#different flavor profile
vinelark · 2 days
general question, what’s the pangiest book you’ve ever read? like a book where your fav guy (gn) just suffers a lot. and/or is so lonely. and/or is so misunderstood. and/or has some deep and compelling self-worth issues. any genre, bonus if there’s a happy ending.
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boatemlag · 1 year
i like other food i swear i do i'm not one of those dinosaur nugget and pasta with butter autistics. power to them it's hard to have food sensory shit i get it. but subway is just always there for me. i do not care if it people dont like it. it's beautiful to me.
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asheanon · 11 months
Vincent Valentine running a tea shop.
— For @/Carendsyaz1 (on Twitter)
From: Ask Box Writing Prompt Game
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📖 It's Tea Story Time...
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At low volume, a strangely familiar tune can be heard playing from within. Though soft and slightly somber, there was something almost bewitching about its sound. For those who felt themselves inquisitive enough to stop by or simply take a little peek inside, the melody often served to pull them in. And if it wasn't enough to keep them there, then another provocation of the senses surely would.
While the space wasn't necessarily sizeable, it was made good use of. The interior was largely cast in black, embellished with mahogany trim and other forms of furniture and decor. Rows of shelves lined the walls - all of which were lined themselves with boxes and tins containing loose leaf tea blends. In one corner, what could best be described as "Victorian Gothic-esque" tea sets were made available with respective displays. In another, a variety of delectable baked goods could be found. It was sleek, elegant and dark. Pardoning some splashes of color, at least.
A modest collection of carmine roses and other fair forms of flower were scattered about and presented daintily, accenting the shelves and countertops. While these floral arrangements were far from abundant, oddly, their fragrance seemed to prove stronger than their number. It dared to puzzle you. Before your curiosity got the better of you, however, a door behind the counter opened.
A gentleman with long raven hair, partly obscured by a headband of a similar shade, emerged with a tray in hand. Following him, a wave of an even stronger rendition of the botanical scent wafted towards you. With a lean figure complimented by a cobalt dress shirt and black dress pants, it was soon made apparent to you... He was tall, dark and... well... he was a pretty handsome fellow too. Had it not been for the metallic shimmer of his silver tray, golden arm and rather pallid complexion, he threatened to blend right into the walls. What's that? Golden arm? Why, but of course!
Donned upon his left arm was a metal gauntlet bearing a golden sheen - large, clawed and unlike anything you had ever seen an employee in your local area wear. Its peculiarity begot intrigue.
He carefully sat the tray down upon the furthest counter, retrieving a pinch of something red, then another of something violet, dropping them both into a small metal infuser. It was then that he noticed he was no longer alone.
"Welcome." He offered a simple greeting. A moment was spared as an electric kettle was given power before he turned to face you. You were met with dark crimson eyes.
For whatever reason, you felt oddly compelled to purchase a lemon raspberry scone in particular... this same compulsion drove you to remark on the "heavenly aroma" just as well. And, as was made evident, there appeared to be a tea in the making right before your very eyes... so, naturally, one would only speculate what manner of tea it could it be, right? Right! Between the redolence and an innate sense of wonder, understandably, you found yourself pressed enough to ask about it.
Logging your order, the man then offered you a subtle nod and an even subtler smile. One that was easily missed. He retrieved a box from nearby, handing it off to you with the assurance it was a similar blend. It was titled "Rose On The Grey."
Clearly, it contained flowers; rose petals and lavender blossoms deemed safe for consumption, but it also bore black tea layered with hints of vanilla and bergamot. In essence, it was a blend of traditional Earl Grey with mostly floral additions.
"Goes well with cream and sugar." He added.
As you seemed preoccupied enough via examining the tea box's contents, he excused himself a moment more, tending to the now well heated kettle. He placed the infuser into a decorative black teacup, moderately gilded. It was one of two, now.
"Would you like a sample?"
Uh, yes. You would like a sample. In fact, when he inquired whether or not you would like any additives, you insisted that it be prepared the way he would personally prepare it. To your delight, he was willing to oblige.
The lull in time placed between the present and preparing two teacups worth of specialty tea felt to pass by effortlessly. A small, intricate table made for two beckoned you over. You took a seat with your scone and the box of tea that was not quite yours (yet,) but you felt compelled to let it accompany you nonetheless. Additional details within the shop catered to the eye as you waited.
"Here." Eventually, an elegant little cup of piping hot tea was presented to you, complete with the recommended amounts of both cream and sugar. Despite the somewhat impassive fashion in which it was bestowed upon you, you can tell it was made with love. Your intuition told you so.
Lightly blowing at the steam, you boldly went in for a sip - only to be stopped with a small "mm-mm." He had his back turned to you, returning to the counter. Had he heard you? How did he know?
The man insisted that you wait just a minute or two more, lest you burn your tongue. It was as if stories of visiting tea-samplers previous to you told themselves in the way he handled the situation. Fine, you would wait...
... But when you were done waiting, it was all yours. The revered first sip of the dark, mysterious shopkeeper's tea - of which seemed just as dark and mysterious, yet sweet as he.
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esleep · 3 months
i made korean tacos for dinner (no recipe just vibes + what i had in the fridge) and they were unbelievably delicious. my god.
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bleaksqueak · 8 months
Does Audric like cake if so what kind? Also, would Elias take a piece wven if he's not allowed to? I'm sorry about banana Audric... Bananaudric....
He does, and is particularly fond of crumbly rhubarb coffee cake. Luckily, for most of the year, he doesn't live with his brother, and [NAME REDACTED] isn't overly fond of certain flavors like rhubarb, so he can usually keep certain snacks all to himself. Elias does visit, though, but since that's usually at brother's behest, Audric can strategically plan out what he's okay with being snatched once allowing the thief to darken his doorstep.
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itstimetodrew · 1 year
Something about reading a carrd that has "I'm critical about my interests" listed is very funny to me. Is it a warning? A badge of honor? I'm gonna make a carrd where I announce how I've never had a critical thought in my life. I merely absorb and accept whatever information is presented to me without question and repeat it back like a parrot.
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regretroulette · 9 months
I know in my heart of hearts that yakisoba is just japanese chow mein but part of me is like NOOOO ITS DIFFERENT. YOU PUT WORCHESTERSHIRE IN IT. YOU PUT MAYO ON IT.
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babyspacebatclone · 2 years
How to make an (American) Midwest dessert salad.
Roll a ten sided die until you get enough ingredients to induce a sugar coma.
Put in refrigerator.
Ingredient list (duplicates intentional to represent frequency of use in multiple recipes):
Canned Fruit
Canned Fruit
Canned Fruit
Flavored Jello Powder
Flavored Jello Powder
Shredded Coconut
Cottage Cheese or Cream Cheese (on availability)
Whipped Topping
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leogichidaa · 1 year
I want everyone to know that I googled "Slytherin skittles" because I was curious about the etymology and one of the first things that came up was the gang of Slytherins Sirius tells the trio about in GoF, who are allegedly friends with Snape. And so those are the Slytherin skittles now, to me.
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technoxenoholic · 1 year
"if you make this easy food and eat it, it will clear your skin water your crops and cure your depression"
(the op launches into a lesson on how to make a food which sounds absolutely revolting)
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foundationsofdecay · 1 year
yesterday's meal prepping is why you always keep a running list of what you have in your fridge/pantry i thought i had a serrano, nope, thought i could replace it with a thai chili from the freezer, nope, thought i had dried chile de arbol that i could use, nope
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menlove · 1 year
after having tried various hot lattes with oat milk I've come to the conclusion that no matter what you put in there it's just gonna taste like oat milk
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horce-divorce · 2 years
they can call these gummies "pomegranate blueberry acai" but they can't fool me. that's elderberry.
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thedevotionaltour · 1 month
none of this writing has charming soap opera drama appeal i feel like im reading bad wattpad fanfic turned novel drama instead.
#im sorry to be a hater but absolutely nothing has primed me to like remotely any of this. i feel bad not even trying to find some worth#but i cant 😭 i just cant. i do think mike is fun though. some meaning there.#but i've been stuck in silver and bronze land and the last most recent run i reread was w.aid#i mean. i did just read some of so.ule's run. it was alright but i had to read a very select portion so. didnt help to build up with me#sadly. wasnt bad tho. but im like mannnn... i miss the current character voice im used to so i feel so Huh when im reading rn#bc those two matts feel quite different than the ones i am particularly fond of. which is like yes natural character development#but it also just feels So different. this is my own problem though#i have a very particular mix of matt character voice in my brain. silver/ very early bronze + n.ocen.ti + w.aid. this is my matt soup#so im still like. dumb as it sounds Adjusting! also b.en.dis resides in there too but is harder to remember#bc the last time i touched it really was in my freshman year of college.#so it's been a minute and is not quite within that soup but it's an underlying flavor. same w/ ann. though underlying in a different way#bc even tho i read this year it isnt the most Thorough sticking and super distinct to his voice (i have a very broad meaning when i say tha#but it is definitely an informative flavor. but soapy antics and happy matt are highly definitive of my current view#so im like huh. im not quite into grittier writings of matt yet. aside from like. be.nd.is. but i still dont find it the same brand of grit#ok rethinking even though i say it's not in there it is it's very much one of those things you dont realize is like something carrying#a lot of the flavor within the soup but if you took it away it would be mega lacking. ok. there#done with my soup metaphor. anyways. point is Im Still Trying To See How This Matt Works In My Mind#not bc im resistant (to s.oul.e. im highly resistant to z.da.rsk.y) to him. but it's like. it's not quite the best to work with all these#other variations and informative to my viewings. i know i said i was done with soup metaphor but i lied. it's like they arent. terrible. bu#and dont necessarily ruin the soup (im gonna be real and say this only applies to s.oul.e. the other guy is ruining the soup). but dont fit#the flavor profile of it very well. like it kinda works. but it throws it off. just a bit. NOW IM DONE.#static.soundz
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woke up and someone spilled vanilla extract all over my dash, so as punishment you strange little beasties are getting all the VANILLA FACTS i know:
vanilla is the 2nd most expensive spice in the world (2nd to saffron)
which is why more than 99% of what we call "vanilla extract" is actually vanillin (vanilla's dominant flavor compound) and is not extracted from real vanilla.
luckily, even professionals struggle to tell the difference when it comes to things like baked goods. but there is a distinct difference in non-heat treated products like vanilla ice cream. real vanilla has a more complex, individualized flavor profile.
why is vanilla so expensive? because it is a ridiculously delicate & demanding crop. complete primadonna.
vanilla beans come from vanilla orchids. these crazy flowers bloom for A SINGLE DAY and have to be HAND-POLLINATED in a process that is exhausting, delicate, and requires specialist knowledge passed down over generations.
then, if you're lucky, you get vanilla beans.
which then require months of further specialized treatment.
the entire process takes about a year and can go wrong at any stage
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vanilla has been cultivated for over 800 years (possibly much longer). the first known cultivators are the Totonac, an indigenous people of Mexico.
the Aztecs used it as a sweetener to balance out the bitter taste of cocoa. it was popular in a drink called xocolatl--the precursor to modern hot chocolate!
it is only pollinated by a very specific orchid bee!!!
which is why no fruit could be grown outside of Mexico until the 1800s
Edmond Albius, born into slavery, invented the pollination method we still use today--launching a global industry when he was just 12 years old.
today, the majority of the world's vanilla is grown in Madagascar
if you want real vanilla, read the labels carefully--it's harder to find than you think!
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in conclusion, those tiny black specks you see in fancy vanilla ice cream? those are vanilla bean seeds! itty bitty orchid seeds!!! they are delicious and also a PRISSY BITCH!
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screamforghosts · 6 months
There is a thriving community of leather daddies under the cigar tag on here.
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