#death by donnie
thelaundrybitch · 1 year
Turtle Doves.
I have been shot right through the heart with all the recent Sniper Donnie artwork that has popped up.
And I was inspired by @donathan 's and @t-annuki 's artwork to write this little ditty.
Also, I need to give a shout-out to the amazing @sharpwindow for assisting with a few parts that I was unsure about. This is my first time writing about turts with big guns.
Well... You know what I mean.
Without further ado...
18+ content - for mature audiences only
Warning: Guns, shooting, blood, legstraps, and a thirsty bitch
SFW & GN Reader
Reblogs only, please!
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He was the most badass out of all of them.
And now he was hunting you.
Decked in all black, you followed the man that had pulled you from the shipping container full of smuggled humans.
Smuggled dead humans.
You owed him your life and told him you’d do anything he asked.
And all he asked was that you follow him back to the safety of the rebel base.
You were given the rundown on the degenerate that was trying to take out the rest of humanity as you changed into a full set of tactical gear like his, and a black hat to cover your head that would hopefully conceal your identity.
But it hadn’t worked. 
He had found you the second you set foot off the wharf.
The shadows of the shipping containers became your best friends as you followed your savior. Sticking as close to him as possible as he weaved in and out of the metal maze toward the gated perimeter.
The man’s hand darted back and thrust you in front of him as a bullet ricocheted off one of the containers directly behind you. The sniper’s shots were coming in closer and closer as you made your way out of the shipping yard. While being pushed along, you tried to figure out where the shots were coming from. You knew you needed to keep your head down, but there was no fixed point; it was like they were keeping pace with you!
The man let go as the pair of you finally made it through the front gates of the shipping yard. You paused for a moment and stared into the wreckage that was once known as New York, shocked at the sight of the crumbled buildings while fires burned everywhere.
“Move!” The man yelled, yanking your arm to hide you behind a crushed SUV.
The bullet had skimmed your shoulder and hit the big metal plate on the ground behind you. It put a small hole in the thick fabric, but never touched your skin.
“He’s toying with us…” the man mumbled, glaring at the tear in your uniform. “Let's go.”
The shots continued, keeping up with you no matter how hidden you stayed or how low of a profile you kept. And every time the man tried to lead you in one direction, the sniper sent you in another. There had to be more than one person doing this; snipers didn't move around.
At last, you found yourself being shoved through a doorway of what was once a department store, judging by the ransacked clothing racks, and the smashed jewelry cases.
Shattered glass had you stepping gingerly so you wouldn't slip and end up with an injury. Without warning, the man yanked the hat off your head and grabbed the back of your neck. His nails dug into your flesh as he started to push you toward the back of the building.
Your hands went up to peel his unforgiving grasp, but he growled at you, “Be good,” while he stuffed a gun into your back.
As you were trying to figure out how to get yourself out of your current mess, you heard a splat and felt warmth spray across your neck and cheek.
The death grip loosened, and the man’s hand fell away as he fell to his knees, and face-planted on the hard linoleum flooring; his blood quickly spilling from the gunshot wound from the side of his neck and pooling around the pair of you in a lake of red.
You looked around with dread as an adrenaline rush hit; flight was the only option.
You had no idea where the man had been bringing you, but you knew you had to get out of the sniper's range. However, your mind was so full of panic, you couldn't even register if the shot had come from inside or outside of the building. Weren't you far enough in already, to be out of his range?
You took off at full speed, heading in the opposite direction that the man had been dragging you.
Through tears and an anxiety attack, you couldn’t help but keep looking over your shoulder, waiting for your end to come.
Until you ran right into a mountain of muscle, taking the wind out of you and leaving you a bit disoriented.
An arm shot out around your middle, catching you just as you bounced off of said hard surface and started to fall backward.
Looking up, you saw the huge mutant turtle staring back down at you, concern etched across his face. The tip of his rifle peeked over his shoulder on its strap.
“Woah… Easy there, Sunshine…” the purple-banded turtle spoke softly as he pulled you a bit closer. His eyes scanned you quickly as he checked for any visible injuries.
“You’re the…” you started, but fear had gripped you so tightly that the rest of the sentence refused to leave your lips.
“I’m the one that was sent to retrieve you,” He told you. “Please accept my apology for not getting to you before they did. They threw me a surprise party back in Little Italy.”
Furrowed eyebrows and a flash of confusion made him chuckle.
“I was ambushed,” He explained, with a smirk. “Are you hurt anywhere?” He asked, wiping the side of your face and down your neck gently with a cloth he seemingly pulled out of thin air.
You shook your head as your body began to relax in his embrace. His eyes searched your face for a moment, almost as if he was waiting for something. It was only when you let out a deep, calm breath that he started to pull back.
“There you go…” his voice was full of kindness and reassurance as he stabilized you on your own two feet again. 
“Thank you,” you said, fixing your shirt that had ridden up a bit. “Who was the other guy? And what did he want with me?” You asked, still skeptical of the oversized terrapin in front of you.
“You’ll get answers later. Do you think you’re alright to come with me? I need to get you back to camp where we’re both a lot safer,” he bargained, as he pulled out what appeared to be repelling equipment.
You watched as he gave the harness a good shake before kneeling in front of you. Holding it out for you to presumably step into, he looked up at you in question as you faltered. You could see the underlying urgency written across his face even though he sat there patiently awaiting your response.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded and stepped forward and into the harness. You figured he would’ve killed you a long time ago if that had been his original intention.
The kindness on his face dropped to a deadly serious expression as he made quick work of clipping, strapping, and tightening the gear to fit your frame. He was actually quite attractive.
But that could also be the skin-tight, black tee and all the equipment strapped to his hard-muscled body talking.
He put his knee up and tapped right below the legstrap that held a knife to the outside of his thigh. 
*Thirsty Bitch activated*
*ahem* He cleared his throat, bringing your brain back online.
“I need you to step up and swing a leg over my shell. There’s a lip back there for your footing,” He explained, the corner of his mouth tugging upward while a curious but knowing gaze assessed your reaction to him.
Face burning in embarrassment at being caught ogling, you did as he asked. His hand came back to grab onto your leg, assisting your opposite foot to the other foothold.
“Good. Now I need you to clip yourself in. The three big clips on the front of the harness. Then screw them tight,” he ordered.
His hands came back and stabilized both your legs as you clipped yourself onto what appeared to be a shield over his shell. “Done,” you told him, as you gave the last clip a twist.
“I need that long strap that's hanging from your harness, in the front,” he informed you as one of his hands left your leg and appeared above the lip of his shell.
No sooner did you place it in his hand, than you found yourself yanked flush against him, letting out a small yelp of surprise in the process.
Chuckling, he apologized. “I need you to be as close as possible for what we’re about to engage in,” he warned, as he stood back up to his full height.
“And what exactly is that?!” You panicked, your knuckles turning white with stress as you held onto the edge of his shell for dear life.
“Don’t worry about it. You’re safe,” he snickered, as he started back from the way he must have come in to head you off earlier.
You could feel the anxiety coursing through your veins. “Do you have a name?” you choked out, between heaving breaths.
“Donatello,” he tells you. “But you can call me Donnie. It’s easier to say when it comes out as a scream.”
If you enjoyed it, Please reblog for others to enjoy🤩💕
Enjoying my work? Find my Master List HERE
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**If you aren’t on this list, please let me know if you want me to tag you in my other work OR if you prefer me to not tag you 😘
@leosgirl82 @turtle-babe83 @post-apocalyptic-daydream @tmnt-tychou @8pmblackcoffee @sharpwindow @scholastic-dragon @mysticboombox @raphsweapondealer @raphslovemuffin80 @turtlesmakemehappy @chicchanmooshy @roxosupreme @xanadu-702 @pheradream15 @mistyroselove @ashleighclark98 @sewerninno @zombiesnips-blog @meowph-132 @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @hotredphoenix @dilucsflame33 @sketch-and-write-lover @fyreball66 @memes-in-a-half-shell @screamingnoodl @happymoonangel @android-cap-007 @fluffytriceratops @lec743
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mysticboombox · 2 years
Anyone that has followed me for an extensive amount of time knows I’m literally weak for the turtle in purple. 
I’m weak enough that if an interrogation were to occur and the interrogators couldn’t get anything out of me, all they have to do is bring Donatello into the room and I’ll start spitting facts.
So when I say if Donatello makes me adobo and/or tamales, I will marry the man on the spot. Doesn’t matter the occasion, I’ll marry him.
I’m in a really good mood if you couldn’t tell😂💜💚
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk and here’s a Donnie photo and behold his glorious thighs and frame:
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Tags: @turtle-babe83​ @sketch-and-write-lover​ @raphsweapondealer​ @thelaundrybitch​ @leosgirl82​ 
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kathaynesart · 1 month
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I have been receiving requests for any songs that inspired Replica, so here, have my personal playlist. Sorry it’s not Spotify/Soundcloud but they don’t have some of these songs available so uh… guess you’re stuck with YouTube vids. For fun I'll include my personal titles for them (which might give a few hints of what to expect in the future/end).
Replica Main Theme - “Die for You” by Grabbitz Like Father Like Son Like Brother (Omega and Shelldon) - "As Above So Below" by Alistair Lindsay Mikey's Theme / The 1st Vision - "Suzume no Tojimari" by Nanoka Hara Military (Mad) Dogs / Central Park Colony - "Imperium" by Madeon Shanghai - "Icarus" by Madeon Boom Goes the Donnie-mite (Mikey/Donnie vs the Sweeper) - "The Red Zone" by Mitsuoto Suzuki The Day the Sky Bled Red - "7 Seconds Till the End" by Nobuo Uematsu Going Out Like a Boss (Raph and Leo) - "Agape" by Nicholas Britell Remembering the Right Way (Mikey and Leo) - "The Souls of Many" - by Alistair Lindsay Mystic Hands / The 2nd Vision - "Am I Dreaming" by Metro Boomin x A$AP Book 2 Trailer - "Sea Dragon" by Covet 7 Years Later - "Iron" by Woodkid Leo's Theme / Attack on the Labor Camp - "Ego Death" by Polyphia Omega's Theme - "Touch" by Daft Punk Flat Lines (Omega Alone) - "Die Toteninsel Emptiness" by 1000 Eyes Spear - "Monsters" by Tommee Profitt Final Protocol - "The Kraken" by Katie Dey Rise / Epilogue - "Close in the Distance" by Masayoshi Soken & Tom Mills
I will admit, it's a little embarrassing since you can easily see the patterns of what I've been listening to for the past year or two. I swear I listen to more than just videogame OSTs, these songs just jive well with the story and I often find lyrics distracting when brainstorming scenes. Regardless, the music I listen to is such an important part of my creative process and some of these songs really defined the scenes I now have locked in my head. So I figured it was only fair to give them the credit they're due.
I will continue to add to this playlist, and will note in comic updates when one of these songs is applicable!
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onionninjasstuff · 3 months
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i present to you the au that has been brewing up in my head for a couple of months now, dr steals-your-ending (thanks sm @scatterbrainedbot for coming up with the name, it slaps)
i need future mikey focused shenanigans like air, so heres my take. idk when i have the time and energy to work on it more but im glad i at least have this bad boy of a comic out of my system for now <3
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scatterbrainedbot · 7 months
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cass, a professional: order of badass donbot, extra dramatic entrance!
me, nodding, banned from most kitchens: leo drama and angst, heard chef!
(shoutout to @somerandomdudelmao for yet again making feel emotions i cannot fully explain)
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reagi-df · 26 days
Bifractured time branch
CW blood implied death
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Not matter what you do, sometimes you can’t save everyone
Kinda follow on of this
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baskeigh-ball · 1 year
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more seperated raph doodles! including:
1. raph and one of his prized possessions :) he’s had that bear for as long as he can remember and quite literally can’t sleep without it
2. how i imagine (one of) their first reunions would go. tbh their actual “reunion” happens under more...intense circumstances, but this would be their first real conversation. featuring a deceased leonardo
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hatekawa · 9 months
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I left a spot for you, just in case.
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faerynova · 1 year
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hey @somerandomdudelmao i dont usually do fanart of fanfic but holy fuck you obliterated me emotionally and i had to do SOMETHING to get the feelings out. hope you like this
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abbeyofcyn · 8 months
Wretched little pests
The beginning
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batsyart · 1 year
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so i read the newest update of @somerandomdudelmao‘s incredible apocalyptic series and i’ve been crying ever since-
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thelaundrybitch · 1 year
Sniped - The sexy sequel
Well, Turtle Doves,
I couldn't leave well enough alone. My brain kept going back to play in the gutters. Until we ended up right back in the sewers with that beautiful purple genius.
So, here is my garbage mind, for you to enjoy.
Y'all have @t-annuki to thank for this. Bayverse Sniper Donnie won't leave me alone. Go check out their incredible artwork and give their page a like 🙌��
18+ content - for mature audiences only!
Warning: Friendship, love, some hurt, and still... a very thirsty bitch
NSFW & F!Reader
Reblogs only, please!
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Sniped - The Sexy Sequel
It had been nearly a year since you were saved by the purple banded bara. He had brought you back to the safety of the camp and directly to his colossal lab and medical facility. He gave you a thorough examination to check for injuries and then brought you to the chow hall for some sustenance. That’s where you got to meet the rest of his brothers.
They were all quite lovely, and you made friends with them quickly. However, you found yourself continually being drawn to none other than the sniper, himself.
There was just something about him.
He was almost always calm with a cool temperament.
He made you feel safe. And important.
The genius had recognized your need to be helpful early on, and always found a small project you could work on while he was working on something bigger and brainier.
Speaking of brainier… He was intelligent beyond belief.
But! He was also fun. He had an extensive collection of old board games and thousands of movies and tv shows downloaded on thumb drives. He was the one that insisted, then set up movie night every Friday for the entire encampment, on an old drive-in screen he and his brothers had salvaged at the beginning of the apocalypse.
And what happens when crossing big brains with fun? Sass and wit that would knock even the best comedian flat on their behind.
Everyone referred to him as Sass-Master-Tello because he was the biggest wise-ass on the compound by far.
But don’t let all of that fool you, because the man was also an absolute force to be reckoned with.
Nobody dared cross him or anger him. You saw him angry once. And you had said a small prayer for the wolf-man that knocked Don’s laptop off his desk and onto the cement flooring of the lab, successfully shattering it.
Mike had told you that was just a small temper tantrum, and to wait until someone hurts the ones he cares for the deepest.
You tucked that information away for later. You never wanted to upset Don. You wanted to continue being his go-to person for all of his needs. You yearned to be his closest friend… Hoping to someday be one of those he cared for the deepest.
Ok, so it was more than just something about him. It was more like somethings.
A lot of somethings, as it turned out.
Standing in the lab at the table, and separating screws, nails, bolts, and washers out of an extra-large tote, you turned to ask your friend a question.
The words caught in your throat as you watched him sip the coffee you brewed for him earlier, as he read through lines of coding at his computer station. The intensity of his stare and the seriousness of his expression had your heart damn near screeching to a dead stop.  
He was gorgeous…
Butterflies erupted in your stomach the second he turned and smirked at you, giving you a flirty little wink.
Oh, fuck. 
You had a sneaky suspicion as to what those things meant. It was confirmed when he stood and walked over, leaning over you to see how things were going. The adrenaline rush through your entire being as he spoke softly into your ear, left you feeling woozy. And tingly. 
You were in love with him.
The realization hit you like a category-five hurricane.
Oh no... You couldn’t be. He was your best friend. This might ruin everything you had built with all of them. You had to keep yourself in check. You had to stop your feelings.
But try as you may, all efforts made to stop your feelings may as well have been fuel for the fire.
Because there was no such thing as a good balance of remaining a friend and keeping one's sanity when your heart decided to go all in. 
Since the universe had a personal vendetta against you, it only made sense that, now, everything he did seemed to have an undesirable effect on you.
And your panties.
For example…
Personnel would come in to upgrade their weapons, or have their tech updated on a fairly regular basis. 
Before? No big deal.
Now? You’d need to slip out halfway through the conversation taking place. His authoritative demeanor and protective stance while he stood between you and whoever came in had you delirious with desire, squeezing your thighs together as you breathed through your want for him.
And God help you if you had a question about a task he assigned to you. That intense gaze would be fixated on you, as he turned his entirety to face your body. He had always given you his complete attention. But now, as you stood there, while he sat in his chair with his thighs spread in front of you and leaning in to see what you were unsure about, you were tripping over simple words.  
He’d give you that look, one brow ridge raised while a corner of his sexy lips pulled up into a sly smirk.
Holy hell. You could cum from that alone.   
Finally, you gave in. 
If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. Right?
As you found yourself yearning for more than just friendship with this turtle-man, you decided to start dressing a bit nicer.  
Cutesy skirts with a nice top. Dresses that complimented your every curve. Pants that hugged your hips and thighs just enough for you to catch him wide-eyed and jaw agape when you stood from picking up the pencil you had accidentally dropped.
Things had been going quite well for weeks. Verbal compliments on your appearance increased, and light flirting had become a daily occurrence. You took notice of how his eyes would linger when you wore certain outfits, so you tended to wear those more often.
Until one day, you came in, and he was in a mood.
He barely spoke to you, nor had he even glanced in your direction. When you asked him if he was okay, he was curt, appearing almost angry.
You brushed it off as a bad day and tried not to let it bother you. Until it became the new routine.
Sadness filled your heavy heart more and more each day you came into the lab, now. You were working on almost a full month of his shit-ass attitude. If he was upset with you, he needed to pull his head out of his ass and say something.
“What is going on, Donnie? Talk to me,” you pleaded as you stood next to him at the security station.
“Just go back to your task. There’s nothing to talk about,” he dismissed you, not even giving you a glimpse and sending daggers right through your heart.
You stood there contemplating for a moment before you spoke again. “Is this it, Donnie? Is this how it’s going to be between us from now on? I thought we were friends…”  your voice trembled as you confronted his unacceptable attitude. 
When an answer never came, you turned and walked toward the double doors of the lab. Brokenhearted as your whole world came crashing down around you, it took everything you had not to let him see you fall apart. 
"Wait," he said, as you reached for the handle of one of the lab doors.
You turned to look at him, gritting your teeth behind closed lips and reigning in the suffering that he'd caused by giving you the cold shoulder for the last few weeks. Eyes glared back at him, full of anger, with a heart full of hurt.
"Don't leave," he pleaded, with a sorrowful, apologetic look on his face as he walked to meet you by the door. He reached out and watched as he placed a calloused hand just above your elbow and let it drift down to your own. Looking at your joined hands, he let his thumb trace small, sensual circles on the backside of it; a rush of fire flickered through your body, making you swallow hard. All anger vanquished the second he touched you. Looking from your joined hands to his face, your eyes went wide when you met his longing gaze.
“Don?” you whispered, eyes fluttering and stomach doing backflips as he gave you a slight yank to bring you closer to him.
“I…” he breathed out and swallowed, his eyes traveling to the floor, then back up to meet yours. “I think… I need you to come,” he said, licking his lips as his sight set itself on your mouth.
 Nodding, you let out a shaky breath, “Where?”
He looked down with a smirk and let out a low chuckle. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of his upturned lips, your pulse quickening with the rumble that accompanied his moment of happiness.
Releasing your hand, he walked to the glass doors to lock them. He returned to retrieve your hand before walking you around the corner to his lab table.
As you went to sit on a stool, he stopped you, “not there.” He pulled your smaller frame in front of him, so your back was to the tall table. It was as if you weighed nothing when he lifted you and set you directly in front of him on his workspace. Gently, both hands guided your knees apart, slipping his hips snugly between your thighs and aligning his pelvis perfectly with yours. His hands slid under your legs and pulled you to the edge of the table. Your core made contact with him, resulting in you throwing your hands up to his plastron in feverish shock. Waves of carnal adrenaline thrummed through your body at his sudden physical advances and undivided attention.
Quickly, his hands moved from your legs and up to your face, cradling your jaw as he watched his thumb move across your lips. “This is my favorite outfit, but you know that, don’t you?” he purred, one of his hands moving up to let your hair cascade down out of the hair clip. 
Placing the clip on the table beside you, his other hand tangled its way to the back of your head, his lips going to your ear, “can I have you?” he breathed, his snout trailing down the outer edge of your ear to the side of your neck, then back up again, his lips teasingly brushing against the sensitive spot right below your ear.
“I don’t understand,” you gasped, not wanting him to stop, but needing an answer to the sudden change.
He pulled back, looking you in the eyes, a smug grin creeping its way across his face, “you’re gonna pretend like you have no idea how I’ve felt about you, since the first day we met?” he asked.
“You’ve wanted nothing to do with me for the last three and a half weeks,” you argued back with a pout.
“All I’ve wanted to do, is you - for the last three and a half weeks!” he admitted, completely exasperated. “God, I can’t get you out of my head! I think about you all day, I dream about you, I can barely concentrate!” He confessed, moving your hands from the front of his plastron to his sides. 
“Then why were you so cold?” you asked, hurt seeping into your voice.
Sighing, his hands dropped to your hips. “I was trying to keep myself in check. We're friends, and I didn't want to ruin it. And I was doing fine until you decided to start showing more interest in my work. And in me,” he told you. “I knew if I didn’t distance myself, I was gonna end up falling even harder… for you...” he trailed off softly, looking down. “I want nothing more than for you to be mine.”
Relief washed over you as your eyebrows nearly hit the ceiling in surprise. 
Was this real?
He looked up, his eyes searching your face as his hands felt their way from your hips and down the sides of your upper thighs until they found the edge of the flared, mini skater-skirt you were wearing. Finding the hem, his hands made an abrupt stop only to begin their trek back up, now underneath the material.
“And, ya know, I was doing pretty good until you started wearing these wicked things,” he accused, his voice husky, “with those delicious low-cut tank tops, hugging every one of your curves like someone painted the damn thing on you. You don’t even bother with a bra anymore,” he acknowledged, looking down at your cleavage. “Do you know, I almost lost it the first time you walked in wearing this?” he huffed with a sultry smirk.
The blush that bloomed and spread from your face to your chest was enough for him to know that you knew exactly what you were doing.
“Mmmm, of course you knew. Because you went and bought more, didn’t you?” he teased, bending forward and rubbing his snout against your nose, teasing your lips with little brushes from his.
“I wanted your attention,” you whispered, leaning in and chasing his lips, trying to get him to kiss you.
“All you have to do is ask,” he whispered, placing a quick kiss on the tip of your nose, his hands finally reaching their destination under your skirt.
Swallowing hard as he pulled back to look at you, he quirked one eyebrow ridge upward as he waited for you to ask.
He was so smug sometimes.
Unable to look him in the face, you shifted your gaze straight forward to his plastron, instead. Heat crept up from your chest, a bit bashful at what you were about to confess, “I need your affection,” you whispered. 
His head bent down to meet your now downward stare. He bumped the side of your face with his and nuzzled you a bit as you felt his lips searching for yours. The moment you tilted your face towards him, his mouth was on yours, firm and full of passion.
Both of his hands abandoned the sides of your panties, and his arms came up to wrap themselves around your torso. His hug was all-encompassing, holding you tight as if you might vanish into thin air. A deep, caring warmth emanated from his embrace as he began to churr, sending ripples of happiness straight through your heart, while leaving your head swimming with a desire for more of his affection.
His mouth moved across yours, in a sensual dance, his tongue slipping past your slightly parted lips. You gasped as your breath caught when he added some light suction to the kiss. Your hands, with a mind of their own, wandered lower to his belt buckle.
He broke the kiss for less than a moment, and you were already grasping at anything you could to pull him back down to you, hungry and desperate for more.
"Not here," he smiled with a sexy giggle, "I want to make sure you're on a soft surface before I have you squirming and gasping as I appreciate your existence, Sunshine."
Your core throbbed at his words as he lifted you off the table and carried you bridal style to his bedroom, which sat at the edge of the lab, just past his office.
His room was bathed in a purple glow, the lights popping on automatically when he walked you through his bedroom door. Once he’d set you on his bed, he reached back up your skirt and removed the lacy, black panties you decided to wear that day. Tossing them on the floor, he quickly removed his boots, followed by the rest of his attire.
In an attempt to remove what was left of your own outfit, he stopped you, "Please," he husked, "that outfit has been the bane of my existence, haunting every one of my fantasies - asleep and awake - for the last three and a half weeks. Please, please, please," he begged, "let me enjoy the slow, satisfying removal as I worship every inch of you," he finished, with a small quirk of an eyebrow ridge, climbing onto the bed, and pulling your sex to meet his mouth.
"Donnie!" you gasped as his tongue gently glided over your folds once, before expertly finding its way to your engorged jewel. His warm, silky tongue laved over the bud, shuffling between whirling, tickling, and flicking. He produced a low hum, making it sound as if you were the most exquisite meal he’d ever had. Some occasional suction had you pressing yourself closer to him as he demanded your body to give him more of your essence.
A whimper left your lips when he pulled his sinful mouth away from your needy body, only to have him pull your petals back, exposing your pearl completely. Kissing then wrapping his lips around her, he alternated between gentle suction and tiny licks with just the tip of his flattened tongue. His hands relocated and now held your hips tight to the bed, so you were unable to move even a millimeter. He had complete control over your pleasure, and he knew it.
He looked up at you between your legs, mouth still at work, watching you with those big honey-colored eyes as you couldn’t help but pant and moan his name, grabbing fistfuls of the blanket beneath you as you tried to keep your sanity. Seeing the tightening of your lower abdomen, he stopped right before you peaked.
You gulped air into your lungs at the sudden reprieve, as if you’d just been held underwater for the last fifteen minutes. Donnie pushed himself to a standing position, his impressive erection bobbing as he got up, beading at the tip. He licked his lips, looking down at you before wiping his chin with the back of his hand. 
He grabbed the waist of your skirt, taking his time as he pulled it down over your hips and past your knees. His eyes glazed over as he watched your body's lower half become more exposed. Once the skirt had been tossed to the growing pile of clothes on the floor, he crawled back onto the bed, straddled your lap, and pulled you to a sitting position. Sitting back on his haunches, his hands found the bottom hem of your tank top. He peeled it off slowly, dragging his nails softly along your sides the whole way up, his eyes drinking in the sight of your breasts as they slid out of the built-in bra and bounced, grateful to be free.
He’d barely gotten rid of your top before his lips were on yours again. Lying you back down on the bed, he left a path of open-mouthed kisses from your lips, to your jaw, and down your neck.
A throaty, satisfied moan left him as he drew one of your hardened nipples into his mouth, rolling his tongue around it, and sucking ever so gently. Reflexively, your hands moved affectionately over his shoulders and biceps, appreciating his beautiful physique.
“Donnie,” you gasped when he nibbled one bud, while pinching the other, causing your stomach muscles to tighten, and your thighs to clench. A wet warmth trickled between your legs and onto his bed.
He sat on the edge of the bed, getting up for a moment and tugging you up with him. Pulling you over him, so you were straddling his lap, he moved his legs apart to bring your hovering sex closer to his. His finger slid between your petals, swirling your slick in circles, teasing as he spread the dampness of your core, before lining himself up against your entrance. 
Locking eyes with you, he whispered, “I’m gonna make sure that I give you the best damn orgasm of your life, so you’ll never want anyone except for me, ever again.”
If you enjoyed it, Please reblog for others to enjoy🤩💕
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Every single member of the Hamato family is equipped with the cantrip Vicious Mockery and 80% of its use is friendly fire.
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kathaynesart · 4 months
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Don't mind, Omega. He's just being dramatic. Thank you so much @abbeyofcyn and @thegunnsara for pulling me into this hilarious mashup as well as @kittynomore @tapakah0 @hylwicks and @isaacz for letting their characters be a part of it! Figured I would use this opportunity to do my Replica introduction as well!
The @tmntaucompetition has barely even started and I am already overwhelmed by the amount of asks and support I've received! Thank you everyone! There are so many things I want to respond to, but I just don't have the time!
However I am so excited to get to interact with some of you! I'll be sure to respond to a few more that reference Omega directly when I can (looking at you @intotheelliwoods and @karonkar )!
Also, please don't destroy my asks trying to offer chew toys to Donnie... it's too late. His fate has been sealed. He's in autistic robot hell now. Goodnight sweet prince.
Also also, uh... THAT one image? Don't think about it too hard. :)
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onionninjasstuff · 9 months
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Part 1
Part 3
i wanted to post it all at once but i figured it'll be more fun this way 😌
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tangledinink · 8 months
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they're both winged pretty boys, so, do you think they'd be friends...?
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.... probably not.
( ; w ; i just really liked @livvylubug's lunanardo design and wanted to draw them together... at least luna's donnie and swannie's leo could maybe bond...?)
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