#dina headcannons
aouiaa · 28 days
Florist! Dina hcs
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Imagining Florist! Dina who had Ellie paint her shop like a mythical forest with blooming flowers everywhere.
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s very bossy with it. Having her hands on her waist, watching Ellie’s every stroke of the brush with this face.
“Ew, hate that.”
“Alright, where do you want it, D.” Ellie says with a tired sigh.
“Hmmm, Righhtt” she dragged, scanning the room “there.” she points at a corner with a big grin.
Just imagine Ellie with a big pout while waddling the ladder to said spot as Dina is in the background with her hands clasped together with that same big smile.
Such a cutie
Imagining Florist! Dina who was extremely nervous on opening day that her nails who all chewed off by the end of the night.
Poor girl :(
Imagining Florist! Dina who cried when her family came in with flowers of their own, and a little cake congratulating her.
Imagining Florist! Dina who suggested to take a family photo, and later hung it on the wall behind the cash register.
Imagining Florist! Dina who looks at that same photo to make herself feel better when she’s stressed at work.
Imaging Florist! Dina who does that one thing with the apron to make her waist look snatched.
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s a MOTHER to her plants. Always saying goodnight and good morning to her plants. Talking to them throughout the day since she found out that plants get sad when they get no interaction.
Imagining Florist! Dina who does notice the weird stares she gets when she does talk to her plants, but doesn’t care! She even entertains it when little kids run into her shop asking if the plants control her.
“My mom calls you crazy.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say that…the plants give me superpowers like poison ivy.”
“Wait—really?” Dina swears she can see sparkles in their eyes. “Cool!”
Imagining Florist! Dina who sheds some tears when her babies flowers are sold. Since she watches all her flowers grow from a seedling to a blooming flower.
Imagining Florist! Dina who has mini pamphlets with every purchase made of how to take care of the plant, with tips and tricks on the back!
Imagining Florist! Dina who has unique designs on her wrapping papers.
Imaging Florist! Dina who holds back tears when a costumer brings back a plant in terrible condition.
Imaging Florist! Dina who gives a death stare to the same customer when they say they followed her quote on quote stupid instructions, but the dumbass plant died on them anyways. Let’s just say that customer met a whole new Dina that day…
Imaging Florist! Dina who cries when she can’t save a plant.
Imagining Florist! Dina who has a lively garden filled with the returned flowers.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was reluctant to hired staff since she wanted the best care for her flowers.
Imagining Florist! Dina who unintentionally acted like a mobster while interviewing the hires.
“So what brings ya’ here today?” Dina says, looking the poor girl up and down.
“You had a sign saying for hire?” she says, almost scared to respond.
“Hm, alright. Tell me about yourself. Why do you wanna work here?”
"Uhm, you know, I just really love plants. My mother had a garden growing up, and I, uhm, was really involved in it, and grew to love plants, heh." she says, nervously fiddling with her fingers in her lap.
Imagining Florist! Dina who didn’t understand why she was so scared, but ended up hiring her anyway.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was mesmerized by you when you came in with a 'Hiring' paper in hand. Now, the girl is usually confident when attractive people walk into her shop, but all of that confidence was nowhere to be found when you walked in.
Imagining Florist! Dina who was the nervous one doing the interview!
“So, uhm, why do you wanna work here?” she says with a nervous smile.
“Well, I really find botany very interesting. My Dad and I had a garden out front, and that was where I found my passion for plants. And when I saw you were hiring." You stop and chuckle. “I practically ran over here.” you smile while scratching the back of your neck.
Imagining Florist! Dina who loved you immediately, work wise of course, why anything else? And hired you.
Imagining Florist! Dina who holds back a face of disgust when she drinks the coffee you brought her on the first day of your job.
Imagining Florist! Dina who stared at you care for the plants like newborns when she first let you start working on them. Totally didn’t give her butterflies in her tummy.
Imagining Florist! Dina intentionally gives you closing shifts with her so you both can be alone, to get to know you better of course!
Imagining Florist! Dina who learns more from you about plants, and actually accepts the tips since usually she’s very cocky, “I know what I’m doing.”
Soooo sassy wassy
Imagining Florist! Dina who gets nervous being around you easily, and hates it!
You’re coming behind her to get the soil, and you had to just reach behind her!
“Sorry, D. Just…need the soil.”
Dina instantly moves away to let you, “It’s alright, uhm, yeah.” she adds a nervous chuckle towards the end, holding the clipboard to her chest while staring at you.
A smirk relays on your lips as you glance back at her before walking away.
A sigh of relief leaves her lips as she slouches a little, “Pull yourself together, Dina.” she whispers to herself before returning to counting the stock.
Imagining Florist! Dina who enjoys has to endure “terrible” plant jokes over the next few weeks.
“Hey, D” you say, momentarily pausing on sweeping. “What did the cactus say to the other cactus?”
“Hmm, I don’t know what?” Dina says, looking up from counting the money in the register.
“You’re looking sharp!”
Dina who has to hold in her laughter, and sighs. “Gosh, that was terrible…” she says, sounding strained.
“Oh, c’mon! that one was good! I know you wanna laugh.”
Imagining Florist! Dina who somehow gets convinced by you to dance! A slow dance was decided since Dina’s main concern was for the plants. She tried ignoring the way her heart skipped a beat when you placed your hand on her waist for the slow dance.
When the music begins to play, your sight is glued to Dina’s footing, guiding her. Dina could feel her face burning red as she realize the distance between the two of you, and how small it is.
“There you go, you’re natural!” you praise, looking up at Dina.
A smile displays itself on Dina’s face, “What can I say? I’m a fast learner.”
Then there it was, this soft look in your soft eyes, and suddenly you were leaning in. Dina’s heart was pounding out of her chest, feeling all the air around her being sucked away. And the only to breathe was…you. Dina never felt so ready in her life, closing her eyes too.
But she isn’t met with a soft peck, no, instead she feels your thumb harshly swipe something away from her face. “Ow!” Dina yelps, pulling away while holding her cheek.
“Oh shit, sorry, you had some ranch dressing on your face.” you laugh nervously.
“Ahem, y-yeah, no, it’s okay.” Dina says, sounding disappointed?
Imagining Florist! Dina who’s now extremely awkward around you, but so were you. It was so awkward in fact she ran to her best friend, Ellie.
“And you pulled in?!” Ellie laughs, bringing the stick to her lips, and inhaling.
“I didn’t know! I was going off of signs that I obviously know now not there!” she tries defending herself.
Ellie exhales, offering the cannabis to which Dina declines, “Well, you did say you could see it in her eyes too.”
A sigh, one of embarrassment escape her lips as recollects the past. “God, I’m so delusional…” she says, bringing her hands to her face, and burrowing inside. Thinking maybe if she did a good enough job, she wouldn’t have to go to work tomorrow.
“Aren’t we all?” Ellie chuckles, leaning back.
Imagining Florist! Dina who does go to work the next day, and goes about it. Until her lunch break when she laughs upon noticing you playing Plants vs Zombies.
“Plants vs Zombies?” she says with a scoff.
The sudden interruption causes you to look up, and smile. “Yeah, gotta say…pretty addicting.”
She hums “Pretty ironic…since you’re working at a flower shop. You don’t die, do you? Get the poor plants eaten.”
“Oh, god no, what do you take me for? A monster?!” you frown.
“Hmm, good because I would have to fire you if you do.” Dina quips.
You chuckle, turning your phone off and putting it back in your pocket, watching Dina sit down beside you with her arms crossed
“Soo, uhm, how do you like it here?”
A scoff leaves your mouth as you look down at your fidgeting fingers that are placed on your lap. “Well, it’s not so bad here. Lightings great, the people—“
“Oh cmon, Y/n. Be for real.”
You chuckle, another smile appearing on your lips, one of nervousness as you become silent, seeming to think of something before resuming. “You want the truth?”
She couldn’t ignore the feeling in her chest, no, not this time. The same erratic rhythm she felt on that day. She noticed the shift in your demeanor, how you can’t even look her in the eye. Everywhere else, but her. “And what’s that?”
“That you like me.” you respond with a cheeky grin.
Dina’s heart stopped, “What…no? I, uhm,” her face grew hot.
A laugh ruptures from your throat, “Yeahhh, I think you do like me.”
“How’d you know?” she says, looking down and now fidgeting with her fingers.
“Oh, it was pretty obvious.”
Imagining Florist! Dina and you have been together for about two years now! Today marked that day, and you said you knew a spot.
“I swear if you make me fall, and dirty my dress, I’ll kill you!” Dina says, gripping your hand so tight that it might break if any more pressure was added. “I’m putting so much faith in you, y/n!”
“Calm down, baby. You’re not gonna fall or dirty your dress.” you reassure her.
Dina was blindfolded and terrified. More terrified than she has ever been in her whole life. And she didn’t really trust you, considering how clumsy you were yourself.
“Alright, just stop here, and give me one second.”
“Y/n! Wait—where are you going?” she grabs on to the fabric of your sweater.
“Hey, calm down. I’ll be right back.” you say, pressing a kiss on her forehead before walking off.
Hearing your footsteps fade away, she waits there, blind. Listening and looking around to her best ability, but the fabric around her eyes made it difficult. A sudden shiver runs down her back when a breeze blows gently through her hair, painting her skin with gentle strokes. The sensation felt like no other.
“Y/n! Are you ready?” your voice makes her jump.
“Ye-yeah! I’m ready” Dina puts her hand out for you to grab, and lead her.
"Alright, just stand here." You trail off, positioning her like a doll. "Okay, you can take it off.”
And when she does, a gasp leaves Dina's mouth as she's met with miles of valley filled with flowers. Ones of many colors and varieties, and below a blanket filled with Dina’s favorite foods. Tears begin to well up in her eyes as she looks back at you.
“Surprise, baby.” you say with a smile.
“Oh my god, this is perfect!” Dina jumps in your arms to which you catch and hold onto her as she begins kissing you.
“I was scared you’d hate it.” you say in between kisses
“Hate it? I love it!” Dina laughs.
“Well I love you.”
Feeling her face warm up again, and that same feeling brewing up in her chest, she can’t help, but to feel like the luckiest girl in the world. “I love you too.”
Florist! Dina who loves what beautiful gifts the world bestows, and is so glad she has you to experience it with.
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crushedsweets · 5 months
Bing bong, I got a question.
What is Dina like in your AU?
Also, Merry Christmas!
-Bing Bong Anon
i realized i have no good footing for what i want dina to do in my AU. and so i kept putting this off. but i decided if i just talk, something will get out. so i got this.. THIS COVERS MY REWRITE OF DINA AND LAZARI!! <33
tw for cult topics, suicide mention, death, etc etc
i know i want lazari and dina's stories to intertwine.
i want them to be born into the same cult
dina is born to the leader. her birth is ceremonial and important, immediately she is treated like the second coming of christ. as she gets older, they begin to view her like a prophet of some sort - she's often referred to as a guardian angel just by existing, like her being keeps the cult intact and safe. blessings are attributed to her presence, loss is attributed to her absence.
as a result, she was kept under constant surveillance and incredibly isolated. she wasn't allowed friends, aside from some half-siblings who were still treated as below her. constantly being praised and treated like you are some sort of celestial being . . . really messes with someone.
in turn, lazari is in the same cult, but her mother was infertile, which the cult sees as a complete failure of a woman. so her mom sought out new forms of conception, and a demonic ritual involving zalgo took place. zalgo is lazari's "father", but she is raised by her mothers husband.
for opposite reasons, lazari is kept under constant surveillance and incredibly isolated. her mother is constantly doing rituals on her, trying to 'beat the demon' out of her daughter, as she regretted her actions the second lazari was born. she felt no love for her child. around age 7, lazaris mother does kill herself in front of her daughter. demonic tendencies begin breaking out for lazari
when dina is about 13-15, she begins sneaking out more often. it's just things like sitting on fields and talking to some random boys in the cult, something she'd NEVER be allowed by her parents.
one day, when she's out doing things she shouldnt do, she bumps into lazari. lazari is completely out of it, red eyes and black bloody oozing out of her mouth, all her veins are pure black and it looks fucking scary. and she bites dina. the next day, lazari looks normal.
dina doesnt tell anyone. she wasnt supposed to be out, she'd be in more trouble than it was worth to snitch on lazari. but shes scared, and she begins noticing changes in her own biology
her own veins darken, at night she wakes up black liquid fogging up her vision (crying a bit will get it all out), she is constantly ill, convulsing, etc. her own parents begin getting scared, and the rest of the cult begins whispering
and dina is fucking pissed. shes been given the entire world on a silver platter her entire life(aside from freedom), and lazari took it away in one bite.
after a couple months of dina's health and image deteriorating, dina is overcome with anger. she stumbles her way to lazari's little home, convincing her to go on a walk. lazari is suspicious but was raised to never deny authority, so they do.
dina guides lazari to the forest, deciding it her divine right granted by god to take lazari's life. completely convinced she is allowed to cast judgement on this 11 year old girl as punishment.
it doesnt work, very quickly they get physical - this 17 year old is trying to kill this 11 year old, but lazari is literally half demon. the second blood spills and lazaris adrenaline spikes, dina is slaughtered in the middle of the forest.
lazari tries to run away. but she is a product of zalgo, and zalgo is trapped in the forest due to slender pages decorating the perimeter. she'll stand at the edge of the forest, trying to get out, but there's some barrier that wont let her escape
and all the while, dina's corpse is being overtaken by zalgo
now lazari and dina are stuck in the same forest.
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lynnielovestlou · 8 months
ice skating with tlou characters !!
▹▹: snowman -sia
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.ೃ࿔* would not know how to ice skate at ALL and would fall every five seconds. she'd also definitely hold onto the side too
.ೃ࿔* would be the type to laugh every single time you fall, but would ask you if you were okay after
.ೃ࿔* complains about the cold all the time and whines for you to help warm her up
.ೃ࿔* holds your hand the entire time and draws little circles around your knuckles <3
.ೃ࿔* laughs when little kids fall and thus getting dirty looks from their parents
.ೃ࿔* if she saw a kid doing better than her she would get mad
.ೃ࿔* always calls the people that are actually good at ice skating "show offs" and curses under her breath
.ೃ࿔* the tip of her nose always turns pink and she'll be sneezing a lot, always telling you to "shut up" every time you laugh
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.ೃ࿔* dina would actually be good at ice skating, unlike ellie
.ೃ࿔* she would be so graceful and only fall once or twice
.ೃ࿔* she would link arms with you and help you and probably give you some tips bc she's literally a god at this
.ೃ࿔* she's such an unbothered queen when it comes to ice skating
.ೃ࿔* would absolutely keep some bandaids and little ice packs in her purse for you for after so she can take care of your booboos
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.ೃ࿔* she would only go ice skating if you dragged her, because she thinks it's hella cringey. would definitely prefer this over making snow angels or some shit
.ೃ࿔* abby will be touching you all the time for your security but also for hers. she's have her hand on your hip, waist, or the small of your back
.ೃ࿔* she would be a mix of ellie and dina, not good but not bad
.ೃ࿔* she would let out a little gasp every time you fall, making sure you're okay and being a little worried that you're going to be covered in bruises later
.ೃ࿔* she's extra sensitive to the cold, wearing two pairs of gloves, plus snuggling close to you the entire time
.ೃ࿔* after y'all are done she would make you hot chocolate and load it with a bunch of crap like sprinkles and chocolate chips, etc. she'd put on one of those claymation christmas movies from the 70s and snuggle with you under those fluffy christmas blankets <3
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iheartcurlyfries · 30 days
she's just like candy, she's so sweet.
dina tlou headcannons <3
warnings: some smutty, some more on the fluff side.
A/N: I've been wanting to make a dina headcannons masterlist kinda thing and I've finally decided to do it, so enjoy this tiny little thing of my personal headcannons for dina :)
I feel like dina would be the actual epitome of aftercare. don't get me wrong she'd never go rough on you but after she'd finger you, she'd gently lay you back on the bed and give you a massage. dhshsjs istg she'd make sure you weren't sore or anything after sex.
omg she'd be the perfect housewife, I swear she'd always be super gentle with you after rough days, whispering in your ear making sure you knew she'd take care of you: 'it's okay baby, I've got you..'
sweet and soft praise were the only things that would ever leave dinas mouth during sex, she'd never degrade you, she'd just whisper a little bit of 'c'mon ma, cum f'me..' every time she knew you got close.
I've always imagined dina as the type to stare, not in a creepy way, in a more of 'admiring your beauty' typa way.
dina's definitely a dom but sometimes she can be a sub. you'd dip your head between her legs, forcing a reaction out of her. sweet and gentle moans would escape from a slight opening from her lips. she'd lean back and just stare at the sight, admiring you and the way you'd eat her out sooo good..
dina's definitely a boob girl, every night while you two would cuddle, she'd lift your shirt up just to fondle your breasts, she'd always be super gentle making sure to be soft when she'd rub her thumb over your sensitive nipple.
Imagine you two making out just for her to pull back and smile at you before pulling you back in. IDK something about that action gives me butterflies. I feel like that's something dina would do everytime you'd kiss because she knew how wet it would make you.
A/N: 'kay this was super duper short but it's just a few headcannons I wanted to share, if you like them a reblog or a comment would be super nice and I'd really appreciate it. :)
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saviorellie · 11 months
what do you guys want from me next !!! if you have any other ideas you wanna see me mess around with too, let me know !!!
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sims-2-but-im-bored · 2 years
Some Pleasantview headcannons:
Don is way smarter than he lets on, he just enjoys playing up the "himbo" persona. Same goes for Dina.
Lilith has the wittiest roasts, so you can't even be mad when she insults you. Also, she only roasts people she really loves and cares about.
Mortimer is hella suspicious of Don and has a full-on detective cork board in his attic, desperately trying to link Don to Bella's disappearance.
Because of that, he also wants to convince Cassandra to break up with Don. Cass is very superstitious and believes in the supernatural, so Mortimer tries leaving different "signs from the Universe" all around the house. Cass eventually catches him in the middle of writing "DON BAD" with heat-activated invisible ink above their fireplace.
Dina loves Legally Blonde and knows the musical version by heart. If the whole Mortimer thing doesn't work out, she considers joining law school (what, like it's hard?)
Brandi has joined like 5 different MLMs. So far, her only customers have been the Calientes (body washes for Dina and leggings for Nina).
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thegrimdog13 · 8 months
I can imagine vampire AU where if Painter bits Dina, Sally and Nurse Ann bits Puppeteer. I wonder…
Maybe 🤔…… I’m pretty sure that everyone would slowly get bit one by one. Like over time most of them would be vampires. I also imagine that maybe Tim and Brian get bit but they hide it from Jay and Alex. Or they get like strange hunger from seeing blood but don’t know that they are vampires!
Also for the puppeteer I feel like Sally would see him on the street doing a puppet show at some point and time.And because she has an uncontrollable appetite she is just like snack. Then attacks him almost exposing the fact she is a vampire.
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ellie with a mean gf!
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(prjoecting like a mf rn...)
a/n - i have been very unmotivated to write full-fleshed stuff so i'm deciding to write drabbles/headcannons for now. also THANK YOU FOR ALL THE ATTENTION ON CH.1 OF GOOD LUCK, BABE! it makes my heart smile that you guys love it so much... also😭😭...: @sweetcici11 srry that i lied and said ur fic would be out a few nights ago. i'm really trying to finish it but i don't want to rush it and it be shitty. i really want it to be enjoyable and as good as it can be. but i PROMISE you it WILL be posted... sooner or later! i also have a few more drafts to finish too, so, i hope you guys like them when they come out!!!!!
content warnings - fluff, i'm a bitch and i want to feel loved and think that someone can put up with my cuntiness😝😝 , over-usage of commas probably, i think they're low-key kind of toxic?!?!?!?! , guys i promise i'm not this bad i've just been pretty insufferable these last few days and need an outlet 😭😭 .
i wrote way more than i thought i was going to...
- you both hated each other at first. ...well actually, you hated her, and she was like, "😞😞" and then got used to it after a while and started being mean back 2 u!!
- dina introduced ellie to you when you both were hanging out with her. "you guys are going to love each other🥰!" ... you didn't 🤗 !
- ellie said hi to you and all you did was look her up and down, stare at her for a few seconds and then turn your head.
- everytime ellie would (attempt to) strike up a conversation you would give an overtly enthusiastic response or just stare at her like she had two heads or just blatantly ignore her. dina is over there like, '😟😟 . can we not have one good day...' when dina would leave for short periods of time and ellie was sure that you didn't like her, she would just talk about anything to get your blood boiling, our girl lllloooovvveessss to push buttons, we know this to be true.
- it got worse yet more tolerable after that. whenever she'd see you at gatherings or parties, you'd do your damnest to stay away from/avoid her. and she'd do her damnest to get you as upset with her as possible. it always ended with not-so-playful not-so-friendly banter!
- you were talking with jesse about something on the couch, and ellie came over and DELIBERATELY, DELIBERATELY... interrupted you 🤗 ! :
you shoot daggers at her face with your eyes, your jaw set hard and your eyes narrowed.
ellie tried to feign innocence, raising a brow at you after she looked over to see your facial expressions long after she felt them.. "what are you looking at me like that for🤨🤨?" , "i was fucking talking, you're being rude." , "if i have to get used to you being a bitch, you got to do the same." , you just huffed at her response and crossed your arms before walking off a few minutes after, realizing that the conversation you were having with jesse earlier was indeed over. ellie smirked to herself, victory was her's!
- she started calling you the nickname brat out of the blue... it blindsided tf out of you. here's the origin story!:
you look at ellie with a disgusted look on your face as she exhales smoke. her glazed over eyes meet yours before she offers the joint to you, out of genuine kindness. "want a hit?" she asked, forgetting how much of a bitch you were for, like, 0.2 seconds. you glare at her for a moment longer before plastering a sarcastic smile on your face, snatching the joint from her fingertips and dropping it onto the floor. you kept her eyes on yours as you stomped and smushed it into the ground.
now she remembered.
she stood up instantaneously, she was pissed. "what the fuck?!" she shouted, earning a few looks from some friends across the room. they strained their necks for a little bit before they saw you, it made sense now, and then turned back to the conversation.
you close your eyes for a slight second as a satisfied smile graced the corners of your lips. "you know i don't smoke, ellie." you responded with in a condescendingly sweet voice.
she didn't even argue with you. "you're such a fuckin' brat." she muttered under her breath before walking away. you had to try your very best to ignore the heartbeat in your pussy. (🤗!)
- she didn't get to see how much effect that title had on you that night, but she noticed afterwards.
- one time you didn't say anything to ellie during a hangout, distracted by someone you disliked more than her. ellie kind of missed it☹️☹️ .
you were brought out of your thoughts when you felt her cold hand touch your shoulder. when you noticed it was her who was doing it, you pulled back with a furrow of her brows. ellie smiled. there she was.
"you haven't said one mean thing to me since i've gotten here. are you dying?"
you scoffed as you pointed in the direction your anger was radiating from. it was a girl ellie saw here and there in jackson, sometimes she was paired with her during patrols, she wasn't crazy about her but she paid no mind to her existence.
"what?- what does this have to do with me-"
"what it has to do with you, is that you should feel honored that i can tolerate you... can't fuckin' stand that bitch."
ellie scoffed before speaking up once more, "oh, c'mon you're being dramatic. don't be a brat."
your eyes went wide for a second and as you turned away, she could see the cheek that was facing her turn an embarrassing shade of red. she found your weakness.
- when you guys started dating, no one, and i mean NO ONE, believed it. (i don't feel like writing how u two got together maybe if y'all like this enough i'll make a full-fleshed oneshot abt it😭.)
- joel saw you guys together... like, not arguing, and HER head on YOUR shoulder... he thought he got laced with acid for a quick second there... jesse felt like he missed a couple chapters and felt very sad that he hadn't caught onto it quicker... and dina was so proud of herself, "told you, you guys would love each other 😁." she's so smug, I LOVE HER!
- she constantly has to reprimand you like you're a child when you guys are around someone you obviously don't like for whatever reason. once whoever left the room, ellie'll pinch your shoulder or your thigh, whatever skin is on display at the moment, not too hard, just to get you to wince a bit. you'll make a face at her afterwards. "ow, what the fuck was that for ellie?" , "we can talk shit when we get home, don't make a scene🙄." you stress her out sometimes...
- just bcs you guys are together DOES NOT mean your attitude has gone away.
whenever ellie and you have gotten in an argument, you're always being extra sarcastic and EXTRA BITCHY just to get on her nerves.
"baby, have you seen my gun?" she asks you, breaking the silence voluntarily as she's two minutes from being late to patrol.
you don't look up to her, you keep on looking at the pages of an old magazine. "idk ellie, did you check to see if it was shoved up your ass."
she just stands there for a second like this 🧍‍♀️ , before sighing and walking somewhere else to find it. "i'll fuckin' deal with you later." she mutters under her breath, obviously annoyed. you smirk to yourself as you flip another page.
- she does love, however, that you've gotten gentler with her since the relationship blossomed between you two. very few people (dina and ellie... sometimes jesse.) can get you to stop, and ellie is proud of herself that she could add beast-tamer to the top of her list of many skills and talents.
- sometimes she has to calm you down, sometimes all it takes is a stare in your direction. ... well, it's oftentimes a glare... you're your own woman/person and a relationship will not restrict you from showing off your talents!!!!!
- ellie has to constantly keep you from getting into arguments that could harm you physically. although your craft of bitchery is amazing, you can't fight to save your life.
she'll be pulling you back like an angry barking dog on a leash.
"i could've fucking took h-" , "you overestimate yourself a lot, baby."
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totheblood · 11 months
massive clinger n possessive ellie headcannons!!
havent done headcanons in a hot minute... if i'm rusty i apologize.. ai audios at the end!
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clingy!ellie headcanons
clingy!ellie, who just wants to do everything with her girlfriend, so much so that she sometimes can't have fun if you're not around
ellie, who has resting bitch face until you show up, and then she's smiling from ear to ear when you appear, drawing you in for a hug
"c'mere, i missed you," she sighs into the side of your neck as she holds your body firmly against hers
"i was gone for five minutes, ellie," you remind her
"still too long," and she's nuzzling her face in the crook of your neck, pressing small pecks into the indentation of your skin causing you to groan
ellie, who literally walks with her hand stuffed in your back pocket
“why can’t we just hold hands?” you ask her one day
“this is easier,” she nonchalantly shrugs, “plus i like being close to you… and my hands get cold.”
when the two of you are over at dina’s, she’s pulling you into her lap, pouting as she says: “why are you sitting all the way over there? trying to get away from me?”
she just wants to feel you breathing sometimes… it calms her
so when you sleep together you have to sleep chest to chest, so she can feel the rise and fall of your chest, comforted by your breathing sounds
when she wakes up and you’re not there she groans, dragging her feet into the kitchen and wrapping her arms around your wait from behind
you hum as she presses a gentle kiss to your neck, pulling you closer to her with a sigh
“bed’s too cold without you…come back to bed”
“ellie,” you groan, because you have class in an hour and you want to get there early, but you know she’s gonna win
“just for thirty minutes,” she groans, and then she’s pleading, “pleeaaaseee…”
“ugh, fine,” you turn around to face her, giving her a stern look, “but only for thirty minutes”
“you’re too good to me,” she says right before kissing the tip of your nose
she’s always begging for more time with you, no matter how much time you’ve spent together
spent 3 hours together? what’s 3 more?
24 hours together? there can always be an extra hour you two spend together
and you let her, because even if you don’t admit it, you secretly like it
she always finds the things you have to say interesting, hanging onto the edge of her seat listening to you talk about the most mundane shit like it’s the coolest thing she’s ever heard
she told you once: “anything that comes out of your mouth is so interesting to me. you could make sleeping sound interesting, or maybe i’m just crazy and in love with you.”
“crazy in love with me?”
“no crazy and in love with you…”
when you have to spend time away from her back home she’s pacing her room, unsure of what to do with herself
it’s late at night and she wants to tell you goodnight and talk about how your day went, but she doesn’t want to be annoying
she decides fuck it, she’d rather hear your voice than go to bed angry
so she’s biting her fingernails as she calls you up, heartrate quickening every ring you don’t answer
but then you do and she’s taking a big sigh of relief
 “i’m sorry for calling so late at night… i needed to hear your voice…”
she knows she’s borderline possessive… okay she’s pretty possessive… but she can’t help
she makes it a point to use “my girl” as frequently as she can
“me and my girl are going to see barbie on opening night.”
“my girl is so fucking funny, you have no idea”
or the “you’re so pretty, my pretty girl”
it also becomes a problem when she finds herself convincing herself that everyone who meets you, wants you
because how could someone know you and not love you?
so she comes off as stand-offish around your friends, dissecting every behavior they do towards you and trying to convince you they are in love with you
“ellie, she just offered me a ride home…”
“yeah, sure… it starts with a ride home, but before you know it she’s begging to eat you out”
“ellie, oh my go-”
“hey, i know what it’s like to have a crush on you. i know when other people are crushing on my girl.”
you have to admit it does help your ego
possessive ellie who can never leave your side at a party, grip tightening when she sees some jack ass staring at you
when her fingers dig into your side you turn to look at her, a worried look on your face when you notice her tense jaw and eyes trained on some guy
“you’re okay?” you tentatively ask, causing her green eyes to flick to you
“yea, dude’s got a staring problem…” she says casually, rolling her eyes
deciding you want to calm her down, you kiss her cheek..
“i love how you look out for me, els,” you smile, causing her cheeks to redden as her gaze softens
“i just- i can’t stand how they’re looking at you…”
“i know, baby,” you coo as you rub her shoulder, “but i’m yours and yours only, you know this.”
this causes her to physically relax. you can see how her whole body just gives into your touch
“you’re all mine,” she smiles, tight lip leaning into properly kiss you
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seattlesellie · 11 months
soccer!ellie x cheerleader!reader headcannons (sfw+nsfw) ⚽️💗 18+
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this has been on my mind a lot.
ᥫ᭡ first of all, lets make it clear. ellie is a forward, and an attacking midfielder. when it comes to playing, ellie's a game maker. she's calculated, and knows exactly what she's doing. often times, you could catch her pacing around the midfield in what may seem like an aimless strut, but if you really look at her, you would notice those brain gears turning, she's thinking ahead. it's as if she gets inside her opponents brains and studies them. she knows exactly what their next move will be, and when the balls in-between her legs, her kicks are precise and calculated. while everybody else is chasing the ball, ellie already knows how to score the next goal, and a minute later? she does. oh— and it's her third one in the game already.
ᥫ᭡ when ellie scores, she can get a little cocky, but it took her some time and practice to get this comfortable. when she scored the first goal on her very first college game, she stood frozen in front of the goalie. her eyes narrowed in confusion, “did i…?”— and in a matter of exactly five seconds, her teammates were all over her. dragging her across the field, picking her up and cheering her on. ellie was so exultant and excited she swore she stopped breathing for a moment.
ᥫ᭡ now? when ellie scores... yeah, she knows exactly what she's worth. she points her finger to her ear, signals at the audience; "let me hear you", and nods her head when the chanting gets louder. when they shout; "williams! williams! williams!" her ego inflates in her chest, and she almost feels like a god— albeit, she's not annoying about it. it's just fun when people scream her name, you know?
ᥫ᭡ sometimes, ellie spots a cutie in the audience and hands her her sweat drenched tee with a shy smile. speaking of tee? her kit is a black shirt with blue stripes, and a royal blue, golden crown symbol. her nike socks are pulled up to her ankles, and when she jacks up her shirt to wipe some sweat off her sheeny forehead, she reveals her mouth watering abs, and a firm v line right on her lower abdomen. no wonder girls swoon over her, and no wonder she likes it.
ᥫ᭡ when ellie saw you in the audience, the last thing on her mind was handing you her tee. honestly, what she wanted to do was hide under a bench and bite the ball between her teeth. you made her too nervous, what could she say? you weren't just a cutie in the audience, you were drop dead gorgeous, you wore that cheerleading outfit and you cheered for her— well, for her team, and for some reason she couldn't quite recognize, you paid her no mind. you were the only one who didn't flash her flirty, playful smiles after the won a big game, and you were the only one who made her heart feel like it was dropping right to her pants.
ᥫ᭡ after scoring three goals, she finally spotted you. you had your pom pom's in your hands, and you were talking to two of your friends. after you noticed she was looking, practically staring, you raised her a small, shy smile, and her breath quickened. right when she waved at you, you turned around. then— she pretended to wave at someone else. that, led her blush to creep down to her chest. she fumbled the ball twice, almost tripped on her shoelaces and received one yellow card, that turned into two yellow cards— when she decided that arguing with the referee wouldn't be a stupid decision.
ᥫ᭡ ellie has access to her teams instagram account, so she stalks you from there. obviously, she doesn't follow you on her personal account because at the end of the day she's a terrified loser, hence why she's right here, at 9pm, on her best friends bed, logged on to the jackson's tigers. she comes across a picture of you from december. she groaned at how pretty you are, dropped her phone right on her forehead and... double tapped. "oh fuckfuckfuckfuck" "fucking hate this fucking phone... DINA! HELP" ᥫ᭡ when you asked her teammate about it the next day, ellie was near, and she turned her head to the other direction so swiftly her neck almost cracked. then, that night, she concluded that the smartest thing to do was to spam like all of the jacksons tigers cheerleaders posts and comment "out favorite cheerleaders!" on one of your pictures from practice.
you were so freaking confused.
ellie thought she was a genius.
ᥫ᭡ clearly, ellie talks about you with her teammates. she talks about you so much they practically call her a “fucking idiot” for not asking you out already. it always begins with “that one cheerleader…” and then, they immediately roll their eyes, because they know who she’s talking about, and for some reason— she refuses to use your name. she says it's because she doesn't remember it. they think it's because she's a loser. “one cheerleader”, as if there were truly any others on her mind.
ᥫ᭡ when she asked you out for the first time, it was right after a game. a 6:1 game. she felt so triumphant and the adrenaline rushed through her veins, it was almost a given. she was going to ask you out. today. right now. she walked over, fanning herself with her tee, absentmindedly flashing her abs, you looked at her and smiled so softly she felt as if she was going to choke. “good game, williams” you bubbled, and now, what fucking game and who’s fucking williams? so flustered, all she wanted to do was join the water polo team and drown herself in the pool. “hey… you want my shirt?” she muttered, could you tell she was breathless?. right, her shirt, this is the move.
“for…?” you responded, tilting your head.
she stammered, and toyed with the hem of her tee. “for um…” for? for? for? “for the…” she huffed, scratching her neck.
“for our date?”
ᥫ᭡ for your first date, she took you out for milkshakes. although they were two dollars each, she insisted on paying and nearly dropped her wallet on the floor. "no, really, let me… please?", and who could say no to that? you two practically talked about nothing and everything at the same time. she teased you about being a cheerleader; "all you do is jump around" (she knew it wasn't true, she just wanted to see how cute you'd get when you're pissed) and somehow, you weren't pissed. you responded with a grin.
"and all you do is run around and chase the ball like a dog"
ᥫ᭡ she truly felt like if she didn't kiss you right now she might die, so she did. she crawled under the booth like an idiot, and sat directly next to you. her eyes darted form your lips to your eyes, to your lips again.
"are you gonna ki—"
ᥫ᭡ the next moment you knew, her hand was on the back of your neck, and her lips crashed into yours. when she pulled away, cheeks flushed and lips still parted, she whispered a breathy "yeah, gonna kiss you".
after that night? you two were inseparable, glued by the hip.
ᥫ᭡ ellie gets incredibly in her head before games. she's slightly anxiety ridden, paces in fast circles around the room just huffing under her breath about different strategies, and what her opponents will do. "if i get a penalty kick..." she begins, and she looks so angry and pouty you have a feeling that you know exactly what's gonna help. the best remedy to her nerves? you. it's as if a comically large lightbulb appears over your head. "wait, what's a panel kick?" you question, tilting your head. you give her this pout, like you're stupid— but you know exactly what a penalty is, you've been to about ten games already. she chuckles softly under her breath and shifts her body towards you. "penalty, babe, it's penalty kick" then, you ask her to explain. she sits down on the bed, pats her thigh and signals you to sit on her lap. when you do, it begins. all she does is elliesplain soccer to you, and suddenly all of her nerves are gone. she doesn't know what you're doing, or maybe she does, but truly, she doesn't mind. your touch light as a feather, you caress her arm as she rambles on and on, and at one point— you're not even listening. you fully are just staring into her eyes, focusing on making her feel good. you get off from her lap, and signal her to place her head on your thighs. "keep going, els" you softly hum. "and then... on that one game, messi and ronaldo, like—“ then, she yawns, and her voice has that sweet, lazy raspiness to it, gets breathier and softer. she dozes off right on your thigh. when she wakes up, she huffs a small "thank you", and you know it's sincere. she kisses your jaw, gently holds your wrist, brings it up to her chaste lips, and pecks it softly. "you're too cute, you know that?"
ᥫ᭡ once you two started dating, you no longer felt like the teams cheerleader, you felt like you were ellie's, and ellie's only. obviously, you dont make it clear to them, but when you cheer— you keep your eyes glued on her. you sneak extra glances, and sweet smiles just for ellie. when the chant ends with a "go team!" you mouth her a small "go... ellie" and to that, she grins, and cocks her head.
you give ellie her final hug, before she has to go on the field. "go ellie?" she whispers in your ear. "yeah" you bite your lip, swallowing a giggle, and her hand pinches your waist. "oh yeah?", and it's so raspy and teasing that it makes your knees nearly give up on you. "good luck, williams" you kiss her on the cheek, but she tsk's, grabs your jaw and kisses you hard, in front of everybody.
"don't need luck when you're right here"
ᥫ᭡ when ellie scores, she dedicates the goal to you. she’s scanning the audience, and when she finds you, jumping up and down, clapping your hands and screaming her name, she points at you, and only at you. "this one's for you" she mouths. truthfully? all of them are. as soon as the game ends, her teams all over her. picking her up, carrying her around— that's until she spots you, sucking on your bottom lip and smiling so big it's making her heart practically melt. "wait a sec, guys..." she walks off, and when they groan, she shrugs; "gotta say hi to my girlf—" before she even finishes her sentence, you're jumping in her arms. she picks you up, spins you around and giggles so loud even her teammates can't help but join in. "you're my fucking champion, ellie" you praise, looking deep into her eyes.
"you're my champion" she won. and yet, you still are.
"but you won!!" you argue, fuck— your heads starting to spin.
"only won cause you’re here, only fucking reason" and maybe, it is.
ᥫ᭡ you made her a good luck charm bracelet, and decorated it with blue, black, golden beads. she wears it on her her left wrist, to every single game. she doesn't exactly believe in luck, but she believes in you, and she believes that somehow, every game she won was because of that charm.
nsfw 💗:
ᥫ᭡ the no sex before a big game policy her coach had forced upon the team popped like a little bubble when you two met. one time, one of her friends talked about it with you. you had no idea that was even a thing. the only sentence she said afterwards, was "if coach finds out, she's toast" oh.
ᥫ᭡ one thing about ellie is that she's obsessed with fucking you in your cheerleading outfit. makes you do a little spin, and then takes your top off. when it comes to the skirt? "leave it on, babe". she thinks it has to be a kink or something, because when she watches you cheer, your skirt slightly hiking up and revealing a little of your upper thigh, she loses her mind. she has to bite on her tongue and her face goes all red, you’re killing her— did you know that?
she's sat comfortably on the bed, dressed in her grey sweats and sports bra, whilst you demonstrate your cute little dance. "first, i have to kick my leg up" — and when you do, your panties poke through and she has to swallow hard. "yeah? what else" she places her palms on her thighs, spreads them, and keeps her eyes glued on your body. "then... a little spin" you twirl, and the air lifts your skirt up. to that, she mutters a curse word under her breath.
"do that again"
"ellie…” you whine, and before she has time to respond, you just do it again.
she nods her head up and down. "take your panties off"
you don't listen, do you? deciding on giving her that bratty attitude, she tells you again. "i said... take those panties off"
you stand in front of her, lifting your brow. she gets on her knees, places a soft kiss on your inner thigh, pats it lightly, takes them off for you and stuffs them in her pocket.
"now, do that spin again"
ᥫ᭡ when you take her strap while wearing your skirt, she truly goes crazy. makes you bounce on it as the fabric flaps around, fully just teasing her, and she's just as close to cumming as you are. "fuck! mmmph-ellie!" you wail, incoherently so, and it sounds like pure gibberish. "again, say my name again" she hisses, and now— she's practically fucking it into you, rolling her hips so you don't even have to move a muscle. the only thing you do, is spread your puffy folds open for her, hiking up your skirt so she gets a good view of your pussy and your erect little clit, pumping just for her. "i said... fuck— again" "ellie!" you gasp, and the look on her face is a look of pure bliss, of pure smugness, cocky satisfaction. "that's it…”
ᥫ᭡ when she has a big game coming up, truthfully, so do you. cheering might not be as intense, and it's not a damn competition, but you work just as hard. which is why... she makes you chant those cheering athems while she's inside of you. maybe, it'll make you remember them better.
"what comes next, huh?" she croaks, circling your clit with her thumb whilst deliciously splitting you open with her strap. "then its... it's... oh— ellie" you sob, clenching around her as if she might run away if you won't. "it's...?" she teases, and takes your cheeks between her fingers. "it's... go t—t—team" you whimper, squeaking like a dog's chew toy. "i dont think that's quite right" she manages to keep her voice steady, but her movements are anything but. she's panting, and encourages you on. "c'mon— gotta remember it f'me, you can do it" she grunts, gives your ass a little slap that makes you squirm. she grabs the fat between her palms, and nods her head. you can truly do it, you know you can. "it's... it's go el— go ellie" with the sound of her name, she fastens her pace, both inside of your achy cunt, and right on your clit. "el— el— gonna c—cu!" you cry out, holding on to her wrist while she hovers on top. "you're gonna what?" now, her voice is just as unsteady, with the base of the strap hitting her puffy, wet clit. "c—cum" when you manage to cry, it washes over you, mind boggling, makes your entire body jolt till you're shaking beneath her. she helps you ride it out,
"take it— fuck— take what's yours, take it.”
“that's my girl"
ᥫ᭡ anyways, ellie is obsessed with the way her name sounds as it leaves your mouth. obsessed with hearing you scream it, whimper it, whine it, obsessed when it comes out shaky, and obsessed when it's crystal clear. her favorite one though? "go... ellie!"
ᥫ᭡ if she loses a game... oh, what a sore loser. she puts the blame entirely on herself, especially with her new role as the teams captain. but oh, how lucky she is, to have such a considerate girlfriend. when you two got home from the game, you laid on the bed. she gave your hand a little squeeze;
"gonna shower" and she lifts her body or of the mattress. “dont wait up, babe— go to sleep"
she opens the bathroom door, and the water start streaming. you really won't go to sleep though, would you? what you do instead, oh...
you go through her bag, aimlessly looking for something... something, that will make her feel better. something that will show her she's the boss, whether she loses or wins.
her tee. "WILLIAMS" on the back, with the number "7" right below. you can't help but chuckle, grin— even, and do a little dance before you put it on. it's sweaty, damp, but you don't seem mind. you take off your shirt, your bra and your panties, and you wear it. it smells like her and it caresses right over your nipples, you almost have to stop from being so nasty and touching yourself with whilst she's showering. you're wearing her tee, her name— williams— you're hers. williams fucking girl. you sit pretty on the bed, legs wide open, and you wait. you wait and you wait and you wait— till you no longer hear the water streaming. she opens the door, and if your heart skipped a beat, ellie was pure having heart palpitations. she groaned loudly, and you almost felt the air she let out on your skin. "what is... what—“ she moves closer, and her eyes look hungry, ravenous.
"m'showing you.." you purr, in an attempt to hide the nervousness in your voice. you turn around, on all fours, purposely flashing her your ass and your cunt when the tee rides up. you point at your back. "who i belong to...”
ellie's never moved so quickly in her life, not even when she's chasing the ball. she yanks you by the tee, and pulls you closer to her chest. "yeah?" she whispers, as if she doesn't already know the answer. she nibbles on your neck, and you whimper.
"all yours... captain"
oh fuck.
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andersonfilms · 6 months
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lovergirl!abby who would geek out the first time you’d come to her first soccer game. one of her jersey’s on your back as you wore it proudly. dina painted her number and her name on your cheek and you wore it proudly. abby’s heart swelled as big as texas when she saw you cheer for her. the goal she scored was just much as for you as it was for her team.
lovergirl!abby who would take you to her father’s cabin the peak of winter for a weekend, a trip for just two of you. you loved it so much. how quiet it was — the benefits of it being in the middle of nowhere. the two of you cuddled by the fire the first night, making s’mores as abby told you about the first time her day brought her up here when she was a little girl. a fond memory and now she has another.
lovergirl!abby didn’t mind when the two of you were snowed in for a day, it meant she was able to spend time with just you. trapped in a love cocoon she had no desire to leave.
lovergirl!abby who loves having movie nights with where the two of you can cuddle underneath her duvet, your head on her chest with her heart beat in perfect harmony along her own.
lovergirl!abby likes to surprise you with flower arrangements. most of the time she brings white roses, but sometimes she surprises you with dahlias. it's always from an arrangement she she makes from her dad's shop and it only makes you fall in love with her more.
lovergirl!abby loves to be close to you. as close to you and as she can really. anytime you're at a party together, she can't really seem to take her large hands off of you. everyone's getting high or numbing themselves with alcohol so they don't remember anything they're doing tonight, but abby has you sitting on her lap with her arms around your waist and she swears it's the best drug she's ever had.
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aouiaa · 23 days
Mother! Dina hcs
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Imagining Mother! Dina who’s very overprotective of her son, JJ. Literally, is on parenting websites in the middle of the night freaking out because she seen a tiktok about how bad it is to drink from a plastic water bottle.
Imagining Mother! Dina who cries more than the child when getting his shots done. It’s safe to say both Dina and her son walked out of that clinic with a lollipop in hand!
Imagining Mother! Dina who has a ipad kid. Legit can hear her from a mile away with her son’s loud ass ipad booming cocomelon or some shit.
Imagining Mother! Dina who does gentle parenting.
Imagining Mother! Dina who does matching outfits with her son!
Imagining Mother! Dina who took a lot of convincing from Jesse to put JJ in sports because she couldn’t bear the thought of him getting hurt.
Imagining Mother! Dina who’s a victim of temu…yup 😔
Imagining Mother! Dina who has a rather chubby baby from feeding him a lot. And her reasoning for it is she doesn’t want him to starve.
Imagining Mother! Dina who makes sounds when feeding JJ.
“Here comes the airplane!” she says before blowing raspberries causing JJ to giggle, and clap his little stubby hands together.
Imagining Mother! Dina who can’t resist pinches his little chubby cheeks.
Imagining Mother! Dina who’s also a first time mom and freaks out over any little thing therefore rushes to the JJs primary doctor.
“He was coughing rather too hard!” she says, trying not to burst into tears.
“He should be right as rain with a little Tylenol.”
“Are you sure?” she asks, looking down at her baby who’s sleeping peacefully in his car seat.
“Yes, Miss Woodward. It’s not an early sign of an lung disease. He just has a little cough.” He reassures, crossing his arms.
A sigh of relief leaves the mother and up comes a smile. She didn’t care how annoyed the doctor looked from Dina bring JJ down to the clinic for the third time this week. She just wants her little potato to be safe.
Imagining Mother! Dina who catches JJ’ s first words on camera.
“Alright, this is, uhm, day four of trying to get your first words on camera!” Her voice can be heard in the background sounding, or at least trying to be, optimistic. JJ can be seen sitting on his little play mat, playing with Ollie.
“Cmon baby, can you say ‘mama?’
“Ma-ma” she repeats, but says each syllable.
JJ can be seen looking up at Dina, and smiling, showing off his two little front teeth that he has growing in. “Ma…ma.” he babbles, flailing his arms around excitedly.
A scream so loud can be heard from Dina, one of excitement. “Yes, baby! Mama! I’m mama!”
The pure look of terrified mixed with utter confusion that is recorded on the baby’s face is pure comedy.
poor little ice age baby…
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a/n; In honor of mother’s day, I’ve decided to do MILF mother dina :3
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cottoncandytomu · 1 year
Y’all can fight me on this but Modern!Ellie isn’t a player, she’s the gamer nerd who plays D&D, trolls online and is definitely a perv. 
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18+ Content Below! MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT!! (Age in bio or pinned pls!!)
Tomu Notes~
Thought I'd do a little gremlin perv Ellie headcannon. !!Definitely some perv themes (ofc) mentions of sex and masturbation. Slight cursing, very minor references to depression/sadness!!
I'm close to (just about hehe) 50 followers y'all so THANK YOU OMFKDKJ. I've been enjoying writing for these two divine women and I'm thankful that you beauties are taking the time to read what I write. It means a lot hehe~ okay I'm done with the sappy shit, enjoy~
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She absolutely has zero play when it comes to you. Always turning into a stuttering mess, then goes on to rant about her mistakes in her journal she keeps. Which is ALL about you, of course. 
You got yourself a fan, Ellie gives faaaaan behavior~ she stalks your socials and even follows you to class or around town. 
She grew up being your neighbor so she had unlimited access to seeing into your room across from hers, which is one of her favorite past times. Her hands would maybe kind of most certainly slip past her shorts while she watched you get undressed. Could you blame her though? You’re so irresistible. 
She basically creamed herself when you gave her a kiss on the cheek, as a thank you for helping you out on one of your assignments. 
Dina and Jesse made fun of her for weeks for it. 
She couldn’t help it, she’s had a crush on you ever since you were both little. The two of you were best playmates until you grew up and drifted apart. Belonging to very different social circles. You being the pretty popular socialite and her being the nerdy unseen introvert. 
You both grew apart, but you never treated her differently. Something Ellie was extremely grateful for, your friends would make fun of you for it. You didn’t care though, you two grew up together and you weren’t gonna let something as silly as a social status ruin that. 
It’s just unfortunate that when college rolled around you had to get with the most arrogant son of a bitch to ever walk the face of the earth (As Ellie tells her friends). 
Abby Anderson 
Ellie never liked Abby, never thought she was good enough for you. Yeah she may be captain of the hockey team, insanely attractive with a beautifully sculpted body and is extremely talented at just about anything she did but she was a piece of shit. 
Ellie had to endure the torture of Abby for years now. Abby knew how Ellie felt about you, Ellie thought she was good at hiding it, apparently not. 
Abby took a wicked enjoyment in making sure to shove your relationship down Ellie’s throat. Upping the PDA when she was around or showing up to your house where she’d make sure you’re obnoxiously loud in your bedroom, the window being wide open of course. Ellie never liked Abby and Abby never liked Ellie, finding her to be weird and gross. It definitely had nothing to do with their fathers being rivals.
But as much as Abby tortured Ellie it didn’t stop her from finding any means to be around you, watch you or think about you late at night. 
You never knew Ellie’s true feelings for you, seeing her as your childhood best friend was the farthest your relationship would ever come to be. 
It pained Ellie that that was all she was destined to be. 
She would be forever obsessed with the thought of you, dangling on a string and you’d be living your best life. Completely oblivious of what’s going on behind the scenes. 
So Ellie will just continue to click through your socials, saving each photo to her computer. Journal and draw you in her private time, keep an eye on you from afar. Watch as you enjoyed your life while she was stuck in her sorrow and daydreams of you. Stuffing her hand down her pants at the thought of you, alone and frustrated that you’re not there with her.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Hope you enjoyed it!! Don't think I'm gonna write any fics based off of this,, unless y'all want more!
Thank you for reading and as always I welcome any feedback!! Have a beautiful day/night loves!!
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ohh i love your works smmm <3 can i request more loser ellie hc? fluff & nsfw <333
Headcannons: loser!ellie x reader
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Part 1 Part 2
☆ Loser Ellie who took you stargazing on the second date.
There was no cloud in the sky as the two of you lay on the soft pink blanket Ellie brought. You were amazed by the stars, and Ellie was amazed by your beauty. She could stare at you for hours.
Ellie was lost in a trance before she heard your voice “what are you looking at?”
Ellie’s throat went dry. Her cheeks tinted pink, she’s been fucking caught.
“the air” she lied all you did was shake your head.
☆ Loser Ellie who refused to touch you because she was so shy. Even holding your hand scared her.
☆ Loser Ellie who had multiple accounts to stalk you because she was afraid that you might think she was weird for watching you every move.
☆ Loser Ellie who was too scared to make a move, and in the process she was pushing you away.
☆ Loser Ellie who didn’t touch you, who didn’t make eye contact with you and you truly felt unwanted.
☆ Loser Ellie who went to your house one night when she saw a picture of you kissing someone else.
She knocked on your front door. She was confused. Angry. Sad. Jealous.
The door opened and there you stood in all your glory.
“What the fuck do you want Ellie?” you asked with a huff.
Ellie’s gaze fell to the floor before she spoke in a whisper “who was she?”
“what?” you questioned
“who was she? The girl you kissed”
“that has nothing to do with you”
Ellie made eye contact with you for the first time in a long time
“it fucking does. We- i- I thought we had something”
“We have fucking nothing Ellie” you replied harshly
“you make me feel unwanted, and so I moved one”
You watched Ellie turn around to walk away and before you closed the door, she ran back to you, grabbing your face for a kiss.
She pulled away looking at you with wide eyes “I’m sorry” was all she said before she ran away.
☆ Loser Ellie who ignored your calls and texts.
☆ Loser Ellie who buys you things that she thinks you would like and she just kept it in her room hoping she’d get the guts to face you again.
☆ Loser Ellie who wrote you letter but she never sent them to you.
☆ Loser Ellie who tries not to cry when she sees pictures of you and other people.
☆ Loser Ellie who has a photo album dedicated to pictures that she thinks you would like. It was a collection of flowers, stuffed animals, memes just things that reminded her of you.
☆ Loser Ellie who loses her shit when she can’t find the letter she wrote you.
“Dina where’s the letters?” she yelled as she threw her clothes from her closet onto the floor.
“I gave it to her”
“Ellie-“Dina sighed “you’re losing your fucking mind because of her, I had to do something”
☆ Loser Ellie who wasn’t even mad because you arrived at her apartment.
Before you could even open your mouth Ellie confessed:
“I’m in love with you”
you chuckled at her confession “I know els I read the letters”
And just like that you kissed her. It was a real kiss. Ellie didn’t want you to pull away but you had to tell her something
“in one of the letters you said that I’m the light in your life, that was very poetic” Ellie blushed before she replied
“yeah you are, but can I kiss you again?”
☆ Loser Ellie who asked you to be her girlfriend the next day with a poster because she couldn’t ask you the question.
☆ Loser Ellie who started punching the air when you said yes forgetting you were there. She was very embarrassed afterwards.
☆ Loser Ellie whose palms were so sweaty the first time you held her hand that you kept wiping your hands off.
☆ Loser Ellie who gains more confidence while being with you.
☆ Loser Ellie who has polaroids of you all over her room.
☆ Loser Ellie who has one of your sweaters that she sleeps with every night because she missed you and she was too scared to ask if you wanted to come over.
☆ Loser Ellie who waits at her phone for you to respond.
☆ Loser Ellie who doesn’t always text first because she doesn’t to annoy you.
☆ Loser Ellie who paints her nails your favorite color.
☆ Loser Ellie who secretly gets your initial tattooed behind her ear.
☆ Loser Ellie who buys you both matching outfits, bracelets, shoes, literally she wants to match everything with you.
☆ Loser Ellie who almost combusts when you wore lingerie for the first time.
“holy shit” she breathed when you walked out the bathroom.
“you like it?” you asked with a shy smile.
“I fucking love it, now come fuck me”
☆ Loser Ellie who’s a switch.
☆ Loser Ellie who likes when you ride her because she gets to suck your tits.
☆ Loser Ellie who loves it when she can leave hickeys on you (especially between your thighs)
☆ Loser Ellie who gets most of her pleasure from giving you pleasure.
☆ Loser Ellie who sucks your fingers after you made her cum multiple times.
☆ Loser Ellie who can stay hours in between your legs.
☆ Loser Ellie who’s scared to try new things.
“I want to try something new” she spoke one afternoon
Suddenly Ellie went quiet. Should she really ask you?
“i- um- if you d-don’t want to its ok”
“Ellie talk”
“sit on my face please?”
☆ Loser Ellie who like it when you sit on her face. She could die this way honestly, being suffocated by you.
☆ Loser Ellie who keeps your underwear, and she has a whole collection.
☆ Loser Ellie who buys lingerie for you because she’d always imagine how’d you look wearing them.
☆ Loser Ellie who keeps the nudes you send her. She has a special folder.
☆ Loser Ellie who has polaroid’s of you in underwear that she uses to get off.
☆ Loser Ellie who gets turned on when you breathe, so she’s constantly ready to pounce on you when you give her the chance.
☆ Loser Ellie who can never get tired of you.
☆ Loser Ellie who wished she’d met you earlier
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elliesspacewalker · 7 days
can you write some sfw trans ellie headcannons?? :) just stuff about her trans identity and discovery
Warnings: transgender!ellie, weed and alcohol usage, slightly depressing but not too sad, Ellie is a silly girl in this :3
Trans!Ellie who came out to everybody and was surprised by their reactions, she was expecting more tears and possible rejection but that didn't happen, of course it wouldn't happen, Ellie was only surrounded by people who genuinely love her.
Trans!Ellie who started going to therapy to understand herself better, she had a lovely therapist called Rita.
"okay so, I came out to everyone! It was NOT the responses I was expecting" she says excitedly "were they bad or-?"
"No, it was amazing they all thought of me the exact same and I genuinely feel so... Happy? Different? I thought they would feel differently of me"
Trans!Ellie who's mental health got 30x better than before, she was happier, you'd see her more often, she'd hang out with you, Jesse and Dina more often and would actually enjoy herself.
Trans!Ellie who has defiantly had a few mental breakdowns about being trans and just in general having a hard time, even with therapy because that's just how it was sometimes, you'd hug her from behind as she sobs into your arm.
"Sometimes I just forget you don't care and that you don't see me any different" she sobs and you chuckle, slowly massaging her scalp and just letting her cry it all out and immediately after she'd feel embarrassed
"bro, it's okay, we all have our bad days- now shut the fuck up and listen" she shuts up and looks at you with a smile on her face "let's go get maccas, get stoned and play video games" she agrees fast
Trans!Ellie who is stoned off her tits and playing video games with you, before saying some of the most unhinged shit while playing the last of us "if Arthur was real.... Ohhh man" you chuckle out a 'what?'
"If he was real, I'd let him do me, I mean I'm lesbian but I don't care something about him" you laugh out loud, trying to contain yourself "ellie what the fuck?" she looks at you with red tinted eyes and laughs with you.
Trans!Ellie who goes to a party with you and her other friends, and gets a little bit too drunk and just starts yapping about the most random shit
"you wanna know how I found out I was trans?" she mumbles into your shoulder as Jesse drives Ellie and the rest of you guys home, you hum at her "drugs" Dina laughs so hard she thinks she pissed herself, "Oh babe, you're fucking funny" Dina chokes out between laughs
"you didn't think of me differently? I love you for that!" her voice is slurred and you massage her scalp as she laughs, "idiot" you mumble.
Trans!Ellie who was at a family event one time and announces to everybody in her family that she is trans and everyone congratulated her, hell, even Seth did.
"i'm glad you came out kiddo" tommy says, patting her shoulder.
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saviorellie · 1 year
roommate!ellie headcannons.
pairing : ellie williams x reader
pov : second person , she/her pronouns
warnings : mention of porn i guess? college!ellie!! she’s got a big fat crush on you
notes : PLEASEEE send me headcannon and blurb requests for ellie (AND ABBY)!!
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roommate!ellie that you met in a facebook group (she promptly deleted facebook as soon as you met)
roommate!ellie who refuses. and i mean re fuses. to do laundry.
she hates it oh my god she hates it. she does dishes, you do laundry. that is the agreement!
roommate!ellie who does not care what the place looks like, please take all creative control. she’ll love it regardless
she WILL kick ice under the fridge no matter how many times you tell her not to
roommate!ellie who would rather die than forget to water your plants. because she knows you love them and she KNOWS you will forget
she’s so “dad who says he doesn’t want a cat but loves that cat more than himself”
(the cat’s name is star. i will not elaborate.) (savage starlight.)
roommate!ellie who introduced you to fortnite and is mad because you’re better than her
roommate!ellie whose love language is physical touch
she will Die if your legs aren’t in her lap while watching a movie. she will sit on the counter beside the stove if you’re cooking.
roommate!ellie is a LOOOOSERRRRR
i’m talking sweating when you’re wearing pajama shorts, shaking when you play with her hair, blushing like all the fucking time.
she needs you bad.
roommate!ellie who turns into a handyman any time something breaks (she will break it more than it was already broken)
she was laying on the kitchen floor tiles when she accidentally broke the ac
roommate!ellie who refuses to let you buy groceries
“i eat more than you anyway” “you pay for the netlifx and the disney+” “let me sugar momma you”
roommate!ellie who will get on. All fours. if she comes home from work or class and you’re cooking or you made dinner for her.
(please please please be her housewife) (omg who said that?!)
roommate!ellie who puts cream and sugar in her coffee even though she likes black the best
because she knows she won’t finish the mug but you will and you like cream and sugar
roommate!ellie who is actually not! an astronomy major! she’s a paleontology major for sure
roommate!ellie who spends every paycheck she gets on 1. groceries and 2. random little trinkets she knows you’ll like
the sonny angel collection is crazy (thank you ellieeee :P)
roommate!ellie who can not stop giving you weird nicknames
“sweet girl” “angel” yeah yeah the normal ones but why is she calling you “beef” and “charcuterie board”
roommate!ellie was the first person you smoked with and she almost cried because she felt so bad when you greened out
her music taste is so. Bad (comedically, she actually has really good music taste)
“ellie if you play mask by dream one more time i’m going to [TRAIN PASSES BY]”
roommate!ellie (loser) who says “can i put my minecraft bed next to yours” LOSER
roommate!ellie who is So fucking smart but she pretends to not know what’s going on in her classes so you will sit next to her and your upper arm will touch hers as you help her
roommate!ellie who has to be constantly reminded to close her bedroom door at night
“i don’t know if you’re getting laid or watching p*rn but Hey close the door”
(you’re not jealous. why would you be jealous? it’s not like you like ellie or anything so if she’s getting laid why would it matter you don’t-)”
roommate!ellie who worships the ground you walk on
do Not try on a dress or a skirt or a cropped shirt in front of her because she will pass out and d*e
stuttering and shit when you ask about her day (say it with me) (loooserrrr)
roommate!ellie who will Not hang up the phone or say goodbye without saying “love you”
cuz she does :,) she loves you :,)
don’t say “love you too” though because she will overthink it and stress herself out to tears
roommate!ellie who annoys dina so bad with how much she talks about you
“i was talking to y/n and she said” “y/n really likes this show” “y/n said that we should”
“oh my job just fuck already”
ellie’s best friend!dina who will look over you and at ellie and mouth “kiss her!!!”
and you’re clueless obviously
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