#dark!reader x dennis baker
littlelioncub43 · 2 years
What kind of basement husband would the tech boys be like😏
Oh I love this
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Absolute menace. And surprisingly, the strongest mentally. He doesn't break for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. Like I'm talking YEARS. Never gives up hope on getting out. Im almost rooting for him.
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Den can easily be manipulated and dominated. Like a tractor running over a dandelion. No competition. He is eager to please and keep you happy, because he doesnt like knowing you're mad. He just wants you to like him. Ngl, I feel bad for him.
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Hes a baby and would happily be the center of your world. Little to no complaints except for the occasional whine to go out with you. Hes very well behaved, ideal baby boy.
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He's the second most mentally strong, but he does break. He does however fall into the routine and delusion like the others do. He grows to love you over the months, and he likes keeping you happy.
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Like Justin he would be excited to be your whole world, but he would he scared at first. It takes him a while to warm up to you, but once he is, boy, he runs hot for you. He will be the happiest if you never let him go. Even if you left the door unlocked by accident, he'll tell you that you forgot to lock it.
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boxofbonesfic · 2 years
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🎃Happy October everyone! 🎃 I am so pleased to be participating in Kinktober this year! Of course I had to put my own spin on it, so without further ado, let me tell you what you have to look forward to this smutty, spooky season! 
Every week during the month of October, I will release three kinktober themed ficlets, no more than 2k words each! I have already created a handy little guide for what (and who) to expect this year! It’s a healthy mix of all the things I love, a little horror, a little dark, a little soft!dark—all the things I’m sure you guys have come to expect from me. Right now, all of the options are crossed out because they aren’t posted yet! As I post them, I will add links to this masterlist, and un-cross the list items as I go! Please remember to mind the warnings and tags, and please, enjoy yourselves! 
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Week 1: 
Reflection (Ari Levinson x Reader)
Cut (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Exhibit (Lloyd Hansen x Reader)
Week 2:
Bound (Bucky Barnes x Reader)
Size (Thor Odinson x Reader)
Edge (Ransom Drysdale x Reader)
Week 3:
Alpha (Lloyd Hansen x Reader)
Aftercare (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Switched (Andy Barber x Reader, Dennis Baker x Reader)
Week 4:
Taste (Steve Kemp x Reader)
Praise: (Lee Bodecker x Reader)
Beg (Curtis Everett x Reader)
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disturbedbydesign · 2 years
Take Me Home - Part 10
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PAIRING: Dennis Baker x Reader
SUMMARY: It’s been nearly a year since your ex-boyfriend dumped you and left you with a laundry list of insecurities, and you haven’t been able to really put yourself out there since. But when Dennis shows up at the adoption fair you’re running for your job at the animal shelter, there’s just something about him that makes you feel like you’re ready to try again.
WARNINGS (more to come): Body Issues (Dennis and Reader), References to Past Animal Abuse, Emotionally Abusive Exes (Dennis and Reader), Mention of Past Domestic Violence (Dennis’s Evil Ex), Dry Humping/Thigh Riding, Two Idiots In Love Making Out In A Car, Oral (M&F Receiving), Titjob, Cum Play, Fingering. 18+ only, no minors.
TAGLIST: @littlelioncub43, @whatinthestyles, @filthy-gorgeous, @justile, @valhalla-kristin, @elrw24, @janaev4ns, @ysmmsy, @ronearoundblindly, @in-umbra-gratia, @vayollie, @thornsnvultures
*Taglist is open to 18+ readers (no blank blogs) who comment, reblog, and/or chat with me via asks. If you just want to read lowkey, that’s cool and you do you, but the taglist is reserved for the lovely people who want to interact with me and my story :)
Series Masterlist
Part Ten
The drive back to your apartment is a quick one, but it feels eons long because Dennis is itching to get you in private. The kiss you gave him outside the restaurant was filled with promise and his body was already buzzing from the bit of PDA you’d engaged in during dinner. Dennis knows you want him and fuck does he want you, but the old insecurities are creeping back in the closer he gets to your door. He can’t help but wonder what exactly you’re expecting of him this night and while he knows what he wants to do, he still doesn’t know if he can.
He tries to hide it from you but the confidence he had throughout dinner has completely worn off by the time you unlock the door to your apartment and invite him inside. You walk in first so Badger sees you, and he gives Dennis a bit of side-eye from the couch where he was snoozing comfortably.
“I’m just gonna take him out real quick,” you say, slipping off your heels and sliding into a pair of flip-flops. “Make yourself comfortable.”
Dennis nods as he stands aside, allowing Badger some space as you put his harness and leash on. He’s so far from comfortable it’s almost laughable, though. He almost feels like he’s starting from scratch with you, and he doesn’t quite know why. Except that’s not entirely true; he does know why, but he doesn’t much care to think about it in detail. Seeing your ex was a reminder that there were men who came before him—men who could do things that he can’t do. Dennis tries to push away the thought of you being intimate with Brad but now that he’s seen him in the flesh, he’s got a mental picture playing in his head.
It’s not the fact that you’ve been with other people that bothers him—you’re a grown woman, of course you’ve slept with other people, and he doesn’t care how many there were or any of that shit. What’s really dragging Dennis down into that dark place again is that he’s terrified he won’t measure up. As much as he knows you despise Brad, he’s pretty sure that sex was never the problem in your relationship, and he feels like he’s entered a competition he can’t win. The last thing he wants is to disappoint you tonight, just after you’ve seen Brad, because maybe it will get you thinking your ex wasn’t so bad after all.
The whole time you’re out with Badger, Dennis is telling himself that he needs to talk to you about how he’s feeling but he doesn’t want to bring up your ex. He knows you probably just want to put him out of your mind and end the night on a good note, but he doesn’t know exactly what that means for you. When you come back with Badger you’ve got a sweet smile on your face, but your face changes when you see him.
“What’s wrong?” you ask, drawing your eyebrows together. “Did something happen?”
“No,” he replies. “It’s just… fuck… I’m sorry… I don’t…”
Dennis trails off and droops his head, rubbing the back of his neck in a pointless attempt at self-soothing.
“It’s ok,” you say. “Whatever it is, it’s ok. Let me just put Badger in Mal’s room so we can have some space to talk, alright?” You grab Badger’s water bowl and take it with you into the bedroom next to the kitchen. “Come on, Badge. TV Time.”
Dennis hears you put on the TV for Badger and talk to him for a moment, though he can’t make out your words. He tries to put himself back in that headspace where he felt like he could tell you anything but it’s not working because he’s got horrible thoughts floating around his head, thoughts like maybe all that in the restaurant—the little touches and kisses and flirty little smiles—was just you trying to make Brad jealous. Maybe none of it had a thing to do with you wanting him. Maybe he could have been anyone.
Dennis doesn’t look at you when he hears you come back into the living room. He doesn’t look at you when he feels you sit next to him on the couch. He just stares at the ground, gripping his knee to ground himself as he pinches the bridge of his nose to try and stave off the anxiety headache he feels coming on. He feels your hand cup his cheek as you pull his face in your direction.
“Look at me,” you say softly. “Tell me what’s wrong.”
Your pretty eyes are filled with concern as they lock onto his and he wants to tell you every single thing he feels but his words are caught somewhere between his chest and his throat. His mouth is dry and his heart is beating so hard he feels it throbbing in his neck.
“Baby, please,” you beg. “You’re scaring me. Just talk to me.”
“I don’t want to scare you,” he croaks. “I’m just… I think I’m scaring myself.”
“Please tell me this isn’t about Brad,” you say.
“I don’t know. It is and it isn’t. I mean… it’s about me, really. It’s the same shit again, and I thought I was past it… that we were past it… but I guess not.”
He can see the confusion in your slight frown and he knows he needs to be more specific. He hears Dr. Porter’s voice in his head screaming “open, honest communication” but the words just won’t come tonight. But it’s like you know—somehow you always fucking know. You fold your legs under yourself on the couch next to him and wrap your arm around his waist and you start to ask the right questions.
“What are you afraid of, Dennis? I mean, what exactly happened tonight that has you feeling bad, because I thought… I don’t know… you seemed happy.”
“I was… I mean, I am happy. I’m just… I’m scared I can’t make you happy. I guess just seeing him…”
“He made me fucking miserable,” you say. “No one on earth has ever made me feel worse than he did. I thought you knew that.”
“I do. I do know that. It’s just… God, this is so fucking embarrassing and I really don’t want to make you talk about him. That’s the last thing you want, I’m sure. I just… I feel like I’m not gonna be good enough for you. You know… in that way… and now we’re here and we’re alone and I don’t know what you want, or maybe I do know what you want and I want the same thing but I just… can’t.”
Dennis lets his hand rest on your hip and closes his eyes as you play with the top button of his shirt.
“You said you don’t know what I want,” you say, “but you never asked me what I want.”
Dennis swallows the lump in his throat. “OK, what do you want?”
“I want you to feel safe with me and I want to feel safe with you. And maybe we’re not there yet, and that’s ok. I mean, I know I’m still holding stuff back. I don’t feel 100% confident either and that has absolutely nothing to do with you.”
It’s like a knife in Dennis’s heart to hear you say that because all he wants is to make you feel every bit of his love for you, but he understands where you’re coming from because he’s coming from the same place.
“It shouldn’t have to be this hard,” he says. “I just want…”
“What?” you ask. “Tell me what you want.”
I just want to tell you I love you and make love to you and be with you every single day for the rest of my life.
“I just want to be normal,” he says, and you scoff. 
“I don’t even know what ‘normal’ is anymore, Dennis. I’m pretty sure I’m not normal. I can’t even be naked in front of my fucking boyfriend without having half a panic attack… you wanna talk about embarrassing. Christ.”
You hide your face in the crook of his arm and sigh as you hug him tighter, and Dennis is at a complete loss for words because he didn’t know it was that bad. He knew you were hesitant, sure, but he didn’t know that you felt that level of fear being with him. He hates that Brad did this to you—that you’re holding yourself back from him because of things that asshole made you believe about yourself. He wishes you could see yourself through his eyes, and all he wants is to make you feel as beautiful as you are.
He runs his hand across your hair gently and says, “Listen, I don’t know what he said to you and I don’t ever need to know because what I already know is that you are absolutely perfect to me, inside and out, and I will do everything I can possibly do to prove it to you. I never want you to feel afraid around me. I mean… sweetheart, I think about seeing you naked like 90% of the day every day.”
You giggle into his chest and look up at him. “Do you really?” you ask.
“It’s probably more like 95%,” he replies.
“Perv.” You swat at his chest and he leans down and kisses your forehead, inhaling the spicy vanilla scent of your hair as you sigh. “I want to be normal, too, Dennis. I really do.”
“Is there anything I can do?” he asks. “I don’t want to pressure you or anything but, I mean, there’s not much I wouldn’t do to get you naked.”
“Just kiss me,” you say, and Dennis happily obliges.
“Just kissing” quickly turns to you straddling Dennis with your dress hiked up to your waist, his big hands roaming up and down your thighs as you unbutton his dress shirt and pull it free from his pants.
“Your skin is so soft,” he murmurs into your neck, which he peppers with soft, open-mouthed kisses, and when he finds that spot that drives you crazy, he drags his teeth across it gently and you moan his name.
You slide his shirt over his shoulders and dig your nails into the meat of them, drawing a hiss from him that you feel in your core.
“Too much?” you ask, concerned that you’ve hurt him, but he just chuckles.
“Not at all,” he replies. “Not even close.”
You can feel his cock straining in the confines of his pants as you roll your hips on top of him and fuck you want him inside of you. You feel so empty as you clench around nothing, positioning yourself to get the friction you need to ease the aching absence of him.
“I want you so bad, baby,” you say, looking into his lust-blown blue eyes. “I need you.”
He closes his eyes and lets his head fall back against the couch cushion, his long lashes fluttering against his cheeks as he grips the flesh of your thighs. “Need you, too, sweetheart,” he says, and when he opens his eyes again it feels like he’s staring straight into your soul. “Need to taste you. Please let me taste you.”
You dig your teeth into your bottom lip as you lean forward and press your forehead to his, taking a deep, calming breath before you whisper, “OK.”
Before you even know what’s happening, Dennis has you up off the couch, your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands cradling your ass as he carries you into your bedroom. He sets you gently down on your bed and leans over you, cradling your face as he moves in for a deep, slow kiss that steals the breath from your lungs. He finally pulls away and stands up at the edge of your bed, and you’re gasping for air as you look up at him—shirtless and barefoot with a tent in his pants that’s testing the strength of the seams. You want him in your mouth, down your throat; you want him everywhere, but when you sit up and grab his belt buckle he stills your hands.
“Not me,” he says. “You.” He wraps his big hands around your forearms and pulls you to your feet. “Turn around.”
You do as he says, and the slightly commanding tone of his voice has you feeling almost dizzy as he slowly pulls the zipper of your dress down. The heat of his breath against the nape of your neck has you clenching your thighs together as he slides the straps off your shoulders, your dress pooling at your feet as he reaches around to cup your bare breasts. You hear the soft thunk of his knees hitting the rug and you shiver as kisses his way down your back, one of your hands finding the back of his head and sliding through his hair as his lips reach the small of your back. He places his hands on your hips gently and turns you around, and the sight of him on his knees for you, looking up at you through his glasses with an almost reverent desire, is the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life. 
“You’re gorgeous,” he says. “So fucking perfect.”
He kisses his way across your stomach, just above the waistband of your panties. The small lace garment is the only scrap of clothing left on you—the only place left to hide. He moves his hands from your hips to your ass and pulls you into him, his nose poking at your covered mound as he takes a deep breath of you. 
His voice is muffled as he speaks against the lace, “You smell so goddamn good,” and when he starts to kiss your mound over the fabric, you let out a whimper and have to grab his shoulders to keep your balance. He looks up at you, and you think for a moment he’s going to laugh or smirk or something, but his face holds nothing but tenderness.
“Lay down on the bed, sweetheart. Spread your legs for me.”
“O- OK,” you stammer.
You can hear the hesitance in your own voice because somehow, even knowing how desperately this man wants to be with you, you’re still afraid. But fuck do you want to feel his mouth on your bare skin. Just that little tease through the fabric of your panties felt like absolute heaven and you know that, if you can just get over this one hurdle, it’ll be absolutely incredible.
Dennis rises up off the floor and walks you backwards until you hit the edge of the bed and take a seat. You slide up the bed and get yourself into position and he watches your every move, his broad chest heaving with each hungry breath he takes. When you plant your feet and spread open for him, he moans as he drinks in the sight of you.
“So pretty, baby,” he says, and he starts to move toward you.
“Wait,” you say, and the worry creases his brow for a moment before you tell him what you want. “Take your pants off.”
Dennis smiles his relief as he unbuckles and shoves his pants down his long legs, kicking them off to the side. You lick your lips as he stands before you in a pair of gray boxer-briefs that leave absolutely nothing to the imagination. You smile up at him, your eyes darting from his bulge to his eyes and back again.
“Just let me see it. Please?” you beg him as sweetly as you can but he just shakes his head, and when you whine out his name, he chuckles.
“I’ll make you a deal,” he says, getting on the bed and crawling up towards you. You feel the weight of his cock on your thigh as he cages you in underneath him, taking off his glasses and placing them on your nightstand. “You give me what I want and I’ll give you what you want.”
“What do you want?” you ask, your lips ghosting his.
“I want to see all of you, sweetheart. I want to worship every inch of your beautiful body and I want to make you cum on my tongue. You gonna let me do that?”
You take a beat before you answer. “Yes.”
“Thank you,” he says, and then he kisses you deep, dragging his tongue across the roof of your mouth slowly, giving you a preview of what he’s about to do to you.
Dennis takes his time with you, kissing all across your face and down your neck and across each of your clavicles. When he reaches your breasts, he makes sure to tell you how much he loves them as his kisses get sloppier and wetter. Your nipples get special attention from him and he moans as he suckles and laps at you, even using his teeth a little when you start to writhe underneath him. His body is so broad and heavy that you’ve got nowhere to go but you like it—the feeling that you couldn’t get away from him even if you wanted to, that he’s totally in control and you still feel completely safe. You don’t want to get away from him, though. Not even a little bit. You just want more and you cry out to him asking for it.
You could have cum just from the careful attention he paid to your tits but you don’t. Instead, the pulsing ache between your legs is getting almost painful as he kisses across your tummy. You don’t even know if he notices the stretch marks around your hips as he licks them because he’s just devouring every inch of you with the same enthusiasm. He tells you over and over again how incredible you are, how beautiful, how sweet, and you almost almost believe him.
When he’s done with your abdomen, he sits up on his knees and you gasp when he pulls your legs up. One ankle rests on his shoulder as he kisses the other, working his way up your calf and stopping at the knee to give the other leg the same treatment. He lowers your legs and settles between your thighs, the backs of your knees propped up on his broad shoulders as he plants hot, open-mouthed kisses on your inner thighs. He makes his way from the knee all the way up to the edge of your panties, skipping the place you need him most to do the same on the other side, and you start to lose it. He’s fucking teasing you now and you whine as you feel his hot breath against your skin and his teeth graze the softest, fleshiest part of your thigh. You think he must be able to see your pussy throbbing through the thin lace fabric its hiding behind and you beg him, “Please, Dennis,” because the ache is becoming unbearable.
“Tell me what you want, sweetheart.”
“Take them off.”
You hear a growl come loose from somewhere down deep in his chest as he pulls your pussy against his face and inhales through your soaked panties. “So fucking wet for me,” he says before kissing you over the fabric. It’s already enough to have you clutching the sheets and you beg him again to strip you bare. He pulls away, getting back on his knees as he hooks his fingers around the strings at your hips. When he peels the fabric from your flesh slowly and discards your last line of defense, you close your eyes, take a deep breath, and hold it.
“Oh fuck,” he groans, holding your legs wide open at the knee. “Open your eyes. Look at me, sweetheart.”
You do as he asks, and when you see the way he’s looking at you, you let out the breath you’d been holding.
“You’re fucking perfect,” he says, and then he drops to his stomach and wraps his arms around your thighs.
The first swipe of his tongue up your bare pussy has you boath moaning loud—too loud, you realize, because the sounds he’s about to draw out of you are bound to disturb Badger in the other room.
“Fuck. Hold on,” you say, grabbing the TV remote from your nightstand and turning it on and all the way up.
“Badger?” he asks, and you nod. 
Before you have a chance to apologize for the interruption, he’s got his tongue all the way out and pressed flat against your flesh and he’s moving his head up and down slowly. His tongue is so fucking wide and long that you feel it everywhere, hot and wet against every part of you. He keeps his pace steady, looking up at you every now and again for reassurance, and you give it to him, telling him how fucking good he feels, when to speed up, when to apply more pressure. He listens to every instruction, but you don’t really need to tell him all that much because you’re almost braindead already from the way he’s working you with his tongue.
You’ve got your hands buried in his hair, gripping it tight but not too tight as you rock your hips against his face, and when he wraps his lips around your clit and starts to suck it into his mouth, your back arches off the bed and you feel yourself starting to lose control.
“Oh, fuck, Dennis. That’s perfect. Just like that. Don’t stop. Oh, fuck, please, baby. Don’t stop.”
Your praises have him moaning around your bud as he pulls your hood back, and when he does that you pull harder on his hair than you mean to. It doesn’t bother him, though; he doesn’t miss a beat. He just moans louder and you can feel the bed start to rock as he ruts into it, his moans keeping time with the thrust of his hips and Oh fuck is he gonna cum just from eating you out?
He pulls away for a moment and you let go of his head. He’s panting as his face and beard glisten with you, and he asks, “Do you want me to use my fingers?”
“Fuck yes,” you say. “Please.”
He pops his middle and forefinger in his mouth and runs them up and down your entrance, gathering the slick leaking from you before slowly pushing them inside and latching on to your clit again. When he crooks his fingers and finds your G-spot, you know you’re only moments away. You grab your breasts and play with your nipples, wishing Dennis had a few more hands so he could do it for you, the way he knows you like.
“Oh God, oh fuck. I’m gonna cum, Dennis. Don’t stop. You’re so fucking good, baby.”
He pops off you just long enough to tell you, “That’s it, sweetheart. Cum all over my face. You can do it,” and his words of encouragement are enough to send you over the edge.
Your toes curl into the bedspread and your back arches as you cum hard and quivering into his mouth. You know you shouldn’t yell but you can’t help it, and as you cry out your pleasure, you pray that the TV is loud enough that Badger won’t hear you and mistake your cries of ecstasy for those of pain. The sex gods must be watching over you tonight, though, because you don’t hear a peep from him. All you hear is the sound of your heartbeat thumping in your ears and your ragged breaths as you try to recover from what this man has just done to you. You look down at Dennis, still trying to catch your breath and unable to speak yet, and you give him a lazy smile.
“You’re so fucking sexy when you cum, sweetheart” His eyes roll back a bit and you can see he’s still humping your bed for release. “Oh, fuck.”
“Are you gonna cum, baby?” you ask, and all he can do is nod furiously with his eyes pinched shut.
“Give it to me,” you tell him. “I want it.”
Dennis scrambles up the bed and you sit up and yank down his boxer briefs, finally getting an eyefull of his glorious cock. He’s soaked with his own precum and you moan as you wrap your lips around his tip and the taste of him hits your tongue. He’s already so close you don’t have to do much of anything—a few twists of your wrist and bobs of your head are enough to have him falling forward and catching himself on the headboard behind you as he cums hard down your throat.
You would have sucked the soul out of him for hours after the way he’s just made you feel, but it couldn’t have been more than a minute before he had you wrapped up in his arms and pressed to his chest, kissing you softly with the taste of each other on your lips. He presses a gentle kiss to your forehead and you can tell you’re beaming as he tells you things you’ve been dying to hear.
“I think I’m addicted to your pussy,” he says. “It’s so fucking pretty and perfect. I already want more.”
You giggle and swat his shoulder. “I can’t do that again,” you say. “I’m spent. But that was amazing.”
“Really?” he asks, and he’s got that tone in his voice that tells you that even though you came screaming on his face, he’s still somehow unsure of himself.
“Yes, really,” you reply. “How did you… I mean… you said you didn’t know what you were doing but… um… you definitely knew what you were doing.”
Dennis buries his face in the crook of your neck and sighs, his words muffled against your skin. “I, uh, might have done some research. You know… read some articles and watched some… videos.”
You grab his hair gently and tilt his head back up so you can look at him. “You studied? For me?”
“I wanted to be good for you.”
“You were. You were so good for me, baby. The best ever.”
“Now I know you’re lying,” he says, and you grab his face between your thumb and forefinger,
“I’m not lying,” you say, dead serious. “I would never lie to you. I promise you that.”
Dennis lets out a relieved sigh and a half smile plays at the corner of his mouth. “The best ever?”
“The best ever.”
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nana1000night · 2 years
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September 🍂
Week 1 (9.7~9.11)
Diplomatic Negotiations drabble by @oh-my-damn
were-creature Wednesday: werewolf Ari and Luna by @imaginedreamwrite
Dark Tony Stark x Reader by @mrsdarkandyandere7
Avengers Game Night Headcanon by @marvel-sambuckyvibes
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader by  @angelltheninth
Dennis Baker drabbles by @ littlelioncub43 
Bucky Barnes | B&B SFW Alphabet by @rookthorne 
One Night Stand by @caplanbuckybarnes
Dennis Baker married life by @ littlelioncub43
Whumptember 2022 prompt:sick pairing:Frank Adler /little!reader by @comfortcap
Tell him you’re mine(Curtis Everett /fem!reader) by @vivianandherlily
Forgot by @royalwriteroftheuniverse
Bring me to life part 1 by @nekoannie-chan
Love poison (Steve Rogers /fem!reader) by @empyreanwritings
‘Cause I can’t help if you look like an angel by @wildestdreamsblog
Andy Barber (Mr.Freezy) x reader by @sweater-daddiesdumbdork
 For You I’ll Fight || Bruce Wayne Imagine by @holymultiplefandomsbatman
Forgot - but then Steve Remembers by @royalwriteroftheuniverse 
Clubs and Things by @samwilsonsbabymama
AU!Buckys and their readers by @angrythingstarlight 
Fluff and nsfw (fluff part) by @ronearoundblindly 
Stars and Stripes | s.w.  by @sweetascanbee
There's still time (Eddie Brock x Reader) by @raincoffeeandfandoms
in layman's terms by @sweetdreamsbuck
Beautifully Unfinished by @kayteewritessteve
Midnight Stroll by @drabblewithfrannybarnes
The Feeling’s Mutual by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝   by @buckycuddlebuddy
CE characters react when their girls withhold sex..just to tease him hc by @royalsweetteaa
The maid of Mr. Barnes - Part 6 (Bucky Barnes x Reader) by @disasterofastory
Gotcha Day | s.r. by @sweetascanbee
Summer Wedding by @royalwriteroftheuniverse
Vampire reader x steve by @ronearoundblindly
deep sea mermaid reader x steve by  @ronearoundblindly
art - bucky barnes x reader by @onceuponastory
college bruce banner x g/n! reader by @fluffyprettykitty
mob boss! Steve x reader by @angrythingstarlight 
Andy Barber x reader (3k wheels of filth drabble celebration) by @ the-iceni-bitch
Royal Flush-Part 5* by @ilovefandoms102
steve rogers x  trench mermaid pt.2 by @ronearoundblindly
fluffy Friday (Ari x Luna) by @imaginedreamwrite​ 
Steve x fem!reader by @sanguineterrain​
once in a lifetime by @ classicalmarvel
Blanket Monster by @drabblewithfrannybarnes​
Give Me a Hand? by @the-iceni-bitch​
Week 2
The One in Charge by  @raincoffeeandfandoms
boyfriend!Ari Levinson x student! Reader by @junipermuses
FK!Ari x reader by @onsunnyside
Jake Jensen x reader by @littlelioncub43
𝐌𝐀𝐏𝐒 𝐓𝐎 𝐍𝐎𝐍-𝐄𝐗𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄𝐒 by @vivianandherlily
Mixed Signals - Part I: A Chris Evans Mini Fic (Three Parts) by @chris-evans-fics
Happy Father's Day - Jake Jensen by @justalonelyslytherin
HAPPY FATHER’S DAY - COLIN SHEA  by @justalonelyslytherin
Hey, Kitty Kitty by @royalsweetteaa
Sprinkle by @buckyalpine
Heavenly Touch by @straywords
bucky barnes x reader by @annab-nana
bucky barnes x reader quote by @incorrectanything
Ari x Reader: won't you whisper soft and slow? (One Shot) by @cruelfvkingsummer
adopted a puppy CE x reader by @imyourbratzdoll
Hot Tubs and Bubs by @f10werfae
Escape by @golden-ariess
whats-it-like-being-tall-yn-is-it by @hannibals-favourite-meal
Sox (Chris Evans x Reader Headcannon) by @cevansgoatee
CE x reader 3 parts by @classicalmarvel
HONEYMOON WITH ARI by @classicalmarvel
safe in your arms by  @classicalmarvel
winter things by  @classicalmarvel
you make me feel like a teenager in loveee! by  @classicalmarvel
3 headcanons by   @classicalmarvel
Mob Bucky x F reader by @buckyalpine
Well-deserved throne by @sinner-as-saint
A morning with Stevie- questions and answers by @royalwriteroftheuniverse
Sleepy by @comfortcap
steve rogers x reader quote by @incorrectcapsicle
Fresh Fallen Snow, Part 6 by @georgiapeach30513
Civil war Bucky + overstimulation (light fic) by @buckgasms
A simple mission by @nekoannie-chan​
steve rogers x reader quote by @incorrectcapsicle
40s Bucky + Virginity by @buckgasms
Summer Wedding Part 4 by @royalwriteroftheuniverse
Happy ending by @nekoannie-chan
fluffy smut steve rogers x reader by @the-iceni-bitch​
Silverfox Johnny drunk rambling to his baby by @imaginedreamwrite​
𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐞 by @buckycuddlebuddy​
Like Braille by @thenhewaswrongaboutme​
Smut Dialogue: “Is that a thong?” with Ari Levinson by @the-iceni-bitch
October 🎃
S IS FOR SMOOTH by @peternoonewantsthat
Plushie Problem by @thenhewaswrongaboutme
SOMEBODY ELSE by @shedobewritingalittle
𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐓 by @vivianandherlily
Time For A Break- Chris Evans xreader fic by @sarahrogersevans
DAY 21 — THIGH FUCKING by @bucky-barnes-diaries
Flashed a Tit by @f10werfae
Summer wedding Part 6 by @royalwriteroftheuniverse 
Part 5
Part 4
Part 3
Part 2
Part 1
Mafia!Bucky x Reader by @angrythingstarlight
OVER AND OVER - ARI LEVINSON SMUT by @frostironfudge
Misreaders by @royalesweetteaa
DAY 20 — THIGH RIDING by  @bucky-barnes-diaries
A PLACE TO COME HOME TO by @justalonelyslytherin
Slice of Life by @fluffycutecevans
HEAVEN FOR YOU: PART 4 by @imaginedreamwrite
KITCHEN DISASTER by @nekoannie-chan
𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐥𝐞 𝟒 by @buckyhoney
𝗖𝘂𝗽𝗶𝗱𝘀 𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗳𝗮𝘀𝘁- 𝗔𝗿𝗶 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗶𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻 by @gutflorizt
FOOLS RUSH IN (OCT 20TH) by @ronearoundblindly
TWO OF US by @lovebittenbyevans
Drabble 1
Drabble 2
Drabble 3
Drabble 4
Drabble 5
IG Posted |Part 2  | Part 3  |
Aesthetic au
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
I know heaven’s a thing, I go there when you touch me by @wildestdreamsblog
SHORT STUFF - BUCKY BARNES X READER by @youlightmeupfinn
Ransom/daycare! reader by  @imaginedreamwrite
A TOUCH OF DESIRE by @maladaptivexxdaydreaming
UNTITLED DRABBLE by @joannaliceevans-fanficblog
HIS BRIDE by  @joannaliceevans-fanficblog
TICKLETOBER DAY 18: CHASE by @supermarvel-fics
A TEASE by @lokiandbuckysdoll
MOVING DAY by @fortheloveoffanfic
CAT-SITTING by @youre-amazing-say-it
college fuckboy buck x f reader by @buckyalpine
Kiss it Better by @straywords
A DATE WITH THE BOSS by @lokiandbuckysdoll
BUCKY BARNES | ONE SHOT | OKAY by @adrinktostopyourthirst
HIDE AND SEEK | STEVE ROGERS  BY @earth616variant
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Your Protector, Forever BY @wildestdreamsblog
Nursing Our Hearts Back to Health BY @justalonelyslytherin
innocent crybaby reader: bodyguard ari BY @onsunnyside
corruption kink by @holylulusworld
Writers Block by @royalwriteroftheuniverse
kinktober masterlist by @bubblessunshinehoney
Steven/Marc/Jake x F!Reader by @soonknight
Kinktober bingo by @nomadicpixel
Shorty McLovin by @f10werfae
Timeless lovin’ by @royalsweetteaa
Part 1
FARM BOY STEVE by @onsunnyside
IT’S FUN BEING BAD by @sunshinebuckybarnes
Loud Thoughts & Hot Cocoa- Chris Evans xreader fan fic by @sarahrogersevans
LOVERS IN THE ORCHARD by @vintagestarlight
Kinktober Masterlist by @luxeavenger
kinktober masterlist by @imyourbratzdoll
kinktober masterlist by @traitorjoelite
STARTING GATE by @navybrat817
werewolf Curtis x Luna by @imaginedreamwrite
The Fitness Pack masterlist by @holylulusworld
JUST A LITTLE TASTE | B. BARNES by @buckspumpkin
Kissing + Wakanda Bucky by @buckgasms
FRESH FALLEN SNOW by @georgiapeach30513
Nothing I Won’t Do- Chris Evans xreader fan fic by @sarahrogersevans
TAME by @buckyalpine
PHIL’S BIRTHDAY by @anotherfuckingmarvelfanaccount
𝙪𝙣𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙮𝙤𝙪 (1) ₊˚ପ⊹ 𝙗.𝙗𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙨 • 𝙨.𝙧𝙤𝙜𝙚𝙧𝙨 by @hellsbarnes
CALL IT DREAMING by @helios-writes
SAM WILSON X GN!READER (FLUFF) by @rodrikstark
BATHTIME | B.B. by @intrepidacious
HARD TO HANDLE by @rubynationwins
ok maybe not a good guy but at least a dateable guy? by @angrythingstarlight
HAPPINESS GREED?  by @ace-of-gay
kinktober masterlist by @ddaz3d-and-cc0nfused
BOUND BY THE NIGHT by @jobean12-blog
SHE’S NOT YOU by @alisonsfics
Title: One Night Only by @jessybarnes
Bucky craving pumpkins with reader by @foreverindreamlandd
FRIENDLY COMPETITION by @hannibals-favourite-meal
Angrydaddy Andy forcing kitten reader to hump on his leather shoes while he is in a meeting by @onsunnyside
TOGETHER FOREVER by @syntheticavenger
Kinktober Masterlist by @bucky-barnes-diaries
512 - B.B by @the-canary
 Always Enough by @jobean12-blog
Ned;bucky barnes x reader by @buckyalpine
SWEET DREAMS by @buckyalpine
PRETTY GIRL by @jewels2876
JUMP WITH ME by @writercole
best friend Bucky by @buckyalpine
chris x foreigner reader by @imyourbratzdoll
andy barber x reader x steve rogers(past relationship) by @imyourbratzdoll
STAY by @librariesandcastles
𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐬, 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞, 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐮𝐬. by @imyourbratzdoll
𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑭𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝑨𝒔𝒍𝒆𝒆𝒑 by @imyourbratzdoll
Growing Pains Series by @cevansbrat0007​
Kinktober 2022 by @holylulusworld​
COCKTAIL by @jobean12-blog
KINKTOBER DAY 12: MOMMY KINK W/ STEVE ROGERS by @marvelouscharlie24​
Kinktober 2022 Masterlist by LATE-TO-THE-PARTY-81
animal shifter au by SARGENTBARXES
boss!vampire!bucky x PA plus size reader by SEBASTIANSLUTS
Second Chance- Steve Rogers xreader fan fic by  SARAHROGERSEVANS
𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐫𝐛𝐬: Ari Levinson and Nomad Steve Rogers by LILACEVANS
what each of the guys' dicks look like and i need to know your opinion now by VALLEYFAE
I Will Never Forget. He Never Did Either by ROYALWRITERSOFTHEUNIVERSES
November ❄️
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4
December ☃️
Week 1
Week 2
Week 3
Week 4𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐬𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝   
104 notes · View notes
roguerecs · 2 years
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last updated: august 2022
𝑬𝒙𝒉𝒊𝒃𝒊𝒕: 𝑹𝒐𝒈𝒖𝒆'𝒔 𝑹𝒆𝒄𝒔
- Look at those signs! Let’s go read them!
Welcome to my reading/fic recs archive! This is basically a blog to keep all my readings/fic recs organized instead of having to dig through my main for a fic. Feel free to send any of your own fics/fic recs! 
Everything here will mainly be one-shots, drabbles, and completed series I’ve read. Check my main for writer recs + their masterlists, current series I’m reading, upcoming series I plan to read, and more!
Before interacting with a work, please remember to: Look and respect the author’s rules/guidelines! Carefully read all tagged warnings and author notes before proceeding. You are responsible for your own media consumption.
As majority of fics I recommend are 18+ plus, minors DNI!!! You will be blocked so please leave while you’re ahead! Blank blogs (no posts and default pfp) and blogs with no age indicators will be assumed to be minors and be blocked as well.
Below the cut is links to all the tags I currently have, and this list will be updated as I get more tags! 
𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆 𝒐𝒇 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒌:
one-shot. ┊ drabble. ┊ series.
angst.┊ fluff. ┊smut. dark. ┊  soft!dark.
𝑺𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒇𝒊𝒄 𝑭𝒊𝒄 / 𝑹𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔:
reader fics. ┊ original character (oc) fics.
! PSA: for specific reader/fic tags, i tag according to what the author tags.  
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to find fics with specific tags and character, use this format:  [NAME] x [SPECIFIC TAG] example: ari levinson x female reader
𝑪𝒉𝒓𝒊𝒔 𝑬𝒗𝒂𝒏𝒔 & 𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔: 
chris evans. ┊ ari levinson. andy barber. ┊ colin shea. curtis everett. ┊ dennis baker. frank adler. ┊ jake jensen. johnny storm. ┊ lloyd hansen. mr. freezy. ┊ ransom drysdale. steve rogers.
bucky barnes. peter parker (tasm!peter & mcu!peter). natasha romanoff. ┊ sam wilson. stucky. ┊ wanda maximoff. xu shang-chi.
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a/b/o. ┊ baker. best friend’s dad. ┊ biker. cam. ┊ ceo. ┊ college. cowboy. ┊ dad’s best friend. dilf/milf. ┊ frat. ┊ hybrid. lumberjack. ┊ mafia. ┊ medieval. mythology. ┊ royal. single parent. ┊ supernatural.
𝑻𝒓𝒐𝒑𝒆𝒔 (𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒔 𝒊𝒅𝒌?): 
...with benefits. exes to lovers. friends to lovers. friends/lovers to enemies/exes. fake dating. ┊ forced proximity. neighbors. ┊ only one bed. roommates. ┊ sex pollen.
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𝑶𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒂𝒈𝒔:
tom holland. crossover. ┊ comfort fics. all time faves.
10 notes · View notes
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Notes: No one asked for this. was inspired this thread. LOL. Also Chris Evans Debuts Trailer for New Movie DENNIS
Summary: A broken pathetic shell of a man with nothing to live for.
Warning: 18+ only please, forced fingering, non con, rape, Dark themes
Dark Dennis Baker x Reader
6:00 A.M.
Dennis hated waking up. Though he was married whenever he arose and reached over to his wife's side of the bed it was always cold. It didn't used to be this way. Not too long ago he would wake to find her snuggling into him, but now it was as if he was a single man all over again.
Scrubbing his hands over his face as he sat on the edge of the bed he wondered where his wife was this time. At some point after he was laid off she started changing. Working out more, staying out more, sleeping over at her sisters for reasons she never made clear to him.
Walking over to the closet Dennis retrieved his uniform, laying it on top of the bed, neatly. The gawd awful pink retail shirt, unflattering khaki pants, with the leather belt and penny loafers made him internally groan at the sight each morning.
As the steam dissipated from the shower Dennis mindlessly stared at his own reflection. Dread poured over him the closer it got time for him to leave for work. This job was a far cry from his former one as Head of IT. A major data breach ruined his career in the tech field. Despite his best efforts to prevent the cyber attack his warnings went unheeded, sighting unnecessary cost for the infrastructure. And when the inevitable happened his neck was brought to the chopping block.
With that blemish on his record it was hard to get another job of similar note with this infraction hanging over his head. Now reduced to technical expert at Betsy's Computer store. A glorified titled for a retail worker that pushed more PS5's than actual technical support.
With the drop in title so did the salary. The mortgage, car note and other bills began piling up on top of each other. Credit cards were starting to hit their own limit, all contributing to his physical and mental decline.
7:00 A.M.
As he began dressing he heard a faint sound coming from down stairs. Tucking in his shirt as he left the bedroom he heard the rare sound of his wife, Sarah. She was talking cheerfully to someone he hoped would be her sister. When he entered the archway his heart sank as she quieted herself, her mood fully changed before slipping her cell into her pocket.
Quickly she picked up a dish that contained scraps of some healthy meal that she only made for herself. Rinsing it off at the sink as Dennis approached her from behind.
Leaning over Dennis tried to kiss her cheek, but swiftly Sarah pulled away. “Ugh!”
"What's wrong?" He knew, but he had to hear it.
"You have a bad penis?" she answered before leaving him alone in the kitchen as he bottled up the hurt as he always did. Tucking away the insult and then burying it deep.
Dennis's erectile dysfunction was just the cherry on his shit cake. He had seen several doctors. All prescribed this or that, but nothing worked. The lack of intimacy helped to further wreck havoc on his marriage.
8:00 A.M.
The entrance to the gaudy pink building dinged as the automatic doors opened.
"Morning Dennis" you smiled as he walked through the opened doors. He scrunched his face as if he didn't recognize you. You had only run into him once or twice since you started last week, so you weren't surprised he didn't remember.
"How did you..?" He looked a mix of tired and confused as he stood between the doorway.
Your head tilted and gave him a look, before tapping the name plate on your chest. Dennis followed your finger, your badge sat perched on your left breast. You shifted on your feet as his eyes lingered on your nameplate longer than you would've liked.
"Hadn't had your coffee yet I see" you joked. Quickly Dennis shifted his eyes away, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"Yeah" Dennis chuckled dryly.
"Well, there is a fresh pot in the back last time I checked and  a few donuts. I think Richard brought some in. If you hurry you might be able to snatch one up." You brushed off his awkwardness.
Maybe he isn't a morning person.
You could see Dennis on the verge of reply, but your attention diverted to the customer walking to your open lane. "How was your shopping today? Do you have a Betsy card?" You read off your script as they laid their items down. In the corner of your eye you watched him linger a bit, before continuing on toward the back to clock in.
3:00 P.M.
Dennis grumbled with hands on hips as he looked at the disarray of the printer cartage wall. He had organized and reorganized the entire aisle at least five times today. He had only been gone five minutes only to return to chaos.
Quickly taking inventory with his clipboard he made notes of what he needed before storming off to the storage room. Through his irritation he found it hard to stay mad as thoughts of you clouded his head while he walked.
The tiny interaction from earlier in the day had haunted him. Trying in vein Dennis tried his hardest to focus on anything else, but the more he fought it the more you seemed to just pop up. He found his eyes locking with yours in-between various interactions with customers as you cut through his section to get to the break room. Each time you fluttered your fingers and smiled at him, leaving him flustered, returning the smile more stiff and awkward than the time before.
Opening the door to the storage room Dennis's heart skipped a beat when he found you bent over examining a shelf. You hadn't noticed him yet, too focused on the numbers on the paper you held in search of an item.
Swallowing thickly Dennis gingerly closed the door quietly in an effort not to spook you. His cock twitched slightly the longer he stood against the door. When you moaned in frustration after you placed an item back on the shelf a heat rippled through his face forcing him to bite back a groan of his own.
Staying quiet, he released the knob and started to move closer to you. Each step Dennis felt his heart beat through his ears as your hips swayed before him.  
The narrow aisle forced Dennis to squeeze past you to reach his desired destination. Sucking in his bottom lip hungrily he pushed his hips forward as he slid behind, the slight graze made you jump up and yelp in surprise.
"Oh gosh Dennis you scared me!" You giggled slightly embarrassed. You placed a hand over your chest and the other on his shoulder.
"Sorry" looking sincerely at you as he held his hands up innocently. "Just trying to reach the ink." Hoping to take the focus away from his bottom half. The light graze was enough to awaken that piece of him that he had long sense gave up on.
"It's OK. It's super tight back here. Kind of hard not to knock into someone." You brushed of your shock and turn back to your task. With your back to him again adjusted himself awkwardly.
"Hey, wait!" Your call froze him in his tracks.
Dennis's back tensed and a panic shot through his core as he heard your steps approach. His work pants had become uncomfortably tighter all thanks to you.
Slyly he pressed his clip board over his buckle when you rounded his side. Internally Dennis prayed that you wouldn't notice the throbbing erection below his belt.
"Can you help me I can’t find this." You were still focused on the paper you held, pushing it in his line of sight as you waited for him to respond. You were so close that your perfume tickled his nose and he wondered if you tasted just as sweet as you smelled.
Dennis's lips deepened into a frown when Richard, the floor manager, called your name from the now open storage door.  
"We need you back on registers. Let me handle that for now." Richard demanded.  
"Oh OK" turning away from him you handed the papers to Richard as he approached. "Thanks anyway Dennis" you patted Dennis's back before walking off. The sudden lack of touch sent an ache to his heart as he watched you disappear through the door.
5:30 P.M.
The rain came down hard. You hadn't check the weather, when you left your apartment earlier in the day the sky was clear. Without an umbrella you made a mad dash to your car on the far end of the lot. Panting wildly, by the time your reached the car you were soaked through and through.
Slipping in you shrieked when the white flash crashed too close to your car. Fumbling with your keys before sticking them in the ignition you quickly found disappointment. The engine wouldn't turn over. It took several clicks of the turning key, before you stared baffled at the wheel. You had never had issues with your car before, so you were at a loss as to what could be the cause.
A bashing came loud on your side that caused you to scream in fright. Your heart beat rapidly, but when you looked over you found Dennis standing outside your door holding his umbrella.
"You OK?" He queried as you manually rolled your window down.
"It won't start. I think its the battery?" You weren't sure, but it sounded plausible.
"I would give you a jump, but it's a little dangerous. I can give you a ride though." He shouted over the heavy rain.
"Oh gosh, are you sure?"
"Yeah, come on."
Unbuckling your seat Dennis held the door open for you as you got out. You stuck close to his side, huddling under his umbrella as he led you to his car.
Opening the passenger door you thanked Dennis then slipped inside. He closed the door than jogged over to the driver's side, you giggled at his awkward stride and wondered if there was any part of him that wasn't weird. 
💻🌧🍔 💍🚘☔️💻🌧🍔💍🚘☔️💻🌧🍔💍🚘☔️
Through his peripheral Dennis watched you. Your perfume seemed to waft through his tiny Toyota and he hoped that it would sink into the upholstery.
"It's over there, just turn right on the corner" you directed him. He nodded at your direction. Suddenly sad that the ride was coming to an end sooner than he would've liked.
"You can slow down here. Mine is the one in the middle."
Dennis slowed to park as you gathered your things and readied to disembark. "Um uh I know this is weird, but do you think I can.. use your restroom?" It came out bumbled and he internally kicked himself for that.
"Oh gosh yes of course." You touched his arm as you spoke, the patch of skin sending jolts all throughout.
Dennis exited the car first as you waited patiently for him to shelter you from the rain.
You thank him again as you both jogged to your front door. With your keys at the ready you unlocked the door and allowed him in after you. "First door on your right" you point down the hall as you slipped out of your work shoes.
8:00 P.M.
Dennis didn't move.
"So how is married life?" You nervously inquired, noticing the gold band on his finger.
He didn't answer and the look on his face started to fill you with concern.
He is just an awkward guy. Don't over think it.
"Um would you like something to drink" you made a move to walk toward the kitchen, but Dennis blocked your advance. Stepping a foot back you started to panic. "So h-how do you like working at.."
Before you could finish Dennis sandwiched you between the door.  Fruitlessly you tried to wiggle free as his hands began to roam your sides. Pushing at his chest he stood unmoved by your efforts as he leaned in close to your cheek, peppering you with kisses along your neck.
"Please Dennis.." You trembled out. Dennis wedged between your legs, the feel of his hard cock had you hiccuping as you pleaded with him to stop.
The muscles in your arm burned as you push, your hands flailing and slipping off his wet clothes. He inhaled you, humming with delight as his stubble burned against your neck.
Tears coated your eyes as he began feverishly unbuckling your belt. Your nails clawed into his flesh to no effect, tossing your hands away effortlessly as he continued to maneuver your pants down past your hips.
It was if the mild mannered retail clerk had become a completely different person and you couldn't understand why.
"I see the way you look at me" he growled into your ear. 
"I was just being nice. Please Dennis!"
"So nice for me baby" he kissed your cheek as you turned your face away from him. Through the kerfuffle you hadn't realized you both had moved away from the door. Your side hit the arm of the living room's couch and you found yourself tumbling over with Dennis landing on top of you.
Dennis snatched one of your wrist when you tried to slap him. Threading his fingers with yours like a lover, slowly moving it above your head. Your other hand tried to force him to fall over to the floor, but he refused to budge.
His other arm disappeared between your bodies, the further it sunk down your stomach tensed. You were useless against his determination. There was no out from under him.
Dennis swallowed your sobs, when his hand came dangerously close to your clit. Hot beads of tears streamed your face when  he grazed your mound. The tickle of his finger tips meticulously played with your folds, in an attempt to move away his fingers parted your lips. Sucking and kissing on your neck, you felt a fire begin to pool at his hand.
"You don't want to do this please" you sniffed, but he was too far gone. A long moan fell from your lips when his fingers finally plunged into you.
Dennis's digits curled and pumped, the friction feeding an unwanted need in your core. When you tried to protest again he devoured your mouth greedily.
"I'm gonna fill you up...Have you stuffed full of my cum." Dennis moaned over your mouth.
Your toes started to curl as your heat grew. You wanted him to stop, but a need weakened your resolve.
"That's it baby, I feel you want me too." 
"Fuck" you panted out as you struggled to fight against him and yourself. Your juices coated him thoroughly, you bit back shame as he praised you for it. Mindlessly you gripped his shoulder  as your mounded tightened around him. Panting wildly you came on his fingers.
"That's it baby." He praised, slipping his fingers free which caused you to whimper shamefully. Your legs felt like jelly as you laid on the couch. Dennis hadn't moved, only lifting his hips to  unfastened his belt.
"No! No no please" you whined, pushing backwards on the couch cushion. Dennis snaked an arm behind your back, locking you in place as you pulled at his work shirt to get him off you.
The head of his cock swirled around your juices, pressing hard against your folds to blindly find your opening. "So wet just for me baby."
No matter which way your hips move the determined man found your slick folds. Wedged between your legs Dennis shuttered with delight as he pressed into you. His slow pressure stretched you as you continued to sob.
"So tight for me" he hummed. You hissed the deeper he sunk into you. Breathing heavily through the tightness while his hips rolled into you. The cheap couch groaned at the increase of activity. Dennis palmed your ass, gripping too tight as he fucked you into the couch.
His desperate kisses all over you felt like trails of fire. Your legs began to wrap and tighten around him as he thrusted relentlessly. 
"Dennis.." You panted out as your need took over.
"Do you want to come for me?" he sounded as needy as you did.
"I haven't come in so long... Do you think you can handle it baby?" He taunted.
"Please" you say weakly.
"That's it I knew you needed me"
"Please Dennis." You begged as you dissolved into pleasure.
You were his new life he was sure of it. His cure and he was never letting you go.
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louisianaspell · 3 years
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A masterlist of all the fics I’ve read in the month of May
🔪: Dark fics (these fics/series contain plots and scenes that can be triggering! Please make sure you read all the warnings, tags, and author’s note before reading!)
🔥: Smut (these fics contain sexual situations, 18+ up only!)
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Clandestine Meetings
Venus Made Me King 🔥
The Match 🔥
Deserve You [chap. 1] [chap. 2]
Pierced Through and Through 🔥
Hello My Old Heart
Rockstar!Bucky drabble 🔥
Best Man 🔪
Devil’s Mark 🔪-ish 🔥
Liberation 🔪🔥
Peaches and Cream 🔥-ish
Glimpse 🔪🔥
Ashens 🔥
What We See In The Stars
Fake Boyfriend Real Orgasms 🔥
So Good For Me 🔥
The Clean Up 🔥
Bucky’s Weakness 🔥
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Wages of Sin [chap. 2] 🔪
Alter [chap. 4] 🔥
Just Say It and I’m Yours
Some Assembly Required (+ wanda x reader) 🔪
The Chatroom 🔥
Suburban Pleasures 🔥
Good Girl 🔥
When I’m Reborn [chap. 10] 🔪
Sugar Sugar 🔪🔥
Method Acting 🔥
Desperate Measures [chap. 1] [chap. 2] 🔪🔥
Midnight Adventures 🔪🔥
Count Me In
The Drawing
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Ménage a Trios 🔥
Cover Stars and Stripes
Press Record 🔥
Yours, Mine, Ours 🔪🔥
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Candy Coated [chap. 1] [chap. 2] [chap. 3] [chap. 4] (Zemo x Reader) 🔪🔥
Trust Me, Honey (Andy Barber x Reader) 🔪
Necessary Arrangement (Andy Barber x Reader, Ari Levinson x Reader, Ransom Drysdale x Reader) 🔪🔥
Time’s Running Out (Crosshair x Reader, Bad Batch x Reader)
Moment of Silence [chap. 6] [chap. 7] [chap. 8] (Frank Alder x Reader, Andy Barber x Reader) 🔪🔥
Life in the Fast Lane [chap. 3] (Ari Levinson x Reader) 🔥
Fully Completely [chap. 6] (Loki x Reader) 🔪🔥
Hell or High Water (Ransom Drysdale x Reader, Mike Weiss x Reader)
She Gets Flowers (Ransom Drysdale x Reader)
Small Gods (Thor Odinson x Reader, Steve Rogers x Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Reader, Bucky Barnes x Reader) 🔥
Heart Shaped Box (Ari Levinson x Reader) 🔥
Forever and Ever [chap. 13] [chap. 14] [chap. 15] (Ransom Drysdale x Reader) 🔪🔥
Lover’s Embrace (Natasha Romanoff x Reader) 🔪🔥
Ruin Our Friendship (Ransom Drysdale x Reader) 🔪🔥
Looking For A Place To Happen (Sam Wilson x Reader) 🔪🔥
Can’t Get Better Than a Thrombey (Ransom Drysdale x Reader) 🔥
Pro Bono (Andy Barber x Reader x Mickey Henry) 🔥
Champagne Problems (Mickey Henry x Reader)
Yes, Mrs. Barber (Andy Barber x Reader) 🔥
Birthday Girl (Andy Barber x Reader)
Do Us Part (Peter Parker x Reader) 🔪🔥
Fuel to the Fire (Andy Barber x Reader) 🔪
Dennis (Dennis Baker x Reader) 🔪🔥
A Different Kind of Love Drabble (Jake Jensen x Reader x Andy Barber)
A Field Guide To Getting Lost (Jake Jensen x Reader)
Walking After Midnight (Lee Bodecker x Reader) 🔥
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littlelioncub43 · 1 year
I got a fashion ask for you in advance . What if dark reader dresses her subs from Justin to robbert pronge and dennis when y/n first took them
Oo, I love this, ok!
When you first take your sweet basenment husband, you want to ease them into being comfortable.
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You keep the polo and slacks trend for his day to day, just with some more style to it. He may be in the basement, but you still want him to look nice. Plus you want to show him that there's more to knit shirts than that Pepto Bismol pink polo he loves. Although, you do let him keep it and wear it from time to time.
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You take a lot of his own clothes, you really want him to feel comfortable, and having his own clothes really helps with that. He is comforted by the fact that you grabbed all his favorite sweaters. This is one of the reasons he breaks so fast.
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Similar to the others, you take some of his own clothes but you make sure he wears tight pants fairly often. He gets annoyed at how tight they are and it's hilarious. It's definitely part of the torment.
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littlelioncub43 · 1 year
I will provide you guys with one (1) Tech Tuesday thot.
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Dennis Baker is the most pathetic little bean to ever exist, and he knows it. He feels so guilty for even liking you, but you're so sweet, so kind, so god damn pretty it hurts. He's never been this enamored before, this needy and desperate for someone.
So, the amount of shame he feels when he touches himself to the thought of you is off the scales. The pathetic noises he makes, the sad little face of literal guilty pleasure when he sneaks his hand under the blankets and into his boxers. He whimpers, all soft and whiny, as his hand strokes himself while imagining doing things to you, filthy things that he couldn't ever say out loud.
Like eating your pussy until you pass out, making you choke on his cock, coming in your pretty mouth, watching his white seed pool on your tongue, smearing some of it along your cheek, bending you over and fucking you as many times as he can, making you cum over and over again until all you can say is his name.
Just thinking about you moaning his name is enough to make Dennis moan your name in the most broken voice he can muster, his hand furiously jerking himself, his hips lifting to fuck his fist on instinct.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck, please, please," he whines and brings his second hand to his balls to cup them desperately. The thought of your mouth sucking on them briefly crosses his mind and Dennis is a goner. "Please, yes! Yes! M'sorry, I'm sorry, fuck!"
Again, the pathetic angel just feels so guilty for picturing your naked pussy covered in your mixed releases, his cum dripping from your sweet petals— he can't help but apologize, even to the room around him.
As he milks himself, he sighs your name and gentle apologies. Dennis pictures kissing you and holding you, showing you just how well he can take care of you, how much he cares, how much he loves you.
But for now, all he has is his hand.
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
For Tech Tuesday, how would each boy react if dark!reader forces them to have a dick piercing😈
*gasp!* well well well... let's see
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Jake secretly wanted one. That's where you got the idea from in the first place. He hated that you were forcing him to get it, but you made him get the one he wanted, so he was having a really hard time trying to figure out how to feel.
He was kind of excited? He hated it? He didn't know.
But you didn't need him to know. 😈
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He was a lot easier to work with. All you had to do was drop hints about it for a few months, then have one good talk about how much sexier he's going to be with it— and he was already willing to do it for it. If it means you're going to like him more, he wants to do it.
He's such a pathetic baby, "does it look good?"
The poor baby is starting to break. 😈
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Justin cries. He hates needles. He's scared of it hurting. He doesn't want to make you angry, but he's just so scared. But then you're in his ear, cooing about how you'll take care of him afterwards, make sure he's nice and taken care of, clean him everyday. His Mommy issues kick in on overdrive and he's stifling his cries long enough to get the damn piercing. He melts when you call him brave.
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littlelioncub43 · 2 years
Whispers and Declarations
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Summary: Dennis is on the phone when he realizes something big.
Pairing: Dennis Baker x Female!Reader
Warnings: smut (18+ ONLY minors DNI), fluff, dom!Dennis Baker, glimpses of dark! Or yandre!Dennis Baker, romantic notions, squirting, multiple orgasms, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected sex in an established relationship, creampie, rough, intense sex, Dennis being obsessed with Reader and letting it show, size kink, pain kink, Dennis being pussy whipped in the best way possible, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Word count: No idea, I wrote this on my phone, but she's lengthy!
A/N: As my many other posts have stated: I feel so good about this one, you guys! It feels so much more coherent and articulate and I can't wait to hear what you guys think! This was intense for no other reason than I wanted it to be. I hope you love it, and may we all find our Dennis 🥰🫂💖
Kisses 💋
Part 1
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"Hey, boss, can I call you back? Something came up."
The deep vibration of his voice sent a shiver through you, his gaze was set on yours and much more alluring than before. You chewed your lip as Dennis hung up the phone and tossed to the other couch without a thought.
"Come here, sweetheart," he rasps quietly, his hand beckoning you up his body. You crawl up the length of him as he sits up, settling you into his lap. Two big hands hold your head tenderly, almost as if you might break with the slightest pressure.
Dennis takes his time, drinking in the beautiful creature before him. He still couldn't wrap his head around the fact that you were his, you wanted him, you loved him. His breathing hitches slightly, his gaze still dancing across your features. When your soft hands slide up his arms to rest on the backs of his own, Dennis draws in a deep breath.
"Do you have any idea how much I love you?" He mutters while staring intensely, his voice was a whisper but his words echoed in your head like he screamed them at the top of his lungs. You feel your face heat up slightly at his words, your gaze breaking from his for a moment but Dennis isn't having it. "Look at me."
"Yes," you whisper back when your eyes meet once more. And it's true, you know how much he loves you, it's nearly as much as you love him. You see the muscles in his jaw tighten, the grip on your head tightens softly too. Dennis takes another deep breath, this one much more intense than the first sigh.
"Do you know what I'd do for you?" His voice is strained as he reigns in all the feelings swarming in his chest. You lick your lips and Dennis glances at your enticing lips hungrily. "Do you have any idea what you do to me?"
At this point, you know he's not expecting an answer. His eyebrows pinch together as he tries to desperately convey everything he feels. He takes one hand and guides it to his chest. You feel the erratic thumping of his heart, the pounding rhythm was accented by the slight heave of his chest as he begins to pant. Your own breathing was deepening to a quick pace.
"Do you feel what you do to me?" He gasps as he presses your hand to the front of his grey sweatpants. The straining erection throbs at the contact of your hand, Dennis's thighs twitching with delight. He holds your hand to him, his hips naturally pushing up to meet you.
"Yes," you sigh. Your jaw hangs open at his actions. You never dreamed in a million years that your sweet, shy, little Den could be so intense. Your hand grips the outline of his cock gently, the action has Dennis grunting.
"I love you so fucking much," he growls before claiming your mouth. If you thought his words were intense, they're nothing compaired to his kisses. You mewl into his mouth as he pulls you deeper and deeper into him. His hand leaves your wrist to wrap his arm around your waist completely, trapping you in his lap.
It's almost a blur from then. One moment you're nestled on the couch, the next he has you hoisted up in his arms, your legs wrapped around his waist securely. Your back hits the cushy springs of your mattress followed by Dennis hovering above you.
"Dennis," you moan in awe against his lips as he cages you underneath him. The sound of his name rolling off your tongue is music to his ears, that's all he wants to hear for the rest of his life, but he'll settle for the rest of the night for now.
Dennis uses your little moan as a moment to slip his tongue deeper into your mouth. Normally he'd resign to your dominance, but right now he's on a mission. You sigh a pleased little moan when he takes over the kiss, your hands carding through his hair to mess up the neatly combed strands.
The little squeak you give him breaks his resolve. Dennis pulls your clothes off with a vigor he hasn't felt before. When he finally peels your soaked panties from your core, he curses under his breath. He spends a moment staring at the dripping honeypot between your luscious thighs.
"D-Dennis!" You moan as he suddenly engulfs you, his mouth covering your entire sex eagerly. Moaning deep in his throat, Dennis lets himself feast on you. His tongue moves in bold actions, collecting every drop of your juice before burrowing into your folds. Your legs tremble around his head, further encouraging Dennis's motions.
Your hands claw at his hair, using it to hold him to you while you writhe. He hums happily at the sting at his scalp, his grip on your thighs tightening to keep you open to his attacks. When his lips wrap around your clit, you know you're about to break.
"Dennis! Baby! So close!" You whine for him, your eyes rolling back as the tension builds and builds in your core. A throaty groan is your response from your sweet lover, his hands shifting to pull your heat against his face, your lower half nearly completely off the bed. Flattening his tongue, he thrashes his head side to side wildly. "F-Fuck! M'coming! Dennis!!"
That's what he wanted to hear.
He moans as loud as he can into your pussy, the vibrations pushing you head first into one of the best orgasms you've ever had. Your back arches as you ride the crest of your release, hips wiggling uselessly against Dennis's soaked face.
The moment you cum, Dennis is drinking it up like a man who's been in the desert. Not a single drop was left behind as Dennis licks you clean, the sticky sweet essence was addictive. With one last tongue-filled kiss to your cunt, Dennis releases you to the bed. You gasp for breath, your body was wrung out like a sponge and from the look in his eyes, Dennis was nowhere near done with you yet.
With shaky hands, he tore off his own clothes. The relieved hiss he let out when his hot erection met the cool air of the room left goosebumps on your skin. Kicking off his sweats and boxers to the floor, Dennis drapes himself over you once more and you welcome him with open arms.
"Holy shit, Dennis that was fucking incredible," you purr before he conquers your mouth once more. The taste of your cum has your head spinning and your body burning for more. Each word only adds to the pride pooling in his chest, he sucks on your lower lip before releasing it with a 'pop.'
"I need you so bad," Dennis confesses as he manhandles you into position. Tucking one leg up and over his hip, he presses on your inner thigh to hold you open for him. He looks down to watch his cock slide across your folds in short quick motions as he coats himself in your slick.
Dennis tries to catch his breath but finds it nearly impossible, and so do you. You whimper each time his thick tip nudges against your clit. He pushes his hips flush with your ass, resting his cock against your skin— showing off how big he was compared to you.
You try to speak but the only thing that comes out of your mouth is a sweet moan of his name, but thats all that Dennis needs to hear. Guiding himself to your throbbing hole, Dennis grips your jaw in one hand.
"Look at me, baby," he whispers gruffly. He makes sure your eyes on focused on his before he slowly pushes into you. He can't stop his own choked moans as he fills you inch by inch. The way your supple flesh gives as he works his cock into you is divine.
You let out your own fluttery moan as you feel him plunge deeper and deeper. You swear on everything holy that you've never felt so full in your entire life. When you think he's bottomed out, another few inches slide into you. Just more and more and more and more until you think you'll burst at the seams.
Finally, you meet the end of him, his pelvis pressed snuggly against the juicy curve of your ass. Your hands claw at the meat of his unfairly musclar shoulders as you both pant into each other's mouths.
"D-Dennis!" Your voice is thin and thoroughly fucked out.
"I know, I know, Jesus fucking Christ, I know," he groans and releases your jaw to hold your thigh open. He wastes no time drawing his hips back slowly, forcing you to feel every inch slide out of you until his thick mushroom tip is all that's left. Then in one hard movement, he stuffs you to the brim once more, forcing a yelp of from your open mouth. He does it again and again, each intense thrust knocking the air from your lungs deliciously.
You've never been fucked like this before.
"Feel me inside you? Feel how fucking deep I am?" He grits out, a darkness taking hold of him as he stares down at you. "I know you can, I know you'll feel me for days afterwards too."
You babble a response and hold on for dear life as he speeds up, keeping his nearly punishing pace. The bite of your nails in his shoulder make Dennis's head spin.
"Need you to feel it, baby," he grunts, "need you to feel how much I fucking love you." Dennis loses all control, his hips snapping on their own accord and his hands clawing at your flesh hard enough to bruise. One particular thrust sends his head straight into your g-spot. You feel like you're being electrocuted in the best possible way. Dennis can't help but smirk.
"Dennis! Oh my God!" You scream and toss your head back, surrendering to his actions happily. The bed slamming into the wall violently in perfect time with his viciously passionate thrusts accent your screams.
"Do you feel it?!" He shouts between your wanton moans, opting to attack your bared throat. He sinks his teeth into the juncture of your neck and shoulder, staking his claim over you. "Do you fucking feel it?!"
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!" You chant over and over, your second orgasm already threatening to wash over you. It was going to be big. You hear Dennis curse into the sweaty skin of your neck before kissing up to your ear.
"I'm going to fucking marry you," he confesses darkly, his words slurring slightly, he sounds drunk. "I'm going to make you my wife," he brings an uncoordinated hand to your clit, rubbing rough circles on your little nub to push you closer to the edge, "never gonna let you leave me, I'd die for you, I'd kill for you—Holy shit, I fucking love you! Can never get enough of you!"
It's the conviction in his voice that shows he means every single word. You feel overwhelmed by it all, but, fuck, if you don't love it. You don't even get the chance to warn him before you're tumbling over the edge once more. The stuttering in-take of breath you wheeze into Dennis's ear tells him that you're going to cum. He pops his head up to watch your face intently.
"That's it! Cream on my cock! Make a fucking mess!" He encourages through gritted teeth as he fights back his own end.
The rubber band in the pit of your stomach draws tighter and tighter until it finally snaps. It feels like a tsunami crashing down on you, your limbs shake in Dennis's hands as you soak him. You can faintly hear his dirty words of encouragement over the ringing in your ears as your walls constrict around him. Your body relaxes as you finally start to come down, but soon sensitivity shoots through your core.
"You fucking squirted," he moans reverently, his pace not once slowing down. You give him a whine, but he's quick to soothe you, "shhhh shhhh I know, I know, but you gotta give me one more, give me one more!"
He leaves no room for arguments as he doubles down and lifts you leg over his shoulder. You whimper and cling to him desperately, only stoking the fire in Dennis's bones. He groans harshly with each stroke, his lips finding yours once more in a sloppy kiss.
It doesn't take much more for him to bring you back to the edge, your pussy both screams and sings with sensitivity and pleasure. You tremble and your eyes sting with tears, everything just felt so good.
"Dennis! I-I love you!" You whimper into his mouth, he greedily swallows your words. The sweet sound of your voice has the pleasure in Dennis's bones doubling. He gives you a pained moan in response, his eyes squeezing shut as he begins to get lost. "I love you, Dennis! I'm gonna cum! M'gonna cum for you, baby!"
"Yes! Yes! Yes! Fucking cum!" He bellows with excitement, he needs you to cum before he does. Thankfully, the messy roll of his hips grind right into your clit and you're done for.
With a wordless scream, you cum around him for one last time. Dennis peels his eyes open to watch you release again. He'll never get tired of seeing how your face twists, or the cute crease of your eyebrows furrowing, how your beautiful lips part while you scream for him, the way your eyes stay on his as long as possible before rolling back in your head.
Dennis's own face contorts, eyes crossing and rolling, his body going rigid. You smile briefly when you feel him twitch deep inside you.
"Yes, do it! Do it!" You breathlessly cry, your tears falling down the sides of your face and into your hair. "Cum for me, Den!"
And Dennis is done for.
"A-Aaaah! FUCK!" He cries, "take it, take it, take it!" He whines, reverting back to his desperately needy ways. You both writhe together, milking each other for all you're worth. Constant moans pour from your mouths as Dennis slowly comes to a stop, finally resting on top of you. He rests his entire body weight on you, too spent from the intensity of everything to hold himself up.
Carefully, he eases your leg down from his shoulder, caressing the tender flesh of your thigh as he moves you. You feel lazy pecks being dusted along the curve of your neck and shoulder, each one was chaste and sweet, soothing out the bites and hickeys Dennis left behind in a fit of passion.
Your eyes droop heavily with exhaustion. Slowly circling your arms around his neck, you hold your sweetheart to you. Dennis smiles when he feels your hug and immediately returns it, tucking you in underneath him even more.
"I'm gonna keep you forever," he whispers, his voice breathy and hoarse from shouting. More kisses rain down on your sweaty skin, lulling you deeper into the tiredness that crept into your bones. You're about to speak but Dennis beats you to it. "Shhhhhhhhh just sleep, I'll take care of you."
You do as he says and let sleep pull you away while you listen to his now steady breathing.
"I'll always take care of you."
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Part 1
I no longer have a taglist! If you wish to stay up-to-date on when I post, follow @littlelioncub-library 💖
Dividers by the lovely @firefly-graphics
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disturbedbydesign · 3 years
disturbedbydesign Masterlist
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You can find my most recent work here (older stuff is exclusively on AO3). All my work is 18+ so no minors please! Some of my work contains dark themes so please heed all warnings on individual fics. For fic recs, follow my sideblog: disturbedbydesign-fic recs!
Bucky Barnes
Lie To Me (series - complete): dark!Professor!Bucky x Reader
Tenure Track (one-shot): Professor!Bucky x Reader
Buttoned Up (one-shot): Professor!Bucky x Reader
The Widow and the Wolf (series - on hiatus): Bucky Barnes x ex!Widow!reader (Ch1, Ch2, Ch3)
Lee Bodecker
Goodbye, Earl (one-shot): soft!dark!Lee Bodecker x Reader
Loki Laufeyson
A Night at the Museum (one-shot): Loki x Reader
Ransom Drysdale
I Hate You, I Love You (series - complete): ex-husband!Ransom x Reader (featuring dark!Jake Jensen)
Andy Barber
Steel (one-shot): criminal!Andy x Reader
Dennis Baker
Take Me Home (series - in progress): Dennis Baker x Reader
Lloyd Hansen
Special Girl (series - complete): Lloyd Hansen x Reader
Chief Jim Hopper
Pick Your Poison (one-shot): Jim Hopper x OFC
A Very Bad Thing (one-shot): Jim Hopper x OFC
Someone's Daughter (one-shot): Jim Hopper x OFC
Happy Reading!
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