#dark type gay
pridewishes · 8 months
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MMC : Ghost Types or Dark Types !!
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svnflowermoon · 7 months
"brunette girls" this, "blonde girls" that...
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autism-corner · 19 days
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albus severus is the human embodiment of be gay do crime, in this essay I will-
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beetrotxo · 6 months
hey i need to be insane about devon for a second. spoilers for dark heir below the cut.
Dark Rise as a series has a lot of themes surrounding the inescapability of the past- one really obvious example of this is Kettering, who literally dies because he's so stuck in the past he can't accept that the life he knew was gone/wanted to revive his lover so badly. but this theme resonates with LITERALLY every character in the series. Will is forced to become the Dark King. James is forced to lose his freedom like Anachrion no matter how much he struggles. Visander comes back to chase old grudges. It's all history repeating itself again, and nobody can stop it.
Except Devon CHANGES. he's the only remnant of the Old World in the book who actually shows a capacity for changing. Everything else is doomed to repeat itself EXCEPT DEVON. He's technically the only one who actually lived through the Old World, and I think its so interesting how much emphasis is put on the fact that because he had time to just...be alone? He made a complete 180 change from who he was. AND AGAIN: HES THE ONLY REMNANT OF THE OLD WORLD WHO DOES!
Indeviel was a literal unicorn incapable of lying. He fought alongside the Light and willingly allowed humans to use him as a tool for war. He vowed vengeance against the Lions who killed his kind and promised to be the noble steed of the Queen's Champion. But Devon? Devon is a courtier for the 'Dark King' who is VERY close with a Lion and seems entirely disillusioned with the idea of allowing humans to use him like they did in the Old World. He changes completely from how he was in the Old World. Devon recognizes the pattern of things repeating from the past, but he's the only one who changes (except maybe barring Violet? But I think her situation is a little different. Although Devon does say in Dark Rise 'you're like me' and I think this is why. They're the only ones who change in this conflict thats doomed to repeat itself over and over).
Devon literally forgetting oaths he swore over a thousand years ago and discarding the ideals of the Light in favor of doing what he thinks is right is not only a complete change from what he was before but also clashes PERFECTLY with Visander who not only still sees Devon as Indeviel even though Devon has changed so much, but also how Visander literally only lives and dies for his thousand year old grudge against the Dark King, while Devon literally forgot his grudge against Lions and became close with one.
What does this mean? IDK. I think this means im ill about my favorite unicorn boy and think about him too much. Entirely possible im reading too much into this or something.
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uhoh-spn · 1 year
It Started With a Cowboy
For the Dreamy Drabble Prompts
Also on Ao3
Prompt: Cowboy Boots
Fandom: Supernatural
It’s past midnight and Dean is sprawled out at the end of the bed, eyes glued to the tiny motel T.V. Sam is asleep, John is out, and an old Western show is playing.
A pair of cowboy boots appear on the screen. The camera pans slowly up the body of the man. His hip is cocked, the gun holster hitching up on one side. His jacket is open, revealing a button-down shirt, the collar open at the hollow of his throat. The camera continues up and rests on the man’s handsome face: a strong jawline, a full bottom lip, clear blue eyes, and thick, dark hair.
The storyline barely registers to him, he’s so focused on the cowboy. He tells himself he’s just admiring the costume, but he knows that’s not true. It’s the man’s body, his voice, his eyes that captivate him. And Dean is terrified.
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sinecosinewheel · 2 months
wish youtube search worked the way i wanted. when i search shit like 'pokemon played by queer gay trans person' or 'the witness played by someone who is cool and funny but also good to take a sec and appreciate the scenery and is romantically attracted to people their same gender' or 'subnautica but only when someone gets scared by the fish and also they're gay and the fish are gay too' i never get what i want
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garbagegirlblog · 3 days
about me ♡
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☆ i am 17 years old ☆ my name is alyssa ☆ i am from Colorado ☆ i am an Aries born March 28 07'
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~i started this blog a long ass time ago but i saw so many other cute blogs having an "about me" post pinned and i love my mutuals <3
☆more about me
•favorite color- red, black, pink, purple •music- lana del rey, slipknot, korn, type o negative, 60s songs/bands, nu metal, death metal, grunge, cannibal corpse, gojira, evanescence, rammstein, etc. •favorite place- estes park, colorado (i love the stanley) favorite snack- ice 😍
•shows/movies- skins UK, the walking dead, IT, nightmare on elm street, bride of chucky, the craft, the love witch, girl interrupted, black swan, elvira mistress of darkness, edward scissor hands, friday the 13th
•cartoons- anything tim burton, coraline, courage the cowardly dog, regular show, adventure time, the grim adventures of billy & mandy, south park, smiling friends, gravity falls, sanrio
•favorite fictional character- kuromi from sanrio
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•pets- i have a kitty named charlotte i have other cats too but im her favorite and she's mine <3
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relationship status ♡ taken for all eternity
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pictures of me💀
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current favorite songs:
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pridewishes · 7 months
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250x250 || ghost & dark type flags || bordered circle
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requested by @kingofauradon !!
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compacflt · 1 year
re: them going viral
i think it would make ice disintegrate to open up twitter and see something like
yes, and:
@TKazansky: Wrote a piece for @theAtlantic about the US Military’s recent commitment to ensuring safe working conditions for active-duty LGBT service members at home and abroad. Diversity has always been this country’s greatest strength & we must recognize it as our military’s greatest asset. Read more below: [theatlantic.whatever/ret-SECNAV-Tom-Kazansky-on-lgbt-service-members.062322.whatever] [45 replies / 86 rts / 1,275 likes]
well-meaning Twitter rando: [replying to @TKazansky:] still war crimes sir
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ice: well that’s enough social media for this month i think
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joblessquinoa · 2 years
Between Akk’s gay panic and Ayan’s fight-or-flirt response, The Eclipse is presenting a compelling enemies-to-lovers character dynamic that very much caters to me
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enteringdullsville · 2 years
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Wait, guys, hear me out
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mugwot · 1 month
consider this ask a free space to reccomend a piece of media that you love but would usually consider too niche or strange to reccomend out of pocket. gimme your oddities, big or small.
oh! oh, this is a fun question! The Gray House (though i read it as "Дом, в котором...") was like The Book for me. Its a solid Brick of a book, but the shit got me through high school, haha. Its a kinda surrealist magic realism novel about disabled kids in a boarding school. the narative is split between the past and the present to contrast how things in the house and its kids have changed. the plot is mostly about the graduation, a mystery of what happened at the old one and a question of how they will handle theirs (spoilers, Not Great). though that comes way after we get to be Immersed in the Vibe of the place. its really quite something, i dont know if it hits as hard if you are not grappling with the fear of change, but the characters are Great.
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pettyprocrastination · 3 months
do you guys think that working at arkham asylum pays well.
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daughter-of-helios · 2 years
Chaotic Academia/Punk academia
- Messy stacks of books everywhere
-Not caring if a book doesn’t look new, it should look read 
-Knowing how to play the piano, but only playing rock, alt songs 
-Ink stained hands, coffee-rings on desks
-Drinking monster energy or iced coffee
-Agatha Christie
-Wanting Docs but they’re too expensive, so buying knock offs
-Studying from black and white, photocopied textbooks
-Questioning everything, especially your teachers when they can’t give you an answer that you deem satisfying
-Owning a skateboard that you’ve only used a few times
-Putting something your friends gave you in your phonecase
-Analysing and breaking down Taylor Swift songs with your friends
-Nirvana, Fall out Boy, Twenty one pilots, AC/DC, Yungblud but also Taylor Swift, Hozier, Lana Del Ray, Lorde, Gang of Youths
-Having a black cat as a pet (or a Siberian Husky but only if you live in a cold place okay? They cannot stand heat)
-Desparately trying to keep your house plants alive
-Black nailpolish with short nails
-Loose sheets everywhere (that are probably important but ah well)
-Trying to find a quiet place of your own on school/university campus
-Playing golf and beating all the old men, your own personal fuck you to the patriarchy (ok this one is a teeny bit specific sorry lol)
-Rings- and not just the elegant ones, chunky metal rings but also clay rings that you made
-Making art for your friends
-Always having more than 10 tabs open at a time
-Being gay. 
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starshine-selfships · 3 months
GOD GOD YES!! Also fun fact I lowkey knew you specifically would see those tags and got excited to see if you would say anything hfjgrgj
Here's the guy of the hour, the week, the YEAR
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(The art with the oranges is my own lmao)
I got the game he's from as a gift for Christmas from a friend who really likes it (and I was like yeah!! I wanna play the game too!!) so everything I'm saying has a grand total of a month and a half behind it, and I feel like the short time duration is important to highlight the insanity here kdjffk
ALRIGHT SO spoilers for the entirety of ultra.kill as a game bc he's integral to the overall plot, but some background before Gabby, the game is centered around a robot (controlled by the player) descending down through 9 layers of hell a la dante's inferno style, bc this particular machine is blood powered and mankind has been completely wiped out (partially by war, partially by something that hasn't been made 100% clear yet), so you're just going around slaughtering everything in sight, with the chunkiest graphics known to man along the way.
Gabe's role here is to step in and try to stop you bc you're basically a walking abomination to all that is holy, Gabe is the angel that sends people to hell and is also the one chosen to carry out the will of god so he's also done a lot of killing to do that; he loses to the machine, gets so mad he curses at you (calls you an insignificant fuck) and then leaves, but we see a little behind the scenes, where we learn he's never lost a fight like this and the rest of the angels call it heresy; they sever his connection with divinity and tell him he has 24 hours to fix everything or he'll die. So naturally, next fight he's pissed as hell, and starts out MAD, yelling and threatening, but as it goes on, he starts having fun and laughing and taunting, and when he loses again, he says he feels relieved and needs time to think. He starts introspecting and starts questioning everything he's been told after he realizes he wasn't feeling hatred, but a sort of passion in the challenge of the fights. He starts asking himself if the angels he followed were actually in the right, and ends up killing them all, accepting that he's going to die but that he'll die not only having been freed from the constraints placed on him, but also having freed heaven itself from the angels that basically held it hostage with their power.
He's also as close to trans as you can get without explicitly calling him such! The devs discussed angels and pronouns in a recent stream and said they wanted angels to have no pronouns if possible, but then realized that they needed to gender Gabe when another character wrote a diary entry about him, so they settled on pronouns as a mark of angel status, which means that he didn't originally use he/him, but picked it up later and continued to use it no matter what; the other angels called him "it" after the took his divinity, but the overall narration still uses masculine pronouns for him, so it comes with the implication that he's still exactly who he knows he is, no matter what is said about him, which. as a trans man. good lord fhsjg the trauma of his arc hits very close to home for me and that was part of what propelled him into the spot he has on this blog.
The other thing that got him here was. and there really isn't any other way to say it. This man turned everyone into rabid animals, I have never seen so many people look at a character and desire him so violently, everyone wants to do unspeakable things to this man and it is so funny hdsjgks his VA will also voice pretty much anything in-character as well, so there's a lot of unhinged bullshit that makes for an absolutely incredible image of this man. He's a little uptight at first and throws a fit when things don't go his way, he seems like the exact kind of man that would be kind of silly, this man would struggle to peel an orange, throw it at a wall, and then later hang his head in his hands about it. This man would be able to speak multiple languages but would somehow mispronounce every single word as he goes. He's an astounding character and he's also kind of pathetic and something about all these factors just. lobotomized me. There is a gay little angel where part of my brain should be and I've just accepted it. I had a gay dream about him one single week after I saw him in game, the grip he has on me is UNREAL and I've fully accepted it.
He gives the very fun aspect of "is not human and has no idea what humans need or how they act", which makes him utterly hilarious to me, I wanna see this man try to preheat the oven, he is trying so hard to cook something for me and he is burning it so badly, he does NOT know what a car is and is frankly too wary of it to even consider getting in it. People also arrived at the consensus that he's probably very tall, it's been confirmed that there are no canon heights in the game, but everyone has agreed that Gabby is at least 7 feet tall and it is the funniest thing on earth to me. Very large and somewhat confused angel who means the best trying very hard in his new environment. Oh my god wait when the developers had that stream I mentioned they also talked about Gabe for a bit in regards to his personality bc in-game he saved someone from being swept away in the river styx (now an ocean after an influx of souls), and they were so grateful they added a fully functional hologram of him onto their ship, saying the lines he'd said when he'd saved them, and the devs said that they'd wanted that to be a glimpse into what Gabriel is like when he's not immediately targeting you as an enemy or fighting, and the specific words they used were "he's kind and loving" and that short-circuited my brain immediately upon impact.
He is The Guy Ever, he's basically trans and 70% of the people who drew him gave him top surgery scars even before the devs talked about gender, he's got religious trauma and guilt, he's too tall and has probably never read a book outside of the bible, he giggles and whimpers, he is considered to be one of if not the most wifeable character in the entire game, he has an official body pillow, I want to put him in pretty little outfits, I want to hold his hand and take him to the beach, I want to pin him against a wall, he is. Such A Guy,, thank you so much for asking me about him he makes me feel so insane hsgjsdl
#fun fact! i typed this up on my laptop and then switched to my phone to add the pics#i uh. i like him 👉👈 this gave me an excuse to infodump about my favorite game ever so thank you!!!#this man would be so so afraid of accidentally hurting someone he cares about; he is so physically strong and it would kill him#he would however. be kind of smug about it. he is purposefully putting things out of reach so you have to call him over#the guy ever.. love this man... i am still fighting for a ship name bc i feel like i can do something so funny#sitting with like. match made in heaven and in the arms of an angel but he's got light motifs#he is literally called ''the light in my darkness'' by someone in game like. it's like there's gay and then there's whatever#this guy has going on#i am having such a major gayboy moment over him and allegedly the body pillow#(which is always out of stock mind you!!) might restock tomorrow and I'm like. it would be so funny to have it 😭#he makes me feel unhinged and it's so much fun bc no one is normal about him#vs my bug boy that no one else cared about. the whiplash has been absolutely insane 😭#i love my stupid giant angel he activates every single neuron in my brain simultaneously#okay okay i think. this should be everything. i could talk about him for so long 😭#star speaks#asks#thank you so much again!!!!! 💖#i am. not proofreading this kdjfkfk whatever i said is what's getting posted. stream of consciousness 😤#light of my life 🕊
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