#d.n.angel spoilers
luanna801 · 3 years
One thing that keeps sticking with me after this reveal, which is a whole layer to this that I'm 99% sure Sugisaki never intended, is that we're now looking at a situation where both of Satoshi’s abusers try to justify what they've done to him by saying they love him.
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To be clear, I think we're intended to take that at face value in Hiwatari's case but not in Krad's, though there was certainly a time in canon when that wasn't a foregone conclusion. My personal read on Krad tends towards the idea that the only part of love he understands is possessiveness, so that in his mind the way he wants to take over his Tamers is "love". In Hiwatari's case, I think Sugisaki wants us to see his love as the genuine article (exemplified by his ultimate sacrifice), though I think everything we've seen of his character in canon supports the idea that he, too, has a concept of love that's warped beyond anything healthy or normative.
In a sense, though... it doesn't matter. Or rather, it might matter to our understanding of Hiwatari's character, but it's irrelevant to what Satoshi’s experiences have been. Hiwatari might genuinely, truly, deeply love Satoshi in the depths of his heart, but he still had no problem doing things like this to him:
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In fact, one of the things that's most disturbing to me, when you stop to realize it, is that the only people Satoshi has heard the words "I love you" from are people who hurt him. People who, I would strongly argue, both use their "love" as a justification for the ways they've hurt him.
I genuinely believe Daisuke does love Satoshi, and considering we're presumably heading towards a SatoRisa ending, I suppose we're meant to believe Risa does too (despite that not really having been established by the story). But neither of them has said as much to him. Neither, in what we see on-page at least, did his mother - she says that he has her heart, which arguably means the same thing, but she never uses the word “love”, and the whole thing kind of comes across as her praising him as her own creation more than expressing normal maternal affection. It's possible she did say she loved him offscreen, of course (and you could honestly write an entirely different essay about the implications of that "love"), but going purely by what we see on-page, the word "love" is one Satoshi only ever hears interconnected with abuse.
What does that start to do to a person's conception of love? One of the things I've always admired about Satoshi’s character is how unflinchingly he pushes back at his abusers, but how long can you hear the word "love" used by people who hurt you before you start to think maybe that is what love is? Especially in a world where his father now sacrificed himself for him out of 'love' - how far does that go in redefining how Satoshi sees everything that came before it? How far does it go towards retroactively putting everything under the banner of "love"?
And most of all, how could that realistically not warp his idea of what it means to love someone going forward, or what it means for him to be loved by someone? How could that not be something that effects every relationship he has in the future?
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twobit-anime-trash · 3 years
Aftermath | D.N.Angel Post-Canon Fix-It Fic
Gen. Satoshi and Daisuke centric
Summery: Satoshi and Daisuke have had a hell of a day. Or: two traumatized teenagers are given a little bit of time to process before the plot catches back up with them. Written as platonic, but can be read as shippy too~
Warnings: SPOILERS for the last chapter of the manga, minor character death mention, emotional hurt/comfort, blood mention, minor injuries
Here on AO3
White hot pain lancing through his nearly useless right arm, a hand crushed against his own, desperately pressing it against the canvas as an overwhelming magical energy pulses and lashes back against him and the room explodes into a roaring noise and a bright white light and-
Awareness returns to him slowly through the fog. Pain is the first to eagerly rush back. His arm throbs fiercely, fire tracing up along the lines of the scars that crisscross his wrist and forearm. Cold, hard concrete pushes against his aching knees and seeps the warmth out of his legs.
It’s quiet here, still. The only sound in the world is the sound of soft breathing somewhere close by. The back of his head echoes empty.
Something heavy and warm is draped across his shoulders and pressed tightly to his side. There’s an itchy spot on his cheek where something sticky is starting to dry and flake. It was probably Kei’s bloo-
A mental door slams shut, years of carefully honed training kicking in to block the emotions rising ugly and tangled in his chest.
He opens his eyes. Blinks for a moment to clear the stars away and process what fills his vision. Canvas. Tightly woven canvas, pure white and untouched. Kokuyoku? That train of thought sputters to a halt, his exhausted brain refusing to keep up.
A small eternity later he works up the energy to turn his head and sees an unmistakable mass of red hair near his shoulder. The Niwa is collapsed against him, head hanging low against his chest.
The Niwa must have felt him move because the arm around his shoulders twitches, and slides further down to stroke a calming hand down his back. Get away, you can’t let people touch you, old instincts scream at him, but it’s surprisingly easy to ignore. Not that he could move if he wanted to. His body is slumped, useless and exhausted, his head is heavy and numb. The Niwa doesn’t speak, just keeps rubbing gentle circles into his back with his thumb.
He doesn’t know how long they sit there, collapsed on the cold floor in silence before he finally registers that something is wrong. The rhythm of the soft, steady breathing beside him has changed, coming quicker and shorter. Here and there a breath hitches and catches for a moment before being released. The Niwa- Daisuke… Daisuke is crying.
Satoshi’s head shoots up before he even finishes processing that information, a stab of fear finally piercing the all-encompassing numbness. Something is wrong and Daisuke is crying and Satoshi-Satoshi has no idea what to do. But the fear is quickly morphing into panic as he desperately searches his mind for an answer, an instinct, something, anything, because Daisuke is crying and something is terribly wrong.
His right arm refuses to move so his left arm twitches, almost involuntarily, before he feels himself lift it. A long buried instinct has finally shaken off the dust and stirred awake, and before he knows it he is reaching out. The panic doubles, spinning faster and faster inside him because he doesn’t reach out, he almost never reaches out because when he does- He waits for the pain to spike behind his eyes, for the burning sensation to crawl its way up his back and tear but-
Nothing comes. His heart is racing in his chest but the back of his head is silent.
Satoshi tries to take a deep breath, fails, and exhales shakily. Before he can think better of it, he continues the aborted movement, raising his arm painfully slowly and reaching out to grab something, anything. His back twists and his knees scream at him for shifting closer and trying to correct the awkward angle but then his fingers are brushing against a warm neck as his hand settles uncertainly in the crook of Daisuke’s shoulder.
Daisuke who suddenly goes still against him. And then very slowly raises his head to look up. Satoshi’s breath catches. Daisuke’s soft red eyes are glossy with the tears that track down his cheeks, his face is flushed, and his mouth hangs open slackly. His jaw works for a moment, like he’s trying to form words or pull his lips into a smile. A hand squeezes around Satoshi’s heart. He opens his mouth to force something out but before he can, Daisuke’s face crumples and he lets out a keening sob as he launches himself at him.
Satoshi freezes on instinct, but Daisuke is not deterred. He almost knocks both of them to the ground in his desperate scramble to get his arms around Satoshi, to grab fistfuls of his shirt and pull him as close as physically possible. He buries his face in Satoshi’s chest, panting warm, wet breaths into the crook of his neck.  
The hand Satoshi had on Daisuke’s neck has been awkwardly forced forward so that his entire shoulder is now hooked over the other boy’s. His injured arm is crushed between them and it hurts but he doesn’t dare move. Daisuke is squeezing him like he’s scared that Satoshi will somehow vanish if he doesn’t hold on tightly enough.
No one has ever held him like this before.
Daisuke is saying something now, but between the sobs and a dull roar in his ears, he can’t make it out. The mental door is buckling under the weight of it all; the feeling of his aching body, finally his own again after god knows how much time he’d spent trapped in his own mind, the unspeakable truths that had been revealed to him so suddenly, the warm feeling in his chest that rises almost painfully as Daisuke pulls him impossibly closer.
Without any input from him, his good arm springs into action, latching onto Daisuke with strength he didn’t know he still had left. His eyes are burning and he feels his face twist up as a strangled sob pulls itself from his throat. Nothing he can do can stop this momentum now, and he doesn’t have it in him to even try anymore.
With another choked out cry, his body surrenders to the pull of gravity. All the tension left in him that had kept him frozen upright suddenly releases. He collapses against Daisuke like his strings have been cut, his chin thumping hard against the boy’s shoulder.
Just as Satoshi’s chest feels like it might explode, the mental door finally bursts open and the flood of emotions that surges in overtakes him. He grabs blindly, frantically searching for more support before his hand finds the back of Daisuke’s head and crushes it against him. Fingers catch and tangle into thick hair and pull too hard, but Daisuke doesn’t complain, his arms just squeeze tighter.
Satoshi sobs until his whole body shakes with them, until he can barely breathe around them, until the band of steel around his lungs finally starts to loosen. All he can do is cling to Daisuke like he’s the only thing in the world keeping him from drowning. Pressed tightly against him, Daisuke’s own sobs echo into his chest.
Finally after what seems like an eternity, his body starts to wind down. The flood of tears trickles to a stop. He sniffs around the mucus; he’d almost forgotten how messy crying could actually be. The hand in Daisuke’s hair loosens, and slides down his back as the limb loses its strength.  
A strange calm settles over him. It isn’t the same as the numbness of before. Now he’s becoming painfully conscious of everything around him. They’d ended up in a tangle of limbs, there’s nowhere that Satoshi can put his hands where he won’t end up touching Daisuke as well. The salty remains of the tears on his face are irritating the sensitive skin. His dry eyes itch and his throat aches.
He feels wrung out and drained, but strangely lighter somehow. The storm in his head has settled down into a dull background noise. But shame is creeping back in as well, and he feels a blush rise in his cheeks. He was supposed to be comforting Daisuke, not collapsing on him. So weak. All he’s done is shown Daisuke that ugly, embarrassing side of him yet again.
Daisuke is sniffing too. His arms had loosened their death grip a while ago. He carefully retracts one of them and unhooks his chin from Satoshi’s shoulder, pulling back just enough to wedge the arm between them and rub the lingering tears from the corners of his eyes.
Satoshi pulls back as well, scrubs his eyes quickly and efficiently. Waits patiently until Daisuke meets his gaze, willing his face into composure he doesn’t feel. Daisuke looks worn-out. His eyes are puffy and redder than usual, an exhausted ring already starting to line them. He manages a weak smile that doesn’t touch them.
Half of Satoshi wants to apologize, to bury his moment of weakness back behind the walls around his heart. It would be so easy to brush this off as a temporary fluke, an aftereffect of going toe to toe with such a powerful magical artwork. So easy to crush down the fledgling hope sprouting in his chest.  
But then Daisuke opens his mouth and with a crooked smile, apologizes to him. For his weakness, for being late, for not being strong enough to help much, and for getting Satoshi’s shirt wet of all things. And yeah, that plan goes out the window.
Satoshi’s sore throat and exhausted mind can’t spit out a counter argument fast enough. Instead, he grabs Daisuke again, pulling him back into the hug and shushing him fiercely. His tongue trips over itself to tell Daisuke exactly how strong, how kind, how brave he is, how dare he call himself weak, honestly the nerve. Daisuke huffs out something resembling a laugh and winds his arms gently around Satoshi’s waist.
And everything falls still again. Not into a deafening silence, but a calm quiet.
They’ll have to move eventually. They’ll have to get up and face the world again. Deal with the fallout of Kei’s death, Dark’s sacrifice, and the magical consequences of such a powerful artwork being sealed. But for now Satoshi sinks back into a warmth he’s been denied for so long.
The rest of the world could wait for them for a few more minutes.
Notes: Look I have a LOT of gripes with the ending of the manga, but one of my biggest ones was that there was no recovery time for our heroes, its just smashcuts to scenes after they left the final battle area. And especially Satoshi, Daisuke at the very veeeery least gets to cry post final battle (and not get comfort from anyone, o u c h), but we barely get a glimpse as to whats going on in Satoshi's head after all the big reveals and traumatic stuff that's happened to him in the past few days. These boys have been through A LOT today, let them have like, five minutes of comfort before they have to continue the plot! So anyway, just a minor fix-it bandaid for the majorly messed up ending, but hey, this is self indulgent fanfic and I'm letting the me have everything I want.
Thanks again to Luanna for the pep talks!
Comments and critiques appreciated~
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dnangel-alley · 4 years
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Yukiru Sugisaki’s new D.N.Angel illustration is now available on Gekkan Asuka’s website!
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niwatari-rei · 3 years
Week 26: Marine Day Warning: Some spoilers for last chapter.
She’s always been fond of the sea. 
Of the vast blue and fish swimming underwater. It’s something that Risa’s always loved.
Especially the fact that it’s been a while that she’s last been here. The smell of the salty air managing to calm her nerves each time.
Today she had come with a different purpose. Simply to deliver a message to someone.
A message filled with words that she wanted to say.
Her hand slowly dropped the bottle in the water, letting the waves push it further and further away.
Whether the message would be able to reach the destination was a different matter.
Yet, Risa had never felt anymore freer.
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dnangeled · 6 years
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Breaking Glass Podcast S01E02
Another week another podcast, brought to the interwebs thanks to you guys and especially to everyone helping me out on my Patreon!
On this week's podcast:
Thursday Throwback (0:50):
Nightcrawler: The Devil Inside by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa & Darick Robertson
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D.N. Angel vol. 1 by Yukiru Sugisaki
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Wednesday Spoilers (20:16):
Lazarus (2013- ) #28 by Greg Rucka & Michael Lark
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X-Men Red (2018- ) Annual #1 by Tom Taylor & Pascal Alixe
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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows (2016- ) Vol. 3: Eight Years Later by Jody Houser & Nick Roche & Nate Stockman
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Transformers: Requiem of the Wreckers (2018) by Nick Roche & Guido Guidi & Geoff Senior
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Q&A (33:33):
Anonymous asked "Who do you ship Static with?"
mirrorfalls asked "Sooo... is Superman '78 actually worth watching or does it mostly just coast on a fluffy cloud of nostalgia?"
Anonymous asked "How Lois can excuse herself of interviewing Superman, because they are married or in a relationship in most cases and that's not ethical, without reveling that she knows certain things that she probably shouldn't know ?"
Anonymous asked(?) "Harley Quinn"
Thank you all SO much for the support for last week's podcast! It truly means a lot. And if you enjoyed what I'm doing, I hope you'll let me know. 
Follow me on twitter!
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Again thank you all so much for the support, and I'll "hear" you next week!
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satorisa · 3 years
Falling: Chapter 1 - In which the Hug is Finally Acknowledged
Rating: T
Summary:  "I wanna forget all this burden in my past."
Alternate Reading: AO3
Lift the Veil? I don’t know her.
D.N.Angel ending? I don’t know her.
But that hug? Lives, rent free in my mind, man.
Warning: Spoilers for the DNAngel ending abound.
After Dark disappeared, the hours continued to flow as if the incident had never occurred. Satoshi brought Risa home that evening before he visited the Niwa household to brainstorm a story for Commissioner Hiwatari’s disappearance. Daisuke slept next to him that night and, while comforted by his friend’s rhythmic breathing and familiar warmth, Satoshi kept his tired eyes on the window, watching as the evening skies brightened to a morning blue.
Commissioner Hiwatari was declared missing the next day, and Inspector Saehara decided to take Satoshi in for the time being. He moved into the Saehara household that same evening, everything he owned packed in a duffel bag weighing on his shoulder, and Takeshi showed him around the house.
Satoshi met Mama Saehara through a video call that same evening. She worked as a fashion designer, and her job had flung her off to Paris this time. He quite liked her.
After they hung up, he had a warm dinner with Takeshi and Inspector Saehara. It was leftovers from last night, but he enjoyed the food nonetheless.
That night, Satoshi slept next to Takeshi, who snored in his ear while either kicking him or rolling on him. Satoshi kept his tired eyes on the window, watching as the evening skies brightened to a morning blue.
He went shopping with the Saeharas the next day. They bought a bunk bed, a desk, and whatever else they thought that Satoshi would need. After that, the days fell back into their familiar rhythm as if the incident had never occurred.
Satoshi slept in the top bed for privacy. Takeshi took the bottom bed since he didn’t quite care. Their desks sat side by side in front of the window: Takeshi’s impeccably spotless and Satoshi’s covered in manila folders and schoolwork.
Everyday, Satoshi woke up, went to school, and attended the art club that Daisuke finally convinced him to join. On some evenings, Inspector Saehara would ask him for help on a case, and they always headed home after work with fried chicken for dinner. For the most part though, Satoshi spent his time after school with Daisuke and Takeshi.
Then Riku moved away.
Risa began to hang out with Daisuke and Takeshi just as much as she hung out with Ritsuko and the other girls, but she still maintained the same distance she had with Satoshi prior to the incident. She’d greet him, cordial and courteous, and she’d smile and laugh with the boys, just like him, but that was the extent of their relationship: friends of friends.
And that was how Satoshi’s second year in middle school came to an end.
The last of the art club members finally left. They were a group of giggling girls who clearly only joined to get closer to Satoshi but, after realizing that he wouldn’t pay any attention to them yet again, they decided to call it a day.
Satoshi sighed in relief when the door closed behind them and ran his hand through his hair. Daisuke, president of the art club, laughed at the strands that were sticking up.
“How long are you going to let them stay here?” Satoshi asked, watching the group walk and giggle down below.
“They’ll get tired eventually.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“Just wait. They’ll eventually realize how boring you are and set their eyes on someone else.”
Satoshi shot Daisuke a look. He laughed before slipping off his stool.
“So what did you want to talk about?”
“My painting.”
Daisuke, eyes shining with curiosity, scurried over to Satoshi’s canvas. His jaw slacked.
Before him was the familiar visage of Dark outlined in pencil. The sharp angle of his eyes, his chiseled features, his charismatic smile, and his dark hair flowing around him: everything was detailed to utmost perfection.
“Oh my god.”
“How is it?”
“It looks just like him.”
“It does, doesn’t it?”
Daisuke nodded, awestruck, but that eventually gave way to a darker expression on his face. “…why are you doing this, though?”
Satoshi shrugged. “I don’t know. Still life practice got boring, so I decided to try doing something different.”
“You could have done something else besides starting on a portrait of Dark.”
“I know, but this is what I ended up making.”
“…are you okay?”
“That’s a rhetorical question.”
Daisuke sighed. “It’s just—we’re worried about you, Satoshi. We don’t want you to hurt yourself, you know? If you’re not ready to face it, you don’t have to.”
“What? Would a portrait of my father have been better?”
“No, Satoshi, I—”
“Sorry,” Satoshi said before getting off his stool. He grabbed his bag and made his way to the door. “I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.” At the entrance, he turned around to face Daisuke. “But when the hell am I going to ever be ready?”
The sun began to set, casting its golden hue on the busts and wooden stands by the wall. Since Inspector Saehara didn’t need his help that evening, Satoshi stayed after the club meeting to work on his painting. A palette full of varying hues of purple floated gracefully in his left hand while a worn brush sat precariously in his right, waiting to lay down another thoughtful stroke.
The door opened.
“Hello, Hiwatari-kun!”
He tore his eyes away from the canvas to see Risa standing there. She no longer had her customary pink ribbon tying her hair up; her dark locks cascaded down just like Riku’s. If she trimmed some off, she’d be the spitting image of her sister.
Perhaps that was why she changed her hairstyle.
“Are you heading home soon?”
He glanced at his watch: 6:04 PM.
“Maybe.” Satoshi noted the bag slung over her shoulder. “I’m assuming you’re on your way back?”
“Yeah.” She frowned. “Saehara-kun kept us all late today because our monthly issue is coming out. What a workaholic.”
Satoshi smirked. “Like father, like son.”
“His dad’s just like that?”
“Absolutely. His mom’s the same way, too, so it probably runs in the family.”
Risa giggled. The door opened again, and it was the man of the hour himself. He pouted.
“I’m not as bad as my parents.”
“Sure,” Satoshi sarcastically drawled.
Takeshi just shook his head. “Whatever, bro. You headin’ back soon?”
“Maybe. Don’t wait for me if you need to head out.”
“Nah. I kinda want to hit up the arcade for a bit before we go grocery shopping.”
“Can we drop by the bookstore, too? I need to grab a couple of things.”
“Yeah. I think I need some stuff from there, too.” Takeshi then turned to Risa. “You wanna stick around with us, then? No hard feelings if you need to jet, though.”
“Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll pass. I don’t want to stay out too late and worry my parents.” She waved with a smile. “I’ll see you two tomorrow then. Bye!”
Risa skipped out of the room while Takeshi walked over to examine Satoshi’s painting. He whistled.
“Yanno, you’re a little too talented for someone who doesn’t like painting.”
“Shut up. You know how I feel about it.”
“And yet you joined the art club.”
“I have to start somewhere with that positive reassociation and all.”
“And how’s that goin’ for ya?”
“Terrible. I’m hating every second of it.”
“Well, uh, nobody asked you to make a painting of that Dark Mousy fellow, yanno?”
“Couldn’t help it. His handsome face kept bothering me.”
Mama Saehara popped up on his phone screen with the Parisian skyline behind her.
“Good evening, Satoshi.”
“Good morning, Saehara-san.”
“No need to be so formal with me! Please, call me Mama.”
“I’d rather not.”
She laughed. “Alrighty, hun. How’re you doing?”
“I’m alright.”
“And the therapy? Have you decided to go?”
“No. I don’t think I can.”
“That’s alright. You’re doing alright. No need to push yourself if you’re not ready.” She sighed. “I just need this project to finish and then I’ll take the first flight I can back to Japan. Just wait for me, okay?”
“No need to rush. Take all the time you need.”
“Oh honey, I appreciate the thought, but I don’t know if I trust those buffoons to take care of you. Speaking of them, how are they treating you?”
“They’re very nice. I like living here, Saehara-san. Thank you for taking me in.”
“I’m glad, Satoshi. And you’re very welcome! It’s the least we could do, truly.”
Her phone rang. Mama Saehara answered before launching into a furious tirade of French. After she hung up, she sighed and began to massage her temples.
“Sorry to cut this call short, but there’s an emergency. I’ll call again as soon as I can. Toodles!”
“Bye. Have a nice day.”
Satoshi saw himself reflected on his phone screen, and he took out his earbuds before leaving the room. He went downstairs to see Inspector Saehara at the table, can of beer open in front of him, while Takeshi began plating the food.
“How’s Ma?” Takeshi asked.
“Alright. Busy,” Satoshi answered. He grabbed some plates and bowls from the cabinets.
“Sound about right,” Takeshi said. “And you?”
“How’re you?”
“Alright. Tired.”
Takeshi smirked. “Who isn’t?”
He patted Satoshi’s back before putting the plates full of table and hounding his dad about drinking: just another meal at the Saehara household.
Satoshi smiled as he began to set the table.
After the club meeting, Satoshi stayed behind to work on his painting, unrestrained by a request from Inspector Saehara. He mindlessly toiled away until the door opened.
“Hi, Hiwatari-kun!”
Risa’s voice broke his focus. Golden hour had passed and the blue hour settled in, dying the room a muted blue. Even Risa, despite her chipper demeanor, seamlessly blended in with the mood.
“Hey, Harada. Did the newspaper club meeting just finish?”
“Nope. It ended a while ago, but I stayed back to wrap something up.”
“So Takeshi’s already gone?”
“Yeah. I think he went to the arcade with a couple of our club members for some bonding time.”
Risa swayed her head. “Are you heading home soon?”
“Yeah. Let me tidy up here, and I’ll leave with you.”
She smiled. “Thanks.”
Satoshi covered his painting with a tarp before leaving the room to clean his brushes and palette. He returned to see Risa on a stool, watching something on her phone. She laughed until she noticed he had returned, and she paused her video before offering a weak wave and smile.
Satoshi grabbed his bag. “You ready to head out?”
She hopped off the stool. Satoshi closed the door behind them before they walked to the faculty office. He bowed before entering, leaving the keys to the art room with the frazzled student-teacher, and bowed after leaving. Risa trailed behind him uncharacteristically calm and quiet the whole time.
When they got to the shoe lockers, Risa finally broke her silence.
“Hiwatari-kun,” she began as he took off his slippers, “did you know him?”
“Know who?”
“The person I was waiting for that day at the lamppost.”
“It took you this long to ask me about that?”
Risa giggled. “Sorry. I couldn’t find a good time to bring it up.”
“Really? I thought you’d do it by screaming at me about hugging you and overstepping boundaries.”
Risa giggled again. Satoshi raised his eyebrow as he slipped on his shoes. “I was thinking about it, but I thought it’d be too rude to. After all, you appeared when I needed someone the most. Thank you for that.”
“I had a snarky reply to that but, since you’re being genuine, I’ll keep it to myself.”
They reconvened at the entrance. Risa’s smile looked more genuine that the one she had earlier.
“So, why bring it up now?” Satoshi asked as they began walking out.
“I tried to forget about it. Why should I stay hung up over someone I don’t remember? But, well, long story short, I couldn’t. I want to know who he was.”
They stopped at an intersection. Cars rushed by while commuters joined them, preoccupied with their own lives. Satoshi focused on the red light of the crosswalk, trying not to look at Risa’s expression.
“Are you sure you want to know?”
“Of course I do! Why else would I be asking you about him?”
“And what if I tell you that it might be overwhelming?”
“So? I’d still want to know!”
“Even if it’ll make you cry?”
“Of course! I don’t want to just forget about him!”
Satoshi sighed. The light at the crosswalk turned green, and they began to move. Risa’s head bobbed with each step, and Satoshi focused on the sidewalk to avoid looking at her.
“Harada, I’d rather not see you cry,” he said. “It makes me uncomfortable.”
“Okay then. I’ll try not to cry.”
“You? Who displays your emotions for the whole world to see? Forget it.”
Risa grabbed his arm, and he turned around. She forced him to look at her. He saw the determination in her eyes, burning just as much as it did when she was chasing Dark mere months ago.
“Hiwatari-kun, please.”
How could he say no to her?
“Alright. Fine. Just give me some time, okay?”
He brushed off her arm, frustrated by her stubbornness. But he saw the softness in her expression when he yielded, and he etched it in his memory.
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someawesomeamvs · 4 years
Warning: Spoilers, violence, flashing lights
Title: Rise Again
Editors: xValkyrieAngelx, KaeldraicProductions, xSnowflakes1515, MystykAMV, HopesFeathers, NekoKitkat25hug, CuriousSoulsx, xGeminii, xAnicsi, cherrybloms
Studio: AngelicSerenadeMEPs
Song: We Will Rise Again
Artist: Scorpions
Anime: The Vision of Escaflowne (TV), Neon Genesis Evangelion, Serial Experiments Lain, D.N.Angel, Saint Seiya, Cowboy Bebop, X/1999, Sailor Moon, The Vision of Escaflowne (film), Saikano, Cyborg 009
Category: Drama
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heroaine · 5 years
Hey, the Happily Ever After list anon here :) I didn't have specifically f/f ships on mind, I'm interested in all types of such ships - by writing f.e. "villain(ess)" I had " a villain or a villainess" on mind :) But I'm glad I inspired you to look for villainess/heroine ships ;)
Oh! Lol my bad!!
In THAT case, assuming you’re including villains that get redeemed by the end of the story.....(obv, spoilers)
Hannibal/Clarice (Hannibal novel)
Haven’t read the book myself but I’ve heard the ending to the novel is much more romantic than the ending of the movie, haha
Megamind/Roxanne (Megamind)
Mytho/Rue (Princess Tutu)
Gajeel/Levy (Fairy Tail)
Again, haven’t read it myself (it’s on my to-do list) but I’m pretty sure Gajeel is introduced as a villain and then switches sides and gets with Levy by the end of the series
Bulma/Vegeta (Dragon Ball Z)
Batman/Catwoman (DC Comics)
I think there are a couple continuities where Selina and Bruce get married--I assume she hangs up the bad-guy stuff beforehand tho
Risa/Satoshi (D.N.Angel)
This is pretty questionable bcus I’ve only seen the anime, and Satoshi was closer to just a rival character for the most part I think, and them getting together is just an implication at the very tail end of the anime...but I figured I’d put it here just in case.
Aaaand that’s all I’ve got off the top of my head. Hope this is more helpful than my last answer lmao!
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dotjaypg · 6 years
you said you used to like anime more? I like the Ancient Magus Bride
Ooh! I’ve actually been kind of curious about that one but I’ve been waiting for the hype to die down a bit before I look into it so I can avoid spoilers. I seem to have an affinity for red haired anime/game characters (Ruby and Maki from Love Live, Reno from FF7, Daisuke from D.N.Angel etc) so the main character–Chise? was her name?–caught my attention. I’ll have to check it out now that school’s done! I have a few other things on my watchlist too (Tiger & Bunny, Durararax2(?), and I meant to watch Kimi no Na wa too but I had no time when my school had it for movie day) but that one is definitely on there!
Mainly the reason I don’t like anime as much as I used to is mostly because I don’t have time to watch anything anymore, unfortunately! I’d love to watch more anime and do more things in general, but it’s been a bit difficult adjusting to heavy college workloads and since I’m a senior and overloading credits my final semester I have to spend most of my time studying to make sure I can graduate! I get my grades back tomorrow, I’m so nervous but I hope I did well… but I know either way after I make it up to my fiance’s house we’re going to catch up on all the shows we’ve been meaning to watch!
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luanna801 · 3 years
(DNAngel spoilers under the cut)
There's a side of me that's a rational fan who tries to objectively analyze things in terms of the story and characters and not my personal preferences, and that side of me is currently having a doozy trying to figure out how to feel about the latest plot twists, but there is also an absolutely petty, biased part of me that doesn't care and is basically reacting to this like:
Yukiru Sugisaki: Hiwatari secretly loved Satoshi the whole time!!!
Me: Cool, I don't care.
Sugisaki: He was just trying to protect him!!
Me: Congrats, he's done a terrible job.
Sugisaki: No you don't understand!!! He couldn’t be a loving father because he'd DIE if somebody loved him back!!!
Me: I mean no one would love him anyway because he’s terrible so it's redundant, honestly.
Sugisaki: Don't you feel terrible for the struggle he's been living through all these years????
Me, popping metaphorical gum: N O P E
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luanna801 · 5 years
So, here’s a D.N.Angel crack theory (which, the more I think about it, I don’t think is even all that outlandish):
In light of Hiwatari’s seeming immortality, what if he actually is Satoshi’s biological father?
I mean, look at it this way: Both of Satoshi’s parents (presumably) died before the events of the series, but we’ve still gotten glimpses of Rio. We know her name. Satoshi mentions her. We’ve seen little hints of flashbacks. It’s not much, to be sure, but it’s there.
Heck, we even get a brief, intriguing mention of Satoshi’s grandmother. (Side note: I’ve always found it interesting that Daiki says she “disappeared” after giving birth to Rio, rather than necessarily died. It could well mean the same thing, but if so it’s unnecessarily ambiguous phrasing. I’m also interested to know what he means that “the result [of the feud] was a draw” in their day.) 
But about his father... there’s literally nothing. Absolute radio silence. No one mentions him. We never see the tiniest glimpse of a flashback. We aren’t given a single piece of information about him. (In fact, to my memory the only time anyone mentions Satoshi having had a biological father at all is in the scene I linked above, where Daiki says “I don’t know who the father is”.) As far as the story is concerned, he might as well not have existed at all. 
Now, you could argue it’s just never brought up because Satoshi’s biological father is long dead and not relevant to the story. But again, we’ve gotten brief hints about his mother and even his grandmother. And we’ve also gotten glimpses of other characters who are long gone before the story starts, like Daiki’s late wife (Daisuke’s grandmother), and Saehara’s absentee mother. Considering that Satoshi is a main character in this series, the lack of any sort of reference to his biological father is pretty striking. That doesn’t necessarily mean there’s some sort of mystery or twist involving him, but it easily could.
Now, that twist doesn’t have to be that he’s Hiwatari, obviously. But consider that there are really only two reasons we’ve gone through the series assuming Hiwatari isn’t: The fact that he was apparently too young to be (a 26-year-old couldn’t have fathered a 14-year-old, obviously), and the fact that we’re outright told he adopted Satoshi. 
If Hiwatari is in fact immortal (which he pretty obviously seems to be), neither of those are in play: Hiwatari looks 26, but not only is he old enough to be Satoshi’s father, he’s actually old enough to have known Satoshi’s distant ancestors. And of course, in light of his immortality, he’d still have to claim Satoshi was his adoptive son. People would understandably get suspicious if he claimed to have a biological son who looks only 12 years younger than him. Heck, Satoshi himself might not know the truth - Hiwatari may have “adopted” him after Rio died, and never revealed that they’re actually related by blood. 
... Also, consider this:
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There are a bunch of things Hiwatari could mean by this, obviously. He could be a relative of the original Hikari ancestor who was made immortal for some reason (maybe to act as a caretaker for the family, as he seems to have for the Hikari Ancestor). Or he could be a creation of the Hikari Ancestor, who refers to the Hikaris as his “family” metaphorically (cf. Frankenstein’s Creature referring to Frankenstein as his “father”). Either of those explanations could also be true in addition to the one I’m positing here.
But if Hiwatari is Satoshi’s biological father, if he was married to or at least seriously involved with Rio, it’s very literally their family. (Not their “ancestors”, perhaps, you could argue - but then again, if Hiwatari is the same age as the Hikari Ancestor, it’s hard to see how subsequent Hikaris could have been his “ancestors” anyway. If we assume Hiwatari is immortal and the dude we’ve seen in flashbacks with the Hikari Ancestor is him, I think you have to assume he’s using “ancestors” to more generally mean “family members from the past” here.)
Do I think this is canon? Probably not. There’s a reason I referred to it as a crack theory. But I do think it’s interesting to realize that there’s objectively no reason it couldn’t be. We know absolutely nothing about Satoshi’s biological father (in contrast to other characters who are dead or gone before the start of the series)... and on the other hand, there’s the obvious father figure he’s had all along. Who we now know is (probably) actually old enough to have fathered him. Who even looks rather like him. And while it might be weird to think of Rio Hikari having been involved with some immortal dude who’s possibly not even fully human, well... 
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... it’s not like the series hasn’t gone there before.
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luanna801 · 6 years
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Anyway the new D.N.Angel chapter is bi culture, thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
Glad to see the D.N.Angel revival continuing to portray Daisuke as the epic bicon he is, bless.
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luanna801 · 6 years
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Some amazingly gorgeous art on these pages. Kudos to Sugisaki as always.
It looks like we’re seeing the birth of Krad and Dark here, which would seem to be at odds with Niwa Ancestor handing Hikari Ancestor a notice with Dark’s signature earlier on. Unless it’s gonna turn out he’s the one who used the alias “Phantom Thief Dark”, before our Dark ever did.
Either that or he and Hikari Ancestor are... discussing what happened? Doing some ritual together (judging by the first panel here) that made them transform? It’s kind of unclear.
That panel of Krad and Dark really is lovely, though. I’m curious about what’s going on around Krad’s neck - some kind of collar? Necklace? I’d like to see more of his outfit.
Dark’s wings also look paler here than they usually do, but that may well just be a shading choice rather than anything significant.
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luanna801 · 6 years
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Aaaand then immediately after that flashback, we cut back to... Hiwatari Sr. With his hand looking suspiciously wrinkled. DUN DUN DUNNNNNN.
I’m not gonna lie, if it turns out Hiwatari Sr.’s been immortal all this time, that’s honestly an amazing plot twist that I never saw coming (nor did most of the other fans I’ve talked to), which manages to be a total game-changer while still fitting really well with everything we’ve seen so far. Awesome.
And if he’s an immortal whose immortality is starting to fade away for one reason or another (as the wrinkled hand would imply), it would give him a pretty strong motive for whatever he’s doing. I assume whatever his longterm plan is, he’s hoping to secure permanent immortality somehow, and he thinks Satoshi (and Krad?) can help him do that.
Also, if it does turn out he’s trying to use Satoshi to stay immortal, it takes the already-somewhat-present Mother Gothel parallels Up To Eleven and I reserve the right to make ALL THE REFERENCES, okay. :-P
*hums* Father understands, Father’s here to help you, all I have is one requeeeeeeeeest...
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luanna801 · 6 years
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(This is actually a case where I asked someone else  (@fugitivehues) what was going on, so I’m not as wholly in the dark as with most of the chapter.)
So... apparently the Hikari Ancestor had an attendant (friend? relative? caretaker? assistant?) of some sort, who’s comforting him here while he has a breakdown. Which is already pretty interesting, because I never really pictured the Hikari Ancestor having relationships like that in his life.
But what takes this past “mildly noteworthy” to “HOLY PLOT TWIST, BATMAN” is that Attendant Dude here looks a whole lot like Hiwatari Sr., and I’m very much inclined to think it’s either an ancestor of his or - based on what we see on the next page - actually him. Which would honestly explain a lot (how he knows so much about the Hikari family, some of what his motivations might be), in addition to being a heck of a twist, obviously.
If this is Hiwatari, I’m interested to see if he was manipulating and using the Hikari Ancestor for his own ends even then (much like he’s trying to do with Satoshi now), or if he was genuinely a good dude back then and did care about the Hikari Ancestor. (The smile on his face when he’s holding H.A. seems rather smirk-adjacent, but it’s hard to be sure.) 
Honestly, either one would be fine with me. If he did become twisted over time, there’s probably a fascinating story there. (I imagine if he’s tried to look after the Hikari family and watched them all die horrible premature deaths over and over, that could easily warp a person.) Or if he’s been the Big Bad Mastermind behind all of this all along, that’s fantastic in an entirely different way, and throws everything we know about the whole Niwa/Hikari ancestor backstory in an entirely new light.
(It could also be a bit of both, of course - he might have genuinely cared about the Hikari Ancestor to some degree and been hoping to use his power for his own ends, and just had the nasty side of his personality become more and more prominent over time.)
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