#don’t Cancel Me
moronkyne · 5 days
Angel degrades the redacted fandom
Oh, you like the way Guy rants to you? You antisocial little freak. <3
Mhmmm. You really like the way Sam makes you feel at home? Mmm, that’s okay baby. Parental issues get the best of us.
Just because Geordi isn’t the listener doesn’t mean he wasn’t also in the wrong.
Elliott makes you feel all warm inside? Get off of the friends to lovers tag on AO3 you single fuck.
I have so many things to say about David lovers. (I love yall btw)
Awwww. You like Asher comfort and energetic personality? You are so used to dry texters, aren’t you my darling?
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teddypickerry · 3 months
team jess but not team literati. i am my own kind of cancelable breed.
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slvttyplum · 2 months
i actually saw satoru with a MAN last week ,,,, your husband is someone else's girlfriend 😊
shut up WHORE … sorry i don’t play bout my man :/
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spirals-and-stars-s · 9 months
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I drew a pair of fags
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dainluvr · 1 year
Everyone knows Caretaker as the kind caring person who throws away their life to help their Whumpee but what about tired Caretaker? The one who physically can’t take it anymore? The one who thinks that if Whumpee has yet another panic attack they’re going to quite literally kill them?
They know they shouldn’t feel that way and they feel bad over it, they feel fuckin horrible. But God, they are so tired and Whumpee just doesn’t seem to get it, it’s always about them, it’s always Whumpee this, Whumpee that, Whumpee needs help again, Whumpee is crying again, Whumpee is hungry again, Whumpee had another fuckin nightmare again, Whumpee smashed some shit again during an episode.
And Caretaker has to take the fall for every last bit. Whumpee doesn’t care that Caretaker missed their job interview to come running to them and comfort them, Whumpee doesn’t care that Caretaker hasn’t slept in 2 days because of their constant nightmares. Caretaker hasn’t told them, that’s a factor too but they should know right? They should know when enough is enough. In Caretaker’s eyes Whumpee is just purely selfish and they’re slowly growing to resent them.
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frogprinsen · 2 months
look what i found in my camera roll
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the-chosen-system · 6 months
no one:
post time skip zoro: luffy i’m gonna rip your butthole with my fat cokc.
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soapybastard · 5 months
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hey i made this sorry
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youcouldhearmesmile · 6 months
phil saying that there is too much gravity gives off the same energy as trisha paytas saying we don’t need gravity
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shawtyberry · 3 days
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tcvazq · 8 months
should i start writing fics for the sturniolos?? (i’ve been so inspired by @dwntwn-strnlo @forevergirlposts @freshlovehacker @strniohoeee and @stursweet i literally love their fics)
if you want me to start writing, i’m gonna see how i can turn my requests on so you can request whatever you want!!
im new to tumblr so please bear with me 😔😔
im also gonna play with these buttons to figure out how to do each thing
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lustfulslxt · 6 months
definitely not trying to come off as a bitch or anything.. but i think ppl should think twice ab sending in the same requests to multiple writers. some ppl don’t have time to sit and write often or have plenty of requests to get to. i personally don’t like when i finally get to a request that someone else just wrote something for, because then it’s repetitive and who wants to read the same shit over and over? and i’ve noticed other writers getting several different requests that i’ve gotten. no hate to anyone, it’s all love. but maybe switch the requests up if someone’s taking their time with it? sorry if this is cunty LMAO i promise it’s not meant to b malicious
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grimmvstheworld · 7 months
half of you are gonna hate me for this but what if william and henry were having an affair and then henry cut it off to best not hurt his family and THATS why william killed charlie ?? (this is mostly satire i just randomly thought of it after seeing willry fanart LMAO)
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mazzy-rockstar · 2 months
I see why she called it the tortured poet’s department 😳😬
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annahxredaxted · 11 months
The Jacket.
Characters: Geordi/Cutie, +geordis sister- made up name: Amy.
Genre: kinda angsty kinda not. Idk
Type: mid-relationship break thingy
Desc: After meeting after therapy and coffee together, Geordi leaves his jacket in their car, they drop it off, and drama ensues.
As Ao3 Remains down I felt the need to feed peoplez it’s not long but as if they ever are.
Taglist: @itsdaifuku @shellssstuff @youisagayhooman @darlin-collins @verrverii
As I step into my car after a long and tedious day at work, I notice something in the backseat. Geordis jacket.
I sigh, pulling it to the front seat, looking at it with slight admiration, fought the urge to smell it- as weird as it may sound, I missed him, his smell, his face, his voice and just him.
I register that I’d saw him just mere days prior to this, but I couldn’t stop thinking about him, days seemed like years when I’m alone. It felt quiet and echo-y when no one was there to fill up space with me and it hurts knowing it was primarily my fault.
Eventually I realize what I should do, do a quick little drop off/check in. I know where his sister lives and I’ll be quick. No biggie, it won’t turn into anything it doesn’t need to be.
“What if he doesn’t want to see me anymore than he has to?” I ask myself, eyes getting watery, whatever— nothings gonna go wrong it’s fine.
I arrive at the place where him and his sister were staying. I look at the house, contemplating whether or not to just leave it on the porch or knock on the door.
I sit in the car for a few minutes. Just contemplating weather to be a bother or to completely waste this opportunity.
‘I just wanna see him.’ I think to myself honestly. feeling tears bubble up in my eyes, I stop myself before I start crying, rubbing my eyes and sighing, a shaky breath coming in and out, I steady myself as I open the car door.
“In and out, quick and easy.” I repeated multiple times Under my breath as I got out of the car, heading around to grab the jacket and walk slowly to the front door, being sure not to rush, and really think of what to say, how to say it and be careful of tones.
I make my way up to the door, looking down to see a welcome mat in a pretty font. I slightly smile, looking up. I knock on the door, trying not to be to loud.
A few seconds go by and I hear footsteps coming towards the door, I clutch the jacket tighter.
Oh shit. She opens the door.
I gulp, quickly trying to explain myself.
“Amy hi, I, uhm Geordi, he left his..yeah.” I gestured to the jacket. I stopped, taking a deep breath.
She looked me up and down, a scowl on her face- she’d never liked me, and especially not not.
“Well obviously he wasn’t gonna take all of his belongings when he was trying to get out quick.” She spat, the scowl resting on her face, she shifted her feet, her bicep against the door frame.
“Oh yeah I know, he left it in my car a few days back.” I explained, holding it out, than pulling it back to me.
She rolled her eyes, “I’ll give it to him.” She said, holding her hands out.
“I’d prefer if I gave it to him.” I said, peeking a little behind her. She blocked my line of sight by shifting her feet.
“I think it would be better if you didn’t.” She said with a rude smile.
I sighed with a frown, looking behind her yet again, “is he home?” I asked, not budging.
She rolled her eyes. “I really don’t see how that’s any of your business.” She claimed, holding her hands out yet again to grab the jacket.
I was about to give in before I heard some footsteps behind her.
“Amy? Who’s is that?” I heard Geordi from behind her, he eventually made his way to the door, he muttered a small, “oh” and stood there.
“They were just leaving.” She said angrily, the tension between her eyes showed by a wrinkle in her brow.
I looked at him, and I could tell his lips had the slightest curl at the sight of me.
Amy looked up At Geordi, she saw his eyes, sighing she closed the door angrily, leaving him and I out on the porch.
“Hey.” He said with a kick in his voice, pitched up.
I nodded “hi.” We stood there for a few seconds before my eyes shot open.
“Oh fuck- yeah here you go you left it—,” he stopped me
“Oh yeah I was gonna text you about that.” Geordi explained, taking the jacket from my hands.
“Thank you.” He said, still standing there awkwardly. I nodded, muttering something along the lines of “of course” but it didn’t quite come out the same.
He smiled at me, placing a hand on my shoulder, I looked at his hand then at him, a confused look on my face.
“How’s therapy going?” He asked calmly.
Ahh of course therapy. That’s the focal point of the discussion.
I sighed looking up at him, “you know same-old-same-old.” I said not giving much detail, I Avoided eye contact- which in retrospect must have looked insanely suspicious.
He looked me dead in the eye.
“You are in therapy are you not?” He asked. His smile was gone and his hand was absent from my shoulder.
I caught myself, mentally slapping myself for making his head even go there.
“Yes! Yes of course I am, I just.. I just don’t wanna talk about it.” I look down, staring at my shoes.
“,look Geordi I need to go, I’ll- I’ll see you around.” I said, with a fake smile.
He nodded, bringing me in for a quick hug. I let out a brief, “oof” after 3 seconds I hugged back, feeling safe and warm in his arms.
He pulled away, “see you around cut- uh (y/n),” he chuckled awkwardly and scratched his arm.
“Okay then Geordi. Bye.” I said, looking around weirdly, before deciding to pay his arm— which was so much more awkward then it should have been.
*super cool closing line*
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spaceumbredoggos · 2 months
However fucked up Alex reveals Bill and Ford’s relationship is revealed to be in The Book Of Bill, Kenz and Bill’s is a hundred times worse.
Disclaimer: I am not glorifying abuse in any way shape or form. I myself have had nightmares similar to this despite never being sexually abused, both Bill related and otherwise. Some of these are based on personal experience (such as the nightmares), whilst others are a device used to show how fucked up shipping Bill with pretty much anyone is. Not even the Axolotl is safe in my opinion. If Bill was real, I’d guarantee he’d probably be a massive creep and with how thirsty his fankids are (and I’m calling myself out here) he’d probably use his magic to g*oom those kids like a church pastor. The thing that scares me the most about Bill being canonically real is not that he could catastrophically end the world, it’s his oversexualization in the fandom that got so bad, Alex himself had to make him unattractive. This will be along the lines of a Yandere Bill Cipher x Reader headcanons. With that being said, here’s a few content warnings:
G*ooming, Pedoph*lia, s*xual abuse and assault, physical and psychological abuse, mind control, cult-like things, psychosis, and general paranoia. I’m not saying these things actually happened, but knowing Bill’s character and his powers and history, if he was real, I’d generally be afraid for anyone in the Gravity Falls fandom. Especially minors.
This could be my most controversial post yet, and it could jeopardize any potential of getting into some colleges. This may sound like paranoid rambling, but I know that Bill is just a cartoon character. That being said, Alex like the blur the line between our world and the world of gravity falls with Bill’s character, dicing around the fact that he’s influenced history and wrote all religion on the basis of a lie. I’m not scapegoating him as “controlling global politics on a massive scale” because that would be stupid and I’ll sound like those tin foil hat rednecks that snort moonshine and burn pride flags. My heart goes out to all those who have been impacted by all forms of abuse as an abuse survivor myself. Alex, if you see this post (or any other of my posts/ read my fanfics), just know that it’s a critique on the fandom and the canon lore, and a cautionary warning to avoid lawsuits in case The Book of Bill Cipher causes mass psychosis.
As a kid (ages 7-9) I would watch Gravity Falls casually. At that age, the only thing I consumed online content wise was Skylanders and Minecraft content (Skylanders until age nine, then it was pretty much a lot of Team Crafted, Popularmmos, DanTDM, and other Minecraft YouTubers.) I didn’t invest in the Gravity Falls fandom until I was eleven (that’s when I first started writing my fanfics. The drafts are long gone because they were on school computers that were crammed with viruses due to kids installing Minecraft mods (this was just before chromebooks became mainstream. I went to a special ed middle school specifically for autistic individuals (it was pretty ableist, gonna make a post on that.) so the rules on what was allowed in school were pretty loose content wise. It didn’t have to be educational, as long as it didn’t have blood or guns. There were no safe search filters or Go Guardian (I remember one of my friends accidentally finding Iris from Pokemon black and white vore. I also found Pacifica vore.)) Before that, the February before my tenth birthday, my dad took my TV out of my room due to behavioral issues (undiagnosed autism go brrr). Around that time, there was talk in my town that the Disney channel was “rotting kids minds” with bad attitudes and crude humor (this could be said about any child’s television network (I mean, look at Nickelodeon.) but I lived in a pretty conservative area of Southern California and had a pretty conservative dad. So naturally, Disney was the scapegoat (this was way before the “woke” era of Disney.)) All of this talk of Brainrot made me stop watching the Disney channel during the peak era of gravity falls (2015 as a whole) and I didn’t watch gravity falls again until summer of 2016 when my tv was put back in my room (with intense parental controls so that I couldn’t watch my vet shows.) That’s when I had my first gravity falls dream about Bill cipher. It had to do with getting unicorn hair to protect my house from Bill Cipher. I had an interest in dreams previously due to warrior cats. It was at that moment when Gravity Falls was added to the obsession list.
As a neurodivergent eleven year old surrounded by other neurodivergent preteens and teens, we found common ground talking about Gravity Falls at school. I also would, whenever I didn’t feel the prying eyes of the grown ups or my peers would go off outside and act out my gravity falls x pokemon x warrior cats fanfiction (I’m not sure if those are signs of maladaptive daydreaming disorder or I simply had an intense imagination that would consume my body and make me want to just act out my fanfictions outside. I don’t do this anymore, mostly because of my own embarrassment and I can just write it out.) Yes, there were times where the discussion or action played out Bill Cipher being real. A lot of my “play” as I called it back then was me being kidnapped or possessed by Bill. I even wrote some really cringey fanfics involving my friends and Bill Cipher. To this day, I still involve my family in my fanfiction, but more final drafts will have their names changed. Weirdmaggeddon was a common topic, as well as Bill Cipher possession.
As time went on, I had more dreams about Bill Cipher, fueling the obsession and the fact that Bill could be real. During my middle school years, I never had a crush on Bill Cipher, despite what my friends seem to think. My parents just took it as whatever and as long as I was happy and just working towards going to a neurotypical non-sped school. My crush on Bill Cipher didn’t start until I was in high school. I remember it specifically being Valentine’s Day 2020 when I learned that I have a crush on the triangle. My dreams of Bill would only get more frequent and worse from here (involving the typical horny teenage dream that I don’t want to elaborate because I feel weird doing so (you’ll see why later on.))
Now there’s typically nothing wrong with having a cartoon crush. Given any other cartoon character that doesn’t have a canon history of influencing this world (Bill’s history of influence is vague but it still counts) I would excuse this as another silly cartoon crush like PurpleCliffe simping for Cynthia and the like. However, given that it’s in the show’s canon that Bill could be real and he crossed over to our world, do you understand what implications this could have? Bill is trillions of years old, he’s likely seen every timeline to ever exist. Meanwhile, there are whole armies of fankids who are down bad for him (including me.)
Notice how when I first started getting into Gravity Falls that I didn’t have a crush on him. How many other fankids felt the same way? It wasn’t until years of obsessing over Gravity Falls did I develop feelings for him. And of Alex says in the Book of Bill Cipher what I think he’s going to say (that Bill probably ab*sed Ford sexually with possible g*ooming involved), notice the pattern that is being presented here? Alex, if you blur the lines between fiction and reality with a villain who may or may not have canonically g*oomed and abused someone, possibly using mind control given his powers and his role as a dream demon, could it really be so far fetched that… (I’m not going to say it because it’s leaving a sour taste in my mouth, but use your imagination.)
If we take Alex’s word that Bill has crossed over to our world, then we can only assume that there are vulnerable kids and adults being… You get the picture. I’m not explicitly saying that it is happening right now, but this is problematic because revealing that Bill ab*sed Ford in that way means that Alex would probably imply that Bill is doing the same to MINORS. I may sound paranoid and this may just be a ramble, but considering the show’s canon and how mythology is filled with cases of degenerative acts from deities, this is a really fucked up situation.
It may be funny to say “haha, evil triangle man is sexy” but at the end of the day, Alex stated that Bill has crossed over into our world. For all we know, he could be taking advantage of the fact that people thirst for him, probably not in pleasant ways.
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