#delusion au
tera-rabbit · 10 months
hey, who is that???
it's Sally! 🔆 🔆 🔆
(Delusion AU spoiler)
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larsofthe-stars · 3 months
A bunch of doodles, mostly moots
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@jingledbells @gremsnleir @smolldust @leafyable heyy
Bells close ups lol↓
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leafyable · 3 months
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Mystery Sibs!
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smolldust · 5 months
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F&C delusion au art #2
@larsofthe-stars @gremsnleir
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misty-wisp · 2 years
me: alright, given the way the basic plot of this fucked up au is, it's very likely going to have a bit of focus on a sunflower dynamic as sunny and basil's relationship as friends is very important, it might as well be at stake and all
also my cactiflower shipping ass: okay but what if i involved kel-
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bigfatbreak · 3 months
dad villain au: did emilie just. not consider at all that adrien was literally dying at the time. wow
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she's in the habit of deciding when Adrien's suffering is acceptable, and if it is, she'll just fix it later.
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tojisun · 23 days
hockey player simon pt 02 // pt 01
simon topples to the ground, his padded knees hitting the ice. he feels bodies pile on top of him, gear and feet pressing into his sides, not with ill intentions—well, not completely with ill intentions—but simon does not care.
he saw that winning shot land, heard the cries of their fans—they're playing in home rink too—and feels the thrill of victory wash over him.
the referees pull them off each other and simon finally gets to stand. his chest is heaving, the cool air and the heat of his exhausted body causing miasmic reactions into his being. add that pretty doll of a fan he’s been eyeing into the mix, and the feeling of elation bloats.
they rush off court, their coach trying to contain their buzzed energy just enough to be able to properly burn it off in the weight room. simon lags at the very back, eyes still flicking to that section in the audience as though by doing so, he’d get a quick glance of you.
of course he doesn’t, not when everyone’s turned into blurred specks—compact seas of their jersey colours.
“riley!” their coach hollers. “let’s go, let’s go!”
simon shoots towards him, his sheathed skates thudding against the padded floor as he makes his way into the weight room. johnny claps him on his back, their team cheering for him as he passes them on his way to the bench press, but he couldn’t really focus, not with his mind running; trying to make excuses that’d allow him to slip away just for a moment to scour the arena for, well, you, but nothing ever sticks.
every single one sounds pathetic and impractical. say, he was given the go-signal to roam around, what exactly are the chances he’d come across you again?
apparently, one-fuckin’-hundred percent.
“oh!” you gasp upon seeing him, your palm falling flat atop your chest in your surprise.
simon stumbles to his feet himself, his previous finesse on ice apparently having gotten zapped out the moment he’s back on land. garrick and mactavish turn, not expecting simon to stop, and even your friends, it seem, did not expect this run-in, as well.
simon watches as your lips part open, like you are gearing yourself up for a word, only to shut them close in your hesitation. you flit your eyes to him and away again, shyness rippling from your very movements.
he takes pity on you, and greets, “hey.”
it’s late when he realizes that he’s raised his hand up for a weak, little wave. he hears the distinct muffled laughter from mactavish already. garrick, at least, has the decency to actually smother it.
muppets, the two of them.
“hi!” you reply, giddy, your face beaming as you smile up at him.
lord, he thinks, you’re even more beautiful up close.
simon can’t help the way his lips tug up too, his own heart churning at the elation that is still singing in his veins. he pretends to not notice the way your friends shimmy out of his eyesight, pointing to their phones as though to say just give them a ring when you are done with your business with simon, before they run away, giggling to each other.
he twists to make discreet eye contact with his teammates. he tilts his head to the side, hoping to christ almighty that they take the hint.
go away.
he almost rejoices when they actually do, the two of them sending you polite smiles before walking away too. with your back turned to them, they make smooching actions, mactavish has even turned his back to simon, crossed his arms over himself, and ran his hands over his sides in mimicry of a hot make-out session.
garrick barks out a laugh, the sound ricocheting, and it takes your startled glance back at them for the two to truly scurry away.
you turn around to see him pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
“sorry about them,” he murmurs, hand leaving his face to rub at the back of his neck. he feels his ears burning, surely flushed in his secondhand embarrassment.
“that’s okay,” you reply, fiddling with the hem of your shirt. a jersey—his number. “congratulations, by the way.”
then, your smile grows bigger. brighter. “you were so cool! you went zoomin’ to our side and next thing we know you were–”
your words peter into a quiet stutter, like the events are unfolding in your memories the way his are too.
he remembers the high of having pointed at you; dedicating the winning shot to the fan whose awed look lit the fire in him. he remembers the certainty in him that he was going to land that shot; so sure he was of his victory.
it was exhilarating. dizzying.
“was it– did you mean it?”
“of course,” he croaks out, sweltering from within.
“oh,” you murmur, breathless, before whispering to him your name.
simon repeats it out loud, and it drips from his tongue like he was meant to always sound it out. like your name was meant for him to call.
you stare up at him with those beautiful, dazzling eyes, and he knows that he’s addicted. hooked.
“do you want to grab somethin’?” he asks, desperate to be with you for as long as you’ll let him.
“yes,” you reply, eyes crinkling in your delighted smile. “that’d be wonderful.”
you two walk side-by-side, mere inches between your shoulder and his, but simon wants you closer. he wants to bask in your warmth, in your scent. what do you smell like? something sweet and floral? or something clean?
he wants so much more.
as you warm up to him, smiling and laughing, and exchanging shy banters that has him feeling parched, simon realizes that there’s something beyond winning the playoffs and the cup that he is so desperate to fulfill.
fuck me.
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this is still very much delusions of the heart but let me have it pls 😭 more than anything, i enjoyed writing hockey au sm and honestly i think u guys might have to pry this out of my clasped hands hhdhsh
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shyranno · 4 months
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Day 6 of drawing Maul until Disney/Lucasfilm hires me to do Maul things
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shellshooked · 3 months
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there’s enough brainrot abt this au to write like a book series so I thought i would finally introduce it properly,, so here goes NOTHING !!
image descriptions:
jedi knight (botw) zelda conversating with padawan ahsoka tano strolling through the jedi temple on coruscant
there’s a firm reason the jedi council never allow commander link (botw) and general anakin skywalker on the same missions during the clone wars
general zelda and link (tp) of the rebel cell referred to as the twilight squadron debriefing their next attack towards the empire
jedi padawan link (ww) and his pirate best friend tetra have no idea what they’re about to face up against when his clone captain suddenly aims his blaster in their direction, claiming to execute the unknown directive of order 66..
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kaiju-krew · 3 months
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bug sketches 🦋
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linkedin-offficial · 5 months
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to forgive or forget
more lore for what ive got going on with carnival hero, for those who wanted to know why he doesnt particularly like kinger.
i like to think kinger was working on the code to remove the collars for a hefty amount of time. poor kinger tried so hard to perfect the code to release his people, but it was particularly hard for obvious reasons. he tried it so many times ; and when it finally worked, it was like a miracle. queenie, along with everyone else was overjoyed!
of course, it wasnt entirely perfect. sometimes, things go wrong when you take your excitement for granted. sacrifices get made, sometimes accidentally. the lovely king ends up forgetting about this sacrifice that was made, like he always does. the reason why shes gone fades in his mind like a bruise.
but others dont forget, nor forgive. hero never forgot this unnecessary sacrifice. he understood everything clearly after that. the collars are there for a reason. sometimes its better to be safe, to stay in ones own lane. to stay confined where you belong, where to remain unchanged is promised. for the greater good.
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tera-rabbit · 10 months
Poppy seems to be nervous again haha
(Delusion AU spoiler)
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larsofthe-stars · 1 month
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@smolldust @jingledbells @leafyable
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leafyable · 2 months
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Happy Over 100 Followers, @jingledbells!
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smolldust · 5 months
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F&C delusion au art #1
@larsofthe-stars @gremsnleir @jingledbells
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kalichi09 · 6 months
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AU where betty never turned into golbetty but eventually went insane and started to lose her memory
Everyone started avoiding her but simon is still loving her gently even though she doesnt remember him anymore
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