#dani 💤
snug-gyu · 1 month
No offence but boop boopp boop bap bap boop bep baap bop bopp boop
ouch ouch ouch ouch careful with the eye
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horuhosu · 7 months
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my casino owner socialite, my insomniac italian, and my world’s biggest akira otoishi fangirl ♥️‼️
group photo of all three of my jjba OCs, who will be getting their own intro posts ofc <3
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Buenas Noches 💤💤
Rayden, Dani Fernández - El lenguaje de los coleteros
"Encerrado en mil recuerdos Para huir de lo que fui Que se queden mis intentos Que les joda verme así"
乃ㄩ🝗𝓝闩丂 𝓝ㄖ⼕卄🝗丂
cuidaros mucho 🙌
ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔞 🖤
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leclercsbunny · 10 months
maybe if you loved me ♡ c.sainz
part two ♡ masterlist
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F1CHAI the summer vacation not only brings dramatic shifts and shuffles among the current lineup, it also brings forth a new *rumored* couple. after a previous relationship that was rife with confusion and so much controversy, y/n has rose to the trends, this time, with daniel ricciardo headlining the event. their similar posts have sparked discussions all through out the interweb, prompting fans to speculate that they have spent their break together.
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"haagen or ben and jerry's?" daniel hollers from the kitchen, and you raised your head to shout back, "both!"
you focused on the task at hand, picking the perfect movie or series to binge while munching on the junk food spread on the table. it was covered with all the essentials for a night in; chocolates, popcorn, fries and nuggets. you were wrapped in the fluffiest of blankets, and the felt the most comfortable you've ever been in a while.
daniel sat himself on your side, grabbing the other end of the blanket and getting cosy himself. you murmured a quiet thanks when he handed you the icey treat, leaning into him when he kissed your head with a welcome in return.
the aussie raises an eyebrow to his phone, seeing notifications flash after the other and feeling it hot under his touch. he chuckles, showing the barrage of mentions and messages he's recieved, "see, i'm not totally sure but i think they're saying we're on a holiday. together."
"me with daniel ricciardo?" you gasp for added effect, "i couldn't possibly."
"i know, where could they have gotten it from?" he sighs dramatically. "i'm woefully alone."
"and i'm utterly heartbroken," you touched your chest with a fake pout, "on a soul searching rendezvous."
"we're a bit pathetic." he tilts his head, a grin forming on his face. "but in-a-totally-chill way." you giggle.
"it's nice to be sad and pathetic together, though." he nods his head with a laugh, "ditto." you toast your respective icecream cups.
you both settle into comfortable silence, watching the generic comedy film playing on the television. daniel's arms felt comfortable around you, and you naturally fell into his embrace... he felt safe, and warm.
"thanks for being a friend dani." you mumble, on the prepice of sleep.
"... someday.." you were too incoherent to understand what he said in reply, only faintly registering his lips on the top of your head.
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liked by scuderiaferrari, charles_leclerc and 1,799,682 others.
carlossainz55 hace más calor en españa
*It's hotter in spain
username carlos thirst trapping his way back into yns life is so ex boyfriend lore 😭😭😭
username daniel fight back !!
username you won't even have to tell me twice
username yn i won't blame you🫡
username why would you say something so controversial and so brave???
username let the girl move on damn
username 🚩 but he's a ferrari driver and this good looking so 10/10
landonorris 👀
username weren't you just making out with a random girl the other week?? 🤨
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liked by landonorris, maxverstappen1 and 1,692,602 others.
danielricciardo i'm not worried💤
username he violated you carlossainz55
username the girls are fighting hold on💨😳
username daniel just knocked carlos out with this one, 10/10.
username do not let these men back on track fia !!
maxverstappen1 cute
username netflix are you seeing this ??
username sprinkle sprinkle 🥰
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pozartaa · 2 months
11.03.24 UTRZYMANIE WAG1 dzień 375. Limit +/-2100 kc@l.
Wybrane posiłki:
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Hej dziś też humor mój nie był wysokich lotów. Ale coś tam trzeba robić, działać i żyć. Zrobilam więc ćwiczenia i rozciąganie, przygotowałam jedzenie do pracy i starałam się by nic mnie za bardzo nie rozpraszało, a czas za bardzo nie uciekał. Wczoraj cały dzień przesiedziałam na kanapie i nie chciałam tego dziś powtarzać.
Pogoda była wstrętna i tak zimno, że z mojego planowanego spacerku zrobił się szybki przelot do Biedry po parę pierduł przez park by zakręcić pokestopami i ustalić supremacje ⚡Team Instinct⚡ na arenach (Pokemon Go stuff) 😝. Później trochę odkurzyłam w domu (ale tylko trochę) i na legalu miałam czas się troszkę poopierdzielać - w końcu to jednak wolny dzień.
Jutro na dniówkę do pracy, a później mam wolne 3 dni tylko, że wszystkie będą wypakowane zajęciami:
13.03.24 oczywiście czeka mnie znowu wizyta u neurochirurga (ostania nie doszła do skutku, ale tym razem już dojdzie) to jest bardzo duży powód mojego złego samopoczucia, choć próbuje udawać, że wszystko "wpożo" i "luzik" ... po prostu, po ludzku się boję.
14.03.24 pewnie będę się zajmować gotowaniem ( wypadnie gotowanie gara obiadowego) na kolejny tydzień.
15.03.24 znowu mnie nie ma cały dzień w domu (kosmetyczka i druga sesja depilacji laserowej) i może wieczorem jeszcze pójdziemy grać w MTG. Aaach no i oczywiście to też dzień ważenia... Więc będzie zabawnie 😁.
Na te 3 dni zaplanowałam DBLK (Dni Bez Liczenia Kalorii).... Rozpusta! Ale zdecydowanie nie będzie czasu na obliczenia. Mowie o tym z wyprzedzeniem, bo możecie się zacząć zastanawiać czy przestałam w ogóle liczyć kc@l. Noo fajnie by było... Ale jak znam siebie to bym zaczęła sobie ucinać ze strachu, że zjem za dużo i dalej to już wiecie jak to się toczy. 🙄
Dziś na lunch powrót parówek bo dawno nie było. Obiad to potrawka z ananasem, której porcję mam na jutro jeszcze ( widzieliście już to foto, więc nie umieszczam) a na kolację makaron z soczewicy ze szpinakiem i pstrągiem łososiowym - w roli "śmietanki" produkt kokosowy UHT
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- nie powiem danie to musi częściej zagościć w moim menu bo było bardzo dobre i bardzo sycące.
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Dobrej nocy wam życzę 💤
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kostucha00 · 5 months
28 Listopada 2023, Wtorek ❄️:
🍪: 370 kcal
🔥: 60 kcal
💤: 6 h
📕: 0 h
Zważyłam się znowu i waga pokazała tym razem 45,3 kg. Nie powiem, ulżyło mi. Ten kilogram to najprawdopodobniej była woda. Na to 45,3 nie reaguję tak nerwowo jak na 44,8 (wiem że to tylko pół kilo różnicy) albo 46,x. Ale mimo to bardzo źle się z tym czuję. Z tą wagą, z tym ciałem, nawet z twarzą. Sama ze sobą. Wczoraj przez godzinę nakłaniałam się do pójścia do szkoły (ostatecznie poszłam dopiero na drugą lekcję), dzisiaj nie poszłam w ogóle. Jutro będę musiała iść, w dodatku jadę do neurologa (tu już nie będę robić kanioniu nawiasowego, po prostu na dole posta o co chodzi bo dziwne rzeczy się zadziały). Na samą myśl, że miałabym wyjść z domu aż mnie skręca. Dawno nie czułam się tak wstrętnie.
Od jakiegoś czasu jestem też zupełnie bezproduktywna. Koniec nauki po kilka(naście) godzin dziennie — przynajmniej z tych kilku tygodni motywacji wyciągnęłam tyle, ile mogłam. Zwykle tak to u mnie wygląda, że okresy prawie maniakalnego pracoholizmu przeplatają się z okresami zupełnej bezczynności, ale zawsze mogłam się zmusić do wykonania jakiegoś drobnego zadania typu odrobienie pracy domowej albo chociaż przeczytanie rozdziału w podręczniku przed sprawdzianem; teraz trudno mi zabrać się za cokolwiek co wymaga chociaż szczątkowego skupienia. Rano mam jeszcze motywację żeby się ubrać i zjeść śniadanie, a nawet zrobić listę rzeczy do zrobienia, tylko że z każdą godziną coraz trudniej mi zwyczajnie ogarniać. Przygotowanie jedzenia jest niewykonalne, więc po prostu krążę jak sęp i wyjadam rodzicom i siostrze z talerza albo dojadam czyjś niedokończony jogurt odłożony do lodówki. Nie biorę książki, nie włączam sobie filmu, tylko gapię się w ścianę aż koło 1 w nocy stwierdzę, że nie mam nawet siły żeby wziąć prysznica i pójdę spać w ubraniu. Nawet Medikinet nie pomaga. Pewnie powinnam spożytkować energię włożoną w pisanie tego posta w coś innego, ale właściwie mam to w nosie. Nie chce mi się. Nawet nie wiem co mam do roboty. Cud, że zdobywam się na danie jeść kotu, szczególnie że gość je 4-5 razy dziennie i rzyga mokrą karmą, jeśli nie jest podgrzana. Ale i tak go kocham 🥺. Śmieję się że mi włączył instynkt macierzyński w wieku 18 lat, a potem ładuje mi się facet do łóżka, lat 40 w przeliczeniu na ludzkie i poważne braki w uzębieniu, i śpimy sobie na łyżeczkę (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠). W dzień moja dzidzia a w nocy... Nocna Furia!
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Nie wiem czy widzę podobieństwo bo po prostu chcę je widzieć, ale... No błagam, no! Te oczy! Ta mordka!
* * * * *
Wracając do tematu neurologa. Parę tygodni temu byłam na rezonansie magnetycznym w sprawie migren i... Okazało się że wcale nie mam migren tylko całkiem spore krwiaki i torbiele w mózgu, które rosną i naciskają na nerwy nie tylko imitując objawy migreny, ale też najprawdopodobniej przyczyniają się do mojej postępującej w szybkim tempie krótkowzroczności (od 0 i 0 do -4 i -4,5 w 3,5 roku). I okazało się że mam polimikrogyrię (nawet nie wiedziałam że istnieje coś takiego). Generalnie wszyscy zachowują się jakbym miała co najmniej złośliwego raka i miała umrzeć do końca roku.
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outoftheirdifferences · 7 months
🤡,💤, ☂️ (For the Cocker triplets!)
Misc. Ask Meme 🤡 - What’s something dumb they’re embarrassed about?
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This is definitely different for each sister. In Annette's case, she's most easily embarrassed by things that she feels threaten her dignity, as something she values highly. Often this is in the form of being embarrassed by her younger siblings' shenanigans even if they're completely harmless - she can feel like what she perceives as Scamp or Dani's immaturity can reflect badly on her - but also can extend to if she's caught doing something that she would otherwise dismiss as childish, such as playing with a toy from when she was a much younger puppy.
For Collette, she certainly feels like there is no bigger embarrassment than being seen dirty or with messy fur. She can take it if she has to, especially if it's in the name of helping others because she has a big heart: but to be seen in those times by someone from outside of the situation? She'd be absolutely mortified to be seen as such.
Danielle, though? Dani's pretty shameless to be honest: it's hard to think of something that would seriously embarrass her, dumb or otherwise, she just takes things in stride.
💤 - What do they absolutely need to have to fall asleep?
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Most of all, each other. For whatever differences they have in attitudes towards the world, the one consistent thing between the three sisters is just how much they're used to each others' presences. Take any one of them away for long, and the other two will quickly start to feel the void: and at no time is this more true than when it comes to bedtime. Without both of their other two sisters there, any one of them will find it hard to sleep: they've just always been together, sleeping together is as natural to them as breathing, and any sister missing from that arrangement feels disturbingly wrong. The rare but intense occasions when Annette and Collette fall out with each other and refuse to share a bed together invariably end with none of the girls getting very much sleep for this same reason.
☂️ - How do they feel about rain?
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Danielle, at least, loves it. No matter how bad the weather, she'll quite happily splash around in it, often with Scamp (and / or Angel post-movie), without a care in the world.
Annette and Collette, in contrast, are... more reserved in their feelings on the subject. Collette doesn't like it at all, having to be out in it she constantly worries about how it's ruining her lovely fur, and even being indoors when it's raining isn't something she likes: she'd rather ignore it and hope it goes away. She will face it if she has to, but she'll never enjoy it.
Annette, likewise, doesn't like to be out in the rain once it gets heavy, getting soaked through feels to her like it takes too heavy a toll on her precious dignity; however she does quite enjoy to watch it from indoors, to sit by the window and listen to it pattering against the glass, secure in the knowledge that it can't reach her.
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realmadridfamily · 3 years
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“One of my favorite photos ❤️ 💤 👨‍👩‍👦” - Dani
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u guys are cute !! so m back again hi :)
🍬 and 💤 this time for atsushi once again!!
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bunbun gif free of charge as well ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
(Sweet bun buns!? 🥺🥰🥺💖🥺💖 that is me towards mi Tigre, I love smothering him with face kisses UwU)
“Hello again! A pleasure to have you come by again, @frigatea ! Congratulations, you have made Dany combust under bashful validation, she was a rambling mess when reading the asks 🥰 She and I are very grateful for this 💖😃, we hope you enjoy the answers we give!” Atsushi chuckled warmly and rubs the back of his neck, “Let’s jump right in, shall we?”
A tiny warning for some slight suggestive things! ^////^’
🍬 where is your favorite place to kiss S/I? Does S/I like it when you kiss them there?
👀✨ Oh? 😳💞
Ah ha, my favorite places to kiss Dany? Ó//w//Ó
Definitely the little area between her neck and shoulder, as well the side of her neck from behind u///////u 🌸😳
I do it in spontaneous surprise sometimes when she knows I’m behind her or beside her. She tends to bristle and make the cutest squeak of surprise when I do~ She is a blushing mess and sometimes can’t look at me from embarrassment early-on in our relationship; now she jabs at my chest sometimes when I try to calm her down after; suppressing my own laugh and foolish smile at her cute reaction, especially if we are in the Agency. I do my best not to do it around the others, knowing how nervous and bashful Dany gets with PDA and how Dazai-san can get with teasing ''>>…
Her ability’s tail sometimes manifests in a bristle of surprise 🐺 my own tiger tail swishes from excitement and content~
Sometimes I do it in comfort too or… sweet affection😳, especially when I’m cuddling her in my arms from behind once we are in private. She definitely enjoys it then and gives me soft validation when I do in return 💞💞 It is definitely… a sensitive spot for her which is why surprise kisses catch her off guard. But lingering ones definitely get more of a rise out of her ~ leads to… well fun times~ ✨ (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
Other than that, I love just leaning down to kiss her in that spot; as well as her forehead and soft cheeks UwU. My darling, she’s so cute and adorable 💞
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💤 Does S/I like to sleep with you? If so, what's their favorite sleeping position when with you?
Of course she does! We definitely started sharing a bed when we moved in together in the Agency dorms, and especially now since we moved into our new home together 😊
You can see more about it in this ask.
But overall, I think Dany’s favorite sleeping position is when I take my turn at spooning her. She is a petite little lass and enjoys the warm comfort and protective feeling of me holding her close. She practically curls into a little ball, normally how she sleeps anyway 💖.
Sometimes she nuzzles into my chest and neck, but she also favors just resting on top of me too sometimes, as long as I’m comfortable (which is silly to think otherwise~ she fits perfectly in my arms u///w///u). Rubbing her back gently and trailing my hands under her shirt to trace old scars that are there; that's the most comforting for her.
We definitely switch positions occasionally, especially depending on how the other feels from the day. 🥰 But these are her favorites. Mine is definitely when she’s resting on me 💖(╯▽╰ )
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Thank you again for the asks! I’m having a fun time answering these! It makes my heart race to tell others on how Danielle makes me feel and how we go about our relationship 💖🥰 Have an amazing rest of your day! — Atsushi 🐯🌙
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writerbri-archive · 5 years
💚, 💤 and 💖
💚 Ship that you secretly like: Margaery/Robb it’s not much of a secret but I don’t talk about it a lot either
💤Ship that is canon but you don’t ship: Jaime/Cersei
💖Ship that is unpopular but you still like: idk if it’s unpopular but Dany/Daario
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blessyourpixels · 2 years
Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 people 💌
Five things that make me happy:
1. YOU, Dani, ofc 💛
2. Food, food makes me pretty happy ngl 🍔
3. Sleep, there's never enough of it 💤
4. Sims, even though there's never time for it rn 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
5. Anywhere tropical where the water is that one really calming shade of blue that feels an awful lot like paradise to me 🌊
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snug-gyu · 7 months
My ult bias is han :>
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here's the sweet quokka man~
Tell me who your ult bias is (can be multiple), and I’ll go and find a photo of them that I really like so you can look at your fave with loving eyes🤍
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horuhosu · 6 months
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all my jojo OCs’ stands together in one place !!!
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Buenas Noches 💤💤
Rayden, Dani Fernández - El lenguaje de los coleteros
"Me recuerdas a esa lágrima que necesita
Caer por la cornisa de tu sonrisa"
cuidaros mucho 🙌
ℜ𝔬𝔰𝔞 🖤
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foxyhunter99 · 2 years
😑✌💤💙 for the shipping asks
Ship that I'm indifferent too.
Arya/Gendry. One of the few things that made sense to me in the disaster of season 8 was Arya hitting and quitting that. I literally feel nothing for these two.
Ships I find cute, but don't ship.
Jon/Tormund, (little crow makes me giggle, little bird makes me want to throw things) Dany/Jorah is cute. There is a fic where I think Dany is sent to Bear Island because it's as far from Kings Landing as possible that is really cute, but yeah in general I don't really ship it.
Canon ships I don't ship.
See Arya and Gendry above. Also Jaime/Cersei. That I just don't get. The incest is the least squicky part. The emotional abuse and codependence. Just no.
Ships I use to have as an OTP
This was the hardest ask for me, as I hold onto a lot my ships. (Still reading Pacey/Joey from DC) I had to go way back to the days of the before time (the internet my young friends.) I remember as a young teen watching Empire Strikes Back on tv. I of course knew the plot but was just kind of half watching it and then the scene came on with Han/Leia trying to fix the Falcon where he kisses her and something came alive in me. I then got VERY into reading all of the books that came out just to find out what happened to this couple (I read the Zahn trilogy with Admiral Thrawn who I loved as a bad guy and about threw things in excitement when he became canon in Star Wars Rebels).
To say I was disappointed in what they did to this OTP in the sequels is an understatement. Kinda ruined it for me.
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snug-gyu · 7 months
I know I sent an ask already but uhh,, jongho (ateez), yoojung (onlyoneof), and somin (kard) maybe also pls ?
the more the merrier!
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(he's soooo prettyyyy)
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Tell me who your ult bias is (can be multiple), and I'll go and find a photo of them that I really like so you can look at your fave with loving eyes🤍
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