#deformed feet
strangertastes · 1 year
not made for walking
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menedits · 1 year
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Severe bunions
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dwuerch-blog · 11 months
Being the Spice of Life
I just can’t complain about anything, but I sure could if I let myself go there. But I can’t complain at all, especially when I see others with tremendous physical issues, heartbreak issues, homeless issues, and so many other issues. I was touched by Shane Claiborne’s book, “The Irresistible Revolution”, subtitled “Living as an Ordinary Radical”. The book describes what a truly Christian…
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hideousvampire · 1 month
explodes them with mind GAY PEOPLE JUMPSCARE
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amekinoko · 1 year
I put him in project diva sorry
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• Okay listen I swear this has a meaning and is not just for practice-
• Crédits :
Osd belongs to : @/calcium-cat
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neuroticboyfriend · 5 months
oh my god can i please stop thinking about this one post i've been thinking about it for over an hour. sorry for the vaguepost but i'm anxious and i cannot shut up mentally
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nyaagolor · 2 years
Just got the Susie plush and I am genuinely blown away at how hideous it is
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isitfeet · 5 months
Michelangelo statue feet
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Amazing marble statue detais by Michelangelo. Or maybe his a.i. brother.
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spoonietimelordy · 1 year
Hey autistic pals, are your toes touching the front of your shoes? Because apparently I've been wearing a size "too big" my whole life. How can people walk with toes crunched against the box of their shoes??? And then they wonder why their toes end up not being straight. Like come on.
Edit: no I'm right, many people just wear shoes too small
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purpleowl666 · 9 months
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year
I'm busy with a painting inbetween the homework of my writing classes I just started. However, then I remembered that post @vespersposts shared once on the topic of AI art and disability. More specifically of how certain artists who were paralyzed started painting with their mouths. There is one in particular, Huang Guofo, who paints with the combination of BOTH his mouth and feet. Something most people, not even in real life, know about me, is that I was born with congenital claw toes, a toe deformity that resulted in all of my smaller toes growing in a curled way. Only my big toes are normal. As a child, I had already noticed my claw toes allowed me to do certain things with my feet instead of my hands with more ease then you normal toed tolk. Like using the remote control with my feet. I've tried typing with my toes too on my keyboard-because I'm not used to it I am slow and it's difficult for me to see which keys I am pressing unless I put my laptop to the ground but I can fully type with my toes. So then I was like, 'Why the fuck am I not learning myself how to paint with my feet?! Why not actually use my deformity to show to the world what claw toes are capable off?! I've gotten jokes about it all my life, a remark about my feet was literally the first thing my aunt ever said about me according to my mom, I have gotten injured so many times with my feet because I cannot afford to get shoes specially made for my feet. Yet I am not even allowed to join the Body Positivity movement according to fat activists because I am a size 4. Despite everyone always wanting to make me feel so insecure about my deformed feet... Well, you normal toed people, SCREW YOU.' So now I'm trying to learn how to paint with my feet! My first attempt wasn't downright terrible, nor was it good. I'm definitely sticking to working with both and retouching my painting wherever it gets too messy with my hands, but it's not too terrible that I am getting discouraged.
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menedits · 1 year
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Clumpy orthopaedic boots
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
GODDDDDD I don't know if it's my new boots or my daily exercise regime but my foot is SO FUCKING BAD lately. like I've always had moderately bad bunions bc I'm super pigeon-toed and my ankles are constantly pronated but my left foot is hurting SO BAD and I physically cannot move my big toe more than a fraction away from my other toes however hard I try. this sucks. so hard. I probably should go see a podiatrist for the first time in a decade and replace the insoles I've been using since I was 18.
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whats-in-a-sentence · 18 days
Thirteenth-century footbinding made feet slimmer; seventeenth-century footbinding actually made them shorter, collapsing the toes back under the heel into a crippled ball of torn ligaments and twisted tendons known as a "golden lotus." The photographs of the mangled feet of the last twentieth-century victims are hard to look at.*
*Whatever his faults, Mao Zedong banned footbinding immediately on assuming power in 1949.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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tenth-sentence · 18 days
Madame Zhou's skeleton was well-enough preserved to show that her deformed feet matched the socks and sandals: her eight little toes had been twisted under her soles and her two big toes were bent upward, producing a slender-enough foot to fit into her narrow, pointed slippers.
"Why the West Rules – For Now: The patterns of history and what they reveal about the future" - Ian Morris
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