#crane wives sentence starters
moonlessnight125 · 7 months
Crane wives lyrics sentence starters!
"I know you mean so well, but I am not a vessel for you good intentions."
"I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box."
"It's a habit, I can't help it."
"There crys are a warning."
"The hand that feeds deserves to be bitten when it beats."
"I may never be a rich man but I can be free."
"I want to feel the fire that you kept from me."
"Are we allies or enemies?"
"This will be the death of me."
"I can't fight with you anymore."
"All your doing now is losing me."
"I gave you everything I had."
"Now I want it back!"
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sunoflegend · 1 year
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@shxkespexre asked ; " what good has ever come of it? " from the crane wives sentence starters ! accepting .
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The question causes her to pause in her current actions and look down at the bard, a mix between amused and offended that he'd ask such a thing.
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"Plenty of goods come from it - clearly you've never went through with a good sabotage before if you're asking that. What do you care anyways?"
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animasend · 2 years
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@castilium​ SAID:  ❝  you are someone I have loved but never known. ❞
   she doesn’t know when it became something never questioned but accepted in silence and perhaps that is for the best. late-night walks were ever the go-to for most when thoughts made sleep far too impossible to find. and the beach was one place someone could find solace in, whether it be the gentle lapping of the waves or the silence. she’s lost count of how many times she’s awoken herself, incapable of sleeping from feelings she dares not tell another soul, only to look out her window to find Mashu watching the waters. sometimes, she leaves her be and others, she joins the Shielder. like tonight. 
      and, like usual, the conversation is quiet, somber in its nature. after those moments in the white void of her memory, part of her understands why Mashu comes here as often as she does. even if there are times Olga wonders if the Shielder blames her for, well, everything, there is never any hesitance in letting the other ask or say that which she can’t to others. but that doesn’t mean she’s prepared for some of it or, in this case, all of it. 
  even if time has passed, even if some small part of her accepts it, Olga still cannot fully understand just how others can love her as she is. it is of no fault of their own, something that is entirely of her own doing. she has gotten better, but only by so much. to erase a life-time of self-loathing cannot happen overnight and all she can do when those relentlessly cruel thoughts come is try and deal with it, falling into that habit of refusing to let anyone else see her in such a state. she is guarded. she still struggles with letting others see her as that flawed person she is, this walking contradiction of all she’s ever known. but sometimes, that guarded mask slips away.
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     it is impossible to hide the sorrow in her eyes. it is impossible to mask the way her expression shifts, falling into something one couldn’t name. that’s impossible, she thinks. she has only ever let someone see what she wanted them too, back in Chaldea and that was a crafted front. it was not the truth. even now, even here, she is afraid of letting that mask go. she can’t burden anyone with all that is underneath it. she can hardly handle it herself most days. if you were to ask her who she is, she could say nothing else except i don’t know. and how can you love something like that? when she speaks, it is with sincerity, the truth of what she believes. 
            “ You can’t love someone you’ve never known. “
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monmuses · 1 month
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dualitytransformation asked: ❝  the devil’s after both of us. ❞ jek to muriel? ; *  ―  CRANE WIVES SENTENCE STARTERS .  
Their gut twisted up into a tight knot, almost fearful of hearing that kind of statement. The Devil Himself? No ... it couldn't be! Not after they tried to help as a fellow Angel to a human who needed aid! Right ... ?
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" ... how do you know?" They asked, fear striking their voice. "Have you ... seen him? I-I have not heard of any other description to him aside from ... deplorable. Or monstrous! How could he be after us? I ... I'm not sure what we have done!"
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princguard-a · 1 year
❝  every word i say is kindling. ❞
accepting @dragonspined
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❝ I would say so, considering you're a dragon,❞ Lark replied as she looked at the other.
❝ I think everything to you is kindling.❞
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solar-throne · 2 years
“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a cool-ass weapon and I’m not afraid to use it.” - maybe Puck to Uilliam at some point somehow??
protective sentence starters
Now, this was interesting. There was a belief among the Faerie that one could always sniff another out, though among the younger generations this belief was a mere wives tale with no evidence to support it. Though, to someone like Uilliam, it was a fact that had proven true on multiple occasions. When traveling outside of Fae it was rare to catch such a scent, it was always faint as well. None had ever been as that of the boy before him. Which was why Uilliam had stopped and craned his body, kaleidoscopic lenses meeting dark goggles.
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"How curious, you smell of the Feywildes...." He stated with a curious tilt of his head, he clearly didn't feel threatened by the fluffy haired boy's warning.
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emptyrule · 2 years
❝  the night doesn’t frighten me, i chose to let it thrive. ❞
it is easy to say that they are different and that they always will be. it is harder to think that they are the same, but this is a truth that exists.
few, if any, would ever know or recognize the things they share. things that run far deeper than appearances and paths taken. Morgan sees them. she sees them as easily as she does the differences and accepts them. after all, they were born for the same purpose, yet Morgan chose the path that was never meant for the hope of morning. Avalon succeeded where Tonelico had failed. where the younger was spring, the older was winter. she knows that which the other hardly speaks of but never points it out, never brings it up. the past is already gone. everything has already been said and done. there is no going back and there is no changing it. Morgan recognizes that she is what was never supposed to be. walking proof of what reaching the ends of the world could do. she had come back wrong, all wrong in the eyes of fate, but there was nothing it could say to bring back what had been lost in that journey.
both proof and a warning sign is what she was.
" It is not the night that you should be frightened of. It is what thrives in it. " and who better to know than her? her, the one who followed the shadow in the valley and decided: no more. " How long can you swallow the pain before it comes comes around again? It is not wrong to seek peace in the night but do not forget. You do not belong in it. It was never meant to be yours. " simple girl from the village or The Savior, the title mattered not. this was the truth.
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" Do not follow the night, Avalon le Fae. The shadows hold no love for you, no kindness. They never will."
no, the night is where she belonged. where the shadow of Tonelico resides, where the one who knew millenia of suffering could find something called peace. that is Morgan's place. not Artoria's, never Artoria's.
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sommiar · 2 years
❝ all my aching bones are trembling and I may yet fall apart. ❞
        falling apart is all but simple, she is aware of how much her eyes have been rubbed over to clean off the dirt. it had never been lasting to find a place where people did not stare at her and placed their hopes and wishes, her shoulders growing heavier and heavier until she could smile and have it seem genuine. she knew that her duty would demand no less, and the exhaustion had been palpable near the end. she would sit in her room, blonde hair messed up from her pillow, green eyes staring at the ceiling, and hands grasped tightly on the sheets — and wonder, wonder how anyone could believe in her.
Arturia thinks it is a little like that, spending all her energy to pretend she's more than she will ever be, pretending to have no doubts or life-threatening worries, and holding onto everything she saw as precious.
     she can make no promises, nothing lasts forever and Morgan is an example that even the powerful can fall. she still doesn't have the same strength to stand up to her as an equal, not in the way that she follows her steps and stops midway to choose another path. if Oberon has her joining him to laugh and make sure he has not disappeared like a midsummer's dream, Morgan is more complicated.
she knows that if she mentions how they both remind her of winter, Morgan will stare in silent offense but Arturia does not mean it like that — winter can be volatile but it can be quiet as well. she wants them to find some semblance of happiness, no matter how small.
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     “Rest for a while. I will not let anyone harm you while I am here.”
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afterlifetango · 2 years
❝  don’t let them sell you any armour, your ribs are still your own. ❞ / Artemis to Cassandra!
crane wives sentence starters
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    “I don't think my ribs are going to stop a weapon's blade anytime soon.”
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puckrph · 3 years
from the album by the crane wives. feel free to change pronouns, etc.
' when i was a child, my nerves ran wild. ' ' with the risk of fall, i never climbed at all. ' ' my daddy always said "nothing worth doing comes easy." ' ' time is not your friend. time is not your remedy. ' ' no amount of waiting will make you brave. no amount of fear will keep you safe. ' ' the older i get, the more fears i collect. ' ' i carry them with me. ' ' what if the steps i take turn out to be mistakes? ' ' how can somebody like me learn to say "come what may?" ' ' your fears won't keep you safe. '
' i could have been anyone else before you made the choice for me. ' ' my feet knew the path we walked in the dark; i never gave a single thought to where it might lead. ' ' i made a bed with apathy. ' ' my heart knew the weight: ten years worth of dust and neglect. ' ' make your peace with weariness and let it be. ' ' i loved you like the sun. ' ' i loved you like the sun: bore the shadows that you made with no light of my own. ' ' i shine only with the light you gave me. ' ' we could have had anything else. instead, you hoarded all that's left of me. ' ' i want to feel the fire that was kept from me. '
' the words i speak are wildfires and weeds; they spread like some awful damn disease. ' ' i swear i didn't mean what i said. ' ' forget it all. you caught me in a moment, weak. ' ' sometimes i just can't help myself. ' ' are we allies or enemies? ' ' this will be the death of me. ' ' remember when i could tell you not to smile when you were mad, and you would always crack? and we'd both be laughing in the end? ' ' now, you're not so quick to forget. ' ' all's fair in love and war, but i can't fight with you anymore. ' ' what happens now ? ' ' i'll admit i've had my doubts, but i want to be let in, not out. '
' i once loved a tailor who took eager care of me. ' ' sew together my loose ends with stitches neat and clean. ' ' my love is gone and i am left unraveling. ' ' trim my weeds and give me room to grow my flowers again. ' ' i am left here, withering. ' ' sand my rough edges, craft new and lovely things. ' ' i can't help the fracturing. ' ' i never knew that i needed you. ' ' i once loved a man who kissed me once before he left. tied me up in knots and said he'd soon return again. '
' i'm trying to make something of myself. ' ' i feel like i'm working with barbed wire and moth wings, cause i can't really get ahold of anything. ' ' i'm one deep breath away from a breakdown. ' ' the world is hostile, and i'm fragile, and i need someone to kiss the cuts and tell me to keep trying. ' ' does everybody have it together or are we all pretending? ' ' is it really just me holding it together with one loose string that i can't stop pulling? ' ' i rip myself apart at the seams. ' ' i find one weak spot and start unraveling, hoping i can find a better me, a fresh new start buried under me. ' ' can we stop pretending now? '
' i know you want to plant your feet, but we best get a move on. ' ' i pray today my soul to keep. ' ' drop dead sprint now, my darling. ' ' don't look back now. ' ' just try to breathe. ' ' the monster's coming, and it don't care for you or me. ' ' we best get a move on. '
' i've gotten good at leaning on metaphors. ' ' i've gotten good at living on someone else's page. ' ' i cut my teeth on secondhand sentiments. ' ' you can't trust a single thing i say. ' ' i keep my closet free of skeletons because i'm much better at digging graves. ' ' i always dig up bones in your sympathy. ' ' i can't trust a single thing you say. ' ' don't look too hard, because you won't like the scars he left in me. ' ' i've gotten good at stretching the truth out of shape. ' ' all these words are sweet. and meaningless. '
' i've seen good men spoiled. ' ' their cries are a warning to everyone following. ' ' no man should stand to work all his days, and have nothing at the end of them. ' ' i've got no money but the change that jingles in my pockets. ' ' time? i am powerless to stop it. ' ' my papa was a howling man. ' ' my dear papa gave me lessons in regret. he said all that he'd done would be for nothing if i followed in his steps. ' ' my papa taught me how to hold, how to bare my teeth and growl. ' ' the hand that feeds deserves to be bitten when it beats. ' ' i may never be a rich man, but i can make sure that i am free. ' ' the rich man will never have me. '
' it was a march towards ruin and despair, but we held hands all the while. ' ' i swear that i loved you. ' ' beneath the table, you would offer up my bones, and all the dogs would lick your fingers. ' ' i dragged you through every room inside our home, but you still held me at night. ' ' you still held me at night. ' ' i swear that you loved me. ' ' we didn't give up. ' ' we wouldn't dare surrender. ' ' it was an honest loss. ' ' i fought with tooth and nail before the flag had flown, but you were already gone. '
' i feel the mountains shifting under me. ' ' the sleeping giants are finally waking. ' ' my pulse is clear, rushing in my ears. ' ' i hear something calling me. ' ' the moon is humming lovely melodies. '
' out of the ocean, over the harbor lay no sons and lay no daughters. ' ' it was there i wrote a sad, sad song. ' ' if my lover will not heed it, take my voice and take my spirit. ' ' only my lover, not i, can keep my soul. '
' on some level, i think i always understood that these hands of mine were clumsy, not clever. ' ' i tried to do the best that i could. ' ' i couldn't bring myself to hold you. ' ' it's a secret i keep tucked inside my chest. ' ' this heart of mine is guilty, not remorseful. ' ' there is love that doesn't have a place to rest, but it would've buried you if it had settled on your shoulders. ' ' a ship can never really love an anchor, so i did the only thing that i could, and severed the rope to set you sailing from my harbor. ' ' there are times where i still wonder about you. ' ' you are someone i have loved, but never known. ' ' you'll never see the reasons i had for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you. ' ' i am selfish, i am broken, i am cruel. ' ' i am all the things they might have said to you. ' ' do you ever think of me, and my two hands? '
' i want to stand on the edge of the water and see horizons stretch on forever. ' ' i want to know that there are lands not yet touched by human hands. ' ' i want to be the one to find them. ' ' i feel like i'm lost in a desert. ' ' these steps i take won't go to waste if i'm moving towards something. ' ' i want to believe there's something left for me. ' ' i want to kindle a love that doesn't age, even when all the years carve lines into your face. ' ' tell me i'll be surprised. ' ' i want you to prove me wrong. '
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rpsentencememblog · 3 years
the crane wives “safe ship, harbored” sentence memes
“You won't find me where you left me.” “I won’t bargain, I won’t break.” “My mind’s made up, though my head still aches.” “I am not afraid of anything.” “I will drown for you.” “I am all in now, no matter how it ends.” “I am not afraid to give you everything.” “When it all turns sour, only love can turn you back.” “Something within you is fast asleep, afraid to be who you will be.” “It’s a losing battle, so why are you still fighting?” “If there’s a hole in the silver lining, I’ll be the one to find it.” “Leave your doubt at the door.” “Watch me give up, honey, watch me give up.” “Don’t waste your blessings on me.” “Come, my dear, and be a part of my home.” “I’m nobody’s daughter.” “I pray when it’s done, when it’s through, I’ll have something left for you.” “Can anyone hear me?” “I am consumed with selfish wanting.” “I have all the time I need to repent my wicked deeds.”
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moonlessnight125 · 10 months
Sound lyrics that hit me sentence starters.
(Most of these are from the crane wives.)
"I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box."
"What makes you think I'm so special."
"They won't remember that I'm gone."
"Wishing the pills let you cry and I hate coping."
"There is no more room in hell."
"Kick me out I'm not phase. I'm on another plane."
"I am not a vessel for your good intentions."
"Maybe I'm the one who's right."
"I wanna feel the fire that you kept from me."
"I love you like an alcoholic."
"Give me something pretty to wear beneath my bloodstain clothes."
"There are times when I still wonder about you."
"Tell me that I'm good enough!"
"You took me down, but you didn't finish me off."
"How can this be fair."
"I use to think love was fun."
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occasionalrpmemes · 4 years
The Crane Wives sentence starters: lines taken from the 2016 album Foxlore
“Happy is the man who wants for nothing.”
“Happy is the liar.”
“Do you ever want nothing at all?”
“Do you ever feel nothing at all?”
“I would not wish that on you.”
“I talk in my sleep, when the night is listening.”
“You are dreaming dreams that have not a thing to do with me.”
“I will finally say that I am not okay.”
“I’ve been wishing that you’d prove me wrong.” 
“Come clean and rue the damage done.  Restore my faith in you.” 
“Sure, you can forget about all the things you’ve done.  But what about the rest of us?”
“I’ve been hearing that you’re leaving town.” 
“The dust never settles when you’re around.”
“Tell me, when you start again, where will you house your skeletons?”
“The dark doesn’t frighten me.”
“I chose to close my eyes.” 
“The dark doesn’t frighten me.  I chose to close my eyes.”
“Little girl, don’t let them sell you any armor - all your ribs are still your own.”
“How lucky we are.” 
“How lucky you are.”
“It’s time to learn to be more forgiving of yourself.”
“You’ve got to try to take the lessons away from them and leave the rest behind.”
“All the self-loathing in the world won’t change a thing.”
“You can’t go back, darling.  The time has come for moving on.”
“You can’t be always trying to dig up what you’ve already buried.”
“You’ve got to carry on.”
“It’s not fair.  It’s not fair.  It’s not fair.”
“When have you ever known the world to be a fair place?”
“All things end and all things change.”
“You’ll look back and laugh one day, or at least you’ll learn to be okay.”
“There’s a fire in my brain and I’m burning up.”
“Every word I say is kindling, but the smoke clears when you’re around.”
“Won’t you stay with me, my darling, when my walls start burning down?”
“There’s still cobwebs in the corners, and the backyard’s full of bones.”
“Won’t you stay with me, my darling, when this house don’t feel like home?”
“The devil’s after both of us.”
“All my aching bones are trembling, and I may yet fall apart.”
“Won’t you stay with me, my darling, when the war starts in my heart?”
“Tell me I am good enough.”
“You don’t have to believe every single thought that tumbles through your head.”
“Sometimes all you can do is say goodnight and tuck your demons into bed.”
“They’re not worth fighting.”
“What good has ever come of it?”
“What answers will you find?” 
“Past loves linger like phantom limbs.”
“I cut straight to the heart.”
“I don’t believe the pretty little things that you say.”
“Don’t buy me flowers. It pains me to watch pretty little things wilt away.”
“There are lessons in life no one should have to learn.”
“Trust is now something I make people earn.”
“I know a trick to make a man’s colors show: if he sees something he wants, tell him no.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Maybe I’ve been used up.”
“Maybe I’ve been ruined.”
“But maybe I’m the one who’s right.”
“I am not brave.”
“I keep my focus on what is safe.”
“I gotta wrap my head around what my heart is telling me.” 
“Just because I know what I am supposed to do now, doesn’t mean I know how.”
“I blind my eyes to what won’t stay.”
“I’ve been trying to drown it out.”
“Keep the light so dim that you can’t see what’s out there ahead of you.”
“My dear, there are secrets here.”
“If only I could break the chain of disappointments, weighing me down - ” 
“I won’t be afraid.” 
“I won’t be afraid of all the things that I’ve wanted.” 
“It’s the fear and not the ghost that leaves me haunted.” 
“You’re an anchor for all the heaviest regrets inside of you.”
“We collect mistakes.”
“The crows in the garden are laughing at my expense.”
“My stone, my shield, my steady hand - hold your light to the darkness in my head.”
“Put your ear to my heart or set your teeth against my throat.”
“The devil knows my name.”
“When they come for us, they’ll come with hammers and nails.”
“Get your hands dirty.”
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amusinguproar · 4 years
“ i hear a rumblin’, honey. “
“ this wild weather’s got the mountain shakin’ weak. “
“ i know you long to plant your feet. “
“ we best get a move on, or the devil we will meet. “
“ i feel a quakin’, honey. “
“ rocks are a - tumblin’ while the people are asleep. “
“ i pray the day my soul to keep. “
“ drop dead sprint, my darlin’, now! “
“ don’t look back now, honey, just try to breathe. “
“ that monster’s comin’ and it don’t care for you or me. “
“ the angels we may someday see. “
“ i’ve gotten good at leaning on metaphor. “
“ i’ve gotten good at living on someone else’s page. “
“ i’ve cut my teeth on secondhand sentiments. “
“ you can’t trust a single thing i say. “
“ i keep my closet free of skeletons ‘cause i’m much better at digging graves. “
“ i always dig up bones in your sympathy. “
“ i can’t trust a single thing you say. “
“ you won’t like the scars he put in me. “
“ i’ve gotten good at making up metaphors. “
“ i’ve gotten good at stretching the truth out of shape. “
“ all these words are sweet and meaningless. “
“ i’ve seen good men spoil. “
“ they work and sleep and work again. “
“ in their darkest nights, they howl. “
“ their cries are a warning. “
“ no man should stand to work all of his days and have nothing at the end of them. “
“ i’ve got no money but the change that jangles in my pockets. “
“ i am powerless to stop it. “
“ it keeps rambling on like a mad, wandering man. “
“ my dear papa gave me lessons in regret. “
“ the hand that feeds deserves to be bitten. “
“ he taught me how to break my chains. “
“ i may never be a rich man, but i can make sure i’m free. “
“ it was a march we made towards ruin and despair. “
“ i swear that i loved you. “
“ ‘neath the table you would offer up my bones. “
“ i’d drag dirt through every room inside our home. “
“ you still held me at night. “
“ we didn’t give up ; we wouldn’t surrender. “
“ it was an honest loss. “
“ the aftermath will ring with songs you’ve sung. “
“ i fought with tooth and nail before the flag had flown. “
“ you were already gone. “
“ i feel the mountains shifting under me. “
“ i hear something calling me. “
“ the moon is humming lovely melodies. “
“ the trees are crowing hungry harmonies. “
“ ‘twas there i wrote me a sad, sad song. “
“ if my lover will not hear it, take my voice and take my spirit. “
“ leave me wicked and dig my hole. “
“ only my lover, not i, can keep my soul. “
you can change pronouns and/or names as needed! <3
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wickprompts · 2 years
* i just used the songs on some of my playlists, change pronouns / wording as needed .
❝  every word i say is kindling. ❞
❝  but the smoke clears when you're around. ❞
❝  won't you stay with me, my darling, when my walls start burning down. ❞
❝  the devil’s after both of us. ❞
❝  lay my curses out to rest, make a mercy out of me. ❞ 
❝  all my aching bones are trembling and I may yet fall apart. ❞
Never Love An Anchor .
❝  on some level I think I always understood, that these hands of mine were clumsy not clever. ❞
❝  try as I might I could not bring myself to hold you. ❞
❝  it's a secret I keep tucked inside my chest, with this heart of mine that’s guilty not remorsefu.l ❞
❝  there are times where I still wonder about you. ❞
❝  you are someone I have loved but never known. ❞
❝  and you'll never see the reasons I had, for keeping my claws away when they were close enough to hurt you. ❞
❝  i am selfish i am broken i am cruel. ❞
Ribs .
❝ but no one gave up a rib for me and mine. ❞
❝  time has changed the metaphor. ❞ 
❝  oh my precious child, how lucky you are. ❞
❝  the dark doesn’t frighten me, i chose to close my eyes. ❞
❝  the night doesn't frighten me, i chose to let it thrive. ❞
❝  don’t let them sell you any armour, your ribs are still your own. ❞
Metaphor .
❝  you can't trust a single thing i say ❞
❝  i keep my closet free of skeletons ❞
❝  i always dig up bones in your sympathy. ❞
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princguard-a · 1 year
❝  time has changed the metaphor. ❞  from merel
accepting @eclipsecrowned
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❝ So you say, my lady. ❞ Lark replied as she looked at Merel with an unreadable expression. Her face was ever taciturn as she escorted the wealthy woman to her destination.
❝ Metaphors are lost on me.❞ She replied with a shrug. She was a bit dense when it came to advance literary. Her hand rested on the hilt of her blade, she glanced around for any kind of threat.
❝ Shall we move on to your next errand? ❞
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