#desert duo fanfic
dizzovskey · 4 months
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@uhohbestie 's fanfic "There are monsters nearby" seems really cool so far. its a combinations of my two fav things aka double life desert duo and apocalypses lol
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Walking after Falling
Sup y'all last minute gift for @indigoviolet311 for the @mcyt-drabble-exchange. (Sorry it was so quick, hopefully I can do more doing treat week :D)
Grian Wakes up after the Life Series, and calls the last one that was there with him.
Grian woke with a gasp lying in the home of family, that were absent as he clutched his heart.
He's free, the watchers let them go. His heart pounds as he looks around his old room. A world held by family and kept just the same. 
"Scar," Grian rushed to his communicator, just as it buzzed, with the familiar green and gold icon. He didn't know how the magic worked from the games or the lingering effects but he would find out.
"Grian you won't believe the dream I had!" Grian chuckled, silent tears falling as he listened to Scar. 
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bluuedraws · 2 months
Chapter one is finished! I’m not providing a synopsis because the chapter is pretty telling of what the story will be like, along with the tags.
I hope you enjoy the ride, as I had a lot of fun writing it! Keep in mind this is my first fanfic I’ve ever published publicly, so please be patient. These are new grounds for me :)
Chapter One
Grian runs.
He’s been running for a long time, but never has he sprinted so hard and so fast, his muscles burning, his legs aching with every stride he took. His lungs scream for air as he gasps, the cold air searing his throat as he pumps his arms even harder. The constant pain in his wings aren’t helping him concentrate on running, either. They’re badly bruised, rendering him unable to fly. And never before has Grian been so desperate to take to the air. Behind him, he hears nothing but the swaying branches and the leaves crunching under his feet. It’s eerily silent, shrouded with a deceiving quiet that only strikes more fear into Grian’s heart.
How have they found him so quickly?
They’d only been on the server for a couple of months. Everyone was still deep into their projects, Scar expanding his ever growing Swaggon business, Impulse adding details to his factory, Mumbo doing whatever Mumbo did, Pearl creating gorgeous builds… It wasn’t time to end this season. Not even close. They should have had more than a few more months before they caught up with him.
Grian’s body is burning now, more exhausted than he’s ever felt. He’s pushing himself far beyond his limits, and he still isn’t sure it’ll be enough. He just has to make it to Boatem… There, he can warn his friends, and they can flee the server as they always did when they inevitably caught up with him. Grian thought he had mastered this endless chase through worlds, thought he could stay one step ahead of them. But despite his efforts, he’s failed.
The ground is getting smoother and more worn down beneath his feet as he springs on. A good sign, it means he’s growing ever closer to civilization. He’s so tired, his legs numb and feet barely functioning. Almost there, just a little longer…
Grian smashes to the ground, barely managing to catch himself before smacking his face into the dirt. His foot’s caught on something, his exhaustion finally taking him down. Stumbling to his feet, he continues on, but now he can sense something behind him. They’re even closer now.
Finally, finally, Grian spots the familiar sight of the Boatem hole, a strange stack of boats and various items sitting precariously over a deep hole that lead to the void. By some miracle, all of his friends are sitting around it, engaged in conversation. He can save them, if only he can convince them in the minutes he had left before they caught up.
He can convince them.
He has to.
“…and then Grian unfroze midair and asked me what I was doing. It scared the heck out of me!” Scar is laughing, obviously telling some story to the group. Whatever it was cracks them up, and they’re all clutching their stomachs, laughing as Scar buries his head in his hands in fake embarrassment. Grian skids to a halt in front of them, hands on his thighs, gasping for air.
Scar turns to him, a smile spreading across his face as he greets the newcomer. “Well, speak of the devil! Grian, I was just telling them about-”
“(Gasp!) Scar, stop! They’re here, th—(Gasp!)—they’re coming! We need to leave!” Grian cuts him off, fumbling his words as he desperately tries to get them to understand what had happened. Scar’s face drops from his usual lopsided grin to a worried frown, and he reaches out to grab Grian’s shoulder in support. The others look on inquisitively. “Woah, Grian, buddy, calm down a sec. Take a moment to breathe, you’re exhausted-” Scar moves to let him take a seat next to him, but Grian waves him off.
“T-there’s no time, don’t you see?! (Gasp!) They- (Gasp! )they’ve caught up with us! W-we need to go, change servers, or it’s- it’s all over!”
The world is spinning and blurring around him, and hazy shapes seem to surround him as muffled voices call his name. <<Grian! Grian, are you ok?>>
<<Oh god, what happened to his wings?>>
They’re concerned, but not for the right reasons. They need to go, to run, not check on him!
<<What happened? What’s wrong?>>
<<How can we help?>>
No, it’s going all wrong. They don’t know the danger, don’t know what to do. Grian hasn’t told them, couldn’t tell anyone without putting them in danger. But he guesses it doesn’t matter anymore. There was no avoiding it, because despite his efforts, his friend’s are still in mortal peril.
Grian feels himself sink to his knees as the world tilts alarmingly. He feels nauseous, but he fights it. He needs to get the words out, or else it’s all over.
He manages one word before he feels them arrive.
The world turns cold.
The wind stops blowing. His friends grow quiet and still.
Grian opens his eyes.
Everything has stopped. The grass no longer sways in the wind, the clouds are still above their heads. And, the most horrifying of all, his friends are frozen. Scar has his arm on Grian’s shoulders, his face covered in anxiety and concern. Impulse and Mumbo are crowded around him, tense and unsure of what to do. But worst of all is Pearl. She stands slightly farther back, but unlike the others, her eyes aren’t trained on Grian. She’s looking over his shoulder, fixated on something behind him. And she looks terrified.
Slowly, ever so slowly, Grian pushes himself up off the ground (gently brushing Scar’s arm off his shoulder in the process), and turns.
And the monster stares back.
Just like that, the world is gone. He’s floating in a vast purple void, alone with the one he’s been running from for years.
It’s a humanoid figure, cloaked in grey cloth and deathly silent. When it raises its head, Grian can’t see anything. It’s too shrouded in shadow to make out.
No. No, no no no no. This can’t be happening. It can’t end like this. Grian won’t let it. If he can’t save himself, he’ll at least save his friends.
He clenches his fists against his sides, his fear turning to hot, boiling rage, bubbling against his throat as the figure looks on, silent. Now that the worst has actually happened, Grian finds himself filled with unexpected bravery. After all, what does he have to lose?
“Leave them alone!” Grian spits at the thing, the years of barely contained fury finally boiling over. He arches his wings over his head in an effort to look more intimidating, ignoring the pain that seares through his bones. “It’s me you want, not them! I’ll go with you, do whatever you want, just leave. Them. Be!”
Grian knows that they work in strange ways. They can’t forcefully take him. He must agree of his own will first. But that doesn’t stop them from making his life hell. They have enormous power, and don’t care who they kill along the way.
Grian waits for an answer.
The silence seems to stretch forever.
But then the thing laughes. It’s a cold, calculating chuckle that chills Grian to the bone.
“Oh, little one. What a silly request you make.”
He holds his stance, watching the figure in front of him. It still doesn’t move.
“What we want is far from just you. You may be the key, but there are many more doors to open.”
Fingers turn to claws as he digs them into his palms, anger reverting back to horror. He chooses his next words carefully, attempting to hide the quiver in his voice.
“What will you do?”
It watches him. It’s been watching him for as long as Grian knows.
“That entirely depends on you, my friend.”
The word “friend” has a hint of malice etched into it, a stinging threat that hangs above them. They are not friends. Never have been.
“We are more merciful than you know. And so, we offer you a deal.”
A deal. That doesn’t sound good. A deal with them never goes well. Grian knows that more than anyone.
“We won’t follow you or your friends anymore. We’ll leave you be forever. No more running, no more hiding. No more living in constant fear.”
His breath catches in his throat. This was too good to be true. Too wonderful of a thought to possibly be real.
He waits for the other shoe to drop.
“But to receive this, you must pass out tests.”
Oh no.
“We have many trials for you to overcome. If you face them all, and win, you may receive our blessing. And if not… we take you and your companions.”
There it is. No gift ever comes for free, not when they’ve been hunting him for years. Not when he’s escaped every trap, every plan they’ve made to capture him.
This is all another ploy. Another mind game to try and get him on their side. Grian isn’t dumb, and he won’t let himself fall for it.
…But oh, it is tempting. Behind his outer confidence, Grian can feel the exhaustion lurking behind his eyes. He can feel the years of stress and fear in ever muscle, every bone. To be relieved of this burden would mean everything.
But suspicion is clouding his thoughts. Something is very wrong.
If he agrees to this, and fails, he can’t backout. A deal is an agreement and is just as binding, magic wise.
But he’s so tired. So tired of putting everyone he loves in constant danger, so tired of keeping them in the dark.
And so, he makes a decision.
“I accept on one condition. I will take your tests, and pass without fail. But in the event I do, you only take me. You leave everyone else alone. This is my one offer, so you better take it or leave it!”
Grian spits out those last words, malice coating his tongue. The formal tone he’s been using drops away, replaced with cold rage. He hates them, hates their games and their tricks. And he is done with it all.
The figure lifts its hands, which hide beneath the folds of it’s cloak. And for a moment, Grian swears he can see a toothy smile beneath the mask, dripping with purple blood.
“We accept your offer”
The purple world begins to fade into white. Everything is fuzzy and hazy, just like before. Grian fights it, fixing his eyes on the blurry grey shape in front of him. He shouts at it, panic and anger mixing together. “Wait! What do I need to do? How do I complete your task?”
For a moment, a strange symbol flashes between them. A glowing square, but with the edges strangely cut off, leaving dashed corners.
“When you wake, you will see.”
The voice is growing fainter, the world lighter, and Grian feels himself slowly slip away.
“But Grian… you forgot one thing.”
The voice is barely a whisper, nearly vanished into the pressing white. Grian has to strain to listen.
“You never said we can’t use your friends against you.”
Chilling horror spreads through Grian’s chest as the words sink in. He thrashes desperately, fighting against the haze.
“No!! No, I take it back, I take it back! Don’t hurt them! Take me instead!!” He screams, pounding at the walls of white mist enclosing him, weakening him. But his words fall on deaf ears, and it’s then when the white overtakes him.
The world fades out into nothing.
And Grian is gone.
The cloaked figure stands in the empty space for a few seconds more, staring at nothing. It turns, cloak swishing behind it, and slowly fades away, leaving the strange, empty world.
Only a whisper is left behind.
“A deal is a deal, Grian.”
All around the server, 11 players vanish.
A new world opens, receives, then locks.
And Scar opens his eyes to a world of sand.
| Next |
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foxseller · 2 months
here's a little unedited paragraph from something i've been trying to write
There’s a yawning chasm in Grian’s chest. He wants to feel the thrill of the hunt. He wants to see his friends crossing the desert, wants his enemies on the horizon. He wants to feel excited like he did for so long, but right now all he wants is to sleep. And not on a desert floor or in some new place. It’s the sandcastle or it’s oblivion, so it’s oblivion. It’s as it was or as it has to be, so it’s as it has to be. Either Grian dies first, or he dies second. Either way, he gets to stop. It can be enough. 
“I don’t think I have anything anymore.”
“You have me.”
“You’re not the same either. Let’s get this over with.”
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arbitersart · 1 month
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Burn Notice: chapter 4 of ? Featuring: Spies & Secret Agents, Espionage, Saving the World, Car Chases, Morally Dubious Characters, Blood & Violence, Romance, enough pining to fill a forest, Platonic Relationships, Boatem Crew
The car chase chapter! In which Grian is extremely tired after seeing his ex/worst enemy, Martyn Did Not Sign Up For This, and Gem overall has a great time with her automatic weapons. As for Scar..... Hey where is that guy?
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imalazypandaaa · 5 months
So I may or may not have written a Scarian oneshot for my English class.... Should I post it? Would that be something y'all would want to see?
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killerzshadow · 7 months
Grian Is A Hit Man, Hired To Kill Scar
He's One Who Prefers To Get Close To His Victims. However, Scar Is.. Different. Grian Finds Himself Getting Genuinely Attached To Scar.
However, Grian Only Has A Month To Kill Him Or He'll Be Taken To Ren To Be "Dealt With". So, Who Will He Choose?
Himself, Or His Newly Found Best Friend?
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mishaloveclub · 2 months
here’s the very first scene in my rewrite of desert duo’s time in third life because i do not have a completionist bone in my body and i may never end up posting or even finishing the whole thing
(first 700 words of guilty, not remorseful)
The explosion leaves behind remnants of fibre and vines, a sizable crater, and the sickly smell of singed skin.
A dreadful silence weighs heavy upon those who had witnessed it, had witnessed lively green eyes grow dull as Scar’s body slumped amidst the upturned dirt and smoke. They all stare in shock at the aftermath, exchanging uncertain glances as Grian remains frozen, blinking rapidly, eyes unfocused.
A shocked laugh, almost winded, forces its way up from Grian’s throat.
He has taken a life, lured a man to his death, and all he can do is laugh.
The air only remains still for a moment longer before everyone else finds themselves laughing too, unable to help themselves.
It’s an entirely absurd situation. One moment, Grian had a creeper hot on his tail, pressing a finger to his lips as he met Etho’s eye with a cheeky grin, and the next, Scar’s body was laid burnt and lifeless in a ditch.
Grian watches Scar’s fallen body flicker as it regenerates, vanishing from the crater and leaving nothing but a flattened patch of earth in its wake. It’s only then that the guilt rushes in, pushing aside any amusement as Grian realises the gravity of what exactly he has done.
He has stolen the life of a man who has offered him nothing but friendship and kindness. Torn it from his giving hands with a maniacal grin and the audacity to claim it as ‘a joke’.
The chatter dulls down as Scar reappears at the village outskirts and it seems that no one knows quite what to expect from him: anger, possibly. Or a sense of betrayal or revenge. Grian would even understand tears, grieving the life that had been so cruelly taken from him.
And yet Scar does nothing but smile at Grian with wary eyes, eyes that now shine a striking golden colour.
“Scar, I’m so sorry.” The apology bubbles up from Grian’s chest, voice softened with laughter as he takes a careful step towards Scar.
He makes no move to step away, a shocked laugh of his own escaping his lips, breathless yet forgiving, “I know you didn’t mean to.”
Grian’s smile drops at that, mouth falling agape as Scar’s attention is almost immediately drawn away from him.
Because Scar doesn’t know that. He doesn’t know what Grian’s intentions had been - good or bad - and yet he believes wholeheartedly in his innocence. It’s a level of trust that Grian truly does not think he deserves.
Conversation continues amidst the rest of the onlookers, Scar brushing off any implication of hard feelings, lighthearted jokes being made as the panic is pushed aside. Grian, however, has grown quiet, watching Scar laugh and jest as he always does, as though the guilt that has settled in Grian’s stomach isn’t threatening to consume him from the inside out.
Scar catches his eye after an excruciating minute, his lips tugging into a frown as he approaches, “Grian, it’s okay-”
“Let me talk to you for a moment,” Grian interrupts, his voice soft as he takes a gentle hold of Scar’s forearm.
He begins to tug Scar away from the crowd, to which he is happy to comply, following after Grian as they reach a more secluded area where their conversation will be out of the prying eyes and ears of the others.
“Scar, I’m so, so sorry.” Grian whispers, carefully scanning Scar’s face, his fingers still wrapped loosely around his arm.
“I already told you: it’s fine.” Scar chuckles, a well-meaning attempt to lighten the mood.
Grian takes in a long, calculated breath and in a spur-of-the-moment decision, entirely unplanned, he drops to one knee and bows his head in front of Scar, his next words altering the course of his time in this world forever.
“I took your first life, so I therefore owe you mine.”
Scar blinks at him, bewildered, “What?”
Grian lifts his gaze to look up at Scar, unsure of how else to prove his sincerity.
“I feel awful for what I’ve done, accidental or not, I killed you, Scar… So I vow my first life to you. I am in your service and at your side, “ There’s a momentary pause, “if you’ll have me.”
A slow, understanding smile paints itself on Scar’s lips, “So you’ll dig the sand… With me?”
“I’ll do anything you want me to do.”
And so it begins.
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nikatheotter · 1 year
Grian thought that Scar would be mad at him. You know beacuse he killed him. But no. He was just... nervous.
The next few days Scar kept asking Grian if he's sure that when they lose their final life they go back to Hermitcraft. And Grian kept reassuring him that they will.
And Grian knew that there was something more than Scar beeing scared of dying. Beacuse Scar wasn't scared of dynig. He was scared that when he does he won't come back.
And Grian wanted to talk to him about it. It was clearly something more than Scar beeing Scar. But he didn't want to press on him. He will tell him when he's ready.
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iron-sides · 1 year
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all i want for christmas is a scarian fic about apologies and the awkward tension of refusing to say them out loud ! it fought the SHIT outta me but i’m pretty content with how it turned out :D
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intrawebs · 4 months
This is my first multiple chapter work in, I think two years? And it's my first series work ever, so I'm quite excited about it!
Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Hermitcraft SMP Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Charles | Grian & Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar Characters: Charles | Grian, Ryan | GoodTimesWithScar Additional Tags: all pronouns for grian, cause hes more concept than human, she also uses they/them pronouns for everyone else, Hermitcraft Season 8, Grian isn't in Boatem, Constructive Criticism Welcome, Watcher Charles | Grian, Charles | Grian-centric, can be read stand alone Series: Part 2 of Void Grian AU
Humans were strange, Grian didn't see the point of them. Then one literally dropped on him.
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pidgeon-brained · 2 years
Mutually Assured Destruction
1k hurt/no comfort desert duo angst. Mild mentions of death, almost like domestic abuse but like, flavored funny. Idk. I don't believe in betas so if this is bad I'm sorry. Anyway!! Enjoy!!
The first death was an accident, the second was revenge. 
Grian was more than happy to share his monopoly with his soulmate, At odds constantly or not, they were still soulmates, and business partners at that. So he shared the sand, and he was even excited when they crafted tnt together. It was a new era, a dangerous era. The other soulbonds better watch out. There was something oddly nice about creating weapons of mass destruction as the strings connecting you pull back and forth. It was almost peaceful. Maybe he could share his life with Scar after all. 
This thought was ripped away from him when he stepped on the block. There was no indication he’d done something wrong, no click, no pressure plate compressing, not even the sound of a rail cart. Just a hiss and darkness. 
Well. Not quite, before the darkness came the pain, came the ground being ripped from underneath him and the searing ever present sensation of being ripped limb from limb. His wings had opened, attempting to pull him from the blast; they had not opened fast enough. Every feather on his wings had singed and burned. He felt every single fiber, sending shocks through him. He felt only the shock and surprise coming from Scar’s end. He did not have time to process anything other than the burning before the dark screen came. 
He stared at the message in awe, dropped into a random spot in the world. It was nearly nighttime. 
Grian Blew up
GoodTimeWithScar died
The chat was filled with messages, asking about traps and what happened. How did Grian explain that it had been in his own base? There was only one other pair of red names on the server, and they wouldn’t do this to him. Surely not. Big B was his secret soulmate. He wouldn’t hurt him. 
Besides, he was the only one with enough tnt to do something like that. Well him and . . .Scar. How could Scar be so stupid? Setting a trap where he knew Grian would walk. He would almost think it was intentional. He stewed on that for a while, as he made his way back to the base. Trying not to die to a variety of mobs. He sent and received a variety of minor hits. Nothing too serious, but enough to let each other know how stupid they had been. 
They met at the base, down in the crater, trying to look for anything that hadn’t exploded. Grian was hoping to recover some of his armor, his weapons. Just something. He was out of luck, at least their valuables (the sand and tnt) were safely stored away. Scar looked incredibly embarrassed, especially considering the mess the trap had made. He had apparently swung by where he had died to retrieve his armor and sword. 
“Sorry Gri!”
“Why did you trap our base!” Grian couldn’t help the anger and indignation that colored his voice.
“It was meant to just be a test! I wanted to see if it would work. How was I supposed to know you’d come back to the base before I could get a sheep to set it off?” The edge of annoyance in his voice only made Grian angerier. 
“You could’ve warned me Scar!! We’re yellow now because you.”
“Me? You stepped on the trap. You blew up.” 
There wasn’t anything sheepish or shy about Scar now, he was angry, reaching for a weapon. But that little part of his mind that could still care pulled him away from it. Grian didn’t have a weapon, didn’t have armor. He ripped his off with a speed that must’ve been practiced, he shoved the current item in his hand into his inventory. This would be an even fight, if only for the sake of proving his point. 
“You gonna hit me Scar? Like a child? Go ahead. It’s your life too.”  There’s a look in Grian’s eyes, a sort of burning, that tells Scar this won’t be a one off thing. This is war. 
So he swung. Because war was something. Was some sort of turn of events, was a way of dealing, a way of breaking the tension. The sound Grian made was almost satisfying, a huff of air and a small gasp of pain. Scar squared up, and it was oddly reminiscent of a very different battle. But they were allies then. They meant something to each other, there wasn’t this well of unspeakable anger. There wasn’t this uncrossable void. He feels the pain through their line, a single heart of damage, still enough to sting. 
Grian pulls back to swing and the move pulls Scar towards him, putting him easily in range. Scar could curse that string. It’s supposed to be a safety net, pull your soulbound out of danger, protect them at any cost. The hit comes when he’s too busy thinking to get out of the way. 
Another heart, how many more is Grian worth? 
He pulls on Grian’s fist, turning a little as he does so, dodging, but also yanking him around. Grian’s bird bones make him fragile, slamming into the wall comes with a sound not unlike falling through twigs in a tree. He squawks loudly, one wing hanging uselessly against his body. 
His screech is blood curdling, and he lashes out with sharp claws, raking them across Scar’s face, reopening long closed wounds. The pain was dizzying, knocking them both half a heart from death. He wonders if he should plead for his life, but the vindictive look on Grian’s face tells him there will be no mercy. He doesn’t deserve mercy after all. 
What has Scar ever done to deserve mercy? 
There is a moment where he thinks Grian will stop. Perhaps he thinks there will be some hesitation. Surely there would be some hesitation. Is your life worth destroying your enemy? Inevitably linked at the cost of your own soul. Does Grian value it all so little that he would destroy himself in the pursuit of destroying Scar? 
It never should’ve been a question, the answer has always proven yes. 
The Last blow doubles and triples, rebounding back and forth in waves of inevitablity, in waves of shame and barely restrained emotions. It bounces around the empty tie like a screensaver, like a constant reminder that this device is on. Do not forget. Do not burn out the battery and leave it alone. 
GoodTimeWithScar was slain by Grian
Grian died
Scar opened his eyes alone, his heart red like the cord attaching him to his enemy. They were meant to be friends. At least there was one thing he could always count on. No matter how close they were meant to be, Grian and Scar would always destroy one another.
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bluuedraws · 18 days
Next chapter of Fight or Flight is up! Gonna start linking to my A03 instead of posting the whole thing here, it makes it easier :)
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eli-elien · 2 years
Do you remember me?
I remember the scorching sands and tower that looked down at us Us, who were fighting to a bloody end to win To win a game that could never be won I wake from a dreamless sleep to find you You, who I stare into with my lilacs and poppies in hand You, who I gazed into with my many eyes A drop of a tear like a falling staglagtite I ask, I plead, saying "Do you remember me?" All you follow is a blue spector As blue as the sky, ocean and the tears I cried The tears I cried, as I laid my claws on your chest and started tearing As blue as those quaint flowers with the sun ever shining in its center You ask what they are for I say "For mourning"
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arbitersart · 7 months
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Burn Notice (chapter 2 of ???) Grian arguing with Ren and Doc extensively about the end of the world and what gadgets are ok to glue together. The biblical references continue
Featuring: Spies & Secret Agents, Espionage, Saving the World, Car Chases, Morally Dubious Characters, Blood & Violence, Romance, enough pining to fill a forest, Platonic Relationships, Boatem Crew
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voidratwrites · 2 years
Grian has dreamed about the desert since before he could dream. He has dreamed about Scar since before he met him.
He wakes up from one of these dreams, and he and Scar talk.
(Or: Grian and Scar are college students living together, and Grian dreams of ThirdLife)
((Or or I finally finish a Trafficblr oneshot! Featuring soft DesertDuo and lots of bittersweetness!))
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