#death is all around u but u dance thru it laughing
ilynpilled · 1 year
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somasean · 2 years
Set Nite - Set It Off x Fortnite
content: crack fic, bad grammar, no punctuation, an english teacher's worst nightmare, fortnite, guns, death, if you die in the game you die in real life, carziger
an: we're entering the "i don't have motivation to write seriously but need to write or i'll go crazy" phase. hang on, they get rough here on out. one part because i'm nice like that but this is separated into 3 on AO3 and watty if you want the authentic experience.
"hey guys lets do some squad rounds on fortnite for our new youtube video" cody asked his bandmates one night while they were all watching a movie 
"uh yah sure but how much is it you know that we cant play $40 four times for a game when maxx keeps getting chiplote every single day for all three meals breakfast lunch and dinner" zach said and hit maxx in the arm playfully
dan rolled his eyes and hit the both of them "no u idiots its free for pc and ps4 so we can all play it but they have skins and dances and pick axes we can buy to spice up the game but idk if its worth it since weve never played it before"
everyone nodded and went to different rooms maxx went to codys room to play on his desktop while cody played on his ps4 and dan and zach went to zachs room and zach played on desktop and dan played on ps4
they all opened up discord and made accounts codys was "codychaos"
maxx's was "chiplote4lyfe"
dans was "cactusfucker"
and zachs was "hpkilledmydad"
they all made accounts and went through and they set up screen recordings and their two cameras and they said their into "whats up guys we're set it off and as you might notice by now we're in different rooms im here with zach" zach waved at the camera after dan said his name "and cody and maxx are in the other room" cody and maxx both waved at the camera when heard dan say that
"and today we're going to be playing one of the most popular games which is weird for us because we've never recorded a game play so we're probably going to suck hella balls but whatev ok if u judge us ur wrong and stinky anyway lets get into it i am cactusfucker, zach's hpkilledmydad, cody is codychaos and maxx is chiplote4lyfe"
they all selected the squads option and went into the game they were greeted with the game lobby when suddenly 
(its in first person now so i can make this easier on myself ok its also maxx bc fuck u)
i looked around and saw that i was in the fortnite game lobby but everything looked a lot more real i looked around and didnt see my room or my ps4 or the guys "uh hello what's going on where is everyone" i asked
nobody answered so i asked again but louder "guys????? wehre r u??? coddy???? zach?? dan????????? where are you guys and where are we i mscard" i pretty much screamed 
someoen in a tomato man suit ran up to me and hit me in the head with a pickaxe "shut ur fuck up dont be a nut askin where ur bfs are u ugly a** b****" and they ran off to hit someone else in the face with their ace i just looked at them like 'wtf' and ran around the lobby looking for the guys when i finally found dan
"omg dan youre the basic black guy haah wtf how weird is that they really dont like u or either the fbi man watching u thru ur cam deiced to do u wrong" dan rolled his eyes and punched me in the face which should have hutr but didnt which was weird but its whayever were in a game loading lobby so of coufse nothing hurts right now
"shut up ur the basic white guy with blonde hair u look ugly as f**k shaking my smh maxx they really did u dirty" dan laughed and then looked sad "hey where are the others have you seen them im worried?????" he asked and i shook my head.
"nno i havent im sorry i tried calling for you guys but some tamota guy called me a fat a** b**** :(" dan gasped and covered his mouth and then looked around like he was pissed off
"did u see his name were gonna kill him bc nobody calls u that on my watch wait until the other guys hear that theyll help for sure we all got ur back buddy" dan pat me on the back and i smiled and nodded "hey lets go and find the others before the match starts"
we ran off and looked at everyones names until we saw zachs i tackled him and we laughed "dude youre the basic asian guy who looks kinda like you wtf this is so weird also where are we???" zach just shrugged and pushed me off of him and helped me up and looked between dan and us 
"i dont know all i rememeber is us doing our intro and then a flash of light and here we are i hope this is like a bad dream or something becasuse how the f**k would we get out of here if it isnt besides we've never played this be fore" zaach said and shook his head "hey have you guys seen cody im worried about him" dan and i said no at the same time and we all laughed 
"hey lets go find him before the match starts" dan said "good idea" zach said and ran off in a direction and motioned for us to follow him we did and found someone that had codys name but didnt look like him at all really well it kind of did but in a girl skin 
"uh cody?????" i asked as dan and zach tried their best not to laugh in the backgrund cody just rolled his or her ??? eyes and smacked me with his pickaxe which should have hurt but it just bounced off my head and made a "plink" sound 
"duh you dumbasses dont laguh at my ugly skin you f**kers dont look at any better smh where are we i hope we arent stuck here forever" cody said and looked at the ground all sad "hey we'll get out of this alive i promise you ok?" i put my hand on his shoulder and smiled cody nodded at me and walked towards dan and zach still laughing
just as he was about to say something i timer that said "round starting in 10" showed up and started counting down til 1 "oh shit uh okay well we need a plan and that's not to die let's hpe we live and if not i love u guys"
"ha that's gay" dan said and smacked cody on the back while zach punched cody lightly in the shoudler "i guess u guys were okay" zach said before we knew it the timer had reached its end
maxx's pov
once the timer hit zero the guys and i were placed onto a bus i didnt know where we were but dan was sitting next to me and cody and zach were sitting next to us "uh does anyone know the controls for this????" I asked confused and started looking around
the guys shurgged when all of a sudden zach said "oh! i got it! think map for the map, that's pretty simple" we all nodded and thought map when all of a sudden a large holographic map appeared in front of each of us "where should we land?" i asked
"uh tilted would get us killed but we dont want to go somewhere like wailing woods because we might not get good loot" cody said he had a point if this is gonna be a fight to death where we might actually die in real life we had to make sure we would win
"i always see this guy called jackspeidcy go to tomato town and he usually does well when he isnt being lagged out" zach said and placed a marker on the map "btw just touch the place you wanna go to on the map and it puts a marker" 
we all nodded and tapped the spot marked "tomato town" hopefully we wouldnt die!!! a sign appeared over the map that said we had 30 seconds to get off the bus or else we would be forced off and a little bus icon appeared on the map as well and moved as the bus was moving "uh i guess this is really it huh?? we're gonna be doing this for real" i said nervously and everyone nodded
the door next to us opened and a bunch of people started jumping out at the start but about half of the bus jumped out as we passed over tilted towers which was a good thing we werent going there!!
it didnt take long before we reached where we should drop we all stood up and went to the doors and watched as the ground buzzed by us realy quickly i could feel myself starting to get nervous i didnt want to jump i was scared of heights but cody grabbed my hand and smiled at me "it'll be ok maxxy we've got this let's go" he said and nodded at zach and dan as we jumped out and headed towards the marker that we placed
it took a few seconds for us to get there until i realized that i didnt know how to get out my gilder and i started to freak out when all of a sudden cody pressed a button on the side of my belt and my glider opened up i smiled at him and mouthed a thank you to him
we landed in the middle of tomato town annd looked around "what do we do?" i asked confused
"look for supplies, anything purple is really good, blue is great, green will do and grey is okay enough but wont hold up. chests make a sound and golden weapons are the best. btw, bandages and med kits are good, slurps are like shields, big slurps heal a lot but it takes a while and to get supplies to build just pull out your axe and start hitting things" zach said and pulled out his axe pick and started to hit the roof of the building we were on
we all took our pick out and coppied zach
"ok so there's four buldings and nobody is here yet, so dan and zach will i take this building, cody and i can take that building right next to" i said and jumped off the roof onto a car everyone nodded "ok, let's go"
cody followed me as i ran into the building the first thing we were met with were two med kits and a shot gun "you take the upstairs, i'll stay down here" i said and picked up the medkit
i searched all downstairs and picked up the guns and bandages and ammo that i saw. i ended up with medkits, a blue shotgun, a green pump and a slurp which i ended up taking right there. cody came running downstairs when he was done "ok lets go" he said and held up a golden shotty
all of us ran out the door and made our way towards the circle zach saw someone a couple hundred yards away through his scope and motioned for us to all go behind a tree "hey i know we cant kill but this is still q video game right? its not like id we kill anyone here they'll be dead in real life ok i know u r all scared i am two butt we gotta do this if we wanna stay alive" we all stuck our hands in the middle and said "hee-yah" we split up into too groups one group killing the people and two watching to make sure we were okie
i was with cody senpai and i keot looking at his gun thinking of what would happen after this or if it was just a dream or if we were actually here or not idk "im svared codey" i said crying he befan crying to "i love yoy sew much" he want to say something bht dan's gun went off really loudly behind us
"guys run and buikd theyre right behind us!!!!" we all ran meanwhile zach looked behind us and shit them and cody builded for us we got into the middle of the circle and we looked into the timer it said that helf of the people were dead already oh btw zach had killed the group chasing us so we were good
"ok lets set up here and heal and reload" i said everyone agreeded cody and dan healed and zach and i looted "hey guys a chest" zach went down and cody cane up with me "you can jave it" i pointed and leaned against rhe window
"hey i want you tk know that i l~" cody said but was interrupted when a loud bang sounded throughout the house
i jumped and sceramed because the bagn was so loud it like right under teh stairs in the living room or whatever oh yeah did i ever tell you we had taken up hold in a house idk if i did im too gay to remeber ot care xD but yah it wsa like right downstairs and i jumped and fell right into codys arms i blushed super hard and gelt my little maxx get hard i looked up at cody and he looked down at me
i almost went to kiss him but then i remebered the bang and was like ":o!!!!! dun!!!! zak!!!" i pushed myself away from cody and ran down the stiars he followed me too we reached the bottom of the steps and stumbled into the living room "wut happened who got hurt!!!!" cody shouted and ran towards zach an dan they looked at him confused
cody smakced them upside the head and i scanned around tehr room looking for someone "the bagnw e just heard"
zach looked shocked and then finally understoon "oh that!! dan got scared here and thought he saw a rat but it was just my shoe and he almost fucking shot my foot off" dan blushed n cried
we all sighed and shock our herds and hugged him "its ok there wasnt much in the chest but we do have some flughs if you want to them were all stocked up on shields and health though there's like 7 other people left though so that means us and either 3 groups or two 2 groups and one single or 3 singles idk we may want to tstart moving the cicrcle is closing in again remeber to watch ur backs, dan you biuled for us and cody you shoot zach and i are gonna runn you follow ok"
they all nodded and we snucked out sid of the house and ran towards the circle we didnt see anyone which was weird maybe they were hiding or something?? they would have shot us if the saw us idk idk the circle was closing in on us but there was still a bit of room until the circle wasa actually gone we had like one more cycle before it clsoed into the tiny one and then the end of game happened
we had just made it into the circle when another loud bang happened i glared back at dan like to be like "wtf dude?" but he was hurt and bleeding "omg! nu~" i cried and ran over to him zach had him carried over his shoulder and there were bullets almost hitting our feet "zach you get him to safety cody you biuld and i'll shoot!!!!" i screamed they ndoded and listened cody built us a metal towers right in the middle of the circle and i shot through the hole with my golden scope (use code dickguzzler for 6969 free V-bucks no scam)
i got a "elimited saladass69" on my screen that must be they person who shot dan oh well the named sounded kind familier but whatver i ran over to dan and cried over him he was loosing a lot of blood somehow saladass69 had manged to take off his shilend with one shot and hit him in the chest right nrxt to his heart i hitnk im not a doctor i dont know atanomy geeze
he was bleeding out like crazy zach had his head in his lap and cody tried to wrap bandages around him but it wasnt working he wsa just bleeding irght through him we couldnt do anything we were running out of medkits "guys theres only two people plus us and the storm is closing in we need to pick him up and go! maybe if we win this beofre he u know *udders* he might mayke it cum on" cody picked dan up and zach and i toore down the shelter we built and ran into the circle it was the final cirle until the storm closed forever
we were running but we were slow like really slow i could feel the storm piniching me boot i blushed and felt baby maxx get hard again omg no we were just a few feet from the circle when dan stumbled and took dpwn zach with him cody and i came to a halt "come on get up!! we'll help u u need to hury~" i said as tears ran down my face zach shookeded his head yes and tried to stand but he couldnt cody adn i went to help them up but we got zapped and burned
"go on without me there's a few mintues left and i think the other two may be right there over that hill i have full shield and more medkits incase we get low just go!!!!"
codydrug me away from them he cried too we had a fired in aour eyes and loked everywehre for the other two people i saw one of them and charged and just started shooting wildly i hit someone and heard codekey start shooting two i killed my person it said "elimited jackieboy" i started to cry more because that name really sounded familier now it was weiras i shot codys person at the sam e time as him and got an "assited kill on ryanrossfucker"
everything slowed down and the "battler royale #1" thing popped up "we did it !!!! i screamed at kissed cody ididnt even care there was another flahs i was pulled out of the gameand we were back in real life i was kissing coyd and little maxxx was as hard a plank i blushed and puleld awy
we heard a screma and ran into zachs room dan was dead he was bleeding like everything that had hapned in the game zach had a couple of burns that looked like electial sotrm burns i grabbed his pho ne and called 911
while w waited for the cops we sat in the licing room and checked the cam footage and it was just us starring at the screen adn saying the stuff we were saying but on dans i ouldnt look i sobbed and cried into codys shirt he held me close zach luked over n saw n said "ha gay" then started crying when he saw random bullet holes show up in dans body and elecetial storm burns show up on his i cried
the cops and emt and everyone else that is sent when u call 911 kocked on the door cody got up on shkay legs and opened it for them they looked shoked that it was us "ugh! our friend just died and we got burne dand now theres fan!!!!!!!! nu!! i jsut wanna cri n bang senpai daddy cody~!" i cried and blushed sezily and ran upstairs into my room i heard the officers n stuff talking to cody n zach n they tok pics and came up into zachs room i walked out ubt bumped into code key i blushed 
"is tru what u said down ehre?" he asked shy liked i blushed "yah" he blushed we kissed n heard a bunch of "aw"s i looked over to see everyone with their phone out and taking pics
"carziger 4 lyfe!!!!!~" one of the emts shouted and the other officers squeealed n spun around "ok! what abt dun?"" i felt something tap my shoulder n looked over it was his ghost!!! he gave us at humbd up we all walked to zachs room and the cops took pics and did they stuff they took his body away and we all cried
we turned on the news a couple hours later and saw on the news it was a trending story it said "about hundred die mysteriously after or while playing hot game called fornite, including popular irish youtuber jacksepticeye, old emo dude now twitch streamer brendon urie, and popular racist perdiepie. more at 6 the remaining people will be hunted down and taken to court to find out what happened"
not long after that the fbi kicked in and smadhsed through our windows and kidnapped us they took us to a court and all of the families of the hundred that had died were there they were crying we were all crynig too i pulled up my laptop to write about this and start a book about it we walked into court and had camerws and phones and microphones and stuff all in our face "hey heres a million dolalrs and abook deal" someone said "wow ok" zach said and we took a moment to write out book it sold out right awy and we bacome famous bak to court anyway
the judge freaked out n took a pic and tehre was a super long invesgationg is wht i want ot say but really they all watched the tapes n saw we had nothing to do with it but fornite had to pay everyone in a million free v-buvks no scam and they shut down but they also went into a new cahpters and we want to play but we have been socared that we are neer gonig to touch that game again also teh video didnt get uploaded and we had to say that dan left anyway
cody and i r like hella fricking every day and people still ahte us and thretend us for killing pewdiepie and jcak an brendon but we dont csre bc we all know the truth n were also billionianres and have kill jeff bezos because we can also everyone has to be gay in our new world (we're the president of the world now bc everyone loves us) and if they arent they arent sent into the moon ok goodbye this hads been my book about how we got sicked into fortnite or as i like to call it setnite anyway goodbye be gay do crimes
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artificialqueens · 3 years
I Don't Know How I Know (But I Know) (Taywhora) - Ortega
fic summary: Tayce and A’whora have been friends for three years and the joke around school is that they’re joined at the hip. They started working there at the same time and they were both given the year two classes, so they planned together, filled out their assessment folders together and prepped for parent’s evenings together.
Tayce and A’whora have been friends for three years and Tayce has been a little bit in love with her for two of them.
(in which Tayce teaches year five, A'whora teaches Reception, Tayce hates Valentine’s day, and A'whora has a plan to change that.)
a/n: with thanks to my co-author, Lawrence Chaney. title from Intuition by LIZ, please listen to it it’s a vibe. happy valentine’s day everyone xo
Tayce has heard people say that teaching is a form of acting. She thinks this is true, for the most part. After all, there’s no way in hell she teaches her year fives the same way she would act around her friends.
She pretends she doesn’t know the TikTok dance to Savage Love and fakes ignorance at the memes her kids all communicate in. She’s impatient with her class when they run in the corridor and chew gum (because they’re almost the oldest in the school, and they should know better) but she’s patient when they struggle with area and perimeter and brings her chair over to sit beside whoever’s confused to explain it all again. She’s strict- she gets the girls passing notes to each other into trouble as if she didn’t do the exact same with her friends at the age of ten- and she’s built up a reputation for being one of the teachers that doesn’t take any shit. She expects a lot from the children she teaches, knows they’re a blank canvas and that they’ve got the potential to understand things that some adults struggle with, so she teaches them about racism, homophobia and transphobia, makes it part of her everyday teaching as opposed to one milquetoast lesson about Martin Luther King per year.
Some of the parents fucking hate her for it. She’d be lying if she said that wasn’t one of her favourite parts of the job.
It takes a lot for her not to drop that persona sometimes. When she has to tear through one of her boys for muttering “ah shit, here we go again” as she hands out a worksheet on direct and indirect speech instead of bursting out laughing as if it’s one of the funniest things she’s heard in years, which it is. It’s times like that when she wishes she could be more like A’whora.
A’whora with the blonde hair and the Disney-princess smile who teaches Reception. A’whora who does silly voices for all the characters when she’s reading picture books to her class and who sits and does colouring-in with them when they’re playing. A’whora who’s too nice to them all because she thinks they’re too cute to discipline, but her class love her so their behaviour is good regardless.
(A’whora with the completely inappropriate nickname only disclosed to Tayce five mojitos deep on the staff Christmas night out, which she’d earned herself at uni via her reputation. Tayce hadn’t asked for any further details.)
Tayce has never seen a teacher better suited to the youngest class in the school than A’whora. She’s constantly got specks of glitter on her face from the crafts she completes with them, she hums the silly little songs she uses to teach them their sounds when she’s at the photocopier without even realising. She turns up to work in immaculate outfits and finishes the day with them covered in glue, marker pen, and even (horrifically) a child’s snot once, but she doesn’t even mind, simply zips them up into little bodybags and puts them in for dry cleaning.
Tayce is never done telling her how she could never do what she does, she could never teach the little ones; her patience would snap, she’s too mean for them, she’d get bored having to teach the most basic of basic stuff. A’whora only ever brushes her off and says how she couldn’t teach Tayce’s year group either; they’d eat her alive, they’d walk all over her, she wouldn’t even be able to do the complicated maths she’d have to teach. Besides, she argues, drawing a glare from Tayce every time, she’s definitely goofy enough for the Reception kids.
Tayce and A’whora have been friends for three years and the joke around school is that they’re joined at the hip. They started working there at the same time and they were both given the year two classes, so they planned together, filled out their assessment folders together and prepped for parent’s evenings together. They worked well together, so when their headteacher sent them to opposite ends of the school Tayce almost had a meltdown. Still, they sit next to each other in the staffroom and at every staff meeting. They take turns making each other lunch every day and walk to the roll shop to get toasties every Friday. Tayce walks down from her classroom to come and sit in A’whora’s at the end of every day and they chat and bitch and sometimes cry and get absolutely nothing done for at least forty minutes. A’whora picks her up on the way to work every morning and terrifies Tayce with her bad driving and the way she almost causes road traffic accidents with only a “whoopsie!” of acknowledgement, but she’ll make up for it by taking them through the Starbucks drive-thru if they’ve got a meeting after school that night. She blasts songs by artists Tayce has never heard of but are all in the same energetic, poppy, Y2K-esque genre that A’whora seems to love.
Tayce and A’whora have been friends for three years and Tayce has been a little bit in love with her for two of them.
A’whora’s friends tease her and tell her that teaching five year olds must be the easiest job in the world. A’whora loves her friends, but she fucking resents them when they come out with that shite.
A’whora knows that she herself is not the brightest crayon in the box. She had known that she’d never be one of the girls in her year at high school that went off to study medicine or law, and she’d known she’d never graduate uni with a first class degree or write an award-winning dissertation.
(When she’s having a bad day she comforts herself with the fact that at least she’s not joined a multi-level-marketing scheme under the guise of being a “businesswoman”, and this helps her feel a little better.)
But what she lacks in academic ability she makes up for in spadeloads by being a damn good teacher. She’s big-hearted and silly and patient. She always picks up crisps and KitKats when she’s at the shops and keeps them in a drawer under her desk to sneak to the kids who come to school without a snack. She sits in the construction corner with her kids when they’re playing and asks them about the models they make, and pretends to die a gruesome, slow death when they shoot her with their little lego guns instead of trying to get them to make something less violent like she knows she should do. She reads books about unicorns that captivate the little shy girls in her class who come up to her afterwards and whisper in their tiny voices that they think unicorns are real, and A’whora agrees with them and watches their faces light up. She makes every day fun for her little ones; because the beauty of teaching is having the control to plan what happens every hour, so she makes sure that none of the six they have to spend in her care are boring.
The key to being a good Reception teacher is to essentially make a fool of yourself every day for the benefit of twenty-two four and five year olds, which A’whora has no problem doing. She doesn’t care what her pupil support worker thinks of her when she acts out The Gruffalo with soft toy puppets she borrowed from the library. She doesn’t care what the management team think of her when she turns up for World Book Day dressed as The Tiger Who Came To Tea. The only person’s opinion she does maybe care a tiny, ever-so-slight amount about, is Tayce’s.
Tayce is that teacher. Tayce is the cool teacher. Tayce is the teacher that all the children want to be taught by. A’whora hears the year fours whisper to each other in the corridors every June and watch as they cross their fingers and close their eyes before they open the envelope addressed to their parents, then give a screech of excitement and joy when they see the name Miss Szura-Radix on their class allocation letter. She wears heels all day without so much as a grunt of complaint and jumps in A’whora’s car each morning with a full face of makeup on at half past seven (while A’whora paints her face at quarter past eight at her desk in between shovelling a croissant down her throat in an attempt at ‘breakfast’ and sorting handwriting worksheets). The year five and six girls straighten their hair to a flattened crisp in an attempt to emulate Tayce’s endless shiny locks and she’s the only teacher that the rogue group of year six boys addresses with respect. She has the discipline of Miss Trunchbull with the heart of Miss Honey, and A’whora thinks she’s the best teacher she’s ever seen.
A’whora’s been friends with Tayce since she started working at the school but her heart still flutters in its chest whenever she sweeps in to her classroom to chat after work, or sits herself down next to her before a cluster meeting with two cups of tea in polystyrene mugs and two biscuits, or whenever A’whora mysteriously finds a packet of Percy Pigs on her desk hidden under a pile of marking with a post-it note stuck to it that says “u are a pig (but i love u)”.
She wonders if that feeling will ever go away. She kind of doesn’t want it to.
It’s that feeling that made her volunteer to help out at the year five camp last March. Tayce was complaining about having to go to a remote outdoor centre and supervise ten year olds completing various death-defying tasks for a week all in the name of character building, and A’whora had said she’d go with her. The smile it had put on Tayce’s face was worth every minute spent up to her knees in mud. Similarly every second she spent waist deep in freezing water was worth the moment Tayce fell asleep on her shoulder on the coach trip back to school on the last day.
(And she still hasn’t told anyone else about the moment she thought her heart might explode; on the last night of the week when temperatures had unexpectedly plummeted and A’whora had been trying to get to sleep but all she had been able to do was shiver and chatter her teeth and toss and turn, and Tayce had sighed dramatically, rolled her eyes, thrown off her duvet cover and patted the space in the bed beside her, with a “just get in quick, before it gets cold”. A’whora had spent the following hours until morning with Tayce’s body tangled around hers, in the most blissful sleepless night she’d ever experienced.)  
There’s so many things that endear Tayce to A’whora. Her smile, her secretly chaotic funny side, the way she never, ever makes A’whora feel like an idiot. The way she’ll ask the questions A’whora’s too scared to ask in staff meetings. The way she cares so deeply and passionately about the futures of the kids she teaches to the extent where sometimes she’ll develop a little crease at her brow in front of her attainment spreadsheet and A’whora will have to gently pry her away from her monitor to reassure her that she can’t control the way her children’s lives pan out. The way she’ll sometimes call her Rory, which makes A’whora’s heart expand at least three sizes.  
Something else that makes her heart expand three sizes is the way Tayce acts with the Reception kids, despite her insisting she could never teach that year group. It happens one day when A’whora’s marking literacy while letting her kids play and Tayce swings by her classroom without so much as a knock. They’ll do this to each other sometimes when one’s in class and the other has planning time; just drop by and check in to make sure the other isn’t having a meltdown.
“Hey bitchtits,” she murmurs quietly, smirking as she leans onto A’whora’s desk. “How’s your day going?”
“Terrible since you decided to show up,” A’whora cocks an eyebrow back, then jerks her head towards her distracted kids. “This lot are like sponges, y’know. You can’t be dropping that kind of language in this class, even if you think you’re out of earshot.”
Tayce sticks her tongue out at her. “Aw what, you gonna report me to management?”
“Report you to management and say you’re in my class annoying me during teaching time!”
“Piss off! I’m the highlight of your day and you know it.”
“Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?”
“No. Just some very lucky ladies,” Tayce bites back with a smile, instantly rendering A’whora’s cheeks beetroot red as if she’s been slapped.
“You’re horrendous. You’re an actual deviant. Olly Murs without the Pringles can,” she rolls her eyes, trying to style out how flustered she’s become. She can see Tayce open her mouth to shoot a comeback her way, which is why she’s glad when one of her boys appears beside her desk holding a crumpled piece of paper covered in crayon blobs which are clearly meant to represent objects.
“Hi Archie! You okay?” she smiles brightly, turning all her attention to the little boy and trying not to cringe at Tayce getting full view of her Cbeebies-presenter voice.
“I made a picture for you,” he says, showing her the piece of paper and pointing out all the features of his drawing with a chubby little finger. “It’s a dragon that breathes fire and bombs, and he’s called Squish.”
“Wow! Thank you, Archie, I love it!” A’whora keeps smiling, blinking at the drawing the boy’s still holding. She points at some shaky rectangles with a pink acrylic. “And I can see he must be really tall because those buildings are tiny underneath him!”
Archie’s no longer interested in her or the drawing, though, as he’s looking up at Tayce through his glasses. “You’re my brother’s teacher.”
“Am I?” Tayce says, surprised that the attention is suddenly on her. “Who’s your brother?”
“Joshua. Joshua White.”
Tayce’s face instantly lights up in recognition. “Of course, you’re Josh’s brother! I should’ve known, you look so alike.”
“He’s ten and I’m five,” Archie adds, somewhat unnecessarily.
“See, I think you might be taller than him, though,” Tayce deadpans. A’whora watches affectionately as Archie’s entire body crumples up in a laugh and he splutters out a “nooooo!”. Tayce’s face breaks out into a smile- warm and genuine with her nose wrinkling up. It’s maybe the most adorable thing A’whora has ever seen.
“Josh is good at art as well. He’s not quite as good as you, but he’s good,” Tayce smiles, and as Archie smiles back A’whora feels her heart melting.
Archie turns to Tayce suddenly with the drawing still in his hand, and holds it out for her to take. “This is actually for you.”
A’whora gives a snort of outrage and amusement, which she quickly turns into a cough. She watches as Tayce accepts the drawing gratefully, giving Archie a little squeeze on his shoulder as she says thank you and Archie scuttles away back to his friends all bashful. There’s a second where Tayce smiles after him then looks down at the drawing with fondness, and A’whora’s feelings for her hit her like a tidal wave.
Tayce doesn’t notice (because of course she doesn’t) and as she straightens up she grins triumphantly at A’whora, holding the drawing in her face proudly. “Well. Guess Archie’s got a new favourite teacher then, doesn’t he?”
“He wouldn’t last five minutes in your classroom,” A’whora smirks, lying. The image of big-hearted Tayce with a class full of the littlest kids drying their tears and helping them get all organised for the day ahead is so unbelievably cute it makes A’whora want to squeal like an embarrassing teenager. She doesn’t, though. Instead she holds out a hand expectantly, raises her eyebrows at Tayce as if she’s one of her students. “Am I getting my drawing back or what?”
“Easy come, easy go,” Tayce winks at her, flouncing out of her classroom door just as the bell rings for break.
Tayce doesn’t really flirt with A’whora. Well, no, that’s a lie. She flirts and then immediately laughs it off, brushes it off as a joke or banter even though maybe if she’d taken flirting with A’whora a little more seriously she wouldn’t still be in this position two-bloody-years in.
Because she knows A’whora flirts sometimes. She’s positive she isn’t making it up. The way she’ll deadpan a “well, you look like shit” as she hops into her car in the mornings, the way she’ll sit close to her under her fluffy pink blanket if she’s round at Tayce’s for a movie day (because yeah, they hang out outside of work, because that’s what friends do). It’s always a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it raised eyebrow here, a laugh there, a touch of her arm and a squeeze of her hand and a smirk that bites back a thousand words Tayce wishes A’whora would just say.
So Tayce will flirt back because that’s probably just what A’whora does with her friends, and that’s all Tayce is to her. Maybe. Tayce is never sure if A’whora likes her back or not, and the risk of completely wrecking what is her only workplace friendship is too great to actually do something about it, so she’s happy being her friend for now. Every second she gets to spend with A’whora is a treat, so she can’t complain.
It would be easier if she was still labouring under the delusion that A’whora was straight, which was the whole reason it took Tayce so long to start slowly falling for her. A’whora had had a boyfriend for roughly the first six months Tayce had known her, so she hadn’t even thought of her friend in that capacity at all. Then one day on a rainy January she’d thudded her bag down on Tayce’s desk and told her they were going for drinks after work that night because her boyfriend was a cheating piece of shit and she’d broken up with him.
Tayce’s fate had further been sealed when they’d been sitting together for an inservice day on LGBT training and A’whora had turned to her and rolled her eyes.
“We don’t really need to be here, do we? We could just piss off to McDonalds.”
Tayce had laughed softly, fixing A’whora with a slightly confused glance. “Huh?”
“Well, I feel like we probably have enough lived experience of the whole thing to not need training. Still, we could always duck back in in time for the transgender part. But I mean we probably don’t really need to be told how to support kids struggling with their sexuality, do we?”
Tayce still remembers how A’whora had snorted at her, her face obviously looking as if she was searching for the last puzzle piece in the world’s most confusing jigsaw. “What is it?”
“I don’t get…what?” Tayce had said awkwardly, still unsure of what A’whora had meant.
A’whora had pulled a face, giggling a little. “Are you telling me that rainbow flag is on your desk for shits and gigs?”
“No…” Tayce said slowly, the pieces slowly falling together. “So…”
A’whora gave another funny little snort. “Tayce, did you not know I was bi? I’m sure I’ve told you this before.”
Tayce still thinks she deserves an Oscar for still being able to keep the conversation going despite the fact her entire world had been flipped on its head like a globe made of hourglass. “You’ve not! You’ve never. I mean, like, why would you need to? It’s not something that matters. I mean obviously it matters to you, but it doesn’t matter to me. You’re my friend either way. I mean it just never occurred to me because…your ex, and uh…you can drive.”
Mercifully, their headteacher had started speaking before A’whora could respond to her beyond a single raised eyebrow and a smirk on her face.
It’s been ever since then that Tayce has been looking at A’whora in a different light. How gorgeous she is at the start of the day with nothing but her laminated brows and lash extensions to pass for makeup and how gorgeous she still is at the end of the day with her mascara and eyeliner smudged a little at the edges and her lipstick all rubbed off. How she’s generous and patient and how she’ll go out of her way to help Tayce understand the new flavour-of-the-month resource their headteacher makes them use, pulling one of her kid’s chairs over to sit close beside her to see the monitor and bumping her knee against Tayce’s every so often.  
It’s how she acts around her kids, though, that really highlights everything Tayce completely adores about A’whora. Tayce is on her way up to the staffroom with two tubs of chicken shawarma salad in her hands (one for her and one for A’whora, of course) and she makes it up one flight of stairs when she suddenly hears a cry like an air raid siren pierce the air, as well as a gentle, soothing voice muttering quiet consolations.
It’s the sheer hysterical nature of the crying that catches Tayce’s attention at first, and she looks over the bannister to see A’whora on the level below, sitting a little boy who’s bawling his eyes out down on the red squashy chairs outside the office. With a stab to her heart Tayce realises that it’s Archie, the boy who’d given her the picture all those weeks ago. Both his knees and the palms of his hands are torn to ribbons; he’s obviously had a fight with the tarmac and emerged the loser. Tayce knows he’ll be okay if an adult’s seeing to him, especially if that adult’s A’whora, so she knows she can leave. She doesn’t need to stay and watch the situation play out.
But she does. She watches as one of the ladies from the office comes out and reassures A’whora that she can take over, and as A’whora waves her away kindly and says it won’t take her two minutes. She watches as A’whora puts her hands on the boy’s shoulders and directs his breathing, talking to him calmly and softly. She watches A’whora rip into a packet of sterile wipes with grim determination, telling Archie how brave he’s being and that she knows it stings as she wipes quickly and carefully over his little cut hands. She watches A’whora peel the wrapping off four plasters, making it seem effortless even with her long acrylics, and the way she makes a joke about Archie being bandaged up like a mummy which brings a smile to his little tear-stained face and a smile to Tayce’s too. The other staff don’t get to see A’whora’s caring nature very often (given how often she whispers judgemental comments to Tayce during meetings) but Tayce sees it all the time. A’whora has the biggest heart of anyone she’s ever known, and the whole scene makes Tayce feel so endeared towards her that it almost frightens her.
It’s at that point when Archie looks up at Tayce on the bannister and makes eye contact with her. He flicks his eyes back down to his teacher.
“Uh, Miss Boyle? I think Miss Szura-Radix wants to talk to you, because she’s been there a long time.”
Tayce’s heart freezes solid at the same time A’whora turns around, who fixes her with a sort of funny smile, confused but not exactly unhappy to see her.
“Uh. Coming to the staffroom?” Tayce shouts down, under pressure to explain herself but simultaneously not having any explanation.
“Two seconds!” A’whora yells up apologetically.
“I’ll wait,” Tayce yells down, reassuring her.
Tayce is used to waiting for A’whora. She supposes another minute or so won’t make a difference.
This is the third Valentine’s day A’whora has spent with Tayce.
The first fell on a Monday and had been an abject disaster (or success, depending on how she looked at it). A’whora was still getting over her ex and Tayce had confided in her that she hated Valentine’s day and all its commercialised, capitalist tat with a burning passion, so they’d gone to the pub after work and got so outrageously drunk that the two of them were so hungover the next day A’whora drove them to McDonalds for lunch.
The second had been last year- a Tuesday, where Tayce had been subdued and a little down until A’whora had forced her into helping her choose new clothes for the roleplay area for her kids and the pair of them had collapsed into endless breathless giggles as they both tried on costumes made for five-year-olds, the memory of Tayce in a hi-vis vest, safety goggles and a tiny hard hat one that still makes A’whora laugh if she thinks about it.
Really she’s lucky that she gets to be one of the few people who’s spent the 14th of February with their crush for three years in a row, but not for the reasons she might want. Still, she can live in the delusional daydream she’s taunted herself with many times; how maybe today Tayce will turn up at her classroom door with helium balloons and a teddy, how she’ll say she’s been secretly in love with her for years and how she’s booked them a table at that fancy seafood restaurant in town that just opened up for an actual proper date (not a mate date and not some gal-entines or pal-entines bullshit).
And then Tayce hops into her car in a foul mood with her hair drenched from waiting for A’whora in the rain with no umbrella and a face like a cow’s backside.
A’whora tries to cheer her up. She blasts the R&B that Tayce loves but Tayce just asks her to turn it off, telling her that Kiana Ledé, Mahalia and Ella Mai are exactly what she doesn’t need to hear on Valentine’s Day, endless songs about being in and out of love. So A’whora blasts Charli XCX instead, which works well until shuffle puts on Forever, and then Tayce is in the huff again.
Teaching the year fives doesn’t exactly help her feel much better, A’whora thinks, as they both sit down to lunch together and Tayce turns to her with an incredulous scowl on her face.
“They’ve all got bloody boyfriends and girlfriends!”
A’whora stops eating the pasta salad Tayce has made for her and narrows her eyes inquisitively. “Who does?”
“All the kids in my class. They’ve been going around all day telling me who they’ve paired up with, who’s snogging who, the detailed dating history of these bloody ten year olds. They keep asking me what we’re doing for Valentine’s Day. ‘Are we making cards?’ No! We’re doing more work on decimals because none of you bloody understood it the first three times I explained it to you. Make a card in your own damn time,” Tayce rolls her eyes while A’whora snorts with laughter. Tayce side-eyes her, unimpressed as A’whora tries to defend herself.
“Oh come on, Tayce, you’ve got to admit it’s a bit funny.”
“Is it? Is it though? Is it funny that a ten year old boy can get himself a girlfriend but I can’t?”
Tayce’s words make A’whora’s heart jump a hurdle. She plays it off with a joke. “Yeah, but he’s got a ten year old girlfriend, Tayce. I’m assuming you don’t want that.”
“No, funnily enough!” Tayce shakes her head. She pouts uncharacteristically, tilting her head to the ceiling. “I just…I don’t know, I just want someone that’s there for me. Who’ll always listen to all my shit, someone that makes me smile when I feel like crap. Someone I can just be myself around and have a laugh with whatever the hell we’re doing.”
A’whora nods and doesn’t say what she wants to. We do that. We do all of that together already.
“But I don’t want all the shit of having to actually get to know people, having to go on dates and do the whole talking stage and get my hopes up only to have them let down. I wish I could just…” Tayce sighs, and A’whora’s on tenterhooks wondering what’s coming next. “…I wish I just already had that person, you know?”
You do have that person. I’m that person.
A’whora nods silently and the bell rings signalling the end of their lunch break.
Since she’s not as enraged by Valentine’s day as Tayce, A’whora has planned to get the sequins and glue out and get the kids to make Valentine’s cards. She loves planning tasks like this, mainly because five year olds don’t need much help when faced with a glue stick and a shaker full of glitter, so it means she can put her feet up and have a chilled afternoon. She explains to her class what they’re going to be doing, feels her heart burst with affection as they all get outrageously excited at the very notion of using glitter. She shows them how to fold their piece of paper carefully to make a card shape, and shows them the array of colours they can choose from (and has to explain to some disappointed boys that no, she doesn’t have any blue card so no, their Valentine’s Day card can’t be the colour of Crystal Palace football club).
She’s giving out the different colours of card to her kids and cutting them to size when one of her girls stops, peers carefully at the selection of colours, then looks at A’whora thoughtfully.
“Miss Boyle, are you going to give a Valentine’s card to Miss Szura-Radix?”
A’whora almost slices through her own hand in shock. She looks with incredulity at the little girl in front of her. “Bella! No, of course not. Why would I do that?”
“Because you’re best friends and you love her,” Bella shrugs, A’whora’s attempts to shame her into silence obviously having no effect. A’whora tries to scowl, tries to do her best ‘cross face’ despite the fact that the thought of giving Tayce a Valentine’s card sets her heart racing so fast it makes her genuinely think about driving to A&E.
“I don’t…” she starts, until Bella speaks again.
“You told us before that girls can fall in love with girls and you said that we can make our Valentine’s cards for our friends too,” she insists innocently. A’whora finally musters up a frown, thrusts a pink piece of card into her hand.
“Why am I even entertaining this conversation- go and get on with your work, madam!” she says firmly, and Bella walks away with her blank card in her hand, nonplussed.
But as her kids all begin to make their cards and they’re all too caught up in glitter and painting their hands with PVA glue to even need her help with anything, A’whora begins absent-mindedly folding a spare piece of pink card in half. She draws one, two, three love hearts on it, then takes one of the little glue sticks and carefully, neatly, fills them in with splodges of clear glue. She asks one of the little boys sitting at the table opposite her if she can borrow the red glitter when he’s finished with it and he nods his head, A’whora’s heart involuntarily swelling with pride at how good her children are at sharing. She tap-tap-taps the glitter shaker over the hearts on the paper, making sure each one is covered completely before standing the card upright and watching the excess fall off like sparkly snow. Opening the card, she takes the gold shiny gel pen from her desk and writes without really thinking it through.
Maybe if Tayce isn’t going to magically read A’whora’s mind and figure out what she’s been yearning for, A’whora just has to give her a little nudge in the right direction.
When she’s done she folds it back over, stands up, crosses the room to her empty yellow message folder and slides it inside. She asks her class if anyone knows where the year five classroom is because she’s got a message to send there. Fifteen tiny hands fly up and A’whora basically has to whittle the volunteers down to the only two kids who actually know where they’re going, and she gives them the folder and tells them to take it up to Tayce’s classroom.
She doesn’t think about the reality or the implication of what she’s just done, because if she does then she’ll start hyperventilating and not stop until perhaps June of next year. Instead she catches the eye of Julia, the little girl who moved from Poland in January. She can’t speak or write a word of English yet, but the way she’s looking at A’whora with a little smile on her face makes her genuinely wonder if she knows. Sometimes kids can pick up on these sorts of things. She shoots her a little wink and puts her finger to her lips in a “shhh” just in case, and the little girl breaks into a grin that shows two missing front teeth.
The thing about teaching is that it’s a great job for providing a distraction. A’whora can’t think about the card she made for Tayce when she’s cleaning up an entire pot of glitter that Jared spilt all over the carpet, nor can she think about what she’s written in it when she’s comforting Angelica because she didn’t get to finish her card in time for hometime. But the moment she’s waved the kids off and dropped them off to their parents she walks up the stairs from the front entrance with an impending sense of dread which only increases with every new step she takes.
“What the fuck have you done,” she mutters under her breath, earning her a weird look from one of the ladies at the office.
When she gets back to her classroom to find Tayce sitting on one of the tiny tables waiting for her, A’whora feels her heart freeze in her chest and the blood rush to her face, blushing just from seeing her there. Tayce looks in a better mood than she was at lunchtime, though, which is a good start. Maybe she never even read the card. Maybe A’whora’s reception kids took it to the entirely wrong class. Christ, that would be even more embarrassing.
“Hey, boo boo,” Tayce smiles gently at her, as A’whora crosses the room and elects to sit on the desk opposite her so they’re face to face and not too far away. “How’d your afternoon go?”
“Oh, uh, y’know,” A’whora stammers out, blundering her words in the world’s worst attempt at appearing nonchalant. “Lots of glitter, lots of PVA. In fact I’m probably sitting in a massive glittery splodge of it, as are you.”
Tayce laughs, checks the table comedically.
“How was yours? You seem a bit more cheerful,” A’whora continues, looking to the floor and not darling to meet her eyes. “Did decimals finally click with your lot, or…?”
“I am a bit more cheerful,” Tayce smiles, A’whora’s heart racing and soaring in anticipation at the same time. “But not really anything to do with decimals. More to do with the fact somebody made me a really very lovely Valentine’s card.”
Tayce reaches behind her back and produces her card- A’whora’s card- from the table behind her, and A’whora feels her pulse race at her wrists and her heart leap into her mouth to the extent that she’s rendered almost too shy to speak. What the fuck was she thinking? Tayce is probably about to rip the piss out of her for it, it was a huge mistake, and she’s probably thrown their whole friendship away for nothing.
However. There’s a little something in Tayce’s eyes, a little sparkle that makes the grey shine silver. So A’whora shrugs, fixing a carefree smile on her face even though she feels anything but.
“Well, I know you hate Valentine’s day, so…I thought maybe if I gave you a card you’d stop being so mardy about it.”
When she looks at Tayce again she can see there’s a little crack in her perfect armour, the sparkle in her eyes dulled slightly. When she speaks her voice is quiet and nervous, so stripped of its usual hyperactivity and energy that A’whora wonders if it’s even Tayce’s voice at all. “Is that, uh. Is that the only reason you made it?”
A’whora can practically feel herself clam up. She has no idea where Tayce is going with this; to clarify that it was a joke or to clarify that it was serious, and A’whora doesn’t know which one Tayce wants it to be.
“What you wrote,” Tayce continues, her gaze fixed on the glitter-covered carpet and making it even more impossible to figure out her intention. “Was that, like…some girly besties chat, or was it…did you mean it…like that?”
“Yeah, I did,” A’whora says instantly. It’s out before she knows it, a terrifying leap into a freezing cold conversational plunge pool with no life raft to help her climb out. There’s only one way out and it’s Tayce’s reaction, whatever the hell that might be. She snapped her head up the moment the words left A’whora’s mouth, and her eyes are wide in what could be shock but could quite easily be horror.
A’whora doesn’t think she’s ever been more hopeful and frightened all at once. The seconds tick by and Tayce is still frozen in position, and A’whora can literally feel herself inching closer to the edge of the desk in terrified anticipation.
“Jesus Christ say something, Tayce, before I cringe myself to death,” she says breathlessly, her blood feeling almost electric as it races in her veins.
Tayce leans forward, not giving much away as she brings a thumb up to A’whora’s cheek.
“You’ve got a bit of glitter on your face,” she murmurs.
When she leans in and closes the gap between them, A’whora feels herself melt against Tayce’s lips with relief. They’re in the middle of her classroom at quarter part three with the door open and she’s very well aware that anyone could walk in at a moments’ notice, but A’whora doesn’t care. A’whora only cares about the fact that Tayce is kissing her and she’s kissing back, and it’s so hard to believe it’s actually real and not some daydream come to life, and it’s happening on Valentine’s day which makes it even more far-fetched. But every time A’whora starts to think that maybe she’s dreaming she feels Tayce’s thumb stroke her cheek, or their knees bump together, or she brings a hand up to rest at Tayce’s jaw just to make sure it’s all real.
When Tayce pulls away and they smile at each other, giggling and blushing like one of Tayce’s year fives, A’whora only allows herself to properly believe it’s all actually happening when Tayce presses their foreheads together, takes both of A’whora’s hands in her own and murmurs quietly to her what A’whora’s wanted to hear for entirely too long.
“I love you too.”
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yourkimjaejin · 3 years
NCT AG Channel - AG Daily - Welcome To The Jungle Dance Practice
Hello AGzen’s!!! Here is the AG WTTJ dance practice video. This post also includes little moments from the girls in the other Resonance(album) dance practice videos. 
Hope you enjoy!! ~ Love Author Izzy
The camera catches a shot of the girls practicing in high heel boots. The captions explain that once the girls feel comfortable with a dance they try in the heels just to make sure they feel comfortable in different shoes. 
A shot of the girls stretching before the choreographer gets in. 
Moxy: We all needed to stop for coffee this morning cause we stayed up playing Marvel’s Ultimate Alliance. We’re only on the second game but we’ve been having a ton of fun playing it. So much that we forgot we had practice this morning *laughs*
Their choreographer walks in and all the girls hug him. The choreographer who did WTTJ also did the choreography for Breakout. 
The AG daily cameras shoot they girls beginning to learn the dance for WTTJ. AGzen’s get to see how quickly they pick up dances. 
The original choreo for the rap section had the girls kneeling on the floor. When their verse came up they would stand up. Juno didn’t like and neither did the girls. So their choreographer worked with the girls to come up with dance moves for the rap section
The clips change to another WTTJ dance practice, keen eyed czennies noticed that Moxy walked into practice in one of Haechan’s bucket hats. 
AG Daily cameras got a shot of Moxy teaching her members the dance to make a wish. 
Aurora - Moxy noona has to be tired. She just left a dance practice for NCT U. I just want to make sure she isn’t overworking and she won’t get hurt. 
Juno walking around with Aurora clinging to her back. 
Moxy and Hannah monitoring the practice they just filmed
Hannah: Nono make sure during second hook, when we fan out, take one medium step instead of a big one. 
WTTJ starts to play as the girls practice the dance again. 
A clip of girls taking a break, all of them singing their hearts out to Josslyn by Olivia O’Brien. 
The video cuts to another dance practice. The girls this time were all in sports bras and leggings. 
A: If you were in Disney’s Descendants, What would your parent/parents be?
J: That depends. Are we talking according to our own heritage or just who we want? 
A: Let’s say its a free for all. Disney contacted us and wants in a Descendants movie and we get to pick our characters. What would you choose?
H: Well, personally I would choose Moana
Everyone: BOO!!!!!
H: *throws sweaty shirt in their direction* SHUT UP!!! I wasn’t finished. I would be Maui’s daughter but without the arrogance.
J: You just wanna be related to the Rock.....
H: I- will not deny that. 
Everyone bursts out in laughter
Another shot of the girls practicing the choreography during the rap section. The official audio is matched to the video
Moxy Could I possibly like do different NCT choreo’s during the ‘Do ya dance’ line?
A shot of Moxy practicing that part with the Bad Alive choreo
The video cuts to a shot of the girls putting on different shoes. 
Hannah: *holds up the black high heel boots* It’s Time!!! We always do this. Just to make sure we can do the dance in any shoes they give us and not break an ankle *She sighs* wish us luck
The cameras films them dancing in the heels to WTTJ, the song playing in the background. The banner for NCT 2020′s Beyond Live pops up during this montage. 
The camera cuts to a clip of the girls laughing as Mark walks out of the room to Aurora’s screams
The final shot of the video is of the girls finishing the dance, the clip synced up with the ending of the song. 
And now, Here are some moments of the girls in other dance practices! Enjoy:
Resonance Dance Practice
The girls walking in for there groups practice for the mama performance. Several members attacking them before they even get past the door. 
Sungchan: Noona! *hugs Moxy*
Chenle: *attacks Aurora*
Yangyang: *attached himself to Hannah’s side*
Yuta: *messing with Juno’s hair*
Chenle knowing all the choreo to WTTJ like the NCTzen he is...
The boys simultaneously holding their breath when AG practiced the death drop. Some of them flinching on impact
Aurora mouthing along to Mark’s rap during the 90′s love section
Juno and Hannah reaching out for one another (like lost lovers) from their positions in the Resonance formation
Make A Wish Dance Practice
Moxy showing up to the first MAW dance practice in an oversized black shirt, black biker shorts and black nikes. When she walked in, the boys were hollering over her exposed legs.
Jaemin: SeXy!!!
Moxy: *blushes* Shut UP!!
The MAW choreographer checking with Moxy to make sure she’s ok with the dance moves. 
Moxy resting against Doyoung’s back
The boys ‘oooo’ing when Moxy brings out the high heels to practice. 
Taeyong and Jaehyun keeping an eye on her, making sure she doesn’t fall or injure herself
Work It Dance Practice
This ENTIRE video is Yuta and Johnny coddling Aurora like their shared baby
Yuta: She’s my little sister
Johnny: NO she’s MY little sister
Aurora: How about I don’t belong to anyone??
Johnny/Yuta: *Looking at Aurora like shes crazy*
Aurora: Where is Mark when you need him....
Jaemin helping Aurora nail some of the moves
Ten and Yuta including Aurora in their ad-lib part towards the end of the song
90′s Love Dance Practice
Hannah getting attacked by Ten and Yangyang before she can walk thru the door
Ten/Yangyang: Yēzi!!!!!  (coconut in Chinese)
Hannah: Hi Ten-ge!! Yangie! *ruffles Yangyang’s hair*
Hannah greeting the choreographer with the other members
Hannah’s giggle when she and the other members vote Winwin as the leader of their group against his will
Winwin: Hannahhhh, you’re not supposed to side with them!
Hannah: Sorry not sorry, Ten-ge’s got a point. You have seniority here
The camera didn’t catch it but you can hear Hannah singing along to Ice Cream
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thehomierobbstark · 6 years
Let’s Talk About Sex
Chapter 2 Intermission Chapter 3
Pairing: Erik Killmonger x Reader [#TeamErikDon’tDateWhiteChicks]
Prompt: Aight, so iOKnoW bout yall but… I got some mad ‘fears’ about sex 😂😂😂. I got so many questions, so many horrible imaginations, so many embarrassing ass scenarios I’ve thought of in my head about what might happen when I finally do the do. Basically, ya girl been thankin (thinking) too much, and I done fucked around and thought up this shit. HUUUUGEEE shoutout to the BP groupchat for not only always keeping me entertained but for feelin me on this fic lmao. I’m so glad I’m not the only one who feel this way. Also shoutout to Poosy for her word contribution lmao.
A/N:  Ya’ll…. this really the shit that be going thru my mind lmfao like this really what I think about XD. I tried color coding the dialogue because I thought it would be too confusing but then I failed so fuck it XD. Also, it may seem like some of the words are grammatically incorrect or misspelled n the dialogue but it’s because I wanted you to read it like you would a text or message to better understand the delivery.
Warnings: At the bottom 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿n uhhhhh yeah sit back and enjoy the journey 😂😂😂😂
This is for all my lil cute ass black gorditas out there rockin back fat, belly rolls and thick ass thighs that touch!!  x Reader is always gon be black, chubby, and sassy.
“Okayyy… you ready?”
“Yeah, I’m ready.” You fidget nervously, fingers sweating between the joints, your heart skipping beats while you keep your eyes locked with Erik’s.
“Alright on three. One…two…three!”
At the same time, both of you flip over your papers, holding them out in front of you to show each other.
Your eyes eagerly scan over Erik’s paper, mind quickly gobbling up all the information the printed form had to offer you.
Your brain checked off each result as it read through:
Patient: STEVENS, ERIK        Gender: MALE        Age: 26       DOB: 08/16/1992
CHLAMYDIA                                    NEGATIVE
GONORRHEA                                  NEGATIVE
HIV TYPE 1                                      NON -REACTIVE
HIV  TYPE 2                                     NON -REACTIVE
HERPES TYPE 1                              NEGATIVE
HERPES TYPE 2                              NEGATIVE
SYPHILIS RPR                                 NEGATIVE
Thank you for choosing Planned Parenthood.
A huge sigh of relief releases from your chest, sounding like a gush of wind as it escapes through your lips.
“Oh okay, so thats how u feel,” Erik griped, giving you a side eye look.
You ignore him, not even bothering to look for his reaction at your results, knowing they were all negative like you both knew they’d be.
Just as quickly as it left, your anxiety came rearing back as you snatched his test from his hands to take a closer look, eyes wide. “Wait! What does Non - Reactive mean?!”
“So you just gon ignore me then.”
“That means negative right? Where’s my phone!” your hands swing out to the sides to blindly feel around the couch before scooping up your device.
“-_____- really.”
“Okay! Okay, google says a non-reactive result means…” You mumbled over the quick-definition google supplied as you looked for the important bits, scanning between the paper and your phone. “ … and that no anti-bodies were found! So no!”
You do a little happy dance as you double check to make sure all five tests define non reactive in the same way while Erik rolls his eyes.
“Y/N you fr googled that.”
“Yes nigga! Sexual health is important and I wanna make sure I’m clear and confident in my understanding of the results!”
“Okay, well, you makin a nigga feel bad n shit gettin all worried over his test results. What, you don’t trust me baby?” Erik looks at you, and his face is pouted downcast, almost looking like a adorably sad pitbull.
“Aww baby no!” You deny, immediately throwing your arms around him to comfort him, pecking his forehead with annoying kisses as you smush his face into your chest. He grumbly accepts your kisses, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“But I mean…. you was kinda a thotpocket back in the day tho..” You joke, shrugging, and he playfully pushes you back and sucks his teeth.
“Mann stfu.  You just acting all extra cuz your body count lower.”
“Erik, for the last time, I’ve never had sex before.” You say, crossing your arms to help your statement seem more serious than you felt. Erik was always messing with you, saying he couldn’t believe that you’d never had sex before at 25, and that there was just no way.
“Nah.” He states simply.
Your neck reels back a little bit.
“Wachu mean Nah??” You get ready to defend your undefiled past and the normalcy of 20+ virgins when he leans forward to nibble on your neck, distracting you.
“I mean..” He pulls your waist against him and reaches back to grab two handfuls of ass as he keeps nibbling.
“…nah, ain’t no fuckin way you this damn fine and you ain’t ever had nobody at least worship for hours between these thighs.” He rubs all over you, fingers gliding across the beautiful curves and body rolls that covered your voluptuous frame as he presses hungry kisses with delicious pressure against your throat.
“Nigga, you’re corny as fuck.” you try to insult him, but he gives a fat wet lick right above your collarbone that feels so good, and he squeezes your ass at the breathy moan that slips out of your mouth.
He pauses his ministrations on your body and pulls back from you, chuckling and shaking his head a little before resting his forehead against yours.
“What?” You ask him, thinking he’s poking fun at you. While you may have technically been a virgin, you and Erik had definitely been routinely messing around a lot.
In between your latest heavy petting and make out sessions, Erik had a bet going to see how quickly he could get you to moan without sticking his hands down your pants. He bet 30 seconds, you bet 45. So far you hadn’t been able to make it past 38.
“You’re the horniest, freakiest, yet most innocent virgin I’ve ever met.”
A part of you wanted to ask just how many virgins he’d met, but you decided to nip your jealous possessive side in the bud before it could get the better of you. It wasn’t time for her right now.
He leans back to look you in the face, his eyes pulling at the corners exposing the teasing smile he was trying to hide.
“Umm excuse me?! What do you mean innocent? If I recall correctly, didn’t I just have you creaming your bitch ass pants the other week from just grinding on you?” You throw at him, triumphantly crossing your arms and looking down at him.
“Why they gotta be bitch ass tho.”
When you’re heavy petting session last week had suddenly turned into a full blown dry grinding competition, Erik had been so caught off guard by the intensity he actually came all over himself inside his brand new black velvet joggers he’d just bought (in your defense, the velvet did feel really nice against the thong you had on).
The bewildered look on his face made you laugh so hard, you actually keeled over and fell off the arm of the couch.  He was over it at that point, storming off to the bathroom muttering threats about ‘getting that ass back,”, hence the bet you were currently losing.
“Also, lets not act like you not the same girl who can’t even watch male masturbation videos without making a face.”
“First of all there’s nothing sexy about seeing a dude jack off, so you can stop right there.”
“That’s because you’ve never seen ME jack off.” He jokes crudely. “Bet money I’d have your mouth watering within the first five strokes.”
“Probably watering because I’m bout to throw up,” You giggle childishly, a goofy grin on your face.
“Aight Y/N, you keep talking all that shit and we gon see who really still bout that action once I get them panties off.”
Your giggles come to a screeching halt as you gasp, and he buries his teeth in the side of your neck, his hands starting to wonder down south into the back of your compression shorts.  
You fight hard not to moan again this time while he chews lightly on your neck when you suddenly start to feel self conscious.
You unconsciously start squirming around on top of him, both in pleasure and slight confusion as he massages your cheeks, one in each hand, pulling and scrunching them between his fingers.  Your anxiety starts to slowly creep back up on you, and when he draws a line with his finger down your panties between your cheeks, you involuntarily clench up and yelp just as he reaches your taint. The feeling was stuck somewhere being too good yet too much at the same time. You damn near squeezed his finger to death before it could even reach its destination.
“Okay look,” you pull back, trying to reason with both him and your body. You didn’t mean to get jumpy all of a sudden but it’s like your muscles had a mind of their own.
“Baby wassup?” He immediately stops his movements and pulls his hands from you. “Did I hurt you?!” He immediately switched over from his sexually deviant demeanor to his overprotective one, concern lining his face.
“No, no baby your fine I’m just,” You blow out a breath, a little embarrassed by how twitchy you just got, and you try to shake it off by laughing at yourself.
It’s not like Erik had never groped you there before, but for some reason it felt 10x more serious now that you both basically had the green light since you’d received your test results back.
You knew both of you would almost immediately try to jump each other’s bones once you’d get the chance, but now that it was here it’s like the part of your brain that was previously occupied with worries of false negatives and unclear test results had been replaced with insecurities you didn’t even realize you had until this very moment.
“What? You good?” Erik was still studying your face, trying to see where your head was at.
“Yeah, yeah, no I’m good,” You close your eyes and nod quickly, “I just…umm…”, you’re face grows hot as you try to get out the next words, “.. I just got a little…. nervous…??” You peek an eye open. “I guess???”
You were trying so hard to relax and let go of your anxiety, but you just couldn’t stop feeling so nervous.  Especially not when you started to worry about what he might think about it.
“Can I uh.. maybe take a shower first? Or something?” You said trying to gear the conversation back into a normal flow. If you could just take a shower real quick…
“Yeah, of course, but what’s this about?” He still looked at you, eyeing you cautiously.
“I just don’t feel clean right now,” you say, making up excuses trying to find a way out of his wandering hands.
“Y/N, I just finished rubbing your clit in the car ride over here, what do you mean you’re not clean? Are you worried that I’m worried about that?” he asks you, not believing you’re serious about this.
“I meannn, it’s been like 30 minutes tho.” You lie.
“Y/N, I don’t care about that. I’m tryna see how you taste now and then. I don’t care if you still have cum on you, I’m eating that too.”
“Okay well I have to go to the bathroom, so..” You try to move off of him and onto the floor but he holds you still, not letting you escape.
Erik sighs. “Y/N, whats really goin on? It’s okay, you can tell me.” His eyes shift between yours like he’s trying to find the answer. “If you’re not ready to have sex yet, that’s okay. We don’t have to do this today baby.” He rubs at your legs tenderly, trying to comfort you.
“No, it’s not that, I just…” He raises his eyebrows expectantly, waiting for your next words. “I wanted to shave first. Because I have hair.”
He raises an eyebrow at you. “Shave? I just felt how trimmed you were-”
“Not that part.” You state plainly, hoping he’d catch your drift but have enough decency not to make it too obvious once he did.
“Y/N, I swear to god if you say legs I’m gonna-”
“Oh my God Erik my asshole, okay! I need to shave my asshole!” Your face is burning now from the embarrassment of having to say that out loud to your boyfriend and you feel like melting right into the couch into a puddle of nothingness.
The silence only lasts two seconds, but its one second too long for you and you try and scramble off his lap to go hide in the bathroom in shame. A gigantic bark of laughter breaks through from Erik’s chest, and it scares the life out of you, causing you to accidentally stumble onto the floor.
Erik’s doubled over in laughter now, tears threatening his eyes and you almost think he’s laughing at you when he rolls off the couch after you, laying his heavy body on top of yours and pinning you to the floor to keep you from getting away. He gets his last bits of laughter out with his face buried in your middle, and when he finally calms down he looks up, resting his chin on your torso.
“Y/N,” He states, looking at you.
“Erik.” you answer, avoiding his eyes.
“Y/N.” He leans in closer to you.
You clear your throat, still looking off somewhere else. “What Erik.”
“Do you really honestly think that some ass hair is gonna gross me out. Do you really think that?” He’s still smiling, looking at you with so much amusement and pure love in his eyes.
When he puts it that way, it makes you feel a little ridiculous thinking about how weird you just got over body hair.
“I mean… kinda?” You say honestly, and you finally look back at him.
“I know it seems stupid but I feel like thats not..”
“Normal?” He supplies for you. You nod your head in agreement.
“Baby,” he softly says, “Ass hair is totally normal. You know that.”
You did. “But I still feel like no one ever talks about it, and you never see it in porn. Not even the homemade ones.” Yeah sure it was normal but it still felt like this dirty ugly thing no one was supposed to speak about.
“Babygirl a lot of people have ass hair. Shit, I have ass hair. Most of the girls I’ve been with had ass hair.” He chuckles again a little, comfortable with the topic you were so afraid was gonna be awkward.
Your ears prick up at his last sentence, and you lean up a little bit. Something he said caught your attention and you looked at him intently.
“Really?” You ask, looking him in the eyes.
“Really what?” He looks at you confused.
“Really, most of the girls you’ve been with had ass hair?” You look up at him, so shocked.
“Yeah. And the ones who didn’t were always waxed anyway. I promise you baby, its not a weird thing.” He assures you, trying to make sure you really understood him.
You sat there for a second, looking off into space as your thoughts started working. And then just like that, your mind all but cleared itself as realization finally dawned on you. And you started laughing.
Not a single part of you could really care how many chicks Erik had slept with, you were just so glad that almost all of them had ass hair just like you did. You were honestly so grateful that he told you that last part, otherwise you would have never been sure whether or not you really believed him when he said it didn’t bother him.
In this one, small, truly insignificant instance with Erik, you were for once really glad you weren’t an exception to the rule.
Erik joins in your humble laughter, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips. You close your eyes and kiss back, returning it with softer slower kisses as you wrap your arms around his neck and hold him close.
After a minute he breaks away, letting his forehead rest against yours.
“I really love you Y/N. And the fact that you want me to be the one to share this experience with you makes me feel really lucky,”. He rolls you both over onto your side on the floor, giving your body a break from his heavy frame, and to be able to look at you better.
“I’d never jeopardize what we have for something as trivial as body hair.  I mean, sometimes I still can’t even believe that I really get to call you all mine, and I just refuse to believe that nobody else has been able to see what’s been so obvious to me from the beginning.”
Erik shuffles around nervously under your gaze, and this time he’s the one trying to avoid your eyes. You could tell he was in a really vulnerable state, not only from his body language but also with how he was trying to verbally express himself. It was always really difficult for the both of you to say how you felt about each other, not because you didn’t know the words, but because for some reason they always seemed to sound wrong in your ears once they came out your mouth.
You, however, knew exactly what he was trying to say, because he’d said it before. Not with words, but with actions.
Ever since Erik met you a year ago he’d done just about everything he could think of to let you know that he was all about you. Constant flirting, unexpected phone calls, surprise gifts to let you know he was thinking of you. It had thrown you off at first because you’d never been in a relationship before, so you couldn’t figure out if he was playing with you or not.
It took three whole months of nearly daily texting, dinner dates, late night car drives and ugly pre-work facetime calls (he swears you always looked beautiful, but the never ending eye crust you were always finding kept you second guessing) for you to finally take him seriously.
After a long conversation with yourself about taking chances and ‘trusting the universe’, you let yourself fall head first into the completely new experience of a relationship with Erik. You were determined to come out the other side just as soft and open-hearted as you were going into it, refusing to let whatever experience you had turn you cold to the idea of romantic love.
And so far, the experience had been everything you could’ve hoped for, and so much more.
Sure, there were bad days, and you were still too stubborn and he was too bossy and you both definitely needed to learn to listen more. But you were sohappy. And for the first time, you felt something with him you hadn’t been able to feel in a really long time. You felt secure.
So Erik didn’t need to say anything else, because you already knew exactly what he what he was trying to say.
He shifted his eyes again, about to open his mouth to try again and clarify when you cup his face in your hand, running a thumb over his lips to shush him.
“It’s okay Erik. I know.”
And you did.
The truth was, before him, you’d never really let anyone get close enough to try and be with you in a romantic way. You were always brushing off advances you thought were too good to be true and downplaying the other person’s feelings, no matter how hard you felt yours.  For a long time you thought that maybe you weren’t supposed to end up with anyone at all, and that your life journey was supposed to be about learning how to be on your own instead or something.
While you didn’t consider romance to be a super important part of life, you always wondered if maybe there was something that you were missing out on. You almost felt broken sometimes, like maybe there was just something about you that made you unworthy of being loved and cherished the way you saw your friends and family being by their significant others.
It took a lot of hard work and self reflection for you to finally get away from your negative thoughts, and you still struggled from time to time, but you were doing a lot better.
Being with Erik didn’t solve your problems, or cure your self doubt, or make you feel ‘complete’, but it did make you feel really warm and safe inside, and neither of you were willing to give up that feeling.
So he was right. He really did get to call you all his in every sense of the word. You took a chance on love, and you were lucky enough to fall into it with someone who shared just as much passion as you did. You’d be crazy not to give something like that your all.
Both of you lay there on the floor, looking into each others eyes with a level of understanding and comfort you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to truly explain. He holds your hand drawing heart shapes into your palm, the only sound being your favorite Spotify playlist that you didn’t realize was playing off in the background somewhere.
You’d been working on that playlist since before you even met Erik, song choices ranging from early 70′s love songs to present day baby makers. It was your sex playlist.  Even if you weren’t in the mood most of your favorite songs were on there.
“When did it start playing music?” your eyebrows furrow in confusion, peeking around for the source of the speakers.
“When I was trying to seduce your jumpy ass on the couch,” he answers matter-of-factly.
“N’Jadaka Stevens, were you trying to woo me?!” You tease him, poking at his stomach trying to tickle him a little bit.
He suck his teeth, caught. “Ok, maybe I was. So what?’
“Awww…” you say dramatically, making a show of it. You pause for a second “… gay ass.”
He laughs, mushing your face away, grinning like a little boy.
“Whatever. Shut your goofy ass up and come over here and lose this bet again.” He says, fake annoyed, and gets up to sit back on the couch, pulling you with him. You settle into his lap, resting your arms in place around his shoulders.
He starts placing soft kisses on your shoulders, starting off slowly. You already knew how this was gonna go and you throw your head back, whining.
“Ugh, I’m tired of losing this game dammit,” You huff to cover up the moan you already felt creeping up your throat. “Can’t we just skip to the fun part pleasee?”
You amp it up a little by plastering on an obnoxiously toothy smile, and he purposely ignores you to keep from faltering under your heart-melting grin.
“Mmmm…” He fake thinks about it for a moment, moving his lips up to the crook of your neck to tickle you with the vibrations. “No.”
Before you even get the chance to pout he scoops up your face in his hand, squeezing a little to make your lips poke out cutely.
“Nuh-uh. Don’t even start that shit.” He deadpans. “If you want me to fuck you, you need to open up your mouth and say it.  Otherwise sit back and hush and let me warm up my dinner.”
Warnings: A lil cheesy, a lil corny, a lil cliché, a lil fluffy. Just a lil of errthang XD. Also! Dare I say… romance?!?! (O.o)
Oh yeah this is a new series. Did I forget to mention that?
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“Homie, how tf you gonna make a whole new series and you can’t even finish the ones you ha-”
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Hush now child.
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miusiu · 5 years
my got 8x03 thoughts here so i don’t spam twit again.....
Things i liked about this ep:
- Sansa (as always) -- “I’m not abandoning my people”, her being a witty queen whilst telling tyrion his witty comments wouldn’t be helpful in the battle above, her leaving her place of relative safety, having to battle with her terror to go and defend her people, even if it was futile and just buying them a few minutes (cue sobbing)
- sansa doing all that in front of dany’s Advisory Team, varys specifically, and letting them see that on top of all the practical planning for war and for her people, she’s genuinely here every step of the way to defend the north and anyone in it
- arya. every goddamn scene of her
- all of arya’s s1 callbacks, not today to the god of death and then running of to destroy the walking embodiment of death.... who else could ever!!!!!!! and her passing on the true stark knowledge of stick em with the pointy end
- arya’s video game stealth mission in the library... we love the last of us
- on that note, arya and sansa working together and trusting each other in every moment of their season 7 and 8 lives yas queens
- arya and the hound  best surrogate father/daughtership, and that including sandor working thru his fire thing for her
- mel being a badass with all her fire magicksz and the #tension she always brings to any scene she’s in... 
- mel getting that lovely peaceful end, on her own terms, after fighting and winning a battle for all humanity
- the dragonriders being almost totally useless, dragonfire being useless against Mx Night King... u can’t have all that power and just have everything go ur way
- beric’s T pose as he got stabbed to death... we love you jesus
- lyanna mormont being the absolute legend that she is and always will be she is living and well and she’s going to continue house mormont’s name :) 
- dani truly did nothing i have to laugh...
- grey worm surviving bc we WILL get that GW/missandei honeymoon in naath so help me god
- jorah completing his journey and dying in time for dani to lose any kind of moral compass that she had if she ever listened to him
- i just realised when the hound/mel leave the room they’d been in with arya.... they just had to kill wight!beric... it hurts........ 
- the fact that they had barely a chance to speak bc the dialogue from these writers is so extremely hit and miss lmao
- jon being a dumbass as usual and trying to fight the NK one on one without considering the field of corpses he’s running into... also the plot hole of dragonfire not burning said corpses before that. yes i liked it
- drogon just ollying outtie from dani once again... loyal son
- the night king being a bad bitch at hand to hand combat bc he’s like 8000 years old
we know for sure there’s gonna be a dance of dragons 2.0 because all that sfx money is being put into another, better-lit, sequence of dragons fighting mid-air and not ghost
things i didn’t like:
- killing lyanna............ a tween gal with the world at her toiny feet..... and in such a violent way lol it was jsutksljflsdf like they can make her badass without putting the viewer thru watching a child get brutalised
- how only two characters you could truly class as Main characters died.... the no-stakes battle of LIFE AND DEATH isn’t rly being sold to us as viewers when u only see brienne/jaime/tormund/gendry fighting in the courtyard of winterfel like.... it’s beyond the wall 2.0 and this time the other half of old married couple beric and thoros died
- they reanimate the fuckin dead in winterfell and we don’t get a single #memory come back to undead life from the crypts? not explicitly? u don’t have to retraumatise the characters but put SOME stakes in, emotional or physical, please.... 
- the crypts were never gonna be safe, but the amount of times it was emphasised how safe it was in 8x02... really they didn’t do anything with those scenes, they didn’t have the shireen stand-in come to the forefront....
- also they coulda focused on sansa actually fighting the wights but ok... it’s like all of her scenes in this were 90% complete without real payoff and i just have to infer it, being a sansa stan 4 lyf
- dani’s two foreign armies, being moc, just uhhhh being brought over to die..... en masse.... just one single named character that gets to magically survive against all odds
- ik that theon was supposed to be best at archery but the fact that he just magically was the last ironborn defender around bran to go......im glad he got his redemption n shit but omg i once again must laugh
- genuinely couldn’t tell u if rhaegal is alive but seeing as every other main character is here i’m sure he’s fine
- the reawightening, the second round of troops of the dead, was all nice and dramatic but did they really not have a strategy for this? reallly?  after hardhome?
- i feel like edd’s death was death number 40029 where sam Isn’t Moving and someone Needs to Save him and they Die Because Of It and i’m not about this... man’s killed a white walker let him live without guilt for three seconds
-jon just avoiding the dead dragon fire by the skin of his teeth fifty times... a good diversion from miss arya’s mad dash across winterfell but omg was ex-king in the north rly gonna FIGHT A WIGHT DRAGON WITH NOWT BUT A VALYRIAN STEEL SWORDDDDD
arya is that bitch. im happy for mel, witch queen
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johnnydora · 6 years
someone close to amy dies, jake (and maybe kids) do their best to get her through it. also sending hugs!!!
how did u know i think about this concept all the time?? also this ended up being the longest fic i’ve written in two years did u just cure my depression?? shoutout to @elsaclack for giving this a read thru ily!!!!
When Detective Peralta steps through the doors of the Brooklyn’s 61st precinct, he’s greeted with a smile. “Jake! It’s so lovely to see you again. She’s in a meeting right now, but I’ll let her know you’re here!”
“Thank you, Lucy.” He tries his best, but his own smile doesn’t reach his eyes.
It’s nearly twenty minutes before the captain’s door opens and Amy steps out, shaking hands with the man exiting her office. She smiles, too, when she sees Jake, and he almost drops to the floor there and then. He vowed to preserve her happiness, until death do them apart, and he hasn’t broken that promise in five years. Today, he will.
“Hey, babe! We didn’t have plans today, did we?” In the quick moment she takes to check her watch, Jake lets his smile drop. “It can’t be your lunch break already.”
“No, actually, I’m still on the job.”
He slides past her, without the usual kiss on her cheek, and closes the door behind her when she follows. The light filtering in through the windows is clear and bright, a beautiful spring morning. Just a few hours ago, Amy was opening the windows in the kitchen, little Sadie in her arms, pointing out the new sprouts blooming after the heavy winter. She was smiling, laughing, sprinkling kisses over Jake’s face before they left for work. It was supposed to be a happy day.
“You should sit down.”
He directs her to one of the seats in the back of the room where he can sit next to her, hold her hand between his.
“Jake?” He won’t meet her eyes. “You’re scaring me.”
“I’m sorry,” he whispers. “Carlos was found dead Tuesday evening.”
There’s a moment where Amy’s face falls, but she builds it back up, and takes her hand from his. “Okay,” she says. “Is that all?”
He watches her stand up, rearrange a few items on her desk that were already straight.
“You should get back to the 99. I’ll see you tonight.”
And she smiles, teeth white and eyes shining. Jake takes a deep breath.
“Yeah. See you tonight.”
She’s home before he is, which isn’t a surprise. It was her turn to pick up the kids from daycare. One of them comes running at him before he can close the door, her pigtails flying. He swoops her up in the air, dangling her upside down just a little until she squeals.
“Hey, peanut, how was your day?”
As she tells him something about the robot they built out of recycled materials, Jake wanders further into the apartment. The television is on, playing one of Bella’s shows. The kitchen is empty except for some animal crackers left under the cabinet.
“Where’s Mama?” he asks, flying the four-year-old back to the couch.
She screeches until he plops her down. “Napping.”
“And your sister?”
She’s getting engrossed back into her tv show, so he knows he has to act fast to get any information out of her.
“Did you have anything to eat?”
“Shh, Daddy.”
He leans over the couch to kiss her cheek, even if she pushes him away a little. On his way down the hall, he checks on Sadie first, who’s sound asleep in her crib. Amy, however, is wide awake in bed and staring at the ceiling. Gently, he climbs in next to her.
“How you doing?”
She doesn’t answer for a while, so he turns his head to look at her.
“Mom called.” She drifts her eyes down to meet his. “The funeral’s next weekend.”
When he reaches for her hand, she drifts closer, curling into his chest. She’s motionless against him, her breath steady, and he knows she isn’t crying. Hasn’t cried yet. He thought he’d seen her and all of her ways—screaming rage and silent tears and that small smile when she can’t meet your gaze. He’s never seen her lose a brother.
“Do you need anything?”
“They identified him this morning,” she whispers. “Why did it take so long?”
“I need to know how it happened.”
The air grows darker around them, pressing down. Or perhaps that’s his lungs, collapsing under the weight of his knowledge of the crime. Seeing the body, bloody and crushed halfway under the car. Jake runs his hand down her back, hoping she can’t tell that they’re shaking.
“It was a hit and run. Literally, the man climbed out of his totaled car and ran.” He stops to take a deep breath. When he was first assigned the case to find the runaway, he laughed. Run, run, as fast as you can, Toyata-man! His throat tightens, and he presses a small kiss to the top of Amy’s head. An apology. “Carlos was just a pedestrian, caught in the middle.”
“Why could no one identify him?”
“He—he was hit pretty bad.”
“How bad?”
He moves his lips to her forehead. “I don’t think—”
“I have a right to know.”
His arm is thrown off her as she gets up and starts pacing the floor. She’s mad now. He just watches, waits for her to slow down, maybe collapse and start sobbing. Her feelings always go in and out like waves, and he can’t tell what to expect next. But she stops, sits back on the bed by his feet.
“I have a right to know,” she whispers again.
He’s about to sit up and join her at the end of the bed, but their door squeaks open, and Bella pushes her face through the crack.
“Is it dinner time?”
Amy scoops her up with a smile. “Of course, mi reina. What do you want?”
As “marshmallows!” trails down the hall, Jake rubs a hand down his face. He stays there until the pizza delivery man arrives.
It’s not even two days until Amy gets her hands on the case file. He recognizes it immediately—it was on his desk only two hours ago. She’s hunched over the coffee table, spoon feeding bananas to Sadie as she goes. He’d heard her greet him when he came in through the door, but he still approaches cautiously, sitting gently by her feet.
“Where’d you get that?”
Amy flips to the next page, and he silently takes over banana duty.
It’s another three days when her steady facade falters. They took the girls out to the city today—Bella loves staring up at the skyscrapers, and she swears she’s going to build her own next year when she’s all grown up. She’s dancing through a little play fountain when Jake catches Amy fiddling with something in her purse.
He leans forward to press a kiss to her cheek, stealing a glance down as he does. Amy notices the moment she’s been caught.
“I haven’t opened it,” she says.
“I don’t even carry a lighter anymore.”
He knows. She threw them all away the second they learned she was pregnant the first time around. Leaning his head against hers, he slips the cigarette box out of her hands and intertwines his fingers with hers instead. For a moment, he thinks she’s finally about to cry, but then she shifts away from him, and calls for Bella to come over. It’s time to head home.
Sometimes, she moves slowly. Like in the mornings when she waits for the third alarm before rising to her feet and starting her day, putting in a little less effort than usual. Other times, she’s unstoppable. Juggling two kids at once and managing three other chores at the same time.
Only once does she acknowledge her feelings on the matter, when they’re tucked in bed with the lights off. She mumbles into his chest, “Why did it have to be him?”
He doesn’t have an answer to that.
The funeral is louder than he anticipated. It makes sense, with the entire Santiago clan, including relatives he’s never even heard of, milling around and spreading condolences. Jake’s on daughter duty for the most part, watching from a distance and not getting too involved. But it’s hard to ignore the lump in his throat after his sixth brother-in-law says hello, and he keeps expecting the seventh that will never show.
He watches Amy drift slowly around, though she never strays too far from him. Every few minutes she returns to his side for a quick break. But she always puts a smile back on, braving herself for the next overbearing hug.
“You don’t have to be strong, y’know.” It’s something he’s been telling her every day since the accident.
She just puts on another smile. “I’m fine. Really.”
The first time Jake cries, Bella’s tugging on his sleeve as the immediate family gathers around the coffin with flowers.
“Where’s Tio Carlos?” she asks.
They tried to explain it before the funeral, sitting down with her and introducing the concept of an afterlife—they never wanted to force a religion on their children, but it was the only explanation they had. She only shrugged it off, asked if she could wear her light up sneakers instead of the boring Mary Janes.
So he stays silent and holds her closer to him, pressing kiss after kiss to her hair. She puts up with it for a few moments, then wriggles out of his grasp.
“Can I throw a flower, too?”
He sneaks a final kiss onto her nose, and decides it’s not worth the fight to keep her in her seat.
“Go ask Mama.” He sets her free.
It’s one month after the accident when Amy wakes up shaking and sweaty. Jake frowns as he slowly becomes conscious—he’s always been slow to wake—and throws a hand loosely in his wife’s direction before he manages to regain full function of his limbs and pull himself up to firmly wrap his arms around her.
“Breathe, Ames.” His lips ghost over the shell of her ear.
She takes a staggering breath in, then falls into him, sobs wracking her frame. He continues whispering in her ear, breathing through his mouth to encourage her to match his breaths. Though his hands are shaking where they trace her skin. He’s used to her occasional panic attack and her less often night terrors, but he’s never seen her quite this far gone.
It all stops abruptly, and Jake lifts her from him to look into her eyes. He recognizes what she needs instantly, and pulls her with him off the bed. They only make it just past the bathroom door  before she’s heaving and vomiting onto the tiles at her feet. Her knees buckle, and he carries her the few feet to the toilet before setting her down.
“Deep breaths,” he reminds her, pulling back her hair and securing it with an elastic band. He kisses her temple before fetching her a glass of water, then goes to clean up the bathroom floor as well.
“I’m sorry,” she whimpers.
He sits behind her when he’s done, stroking her back as she continues emptying out the contents of her stomach.
“What for?” he asks when she’s done, leaning back into him and away from the toilet.
She doesn’t have an answer for him, just turns her head into his chest and relearns how to breathe.
The nightmares aren’t a constant, but they return every once in a while. Some nights, they stay up talking, taking turns sharing their fears, what they’re grateful for. One night, Bella pokes her head through the door, tears on her face.
Jake beckons her towards him, pulls her up into his lap.
“What’s wrong, peanut?”
She grabs his shirt into fists, stealing glances at Amy. “Is Mama okay?”
He glances at her, too. She’s still against Jake’s side, but she curled more into the pillows when Bella arrived. Her head is turned away, though, probably to keep Bella from seeing her tears.
“Mama just misses Tio Carlos,” he says.
Bella crawls forward, trying to wrap her arms around her mother’s middle. “It’s okay, Mama. He’s in the heaven. It’s good. It has ice cream.”
There’s a moment where Amy’s breath catches, then she’s turning back towards Bella and enveloping her in her arms. Jake leans in and surrounds them both, and there they remain. For a little while.
“Mama?” Bella whispers. “Mama, mama, mama?”
“What is it, mi reina?”
“Can we have ice cream, too?”
She smiles and wipes away her tears. No more seem to follow.
“Of course.”
On their way to the kitchen, Jake grabs a sleeping Sadie and sits down with her on the floor, his back against the counters. Bella jumps around, way too hyper for three in the morning, so Jake tugs her down, too. Tells her stories about the ice cream monster.
Amy joins them with three giant bowls of ice cream moments later, settling down on Jake’s other side. She leans her head against his shoulder as he finishes his wild tales, tickling Bella with his free hand at the finale. Amy laughs along, her fingers tracing along Sadie’s head. He’s a bit delirious, a bit sleep deprived, but he’s certain it’s the happiest he’s ever been.
As for Amy, she never has a nightmare about her brother again.
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thotvengers · 6 years
<p>Bruce walks into the the living room. It is 2012. Nat keeps looking at him as if he had 5 corndogs taped onto him. Thor eat poptart. "HOUSA GOIN GUYS" Thor stands, poptart crumbs fall from his beard. "hello friend I am doing well" Bruce stares at Thors poptart crumbs and spit all over his beard. Its fucking hot. "Well thats good" Banner looked very nice today thought Thor. "Come join us banner" "Whet" "Join us for breakfast" Thor bends over the table as he says it "What" "Food" says Thor. He’s getting worried "Why is tony trying to cut open clints stomach with a butter knife" "And why is steve shirtless" loki appears out of nowhere "whats up asshats i live in the avengers tower now also nobody move because of the election coming up please i don't want you to go" "He’s what" Thor turns around and kills tony "What the fuck is going on here on this day" loki eats popcorn from the sidelines tony dies. " straight rights ! " Bruce freezes. He said a bad word. Bruce is having a breakdown. He is crying. loki legally has to kill bruce now Thor makes out with banner And protects him lokis takes out a knife Thor takes it loki takes out popcorn "What the heck is going on" attempts to kill bruce with popcorn "Wh" "AAAAAAAA" "Loki stop I know it’s a knife" "you know exactly what's going on. you said a bad word and now your time of judgement has come." "What the fuck Loki" "oh, you know," "Please take me now." steve perked up. " no swearing on my christian minecraft server " Tony is revived. "Hey anyone else think loki is.... kinda hot" "No" says Thor Clint turns off his hearing aid. loki bends over seductively "like what u see" steve sweats " i'm catholic sir " "yeah? and i'm a god" "I thought u were going to kill banner and I" Tony licks him lips hungrily. "zoo wee mama" Nat is doing her morning yoga routine dont mind her. loki sighs and turns to thor "look i had a change of plans i'm on a tight-" he winks at tony "schedule" Nick Fury from the back "im tired of these motherfuckin avengers in this motherfuckin tower" steve suplexes nick. :) clint barton is making out with phil coulson for whatever reason Bruce is still crying. steve jealously suplexes clint too Thor laughs loki is breakdancing in the middle of the tower, very aggressively Loki took Bruces shirt to bully him. Bruce is shirtless. His tiddies are out. Tony is revived once again to argue with Steve then they make out Bruce is crying. steve is crying he suplexes tony loki laughs at everyone who is crying Clint is crying out of confusion steve tries to suplex loki while he cries harder "im a virgin" steve says running out steve fails steve dies loki laughs rip captain America, steve had mehtalosmaisniadjhjsa loki films it and puts it on youtube and he is entitled to compensation he didnt even get to apply for aarp :( bruce says " anyone want to suck my tiddies " Bruce hanging from the edge of the tower. Bitch gonna fall. loki raises his hand Thor and Clint say yes "Help me" "Ok" Says Thor "do u want me to suck ur tiddies while ur dangling or nah" "No dont suck my tiddies" Thor helps him up "Thank you hero" bruce dabs "bitch u just asked if i wanted to do so" "You want a sex (:" natasha offers to suck his tiddies "No" natasha is :/ loki physically puts more grease in his hair From where from his ass his ass Steves dick is out. Schlap loki hears a car pull up outside. "whos that" tony says. "our new " loki replies. i walk up the stairs confusedly. this is the story of how i was sold to loki only on wattpad loki is eyeballing that dick DKCNDKNCKDNVB Schlap Schlap y/n shivered. where was i ? whow ere the avengers ? why were their dicks out loki laughs and brings y/n inside the tower Loki cast a spell and made everyone in the tower naked. no its valid No y/n cries " who are you, ugly bitch " loki slaps y/n on the ass "how dare u speak to ur daddy like that" loki looks down at your big ol' bobbies and licks his lips "they didnt tell me you'd be so attractive, quim". y/n blushes angrily "Why are we all naked" Thor covers his ears while Clint covers his eyes cus he cant cover his ears cus he cant hear y/n tries to run but bumps into tony " please help me i don't want to fuck loki " There is several schlaps of dicks in the room and the several flops from nats tits. loki chases y/n with a rubber dildo while laughing loki makes y/n scrub his balls y/n cries " rubber gives me hives " Clint shoots Loki again y/n is sobbing more loki makes u listen to ball scrubbing asmr before u go to sleep suddenly ant man busts in even tho he wasnt an addition to the mcu yet: "1-800-ARE-YOU-SCHLAPPIN?" y/n pretends to sleep so loki will leave Thor kills Loki "Somebody fuck me Im ready to not be a virgin anymore" ant man gets tiny and climbs in steves ass loki like the dramatic gay bitch he is fakes his own death y/n is feeling so much pain because ............................................................................... she was actually in love with loki " i will miss u, ugly bitch " thanos bursts thru the tower doors "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING YOU MOTHERFUCKERS" y/n smiles " please fuck me " Thor tosses lokis body out avengers tower loki comes back to life only to have his ribcage shattered by thanos instantly t hanos sees a very cute girl and gets shy and trys to hide his erection when he sees y/n bobbies Bruce already naked turns into hulk. "HULK WILL FUCK THANOS" y/n is bright red because she knows that prple daddy is staring at her b - b - b - boob Thor likes what He sees loki comes back once again from the dead to witness this t hanos has never bottomed before.... bottom for who Jesus No KXNCKDMFKV Wait Hulk takes Thanos and tries to fuck him. It doesnt work. dick too big loki makes thanos' asshole bigger so it can fit hulks dick Thanos punches Hulk and he turned back to Bruce. Thanos throws Bruce out the window. He is falling. "i guess that cute girl will just have to peg me now ;)" t hanos says Thor catches him y /n blushu blushued t hanos approaches y/n with his dick out " i - i've never done this before .................................................................... " y / n stuttered Steve gets in the way. "i'll be gentle" t hanos says "Y/n dont do this. Its a trap." t hanos shatters steves ribcage " why would you sya that !!! t hanos loves me !!! " Steve takes the risk and sacrifices himself for everyone. "Not In my Christian household" says Steve y / n cries and punches steve "don't listen to him he's lying" says t hanos He starts to suck Thanos Slurp Slrurrp Slrurirlrl0 Slruerlrle0 Sluuuuurp Shcluerp Shcjeleeu Shcleuepe t hanos blushes and moans y / n blushed again " i don't mind a threesome " Shxlueuuueerps Shxleueep Slurrrp Slcheullrlrulp Schlururup Shxlrurrrrruuup Shcluruueuuuuuurp Slurp Lick lick slruuuururp Slururjrrlrlr "jesus calm down i already blew my load 38 times now" I’m dying Blows rasberry Sluuurrp Sluuururirurp steve a thirsty bitch "hehe that tickles"   "no" says t hanos as he rp fucks  Steve blows into thanos'dick hole like a kazoo. Thanos dies.  steve will make sure everyone in this house dies a virgin but him  " NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Y/N SCREAMED  t hanos dies Yeet " U DIDN'R EVEN GET TO PEG ME "  Bruce is naked.  this is how avengers 2 will go  loki revives t hanos  avengers 4... oop  "Hey you guys want to all gang bang me"  Thor fucks bruce  " yes "  "yes" says t hanos  the avengers have an orgy except nat bc shes a lesbian" i've never eaten ass b4 " says y/n  Nat is doing her yoga routine  "its fun. let me show u" t hanos says to y/n  "Im open for alliances"  y / n blushes and touiches t hano's ass  Clints Backup finally arrives t hanos spreads his cheeks hanos's bootyhole quivers  Somebody is calling on the avengers phone.  y / n extends the wet pink muscle in her mouth nervously  Riiiiiing Rinnnnnng  t hanos is already milking his own tiddies  Clint leaves with Natasha with rats bites t  Riiiiiiiiiiiing  t hano's in the ass  Natasha bangs darcy Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing "someone get the fucking phone i'm in the middle of something here"  Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing  " ah not there "  Clint gets it  "Hi! Its peter, is mr stark there?" Oh no whispers Clint  "thats a child. i HATE children!" t hanos gets up and goes to kill peter  Clint turns off his hearing aid again  " i ate his ass dead " y / n  "Im at the phone mr thanos sir"  "hello child. i hate u."  peter says "mr. thanos i don't feel too good" and evaporates "good."  too late hes in the shadow realm  " bye lol "  AM He rescues peter and leaves  Thor arrive. Naked. Hes very sexah. "now where were we" t hanos says and spread his cheeks again, open for business  AM MEANWHILE IN THE SHADOW REALM everyone is dicks out Sam and bucky fucking the the dust realm. Ant man is dancing with his dick out. Drax and star lord are experimenting.  with their assholes  Lokis in bondage lowoki camera zooms in on bucky's face "at first i thought the dust world was hell but i love it here. thanks t hanos!" "it's free real estate" t hanos says  bucky sighs " i love ur bald ass head sammy "  "Then suck it fuckass" says sam  "Suck my head hoe"  Thanos arrives to the realm. "If you guys want to live then suck my toes" They all scatter like rats to his toes. Theyre all sucking them like cow utters PRESENT</p>
the end
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bing-suho · 7 years
VOLTRON COLLEGE!AU KEEF (KOREAN!KEITH) - moody art major with focus on mural arts + art as restorative medium - keith as low income who used to do graffiti but then saw how mural arts actually change communities - KEITH WHO VOLUNTEERS AT PUBLIC SCHOOL AFTERSCHOOL ARTS PEOGRAM - KEITH WHO WILL FORGET TO EAT SOMETIMES WHEN HES RLY CONCENTRATING ON HIS WORK UNTIL EITHER SHIRO OR HUNK (later lance) REMINDS HIM TO EAT AND FORCES HIM AWAY FROM HIS ART TO TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF - keith who is SICK OF CULTURAL APPROPRIATION BULLSHIT IN ART COMMUNITY - keith as hellllla gayyyYyYy - KEITH IN DIRTY DOCS AND RIPPED BLACK JEANS + RED SHIRT THATS BEEN STRETCHED AT THE NECK AND HIS HAIR IN A PONY TAIL USUALLY (but he still had a mullet!!!!!!!) - KEITH FROM TEXAS - KEITH WHO LIVES WITH HIS COUSIN SHIRO AFTER HIS PARENTS DISOWNED HIM AFTER BEING OUTED - KEITH WHO DECIDES ITS BETTER NOT TO OPEN UP BC OF THAT(until ppl HIS SUPPORTIVE AF FRIENDS change his mind) - AWKWARD BB KEITH WHO NEVER??? HAD REAL FRIENDS??? - KEITHS BEEN WORKING SINCE HES BEEN IN HS SAVING UP FOR COLLEGE/ADULTHOOD - Keith who also works at campus bookstore across the street from lance and likes TO READ?????? - KEITH WITH HEADPHONES AND STILL LISTENS TO ANGSTY EMO/SCREAMO MUSIC - KEITH WHO ALSO LISTENS TO PODCASTS ESP ABT S P A C E - KEITH WHO DID TRACK AND FIELD IN HS AND CONTINUES TO RUN LONG DISTANCE TO KEEP IN SHAPE + ZONE OUT/MEDITATE/DESTRESS (think that one taekook fic i gave yall but less angst or the same lvl) - KEITH AS A CAT PERSON AND LOVES SOFT PLUSHIE THINGS BC THEY C O M F O R T HIM - keith who hates lance's guts/attitude when he initially meets him and makes assumptions abt him as a "typical frat bro" and complains to shiro one day and shiro fuckin defends lance by telling keith abt how lance is the one who doesnt tolerate toxic masculinity practices at ALL and is the one who brings it up during meetings AND THEN KEITH KEEPS LEARNING DIFF DIMENSIONS OF LANCE AND WELL SHIT - KEITH AS ULTIMATE LIGHTWEIGHT WITH PIDGE - KEITH WHO IS NATURALLY GIFTED ATHLETICALLY AND ARTISTICALLY (that doesnt mean he works FUCKING hard) - keith who sort of fumes into the library and tries to burn down the math section BC FUCK MATH WHO THE FUCK CREATED THIS BULLSHIT ALL U NEED IN LIFE IS ADDITION SUBTRACTION MULTI AND DIV until hunk + lance + pidge try to stop him and help him with his math hw and shiro will be there for moral support bc shiro is just as clueless abt math as keith is 😀 - keith who is gets caught up in everyone's competition during monopoly but is a p okay player - keith who bumps into lance after volunteering at the afterschool program and begrudgingly says hell treat lance to boba as payback for math tutoring bc pidge and hunk both arent the best at explaining concepts sometimes and lance's were the easiest to understand I JUST DONT WANT TO BE IN DEBT TO YOU OKAY? (lance offers indiv tutoring and keith initally REFUSES until he sees the practice midterm and ???? what the fuck are these symbols FUCK) LANCEEEE MA BOOIII (CUBAN!LANCE) - lance as marxist econ major who DOES MAJOR RESEARCH ON #FIGHTFOR15 AND CUBAN/LATIN AM ECON POLICY ESP DURING US IMPERIALISM AND HOW THISE AFFECTS HAVE LASTING EFFECTS ON LABOR + ECON - LANCE AS BISEXUAL AS HELL - lance who TUTORS AT SAME PUBLIC SCHOOL AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM EXCEPT MATH - LANCE WHO's FROM FLORIDA AND IS FIRST IN THE FAMILY FOR COLLEGE - LANCE WHO SEES HIS FAMILY GO THRU WAGE THEFT FUELING HIS WORK IN UNDOCU LABOR RIGHTS AND ECON POLICIES - lance who joins latinx affinity club with hunk (whos half filipinx) and while hunk is the master chef taste+recipe wise NO ONE MAKES _______ LIKE LANCE CAN BC HIS ABUELITA TAUGHT HIM THE FAMILY RECIPE - LANCE AS A FRAT BOI WHO FUCKIN SERVES AT BEER PONG AND FLIP CUP - lance as vp of said frat and wont let shiro pick the music at parties bc shiro only listens to old 80's classics, shiro we live in the 21ST CENTURY THESE PPL WANT BEYONCE AND NICKI OKAH (lance who listens to hella pop music) - lance who KNOWS HOW TO DANCE AND RELIGIOUSLY GOES TO ZUMBA CLASS WITH ALLURA WHO DRAGS PIDGE's LAZY ASS AS CARDIO BEFORE DOING HIS MUSCLE WORKOUT WITH HUNK AND SHIRO - lance who works at the campus hip coffeeshop/cafe and fucking snapchats the shit out of his shift - LANCE WHO LEARNS ABT HOW DRAWING/DOODLING CAN HELP WITH ANXIETY FROM KEITH AND STARTS TO CARRY AROUND A SKETCH NOTEBOOK - LANCE WHO IS EQUALLY AS GOOD WITH KIDS AS KEITH IS BC HELLO? SIBLINGS??? - LANCE AS AN ANIMAL PERSON BUT LEANS TOWARDS DOGS - lance who needs to be alone at the library when studying and mutters to himself softly a lot when thinking but is on top of his group project/study game with HELLA STUDY GUIDES + tutor tips - lance who chews on pen tips 😭 - LANCE WHO HAS ANXIETY THAT HE ISNT GOOD ENOUGH/SMART ENOUGH AT SCHOOL AND CONSTANTLY THINKS ABT THE SACRIFICE HIS PARENTS AND SIBLINGS MADE FOR HIM TO GO TO SCHOOL AND HIDES HIS ANXIETY+LOW SELF-ESTEEM BY TRYING TO BE RLY EXTROVERTED AND FUN AND FLIPPANT LANCE WHO OVERCOMPENSATES - lance who is initially jealous of keith's "easy" art degree until he fuckin sees the work that keith puts into his art AND THEN APOLOGIZES FOR UNDERESTIMATING KEITH - LANCE WHO ALWAYS LOSES AT MONOPOLY AND STARTS RANTING ABT DECAYING FORMS OF CAPITALISM SHEEREROOOOOOH - shiro as a senior after taking a gap year from a life-threatening injury on his arm FROM A CAR ACCIDENT (SHIRO WITH A PROSTHETIC LIMB??) - SHIRO WHO IS SCARED OF CARS IN RELATION TO INJURY WILL TAKE PUBLIC TRANSPORT UNLESS HE HAS TO TAKE A CAR - SHIRO AS A POLI SCI MAJOR BUT HES NOT A BRO AND INTERSECTIONAL AF - SHIRO WHO IS STARSTRUCK WITH ALLURA's BRILLIANCE IN A CLASS THEY TOOK TOGETHER ONE TIME - Shiro who gets approached by allura for his insightful comment about aapi's for blm during a blm meeting AND THEY CONNECT - SHIRO AS FRAT PREZ AND STARTS CHANGING FRAT CULTURE TO BE LESS TOXIC/PATRIARCHAL/FUCKEDUP - Shiro who has to do rehab for his arm but also works out!!!!!!!!!!! HUNK WHO SPOTS HIM AND MAKES SURE SHIRO ISNT RUINING HIMSELF - SHIRO WHO ALWAYS CONSIDERED KEITH A LITTLE BROTHER SINCE THEY WERE KIDS AND RLY WORRIES FOR HIM SHIRO BEING AWARE OF KEITH's HURT AROUND BEING DISOWNED - SHIRO WHO WANTS TO BE AN IMMIGRATION LAWYER????? - SHIRO WHO GREW UP NORMAL MIDDLE CLASS (will think of family tree later) - shiro who listens to classic 80's pop and rock HE IS A REAL DAD - SHIRO WHO MAKES SURE EVERYONE IS SAFE WHEN PARTYING AND DRINKING ENOUGH WATER (ESP LANCE AND KEITH WHEN HE DOES COME TO PARTIES) - SHIRO WHO GETS ACTUALLY HELLA TACTICAL WHEN GAMING WITH HUNK LANCE AND PIDGE TO THEIR SURPRISE (the unknowlingly competitive type) - shiro who is merciless at monopoly/settlers of catan - DEMISEXUAL SHIRO B Y E PIDGE - GENDERQUEER!pidge - White!pidge (is this even, like a thing or do we already assume pidge is white?) - aromantic!pidge - Pidge as compsci/math slave major who always ends up doing their allnighters to finish their labs - pidge who lives off caffeine - PIDGE WHO IS SICK OF SHITT CISMEN IN GENERAL + MALE DOMINATED TECH INDUSTRY AND WANTS TO EMPOWER WOC/QTPOC IN TECH - pidge who is MORE ruthless during monopoly than shiro - pidge who is a fuckin genius at video games will whoop anyone's ass - PIDGE WHO IS AFRAID NO ONE RLY LIKES THEM AND USES SARCASM AS A DEFENSE MECHANISM - PIDGE FROM A DIVORCED FAMILY AND ADDS TO THEIR GENERAL DISTRUST IN ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIPS - PIDGE WHO HASNT MET THEIR BROTHER IN 10 YEARS BC OF THE DIVORCE - Pidge who met lance and hunk in compsci 101 when lance accidentally stepped on pidge's toe when they hadnt had their morning coffee yet (pidge hisses extremely loudly at lance and hunk giving them death glares) - pidge who forgives lance (and in extension hunk) and started hangin after lance got them an aesthetic avocado toast on the house the next day at the cafe - pidge who actually has a hella basic instagram + PIDGE WHO IS OBSESSED WITH GETTING THE PERFECT FOOD SHOT FOR THE INSTA - pidge and lance's snapchat streak is over 9000 - PIDGE WHO CANT EAT SPICY FOOD (i'm FUCKIN WHITE STOP LAUGHING GUYS) - pidge who studies with hunk in the library bc they need background noise/study partners until lance emerges from the quiet floor and they all do a study break leave to get fruit snacks - PIDGE AS LIGHTWEIGHT - PIDGE WHO IS ALSO COERCED INTO BIRD CLUB AT FIRST AND STAYS FOR THE MEMES WAIT HUNKKKKKKKK - hunk as PREMED/VETERNIARY TRACT - HUNK WHO VOLUNTEERS AT ANIMAL SHELTERS AND IS ALSO A ENV JUSTICE ACTIVIST - HUNK WHO LOVES ALL ANIMALS AND IS THE FAIRY OF ANIMALS IS GOOD WITH ALL OF THEM - HUNK AND LANCE AS FIRST YR ROOMMATES TURNED BFFS - HUNK WHO DESTRESSES BY COOKING/BAKING OBVS - Hunk who is actually p insecure abt his body type and isnt comfortable with showing a lot of skin - HUNK WHO WAS BULLIED FOR BEING "GIRLY" AS A CHILD AND WILL NOT STAND FOR THAT KIND OF SHIT AT ALL HE IS INTERSECTIONAL FEMINIST AF BC FUCK GENDER EXPECTATIONS AND MACHISMO - HUNK WHO IS THE BEST SPOTTER FOR WORKOUTS - hunk who cant touch HIS TOES BB - HUNK AS HALF FILIPINX/LATINX - hunk who comes from the east coast but cant stand the cold at all and wears 50 layers - HUNK WHO RUSHES FRATS WITH LANCE BC HE WAS WORRIED ABT LANCE GETTING TOO FUCKED UP AND KINDA ENDS UP IN A FRAT I GUESS BUT HE LIKES SHIRO's LEADERSHIP AROUND GENDER EXPECTATIONS - Hunk who'll be the realest with anyone being an asshole, even if its his friends - HUNK WHO IS PERCEPTIVE AF ESP WITH LANCE WHO TRIES TO HIDE HIS ANXIETY/LOW-SELF ESTEEM - HUNK WHO FUCKIN KILLS AT KNITTING - HUNK IS IN BIRD CLUB BC ACTUAL INTEREST W A I T - Hunk who gets regular morning coffee check-ins with allura and buys coffe for pidge when they come crawling into the cafe - HUNK WHO ACTUALLY RLY LIKES THE BACHELORETTE AND WATTES WITH ALLURA - HUNK WHO MEETS SHAY WHO ALSO VOLUNTEERS AT THE SHELTER AND HAVE A WARM SHY BUDDING RELATIONSHIP ALLURAAAAA MY QUEEEN - Black!Allura - allura who was adopted after living in foster care for so long (Corran adopts her) - Ethnic studies and polisci double major allura who DOES NOT tolerate polisci bros/toxic af bros in general - ALLURA WHO WANTS TO BE A CRIMINAL JUSTICE LAWYER - ALLURA GOES TO ZUMBA WITH LANCE AND FUCKIN KILLS THE ROUTINE BOTH BOND OVER DANCING - fierce sorority queen who believes greek life shud be accessible to all fuck this elitist bullshit - ALLURA IS AS OBSESSED WITH INSTAPERFECT SHOTS AS PIDGE IS - allura who meets shiro at a #blacklivesmatter meeting and hits it off - ALLURA WHO HAS A RLY STRONG SENSE OF JUSTICE but sometimes it makes her rigid when it comes to giving ppl the benefit of the doubt which she did with keith+lance until she gets to know them better + apologizes for making assumptions - CORRAN's NICK NAME FOR ALLURA IS PRINCESS OFC - allura who sees a father figure in corran b l e s s - ALLURA WHO IS AFRAID OF COMMITMENT DUE TO EXP IN FOSTER HOMES AND SHIRO BEING UNDERSTANDING OF THAT - allura who gets competitive at all games MOST ESP with monopoly - allura who works at the cafe with lance - ALLURA ASKS HUNK TO TEACH HER HOW TO KNIT (SHE KINDA SUCKS BUT PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!!!!) AND THEY BOTH WATCH THE BACHELORETTE TOGETHER - ALLURA WHO KNOWS MARTIAL ARTS - allura who drinks tea instead of coffee - allura who will join hunk and pidge at the library bc she also needs background noise to work - allura who teaches shiro math bc shiro is actually useless at math - allura who is actually heavy weight af when it comes to alcohol - ALLURA JOINS BIRD CLUB BC THEY ARE JUST FLUFF BALLS OF SOFTNESS (hunk: what bird is that allura: A GOOD BERB) - ALLURA HAS 3 HAMSTERS AS PETS OFC???? CORAN - your eccentric ass prof in the soci/anth dept with an INSANE mustache - teaches intro to soci/anth which a lot of students take for requirement credits - fuckin speaks 7 languages (two of them are coding lang to pidge's surprise) - loves puns + trivia - invites allura's study group for dinner and burns the pasta so hunk and him end up collaborating with the crew making dinner fest - your favorite uncle - always gives wise ass advice in times if need but will usually give out badly translated sayings (he speaks 7 lang give a break) - rigorous activist scholar - is mistaken for "easy prof" bc of his air-headed nature but actually doesnt take bullshit papers esp for a course that introduces race theory to a lot of privileged straight cismen (who underestimate coran) - will fuck u up with knowledge - asks lance for skin care tips and they bond over latinx music (lance hella impressed with coran's dancing actually) - cooks with hunk - pidge exasperately tries to teach coran abt sns: what is this chat that snaps??????? and these instant grams???? - shiro allura and him with have deep ass convos about systems of oppression + lance sometimes when he gets a chance to join + keith who will quietly absorb their convo if he's nearby (but pretend to read a book) - everyone needs to REST BC SELF CARE IS IMPT DONT KILL YOURSELVES BC OF THESE UNREASONABLE DEADLINES - voltron crew all take coran's class for variety of reasons and meet each other when they all rush to office hours and only to find coran's mess of trying to throw popcorn into his mouth - will stop by library during midterms and finals to give out encouraging messages + snacky snacks (will sneak extra for voltron crew's table) some moments id like to consider (klance and otherwise): - LANCE SEEING THE GWIYOMI VIDEO AND FORCING KEITH TO DO IT IN A GAME OF TRUTH AND DARE AND KEITH DOES IT A GLARE THAT FUCKIN BURNS UNIVERSES AND LANCE AND PIDGE RECORDS THAT SHIT shiro sigh-laughs hunk laughs nervously next to keith allura laughs brightly corran does not know what the fuck keith is doing - Keith and Lance find out they listen to the same NASA podcast when lance annoyingly takes out keith's headphones while abt to enter the school for afterschool program - Keith searches out soft things when he's drunk like hunk's hair or pidges sweater or lance's skin-WHATINTHEFUCK - lance teaches keith how to REALLY dance when he brings voltron crew to a latinx heritage month party (and keith secretly enjoys it) - keith had a big ol crush on lance the minute he saw him until he started acting like a "frat bro" and was turned off (but not rly?) - SHIRO AND KEITH GO HAVE BROTHER BONDING DATES AT SHIRO's INSTANCE BUT KEITH LOVES IT INSIDE - lance and hunk both cry when they watch titanic together - pidge lance and hunk become better friends over avocado toast and rly annoying debugging procedures during lab in compsci101 - they also bond over video games - the voltron crew have board game bight which usually ends up being monopoly and things get fuckin ruthless - the crew once tried to play mario party wii but people broke windows when their remotes went flying off their wrists and they vowed to never play again - they all meet each other (like ALL of them) in corab's intro to socianth class and create a study group-ish thing for it - lance and hunk rush shiro's frat thinking its gna be rly shit but shiro genuinely wants to do teamwork bullding exercises and talk abt feelings and lance and hunk are fuckin set on a frat if shiro's gna lead it - hunk will secretly let keith play with the cats in the shelter - hunk will also secretly let lance play with the dogs - pidge starts to memorize the zumba moves unconsciously and their body will move automatically when they hear the musIC FUCK - they all go out for kbbq on keith's bday bc keith loves korean food bc its home before his home abandoned him and voltron fam try to repaint those memories of hurt with memories of love and NEW family B Y E keith is kinda speechless - keith shows lance how to make ssam with lettuce garlic kimchi meat and miso paste and laughs as lance stuffs it into his mouth - allura fuckin kills at meat grilling - pidge refuses to eat veggies until hunk gives them the mom look - corran is vegetarian but loves seeing his students sated and full - shiro and allura keep their pinkies intertwined the entire bbq when they can under the table - keith and lance hook up once after a frat party one night and the morning after they kinda ??????? oh?kay????? thishappened???? at the memory until they fuckin realize theyre attracted to each other - keith gets slurs thrown at him by other frat fuckbois and lance goes fuckin livid until hunk is there to stop an imminent fight and hunk gives off some p threatening vibes to fuckbois - voltron crew help pidge try to reconnect with their brother by calling diff numbers going thru yellow pages - keith recommends books for lance to read and lance makes keith playlists and tells him to "listen to smth bubblegum happy for one" (keith kinda likes it?) - the art kids start to recognize lance when he drops by to pick keith up to go home together after the program js over - they all do secret santa at coran's house for christmas - coran gives shiro some salad tongs that are decorated with rhinestones he found in a vintage store and shiro is just ??? okay?? (he uses it when they all have dinner at shiro's place a few weeks later) jk coran also gives him some hella effective medicine for muscle and bone ache for his injury hes not that insensitive - shiro gives hunk a rly nice apron that says youre a FINEapple and baking mittens and hunk almost cries - hunk gets allura like new knitting needles and yarn as well as hand-knit cap. allura squeals bc FLUFFY - allura gets keith some good books both nonfiction and fiction + live podcast tix (she got from a raffle) and keith's eyes glows a little brighter - keith gets pidge some yellow tinted glasses bc "pidge your eyes are gna get worse and youre basically already blind" and a fisheye camera lense for smartphones and pidge yeLLS AESTHETIC PHOTOOOOOOOS YESSSSS - pidge gets lance some face masks and a customized snapback that says QUIZNAK on it and lance's eyes go all sparkly ✨✨ - lance gets corran some bombass latinx music cds from his favorite artists and a mustache care kit that coran just "✨✨"'s at - for dem romance: keith invites lance to the podcast with him and lance just smiles his lopsided truly happy smile while handing keith some cute hair-ties ("??? what am i supposed to do with these????" "wear them so that u can look even cuter than u already are????" keith goes beet red and punches lance in the shoulder as lance laughs. lance finds keith wearing them the next day) - shiro gives allura a note planner with her favorite quote on the front and allura gives shiro a handknit scarf its zSo fuckin SWEEET - hunk and shay go in their first dare - pidge and coran have rly fuckin good hot chocolate on the kitchen island and revel in their friends' happiness and recount good memories of the past year - they then bring out the wine and the karaoke machine - pidge gets p drunk and both them and lance sing one of the zumba songs pidge can somehow remember all the lyrics to hoW THE FUCK do I RMEMmber this?!?! (allura laughs evilily) - allura fuckin perfectly raps superbass - lance sings taylor swift ironically but not rly - corran tries to sing a thai song and its gets like awk quiet as ppl are like ?? okay ?? - HUNK STARTS TO BELT OUT BONJOVI AND SHIROS LIKE HELL YE AND JOINS IN - shiro then tries to sing country music but everyone reaches for the cancel button - shiro and allura sing Lucky (jason mraz and colbie caliat or smth) - pidge starts to sing linkin park's numb and gets rly into it. everyone is hype esp keith - keith tries to sing screamo song next but lance cancels before he can start and instead turn on the tune of gwiyomi from his phone and keith chases after lance with intent to kill lance cackling he runs away everyone else shrugs and continues as if nothing happened (keith and lance later return looking a little disheveled and everyone gives them knowing looks: lance averts his eyes and starts to whistle while keith just goes rly red and face palms) - everyone gets spectacularly drunk and decide to all sing bohemian rhapsody together. it kinda works. - They all go to the beach one summer
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ecotone99 · 5 years
[HR] God protects fools
Two women (Hannah and Rhonda) went to live with their grandmother after their mother died. They were kids about 6 years old. Rhonda was actually Hannah's step-sister (her father had left years ago and her mother was nowhere to be found). Hazel Green thought that her sweet little granddaughters could do no wrong. She was very protective of them. They were home schooled by their grandmother and Aunt Ruth after one private religious school kicked both of them out because they were too tomboyish. They like sports, they didn't care if they got dirty outside and they played with the neighborhood boys. They were in this school a month. Hazel Green is a sweet lady but don't get her upset and don't attack her grandchildren unless they did something wrong. She went off on the pastor (said things I can't repeat and when she found out a political candidate couldn't stand to hear a woman cussing was going to speak at the church, she went and then she got up and started (oh my what came out of her mouth) cussing up a storm. Was escorted out of the church and news crews were there. She almost got arrested. "I will not be disrespected nor will my granddaughters and they have been disrespected, so I'm disrespecting them and they don't like it, do they?" she said to the news reporter.
When they were high school age, she enrolled them into the local high school. They lasted one month. By this time, Hazel was having difficulty walking, so she rode around in a scooter. She came to the school, angry that Hannah and Rhonda had been bullied. Everyone in the school was outside when she drove up to the parking lot and came out on her red scooter. Hannah and Rhonda were crying. They ran over to Hazel who started yelling at the kids, telling them how terrible they were and that they were going to hell.
A school resource officer tried to calm Hazel down but she got angrier. Everyone was laughing and filming the exchange which made Hazel look like a lunatic. Aunt Ruth (Hazel's daughter) showed up and she wasn't much better yelling at the kids and telling them she wasn't going to tolerate her niece being harassed in school. Finally they left. The recording went viral and was seeing all over the country. Hazel and Ruth looked like they had lost their mind. They probably had.
Aunt Ruth had no luck with men. Shortly after her daughter was born, her husband left her never to return. People in town said they couldn't blame him as she was a piece of work. Well she wasn't. Marched to the beat of a different drummer, yes, she did. I'm the only friend in town she has.
Her daughter is in the army and is stationed in Iraq. She never had problems in school like his cousins did. So as far as raising her daughter she did okay. I might add though her daughter when to a private Episcopal school that was 30 miles away. Her ex-husband parents paid for the school and she has contact with them. Hazel wouldn't hear of putting Hannah and Rhonda in another private school but this school would have been good for them
Oh well, so much for that, but let me continue.
Well Hannah and Rhonda wanted to be Las Vegas show girls. They really couldn't dance because they had had no lessons. Hazel thought they were wonderful dancers. They decided to go out Las Vegas. I was concerned about them because they were very naive about life in general.
Well, they were there for about six months and because they weren't 21 years old, they couldn't dance at certain clubs. They do okay dancing at the family style shows. They took dancing lessons and learned to dance.
Well, Hannah met this guy out there (he's name was Herbie) who didn't know what to do with his life. He had a pilots license and he often flew celebs and other to parties. Hannah and this young man became boyfriend and girlfriend. His parents were famous and he was trying to stay out of the lime life. Herbie liked being behind the scenes. He was a nerdy type kid and was very different than his rock star father and model/actress mother. He came to live in our town and no one knew who he was. Aunt Ruth had a cottage of her property and he lived there with Hannah for a while. His dad was in a nearby town doing a movie. His father really wasn't an actor but had been in bit parts in movies. He sometimes played the role of being his father's personal assistant. I'm just the neighbor but I really liked this guy.
Rhonda on the other hand went down another path. She ended up being a dancer in a club and she ended up being with a much older man that was creepy looking to say the least. Everyone said that he was good to her during their brief marriage which was about a year. I went and visited them during Christmas, a couple of months before he died. It was very nice.
Now she had the life she always wanted. Rhonda became involved with a guy who parents were famous and who didn't know what to do with him. Was Jared Wires 25 years old and had never worked a day in his life. This guy basically lived off of her and his parents were only too glad to pass him along to someone else. She basically saved him from getting harmed. He did some foolish and stupid things that could have gotten both of them killed. I'm surprised he was never arrested for some of the things that he did but because they weren't violent in nature, these were things that wealthy people's children got away with.
Jared broke up with Rhonda but lived in her house. He started seeing another woman Marlene who had a very jealous ex-partner Michael Johnsen who was a professional wrestler.. Jared became stared when Marlene told him that her ex-partner threatened to do harm to the unknown man she was seeing. They fled and ended up at Grandma Hazel's home.
Grandma Hazel was in a nursing home. Aunt Ruth was scared to death when she saw the trio arrive as the wrestler had been calling people in town asking about what man had been dating his ex-partner. No one knew. Since he wasn't famous outside of Hollywood, no one knew him. Aunt Ruth insisted that they stay in town near where the police station was.
Herbie who had psychic abilities told this Jared that Michael was coming to town to do harm to someone. Jared laughed. With a serious look on his face, Herbie told him, that this guy didn't care. He was coming to do harm.
I heeded Herbie's warning. So didn't everyone else except for Jared and Rachel. They weren't leaving. Both drank until they passed out and fell asleep in the closet on the 3rd floor.
As Herbie predicted the guy showed up in the neighborhood. This creep came into my home but didn't trash the place. He didn't want it know that he had been in the house. Herbie watched from his computer 100 miles away in a beach cabin as Michael went thru my stuff (which was useless to him). He then left after being in my home for about a hour. Creepy. Very Creepy.
Herbie had his untraceable phone waiting for the right moment to call police. Since nothing was taken from my house, it was agreed that we wouldn't tell police that he had been in my home.
I didn't know they had been sleeping in the closet in my home. The wrestler had been in that closet but by the grace of god didn't find Jared or Marlene there. Somehow the creep missed them because shortly after he left, They came out and looked around. Both of them went back into the closet to sleep.
What was very weird was the music on my computer played music like From a Distance by Bette Midler which as I watched him going thru my stuff, I heard, "God is watching us from a distance." The other songs that played were "In the Arms of the Angels" by Sarah McLachlan, "Jesus is just alright with me, " Doobie Brothers, "Fly like a Eagle" by the Steve Miller Band and the last song was "Spirits in the Material World." by the Police.
From the backyard of my home is a large lake. The camera showed Michael running out into the lake and swimming towards a guy who was out in a boat fishing. This was Old Man Glenn.
Herbie called the police but by the time they came it was too late. Michael had threatened Old Man Glenn as he swam towards him. Old Man Glenn speeded away in his boat and then didn't see him. Nor did anyone else for hours. Then they found him in the mango trees with bit marks on this body. An alligator got him. Because of his anger, grievous things happened to him.
Marlene denied being in our town when she was interviewed by police at the beach cabin that she was staying at. The beach house had been registered in Jared name. Me and Ruth left before the police arrived. We were never interviewed as Herbie didn't involved me in this which I was most grateful. Hazel never heard about it as she died a couple of days afterwards.
My, what a strange story. God protects fools like Jared and Marlene. Shortly after this, Jared and Marlene went their separate ways and Jared went back to Rhonda where he was safe.
submitted by /u/baronesslucy [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/2Lxp1Cf
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yeont4n · 7 years
Answer all!!
here we fuckn goooooooooo
we are bulletproof: if you could be any superhero, who would you be and why?
u kno that 1 girl from sky high whose only power was shapeshifting into a hamster? her. no reason
no more dream: if you woke up tomorrow to be incredibly famous, how would you react?
id go check my mailbox to collect all my free promotional gifts and then prolly fake my own death
i like it: if you could reverse any moment in your life, what would that moment be? 
there’s 1 thing but im not rlly gonna expose myself like tht on here smh
n.o: biggest pet peeve?
loud chewing/loud eating,,,,,,
we on: how do you deal with people who don’t like you?
i dont deal wit it lmfao it’s not my business who likes me n who doesn’t unless someone’s being particularly vocal about it:// in that case i’d prolly jus laugh about it
if i ruled the world: what would you do if you found out that you were an heir to a wealthy kingdom?
lmfao. idk tbh prolly decide which breed of dog i wanted to be known for loving
coffee: what’s your coffee order?
i dont order coffee often buh somethin w a lot of sugar.
cypher pt. 1: if you had to be part of a kpop group, what position would you want to be (i.e. leader, visual, lead vocal, dancer, rapper, maknae, etc.)
maknae i guess? how about staff
rise of bangtan: when and how did you get into the king and legends, also known as bangtan sonyeondan?
i saw a video of yoongi performing intro:nevermind in like 2015 n was :o ! buh never looked into it. in 2016 i saw the fire and bst dance practice vids and was like :0!??? but again, never looked into it. then finally spring day/not today mvs dropped n i FINALLY looked into who these boys were n jus fell down an ever spiraling rabbit hole.. now we here
satoori rap: what does home mean to you?
a feeling. i mean i have a few physical manifestations of the concept of home: my town, my school, my house. things i can return to. but really it’s a feeling isn’t it?? safety, familiarity, comfort, fondness
boy in luv: when you are interested in someone (romantically, sexually, etc.), does your behavior change?
yeah probably altho i dnt have many data points to go over rn
just one day: who would you want to spend the last day of your life with?
yall expectin me 2 say bts buh id want 2 be wit my friends n family . bts can b there 2 if they want
tomorrow: goal that you would like to achieve within the next year?
get into..... college.....
cypher pt. 2: one thing about yourself you wish people would appreciate more?
i never express appreciation n all that verbally thru words or physically thru touch buh i have my own ways of showin tht i care n i guess it dont count if i dont communicate explicitly like: hey ilu ! . what happened to actions speak louder than words smh
spine breaker: what is your weakness when it comes to spending money?
makeup!!!!!!!!!! >
jump: favorite childhood memory?
getting my dog tina!!!!
miss right: what is your ideal ‘type’?
physically i tend 2 like the boyish types likkee think taehyung inu era i guess. boy next door vibes; ive never rlly been into the macho build or the preppy, neat look, or the rough around the edges, angsty shithead badboy exterior model like i like my boys S.O.F.T.! puppy-ish!
personality wise i guess jusssss idk i’m gonna copy n paste a list of qualities i look 4 in a partner that i wrote for a different ask game a while back: Sense of humor, openmindedness, compassion, reliability, ability 2 communicate directly/emotional maturity, ambition/drive/work ethic, etc.
i like it pt. 2: dream date? 
yall prolly expecting me to say smthn like staying in n watching movies n eating junk but i’d prolly wanna go out n do smthn ngl. not a movie where u can hardly even speak or a dinner date where u feel trapped n stiff buh smthn fun n mildly competitive n engaging ??????? although jus chillin dont sound so terrible either
danger: have you ever had a near-death experience?
kinda not really it was on hampton beach n i had an allergic reaction but i wasnt on death’s door or nuthn
war of hormone: most embarrassing moment?
i bled thru my fucking pants in like 7th grade n it got on the chair! it was bad lol i was jus talking about this w my friend n she was like “yeah i remember that haha:)” shut up caitlin
hip hop lover: three songs that are meaningful to you?
moonlight sonata, ballade no. 1 in g minor, bts’ entire discography ties for 3rd
let me know: are you good at keeping secrets?
no lmfao . keeping my own, sure.
rain: most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done?
some words that have never been used to describe me, grace: spontaneous, easy going, flexible. the most impulsive thing i’ve done is prolly take a random sidestreet omw home just for the heck of it lol
cypher pt. 3: favorite outfit to wear?
cute jeans w a belt, a crop top. white adidas. i like dresses too tho!! n i really like layered clothes (a mock turtle neck under a slip dress or like a pinstripe button up under a babydoll fit blouse. i jus think it’s fuckin adorable)
blanket kick: longest time you’ve spent lying in bed (sleeping or not)? 
prolly 2 or 3 days
24/7 = heaven: what are you most looking forward to?
fuck i rlly dk . doesnt that suck??
look here: do you have any hidden talents?
i can burp on command lmfaoofdj
second grade: proudest accomplishment?
dont ask me this if u dnt want to be made uncomfortable by how genuinely unproud of myself i am lol
i need u: are you in love?
wit k*m t*aehy*ng? yeah.
hold me tight: does physical contact comfort you?
no........... maybe i havent found the right person but it’s not my cup of tea generally speaking
love is not over: ever had your heart broken?
no but now i know what i can look forward to haha
dead leaves: how loyal are you?
im rlly loyal if that commitment is mutual. w my family i’m ride or die i’ll fuck anyone up who comes for my asshole brother idc!!!!!!!!!
move: last time you cried?
cant remember,, i dnt cry much. prolly watching reply 1988 when bo ra and her dad were exchanging letters on her wedding day.
butterfly: most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
his name looks similar to my url thats the only hint im giving
run: do you like traveling? if so, where? what’s your dream vacation?
i dnt really like travelling tbh but i do wanna go back to korea one day. not necessarily as a tourist but as a diasporic korean person myself
ma city: if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
idk. i cant imagine not living in the states tbh but i also cant say i love it here either
baepsae: do you vote and/or keep up with politics?
i can’t vote but i’m in my school’s youth vote committee which runs debates for local elections and registration drives at the end of the year. i kept up with politics a lot more last year but after the election i jus got 2 bitter. i know what’s going on but only sort of surface level smh
dope: what did you want to be when you were younger? how does it compare to what you want to be now?
i wanted to be a teacher lmfao and i wanted to commute to college n save $$ bc i was a practical little fucker even when i was 6. these days i’m not that interested in teaching bc a) i’d be objectively bad at it and b) i was a classroom mentor for elementary schools and... realized i can’t work w kids tht small every damn day i’d rlly snap
fire: are you a spontaneous person?
save me: your favorite place on earth?
rn??? m y bed
young forever: what is one movie from your childhood that you will always treasure?
august rush lol
boys with fun: you’re going on a roadtrip with seven other people– dead, alive, fictional, real, famous, or not. who are they, and why?
really......... seven other people:)? guess.
converse high: how many pairs of shoes do you own?
12??? 3 are the same black heel lmfao n a lot i havent worn in years but i still technically own them. i rlly b wearing the same 4 pairs in a cycle n 1 rotten bleach stained soggy mess for work shoes.
whalien 52: weirdest thing that has ever happened to you? alternatively, weirdest dream you’ve ever had?
weirdest dream i ever had was way too long to type out n had way too many references to people in my personal life to ever be interesting lmao
house of cards: when was the last time you felt sexy?
boy meets evil: have you ever committed a crime? if so, what was it? alternatively, what is the worst thing you have ever done?
does speeding count smh.
blood, sweat, & tears: kinkiest kink you have?
rolling eyes emoji. pass!
begin: who are you most grateful for in your life?
my parents!
lie: biggest fear?
real talk? failure. abandonment but i’m adopted, how cliche. also bugs
stigma: would you rather know the date of your death or the cause of your death?
date of death bc if i knew the cause but not have any indication of when it’d hit me, i’d be a paranoid agoraphobic wreck for the rest of my life
first love: do you believe in soulmates?
yes but i also believe you can have more than one! and that soulmates aren’t exclusively romantic
reflection: if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
get ur fucking bangs cut
mama: are you good at giving advice?
yeah i think so
awake: if you had to be a flower, which flower would you be?
lazy daisy
lost: how good are you with directions? do you get lost easily?
horrible horrible horrible. directionally challenged. i can’t even find my way to the fucking grocery store down the road on my own. if i ever missed an exit on the highway you’d never hear from me again, i could never find my way back without a gps. i’m dead serious
cypher pt. 4: what do you do to treat yourself or relax?
take a bath or a long long shower. eat smthn warm, drink tea, do a face mask, change my sheets n snuggle up watchin a drama or movie or playin sims
am i wrong: you wake up one morning in the hospital, knowing only your name and a single memory from your life. what is that memory?
wtf how do i answer this lmfao how wud i know lol
21st century girls: do you prefer texting, calling, or video chatting?
texting! calling if it’s a long story though
2!3!: your favorite thing about bangtan?
their modesty and grace ! they’re a true underdog success story >
spring day: who do you miss right now?
not today: what are your procrastinating right now?
math summer work smh
wings: on airplanes, do you prefer the window seat, the middle seat, or the aisle seat?
window seat!
you never walk alone: how many people do you trust with your life?
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