piermanwalter · 4 years
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(based off this post)
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stbernard · 6 years
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Number 209: Klatooine paddy frogs
Number 210: Sergeant Doallyn, knocked down some steps by the “captive” Chewbacca
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nerdywyrds · 3 years
I need to learn how to write (and/or stop hating my own writing), because here are the fanfics I would write:
- Zoids New Century Zero:  How the fuck did Stoller, Sanders, and Pierce leave the Backdraft group alive. How the fuck did Stoller successfully register Elephander with the Battle Commission and not like, go to prison.
- Star Wars:  Walon Vau takes Etain Tur-Mukan under his wing the same way Kal Skirata took Bardan Jusik under his. Shenanigans ensue, but the important part is Kad doesn’t grow up without his mother.
- Star Wars:  Yarna d’al Gargan and Doallyn figure out how to get off Tattooine. They sort of accidentally decide to raise Yarna’s children together.
- Dragonriders of Pern:  Robinton, Lytol, and D’ram (and Tiroth) retire to the Southern Continent to sip pina coladas and enjoy their retirement. Unfortunately they have to solve a murder mystery.
- Pokemon:  Mewtwo’s time under Giovanni.
- Jak and Daxter:  Torn leaves the Krimson Guard and joins the Underground. He’s partnered with a teenager named Tess. There is some culture shock.
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figuretime · 9 years
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Lost in the desert
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nerdywyrds · 4 years
I’m going to answer a few more questions from this meme because I want to.
A. Favorite character?
Depending on the day, it’s either Grand Admiral Thrawn or Luke Skywalker. Both of them mean so much to me; I really can’t overstate it. When I first got into Star Wars, I read every single book in my library that had Luke in it. And the Thrawn Trilogy totally blew my mind in terms of how one can have a ferociously clever villain, and still have the heroes win in a satisfying manner.
When Thrawn was brought into Disney canon I nearly cried with joy.
B. Favorite Jedi?
Luke. XD  Unless I have to pick from the Jedi Order, in which case it is Plo Koon. I vaguely liked him pre-TCW, because he showed up in a couple of comics (most notably Pizza Hutt) and he had a cool design and a fun personality. Then TCW came out and he treats everyone with respect, whether they are a fellow Jedi, someone else’s padawan, a clone, a pirate, or an angry lost child. I admittedly haven’t watched much of TCW, but Plo seems to exemplify many of the Order’s teachings on compassion.
C. A Couple You Ship? (Doubles as Q. Any Rare Pairs?)
Yarna d’al’ Gargan and Doallyn. I will die on this hill.
F. Favorite Sith?
My SWTOR Inquisitor. Hmmm... Oh! The Grand Inquisitor. He’s cool as hell! Do we have any new content on him? I must know his name. I want to know everything about him!!
I. Best Clone?
Fi Skirata. Next fave is probably Sev Vau.
Of the TCW clones, which are a very different flavor, probably Wolffe?
S. Best Moment?
“You’ve failed Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.”
T. Favorite Species?
Chiss Chiss Chiss Chiss Chiss Chiss
Runners up include Kaleesh and Weequay.
Z. Best Frienship?
There’re a lot of really good ones... Hmm... I guess I’ll go with Wedge Antilles, Wes Janson, Tycho Celchu, and Hobbie Klivian from the Rogue/Wraith books. They support each other, tease each other, and look out for each other as needed. If someone’s ego needs some popping, the other three gleefully get on it; likewise if someone needs a boost, the other three are there. Plus, the snark. So much snark.
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piermanwalter · 5 years
I meant ships as in relationships you dingus
In that case, the best Star Wars ships (metric for judging based off how much they make me want to scream into a toilet) are:
One-sided IG-88/Darth Vader (IG-88 is completely obsessed with him and is awash in strange new emotions, Darth Vader is vaguely aware he exists.)
Yarna Dal’Gargan/Doallyn (Two background characters in Jabba’s palace who manage to escape and raise kids together in the Expanded Universe. It’s very sweet.)
General Grievous/Shaak Ti (Memes)
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nerdywyrds · 5 years
I really want to answer the questions from this meme, so I’M DOING IT.
1. Second favorite duel:  The Rey and Finn versus Kylo Ren fight on Starkiller Base in TFA. Super badass, fantastic choreography.
2. Second favorite movie:  Rogue One.
3. Favorite planet:  Uhhhh Tattooine I guess? Good aesthetic, I like the clothing, the storylines we get there, and I love tusken raiders and jawas.
4. Favorite canon pairing/ship:  Doallyn and Yarna d’al’ Gargan. I love them.
5. Favorite noncanon pairing/ship:  Hmmm... I am amendable to Luke/Wedge.
6. Favorite expanded universe materal:  The Thrawn Trilogy, Outbound Flight, Tales from Jabba’s Palace, the Rogue/Wraith Squadron series, and the Bounty Hunter Wars. Oh, and SWTOR!
7. Favorite outfit:  Boushh has a fabulous design. And I haven’t seen Solo but I like what I’ve seen of Enfys Nest.
8. Which trilogy/surrounding content has the most sass:  Uhhh I don’t know, I guess Clone Wars stuff?  A lot of what I see being talked about as sass on tumblr I find kind of rude. XD
9. Which era would you rather live in:  The Legends Post-Rebellion/New Republic Era.
10. Hottest character:
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11. Antagonist I can sympathize with:  I love a good number of Star Wars villains, but me loving them and me sympathizing with them are two very different things. So I’m going to have to say no one. They made their choices, so they get to own the consequences.
12. Angagonist I cannot sympathize with:  All of ‘em.
13. Protagonist I love:  Luke Skywalker.
14. Protagonist I’d like to have a stern talk with about their attitude/cause:  Anakin Skywalker.
15. Character I’m neutral on/don’t care about more than most of the fandom:  Obi-Wan Kenobi. Don’t like him.
16. If you had to choose one moment in the SW universe to change, what would you choose:  I have two. Both because they make me feel sick to my stomach.
From Legends:  Jacen becoming Darth Caedus
From Disney:  Luke pulling his lightsaber on his nephew.
17. Which character would you want to be your best friend:  Luke Skywalker.
18. Which character would you go camping with:  Probably Rey or Leia. They could survive anything.
19. Which character would you choose to be your companion on an adventure:  Luke and Leia.
20. Which character deserves more material:  LEIA MOVIE LEIA MOVIE.
21. Which character would you give more material simply for your own enjoyment:  I would like Taika Waititi to direct Tales from Jabba’s Palace, with all the shenanigans intact. Also Yarna and Doallyn on the big screen. This is my wish.
22. Describe your dream lightsaber:  Uhhhhh green I guess? Though I also like Sith red.
23. Your favorite canon lightsaber:  I’ve always been partial to Dooku’s.
24. Favorite theme:  “Your Father Would be Proud”.
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nerdywyrds · 5 years
I am feeling very fond of Star Wars at the moment so here is a non-exhaustive list of my favorite things, comprising the movies, the Legends EU, and the Disney canon. Some of the EU examples are from books that I last read more than ten years ago, so they are somewhat paraphrased.
-- “You’ve failed, Your Highness. I am a Jedi, like my father before me.” (Return of the Jedi)
-- “Rebellions are built on hope!” (Rogue One)
-- That one time Thrawn faked having a superweapon that could punch through planetary shields. (Thrawn Trilogy)
-- Booster Terrick’s red star destroyer.
-- Yarna and Doallyn. (Tales from Jabba’s Palace)
-- The Rey/Finn/Kylo Ren lightsaber fight on Starkiller Base. (The Force Awakens)
-- My boy Gilad Pellaeon becoming Supreme Commander of the Imperial Remnant.
-- “It’ll look better with blood on it.” (Tarkin)
-- Any time Boba Fett and Bossk had to work together. Pure comedy gold. (Bounty Hunter Wars Trilogy)
-- Etain Tur-Mukan and Walon Vau on the ledge on Coruscant. Sniping a traitor and talking about the Force. (Republic Commando: Triple Zero)
-- Thrawn being brought into the Disney canon.
-- Grievous’ debut episode in Genndy Tartovsky’s Clone Wars.
-- Komari Vosa. (Star Wars: Bounty Hunter)
-- Leia as Mal’ary’ush, turning the Noghri against the Empire. Also Leia on Kashyyyk, being badass. (Thrawn Trilogy)
-- Cad Bane breaking into the Jedi Temple like it’s no big deal. (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
-- Plo Koon becoming the father he was always meant to be. Plo’s Bros! (Star Wars: The Clone Wars)
-- I’m still working my way through the books but I’m preemptively putting it here because I know I’ll love it: “Yub-yub, Commander.” (Rogue Squadron Series)
-- My adorable Sith Inquisitor. (Star Wars: The Old Republic)
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