#dead boy detectives txt
reallifetangent · 26 days
Just saw someone on TikTok saying the "You could live a thousand lives and never deserve that boy" saying that Cat King, Monty and Charles don't deserve Edwin and I've never seen so much bullshit in my life (as far as I can remember)
How come you throw down 3 character arcs and ignoring at least Charles' temper and context to put above on a pillar one character who has bad things as well.
Post was in Spanish, I'm translating what it said with the colors.
Sorry for the random rambling/texts, I had to get it out of my system and sorry if I had wrong stuff
Obviously spoilers about the whole series
Cat King: he started wrong and pressured Edwin on things he didn't know
There's an analysis post here that explains why the punishment made sense. Edwin was warned of not messing around with the cats. Cat King of course had moments where he made Edwin obvious and clearly uncomfortable, and either stopped there or stepped back. Even between all his flirty aura and wanting to play and be loved by this Twink Ghost, he still respected Edwin and was pretty much consensual (the bracelet not because again, it's just the punishment because of what Edwin did to the cats), like proposing counting cats instead of pleasing him physically as soon as he realized Edwin wasn't in that lane.
By the end of the season, he's the one that changes the less respecting from where they started (I think). He's still a flirty, charming, iconic, still respecting and asking for the hug, this time only calling him from the distance because he knows the context, they're mourning Niko, he can't be that flirty or attention seeker, he knows how much she meant for Ed. The flowers scene where it's both flowers for him but also for her (the flower's meanings about rebirth, purity, innocence. I think it's how Niko was for this world, but also huge kudos to this Reddit when I was looking for the flower scene)
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Monty: tricked Edwin so the witch could have her revenge.
Monty is a Crow Familiar. He ofc owes loyalty to his witch. He was turned into a human with the condition of helping his master. And he catches feelings. He's been a human since what? Less than a week? He gets hooked by Edwin. He loves Edwin. When they kiss and Edwin says he doesn't love him back, he's hurt. And he's Esther's familiar. What did she do once she didn't get what she wanted? Plan on revenge. He's still hurt, he thinks Edwin didn't care about his feelings. He even said they shouldn't be friends anymore.
Damn, he even went along deeper even thinking that they wouldn't get the case since they were Ace Detectives, until he heard that the fungus ate ghosts/spectrals so this wasn't an easy revenge. He tried to lead them/him away from it. Then Cat King interrupted and well, shit went down. More hurt feelings, more disgraces. He gets back to Esther who dislikes that her dear crow familiar was on the side of Edwin and caught feelings. He didn't want to feel like that, he didn't ask to be hurt, didn't want to be human and have feelings. Ofc he couldn't be with Edwin as long as Esther is his witch, she still has control over him. And yet he tried to go against her orders. He even helped Charles getting away on last ep.
Charles: said cruel words, wishing he never died and throwing in his face that Ed would never be able to keep the group together because he can't and he lacks Char's charisma.
Charles was fresh from living on a loop that caught him because his reaction to trauma was too strong. He had to live(?) and watch over and over again a family suffering for the exact same thing that reminded him his living life. Even worse, he had to experience on bucle him trying to stop it just to be interrupted and made him watch it until the father was done, looking at the corpses and then the gunshot. Tell me about feeling helpless and useless when you are stuck on a loop where your attempt of trying to help it's not working and you are seeing it over and over again. Ofc he was more than upset for not being able to help, to stop Crystal from getting hurt, from Edwin lying to him because Ed was troubled in his mind, and Night Nurse reminding him the physical violence he lived, how he died.
Charles and Edwin died at 16. Sixteen. How many things they could've experienced but never happened? They'll never get to grow up. He died and he never had a chance to stand up against his dad and protect his mom. He lost the chance to keep the bullies away from others. He lost all the sensations, he lost most of his senses. Not being able to enjoy things because he can't feel them. He misses spaghetti, he said he might miss kissing (he and Crystal kissed, he said he didn't feel anything but well, as long as she does, he's okay with it). He misses being able to have people his age to hang around. And everything was taken away from him.
Ofc he tries to be positive about it, he tries to be useful to make up for not helping when he was alive. He didn't want to be like Brad and Hunter, but he wanted to be that cool guy loved by everyone and was an actual good person. You can't hold on a smile for too long without it turning into a fake one after having all of that. All those years he shoved away the familiar violence, until he had to live it again, two times, and see that he couldn't stop it. He's hurt by everyone (Edwin lying to him, the whole Crystal's case still unsolved, etc), and he reached the limit. Are you telling me he would just smile again and pretend it was nothing? He'd been doing that for so long, and now he was unable to hide it again.
And last but not least, Edwin.
Edwin Payne, sassy Edwardian Era Teenager who has an ego so big you can see it from space, plays hard to get on the cases, thinks he's better/smarter than anyone (one thing is being it, other is claiming it), thinking everyone is on his same level or page (the whole Does that look blue to you? We have the same left! Implying that what he says and knows are too obvious that forgets not everyone thinks like him. I relate to that soooo bad) Shoved away more than once Crystal, has more salt than the Dead Sea, calls out more than once Charles for trying to keep Crystal around, when Jenny was calling Crystal out for running or whatever he was shocked that Crystal wasn't paying attention to him like how dares she ignore me. And don't get me started with invalidating everyone's feelings when they said they were hurt or living a nightmare... We got it. Hell was a literal hell. But you're dealing right now with a girl who's around 16-18 and you're trying to solve her case, not a competition about "Who suffered the most".
Ofc at the end of the season he's finally fond of Crystal, he was finally accepting her as part of the team even without her powers, he's now able to express better his feelings, better at setting and saying things and stop assuming everyone is on his same level, he starts caring about people like Monty (even after breaking his crow heart, he apologizes and tries to explain that he was new to that as well and things could've been with them staying as friends until Cat King made his entrance and the reveal, Cat King with the whole Cat Mouse Game he was able to again, start accepting he has feelings and being the way they are is not bad, able to set boundaries, even allow himself to play silly things like actually counting the cats.
Edwin had to go through a lot of things to be able to actually be open and grow as a character. I feel everyone likes Edwin at the end of the season or praise his Salty Sassy Edwardian Teenager phase, and it's not bad, but please do not throw down other characters to get him higher. Or at least, don't throw them down like that. Do not treat him like it's flawless, just because you like his flaws.
I mean, I feel like I'm not writing nothing we haven't seen, like stating the obvious. Maybe a rewatch to see better the character arcs?
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sagurus · 1 month
So I'm watching the Dead Boy Detectives thing and I keep being a little like 'haha they're all teenage detectives'. And what with there being a Japanese character who has already talked about reading detective manga I have been kinda wondering if I'm going to see any detco reference snuck in. But what I wasn't expecting:
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Magic... Magic Kaito reference in popular western media??????????????????????????????????
Like the librarian is saying this to previously mentioned Japanese character, and it's said like. With Japanese pronunciation on the title.
[image description in alt text]
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Dead Boy Detectives 1x6
I have never loved Charles Rowland more than when he destroyed all of David's mirrors with his magic cricket bat. That was so badass. Also "I will always hit a demon with a cricket bat for you." <3
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autistwizard · 1 month
Niko Sasaki the tumblr user that you are
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cosmictapestry · 1 month
lucienne and the night nurse would have the most rollercoaster absolutely insane repressed furious over the top sloppiest torrid love affair imaginable and every time one of them tries to end it the other would threaten to Give Up Her Fucking Job, which for them is tantamount to like, killing yourself, so they're off and on for centuries and they can't Really be together because they can't Really be free of who they are and what they do and maybe. just maybe. they're just using one another as stand-ins for their respective bosses. and the sex is out of this fucking world
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stvlti · 30 days
Part of why the ship is so undeniably gay in the show (in comparison to the comics) is because they aged the boys up
In both the comics and the show, Charles has only known Edwin's ghost for a week before dying and deciding to stick with Edwin forever. But they're 12 going on 13 in the comics, and it makes sense for kids at that age to become fast friends in the span of a week (a week where they spend nearly every waking hour attached at the hip, but still just a week).
But as 2 kids in their late teens? At 16, where they're starting to think about getting a part-time job, getting their own cars, what to study in/do after sixth form ends? It's a lot harder to spend time with someone for just a week and decide that they're your future best friend, unless Charles has loved Edwin at first sight all along...
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ambafaerie · 1 month
Dead Boy Detectives Ep 1 & 2
• Death! I love her!
• The opening and title cards are so fun
• Sound design was so pleasant and stimulating
• Edwin is so transparent but very mean though his past makes it understandable.
• Charles is very sweet and I liked his moments with Crystal.
• I can’t wait to find out more about Crystal. She has become a favorite character. Rooting for her to get back her memories and extinguish David.
• I hate Esther Filch but points for her fashion and swagger or whatever. Can’t believe Lukas Gage and Ruth Connell play the Cat King and the Night Nurse respectively.
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why does crystal think she can win every argument bc she had a demon stuck in her head
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creepyhomie · 1 month
*watching Dead Boy Detectives*
"This show needs lesbians."
*Lesbians happen*
"Aw yay"
*One of them is a stalker*
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kumomist · 1 month
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goldenachilles · 4 days
I despise Esther Finch with my entire self, I hate the acting the character the everything
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drewsaturday · 20 days
i am so much happier watching shows about women actually and following more ppl who post about those shows
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Getting some new followers and thinking about how the fact that I currently have two new favorite characters both named Charles from two very different fandoms has the potential to be both very confusing and absolutely hilarious.
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how has literally all the media ive consumed the last month been something i finished and went "okay now i need five to ten business days to process this"
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tennant-davids · 1 month
every neil gaiman adaptation truly gets more gay than the last
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royal-skies · 1 month
a bit insane on my part but i actually haven't watched sandman so i'll rectify myself. i'll watch sandman first and then immediately rewatch dead boy detectives bc holy shit did i love that show
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