emyroma · 2 years
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Chi erano secondo voi gli incappucciati che portavano una madonna pornostar in processione al Pride di Cremona? #pride #cremona #madonna #blasfema #blasfemia #boicottaggio #incappucciati #destre #meloni #giorgiameloni https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce363e8K4Fm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lozizzi · 27 days
Vannacci e Sgarbi candidati.
Non so:
cos'altro potrebbero fare FdI e Lega per farvi capire che "di quello che dovremmo fare non ce ne sbatte una sega, conta solo che tu voti per noi!"??
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unita2org · 5 months
di Telma Luzzani* Il trionfo di Milei è stato celebrato dall’estrema destra globale, che trova eco in società desolate. Differenze tra i loro leader e interrogativi sul loro consolidamento al potere. Le personalità internazionali presenti all’insediamento presidenziale di Javier Milei, il 10 dicembre, erano decisamente poche. Anche la diversità dei colori politici che oggi governano il nostro…
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View On WordPress
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mohammedhilles · 16 days
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Here you can seen our lovely home before and after and how it was and how it is now we had it in August first in 2023 and after tow months the war started in October the seventh and as you can see still standing but destroyed from inside it wasn’t even totally complete (furnitured)
I hope you understand my family situation
From this link you can help me to evacuate my family from Gaza
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ilpianistasultetto · 1 year
LA FLAT TAX spiegata in due parole..
Giovanni fa l'impiegato presso Enel. .Quello da lavoro dipendente è il suo unico reddito ed è di 38mila euro lordi all’anno (2923.00 euro lordi al mese ). La tassazione media sul reddito e' del 28% con una detrazione da lavoro dipendente di 600 euro, per cui applicando l'aliquota media del 28% ai 38.000 euro si avrà una tassazione (IRPEF) di 10640,00 euro; a questi vanno sottratte le detrazioni di 600,00 euro, avremmo così una ritenuta irpef annuale di 10040,00euro. Poi c’è Antonio, architetto a p.iva in regime forfettario. Antonio ha un reddito professionale sempre di 38000,00. Avendo l'opportunita' di scegliere il regime forfettario in flat-tax, si ritrovera'a pagare una imposta ad aliquota fissa del 15%. Ovvero, 38000, 00 x 15% = 5700,00 euro. Ecco spiegata in sintesi la flat-tax. Insomma, circa 3milioni di famiglie pagheranno meta' delle imposte di tutti gli altri lavoratori, usufruendo pero' in egual modo di strade, ferrovie, scuole e sanita'. Anzi, se fortunati, prendono anche il posto per i genitori in qualche rsa pubblica costringendo altri a rivolgersi a strutture private, o a scegliersi il posto migliore in treno o a mandare i figli nella scuola sotto casa mentre altri dovranno spostarsi di km..
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nicollekidman · 5 months
me? the i love you aint that the worst thing you ever heard bitch? the we keep singing even so woman? always focusing on doctor/companion relationships? that's crazy
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datarep · 1 year
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Highest Rated Chess Players by Birthdate and Gender
by u/Destring
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deathshallbenomore · 1 year
giannamaria guarda che se vuoi criticare la cultura occidentale però non c’è bisogno di rinnegarla così tanto quasi al punto da fare marcia indietro pure sulla parità di genere. ché quella non fa così schifo, dai
#no in realtà il ragionamento che fa è necessariamente più complesso e condivisibile#e cioè ragiona sul modo in cui le politiche di integrazione dei paesi proposti siano in realtà discriminatorie#e basate su presupposti razzisti e neo-coloniali relativi alla superiorità della cultura occidentale#e pertanto all’imposizione a chi arriva di rinunciare alla cultura di provenienza per integrarsi del tutto#in tutto ciò figura anche una promozione dei diritti delle donne + lgbt etc che si rivela solo strumentale#poiché alle destre nazionaliste non gliene frega una mazza ma è pur sempre un ottimo espediente retorico per rafforzare la propria posizione#contro ‘l’Altro’#e fin qui sono super d’accordo con quello che dice l’autrice. ci mancherebbe#solo che in alcuni passaggi mi pare abbondare eccessivamente nelle critiche alla cultura occidentale che certo. ha INFINITI problemi al suo#interno e figuriamoci poi nei rapporti con le altre culture#anche qui sono d’accordo con lei#MA non è che allora dobbiamo buttare via tutto. le conquiste relative ai diritti sono qualcosa su cui arroccarsi con le unghie e con i denti#è disgustoso razzista e ipocrita dire che x valori ci contraddistinguono e noi li incarniamo perfettamente mentre ‘Loro’ devono acquisirli?#assolutamente sì. proprio perché v. supra la cultura occidentale ha problemi anche con questo#detto ciò è auspicabile che una cultura dei diritti - anche quelli di matrice occidentale. elaborati certo grazie a un benessere di cui#abbiamo goduto anche a discapito di altri (e di ciò bisogna esserne consapevoli)#dicevo è auspicabile che una ampia e plurale cultura dei diritti si sviluppi e coinvolga tutti. secondo tempi modi e misure adeguati ma con#l’obiettivo di beneficiare tutti? io dico di sì in fin dei conti#non per tirare fuori il dibattito relativismo vs universalismo e non per fare la democristiana ma forse la via di mezzo tra un assoluto#relativismo e un aggressivo universalismo ha senso#boh è tutto molto interessante ci devo riflettere
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Guys I'm so incredibly sorry. My brain is currently full of gen 1 my little pony thoughts only suitable for the fictbio blog
#i have created so much fake science as to how magic works#after hundreds/thousands of years ponies evolved symbioticly with magic (which isnt technically alive but functions kinda like an organism)#and now most of them have generate amount of magic via their heads. which is why the hair is magic + all the magic is done with ears/noses#ponies with excessive amounts of magic usually have growths on their foreheads (unicorns) or eyes (the twinkle eye bitches)#there are ways to artificially enhance your control over magic (most notably tatoos which only heighten control over what the tatoo is of)#(which is why cutie marks are practically a cultural necessity. you usually choose one as a teenage coming of age thing)#(the ones babies have are temorary and pretty weak and just exist to fuck around and find out/let the kids explore their options)#((i might change my headcanons on this so cutie marks are actually natural but im proud of the hypothetical idea)#most babies we see are genetic clones but ponies can reproduce sexually#sea ponies are a relatively newly evolved species (if you can even say that about a species. theyre been here thousands of years)#and they're only semi-aquatic as babies. kind of. they have a separate air breathing respiratory system and water breathing one#and as bebs theyre still learning to use each one selectively so they need to gradually ease into the water over years so they dont drown#or maybe im wrong ive been reading the box descriptions for hours but its been forever since i watched the series#all i remember about the series is that not having a shadow makes you all kinds of sick#and that you call upon the seaponies when youre in destr-
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stemk17 · 1 year
Il nuovo me.
ex https://twitter.com/SteMk17
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Lascia fuori i tuoi problemi da qui, grandi o piccoli che siano: vivi il momento, libera la mente dai tuoi guai (e non crearne agli altri).
La vita reale è già triste: perché mostrare bassa autostima anche in quella virtuale?
Questo account (@StefMk17) sostituisce il mio precedente (ex @SteMk17), perché prima era solo una persona maleducata, che non sapeva interagire con gli altri su Twitter.
Mi scuso con tutti quanti ❤️: sono davvero pentito del mio bullismo sui social.
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my hair is sm denser at the back of my head id be perfect candidate for FUE 😶 but that's none of my business anyways
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jnixz · 2 years
nodding my head solemnly, old people... I think a lot of my thoughts on Ford bounce off from thoughts you've written
Just thinking abt Ford just. being the absolute worst motherfucker on planet earth when it comes to asking for help. He's on that "I could survive an apocalypse in my own I'll ready the bunker and learn to fight zombies" type energy even as he's establishing a commune of likeminded psychics who he couldn't do anything without
my dear confident leader type who's only this way bc if someone tries to help him instead of the inverse he will teleport away
way early into the whole endeavor otto once had to drag ford flailing and cussing all the way to a doctor bc ford broke something too bad for either of them to fix properly and otto gets pissy at him about how much of a baby he was about it for weeks afterwards
Oh I am so honored to know that I have infected people with my Ford thoughts, Thank you for telling me! It’s a huge compliment <3
But yeah, I get the vibes that he is pretty used to doing things on his own early in his life, being quick to catch on a variety of things like a jack of trades and just about what to do life in general. Maybe he didn’t have people he could rely on or had the thought that what he had been doing was good enough on his own, self-learning type deal. (*pokes at own near canon backstory headcanon and the other more oc-fied bacstory headcanon regarding this thought* Ehem)
I also think that he can settle something quickly on his mind and have the next step ready, bouncing back up to speed, and that extends to taking a hit as ‘no big deal, he could take it’ mindset. 
That even if he manage to grow a bit living with other people he could really on, he kinda just defaults back to self-reliance and doing things independently. Going off on his own, because he can, and its less time bothering other people who got their own thing going on when he has confidence he can do it by himself. 
He is able to ask for help in a sense that these people know their expertise and can do a mighty fine job at it, but with ideas for plans and something that requires a bit more flexibility, he is probably the guy for it. Y’know the type of leader thing where it kinda has that connotation to reach out and help others  with their thing instead. (and in the extremes, this make me think he’d be the type to hold onto a plan that is like a barbed wire, doing it for people he loves, despite the fact that it’s hurting him. He is the Stupidly stubborn type that would take things to his grave quite literally to keep that plan going unless it falls apart on its own)
Unfortunately, I think with regards to his own health he’d be a stubborn grouch about it, saying that ‘he’s fine-- he can handle it’ and being embarrassed when people notice it. It’s a something that results from his more sassy attitude as well. He still got that charming and cheeky-little-shit energy too which is a charming way to diverge the attention to something else when its brought up in a normal conversation. (then we get the attitude he has in pn2, dismissive to the recovery of his psyche, big ford constructs deterring and telling others to scream, the comment with the spray, ho boy)
He knows getting help would be better but refuses at his own sense of pride (and after his actions, maybe something else), and would rather bring forth other things at the insistence that they could focus on that’s more important and something they can actually do something about. 
He’d really have to be down and not able to do anything by himself, as well as the necessity for him to be okay to ask others for their help with himself. It’s a realization he gets to have when the events of the as the game happens. 
It starts off as a subconscious thing he understands, when letting Raz gather his fragments, because its finally really really time to let himself be helped, because if he doesn’t than Maligula might wreck havoc again. Then with the new astrolathe plan, he asks Raz for help and then the others when he reunite with them after his pretty self-impose isolation in a road to help Lucy. I like to imagine there is a bit of a weight lifting off his shoulders, to actually have others to share the burden with, even if he doesn’t quite notice it at first due to the urgency of the situation (even if it starts off as a metaphor that I chip off from doing psychic procedure as a group and not on his own). 
Given his guilt however, I think there would be a rocky road regarding dealing with his own injuries and health. The Maligula thing has an energy of a mission as well, even if it is very personal, it’s more for Lucy than for him, so he has less stubborn on letting others help.
Given my previous posts, there is undoubtedly a lot of things they gotta talk about that can’t be quickly solved with self-realizations in the mindscape. They definitely didn’t had enough time to tackle the stuff they went through before the astrolathe procedure, but they understand that everyone went through a tough time and all happy to be back together again
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All Known Skeledemon Bios
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First up, Death, from @asktheskeledemon .
Go to his blog for info.
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Insanity! -=talks like this=-
Partially insane. He has a hellsniper he uses, never runs out of ammo. Teleportation ability. Also the ability to fuck with people's minds.
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*(talks like this)*
A magical accident occured, ironically his power is self regeneration. He can grind out some bone dust for others to inhale, that helps them regen as well. Strangely, his face never regenerates. His green eye can see auras, and he can sense true intents, and if someone is lying.
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Infernus. @eleskeledemons for info on him and Hydrohell.
But if you piss him off enough, he turns into Lavabreak. See below.
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Hydrohell. @eleskeledemons for more info on her and Infernus.
But if you piss her off enough, she turns into Icefury. See below.
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{) talks like this (}
Has the power to make people forget things.
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talks like this.
Has blood and bone related powers. Such as making waves of blood, or making red bones for attacking.
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This is Dread.
|=talks like this=| 
Powers are making others feel a sense, of, well, dread, hence his name.
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Name: Burnderi.
Has powers similar to infernus.
!^ talks like this ^!
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Name: Orchid. 
Plant-related powers, a gentle giant.
Despite his looks, he cares a lot for plants, and animals too. All creatures in general.
Most caring out of all of the skeledemons. 
~{talks like this}~
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Name: Fear.
Has a very long tongue, for some reason. Loves to scare the others.
Powers relating to making people live waking nightmares.
:<Talks like this>:
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Name: Terrifyction.
Power: Able to grow to a monstrous size, getting an extra pair of arms in the process. He can blast lasers from his hands in that form. Can read auras.
(-Talks like this-)
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Name: Nithel
Powers: Can make others feel immense pain, but its not really real. 
Due to him being jawless, his speaking is extremely glitched and sounds...well, traumatizing.
(< He would speak like this. >)
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Name: Armorous
Powers: Being able to summon walls from nothing, and said walls being extremely tough. He can also cover himself in titanium armor at the snap of his fingers. The *physical* strongest out of all the skeledemons. Very tough and hard to injure. 
|[talks like this]|
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Name: Ori
Very mysterious. Not much is known about him.
All thats known about him is he has the power of telekinesis. )=talks like this=(
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Name: Skadi.
The only evil one out of the skeledemons.
Powers unknown. =) talks like this (=
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Name: Hate
Ability to make others feel intense anger. 
^#Talks like this.#^
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Name: Fifes
Very memey, and despite him looking very strange, he’s very friendly. Has the power to summon guns. Any gun ever.
He’s also gay.
{}  Talks like this {}
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Name: The Watcher. 
He tends to just watch over everything. About 7 centuries old. (700 years)
<>: talks like this :<>
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Powers: UNKNOWN.
<:<: talks like this :>:>
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Name: Cain
Powers: can detect whether someone needs cuddling.
Loves cuddles. Strange for a skeledemon. He’s about a head shorter than normal.
\/ talks like this \/
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Name: Nacheer
Powers: Extra speed and agility, along with highly advanced swordfighting skills. His lack of shoulder blades actually helps with speed.
|\- talks like this -/|
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Name: Sketel
Powers: None. 
Four-armed many-eyed skeledemon. No one knows why he has no powers. He has a hell of a bite though, each fang is filled with a deadly venom.
){ talks like this }(
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Name: Skeraf
Powers: Has a extremely strong phase 2, he expands his wings and starts flying.
See below picture.
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He has incredibly strong blast magic in this form, along with a quick clawing attack he can do.
^*: Talks like this. :*^
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Name: Salezy
True evil skeledemon. Ancient, at over 7 billion years old. His shoulder blades have winglike growths on top. He puts Skadi to shame.
+} Talks like this {+
currently trapped in dream rock, speaks through orange small italic text that appears in the air.
Rock below
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Name: Saket
Powers: Knives. He can summon knives, any kind, any sharpness.
Usually neutral, but slightly crazy. Occasionally goes on wrampages, cannot really be stopped when like that.
!-+ Talks like this. +-!
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Name: Ultra
Powers: Dog-skull blasters. The ones on his shoulders can come off, they are the most powerful. He also has bone magic.
Ultra is the only one of the species to easily defeat Salezy, as Ultra is also a celestial. One of the few skeledemon celestials, he’s...pretty lonely, and can come off as intimidating.
|({ Talks like this. })|
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Name: Skordi
Powers: Being fluffy.
Skordi is the only one of the species who is fluffy-boned, literally. 
|-| Talks like this |-|
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Name: Skatatski
The ruler of outer space, he usually just sits on a throne, on a large moon. Those lil things ya see in his horns? those are tiny suns. Neutral, dont attack him and he wont attack you.
Easily the biggest, towering over Orchid. 10 times taller than your average skeledemon.
And yes, thats an eye in his ribcage.
He can also shrink down to visit planets.
0- talks like this.-0
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Name: Soultaker
Can take souls. Yes, thats two souls in his horns. He usually eats any stolen souls, but can save them for later for a little extra power. Has soul related magic.
O> Talks like this. <O
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Name: Critel
Has similar/weaker powers to Comet from @ ask-paradox-and-friends.
{|| talks like this. ||}
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Name: Kura
Very chill guy, likes relaxing.
*:< talks like this. >:*
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Name: Omega
Kinda just floats around.
All kinds of weirdass attacks.
>0 talks like this. 0<
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Shareeji Retired evil diety, turned to the side of good. The ‘therapist’ of/for the other skeledemons, she’ll gladly listen to any problems you have.
|}- Talks like this. -{|
Gay, but hasnt come out about it yet.
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Name: Mandica.
She doesnt speak.
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Wenzurel phase one & two
You piss him off, and the above is the last thing you’ll see. very powerful skeledemon, he stores eight SOULs in the back of his head, and the blue one is his own SOUL.
{0} talks like this. {0}
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Name: marvin
flies around using his trippy-as-hell wings. He can turn them off, but they default to red.
>>{ Talks like this. }<<
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Name: Aura
Very skilled at combat.
0=_ talks like this. _=0
thats all for now.
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roryparis · 7 months
cameron and chase are pathological liar/pathological liar where they’re only honest with each other but see chase is honest with cameron because he likes her/trusts her/doesn’t want to lose her while cameron is honest with chase because she doesn’t care about his opinion of her/doesn’t respect his opinions
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stelashe · 1 year
Madonna tumblr e le sue mInOrITiEs che palle, che pesantezza assurda
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niveditaabaidya · 1 year
More Than 700 Objects Destroyed In War. #ukraine #italy #eu #europe #pol...
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