#daniel and benji
desertfangs · 4 months
Valenfangs - Day 8 - Rings
💍 The Amethyst Ring - Part 3: Rings 💍
In 2013, Daniel is searching through Trinity Gate for something. Benji catches him and wants to know why he's looking through Armand's stuff.
I had so much fun with this because I think it's so interesting how Daniel sort of arrives and Armand has this new family unit who don't really know him and he doesn't know them, and it's just a recipe for awkwardness and hilarity. (Daniel's reaction to the stepkids is another thing we were robbed of in canon, especially because one of them has a podcast! But I digress.)
This was written for the @valenfangs prompt "Rings."
Short Excerpt:
Daniel pulled the box out of the closet and took it to the bed, opening it to reveal dozens of rings in a velvet case, each slotted neatly into place. He searched through the first layer, then pulled it up and set it aside. This box was large: it had three layers of rings and Daniel had seen another one just like it beside it in the closet.
“Those aren’t yours.” 
Daniel looked up to see Benji standing inside the doorway of Armand’s bedroom watching him reproachfully. He stood with his back straight to increase his apparent height and folded his arms over his chest. 
“I know that,” Daniel said, trying to swallow his irritation at this guy—this kid —acting like he’d caught Daniel out. “Obviously.” 
“You can’t just go through Dybbuk’s stuff,” Benji insisted.
Daniel snorted, remembering the hundreds if not thousands of times Armand had rifled through Daniel’s things as if they were his own. But Benji didn’t know their history beyond whatever Armand had told him. And given what he’d written in that damned book of his, he doubted it was very much, or very flattering. How the hell was Daniel supposed to explain? 
And then he wondered if Armand might actually mind. He wouldn’t have years before, but so much had changed. 
“I’m just looking for something,” Daniel said. “I don’t even know if he still has it, or if it’s here.” For all Daniel knew, it might still be in a drawer on Night Island, or Armand had thrown it into the River Thames when Daniel had left after their vicious fight back in 1994. 
“What is it?” Benji asked, sounding a little less offended at Daniel’s invasion of Armand’s privacy. 
“It’s a ring I gave him a long time ago,” Daniel said. “I wanted to get it engraved. If I can find it.” 
Read the Rest on A03
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bubblegum-blackwood · 7 months
Just for fun
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monstersinthecosmos · 3 months
anyway Marius has to block Benji and Daniel all day on the Ides of March to stop the overpowering influx of memes that he does NOT find funny !!
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ch3ri-ch3ri-lady · 6 days
do you think daniel’s kids are benji and sybelle?
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littletrouper · 1 year
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Happy Holidays ❄️⭐🎄☃️
This silly little comic is a Christmas gift for @fateblood ❤️ I hope you enjoy it and it adds a little extra to the holiday for you ⭐❤️
I'd like to think that it's a well known fact that Daniel and Armand maintain constant physical contact ever since their reunion 😌 and I'm willing to die on that hill
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uncivilcivilservice · 5 months
I know we've talked about Armand and snow, but do you have any other random headcanons about the other vampires and snow?
These are going to be in no particular order, just a snow themed blast of headcanons lol
One year when it snows heavily at Trinity Gate, Daniel and Benji have a competition to see who can build the biggest snowman in the garden. This takes place over 3 days, there are remarkably snow free areas around TG where Benji and Daniel have gathered it all up. Precariously balanced ladders, and falls from said ladders, are involved. In the end there is no winner because Armand becomes worried about the damage the giant structures of melting snow might do to the gardens or house if they get any taller, so they both have to stop at around 25 feet, and knock them down after many, many photographs have been taken.
More ice than snow, but ever since I've watch Safiya Nygaard's video on the ice hotel/ice sculpture art gallery, I am convinced that Daniel takes Marius and Armand there because they would absolutely love it, and since it's open during the winter in northern Sweden, they would have such long nights to spend together and explore the hotel and galleries.
Please imagine the look on Marius's face when Daniel throws a snowball at the back of his head while they are out walking near their house up north
Marius can't stay too mad when it's the first time he's heard Daniel laugh and seen him smile like that in weeks
He absolutely gets his own back though by shaking a snow laden branch as Daniel walks under it. Even better that it makes Daniel laugh again
This is an open invitation for other people to add on their own snowy headcanons!
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mediocre-eternity · 20 days
I was supposed to tell my readers about Las Vegas.
I’m wrapped up in another season of a reading obsession. I’m reading A Touch of Jen by Beth Morgan. So strange, but I had to put it down so I haven’t finished it yet. Otherwise, it’s been one after the other with me. I think the only pause I’ve taken is when we got to Las Vegas.
Most of my kind falls victim to seasonal obsessions, you must understand this. So my absence at times is to be expected.
I also don’t know where to begin: the memories are not chronological. Typical, for mine and Migliore Amore’s past excursions to this city, however this time we were with Benji and Sybelle. Sybelle was back in the states so we figured, why not?
There was someone who asked me what, if we were at all, planning for Benji’s 40th birthday, yes? Well, birthdays can become less and less important and admittedly, I’m quite awful at remembering them, since I have no birthday of my own. But this was a fairly just celebration of that milestone for him.
Four vampires traveling in a group did cause quite the stir around Sin City. For those of my kind, anyway. I don’t think I’m dispelling any masquerades by divulging that the overall vampire population, comparative to the human population, is quite small. In well defended cities like Las Vegas, newcomers are immediately noticed. Even for a city where other blood drinkers are part of the tourism. When Daniel was mortal, this was less of a big deal. As a solitary vampire, it’s quite easy for me to shirk curiosities. Though four of the de Romanus bloodline— well. Introductions had to be made. It was duty— and part of our sacred etiquettes to do so.
I’ll tell you about that later. It was so annoying lol
We won some money, we drank from potent and alcoholic blood, Benji became acutely aware of how many beer bellied, sweat soaked men want to devour young boys and Daniel was incredibly sober for the first time there. An experience, truly. I think I enjoyed Omega Mart the most.
Sybelle was a sight to be seen in Las Vegas. Daniel dressed her in evening gowns, where each one never looked perfect enough for her, in my opinion anyway. Sybelle was having the time of her life, trying on all these clothes. She was so stunning that Benji hid his face a few times, unable to see her in such a way.
Though the tragedy is knowing how unaware of her own beauty she is. Las Vegas is a demon, and if Sybelle was a soft and menstruating mortal female, I fear someone would have carved her up like a starving tiger. The glances, stares and racing thoughts I experienced around her were proof enough. She mostly remained on Daniel’s arm, being occasionally yanked out of the groping street performer circles. I should tell you that it was both a relief and a source of joy to see Daniel be someone’s guardian for once.
But— being able to be with both of them brings a life to me I can’t describe. To see them so loving with a noticeably healthier Daniel. I learned a lot in one week, as debocherous as it was.
Jesse did not accompany us. “Oh no, no,” she told me. “I went once for a bachelorette party the summer of 1981. I was so sick.” She shook her head and turned back toward her laptop. “Never again, not even in the Blood.”
Daniel remarked playfully that us, too were in Las Vegas in the summer of 1981. Perhaps we had all crossed paths. She remarked that she would have been too drunk to remember properly. Drunk in a “not-fun way.”
However, I want to read some more and the rest of what I want to tell you will come after that. I feel a flood of thoughts now and I think I missed telling you a lot, reader. Or ghost. Or whoever I’m talking to.
Mostly myself. I talk to myself a lot.
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gingericywolf · 1 year
Some jwcc doodles as I get my hand at drawing all of them + OCs and at digital. You can tell which ones i'm more used to draw usually XD.
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Also idk what is up with the colors, they are not this bright on my PC but on mobile they are absolute neon lol
Daniel belongs to @lamponellatempesta
Bonus: uh i guess a little comparison using ben as model?
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Raven is around Yaz's height. also insert meme "I know what you are". The gaydar beeped.
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desertfangs · 6 months
I like to imagine that during the Trinity Gate era, Armand and Louis had a Christmas tree farm they liked to visit upstate to get their Christmas tree for Trinity Gate. It was one of those “cut your own tree” places which Armand found highly appealing. Every year at the start of December, they'd pile into one of Armand’s SUVs with Sybelle and Benji and go pick a tree. Then they'd doll it up with the kind of skill usually reserved for professional displays and put it in the front window for passersby to admire.
Armand refuses to let this tradition go even now, though sometimes when everyone else is at Court, it's just him and Daniel who go get the tree. Though occasionally Louis, Sybelle, and Benji will come home to make the trip. Sometimes they also bring Lestat, who argues with Armand about which tree to pick, and Marius, who doesn't really understand the appeal and usually remains at Trinity Gate to unpack the ornaments while they're out getting the tree.
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bubblegum-blackwood · 8 months
Vamptember Day 28: News
Vampire Chronicles characters as The Onion headlines
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Dare I say Lestat:
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Louis and Lestat:
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And . . . the fandom 🥲
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faerywhimsy · 9 months
Day 6 - Bless this love that heals me
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It didn’t occur to Daniel that Lestat would send word back of the news that Marius had been found. That all of them had been found and alive. It didn’t occur to him, because Lestat didn’t send the thought back to him.
Only later would Armand let him know of the word Lestat had sent back to him, the news along with Lestat’s love.
Word Armand had then shared with Benji and Sybelle, still in his apartment with him.
Benji shared the news more widely while Sybelle continued to share space and privacy with Armand. Daniel only knew about any of it when others in the blood began to join him on the terrace, filling as well the salons and the ballroom.
“What is it?” Daniel asked to no one in particular, feeling lost among the sudden swell of a growing crowd.
Somehow, Benji managed to make his way through that crowd and to Daniel’s side, that familiar fedora perched atop his head. No amount of any number of vampires telling him that a gentleman didn’t wear a hat inside had ever convinced him to remove it.
Daniel’s expression was still confused, though he’d heard Lestat’s name mentioned several times. Louis’ as well.
“He found them,” Benji told Daniel, eyes shining.
“He…” Daniel trailed off, barely daring to hope. It was a completely different thing, as it turned out, believing someone was still alive versus having the confirmation of it.
“Alive!” Benji spoke the word, and Daniel just about thought his heart was gonna give out. He clutched a hand to his chest, just in case. “Lestat’s bringing them home now.”
Daniel felt his heart lift from his chest in the direction of his throat in time with his sharp exhale. He didn’t have anything to say, just, sometimes still when he was surprised, he would gasp in a breath. Marius had told him the habit would probably die away by his first century in the blood.
Daniel looked away from Benji and towards the night sky in the direction so many others on the terrace were staring. How did they know which direction they were coming back in? Had Lestat also given that information when he informed others he was about to return?
Then, there. Daniel saw a vertical shape in the sky, and another one next to it, and another. They were still too far for Daniel to make out any features, but nothing human and nothing else could be mistaken for a vampire utilising the Cloud Gift. Especially not several of them flying towards Auvergne in a pack.
Lestat was the first one Daniel could recognise the face of. Maybe he moved faster than the others – or the others simply let him lead in deference to their Prince. In his arms was Louis. Lestat was gazing forward, as though checking their direction, or the number of his adoring fans, but Louis only had eyes for Lestat as he looked up to his husband’s face. Reunited again.
Daniel’s eyes moved from them to the person he next made out to the right of Lestat. Gregory. He too was carrying someone, and that was the one his eyes begged to see.
Daniel would have stepped forward automatically then, with nowhere to go but down to the grounds if he didn’t gather himself for the Cloud Gift soon enough. It was still unpredictable in its use. Thankfully, the stone barrier of the terrace stopped Daniel from moving forward more than a step.
But his heart beat towards Gregory and Marius, moving ever closer towards him and the Château. Marius was clear eyed, and Daniel knew the exact moment Marius caught sight of him there against the barrier, for he shifted himself straighter in Gregory’s hold.
He then shared a quick word with Gregory, and Daniel could see the older vampire shaking his head at whatever Marius had to say.
When he glanced Daniel’s way again, Daniel was overwhelmed by the extremity and the number of emotions that took him. Fear, which he hadn’t allowed himself to feel since Marius had been taken. It overflowed in him now, causing him to gasp at breaths and feel unsteady. Relief, because he was there, Marius was there, right in front of him, alive and alive! Panicked, because Armand wasn’t here, and Armand should have been here for the reunion of all of them. It was important, and Daniel knew it. Impatience, because he both wanted and needed to be in Marius’ arms right then and this seemed like the slowest he had ever seen vampires move with the Cloud Gift.
And then Gregory was setting Marius down on the terrace, the rest of the crowd having stepped back to accommodate them, Lestat and Louis, and all the others. Gabrielle was there too, Daniel noted passively, but it was a stretch for him to look at anyone other than Marius.
He looked exactly as he had the night he had left. The dark red velvet robe he’d been in the night he was taken remained the same, only perhaps slightly more dusty. Daniel flung himself at him, not even pausing to consider whether Marius would be strong enough to catch him after his ordeal.
Of course he caught him. Caught him and held him tight in his large arms, laughing softly into Daniel’s ear as they just held each other until Daniel was ready to be let go.
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chieftyphoonchaos · 1 year
We all face the same fate.
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His fate is written,in the distant past…………,
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Shall we write yours too,in the present?……
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Or you team?......
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Or your mistress in particular?, maybe I should reunite her with her daddy.
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preciouspatriots · 4 months
not seeing enough noise being made for netflix’s The Kitchen (directed by daniel kaluuya)
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Some Trinity Gate headcanons, mostly based around Daniel, Benji and Sybelle, because I have a headache and this is how I'm distracting myself
When Daniel first visits TG for the first time, one of the first things Benji does is bring up that Daniel is technically his nephew in The Blood, which leads to Daniel nicknaming him Uncle Benji.
Daniel and Sybelle find some solidarity together in the frustration that comes with not being totally sane as a vampire, and the well-meaning but sometimes suffocating attempts of their family to keep them safe and well.
Seeing how much Daniel enjoys playing with models and construction sets, Benji decides to introduce Daniel to minecraft. It still takes Daniel a while to get a hold of modern computer games (boomer moment), and Benji isn't always the most patient teacher, but Daniel eventually gets the hang of it and the two of them + Sybelle create a server so they can play together.
When playing minecraft, Daniel and Sybelle mostly focus on building while Benji does the combat and resource gathering. Daniel is also the only one who can do redstone, which he learnt in an obsessive week of watching youtube tutorials.
Daniel delights in telling Sybelle and Benji funny and embarassing stories of Armand from the Devil's Minion days, at least he does until Armand returns the favour in kind, except he knows where the pictures are kept.
Sometime after Daniel first returns to TG, he, Benji and Sybelle hatch a plan to hunt together one night (lets say they've picked up on a larger gathering of evil-doers ripe for the taking). Armand tags along to ensure their safety and keep an eye on them, and he's all but tearing up watching his children carry out a successful hunt together and it just makes him so proud of how far they've come and what ruthless little predators they've all turned out to be.
All in all, Daniel is the slightly crazy, slightly but unapolgetically cringe nephew-uncle figure I think Benji and Sybelle need
Also I can't be consise to save my life <3
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ch3ri-ch3ri-lady · 10 months
okay but what is old man daniel’s deal gonna be. I’m currently subscribing to the theory that david talbot’s role will be eradicated and just split up between louis and daniel (yippee!!), and it seems that AMC daniel is a cross between book daniel and david.
what’s throwing me off though is that this daniel has two daughters??? yes ik it creates an interesting parallel with louis and yes ik he mentioned that he’s hardly on speaking terms with either of them now, but book daniel (and david) had virtually no reason to not be a vampire because neither of them had any family. but now like, what about daniel’s kids?? hello??? they can’t just breeze past that??
i wonder if the molloy daughters are gonna become sybelle and benji. either way i need to meet them soooo bad
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nalyra-dreaming · 10 months
I know some people think Alice is actually Armand, but what if Daniel's 2 daughters are actually Sybelle and a genderbent Benji?
Erm…. I… I mean…
As Armand I think Daniel would be quite pissed when they get turned?!!
(Intriguing idea, not 100% sure how I feel about it^^^)
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