apocalypta-secundus / @loyalhearts / @toomanydamnmuses / @geraniumplant / @manaborn / @xxj0kerxx / @ninguisinferna / @attroxx / @familiarache
Mobile friendly guidelines under the cut.
Hi there! First of all, thank you so much for taking the time to read these!!
You can call me Bibis, I’m 25 years old and roleplaying has been one of my hobbies for over ten years, I’ve been a part of the Bleach fandom for about that same amount of time too. However, I still haven’t finished reading the manga (I’m always working and when I finally have some free time I have no energy to do anything guys, help). But I’ll eventually finish it, I swear… Or I’ll at least watch the anime bc I’m super hyped about this revival. ANYWAYS, yes, this is just a heads up that I do know some things about the last arc of the manga but not everything. But don’t worry, depending on what we choose to write, I’ll do my reasearch!! &lt;3
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ichigo or Bleach obviously, also no icons / headers and stuff used here were made by me unless otherwise stated.
I work 44 hours a week (sometimes more) and I’m still finishing my university course, so my activity will be low, especially from monday to friday. Please understand that I might take a long time to reply – this doesn’t mean I’m not interested in writing with you / don’t like your character or anything, I’m really just super busy most of the time.
No godmodding please. You control your character and I control mine, thank you very much.
Plotting!! I love plotting SO MUCH and can get super excited over it and come up with 5415114 AU’s, hahaha. Seriously, if you have an idea about how our characters could interact or want to build a whole new AU for them, PLEASE do not hesitate to hmu!! 
Feel free to turn memes / asks into threads, just make sure to make a new post for it rather than just reblogging the answered ask.
My discord is available to mutuals upon request, we can plot or even rp through there too!! Given my busy schedule, it’s easier for me to be active and reply to stuff there.
Shipping can be super fun, but only if there is chemistry. So there has to be a lot of plotting and our characters need to interact a few times for me to consider shipping them!! Instant shipping / pre-established romantic relationships are not really my cup of tea. I won’t write romantic ships with minors, btw, please don’t insist. 
My main verse is set when Ichigo is around 18 years old and finishing up high school!! But if you wanna interact with older Ichigo, or have a plotting idea that would work best with the older version of him, do let me know!! Like I said before, I truly love plotting, so don’t be afraid to throw your ideas at me, I’ll most likely be just as excited as you are to discuss them.
Since I’m well over the age of 18, you might see NSFW themes (such as violence, drugs, sex) on this blog from time to time. I have no triggers and I may be a little forgetful when tagging that sort of thing. Please if you see anything that’s triggering to you that you believe I didn’t properly tag, send me a message and I’ll fix it right away. I want this to be a safe and fun enviroment not only for me but for my writing partners as well!!
That’s about it!! I’m super friendly ooc, I promise. So send me memes and questions whenever!! I’ll be happy to answer all of them. :]
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smok3r7 · 6 months
I hope this doesn’t come across as rude or anything because I don’t mean in that way at all!!! And I completely understand not wanting to spoil your story…
But with some things, like cheating, it can be very triggering to people. Which is why they ask if that’s gonna happen and getting an unclear answer about it can be a bit frustrating! Like, I wanna support you and your story!!! But cheating is an extremely sensitive topic for me so I avoid reading it.
If you don’t want to spoil then please just say you don’t want to share yet and maybe put more direct things in the tags after the story is done?
Or I’ve seen people put spoilers below a read more thing.
Again, please please don’t take this in a rude way. I really liked the first part (and I’m not the other anon that asked btw!) and it’s totally okay to not spoil. But if someone asks then these answers that could mean anything and go either way aren’t really helpful at all… just saying you don’t want to say anything until the story is complete would be better!
Much love and keep up the good work!
No thank you really! Honestly I’m new to the tag part of this, this is my first story I’ve posted on tumblr (I was a wattpad baby) years ago! I’ve tried to base tags off of what I’ve seen on other stories on here but that definitely makes sense! Sorry to anyone who I made feel this way, not my intentions at all babes🩷
The answer to the cheating question for
my story is below if you want to know⬇️
Joel doesn’t cheat directly, a kiss happens once by Samantha, but nothing else. He instantly regrets it and then moves her to a different position at work so he doesn’t have to be around her since she wouldn’t give it up. He had her moved a week prior to the fight reader and Joel have.
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eat-applez · 9 months
Intro post and stuff
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I go my multiple names, but just call me Alé 👍 https://en.pronouns.page/@Eat_Applez
Asks are tagged with #Ask :D
Unfinished drawing/wip are tagged with #Sketch I’ll finish later
Spanish posts are tagged with #Alé en Español
More personal things are tagged with #Alé’s personal posts
Info ig?
furry fandom art acc.
My main interests are TF2, Cod, Resident Evil, Ultrakill, Saw, and Junji Ito comics.
I’m fine with requests for art but if I don’t do them or say no please, don’t be offended. I also am fine with reposts, credit or none, just don’t pass it off as your own.
Bigots in genderal (this INCLUDES users of the word “delulu”), proship, pro-cop, dream supporter, Israel supporters, facist, nazi “punk” etc fuck off (If you’re wondering about my political beliefs I’m an Anarchist)
I sometimes post/Reblog about sensitive topics, like ableism, trans/homophobia, etc. I also swear sometimes, I try not to swear a lot though! (Everything triggering is tagged accordingly btw)
Other things
I know a lot of languages, but I’m not fluent in some of them! If I make a mistake, PLEASE CORRECT ME! Also if you can I prefer Spanish.
I use a LOT of exclamation marks for showing excitement!! They’re not meant to be in a shouty way!!!
Everything I draw on uses different things to draw-
Ibispaint- finger + phone
Procreate- apple pencil + ipad
JS paint- wacom tablet/trackpad + laptop
OC/Just regular boundaries
Do not ship any that have familial/platonic bonds
You can draw them!
Do not make any nfsw (by nsfw I mean sexual nudity and stuff. I’m fine with gore and shit)
I reblog a lot, and have an incosistent drawing schedule, so sorry if I don’t post a lot of art for a bit, I’m probably busy ,:)
I like my privacy, don’t send me asks that are too personal.
For my mutuals and stuff
I’m fine with DMs! Also, please let me know if you’re uncomfortable with me calling you my friend, I get attached to people easily lol <3
Aaaaand that’s it for now! 👍
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horrorcore2002 · 9 months
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Milli, 19 &black, I b simpin' hella, so beware ig 18+ MDNI WITH ANY NSFW POSTS! I will have to block you, but please don't take it personally, It makes me uncomfy mainly cause it feels like I'm providing you with that shit, and I don't want that.
Requests are open btw!
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★RULES ☆☆☆☆ ♱RULES: NO’s -Scat/piss kinks -Yandere/physical abuse relationships -extreme BDSM -roleplaying kinks -DM/ask me for more details🤍 -Unfortunately I do not do character x character unless it’s polyamorous x reader :\ ★RACISTS, HOMOPHOBES, XENOPHOBES, ANTIRELIGION, EXTREMISTS, AND TOXIC MFS GET OUT! I DON’T WANT YOU SPREADING HATE ON MY BLOG AND I DON’T NEED YOUR NEGATIVITY! KEEP YOUR OPINIONS AND FEELINGS TO YOURSELF, I CAN AND WILL BLOCK YOU, I WANT MY SHIT TO BE A SAFE SPACE, ★ ★MDNI WITH MY BLOG! IF YOU WANNA LIKE REBOLG OR REQUEST, PLS HAVE YOUR AGE IN YOUR BIO OR I WILL HAVE TO BLOCK YOU! SORRY, NO HARD FEELINGS, I JUST DON’T WANNA CATCH A CASE ★ ♱I usually write for black readers, anyone can read tho. usually fem, but I can do Gender neutral (gn) and male readers too. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ♱MASTERLIST ♱haikyuu!! (hq!!) ♱Black clover ♱One piece ♱yu yu hakusho (yyh) ♱saiki k ♱tokyo revengers (tr) ♱jujutsu kaisen (jjk) ♱samurai champloo ♱black lagoon ♱naruto ♱my hero academia/bokuno hero academia (mha/bnha) ★dabi/touya todoroki ⭑ Toxic!Relationship drabble w/Dabi Suggestive/mentions of smut / Angst ⭑ Ansty-smut w/ Dabi Angst / Smut ★Hawks/Keigo Takami ⭑ Wet dreamz Smut / lime(?) / mentions of mastubation(m) ♱bunguo stray dogs (bsd) ♱solo leveling ♱killlakill ♱hellsing ♱bleach ♱demon slayer ♱attack on titan (aot) ♱trigun ♱hunterxhunter (hxh) ♱castlevania ♱avatar the last air bender (atla) ♱blue exorcist ♱deathnote ♱soul eater ♱tokyo ghoul ♱Spiderman across the spider-verse/Spiderman into the spider-verse ~REQUESTS ARE OPEN
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mintmatcha · 9 months
Hi! Not trying to be disrespectful or anything but why don’t you tag your writing? Love your writing btw!
I dunno, I try to stay out of the main tags because people don't like read insert. even for my own organization I don't usually tag because at the time I don't think the pieces are worth revisiting or remembering
if there's anything trigger warning wise you'd like me to tag (or anything else someone would prefer!) let me know and I'll do my best!
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