haveyouheardmetal · 2 months
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Pictured: CHEDOARA, released in 2018
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vkei-company · 1 year
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パンクフェイクレザースカート 変形スカート ウェットルック エモ ゴシック メンズ ユニセックス ヴィジュアル系 ビジュアル系 V系 モード系 パンク ロック バンド衣装 スカート男子 メンズスカート
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prettythcughts · 2 years
i recently started listening to vkei bands and these are my fav songs so far. feel free to give recommendations!!
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mega-stellar · 8 days
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zamusvstheworld · 1 month
songs of the week in no particular orderbecause I feel like it!
Alive - Arlequin
夢葬(musou) - The Gallo(SCAPEGOAT ver.)
vanitas - DIMLIM
五度目の桜 - RAN
another story of gerbera - emmurée
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ksksksrahrah · 2 months
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mymarifae · 10 months
i decided to make my own special version of this video
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basslinegrave · 1 year
any visual kei fans in the house rn. give me song recommendations ive been listening to the same songs since 2016
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nootsushi · 2 years
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kookieswan · 1 year
Through Dying Stars - Spell It Out
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Alien!BountyHunter!Jimin x DeliveryGirl!Reader
Word Count: 1.4k
Genre: Alien AU, BountyHunter AU, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Nonsexual NSFW/18+, Angsty, bits of Fluff, Slow Burn.
Warnings: Talk of enslaved aliens/people and prostitution. Threats to the crew and MC in regard to forced prostitution. A less than happy politician. Many of the characters are morally gray in this story. Please be warned!
Summary: With every passive aggressive sentence, you know that you’re digging the crew deeper and deeper into a galactic hole by refusing the Magistrate. If only you were a bad person. If only.
Notes: AH I’m so excited for this series that I had to get another part out so I could introduce the Stellar Crew! I’ve been writing during my breaks at work heh. Expect a slightly longer update early next week. ALSO this takes place before the the Intro. I listened to MIST by DIMLIM while writing this update! ⭐️
This Part 2 of the Through Dying Stars series. Find the Masterlist here ⭐️
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~“Sir, I understand the request, it’s just that we don’t transport… That type of clientele.” Others wouldn’t catch onto it very easily, but Namjoon looks severely uncomfortable. Understandable considering one of the top politicians of fucking Malvedria, Magistrate Lerferi, just asked him to transport slaves he’s trying to sell off as prostitutes. Nasty fuck, you’d think he’d have more decorum but a-fucking-las.
Yoongi and Tae sit to your side, Yoongi trying his best not to look livid as Tae’s slitted pupils dilate slightly, clearly getting lost in his own world to avoid listening in. Eyeing Yoon, you raise a brow and he sighs deeply to himself as Namjoon clears his throat to speak, only to be cut off but the Magistrate. You can’t wait to see how this goes considering it’s been back and forth for the last fifteen minutes.
“I promise you, they’re perfectly behaved and very excited to be transported Captain Kim. It’ll be no issue, I assure you.” His handsome face does nothing to hide the ugly underneath, the ice in his voice. Mock comforting words don’t do anything to make your crew feel better, the air in your ship still unbearably thick. Namjoon adjusts his chair, tilting his chin back a bit before carefully calculating his response, words coming out sure but slow.
“Even so Magistrate Lerferi, it’s been agreed upon my myself and my crew to to never transport the unwilling. Even if you assure me they’d be the perfect company, they’re still enslaved, and so I really must refuse.” You all agreed to never escort someone to their death, and so you nod in agreement. It’s quiet then, the four members of your crew staring at the screen as the politicians face loses its smile. It morphs into something nasty, lines on his forehead appearing as he practically snarls out his next words.
“So you’re refusing my request then.” Not a question, but a deadpan statement. You hear Yoongi mumble something quietly, only catching ‘fucker’ before Namjoon speaks over him to drown it out… This isn’t going to end well. Tae continues to stare at the ceiling, white bangs falling into his eyes.
“Yes Sir. I’m afraid I’ll have to, but if you’d like, I can steer you in the direction of-“ Ah, poor Joon. Always trying to find the best answer even though faked diplomacy is certainly a hardship. The politician smashes his hands down into his desk, the crack of it causing silence to persist.
“Listen here Kim, I didn’t think I’d have to spell it out but I will. I don’t think you understand just who you’re refusing; I could crush you in seconds and I’m more than willing to. So, I’ll ask one more time: Will you do this transport for me?” Oh goodie. There’s nothing quite like being ruined on a fine Tuesday night. Namjoon looks nearly flabbergasted, his mouth starting to open but no sound comes out so the man continues his little hissy fit.
“I have no issue ruining all four of your lives. A rogue Tarsinial, an outcasted Vovini, and two lowly humans would be easy enough to make disappear… On second thought, I could use your girl there in my little harem, she’s quite pretty.” The urge to throw up directly onto the monitor is strong, but you somehow hold it in. You can’t say the same for the look of disgust that crawls into your face, your Captain and best friend noticeably becoming very pissed off.
Yoongi stands up without a word and walks directly into the frame, blocking everyone else. Craning your head to check the feedback screen, he regards the camera with little interest. Perhaps he’s not really interested in what’s going on, or maybe he just really wants to piss the fuck head off. You’re going to go with the latter, a wry smile coming to your face. It’s easier to find rueful humor than acknowledge the building dread.
“Our Captain said no, so no, we won’t be doing the transport. Have a nice day and don’t contact us again Magistrate because I’ll make sure you fucking regret it if you do.” Making a show of it, he raises his hand before bringing it down on the button harshly to stop the call. Tae flinches at your side, eyes focusing back in slowly as he peers around the room. The screen blanks out and then disconnects, signaling that you’re all probably very fucked. Lovely.
“Fucking twat, fucking talking to us like that. Tch, like I’d let him touch you the nasty bit-” Yoongi starts to go on a rant about how all the politicians are trying to ruin your lives (he’s not wrong) as Tae inches closer to you. He raises a hand and waits to you gesture to him to speak before putting it down again.
“Does anyone want some coffee? I got beans from Tarnocia and they’re delicious-“ Namjoon clears his throat noticeably and cuts off poor Tae. The man just wants to enjoy the little things in life but once again, alas. You pat his shoulder consolingly.
“Yoongi, you shouldn’t have turned off the call like that. I know he was being uncouth but this… This could cause us a lot of problems.” Namjoons voice is quiet but firm, a clear indicator that a fight is probably going to break out soon. You’re due for one at this point; they haven’t fought since last months hoverboard incident. They start to bicker almost immediately, Yoongi having no issue with getting in the other man’s face and tugging on his long bangs.
“Well, fuck me and my coffee then.” You try not to giggle as you tell Tae that you’d love a cup, the Vovini excitedly running off to brew some without another word, swaths of fabric flowing behind him. You hope that it’ll get his mind off things a little, the situation probably hasn’t been pleasant for him.
“Namjoon, you were going in circles with that fucking loser. You could have talked to him for another seven hours and got fucking nowhere. And I’m top of that, did you hear what he said about her?” Not exactly wrong. The Magistrate, based on the very uncomfortably long meeting you had with him, doesn’t seem to be one to take no for an answer. Ever. Standing up and stepping forward, you decide to put in your two cents.
“I agree with Yooyoo. Threats to prostitute me out aside, there’s nothing we could have said to appease that man. He wanted us to transport enslaved prostitutes for fucks sake; we shouldn’t feel bad about saying no and we shouldn’t put Tae through it.” The Tarsinial grimaces before nodding, knowing that you’re right about the situation. There’s no need to make Tae relive the old days in any form.
“Alright. We’ll have to be in our guard for the next month at the very least. That man’s known for holding grudges and as Yoongi would say, we royally pissed him off.” Both of you nod, agreeing with your Captain. Hiding out is the only real option for now; it’s a dangerous game to mess with any sort of government anything and you managed to fuck with one of the highest ranks. Yay for you. Namjoon turns back to the screen, pulling up navigation as he kisses his teeth.
“Just to make sure we’re not being trailed, I’m going to have Tae reroute us. We don’t currently have any urgent deliveries to make, so we’ll be docking on Ecalaxar for a few days. We’ll have an official meeting about everything tomorrow.” Ecalaxar?! You’ve been dying to go on a shopping spree and the planet had some of the best shopping centers for clothing and jewelry. It’s like Namjoon is reading your cluster fuck of a mind, what a beautiful man.
“No fucking way! Holy shit Namjoon you’re the best captain ever.” You toss your arms around him, hugging the huge man tightly to your chest. His own chest rumbles as he laughs at your antics, patting your back a few times before you pull away from his luscious bosom. Yoongi doesn’t look very impressed, a very grumpy pout on his face.
“What about me? I raised you.” Rolling your eyes, you pinch his dumpling cheek just as he flicks your forehead. Even through he’s clearly trying very hard not to, he smiles a small smile, eyes warm as he regards you. Turning away, you flip your hand back as a signal of your leave, your own hidden smile turning the corner of your lips up. You’ll ignore the intense feeling of dread for now.
“Whatever you say, grandpapa. I’ll see you two later; I’m gonna go plan a shopping spree with Tae over coffee.”
If you’d like to be added to the taglist, leave a comment/ask. All I ask is that you have your age visible on your blog somewhere and make sure you let people tag you! ⭐️
Tags: @pjmsies
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milkyxbabe · 2 years
Hi I need more vkei friends!
Bands I love:
Dir en grey, Bucktick ,Malice mizer, X japan, Laputa, The gazette, Dadaroma, Diaura, Mejibray, Nocturnal bloodlust, Jiluka, Versailles, Jupiter, Luna sea, A9, Moi Dix Moins, Zi;kill, Girugamesh, Lareine, Raphael, Shazna, D'erlanger, L'arc en ciel, Kizu, Dazzlingbad, Gackt, Lynch, Mucc, Nightmare, NoGod, Plastic tree, Penicillin, Vidoll, Royz, dimlim etc
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vkei-company · 1 year
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ゴシック系 光沢レギンス Ocultica メンズ ユニセックス ヴィジュアル系 ビジュアル系 V系 モード系 パンク ロック インポート バンド衣装 
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wanderingblindly · 9 months
Thank you @likepilotlights for tagging me to make a playlist out of my URL ^^ Because I'm endlessly annoying and listen to obscene amounts of music, I made one in English and one in Japanese!
W Watchtower // The Devil Wears Prada A Antichrist // The 1975 N Nighthawk // Windwaker D Dethrone // Bad Omens E Echoes of You // Marianas Trench
R Runaways // Famous Last Words I I'm Low On Gas And You Need A Jacket // Pierce the Veil N Never Give In // Black Veil Brides G GODDAMMITALL // The Wonder Years B Black Mamba // The Academy Is... L Let the Evil Go East // Greeley Estates I If You Can't Hang // Sleeping With Sirens N The Night Does Not Belong To God // Sleep Token D Drown // Bring Me The Horizon L Limousine // Brand New Y You Kill Me (In a Good Way) // Sleeping With Sirens
W Within the Void // DISREIGN A Aharewata // DIMLIM N Nikusyu to hanshoku to hukaikan// DIMLIM D Demons // BORN E Eclipse // Arlequin R Revolver Blast // DELUHI I Incomplete // Girugamesh N NAKIGAHARA// The GazettE G G.G. // MUCC B BLOOD // lynch. L Loberia // FIXER I Invisible Wall // The GazettE N Ningen Wo Kaburu // Dir En Grey D Dead[en]D // Grieva L Liquid Vain // RAZOR Y Yumenomichishirube // ViViD
Tagging all my usual beloved mutuals, if they wanna play! @epylonia @jennarations @insilanar , and anyone else who sees this!
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mega-stellar · 8 days
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tevinterspirit · 4 months
on repeat 🔁🎧
tagged by @distant-snow thank you so much! this was fun 💙
directions: look up your on repeat playlist on spotify and include ten songs from it. or just include ten songs you really like!
tagging: @cozy-fish-crow | @sstrawbearies| @coffeeworldsasaki | @rainswolfs if you want to ofc <3
here's 10 from my on repeat playlist 🙈
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