luolands · 2 years
Den Thelyss Canon
c2e57: You can see people of the drow populace sitting and reading and paying strange attention to you. Once again, it's hard not to draw attention when you guys pass by with one of the members of Den Thelyss.
Essek, c2e62: Most of my den live within the Lucid Bastion.
Essek, c2e57: The den was very kind to accept me for one as comparably young as myself. I'm only part way into my second century, so. Caleb: A great honor. Essek: It is. Anyway.
Essek, c2e62: There's three primary dens, and a dozen dens all together. Fjord: Biylan's not one of the main three, though? Essek: No. Thelyss is one.
Essek, c2e91: My mother's name is Deirta Thelyss, she is the Umavi of my den. Jester: Which den, Thelyss den? Essek: Den Thelyss, yes. One of the multitude of dens.. shall we sit?
EGtW: The three ruling Dens—Den Kryn, Den Thelyss, and Den Mirimm—are each helmed by an Umavi.
Essek, c2e91: Den Thelyss, they would like very much to see.. our nation.. established and respected? In the broader sense of the world.
Wrap-up: The only real bond Essek had before any of you was with him, growing up. Verin was the brother that kinda got him and they got along okay, in a family that Essek did not get along with at all, and was surrounded by people he didn't get along with.
Wrap-up: He'd been a solitary figure his whole life except for his relationship with his brother. He didn't get along with his parents. He didn't get along with most people in the Dynasty unless they helped him maintain and advance his position of power and influence, and so.. you guys fucked him up!
Wrap-up: As opposed to his brother, who's very much eschewed the Dynasty culture, and his parents were very deeply steeped in the culture. Verin rides the line where, he understands, why his brother is the way he is, but he also believes a lot in the Dynasty, and the faith that the Luxon and the whole idea gives.
Essek, c2e91: There is an expectation of advancement within the faith to be consecuted. I was lucky enough and privileged enough to be born within a den to where it was not questioned.
Essek, c2e91: You are guided by an Umavi through a soul binding process. It is extensive, it entails a bunch of spoken rites. It is usually observed by many individuals of various dens, especially if you belong to one. And often when you are consecuted, you are given a path to a den. The families are expansive.
EGtW: Each Den traditionally oversees a portion of local industry, but more distinguished Dens also vie for control over aspects of spiritual or military leadership.
Fjord, c2e57: What do we call you, just Shadowhand? Or is there another name you prefer? Essek: Shadowhand Essek Thelyss. Of Den Thelyss. Jester: Den Thelyss is, like, the most popular one. Nott: Sure, we know it well. That's one of the top three, is that right? Essek: It is indeed.
Leylas, c2e57: Your deed here is noted and what quarrel you have with Lythir here is seen as absolved in the eyes of us three dens.
Waccoh, c2e62: There'd be a period of time in approving of his presence to ensure that there isn't any sort of Empire interests or muck behind the history there. After which we'd have to go and get approvals from Den Thelyss.
Caleb, c2e91: And you are, forgive me, on your first life? Essek: Yes, I'm nearly the youngest of my den.
EGtW: Essek is both respected and feared for his intelligence and cunning, and he carefully plots each step he takes to further his and his Den's climb up the hierarchy of the dynasty.
EGtW: Verin Thelyss is the younger brother of Essek and the youngest soul of Den Thelyss. Recently given command of Kryn forces in Bazzoxan, Verin hopes to bring about a victory for the dynasty that will grant him respect and acceptance from his accomplished family.
Abrianna, c2e57: When one has proven their faith through word and deed, they are claimed by one of the ruling dens and taken to be soul bound to the Luxon through the consecution.
EGtW: Not all ruling Dens like the idea of introducing what they consider lesser creatures into the consecution, leading to tensions between the people of Rosohna and the scattered villages in the Xhorhasian wilds.
Beau, c2e91: What's the worst thing you've ever done? Essek: (laughs, sighs) I would say... anger my father to the point where... he went, unprepared, into the depths of Bazzoxan and didn't return.
EGtW: The ruling class of the dynasty is seated in Rosohna, spread across twelve noble Dens—all of whom seek to one day rule the dynasty. They play an intricate political game by expanding their families of timeless souls and covertly undermining the authority of other Dens.
EGtW: Den Masters keep a careful eye out for weakness among other Dens, seeking ways to sully the reputations of their rivals while displaying their own worthiness to the Bright Queen. Such social sabotage is reminiscent of the old ways of the drow, but assassinations and acts of outright violence are rare. 
EGtW: The oldest Dens, especially those helmed by an Umavi, are held in the highest esteem, and generally answer directly to the Bright Queen. The older the soul, the more prestige it holds in the dynasty.
EGtW: Within the Lucid Bastion's halls, the Bright Queen, her trusted Umavi, and their Dens work to govern and protect all citizens of the Kryn Dynasty.
EGtW: Beneath the Dens of Rosohna, guilds and Den representatives govern the other cities of the dynasty that stretch across Xhorhas, spreading the faith of the Luxon and watching over all Xhorhasians who seek the safety of civilization.
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essektheylyss · 27 days
You know what's hilarious, if Ludinus was indeed a young man being traumatized by the end of the Calamity. Deirta Thelyss is almost certainly older than he is.
This is not relevant but I think Essek should bring this up, just to be a bitch about it.
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quinn-of-aebradore · 1 month
ALSO I am still laughing about Essek deciding his fake backstory mother is a tavern wench. Not an innkeep or anything neutral like that. A tavern wench. As if we didn’t already know he’s got mommy issues. I bet he enjoyed saying that so much.
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the-kaedageist · 20 days
It is years before her hard work pays off. The time is worth it.
She’s done her homework well. She figures out the best time to approach, when her son will feel least threatened. Not when he’s alone. Preferably when he’s in a public place, providing as much safety to him as to her. After five years, the last thing she wants to do is spook him badly enough that she has to track him down again.
She has lived over a millennium. That doesn’t stop her from pausing outside the crowded tavern in Ank’harel, shrouded in the image of a high elf, her heart echoing in her ears. A millennium of life has been nothing without taking risks – but it has been centuries since she’s risked her heart.
She takes a final breath and ducks inside.
The tavern is loud. A band in the corner plays a Taldorian jig, which she recognizes from her three months spent negotiating a trade agreement in Whitestone. Raucous chanting rings from the opposite corner, where a halfling woman and a purple-skinned tiefling are chugging from enormous mugs. She’s so appalled by the drinking competition that it takes her several seconds to turn her attention back in that direction, realizing that they’re exactly the group she’s looking for.
“HA!” shouts the halfling, audible even over the band as she slams down the ceramic drinking mug; it’s a miracle it doesn’t shatter on impact. “Suck it, Kingsley!”
The tiefling lowers his mug half a second later, groaning. “You’re cheating.”
She takes a moment to survey the rest of the group. There are nine of them in total, gathered around a long rectangular table running along the length of the side wall.
Next to the tiefling, a dark-skinned human woman in blue waves a similar mug, shouting, “it’s my turn next! Bring it on!” A larger woman with striking hair is staring at this next challenger with clear fondness as she sips from a clear glass. On the other side of the table, a tall pink firbolg and half-orc are deep in conversation, ignoring their companions. A blue-skinned tiefling woman braids the firbolg’s hair and cheers at the drinkers.
On the halfling’s other side, a redheaded human man is tapping his fingertips to the music. He leans against the man she seeks.
She takes a moment to study her son. He’s completely undisguised, his hair a tad longer but just as carefully styled as she remembers, his ears dangling with silver jewelry. From her surveillance, she knows he ordinarily operates in disguise; he clearly has decided to forgo caution here, on another continent surrounded by his friends.
She expects him to look uncomfortable or displeased at the antics of the group – but he is laughing, leaning his forehead into the redheaded human’s shoulder, a flash of fang revealed in his open joy.
In over one hundred and twenty years, she’s never seen him smile like that. It is startling, unbalancing; had she ever truly known him?
Read the rest on AO3 (4,793 words)
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anxietiefling · 1 year
essek as a child was a constant paradox. independent to a fault since he could do anything on his own, stubborn as a moorbounder, he would still climb into his mother’s lap as a toddler, whenever he felt tired enough to deem it necessary. entitled, they would say, with a sniff and a raised brow, unruly. misbehaved. but in truth, it was the knowledge that he could always come back to his mother and her arms and lap would be open for his comfort. the loss of it came later. or maybe it was only in that he told himself so often he started to believe it. deirta watches him, sees the walls pulled up high. if she is at fault then by not telling him, i do not mind what they say. let them talk and foam at the mouth. i always will be a home to you. her bright, brilliant, marvelous child, who told her and everyone in no uncertain terms who he was as soon as he could, disabusing them if any notions the gods may have had in his creation. it pains her, that her first thought had been „no yet, please let him be mine a little while longer“. it had pained her most when the time for anamnesis came and went, and he was already too far away to reach. when verin had been born, essek’s contrary nature had only increased; his hands held his brother with more care than anything, but his eyes betrayed the relief at another chance, another son to hope for, surely this time a vessel for a returning soul.
essek as a child would drive his tutors do despair, when he started reading the books they taught him from and pointed out their inaccuracies, which he would recount in great frustration leaning into his mother’s gentle hands while she brushed and braided his hair.
the way deirta loves is by keeping predators from her offspring, by baring her fangs. she has lived too many lives to not know how words, too, can be teeth and that some predators come with the finest of manners. her blood was made in the underdark. it feeds her heart, no matter which body she inherits. she will sink her fangs into that which threatens and she will tend and hold and sway what her body bears, a desire that is bone-deep and blood-old. in her darkest dreams she strangled leylas kryn with her own braids. she weeps after, holding her sister’s body close and following its fading warmth. other times, all she feels when she wakes is the deep satisfaction of a threat disposed of. but even in her mind, her son keeps his distance
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critter-genfic-events · 6 months
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This week, we have nine (Nein) fics featuring Forgiveness! Whether it's forgiving family, found family, or themselves, sometimes everyone needs a little more grace. Check them out below the cut, and if you like them, comment or kudos!
Grief Takes Many Forms by Multifandom_Damnation (4246,General) Warnings: None Pairings: Cassandra & Percy De Rolo
After the events of campaign one, Percy has a drink. Cassandra joins him.
Reccer says: Percy and Cassandra need to talk more, and it's great to finally get some catharsis, while still very much acting like siblings
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Kill The Monster by CriticalRolemance (SoLongAndThanksForAllTheFic) (4958,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Vax & Caleb, Caleb & The Mighty Nein
Caleb and Vax have a talk. Later, Caleb kills Ikithon and imagines what getting his revenge actually means.
Reccer says: This very early (2019!) imagining of Caleb getting to kill Ikithon and finally forgive himself for killing his family is fantastic and has stuck in my head all this time
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All things in Perspective by firefright (20729,Mature) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek Thelyss & Verin Thelyss
In which Verin refuses to believe Essek's death is as simple as the Dynasty wants to make it seem, and it takes meeting the Mighty Nein in person to get the answers he seeks.
Reccer says: It's got a complicated Essek and a complicated Verin
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sometimes god happens fast by principessa (3674,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Deirta Thelyss & Essek Thelyss, The Mighty Nein & Essek Thelyss
The Mighty Nein listen in on a conversation between Essek and his mother
Reccer says: Deirta is often shown as a cold, unforgiving mother - it's refreshing to see a version that readily forgives her son for his treason
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crawling from the battle to the other side by Solanaceae (6553,General) Warnings: None Pairings: None
For a few days in the Blooming Grove, three wizards navigate gardening, atonement, and one another’s guilt
Reccer says: One of the most popular genres of fic after the finale was 'Volstruckers and Essek navigating gardening' and this is probably my favorite of the fics that came out of that. It showcases great gasp of Astrid and Wulf and their issues, as well as a phenomenal take on post-canon Essek in the aftermath of Cognouza. It's very sweet, very playful, and very emotional.
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call me your destiny, call me a liar by grayintogreen (5200,General) Warnings: None Pairings: None
Lucien and Molly are split into two individuals in the wake of Cognouza's defeat. They're both coping with what that means.
Reccer says: Deals with both Molly's fears over returning vs Lucien struggling to figure out how to proceed now that he's lost everything and all the emotional struggles that entails.
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a place to start by parttimemodel (1703,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Laudna & Orym
Laudna and Orym have a talk after the Solstice
Reccer says: I like fanfic that allows for moments that didn't have time to happen in the stream, and this allows Orym to forgive himself for being chosen by Fearne instead of Laudna after the Otohan fight.
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Not the Needle, Nor the Thread by Operafloozy (2149,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Essek & Deirta Thelyss
A teenaged Deirta hides out at Essek's place for a few months. They get used to each other.
Reccer says: The complicated family dynamics don't get all the way to forgiveness, but it's an interesting look at Essek starting to forgive his mother for being who she is.
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Rats in the Belly by icarus_chained (1705,Teen) Warnings: None Pairings: Grog & Percy
Grog thinks over the fact that Percy handed him a cursed sword
Reccer says: I love the depth if character the fic was able to give Grog while also being very in character
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If you liked this rec list, follow along for more! We'll be posting a new list with a new theme each Monday. Want to make your own recs? Check out the rules, and then use the form to submit!
Next week, we're featuring your favorite canon divergent AUs - AKA, when something goes slightly differently in Exandria, and the story goes off from there.
After that, we have grief, Pike Trickfoot, and then mysteries!
If you're looking for some more, check out some fics written in the critter genfic bingo tag, or the older rec lists! Or you can request your own card and join in on the fun!
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horder-of-hubris · 1 year
okay so here's the thing. I actually really enjoy the abusive-mother Deirta Thelyss take but not in a “she’s just all out evil with no explanation” way, but in a “she has been trapped by the rules and stereotypes of a society she helped create and has lost all hope of ever being able to break from it” a “she has been hurt by that very society and does not know how to cope with it so she has sunk into herself and her religion” a “dark mirror of what her own son could have become” a “lost so many children to returning souls that she has to push any new ones away in order to protect herself” a “she has been robbed of her humanity and placed on a pedestal of godhood and she is terrified but has succumb to that illusional image anyways because there is nothing else for her” 
I love a Deirta but I need her to be complicated. i need her to be oh so so human in all that she is to truly make her actions unjust. i want a Deirta who wallows in her own helplessness, who hides her own personal guilt in her religion, who saw what her son was becoming because she would have done the exact same yet does absolutely nothing to stop him. you know?
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This week we have twenty-three amazing fics to share involving Essek and another member of his family! Due to the nature of this theme, we have expanded our list this week to include some gen fics, along with fics where shadowgast is technically the secondary pairing. Read more under the cut!
what luminous worlds await by essektheylyss (midnightindigo) (178674, Mature) Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, tags include: Violence, Minor Character Death,Implied/Referenced Self-Harm Set a milennia after c2, Essek-the champion of the Luxon-wakes up to a world he's not familiar with anymore. But he's not facing things alone and may just find possibilities he does not expect. Reccer says: Specific to this week's theme: inclusion of a wonderfully complex Deirta in particular! As well as Verin who helps Essek on his journey. Overall a wonderfully touching story with complex characters and relationships, countless gorgeous scenes and a wonderful flavor of shadowgast
A Family Affair, or The Arrival of Verin Thelyss and All That It Entails by Dragonslaeyr (21471, Teen) Warnings: None 5+1 times Caleb encountered Verin Thelyss, and maybe misunderstood who he was to Essek Reccer says: Absolutely hilarious misunderstanding and mutual pinings fic
Get Help by professor (515, Teen) Warnings: no warnings Post canon, the M9 have been captured. Essek enlists his brother Verin to help rescue them. Reccer says: It's a meme shitpost in ficlet form but I always laugh when I read it.
some things time can't fix by Chrome (25930, Mature) Warnings: None A Daemon AU, Essek is captured by the Dynasty, Caleb manages to rescue him before they execute him, but not before Essek gets severed from his Daemon. Caleb has to race to find a way to reconnect Essek and his daemon before they fade away and die. Reccer says: Another wonderful, heart-rending hurt/comfort fic by Chrome; it's also maybe the only fic I've ever read that depicts Deirta as 100% a good and loving mother to Essek. It's not the main focus of the fic (she doesn't show up until the last chapter) but it's a refreshing change of pace after reading a billion Bad Mom Deirta Thelyss fics.
the last true mouthpiece by hanap (35722, Teen) Warnings: None Essek has been chosen by the Luxon, but all Verin sees is his brother being corrupted by the light Reccer says: Heartrending take on the Thelyss family relationship and Essek's faith
No One by that Name Lives Here Anymore by Operafloozy (13138, Teen) Warnings: None Caleb and Essek run into a reincarnated Essek's Father in Uthodurn. Reccer says: It's a beautifully written fic about a complicated relationship that delves into what consecution might be like. Comes with a commentary track and a sequel I haven't read yet.
The Secret Romance of Essek Thelyss by Cardinal_Daughter (18629, Explicit) Warnings: None Essek wants to celebrate his and Caleb's anniversary and his mother has other plans. With a sprinkling of Verin at the end. Reccer says: I love this and the fic it's a sequel for (you don't have to have read the first one but they're both great)
Rendezvous with a Ghost by kaeda (12344, Teen) Warnings: None Verin thinks Essek is dead until he shows up to invite him to his wedding. Verin spends most of the fic confused. Reccer says: Nothing
the wreck of all we burnt by essektheylyss (midnightindigo) (6617, Mature) Warnings: None Essek's mother has died and Essek has never learned how to mourn Reccer says: a wonderful exploration of grief or lack thereof
OPERATION: HOT BOI LIBERATION (or: How I Spent My Spring Break in Rexxentrum, by Verin of Den Thelyss) by CatgirlTheCrazy (6404, Mature) Warnings: None Verin thinks Caleb is holding Essek hostage, chaos ensues Reccer says: Verin discovers what a cat is
interim by vagabondfirefly (995, General) Warnings: None Verin witnesses a private moment Reccer says: It's so soft your honour
The Governess by Professor_Rye (13826, General) Warnings: None Essek and Verin's childhood through the lens of their nurse maid Reccer says: So sweet and touching it made my heart ache, I fell in love with the boys alongside their nanny
That's why it's hotter under the water by professor (3231, Teen) Warnings: no warnings The Thelyss brothers find out firsthand that sometimes genetics are really fucking weird. Reccer says: So many hijinx and shenanigans. Verin is peak himbo, and Essek is facepalming forever.
jam and noodles by royalgreen (allyoop) (2578, General) Warnings: No warnings A magical mishap brings two brothers closer together. Or, Essek runs afoul of some Aeorian magic, and the M9 call in Verin for help. Reccer says: Excellent brotherly bonding, the chaos of Verin meeting Jester, and a fun cameo from Long Essek.
The Chosen AU by Anonymous (90296, Explicit) Warnings: Incest, cannibalism, violence, mental illness and trauma A dark AU where Essek is the chosen of the Luxon and Verin is a paladin. They have left the dynasty and found a home in Port Damali. There they meet friends, both OCs and the M9. Caleb soon becomes a part of their relationship. Reccer says: The language and storytelling is smart and witty. Both horrible and cute things are described with a raw and unforgiving tone, in a way that makes me hungrily gulp down the text. Essek's powers are horrifying and mysterious and the story is told non-chronologically in a way that really works. The glimpses of calm, love and friendship are so sweet when they come. A warning though: the brothers have a sexual relationship. However, it's not overtly explicit.
Family Resemblence by firefright (1289, General) Warnings: None Verin meets his niece. Reccer says: Tooth-achingly sweet, this fic is an adorable look at shadowgast and their family post-canon.
the loudest voice in my head is my mother by hanap (2800, Teen) Warnings: None A pregnant Essek is visited by his mother and has to face conversations he tried to avoid Reccer says: Delicious choice of a POV that will have you rereading the fic to catch all the subtleties
and after the scripture (your mother beside me) by SaltCore (9531, Mature) Warnings: Canon typical death and resurrection, grief/mourning Essek has died, but don't worry, he gets better. When the m9 goes there to get his body they meet Dierta. Reccer says: This is the best Dierta I have read. She is incredibly complex and human, in a way that made my heart ache.
the edge of the blade by jaskofalltrades (56205, Teen) Warnings: None Essek and Caleb are forced to fake an engagement, to get out of one Deirta had arranged. Reccer says: Very interesting read, the political machinations make the story very tense, and the oining between Caleb and Essek is delicious!
And two recs each for
how language fills the cracks by hanap (5027, Teen) Warnings: None Essek discovers he's an uncle, to his shock. Reccer 1 says: It's very sweet, for a lot of reasons, and keeps you surprised! Reccer 2 says: It's so sweet.
All Things in Perspective by firefright (20729, Mature) Warnings: None Verin has a lot of questions about the supposed "death" of his brother in Eiselcross. He eventually finds the Mighty Nein and gets the answers he's looking for, but some are a lot harder to swallow than others. Reccer 1 says: This fic is perhaps my favorite "Verin meets his brothers new friends and finds out what he did" fic of all time, and written by one of the best Verin writers in the whole fandom. Verin is the peak Lawful Good himbo to complement Essek's formerly-neutral-evil-war-criminal, and they are the perfect balance of "would die for each other" and "constantly give each other shit." Also uses outsider POV brilliantly to highlight just how drastically the Mighty Nein changed Essek. Reccer 2 says: It's heartfelt, it's comedic at times and the brotherly bond feels believable. Bonus points for Verin's POV - we get to see his reactions to the Nein.
Lay Your Bones by LadyOrpheus (53587, Teen) Warnings: Small, nondescriptive flashback to a miscarriage After Essek is captured and turned over to the Dynasty, Verin has to pick up… the pieces? No, not quite, but he does have to pick up Essek's daughter. A race against time as Verin tries to save his brother's life. Reccer 1 says: This is THE verin fic for me. You fully buy into his anger and his forgiveness. Dierta is also so complicated and tasty. Reccer 2 says: Lovely Verin-centered fic with incredibly cute moments with Essek's child and a lot of interaction with the Nein
And then three recs for
path of the traveled sun by mousecookie (6008, General) Warnings: None Verin is invited to Rumblecusp with the Nein and Essek, and is amazed by how much Essek has changed. Reccer 1 says: SOFT. Reccer 2 says: It's incredibly warm, but it doesn't shy away from complicated feelings. Nice characterisation. Cute baby. Reccer says: Nothing
Aeor is for Lovers is an 18+ Shadowgast Discord server. The above fanfic recommendations were pulled from our community for this weekly event. All fics, unless otherwise specified, will primarily feature Shadowgast.
Have any questions about what this is? Check out the FAQ! Next week's theme is Scourger/Evil AU, so stay tuned!
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vagabondfirelily · 7 months
T, 6489 words
Relationships: Essek Thelyss & Verin Thelyss, Deirta Thelyss & Essek Thelyss
Characters: Essek Thelyss, Verin Thelyss, Deirta Thelyss
The curtain of bloodied hair moves as Verin tries to shake his head. “The gods have a cruel sense of humour if this is their idea of ferrying souls across,” he rasps weakly. “You’re not dead, you idiot,” Essek hisses out, even as relief washes through him at the sound of his brother’s voice. Verin perks up at that. His head tilts to the side and one blue eye peeks at Essek from behind his loose hair. “Essek? What in the Light…” (Or: Essek tries to rescue his brother. He ends up meeting Deirta instead.)
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firefrightfic · 2 years
Okay but hilarious as it is, it actually makes so much sense that elves (not just Essek) are probably super anal about labelling and clearing out their houses on occasion. Think how much clutter you can build up in your home in just a year and then compile that by centuries. Elves have to ritually Marie Kondo their living spaces otherwise they end up buried in an avalanche of possessions.
Basically what I'm saying is give me little Essek and Verin having their first decluttering lesson with the Umavi and every time she holds up another moorbounder beanie baby to add to the trash pile they scream NO in unison.
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foxqueen-katarian · 1 year
I don't remember which of the numerous AU's I started and never finished this was for, but uh, have some Deirta being a good mom.
"I remember the exact moment I fell in love with Essek," Deirta murmurs,"He came into this world much too early. My clerics urged me to let him go, to spare him the suffering. They said my Den needed me more than he did."
"He was so small, fragile, his very existence hanging by a thread. He couldn't cry, his lungs unable to draw the necessary breath. But I refused to give him up. I held him through that first night, watching every rise and fall of his chest, counting each breath, waiting for it to cease. But morning came, and he still clung to life."
"For weeks, I barely tranced, terrified that even a momentary lapse in vigilance would rob me of his presence. Exhaustion clung to me like a relentless shadow, but he was my sole focus.” “I thought he would starve, he didn't have the energy for more than a mouthful at a time, and what little he gained was quickly lost.” “Leylas told me not to name him, to spare myself the pain, but how could I deny him that recognition? He was alive, a member of my Den, and I could not bear the thought of him passing without acknowledging that."
"My advisors, Clerics of the Luxon, and even his father, all reminded me of my duty to my Den, to the Dynasty and yet I held steadfast. They failed to see that Essek was hope for the future. How could I let him flicker out?"
"And then, one day, he cried. A torrent of sound erupted from him, as if he sought to reclaim all the silence that had come before. I have never heard a more beautiful sound in my life. In that moment, I knew the depth of my love for him. I knew I would do anything, sacrifice anything, for him. There is no lie too great, no power too daunting. I would rend the very fabric of reality to protect him." "There is no crime he could commit, no treason so heinous that can unravel my heart. Let Leylas come and try to take him from me."
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essektheylyss · 7 months
As much as it is fun to joke about how absurd Trent's plan was (and on its face, considering just his perspective alone, it was!), I do think we need to acknowledge that it wouldn't have worked as a threat if it had not been reasonably concerning to Caleb.
When you think about how little the Nein know at this point about the Solstice (meta pigeons notwithstanding), there are a lot of factors that play into this being a credible threat. For instance:
The collars are no longer working, as are some wards, in which case it's not unreasonable to wonder if any of the Amulets of Nondetection are out of commission.
It's possible that the Dynasty genuinely does not have that much evidence to go after Essek—that he managed to fake his death and cover his trail that way, or he left well before the pressure really began to encroach, as a preemptive measure, and with him out of sight the rumors died down (or were even quashed by his mother for political reasons, regardless of her feelings on the matter).
There's no good way to know what information or evidence Trent may have stashed away in the event that it was necessary later, which could be delivered anonymously to the Dynasty and not rest on Trent's credibility.
Regardless of Trent's relative ability to capture Essek on his own, which is probably low, he is enough of a loose cannon that he could seriously hurt him simply in a one-on-one duel, because Trent has clearly gone beyond any considerations of self-preservation and is trying to inflict maximum damage, which makes him dangerous all on his own.
It doesn't have to be any one of these, but the important thing is that the plot hinges upon Caleb believing this is at least a semi-credible threat. If there really was no danger to Essek, then it would be reasonable for Caleb, who is very intelligent, to dismiss it and focus on something more important. We've seen that Caleb is perfectly capable of shutting Trent out in the face of larger priorities even when his threats were very affecting, and Caleb's had an extra seven years since then to move past that trauma.
But given that the point of threatening Essek, on a meta level, was to ensure that the plot of the one-shot moved at the pace it needed to, then Caleb needs to believe that this is a credible threat. Regardless of the efficacy of the particular plan outlined, we must be willing to believe that, if he is not confronted now, Trent will make good on his threats in one way or another.
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quinn-of-aebradore · 6 months
“Child, please,” she whispers, voice shaking as though he had lashed out with a blade and not words, and Essek sinks back into his chair. “Please understand that I would not even have considered this unless it was an offer worthy of you.” Essek exhales, slow and deliberate, trying to calm his racing and aching heart. “Who, Mother?” Deirta receives an offer for Essek's hand in marriage she cannot reasonably decline except for one reason: he is already taken. Lucien has spent months refusing to approve of Mollymauk and Essek courting. So, Essek takes a trip to Nicodranas to meet his potential brother-in-law with the hope of changing his mind before it's too late.
Hello my lovely friends, today I bring you a new installment in my Shadowidomauk Royalty AU! Today we've got plot! We've got family drama! Deirta doing her very best at being a mom! Essek being an Excellent Partner! Lucien being an asshole!
I am super excited for this one, as it is a follow-up to the absence becomes me (a reticent specter) from back in March. It is not required to understand what's going on in this fic, but I would call it recommended reading :3
Whatever you choose, I hope you enjoy the fic and have a lovely day/night/timezone! 💜💜💜💜
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saltytothecore · 2 years
Rating: M (Major Character Death)
Relationship: Essek Thelyss/Caleb Widogast, Deirta Thelyss & Essek Thelyss
Tags: Post-Campaign 2 (Critical Role), Canon typical Death and Resurrection, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Off Screen Suicide, loss of an adult child, complicated family dynamics, Deirta Thelyss and some goal oriented parenting choices, character study disguised as fic, married shadowgast
Summary: Messengers come from Deirta Thelyss, bearing solemn news about one of her youngest children and a request for his dearest friends.
(An Umavi must be many things, and not just because they have been many people, but today Deirta is only someone's mother.)
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waffelteufel · 2 years
Unrelated random Thelyss family headcanons i put on twitter a long time ago that I still like:
Despite Verin's golden retriever attitude at first glance he is actually a genius strategist and leader type who is able to make excellent tough decisions. He also beats Essek at chess every single time and Essek hates it.
Essek always cheats in every game he plays with Verin during family reunions so Verin wouldn't be surprised to hear of the treason lmfao.
Deirta probably figured out Essek stole the beacons almost immediately, but he is still her son whom she does love, contrary to Essek's belief. She is aware she is far from being a perfect mother despite being deemed a perfect soul, especially with how distant she's been and how much pressure she's put on her sons. There's some heavy psychological stuff going on. One of the reasons Essek went unnoticed for 3+ years? Deirta noticed where he got sloppy and secretly covered for him. On one hand she can't have her den suffer such a scandal, on the other hand she doesn't want her stupid unconsecuted son to be executed. She might think herself a terrible mother but she would never admit it out of shame. Essek refused consecution so she feels like he doomed himself with no chance of recovering. He was a difficult child but she still sees herself when she looks at him and it's killing her.
She is basically committing treason every time she keeps HIS treason a secret and it feels like she dug herself a hole even though Essek's already lying in his. Their relationship is worsening with each passing year.
The Thelyss family is actually unusually tall and lanky for drow standards and Verin is the tallest out of all of them. Someone had to compensate for Essek stealing all of the brains.
Unusually and very out of character, Essek played matchmaker for Verin and a crush of Verin's once for the hell of it, and it worked and he honest to god believes he must have peaked socially in that moment because it all went downhill ever since lmao.
Essek's father had a beautiful singing voice and Essek's most treasured memory of him is his father singing him to sleep with hauntingly beautiful (and forbidden lolthian) lullabies when he couldn't trance yet. Essek still remembers the tunes too.
Essek and Verin have dozens of siblings that aren't related to them by blood, because they are their mother's children from past lifes. The family is so big that you lose track of everything, and neither Essek nor Verin are particularly close to those other siblings because of the disconnect that consecution causes within a family.
Deirta gave birth to her sons outside the range of a beacon on purpose, because she is tired of "losing" her kids after they start remembering their past lifes. After Essek found out he became enraged, because of all the pressure it had put on him and his brother during their entire youth once it was clear they weren't old souls. In the end, we are but selfish creatures.
Deirta and Essek would forgive each other in an instant, if they just gave each other the chance. Everybody in the family still cares for each other but they are all so fucking dysfunctional that nobody believes it to be true.
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critterfloozy · 10 months
Fandom: Critical Role (Web Series) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Deirta Thelyss & Essek Thelyss, Essek Thelyss & Verin Thelyss, Essek Thelyss & Essek Thelyss's Father Characters: Essek Thelyss, Essek Thelyss' Father, Deirta Thelyss, Verin Thelyss Additional Tags: background Shadowgast, Your parents are people your parents tried their best your parents hurt you: the fic, dysfunctional family dynamics, Consecution (Critical Role), Not Beta Read Series: Part 3 of What We Owe to Each Other Summary:
A reborn teenaged Deirta hides with Essek for a few months, and Essek learns who Deirta is when she is not everything that made her his mother.
For day 7 of @critter-genfic-events‘s Gen Week - Day 7: Family. (posted yesterday, but it was late and I was sleepy)
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