vampireterzo · 8 months
Kinktober Days 2+3: Tail Play + Gloves/Leather.
Pairing: Dewdrop/Aurora
Contains: Bondage, Impact Play (implied), Dacryphilla
Summary: Aurora ties Dew up and makes him cry.
(Again, using the Ghostober prompts by @kroas-adtam.)
Read under the cut or on ao3!
"You’re so pretty when you cry, Dewy.” Aurora purrs, breath tickling the fine hairs at the nape of his neck.
Dewdrop doesn’t even realize that’s he’s been crying, molten tears dribbling down his sharp cheeks. Pooling in the pink silk of the frilly pillow lining Aurora’s bed.
He is, for a lack of a better word, in a bind. Face down, ass up, tied up tight with a pretty little bow. Hands bound behind his back, gag in his mouth. Completely and totally at the mercy of the small ghoulette behind him.
His ass is burning red, bruised and littered with crimson marks. The offending instrument lies between Aurora’s legs where she kneels behind him, a sleek leather riding crop with a chrome handle. The leather tip leaves lovely little heart shaped welts in pretty pale skin.
Aurora’s gloved hands glide smooth down his heated back, tracing mindless patterns over his welted skin. Her plush lips press sweet kisses to the spade of his tail, forked tongue tugging at the jewelry there
Aurora shifts to lean against his left hip, hips straddling his leg. Her riding crop rolls with the shift, coming to a stop near his foot. Dew whines with it, toes curling. Catching on the shiny leather of Aurora’s boot.
She chuffs, a warning, teeth grazing the delicate membranes at the end of his tails. Dewdrop stills.
Lithe fingers glide up the length of the back of his thigh, up over the slight curve of his ass. She drags a gentle finger over Dew’s hole and it takes everything in him not to squirm. His dick hangs heavy between his pale thighs, angry red and dripping.
She hasn’t touched his aching cock at all, but it’s a miracle he hasn’t come yet, she’s been on him for hours. Something about putting one of her favorite sweaters in the dryer, or maybe something else. He can’t remember. Only that he’s being punished and that he *deserves* it.
“You want it, puppy?” Aurora hums, voice breaking his temporary trance, cheshire grin painted across her face. “Want it so bad, hmm?”
Dewdrop whines, tail twisting in her grip. He squirms, cock bobbing between his legs, knees sliding out from underneath him.
She turns her head, kissing down his tail. Laves her tongue over the short fur at the base. He writhes under her attention, eyes shut tight. Drool drips from the corners of his mouth, bubbling around the gag against his lips with every stuttered breath he takes.
The grip on his tail loosens, the appendage falling limp beside him. Aurora let’s lets out an evil little laugh.
“Are you tired, droplet?” She asks, in-between kisses to his back and shoulders.
He opens his eyes to look at her, huffing around his gag, teeth grinding against the plastic.
“Aww, is somebody getting mad. Poor puppy.” She chides, giving a gentle tap to the ass with the tips of her fingers.
He jolts, eyes falling shut once more.
“There we go,” She smiles, sitting back up. "My sweet boy knows better, doesn't he?"
The leather of her gloves is cold against his dick, sudden. His yelp is muffled, spit dribbling down his chin. His hips jerk, either chasing the sensation or running away from it, he doesn't know anymore. He cries out, hands writhing in their binds.
"What's wrong, Dewy?" Aurora coos. "Use your words, honey."
He shakes, thighs burning with the effort of staying upright. Her pace is unrelenting, mean. The slick leather against his heated skin is sweet agony, painful pleasure. He wants it to stop and wants to drown in it, altogether. HIs cock kicks and Aurora coos at him, determined to milk him dry. He whines, gurgling around his gag.
"You want to cum, puppy?" She whines, high-pitched and mocking. "Cum then, I'm not going to stop you this time."
He comes with a shout, wet and muffled. He writhes against her torturous grip, collapsing against the bed.
"Good boy, my sweet puppy." Aurora says, pressing kisses to his thighs. She's taken her gloves off.
The marks from the rope get massaged away, the bruises and welts covered in cream. A wet cloth is wiped gently against his back and belly. His tears are kissed away.
Whatever he did to deserve this, he thinks, he just might do it again.
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mardyart · 10 months
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ghoul kisses hh
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cirrus-ghoulette · 19 days
Ghost BC Whump Month is back!
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That's right. 30 days of hurt with no (or very little) comfort!
For Whump Month, you can use any characters you want in the Ghost universe, including OCs. You can use platonic relationships, you can use romantic relationships, you can use relationships where both characters hate each other, you can use relationships where neither characters have met!
Starting on the first of June 2024, you can write, you can draw, and you can create in any way you want for these prompts.
If you do create anything, please tag me in it! I wanna see your work! I'll reblog any Whump Month creations.
Of course, make sure your creations are CWed appropriately, and then make sure you tag 'Whump Month 2024', so that everything can be found easily!
Have fun!
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themelioragrand · 9 months
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Closeups from the IMPERA - Extended Box Set lyric booklet.
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telleriy · 7 months
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Full pack
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st-danger · 4 months
pls pls pls give us a little taste of how aeon’s heat goes and how the other ghouls handle it (from ur free use ask) i’m begging
Oh how good of you to ask as I just spent time texting @miasmaghoul about what it could look like not a few hours ago.
It starts in the most embarrassing, borderline juvenile way possible, and for a very long time after, Aeon feels shame and arousal in equal measure when he revisits the memory. The shame he could probably do without, but the others seem to enjoy that slice, and their continued reaction to it ensures it'll always get him going again, even if it makes him cringe.
Nastiness under the cut.
Edit: Free use ficlet here.
To put it frankly, Aeon loses his mind. It's overwhelming in a way he has nothing to compare to, and because of that, it's almost intolerable.
They're all curled up on the couches in the common room, watching some movie Mountain chose. He can barely pay attention, and to be perfectly honest, stopped following it roughly twenty four minutes past the title screen. He feels weird in a way he can't quite quantify, and curls himself into the blanket a little further. Squirmy.
"You good?" Aether murmurs and Aeon startles, oddly enough.
"Mhm," he replies, and Aether nods his assent and turns back to the screen.
And then he feels it. Out of nowhere, apropos of nothing he feels hot from his toes to the points of his ears and the tingling that settles into his belly and creeps lower, lower, makes his stomach clench. Everyone's been, well, accommodating doesn't seem to fully define it, but usually it's kicked off by something. A dream. Dew looking at him like he means to consume him. Aurora having a little fun, unable to stop from teasing him, standing near and brushing her tits against part of him, braless, mock accidental. This is out of the blue.
This is the part he's not proud of, and cannot for the life of him, when he looks back, understand why he didn't excuse himself. He thinks he can get away with it. Not that he needs to hide, clearly not- but he feels funny about it now, nervous, and he doesn't know why:
Under the blanket, he lets his hand wander. As still as possible, slow to not rouse suspicion, he shifts again, makes it seem like hes just repositioning himself under the blanket. Innocent. But now he reaches for himself and slow and careful as he's able to avoid giving anything away, plays with himself. Pets at his shaft through his pyjama pants in long runs of his fingers, and feels his face heat. Grateful for the fact the lights are off. So, so grateful. His cock is sticking straight up before he knows it, pressing against his pants and he begins focusing on the head.
Tickling it. Giving all the attention to the tip, the underside, and while pretending to watch the movie, toys with it incessantly even as his eyes go blurry, too out of focus to catch much of what's happening on screen.
He misses the sidelong, careful glances from the others. Of course he does. He's throbbing and twitching and he has to figure out a way to pull it out so he can touch it for real. He barely registers Mountain standing up, until the lights are flipped back on. Beside him, Dew leans in and rests his chin on his shoulder, smiling. Too close for comfort and Aeon freezes.
"What are you doing down there?" Dew asks, silky and deeply amused. Aeon blanches and jerks away, hands freezing, but the giggling that echoes from Cumulus and Aurora, the knowing chuckle from Aether lets him know he's screwed. He opens his mouth to say something, flounder for some excuse, but Aether's reaching to pull the blanket away and Dew howls.
"No fuckin' way," he laughs, and Aeon feels another wave of pleasure roll off him, even as his head swivels and he stares at everyone looking back at him, looking at his lap, looking at the way he-
"Can't help yourself, huh?" Dew says, leaning in again to rest his chin on Aeon's shoulder once more, laying a hand on his knee that feels like heated steel. "Look at you go. Can't stop rubbing that red dick raw, huh?"
"I can't- help it," Aeon squeaks, looking to the others for some kind of validation, apologetic. "I don't know what's wrong, it just-"
"Came out of nowhere?" Mountain offers and Aeon nods. They all share a knowing look that makes Aeon feel he's missed something important. That they are aware of something Aeon is not. It makes him feel uncomfortable. Nervous. Incredibly nervous.
"You're in for a helluva night," Dew says, into his ear. He can feel his breath against his neck, and has no idea what he means, but suddenly the urge- the need, the absolute need, struck with a certainty that if he doesn't get a hand on himself right this second he'll discorporate- is too great and he cringes and shoves his hands down his pants to pull it out, with everyone watching.
"Fuck, I'm sorry," Aeon stumbles, like he hasn't been using them to get off whenever possible for weeks now. Like it's something they haven't seen. Well, not like this. Not everybody all at once, staring at him hungry and appraising while he loses his goddamned mind. He wraps both hands around himself and starts to jerk himself in quick, short pulls, frantic and stupid and fast. Singleminded intensity to cum. He hears a groan from one of them, and another round of giggling and cringes again, full bodied as he leaks a shining pearl of pre from his tip.
"Oh, don't be," Dew purrs and Aeon screws his eyes shut and pants and jerks and jerks-
He's there before he realizes what's happening, and now, unlike what's been happening earlier, he feels the base of his cock, the one he's been rubbing red sore any chance he gets, on anything he can, begin to swell and apparently everyone notices it too, because there's a chorus of sounds, approving and nasty from his audience.
"He's gonna pop it," he thinks he hears Swiss say.
He doesn't understand but it makes everyone laugh again and suddenly his orgasm is upon him and he knows on instinct he has to squeeze himself there, hard, now-
He uses both hands to wrap around and milk the bulge, hips thrusting forward, and watches, mortified and keening, as it tries to bounce out of his grip and spit out rope after thick rope, and he cannot let go of the fat bulge, has to pulse it rhythmically, just knows he has to-
"Unholy shit," Dew cackles, "he actually, oh. Oh unholy shit look at that-"
He finishes cumming, eyes watering while he looks around at the others, still unable and unwilling to loosen his hands- he just knows if he does it'll be unbearable. Doesn't know how he knows, but he knows. He takes in the delighted, hungry looks from the others and the nerves come crashing back, accompanied by deep embarrassment and excitement.
"Welcome to the club, sweetheart," Swiss grins, standing up. Aeon's stomach lurches when he sees the outline of his cock pressed against his pants.
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dewedup · 10 months
it’s my birthday so please feast on Rain not watching where he’s going during watcher in the sky (ironic)
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vampireterzo · 9 months
that video of dew kissing aurora’s hand makes me RAAAAH fucking feral i care them so much
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quaildoodle · 10 months
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shop and pre-orders open! :3
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cirrus-ghoulette · 1 month
Since I'm now the self appointed CEO of pregnant ghouls...
The band coming back from tour. Aether and Sunny stayed behind, having to deal with the Ministry taxes.
The band ghouls get off the bus in front of the Ministry, where Aether and Sunny are waiting for them.
From a distance, Aether looks very well fed. But, as the pack get closer and closer, they realise it's something else entirely.
Aether's standing there, one hand on his rounded belly, one hand on his back. And he smells of a mix of milk and baby powder.
Swiss goes to tackle hug him, but gets held back by Cirrus. Cumulus and Aurora move closer and coo over the bump sweetly. Dew's just in shocked silence. He needs to process this alone, with just him and Aether.
Rain offers a soft "Congratulations!" but stays back, he's not been around many pregnant ghouls and it makes him a little uncomfortable. Mountain leans down and kisses Aether's head, then whispers a quiet blessing in Ghoulish. Phantom's never seen a pregnant Ghoul before, he thinks Aether just has a beer belly.
When they're alone, back in Dew's room, Aether and Dew cuddle in silence for a long time while Dew works it over in his head. He is excited, he just needs to process it first.
Finally, Dew asks the question. "How many are in there, then?"
"Two, love."
"Oh... I thought quints had big litters..."
"They do. Two's the average size for a fire ghoul litter, though."
And Dew's head snaps up.
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thelampisaflashlight · 5 months
Dew, giving Aurora and Phantom a tour: "-And this is mine and Mountain's room, but before you ask why we share instead of having our own spaces, just know whatever Mountain says is a goddamned lie." Phantom, looking over at Mountain reading on the bed: "Why's there only one bed? Where do you sleep, Dew?" Mountain, looking up from his book: "Under four blankets, surrounded by a nest of pillows, cuddling a stuffed build a Baphomet and one of those cursed ass Copia plushies." Dew: "See? Lies, heresy-" Aurora: -holding up a basically flattened Plushia she found on the bed- Dew: "You-" Phantom, concerned, having not picked up on anything: "I'm still wondering about the bed, guys-"
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queer-and-nerdy · 7 months
there are two wolves inside of you. one says that ghost is metal. the other says that ghost isn’t metal. both of these wolves are boys. they are kissing. they are gay wolves.
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cardi-c · 10 months
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c: @Clownkity
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Aurora: "i saw Swiss laying on top of someone from the pack omg!! WHO THE FUCK WAS IT?!"
Swiss, picking Dewdrop up: "Why so interested?"
Aurora: "OMG WAS IT DEW?"
Dew, kicking his feet: "OH HELL NO I WAS NOT UNDERNEATH THIS MAN!"
Aether: "Yeah, you were underneath me instead."
Dew: "I-"
Phantom, sitting by the table hiding behind Mountain quietly: "uh..."
Swiss, looking at Phantom with a cocky grin: "..."
Phantom, looking back at Swiss pleading to shut up: "..."
Swiss: "It was Phantom."
Aurora: "OH?!"
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coffeeghoulie · 13 days
Mushy May Day 24: Acts of Friendship
Dew's been a little cold to the new ghouls. He aims to fix that.
Thank you so much to @forlorn-crows for putting Mushy May together, and to @ghuleh-recs for making the dividers <3
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Dew's quiet around them for the first few weeks. Testing the waters. Two new faces shoehorned into his pack only a few Topside years after the last time his pack had been turned upside down. Nobody can blame him for being a little cold.
It's easy enough to do, he just holds onto his stage personality a little longer, spine straight, arms crossed behind his back. He grits his teeth as he watches them slot into the spots his mate held, his Sunshine held, and he knows it's not their fault, but it's still like rubbing hand sanitizer into a paper cut you don't know you have.
Dew misses Aether, misses the way things were, swallows past the lump in his throat. His packmates seem to be having an easier time accepting Aeon and Aurora than he is.
He watches Swiss sidle up to Aeon, watches him get on his knees for Aurora. The ghoulettes, ever the tight knit group, accept Aurora as one of their own from the moment she had been pulled from the summoning circle. Mountain and Rain ruffle Aeon's hair, the new bug eager to please.
Rituals are surprisingly still the same, minus the vacuous hole that resides out of the corner of Dew's right eye where his mate would be standing. Aeon is a remarkable guitarist, and they do their best to fill their role with exaggerated stage presence.
The amphitheater is stubbornly warm long after the sun's gone down, heat clinging to them and their heavy uniforms. Dew has never felt out of his element here. This is what he was summoned to do, and Lucifer be damned, he does it well.
The fans scream as he steps up to the edge of the stage, glaring menacingly through the lenses of his helmet, fingers flying over the strings of his Stratocaster. If he shuts his eyes, it all feels the same.
There's a lull, Papa addressing the masses, and Dew stands statue still, scanning through the crowd. A ritual-goer, wide eyed in awe, gestures up at him with a bouquet of flowers. He cocks his head, lips quirking up underneath his balaclava.
Dew reaches, bending down as the fan tosses him the flowers, squealing all the while. He actually manages to catch them this time. The breatheable fabric does dull the scent somewhat when he sticks his entire face into the bouquet, but thanks to his ghoulish senses, it's still incredibly sweet.
He nods, thanking the fan, their eyes wide and reflecting the stage lights. Dew takes a deep breath, glancing over his shoulder at the ghoulettes behind him, turning on the heel of his boot to walk towards their platforms.
Dew stops at the foot of the platform nearest his mark, staring up at the littlest ghoulette, one arm behind his back.
Aurora's not muzzled like him, Rain, and Aeon. Dew can see the way her glamour slips just a little bit, fangs on full display as she grins delightedly. Worlds away from them, the crowds scream, desperate to watch the ghouls interact.
"Aw, Dew!" she squeals, thankfully far enough away that her mic doesn't pick it up. She presses her hands together in front of her mouth, the bright teal-lined cape swaying behind her as she bends down to accept the flowers. "Thank you," she whispers, and her dark green eyes meet his through the lenses of their helmets. "Seriously, thank you."
He nods, bowing a little bit. Dew opens his mouth to speak but doesn't trust his voice right now, just brings his arm back behind his back.
Aurora sets the flowers down on the back of her podium, where they're not in danger of her accidentally stepping on them when she dances. Dew smiles as he makes his way back to his spot. He glances over towards Aeon, who's staring raptly at him, and Dew doesn't need to actually see their expression to know how eager they are that he's reaching out to his summon mate
The two of them are growing on him, worming their way into his heart, and he finds he doesn't quite mind letting them in. There's room.
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autumnblooms · 1 year
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Dancin’ in the moonlight~
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