#dani rojas fic
danistartt · 1 year
When Worlds Collide (it is Wonderful)- Dani Rojas
pairings: dani rojas x reader, the richmond team warnings: nervous reader, language about: request! dani introducing you to the team
Dani is ecstatic. He’s been ecstatic for three days and pre-ecstatic for two, grinning at you brazenly when he remembers today.
You… aren’t, so much.
You should’ve told him, you think as he leads you inside the Richmond building, chattering away excitedly about each member of the team. He mentions how nice Sam is and you’re reminded of how much he loves them. You stop abruptly, Dani tugging on your arm when he fails to notice.
He turns back to you and cocks his head in the sweet puppy way he does, saying your name in question. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m nervous,” you blurt.
“I thought you were excited?” he asks, stepping closer. You stare up at him worriedly and squeeze his hand.
“I was. I am. I want to meet them, they’re important to you, but that’s why I’m so nervous, too.” Your eyes round in concern. “What if they hate me? They’re a big part of your life and if they hate me, I—”
“Why would they hate you?” he wonders incredulously. “Mi amor, I do not think anyone could hate you.”
“But what if they do?” you insist. “What if I’m actually awful and I’ve trapped you with my siren song without even knowing?” you whimper.
“No,” Dani murmurs, wrapping his arms around you. You melt on contact, the unbelievable heat of him immensely comforting. “You do not have a siren song. And if you do, then I do not mind. They will love you.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I do. I talk about you all the time and I love you. If they are not at least a little in love with you already, I will be surprised.” Dani smiles at your stilted laugh. “They told me they were excited to meet you.”
“I don’t want to disappoint them. Or you.”
Dani pulls away to make sure you’re looking him in the eyes. “You could not. Even if you tried really, really hard.”
Your face crumples.
Dani panics. “Did I say something?”
“Yes,” you cry, pulling him back to you. You raise a hand up to your eyes and wipe away your fear. Taking a deep breath, you nod. “I’m ready,” you tell him, standing up straight and squaring your shoulders.
“Wonderful,” he says pleasantly, picking right back up where he left off. “Coach Roy screams a lot, but he is very kind. He has a niece named Phoebe who he brought one day and gave us all friendship bracelets.” His own drags against the hand he holds, a bubblegum bead at the end of thick string bouncing on your wrist. “Jamie, of course, is my best friend.”
You laugh. “I can’t wait to meet them all.”
“I cannot wait either,” he says, very nearly bouncing on his heels. “This is like two of my favorite worlds colliding into one big, even more wonderful world.”
You chortle, squeezing his hand.
“All the coaches are there. Coach Lasso was very excited about meeting you. I think he got cupcakes.”
“Really?” you ask.
“I talk about you a lot.”
Another squeeze, desperate to send a loving spark up his arm. You think it reaches when he squeezes back.
You both pause outside the door, staring at the doorknob. Dani buzzes in your hand, but he glances up at you, soft eyes wonderful and kind. “Do not worry, okay? Javier is much tougher than them and he liked you a lot.”
You nod. “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right.”
When Dani pushes the door open, you are not prepared for the silence. You expect what you think is common of a locker room—loud guy noises, strewn exhausted footballers. Instead, you find all the thirty-something footballers standing straight in a very organized line, the coaches standing in front of what you assume is the office. One holds a small, pink box in his hands, a carton of cupcakes against his hip.
“Hello,” you say awkwardly, glancing at each face that stares back at you.
“Dani!” One bellows happily. “We were waitin’ for ya, bruv.”
“Yeah,” another chimes, “we was standin’ here for, like, five minutes.”
“Good impressions,” one at the far end chimes in.
Dani is glowing, agreeing with everything they’re saying. “This is my amor,” he says proudly, presenting you to the team. They stare for a second before the room erupts in elated noise, men coming up to you to tell you varying introductions. You catch some names and recognize some faces, trying your best to keep up with each person.
“Oi!” Someone yells, the team quieting and parting for the source of the voice. Low, bushy brows atop a dark beard introduce you to Roy. “Will we show some fucking manners?” He smiles at you a little gruffly and offers you a hand, the blue tail of a bracelet matching Dani’s swinging lightly against your wrist. “I’m Roy.”
“I’ve heard,” you reply, accepting. His handshake is as firm as you’d expect.
“So’ve we,” he tells you.
“Hi there,” Treats Man says, peeking over Roy’s shoulder with a friendly wave. “I’m Ted. That’s Coach Beard over there.” He gestures to a man off to the side, arms crossed across his chest. He offers you a nod. “We hear you’re with our little ray of sunshine, huh?”
You’re inclined to agree. “I’ve heard a lot. About everyone. I didn’t expect such a… big hello. Dani said I’d just come by after practice and put some voices to faces.”
“Nah. We showered and everythin’,” a player says proudly. “Isaac said we should.”
The man who had first spoken ducked his chin in agreement.
“Thank you,” you laugh.
“Are you impressed?” a man with short hair asks.
They all cheer, must to Roy’s dismay.
Dani takes this as a cue to start speaking, pointing players out and telling you their names. Sam smiles at you warmly and gives you a hug. Jamie nods at you, Colin tells you about one of the things Dani’d said about you, Moe kisses your hand, and Zoreaux says Dani hadn’t done you justice. Even Rebecca Welton comes down to meet you, offering free box seats for the next game. 
You become very well aware that the team may already know you better than you had thought. Dani seems pleased about this fact. You can’t find it in yourself to be upset.
At the end of the meet, you realize every member of the team wears a colorful bracelet. You kind of can’t wait to get yours.
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katsu28 · 9 months
I have a request!!! I need more Dani fics and if no one else is asking for them then I will be the one to ask everyone 💕 could you maybe write a Dani fic using the Tulip prompt from the flower list? (I think its cute for him, and! tulip!! for!! dani!!)
tulip for sunshine in human form, coming right up!
tulip: an act of affection so blatant everyone notices, dani rojas x reader, 1.1k
You didn’t often find yourself at Nelson Road. You went to Richmond matches and knew Dani's friends, of course, but for the most part you kept your respective work lives pretty separate. Your relationship wasn’t a secret by any means, but the two of you enjoyed having a rather private life together.
Dani had left for early morning training before you’d even woken up, but when you did you saw that he’d left his phone behind on the kitchen counter. Oddly enough, it was sitting right next to a muffin you recognized as being from your favorite bakery down the road and a note in his looping scrawl saying that he hoped you’d enjoy the pastry.
That was typical Dani, never forgetting to make you feel loved but in doing so forgetting something important to him.
After polishing off the delicious treat, you decided that you were going to return the surprise by bringing his phone down to the training facility. He’d surely be able to survive a day without it, but the muffin had you feeling sentimental.
Now you were here, making your way down the corridor towards the locker room to find Dani.
“Oh my god. Oh my god, you’re here!” Keeley’s unmistakable voice rang out from a little ways away and you turned to see her hurrying full speed at you in dangerously high heeled boots, grinning profusely the whole way. For such a small woman, she nearly bowled you over with the force of her hug.
“Hi Keeley!” You chuckled, returning her embrace with as much enthusiasm as you could muster. Out of everyone at Richmond, Keeley was the one you were closest with. Besides Dani, of course.
“Hold on. What are you doing here? Is the world as we know it ending—god, is someone dead?” She gasped, eyes widening.
You rolled your eyes playfully, “That’s rather dramatic, don’t you think? Everything’s fine, Dani just forgot his phone at home.”
“Oh, he is gonna be so excited to see you, babe!” She squealed, giving you another quick squeeze. “Right, well I have a brand meeting to get to, but text me later, yeah? We need to get dinner soon!”
You barely had time to say yes before she was running off. Ever the energizer bunny, Keeley was.
Loud laughter poured out of the locker room at the other end, letting you know the lads were in there even before you rounded the corner.
Jamie was sitting right opposite the open door so he saw you first, winking at you in his usual playful manner before speaking loudly. “Well, well, well—look what the cat dragged in!”
Dani lit up the second he heard your name echo through the rest of the team, abandoning doing up the laces on his boots in favor of beelining straight for you. “Mi amor! What are you doing here?”
“Figured you might need this.” You procured his phone from your bag, holding it up with a small smile at his excitement.
He beamed pure sunshine at you, lifting you off your feet and spinning you around in a bone crushing hug. It seemed a little too eager for such a small action, even for Dani, but you were pleasantly surprised. Paired with the content sigh he let out, he’d even garnered the attention of the coaches too.
Nate waved at you on his way out of the office, Beard just nodded, and Roy grunted his greeting, but Ted grinned, looking ecstatic.
“Y/N! To what do we owe this fine pleasure?” He drawled, propping his hands on his hips. He gasped before you could answer. “Wait no, don’t tell me! You won the lottery? You went to see a fortune teller and they told you to come here for some cosmic unknown reason? Oh! You found out your visa was about to expire and came to ask one of us to be in a fake marriage with you so you wouldn’t be sent away?”
“I think that last one’s the plot to The Proposal, actually.” Nate chimed in, looking equal parts amused and concerned.
“Brilliant movie though.” Roy said gruffly, drawing murmurs of approval from the room.
“I came to bring Dani his phone,” You chuckled, finally able to pass off the phone to him now that he’d set you down on your feet.
“Isn’t she the nicest, most perfect girlfriend in the whole world?” Dani exclaimed, squeezing you around the waist again. He was still beaming ear to ear, an infectious sort of excitement that had always been one of things you loved most about him. You took the chance to press a quick kiss to his cheek.
“She is quite the catch, Dani.” Ted agreed, smiling good-naturedly.
You ducked your head bashfully, leaning into Dani’s side to hide your warm cheeks. “I should go. Let you boys get back to training.”
“Coach, can I walk her to her car?” Dani asked hopefully, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
“Would be a real shame if you didn’t, son. We’ll be on the pitch when you’re all finished up.” He replied. He turned to you right after, giving you a nod. “And you, don’t be a stranger around these parts! It’s nice to see a new face every once in a while.”
After assuring Ted you'd be back sometime soon, Dani threaded his fingers through yours, giving you a grand tour of the facility (and happily introducing you to every person you passed, no less) on your way back out to the car park.
“Thank you for coming!” He was still smiling brightly at you, so big that his eyes crinkled at the corners.
“You don’t have to thank me all the time, love. It was nothing, I wanted to visit you.” You insisted, sliding a hand around the back of Dani’s neck. You weren’t expecting his expression to fall, and when it did you were quick to cup his cheek. “What’s wrong?”
“I want to thank you. I appreciate you coming all the way down here for me, and I want to show it.”
You hadn’t thought of it that way before. It was Dani’s way of saying I love you, even though he said that plenty too. His love language wasn’t limited to just one, you realized too. Any way he could show you how he felt about you, how much he appreciated you, he did.
That was just who Dani Rojas was—happy and sweet and caring and a million other things you had yet to learn about him. You were excited to find out.
You kissed him soft and sweet, threading your fingers through his hair to bring him closer to you still. Thank you. I love you too.
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softspaceboibrian · 1 year
Fell in Love with the Fire Long Ago || Jamie Tartt
Chapters: 1 - more to come
Pairing: Jamie Tartt x Y/N - Social Media Manager for AFC Richmond || I used she/her pronouns, but there is no actual physical description, so the pronouns can be switched with whatever anyone wants or prefers!
Summary: When Y/N received that email, she couldn't believe it. He was coming back.
Warnings: maybe some swear words. hints and mentions of sexual acts (still SFW). S1 Jamie Tartt aka a dick. a little angsty. Sam being is lovable self.
Characters: Jamie Tartt, Sam Obisanya, Isaac McAdoo, Colin Hughes, Dani Rojas, Ted Lasso, Rebecca Welton. Some others may appear as mentions.
Wc: 3800 (this works as a pilot or a prologue, to set up the story)
A/N: this story is based on this idea I had and that a few people seemed to like. hopefully you enjoy this first chapter/prologue. and if you want to read more, feel free to leave a comment. If enough people like it, I was thinking to do a taglist, so that people can stay updated. anyways, thanks for reading <;3
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When you first heard the news, you couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t believe that they could do such a thing. Not to the team, not to you. That was the reason you were stomping up the stair, the clinking of your heels echoing against the walls, as you reached Rebecca’s office.
You didn’t knock, you didn’t wait for them to welcome you in. They knew you were coming. Especially after the email they had sent out. The email had been sent only to the “necessary” people that needed to be involved, and you, being the social media manager for the club, received it. It was probably a way for them to warn you to start preparing the content for the announcement. But you obviously didn’t take it well. They knew about your history, they knew how things had gone down. They had to be expecting you.
“How could you?” Your loud, clear voice, full of anger and disappointment filled the room.
“Good morning, Y/N!” Ted’s cheerful greeting made you want to scream. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” The sarcasm was obvious.
“How could you? After what he did to the team? After what he said about you?” Your tone was loud, so much so that you were sure people from downstairs could clearly hear every single one of your words. “How could you?” You choked on your last words, and as you finally met Rebecca’s gaze, you could feel the familiar sting of the tears that threatened to fall, spill, pour.
The woman sighed, getting up from her chair to make her way around the big desk. “Listen, love, he’s a great player. When Ted told me about their talk, I knew we had to get him back.” She explained, walking over to her. “We cannot let our feelings get in the way of the team’s success.”
You shook your head, taking a step back. “I never thought you would become this cynical.”
“I’m not cynical, just rational.”
“It’s all the same thing. He’s a prick. And pricks don’t change.” You were furious. “And it’s not just my feelings, but the team’s feelings. But you obviously don’t remember how he used to treat everyone.” You lingered on that last word, looking briefly at each of them, before turning around and making your way out of the office and down the stairs. “No one understands.” You whisper, your fists so tight you started to feel that burning sensation of your nails leaving marks on your palms.
Keeping your head low, trying to hide the tears streaming down your face, you made your way to the changing room. You knew you couldn’t say anything to any of the boys yet, but still, you needed some comfort. You needed Sam.
You quickly reached the locker room and knocked, waiting for them to give you a sign to let you know you could come in. And, as soon as you opened the door, you ran straight to Sam, immediately burying your face in his chest.
“Hey, Y/N/N. What is going on?” His thick Nigerian accent immediately bringing comfort to you. “Did something happen?” He asked as he tried to pull away slightly, trying to understand what was happening.
“Just… hug me… please.” You pled, the voice muffled by his jersey. And he did. He wrapped his arms around you, softly placing a kiss on top of your head, before laying his chin in the same spot. You’re immediately comforted by the warmth of your best friend’s embrace. However, you didn’t fail to notice how the familiar chatter of the changing room had started to slowly simmer down until it ultimately came to a halt. A sense of pain and anxiety washed over you at once, and your head started again to fill with the same questions you had asked Rebecca and Ted. Why? Why him? Why now? How could they?
But soon, your stream of thoughts was interrupted by Isaac’s voice. “Who do we have to kill?” You didn’t need to raise your head from Sam’s chest to know that the feeling was shared by most if not all the team’s players.
“No one. Yet.” You mumbled, sniffling. “It’s complicated.” You added as you finally pulled away from Sam, yet still remaining extremely close to him, as if his presence was the only thing keeping you sane and calm at that moment.
“When the moment comes, just call, okay?” You gave a quick nod to the team captain, accompanied by a shy smile. To any casual passer-by, the comment may have seemed sarcastic, the usual banter between friends that care about each other. But the team knew that that was not sarcastic at all and that Isaac would indeed, without a shadow of a doubt, kill someone for you.
You couldn’t exactly remember when, but somewhere down the line, the team had become your chosen family. However, you could clearly remember how that process had started.
You had started working for AFC Richmond around the same time that Ted and Coach Beard did. You didn’t care much for football or sports in general, but you had just recently graduated from university and had found this work through Keeley. You and her had met at your cousin’s going away party a few years before, when he had decided to move to Greece to become an archaeologist. You had immediately bonded over who can even remember what, and remained close friends ever since. So, when she heard that the position had just opened up, she immediately sent your CV to Rebecca, without warning you first. You found out about the job only when you received a call from a certain Mr Higgins, who told you that they had read your curriculum and found it really interesting. And so, you ended up moving to Richmond-upon-Thames and started working for the club.
It didn’t take you long to get to know the team and become friends with them. Obviously, you had your prejudices against footballers, who you thought were self-centred egomaniacs – and you weren’t completely wrong about that – but, to your surprise, most of them turned out to be great people. You quickly became very close with Sam; Roy tolerated you; Isaac and Colin were always kind to you. Even Jamie Tartt, the prick of the team, would usually drop his dickhead persona when he was with you. And that was how you two ended up together. For the first month or so, you would notice his constant flirting, but you never really gave it too much thought. You had read about him in the tabloids, and you knew how he was famous for having a different girl every week. You weren’t that oblivious, you knew he was fit. But, every time he would flirt with you, you would play along for a while, before brushing it off and going back to your business. I’m just his latest challenge, he will move on sooner or later, you thought. Until, roughly a month and a half after you had started working there: he started waiting for you outside the clubhouse, asking you if you needed a ride home. Which then turned into him asking you to grab a coffee with him one day before practice. Then it was dinners. Movie nights at his place. Stolen glances in the hallways of the clubhouse. Sneaking in the boot room to secretly make out. And sooner than you could realise, you were sleeping over at his place most of the time.
You asked him to keep things private for a while. It wasn’t that you were ashamed of him. You just needed to be sure about him. So, you kept sneaking around. Avoiding each other as much as possible, too worried that the team might just figure it out. Let me show you off, Jamie would whisper into your ear, in-between wet kisses, as he stood behind you in the kitchen in the morning, wrapping his arms around your waists. Let me take you out to a restaurant, on a proper date, he insisted. But you kept declining his offers. Not yet, baby, you would reply, as you slowly melted under his touch, I need a little more time, you said as you turned around in his arms. And the conversation would die there, with Jamie immediately picking you up and placing you on top of the kitchen counter, his lips trailing their way down your neck, your collarbone, your chest, down, down, until your vision turned hazy and you had to grip onto the marble countertop with all the strength you had in your body, too afraid you might fall off of it, as his lips met finally met your core.
You were able to keep your relationship private longer than you had expected. It was after almost 4 weeks that Nate eventually walked in on you two in the boot room. You weren’t doing anything too private, you were merely making out. But Nate being Nate, froze on his feet as he saw you two holding onto each other, too stunned to move. I was… I needed to… sorry… I didn’t…. As usual, he was too embarrassed to form a complete sentence, so he simply left the room. You two looked at each other and knew that it was only a matter of time before your secret would be out. And you were right. The secret didn’t last the entire day, and when it was time to go home after practice, you were met by a horde of football players, asking you when it had started, how long had that been going on, if you two were official, and so on.
Somehow, but still not completely unexpectedly, the news reached the press in less than a day. The next morning, as you lied in bed with Jamie’s head on your chest, you were woken up by the constant buzzing of your phone. Check this article from The Sun, said a message from your high school friend, with a link attached to it. Is it true? Asked your mother. Congratulations! read the message from your aunt from whom you hadn’t heard in ages. And the messages kept coming. Yes, it was true. You were now in a relationship. Yes, your boyfriend was a famous footballer. Yes, you knew about his fame. Still, you didn’t care. Because, when Jamie was with you, he wasn’t Jamie Tartt, star striker for AFC Richmond, but just Jamie. And you loved just Jamie. He was sweet, he was passionate, he was kind, he always made sure you were feeling well, he brought you flowers once a week, he left some coffee for you in the pot in the mornings, he always made sure you were sexually satisfied – something he was really proud of.
Sadly, you hadn’t realised that, with going public, also came the hate from his fans, who thought that you would be too distracting for their beloved favourite player, and from the girls, the actresses, the top models, the reality tv stars, who had hoped to one day end up with him and whose dream you had shattered overnight. You pulled through it, and that was also thanks to Jamie, who never missed the chance to remind you how much he loved you and cared for you.
However, two months after going public, things started to change. You couldn’t understand why if it was something that you had done or said, but he started to become distant, cold. He would invite you less and less over to his place, and when he did, it was mainly to have sex, to ‘release the tension from practice’. And whenever the team lost, the sex would be rough. He was always on his phone, texting, dming, emailing. A part of you knew it was girls he was talking to, but you couldn’t bring yourself to confront him about it, so you just said nothing and held on. He soon stopped asking you how you were, telling you how much he loved you. You tried asking him what was going on, but he would always deny everything, saying that you were imagining things, that you were just paranoid, and that everything was fine. Fine. Oh, how you came to hate that word. You asked him how he was. Fine. You asked him if he wanted to spend the night together. Fine. You asked him if he wanted to drive to the clubhouse together. Fine. Fine. Fine. Fine. You hated fine. In Jamie’s language, fine meant if you really have to, or I would rather you left me alone, or I don’t really care. You hated it. And you hated what your relationship had become. But still, something stopped you from leaving him, maybe the hope that soon things would go back to normal, that soon he would go back to being just Jamie.
But that never happened.
And things only got worse when Ted decided to take him out during a match. You knew that Ted was doing it to teach him a lesson, and he was right to want to do so. But as you watched your boyfriend leave the pitch, you knew things would only get worse. So, you stopped constantly looking for him. You stopped texting him every day. You only met when he asked you.
It was in that period that you grew closer to Sam. You could distinctly remember the day he walked into your office to ask you for a few suggestions on how to make his Instagram page more appealing. Instead walked in on you sitting on the floor, with your back against the wall and your hands in your hair. You didn’t even have the strength to pretend things were okay, so you simply looked up, black lines scarring your cheeks, and met his eyes. “Sorry, Sam, it’s… not a great moment.” You struggled to get the words out.
But Sam didn’t say anything. Instead, he closed the door behind him, made his way across the room and took a seat on the floor next to you. “Is it Jamie?” He asked with his thick Nigerian accent that you would grow to love and even find familiar. You nodded silently. “Do you want to talk about it?” You shook your head. “Do we just sit in silence?” A nod. A beat. Then your head slowly fell to the side, until it found its resting place on his shoulder.
You don’t exactly know how long you stayed there, on the floor, in silence. It could have been a few minutes or entire hours. In either case, Sam stayed there, and didn’t leave your side. He never once took out his phone to check his messages, even though you could feel it buzzing in his pocket. He only changed position once, to move his arm and wrap it around your shoulders. That was the first time you had spent that much time in silence with someone without feeling the need to fill it with superficial chatter.
From that day forward, you and Sam were inseparable. There was something about him that simply brought you comfort, a comfort that not even Jamie had been able to give you. Whenever you weren’t sleeping over at Jamie’s, he would come to pick you up and drive you to work. He would drive you home in the evenings, making sure you were all the way inside your house, before sprinting off the road to go home himself. You would start having lunch together, usually joined by some of the other guys – in all of this, most of the time Jamie was nowhere to be found. And whenever your boyfriend acted like a dick with you in front of everyone, he would speak up. Are you his boyfriend now, Sammy? Jamie would mock him, using your nickname for him. I don’t think so. She’s me girl, so I’ll talk to her how I want, a’ight? He would puff out his chest, trying to look bigger and intimidating.
That evening, after practice was over, Jamie sprinted off to who knows where or to who knows who, leaving you there, alone. And, as per usual, Sam would come to the rescue, offering you a lift home.
“Why are you still with him?” Sam asked you as he stopped in front of your house. “You deserve better, not an asshole like him.”
You shook your head. “He’s not like that when it’s just the two of us.” You would always find a way to make excuses for him.
“I don’t care how he is when he’s alone with you, Y/N! If he really loves you, he should treat you well in public as well!” You had never really heard Sam raising his voice before, and it would have been a lie if you had said that you were not intimidated. But, despite everything, you could feel the care and preoccupation in his voice. “You deserve someone that truly cares for you, and that isn’t afraid to show it!” You knew he was right. Yet, you couldn’t bring yourself to say something, to break up with him.
But you never had to.
It was maybe a week after your discussion with Sam when you showed up unannounced at his place. It was cold outside, and you were only wearing a thick jumper. You stood there, in front of his door for at least three whole minutes, before finally knocking on his door. You knocked instead of ringing the bell so that if he was already asleep, you wouldn’t wake him. But he had heard it, and less than 10 seconds later, he was opening the door.
“Y/N, what are you-” He didn’t even finish his question. He took one look at you and knew exactly what had happened. He took your hand gently in his, and immediately pulled you inside, guiding you to the living room. “Wait here a moment.” He said, making you seat on the couch, before running off in search of a blanket. “Okay, wrap yourself in this while I put the kettle on.” He opened the blanket and put it around your shoulders.
“Stay here, please.” You whispered, grabbing him by the wrist before he could move away again.
“But you’re shivering.”
“Just… please.”
As soon as he met your eyes once again, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. He had seen you in distress before, he had comforted you multiple times after your fights with Jamie. But this time he didn’t even need for you to tell him what had happened, he already knew. He took a seat next to you, fixing the blanket so that it was properly covering your entire body, before pulling you to his chest.
“He said that I was too much work.” The words left your mouth watery. “That I asked too much of him. And that, since he was going back to Man City, it was better to call it quits.” You whispered. You could feel Sam’s body tense, the air blowing through his nose. You knew he wanted to say a lot of things. He wanted to tell you that he was a dickhead, that he never realised what he had in front of him, that he had just lost the best woman he could ever find, that he was a moron, a jerk, an idiot, a fool. But he didn’t. He remained silent. And he did the best he could to comfort you. He stroke your hair and your back, he rocked you and hummed to you, until you fell asleep.
After that night, it didn’t take long for the rest of the team to find out what had happened, and how it had happened. Every single one of the boys sent you a text, saying, each in their own way, that they were sorry, that Jamie was a dick, and that they were there for you if you needed them. And you were glad to know so many people cared for you, people that up until a few months ago didn’t even know you and that you would have never expected in your life to end up being friends with. They all stopped and hugged you when they met you in the corridor for the first time after it had happened. But some of them surprised you.
You hadn’t been able to sleep for the last few nights, which was made obvious to everyone by the way you dragged your feet against the floor whenever you walked around the clubhouse, your legs too heavy for your exhausted body to properly move. You had also stopped taking care of yourself. Yes, you showered and brushed your teeth because you hated not being presentable for work. But you had stopped brushing your hair every morning and every night, like your grandmother had thought you when you were little. And you had stopped wearing make-up. Not that you would normally put on a full face every day, but you stopped using mascara because it made your eyes burn whenever you cried, and the light concealer you used under your eyes to make yourself look fresher, more awake. And now your puffy red eyes and dark circles were there, on display, for everyone to see, a reminder of how you were feeling.
That morning you had opted for a very comfortable pair of sweatpants and a warm AFC Richmond hoodie. Using supportiveness as a way to hide your depression. Smart, you thought. Sad. You were sitting in your office, alone, working on the new social media campaign, when suddenly you heard someone knock on your door. “Come in.” You said flatly. As the door opened, you looked up from your laptop, only to see Sam walk in, followed by Isaac, Colin and Dani. “How can I help you, boys?” You forced a smile on your face.
“Want to watch a movie with us tonight?” Asked Isaac, taking the lead. You looked at the quartet in front of you, unsure of what to say. “We can watch whatever sad movie you prefer, and Dani can bring some Mezcal.”
“Boys, I-” You started, but you were instantly cut off.
“Uh-uh!” The Welsh stepped forward. “We don’t want to hear any I’d rather be alone or I don’t want to be a bother bullshit, okay? We want to do this.”
“Yes, we only asked to be nice, but if you say no, we will just kidnap you and force you to do it.” Said Sam, a soft, warm smile on his face, as he leaned over your desk.
“Por favor, Y/N” Dani pled, showing you his big, brown puppy eyes.
“Fine!” You gave in. “On one condition: we order Chinese.”
They all look at each other, before bursting out laughing.
A/N: if you read all the way through, thank you ! feel free to leave a feedback/comment. i would love to know what you think about it and if you would be interested in reading more of this story. let me know if you would like to be put in a taglist for this fic! love you <3
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babytarttdoodoo · 11 months
kind of a rouge prompt idea but “i just told a story at work about my childhood that i thought was really funny but now everyone is super quiet and someone said i’m so sorry” but it’s jamie + the team edition. like he talks about a traumatising James Thing and has no idea how horrifying it is until they’re all like …… wtf
love your writing! <3
Thanks for the prompt (and the lovely compliment)!
I’ll preface this by saying I have next to no knowledge of dentistry and you should not assume any medical assertions made here are correct.
((I also feel like I should add that I finished this one off while more than a little tipsy.))
Enjoy the himbo chaos.
(Prompt Fill Masterpost)
“Ay, dios mio, it was terrifying.” Dani put an emphatic hand to his chest. “Earl. He still haunts me.”
“Thought you were over that, bruv.” Isaac frowned up at him from his usual spot on the locker bench.
“On the pitch, yes. But at night…” Dani shook his head mournfully. “I have dreams of being chased in the dark. I know it is him.”
“I used to have dreams like that.” Colin piped up, pausing in tying his laces and looking haunted. “‘Cept it was my nana chasing me, on her mobility scooter.”
A few people sniggered and Isaac clapped Colin’s shoulder. “That’s fucked up.”
“I never remember my dreams,” Sam mused. “But I have always been a very deep sleeper. My father says I was the envy of all other parents when I was a baby.”
“I have only ever had one nightmare.” Richard declared. “All of my beautiful little teeth fell out of my mouth and I was ugly. Who will kiss me if I have no teeth?”
“Who’s losing teeth?” Jamie asked, joining the conversation from the doorway with a furrowed brow.
“We are discussing nightmares,” Jan explained matter-of-factly, then turned back to Richard. “Dreams about losing teeth are commonly attributed to stress.”
Jamie shook his head, still looking confused.
“Nah, don’t get that one, mate. Your dentist can just stick ‘em right back in, can’t they?”
That sparked a round of horrified protests and Jamie flapped his hands like a conductor to quiet the rabble.
“Eh, eh, I’m right!”
“Actually…” Sam held up his phone, open on an NHS webpage. “Jamie is correct.”
The locker room erupted into disgust and outrage while Jamie grinned smugly and tipped his I,COG cap to Sam for the assist.
“Hold on, how did you know that?” Isaac demanded, staring at Jamie like he had two heads. That quietened the team a little as heads swivelled in Jamie’s direction.
“Knocked two of ‘em out when I were, like, 10.” He shrugged and tapped a fingernail against one of his front teeth in demonstration. “Mum’s friend were a dental nurse. Told her to put them in some milk and take me to hospital.”
“You were very lucky.” Sam commented, still scrolling through the information he had found. “A significant gap in your teeth can lead to premature ageing.”
“And what a tragedy that would have been, eh?” Jamie beamed, gesturing to his face. “To think I might have deprived the world of this top tier mug.”
Other players groaned and laughed, a few tossing socks or discarded shirts in Jamie’s direction while he ducked, sniggering.
“How do you know they gave you your real teeth back?” Bumbercatch questioned, with an air that suggested great suspicion of the dentistry profession as a whole.
Jamie considered that. “Fair point,” he conceded. “They feel like mine, though.”
“Wait, how do you even manage to lose two teeth at once?” Colin interjected, muffled by his fingers as he prodded his own mouth in confusion. “I’ve never lost any after my baby teeth.”
“Took a snooker cue to the face.” The team winced as a collective and Jamie nodded sagely. “Were pretty grim. Blood all over the pub floor and everything.”
“You were 10?” Thierry clarified, face scrunched up. “Do kids normally get into bar fights here?”
“Well, yeah, s’pose not.” Jamie shuffled in place, suddenly looking a bit uncomfortable. “Weren’t a fight so much. Dad took me in to watch a match and it all kicked off a bit.”
An uneasy quiet overtook the general hubbub and more than one face went stony at that revelation.
“Mate.” Jeff looked like he’d rather not be the one probing further, but had bitten the bullet anyway. “Your, uh, your dad wasn’t the one with the pool cue, was he?”
“Eh…” Jamie glanced around the room before answering. “Well, yeah. He was. But I’m, like, 90% sure it were an accident.”
Chaos detonated like a bomb.
Isaac and Richard jumped to their feet, one cursing in French, the other demanding to know how long it would take to get to Manchester. Colin seemed to be googling train times.
Dani had taken to rifling through his bag, looking for god knows what, and Thierry was strapping on his mask like it was war paint (he didn’t even need it anymore, he just liked looking scary).
Jan was a terrifyingly silent pillar in the middle of the storm and Sam… Well, Sam looked like he had been gutted.
“OI!” Roy’s bellow commanded immediate silence, players freezing mid-shout. He was framed by the door to the coaches’ office, arms crossed and typical glare set in place. “What the fuck is going on out here?”
“Close ranks!” Jamie all but squeaked, invoking a hallowed, sacred vow from the team to collectively shut the fuck up.
All eyes turned to Issac who, as captain, had the final say.
On balance, he decided it was probably best that their new manager didn’t get arrested for murder before the season even got underway.
“Agreed.” he finally acquiesced and the whole room affirmed their compliance sullenly. It just wasn’t worth the forfeit to cave in under Roy’s (very effective) glare.
“... right then.” Roy finally allowed, still looking at them all suspiciously. “Then get out on the pitch and stop wasting our time.”
Everyone clamoured towards the tunnel, eager to escape the intense atmosphere. All except Jamie, who was still hurriedly pulling on his kit.
He tried not to seize up when Roy sidled over.
“You’ll tell me later.”
It wasn’t phrased as a question and Jamie knew better than to take it as one. He slumped in defeat.
“Yeah. Probably.”
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Roy would definitely let Phoebe paint his nails.
First he only ever lets her do black or dark blue. But then she begs (asks more then once because Roy is a sucker for her) him to match her so there he is walking into the locker room with neon pink nails with a glitter top coat.
Jamie sees them almost instantly and asks if she can do his when he sees her that weekend at Roy’s house because some how that’s something that happens very frequently now, so of course he tells Jamie yes.
Colin overhears all of this and later asks if he can tag along for some gold nails, then Sam asks if she has any blues that would look good on him, Dani is obviously into it so he goes with them and gets polkadots.
They all end up around Roy’s coffee table in the living room blowing on their nails while Jamie leans against Roy’s good leg painting Phoebe’s nails to match his and Roy’s glittery black because “I want to match my uncles!”
(Jamie later cries about the uncle comment and Roy just kisses his head and runs his thumb over the smooth polish)
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of-apollo · 11 months
Overnight in Amsterdam
PAIRING: Dani Rojas x GN!Reader
SUMMARY: After your karaoke plans fall through, you end up having one hell of a night out at the jazz club with Higgins and Will. When you get back drunk and tired, Dani is there to take care of you.
WARNINGS: Alcohol, drunkenness, hangovers and spoilers for Ted Lasso!
When Rebecca had asked you to come to Amsterdam, you couldn’t say no. You were the teams social media manager, and though you could very easily do your job from home, Rebecca invited you under the guise that it’d be easier for you to be at the match and around the team. In reality, she just wanted to take you and Keeley to a karaoke bar and get absolutely obliterated. You obliged whatever the reason.
The match had gone about as successfully as most Richmond matches, which wasn’t very. You were thrilled to be there, though. The atmosphere of a stadium was unmatched no matter who was winning or losing. You also couldn’t deny that watching your boyfriend chasing a ball all serious-looking and then breaking out into a huge, satisfied grin when he scored made you feel all warm and full of love. You’d follow him anywhere (so long as Rebecca Welton was paying for the private jet to get there).
So, the match was over now, and after meeting with Dani briefly to congratulate him on how well he played, you went your separate ways. You knew he’d likely go out clubbing with the other players, and you’d be out with Rebecca and Keeley, so you’d likely cross paths in a few hours anyway.
Or, at least you thought you’d be out with Rebecca and Keeley.
You were almost ready, just adding a few accessories to your outfit when there was a knock on the door. You huffed in irritation, hating the interruption as you paused your music and made your way over to the door, opening it to reveal Higgins. Will, the kit man, stood behind him looking as awkward as ever.
“Higgins, Will,” you greeted with a small smile and nod. “Is everything alright?”
Higgins nodded an enthusiastic ‘yes’, and then he made that odd choking noise that you dreaded to hear. He pursed his lips, shaking his head before speaking, “I’ve come to let you know that Rebecca isn’t able to make tonight. She had a bit of an accident falling into the canal and rang to say that she’s staying with a friend for the night.”
“Ohh, a friend!” you smirked, your teasing tone pushing through the hint of disappointment you felt. “I hope somebody filmed her fall. Well, I guess Keeley and I will still go out.”
“Keeley might struggle to make it seeing as she is, well, on a plane with Jack,” explained Higgins with an frown. You almost visibly grimaced at the sound of Jack’s name, having agreed with Rebecca that there was something off about her.
“Oh,” you laughed awkwardly, glancing down at your outfit with a hint of sadness. You knew they’d both be having fun, but you wanted to have fun with them, and neither of them had even personally told you that they couldn’t make it. You shook it off, gesturing to your outfit with a shrug before smiling at Higgins and Will. “Well, I’ll just go and change in that case. You two off anywhere nice tonight?”
“The red light district!” said Will excitedly, and you had to hold back a laugh as you wondered if he knew what that meant. “I can’t wait!”
“Yes, some of the best jazz clubs in all of Amsterdam are waiting for us,” said Higgins, sounding more excited than you’d ever heard him. It was sweet. A thought popped into his head then, and he pointed to you with a grin. “You’re more than welcome to join us! You shouldn’t waste a lovely night.”
The question caught you off guard, having never had a proper conversation with either of the men outside of work. But, you figured that if you said no, you’d likely spend the night sat in your room watching TV. Or, worse, you’d end up downstairs with the team as they tried to figure out what to do with their night. They would bicker, Isaac would eventually decide on behalf of everyone, half of them would mope and you could not be bothered to deal with them. It was Amsterdam, and you wanted to drink.
“Yeah! I’d like that,” you beamed, “Let me just grab my phone and key.”
You let the door shut and hurried back into your room, grabbing your phone from the desk and sending a quick text to Dani to let him know what was happening. He sent a few question marks when you mentioned the red light district, but you decided that explanation could wait an eternity. You grabbed your key and before you knew it, you were stuffed in the back of a taxi between Higgins and Will, the three of you loudly singing along to Adore You by Harry Styles and undoubted making the driver deeply regret his career choice.
It wasn’t long until they were in the jazz club, and you were enjoying the vibes of dim lights, the gentle hum of music and a lengthy cocktail menu. Within an hour, you were four cocktails in and felt a happy buzz thrumming through your body, dancing in circles with girls you’d never met and having the absolute time of your life. And then an hour later, you were as energetic as ever, a tequila sunrise in hand nearly spilling out of the glass as you jumped around with Will, the poor boy struggling to keep up with your energy.
“I think it’s about time we head back now,” suggested Higgins, an amused grin on his face as he took the cocktail out of your hand before you almost spilled it down Will’s back. “Early bus tomorrow, unfortunately.”
You pouted, but obliged regardless, turning to wave goodbye to the girls you had danced with before quickly downing your last drink. It stung your throat ever so slightly, causing you to wince before shaking it off and slamming the cup down on the counter. Higgins thanked the Lord that it was a plastic cup, and then he was leading you out of the jazz club, trying not to laugh as you stumbled your way back to the taxi. As you talked on and he made sure you were comfortable and drank water, he was beginning to feel like he’d accidentally adopted a fifth child when he invited you out.
“Thank God,” huffed Higgins when he walked into the hotel, seeing that the entire team was still in the lobby. Then the scene before him caught on, and he was stressed all over again.
The lobby was a complete and utter mess. Feathers were scattered everywhere along with half-empty drinks and stacks of plates, suggesting that they ended up staying in after all. None of them had even noticed the three of you had entered, still laughing and shouting with joy as they beat each other with pillows and childlike grins. It was the scene of absolute joy, and you, in all your drunken glory, wanted nothing more than to join in.
You were dragging Higgins and Will in straight away, the three of you ducking and weaving. The two men were yelling in alarm, but you couldn’t stop giggling, letting go of their hands and running around to hug all of your friends. Then, you spotted a familiar head of raven hair, and you were running as fast as you could, leaping onto his back and nearly knocking him to the floor.
“Dani!” you cheered, arms looping around his neck as you poked your head around and kissed his cheek.
“My love!” beamed Dani, adjusting you so that you were clinging onto his front instead. He pressed a kiss to your lips, eyeing you with an accusatory smirk as he tasted the subtle hints of tequila and orange juice. “Did you have a good time?”
“The best time!” you yawned suddenly, eyes beginning to feel heavy. “Did you?”
“Yes,” grinned Dani, a hand reaching to brush a hair from your face, then cupping your cheek adoringly. “I wanted to go to see a tulip, but this was a lot more fun and a lot less overwhelming, I think.”
“I’ll take you to the tulips,” you murmured, vaguely remembering a field you had seen outside a windmill when you’d taken a walk with Keeley upon arrival. “I want to give you all the tulips in the world.”
“You don’t understand how perfect you are, mi amor,” smiled Dani, gently kissing your forehead. As much as he wanted to spend time with you in a field of flowers, you were literally half-asleep and intoxicated. “Maybe tomorrow, hm? We need to sleep first.”
“Yeah,” you sighed contently, resting your head against his shoulder and smiling warmly. “That sounds good…”
Dani hummed in agreement, about to ask where you saw the tulips when he heard gentle snores coming from you. He smiled, adjusting you ever so carefully so that he wouldn’t drop you on his way to his room.
Isaac noticed Dani walking off with you and turned to shush everyone, the players quieting down momentarily with the exception of a few ‘aw’s’ and camera shutters going off. As soon as the two of you were in the elevator, they resumed the pillow fight, shouts, laughs and feathers filling the lobby again. God, it was beginning to look like a chicken coop had exploded, or a Harry Styles concert with white boas only had taken place there.
Dani walked down the hallway to his room, having no idea how to get to yours and not wanting to wake you to ask. He fumbled with the keycard a little bit, cursing as he dropped it and had to squat down with you in his arms to pick it up. You stirred a little bit at the sudden motion, and Dani came to an immediate halt, thumb rubbing soothing circles on your shoulder as he gently shushed you. He managed to get the key without further disturbance, standing back up and scanning it then nudging the door open with his foot.
Dani didn’t bother turning the lights on, just squinting in the moonlight that shone through the large rectangular window to find his way around. He managed to pull the duvet off the bed just enough to place you under it, taking off your shoes and emptying your pockets before tucking you in. The moonlight looked gorgeous on your face, and he longed to see how it would look in your eyes. Now was not the time for that, Dani realised. You would have many more moonlit nights to come.
So, instead, he smoothed your hair out of your face and pressed a kiss to your forehead, whispering a gentle ‘goodnight, my star’ before going to get changed so he could sleep away next to you.
It was fair to say that you were in a bit of a state. Your head was pounding, and you didn’t recognise the room, only knowing who the room belonged to because of the familiar ‘ROJAS’ jersey strung across an armchair and Dani’s usual array of graphic tees flooding out of a suitcase on the floor. You lover him, but that man was not the tidiest when travelling.
But, as always, Dani was there with ice cold water and a warm smile, sitting on the edge of the bed and tracing circles on from your lower back to your shoulders soothingly.
“Buenos días,” greeted Dani as you came to.
“Hi,” you replied, unable to keep a small smile from your face despite your tiredness when you heard his voice. “Did you have fun last night?”
“Not as much as you,” teased Dani.
“Don’t,” you protested with a groan, finally dropping your hand from your face to see Dani’s amused smirk. “I loved it, but I regret it because my head is spinning. Give me a few hours, though.”
Dani laughed heartily, leaning down to kiss your temple before getting up to get ready. You mirrored his actions, though at a significantly slower pace and not after drinking a bucket load of water and spent a few moments reflecting on the choices that led you to such a violent hangover.
A few hours later, you were ready to board the bus home, opting against Rebecca’s private jet, mainly because she had yet to show up but also because you’d quite like to nap for a few hours with your head on Dani’s shoulder. You had spent the remainder of your morning apart, you going to the market with Colin and Trent to pick up some souvenirs. Well, they were, anyway. Your heart was set on something more important.
“Hi, love,” you greeted Dani when you made it to the bus, dropping your duffel bag with the other luggage for the drivers to put under the bus.
“Hello,” grinned Dani, cooly leaning against the side of the bus as he had been waiting for you. He tucked his phone in the pocket of his suede jacket and then gestured to your arms that were bent behind your back, hiding something. “What have you got there?”
“Tulips,” you smiled, holding out a bouquet of half a dozen yellow tulips. “For you.”
“For me! Dios mio, you are the best,” exhaled Dani, his smile reaching his eyes as he took the flowers and inhaled their scent. “Just as beautiful as I imagined.”
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laiqualaurelote · 1 year
Ted Lasso fics masterlist
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it’s not about the wins or losses, it’s about the fandom we made along the way - and that, I think, is what I’ll miss the most
meanwhile, a masterlist of all my Ted/Trent fics:
1. The Truth Shall Make Ye Fret (T, 20k)
“Thing is, though, you gotta love the questions themselves. I guess you journalists don’t get the luxury of that, seeing’s how you gotta rush your stories out - y’all just want your answers right off the bat. But I think you gotta live the questions first. Then one day you’ll gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
Trent takes off his glasses. “Ted Lasso, did you just quote Rilke at me?”
Ted shrugs modestly.
“I take it back,” says Trent. “You don’t need media training at all.”
In 48 hours, Trent Crimm lands a scoop, implodes his career and makes some drastic life decisions. And then there's the aftermath. And Ted, of course.
2. they will see us waving from such great heists (T, 21k)
“Well, like the Gambler himself says - you got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em. Know when to walk away, know when to run. And the latter would be about now, because I think this house is on fire.” 
In which Trent Crimm, Interpol, investigates the theft of Rupert Mannion’s painting by a mysterious thief dubbed The Greyhound. FBI Special Agent Ted Lasso gets in the way. Heist!AU
2a. Trick Plays (T, 6.4k)
Snippets from the Such Great Heists universe, including Crimminal Intent, The Prying Dutchman and We Provide Leverage.
3. constant as a northern star (constantly in the dark) (T, 10.5k)
“I just met Ted Lasso,” Sachiko Crimm says bluntly when her ex-husband picks up.
Trent is silent for a while. “And?” he says finally.
Sachiko gives it five seconds, and then she bursts out laughing.
“Stop it,” says Trent wearily.
The saga of Trent Crimm and his independent ex-wife
4. all the men and women merely players (T, 50k)
"So let me get this straight. You, an American whose career highlights consisted mainly of appearing on Saturday Night Live, decide in the wake of the apocalypse to lead a touring Shakespeare company across the ruins of England."
"Oh, I know. Heck, I said as much to Rebecca when she suggested it. I said, 'You could fill two Internets with what I don’t know about directing Shakespeare.' And she said, 'Ted, the Internet doesn’t exist any more.'"
Trent Crimm meets Ted Lasso by chance at a Shakespeare play. Five years and the end of the world later, they meet again at another. A Station Eleven post-apocalyptic theatre AU (no knowledge of Station Eleven necessary to read), WIP but updating real soon!
It’s been an honour to write for this fandom, I love you all so very much (on three!)
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providing-leverage · 21 days
Anyone have any Ted Lasso fic recs? I'm trying to reorient myself to it by rewatching the show and rereading my own fics but I'd like some others. Even ones I might have read before, and self recs. No Roy/Jamie or rjk though please
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vansmaybeonthewall · 9 months
reputation // gorgeous
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chapter summary: The one where the boys drag you off to a benefit to have a great time. Unfortunately, nothing ever goes the way we plan.
Eventual Jamie Tartt x Reader
word count: 3.2k
author's note: guess who's back and better than ever? not me but hopefully this chapter. is struggled with the title and content as you can tell, but hopefully we'll have a new chapter out each week...hopefully....
previous chapter
Being at Nelson Road stadium was strange. Well, you’ve been here before, but that was nearly two years ago right when you started dating Derek. He essentially banned you from ever seeing Richmond and Colin play as he was a part of West Ham. Any effort to defy his demands disguised as wishes were met with arguments and sometimes, bruises. Right. The purple marks on your wrist. Until now, they were hidden by the sleeves of your bodysuit. And as you looked in the bathroom mirror, wearing an extra pair of A.F.C Richmond sweats and your tank top, the bruises really stood out. 
Just shake it off, hide it
You searched through your bag for hopefully an extra tube of concealer but came up short.
Taking a deep breath, you make your way towards the changing room. Before entering, you cross your arms, shoving your wrist between your arm and left side in an attempt to hide the marks. The player you recognized as Dani held the door open for you, letting you know Colin was being checked out by a physio. Deciding to wait for Colin there, you head into their sacred ground. The empty room was comforting, there was no one to hide anything from. You set your stuff down on an empty bench before sitting down, letting out a sigh.  You hold your bruised wrist gently, not hearing the soft footsteps approaching from the coach's office.
“You alright there love?”
You stand quickly and hide your hands behind your back. The swift movement caused your bag to fall to the ground, some of your belongings scattering out. 
“Shit, sorry.”
The two of you clean the mess up before standing again. You try your hardest to not use your bruised hand and to your luck, he hasn’t noticed.
“Didn’t mean to scare you, just saw you staring off into space.”
You smile up at him.
“I’m Jamie.”
And for a second, you forgot about your bruised wrist. So when Jamie offered his hand, you shook it. He caught your wince and went to apologize if he had squeezed too tightly (he hadn’t) when he noticed the blooming violet. You were about to pull your hand away when Jamie carefully took your hand in his and studied it.  He takes a quick glance at your face before looking back down at your hand.
“Who did this to you?”
“Oh I just fell-”
“You don’t get these kinds of bruises by falling. Who did this?”
You pull your hand out of Jamie’s and retract into yourself, not wanting to admit the wrongdoings you allowed to happen to you. Jamie, starting to put two and two together in his head, asked one more time.
“Darling, did he do this to you?”
With the way you slightly froze, Jamie felt his heart break a little for the girl he barely knew. You sit back down, pulling your knees up and resting your chin atop them. Jamie sighs, taking a seat right next to you. There’s a faraway look in your eye and it stays silent for a few minutes. He twiddles his thumbs and hunches forward. 
“It’s not your fault.”
You spare a look out of the corner of your eye.
“It feels like it is, but it isn’t. You try your best, even when your brain keeps shitting on you over and over again.”
He tries to hide it, but you see him wipe what you assume to be a stray tear from his face. He stands up and holds his hand out to you.
“You just gotta get up and tell yourself you’re better than them. And looking where we’re standing right now, I think we’re doing alright.”
You laugh, carefully wiping at your own eyes, and allow him to pull you to your feet. The moment is cut short as both of you hear Colin making his way down the hall. You look at Jamie in panic before scrambling to look for a sweater or long-sleeve of any kind. 
“He can’t know. Colin can’t know.”
“Darling, I think you need to take a breath.”
You grab Jamie’s arms and shake him slightly, repeating yourself. As Colin wishes whoever he was walking with a good night, Jamie hurriedly unzipped his jacket and handed it to you. Colin enters the room surprised to see you and Jamie alone, more so about you shrugging on a Richmond sweater that wasn’t his. His curiosity is cut short as you grab your bag and fuss over his well-being once again. Jamie turns to gather his own belongings but before he can, you wrap your arms around him whispering a soft thank you. He stutters out a response and watches you help Colin avoid stepping too hard on his wrapped ankle. In the hallway, Colin asks about what he walked into. All you respond with?
“Nothing just got an idea is all.”
Writing lyrics to a song is a beauty within itself, but imagining the life behind it was nothing short of magical. It was the one thing you had control over when you were with Derek. Creating these worlds and characters, big and small, was what you lived for. Your small audience from back then were in love with your ideas and the way you thought. The music videos you directed for “cardigan” and “willow” were loved and cherished by your fans. And now, it was time for something more.
So here you were pacing around Colin’s flat, humming a tune and muttering words to yourself. You huff and fall back onto the couch. You hear footsteps and the front door open. You peer over the couch to see some of the team file in dressed to the nines for a benefit happening in a few hours. Laying back onto the couch, you cover your face with your hands with a groan, writer's block settling in. You hear someone ask if you’re coming with them.
“Am I going where?”
“The benefit I was telling you about earlier? Before you started to pace like a mad woman thinking she was going to be caught for murder.”
“Ha ha, very funny Colin. No, I’m not going.”
The Richmond players groan and protest your statement. You argue about not being invited to which they respond that you could be Colin’s plus one. You say you have nothing to wear and not a second later one of them is calling Keeley up to bring some outfits. You stutter, trying to say how nearly impossible it would be to find a dress and shoes that would fit you and your taste. Colin takes the phone and gives Keeley notes on what to bring. You stare at the boys in disbelief as they stand proud of themselves. 
“Unbelievable you lot are.” 
When Keeley arrives, she drags you to the spare room you’re staying in and lays out the dresses she brought. As you push through trying on the outfits she brought, you both can see none of them fit your personality.
“Thanks for trying Keeley, but I don’t think any of these are going to work.”
“I was afraid that might happen. I have one last thing. You up for it?”
You answer with a “Why not”. At least Colin would know you tried. However, Keeley has different plans as she practically bounces back into the room with another dress bag. She excitedly hands it over to you and leaves the room. Opening the bag, you gasp at the garment and before you know it Keeley is squealing over you and brushing makeup onto your face and styling your hair. Upon looking in the mirror, you shower Keeley with compliments on the finished look but question if your outfit choice is appropriate to wear to a benefit meant to raise money for children’s hospitals. All you get from her is a “Don’t worry love, they eat this shit up. Just own it”. 
Slipping on the black heels she left for you, you head back to the living room. The clicking of your heels quiets the conversation, but as soon as you step back into the living room you are met with stunned stares and slackened jaws. 
“I fuckin knew it! God I love you and your legs.” Keeley goes on to rapidly explain that she absolutely could not picture you in any of the dresses she was looking through. You had to hand it to her though, because if there was anything to say about Keeley Jones, it was that she had taste and a magnificent understanding of everyone else’s. She had found this body suit with a bejeweled chainlink skirt. The jewels glittered in the light, your eyeshadow sparkling in the same color.
“Doesn’t she look fantastic?”
At Keeley’s question, the boys had straightened up and gave respectful compliments to deter from their previous stares. The only thing left to do was get into the limo and leave. Anxiety built on the way there. Sure you had done events such as these before, but you weren’t in the spotlight or hot water as much as you are now. You wouldn’t walk the red carpet for pictures half the time due to Derek’s insistence on “getting good photos for my portfolio”, whatever that meant. Reality hit as the car slowed to a stop. You hear shouts and orders as the boys slowly file out. Colin had a beaming smile, ready to spend the night partying with his lads but it slightly faded as he saw your panicked face. He slid his way along the seats until he sat right next to you. 
“The last time I was at one of these, I was told I couldn’t be on the red carpet. Only people that mattered.”
Colin grimaced at the statement. “Well, I seem to remember a bunch of girls screaming and singing near the pitch for you. Crying even. You matter to a lot of people and if anyone tries to tell you any different, you have a team of Greyhounds ready to attack anyone who does.”
You let out a small laugh, not even bothering to correct Colin’s mistake about the dog breed. He held out his hand for you to help you out of the car. As soon as you stood up, you heard cheers from fans and shouting from photographers. Many asked for pictures of Colin and the both of you together until you neared where the rest of the Greyhounds waited for a group photo. Colin, having the beautiful face he has, is called back for more.
You hear a small voice call out a courtesy title followed by your last name. You turn to find a younger woman no older than twenty in the crowd of older men and women. You see the camera in her hands and step closer to her.
“What can I do for you sweetheart?”
“I’m sorry to bother you, but would you mind if I got a few photos of you? I haven’t...been able to get any.”
You look around and see how the other photographers push each other for a better view at the barrier. You smile at her before asking if she needs anything specific.
“Just be you!” You laugh at the statement and hear the camera shutter. As you pose and smile for her, you notice other photographers starting to notice her bright idea of photographing you. They start to clamber and gather, the lovely girl starting to get squished. You shout at them and instead of gaining their attention, you get Colin’s and the rest of the team. They start to gather around you, confused but ready to defend you. You steady the younger woman, both hands holding onto her arms. The sounds of camera firing fill the air as you reassure her, but you can still see uncertainty and panic in her eyes.
“Colin?” With one glance, he understands what you’re asking. Security opens the barrier to allow your photography acquaintance through.
“Let’s get you those pictures, yeah?”
And that’s how you find yourself sitting at a table three drinks deep with Colin, Will, and Dani. The three started to worship your kindness for the “smaller” people in a crowd and decided to immediately drink in celebration, and whatever they brought back to you was strong. Giggles emanated from your table as you all laughed at each other's stupid jokes.
“You used to make fun of my accent all the time! I bet you still do!”
“Did not Colin, you liar!” The three boys started chanting your name in an effort to get you to mock an accent. You rolled your eyes but stopped as they landed on Jamie Tartt. A waiter came by and dropped off the shots Dani had ordered for the four of you. You take it, shaking off the taste before imitating a Mancunian accent, a rather dramatic one at that.
“I’m the island's top scor-er, sexually. I’m not just a los-er, I’m the los-er.”
They lost their shit. 
“Nah, no I’m just playing a game. Do you know what I mean, find the fittest girl there ‘ave sex in the toilet and ask ‘er to marry ‘er. Strat-e-gy.”
Will falls on the floor, Colin and Dani silently laugh and wheeze, and you snort at their reactions.
“What the fuck is going on ‘ere?”
The four of you look to see Jamie standing in confusion with a drink in his hand. You see the boy's eyes fall on you. With a straight face, you say, “It’s just poopeh.”
A chain reaction of laughing sets off, Jamie still standing in confusion. You open your eyes as you sense someone next to you. Jamie pulled up a chair between you and Colin. The air feels different, more electric now as he sits next to you. He takes a sip of what you assume to be whiskey on ice before pausing. 
“Hold on, were you all makin fun of meh?”
Your three companions immediately point at you like schoolchildren. You try to sputter an excuse but Jamie turns to you with an offended look on his face. Your voice dies down as your eyes meet. You don’t know if it’s the lighting, your inebriated state, or just Jamie, but god was he gorgeous. You sheepishly smile at him and he returns it with one of his own. Your little moment is interrupted as a waitress stops by the table to ask if you needed anything else, but upon doing so, she spots Jamie. She flirts with him shamelessly much to your discontent. Setting your arm on the table, you turn to Will who was already staring at you with a strange look on his face. You want to question why he’s still on the floor, but a hand touching yours makes your body still. 
“You want anything darlin?”
You honestly don’t know what came over you ever since Jamie decided to sit down right next to you. You’re able to mutter out an answer but notice the waitress looking at you with squinty eyes and a frown. Glancing back at Will, you take note of the way he stares off into space. Waving your hand in front of his face, he gives you a lazy smile. You hold your hands out to pull him up. However, Will decided to jump up too fast and ended up falling into your lap. You catch him before he can fall over which ends up with him sitting in your lap. Your snickers capture the attention of the other boys.
“What in the fuck are you two doing?”
You cover Will’s ears, “Don’t use crude language in front of my son.” It’s all fun and games as Will wraps his arms around your neck to stabilize himself and keep the joke going. But it’s never a party until something goes wrong.
“I never pictured you being a cougar, but you know what they say.”
Derek and Jasmine stand before the table. Jasmine seems uncomfortable as she presses herself into Derek’s side, but she moves to do nothing. The music hides any loud comments from the other tables, but the boys hear every word.
“No, I don’t know what they say, Derek.”
“Ouch, feisty. Had a little too much to drink there didn’t you?” The sarcasm in his tone is evident, but you’re not letting this go, not with the confidence you have with the alcohol in your system. Derek is faster though, he always was. He claps a hand on Will’s shoulder before speaking.
“Don’t waste your time with this one, she doesn't put out much.” He winks before pulling Jasmine away.
You visibly deflate, your good mood ruined. Colin attempts to follow him but is pulled down by Dani and Jamie. You excuse yourself from the table, a hand held to your face to stop any tears from falling. Will sinks into the chair you were sitting in watching you walk as quickly as you could while intoxicated in heels. As soon as Colin is free from the hands holding him back, he follows you.
Breathing in the fresh air, you fan your face to make the tears disappear but a few escape your eyes. The red carpet has long vanished, barriers lined up against the wall, but a lone bench calls out to you. It’s silent, no cars or people are on the street. You could care less as you sit on the bench. The door swings open and an out of breath Colin sits right next to you.
“I forgot how fuckin fast you are when drunk.”
A watery smile finds its way to your face and a concerned look from Colin is all it takes for the tears to start streaming down your face.
“I tried so hard Colin. So hard. And I still get shit on. No matter how many songs I write to get rid of these feelings, to try and connect with people who feel the exact same, but it still hurts. Why does it hurt?”
The way your face falls breaks Colin’s heart. He holds you as you sob in his arms. It tugs at his heartstrings at how torn apart and shattered you were. However, he brews with anger at what you said and he thinks about the music you’ve written. Not your recent halftime show, but the two sister albums you put out some time ago. Some made sense in your fictional love triangle story you had meticulously created, they were beautiful while others were sad and tragic. The thought of you hoping for the love you gave in return and never receiving it? It made a few tears fall down his face.
“Oh love. I wish you had come and talked to me.”You whisper out an “I couldn’t” and a “He wouldn’t let me”. And oh how that angers Colin. You slowly wear yourself out, falling asleep in his warm embrace. The words float in Colin’s head. He starts to understand a little more about the relationship you had with Derek and why he felt so cautious about it. And he knows he needs to ask about it when you wake up.
taglist: @luna025 @faith-alons26 @yokolesbianism @teenagehellisreal @gcidrvsh @rockchickrebel @danika1994 @jamietarttdodo @rubyliquor @beingalive1 @anonurs @shineforever19 @wigglegiggle @meg-ro
want to be tagged? let me know!
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jamiesfootball · 2 months
Word Game Wednesday:
Note: I'm very sure I've posted some of this one before, so to make up for it I'm just posting it in a bigger chunk :D
Someone’s hand was on the crown of his head. It was a nice hand, warm. It moved softly, brushing his fringe back from his forehead so the owner could examine Jamie’s face. “Amigo?” Dani. Something hot seized at the core of him, and Jamie struggled to keep his face blank. To keep his eyes closed and keep Dani from realizing he was awake, because if he did then he’d stop and- Fuck, he missed Dani. “I think he is waking. Jamie, can you hear me?” A new hand joined Dani’s. This one cooler to the touch, with gentle knuckles that tested the temperature of Jamie’s skin, and now the burning feeling was building behind his eyes, because as badly as he didn’t want to get up, who was he to disappoint Sam Obisanya? “Yeah, I’m fine." His voice didn't come out right; all gruff and clogged, sounded like he was putting on his best Roy Kent impression. “Must’ve dozed off for a moment, but don’t worry I didn’t lose any time. We can keep going—“ Sam’s hand on his chest stopped him from getting up. “We are in the treatment room.” What? Jamie tried to open his eyes, only to squeeze them shut with a sharp gasp. “Hold on. I will get you something,” Sam said softly. He left, and Dani hovered closer, murmuring quietly in Spanish -- Jamie knew enough of them now to know they were curse words. Bit of a secret between them, that.
Fuck, he missed Dani. He reached up, trying to find some bit of Dani to hold onto - wrist or arm or even a hip - anything that would afford him a grip and keep him nearby, where Jamie needed him. Familiar and calloused, Dani's caught his hand of his own freewill. His thumb rubbed circles over the back of his knuckles. “Shhhh. Shhhh. It’s alright, amigo.” Was Jamie making a noise? “Here we are,” Sam’s voice returned, and that was all the warning that he had before a cold towel was laid across his forehead. Jamie groaned. A tear leaked out of the corner of his eye, dripping into his hair. He couldn’t be bothered to wipe it away. He hadn't realised how much it was hurt until a little relief made it worse. “Fuck. Do I have a concussion?” “No,” the dual answer came quickly, without hesitation.
"Then what?"
"You passed out from low blood sugar, you twit."
Jamie jumped. He hadn't even noticed Roy was in the room. He tried to open his eyes, only to turn away when the light stabbed him for his efforts. Sam readjusted the towel on his head, and Jamie tried to bat him away -- not because he didn't want him there, but because he needed to sit up, needed to get back out there, couldn't stay down when Roy expected him at training-
A sharp pinch caught him in the crook of his elbow. He hissed, inspecting the spot where the IV port was plugged into his arm until the feel of the needle under his skin made him queasy and he had to look away.
Sam made that tick noise he did with his teeth when he was disappointed. It made Jamie want to crawl under a blanket. He didn't even have a blanket. Dani gently maneuvered him until he was lying back down. The damp towel hadn't even budged from his head.
"You also have a bump on your temple," Sam explained gently.
"And a fever," Roy growled.
"You should have told us you were sick." Great, now even Dani sounded like he was frowning.
Outnumbered, Jamie fought through the throbbing pain behind his eyes to argue his case: “But we have Leeds tomorrow.”
"Jamie," sighed Sam. "They are at the bottom of the table."
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sighonaraa · 5 months
hey uhhhh. pssst @altschmerzes.
hey uhhhh. pssst @ everybody else:
here it is! this is the jamie gets hugged six ways to sunday fic that i've been going on about for oh so many weeks now! the first chapter is out now and i am so so excited for you all to read it. brief summary below:
’Cause, see, it’s been nearly a month since Wembley and no one’s said a word about it. They were all there in that room with him, weren’t they; they witnessed what happened with their own eyes. The horrible words, jagged and serrated like a knife’s edge. The prowling, commanding grace of a predator that’s caught its prey between its teeth but hasn’t bitten yet. And then— Then Jamie, knuckles bruised before he even realized he’d thrown a punch. Jamie, standing there in his socks. Jamie, looming above his Da as his Da skittered back across the tile, fingers to his jaw, curled protectively around the soft parts of his stomach. Jamie, the monster. The one that nobody can get close to. The one that destroys everything it touches. He can’t sleep. When he tries, that’s the only thing he sees, in the dark behind his eyelids: Ruin.
[ post-wembley, jamie is drowning and terrified of asking for help he doesn't believe he deserves. cue a fretful team, a lot of well-meaning but fumbling attempts at connection, one thousand bajillion hugs, a few homemade brownies, and a jamie tartt on his way to something like healing. ]
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danistartt · 3 months
tried to find my own fics and i couldn't because tumblr's search system sucks so here is a casual masterlist. unsure if this is all of them but oh well
Jamie Tartt:
4 AM
Prince Charming
Jamie Tartt's Awful Breakfast and Lovely Morning
Dirty, Dirty Criminals
Dani Rojas
When Worlds Collide
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jamtartandsunshine · 3 months
I really want to finish my untitled Jamie has a nightmare on the team bus fic tomorrow so I'm posting a snippet in hopes of summoning some good writing vibes / good brain thinky thinky vibes from the universe
He figured he’d be sitting by himself. Surely nobody would want to sit next to the guy that lost them the game so he couldn’t help but glance up when he felt a warm body settle beside him, quickly looking down again when he saw Roy looking at him. All eyebrows and disappointment. Jamie swallowed heavily as a cry rose up in his throat. He hated disappointing any of them, but Roy had sacrificed so much of his own time to train Jamie, to make him better and this is how Jamie repaid him?
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babytarttdoodoo · 11 months
Can you write one of Jamie showing up to training sick and the team has to convince him to go home? Then someone takes him home (I want it to be Roy even though Roy probably shouldn't leave training when he's in charge for Roy/Jamie shipping reasons, but all the lads wanting to care of him would also be nice)
Who needs realism when we can have fluff? I went a bit off script but I hope you still enjoy it.
Thank you for the prompt!
(Prompt Fill Masterpost)
Isaac was generally the first player to arrive for training at Nelson Road. He tried to set a good example, being captain and all that.
Jamie, despite living closer to the grounds than most, usually strolled in with less than 10 minutes left to get changed and out on the field.
It used to annoy members of the team, Isaac included. These days, he knew that Jamie and Roy had extra early workout sessions together and that Jamie was just genuinely awful at managing his time in the mornings. It was fine - he never held anyone else up.
But it was therefore extremely surprising to find him in the locker room a full hour before training was due to start, dressed to play and slumped halfway into his cubby.
“Alright, bruv?” Isaac gave him a cautious nod and dropped his stuff at his section of the bench. “What are you doing here?”
Jamie was slow to answer, blinking bleary eyes at Isaac and apparently needing a minute to take in the question.
He sniffed. “... training, innit?”
“Yeah…” Isaac affirmed, frowning at his rough voice and general dishevelled state. “Don’t normally see you this early, though.”
Jamie hummed and nodded like that was a fair observation.
“Couldn’t sleep.”
Well, that probably went some way to explaining the state of him. There were dark smudges under Jamie’s eyes and his hair, rather than carefully styled in the swept-back quiff he’d taken to lately, hung limp and unkempt over his forehead.
He looked kind of terrible, actually.
Roy wouldn’t have let him come in if there was anything seriously wrong, though. That much, Isaac was sure of.
He hadn’t been overly surprised when the pair had told the team they were together. There had always been a weird level of intensity between the two and more than one person over the years had quietly speculated that at least some of it was down to sexual tension.
Any worries about how it would affect team dynamics had simmered down quick enough, too. If anything, they both seemed to overcompensate at work to make sure they couldn’t be accused of dropping the ball, so to speak.
But they did obviously spend their mornings together, training or otherwise, even if they arrived on different schedules. And though Roy was still hard on Jamie as a coach, he was also exceedingly protective as a boyfriend.
If something more than a bad night’s sleep were at play, he would have insisted Jamie stayed home.
Still, Isaac kept a careful eye and ear out while he went through his routine of getting ready. It probably wouldn’t be the worst thing for Jamie to fall asleep where he sat and get a quick nap in, but it was best to be ready to catch him if he toppled off the bench in the process.
Dani was the next to arrive, far too perky for the early hour and seemingly not phased by Jamie’s presence. His smile did dim at the lack of response to his bright greeting but Isaac caught his eye and gestured for him to keep it down a bit.
The message was received and passed on through silent glances and elaborate head tilts as more players filtered in, a collective effort to let Jamie close his eyes and snooze overriding the usual rambunctious atmosphere. Isaac was very proud.
Nate was the first of the coaching staff to arrive. He looked confused at the lack of rabble in the room and his gaze followed everyone else’s to see Jamie snoring softly. They all shushed him frantically when he opened his mouth to clearly try and rouse him.
Isaac, Sam and Colin beckoned him over to the other side of the room.
“What’s up with Jamie?” he asked quietly, looking between them.
“Just said he didn’t sleep well.” Isaac shrugged. “He was in before me. Seemed kind of out of it.”
“He doesn’t look alright.” Colin put in, frowning over at their pale and sleeping teammate.
“Have you heard from Roy today?” Sam asked Nate, worry pinching the corners of his eyes. “He must know if something is wrong.”
“I haven’t.” Nate checked his phone but shook his head. “No, nothing. They don’t always come in together, though.”
“But they train in the mornings.” Dani whisper-shouted from his end of the bench, clearly listening in and echoing Isaac’s own thought processes from earlier.
“It could be that Jamie did not sleep because they had a fight…?” Richard ventured reluctantly, holding up his hands in defence when the room hissed at him in disgust. “Just a suggestion!”
“If Jamie were angry or upset, he would be running laps or sulking, not sleeping.” Sam pointed out.
“And they wouldn’t bring that shit into work.” Isaac stated with surety.
Nate looked back at Jamie and checked the time on his watch.
“We’ll need to wake him up soon and make sure he’s okay. He can’t just sleep in here all day.” He peered over into the coaches’ office and looked relieved to see movement. “I think Beard’s arrived - I’ll go see if he’s got any ideas.”
The air of respectful quiet had shifted to uncertain worry as everyone started to question, internally or amongst themselves, exactly why Jamie was so exhausted. He didn’t have the best track record with open communication when something was wrong.
Could there be something up between him and Roy?
As if on cue, their manager stalked into the locker room and was immediately taken aback by the subdued environment. He stopped dead in the doorway and scowled.
“What the fuck’s up with you lot?”
“Roy?” Jamie stirred and opened his eyes to a squint in search of the familiar voice. Roy’s head immediately snapped to the side and took in Jamie’s half-reclined form.
“You look like shit.” Only years of experience let Isaac pick up on the surprise and concern in Roy’s voice. Vague worries about trouble in paradise dissipated immediately.
Jamie - predictably - pouted up at him. “‘S not nice.”
The slurred speech sent Roy’s eyebrows flying up in alarm and his emotions suddenly became a lot more visible to the untrained eye. He quickly pressed the back of his hand against Jamie’s forehead, cursing quietly at whatever he felt there.
“Fucking hell, Jamie. You could have called me.”
“Were you not together?” Sam asked, now also clearly edging back towards distress. Nate and Beard emerged from the office at the new wave of commotion.
Roy shook his head. “No. Phoebe’s been staying at mine while she’s off school with the flu. Told this idiot to go home last night and get some proper sleep.”
He sighed and, despite his harsh words, gently smoothed back Jamie’s hair.
“You’re supposed to tell someone when you catch the plague, you muppet.”
Jamie just whined pitifully and leaned into the contact so hard he almost slumped right off the bench. Half the team jolted in place with aborted attempts to catch him.
Roy was right there, though, and easily tipped him back to a safe sitting position, grip steady.
“Alright, prima donna. Let’s get you home.” He looked over to Nate and Beard. “You two good to get things started? I can be back in an hour or two.”
“Take your time.” Beard gave him a firm nod and Nate mumbled his agreement, brow furrowed at the scene. “We got this.”
Declan swept in to help pack up Jamie’s things as Roy cajoled him to his feet and slid an arm around his waist to keep him upright. He accepted the duffle bag with a grateful grunt and started shuffling his boyfriend towards the exit.
“Let us know if you need anything, yeah?” Isaac demanded when they were finally underway.
Roy looked back over his shoulder and half-smiled at the room of worried eyes staring back at him. “Will do, captain. Keep an eye on the rest of them for me.”
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oh-surprise-its-me · 1 year
Phoebe would totally make lots of friendship bracelets for the entire team- they all wear them tied on permanently and when they start falling off they BEG her to make more
She ends up making two for Jamie and Roy so they also have perfectly matching ones because they are “extra best friends”
Rebecca and Keeley get matching ones with Phoebe because they are “girls girls”
(Colin and Isaac get extra best friends ones also)
((so do Ted and Trent she is just has to give Trent’s to Ted because Roy still refuses to let her see him))
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“Right!” Isaac said firmly and stepped into the front of the room. “Everybody take out your phones. Delete every single picture and video that you’ve ever been sent. Now! We’re all targets for this shit. So delete everything!”
“That’s not… all,” Sam said and his eyes scanned over his phone for a moment longer before his eyes lifted from his screen to lock with Jamie’s.
“What?” Jamie asked, his voice small and dripping anxiety because he had a sinking feeling that he already knew what Sam was about to say.
“Jamie,” Sam started carefully and Jamie felt himself instinctually brace for impact. “This says that they’ve got photos of you too.” The implication of the statement hung heavily in the air.
trans Jamie gets outed during the nudes leak and some of the aftermath
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