#craft supplies - doesnt matter if I do that craft or not
If you became super rich and could design your own house, but could only add THREE unnecessary/random/expensive home additions (like how people will have bowling alleys, movie theatres, closets with museums of shoes, car display rooms, spa rooms, wine cellars, etc. in their mansions) - what three would you choose?
#I think I would have: an indoor pool (but like heavily customized with a faux weather system so I could get the feeling of swimming in#rain or fog or snow etc.). a very small arcade consisting only of skee-ball and DDR machines. and an old Library Room with authentic#historical furniture/interior design to store old books/tapestries/study room equipment/whatever other antiques I'd collect. It'd be#like some fully intricate movie set or something that would feel completely like stepping into another world/time.#Though I might would trade out the arcade for a roller skating rink.. i DO love skating....#And I wouldve put rock climbing gym because I love indoor rock climbing but.. as I understand it they have to change out the rock things#on the walls every once in a while so that you can have new routes and it doesnt get boring. and I'd rather have an activty room thats like#self sustaining and doesnt require me to hire some person to come switch things around once every month. Otherwise I would#totally do that instead.#I'm also personally not counting ''craft'' type stuff like having a pottery room kiln sort of thing because#that doesn't count as 'unnessecary' to me. since stuff like that would not at all be just a hobby I 'happen to#do sometimes for fun'#but would definitely be a career sort of thing. Like if I had the money for a fully stocked sculpture room and and a sewing room#with a good machine and etc. then I would literally be professionally selling pottery and designing clothing and etc.#so I wouldn't count it as 'just a random side room I dont need' etc.#The same way that if I played tennis professionally or as a very intense hobby that takes up most of my life/time#then I wouldn't count having a tennis court in your house to practice in as 'unncesscarry' etc.#wow that is the worst I have ever spelt that word ghbjh#Un Cess Carry#ALSO would obviously have an underground bunker of some sort with food and emergency supplies which also does not count as unnecessary to m#since it's literally like... survival.. And I thought most health organizations literally reccomend that even#the common person has a small 'go bag' prepared in their house. and like an evacuation plan in case of fire or other things#It WOULD be an unnecessary rich person thing to have a full on undergRound village or something stocked with 9000 guns and#whaetever. but I think just a basic emergency room with basic supplies could still be counted under the 'not unnecessary' requirement.#Like I would say that a sprawling courtyard of flower gardens and fountains and hedge mazes that takes up like a hundred thousand#dollars a year in maintenance would count as one of the three 'unnecessary and expensive' things. But having a small garden in the#back yard with a few planters in a little greenhouse or whatever would not. The 'excessiveness' of the thing matters lol#ANYWAY!!!#Just curious what other peoples Three Main things would be... hrrmm
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chiiyuuvv · 5 months
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656; for cactus anon ♡ (tumblr is still acting shit); merry Christmas roady lights :)
@yuniniverse , @nenede , @sanniecatscakesff , @hyunukitty , @cake1box , @mars101 , @soul-is-a-strange-kid , @the-lemon-boy
Your eyes open to find the curtains unfastened, a yawn leaving your lips as you rub your eyes again, taking in the snowy scenery. It fell at a steady pace, covering the ground with its white powder; it brought a smile to your face.
But it drops when you look over your shoulder, finding yourself alone in your bed. You had agreed to let your boyfriend spend the night at your house since he didnt have any family to visit, and although you knew he didnt head far – judging by his shoes that were still placed by your door – it still made you a little sad that he left the bed without waking you up.
So, sliding your fluffy slippers on that he gave you as an early present, you shuffle out your bed and room, hunting him down. You werent sure if he was mingling with your parents in the kitchen, or if he was in the bathroom to wash up, that didnt matter; you needed his warmth.
The hunt didnt last long though, finding his back turned as he bends down, putting an ornament on the huge Christmas tree that sat in the back corner of your living room. He seemed so focused with his craft that he didnt even notice you enter the room, a noticeable jump leaving his body when you wrap your arms around his waist, laying your head on his back. You could feel how fast his heart was beating.
Playing it off though, he clears his throat, fiddling with your fingers. "Good morn-"
"I'm mad at you." You sleepily cut him off, buring your head deeper into his chest. "What?" He laughs at your randomness, turning your body around so that your head was resting on his chest instead. "What did I do, baby?" His fingers come to rub your hair, luring you back to sleep.
But you fight it off. "You left me.. alone."
"Oh, I'm sorry, baby," he responds, "you looked too pretty to disturb."
A blush riizes to your cheeks, your fist closed to playfully hit his arm. "I hate you, hunter." You mumble, the male laughing at your antics again before turning around and resuming his decorations.
You wake yourself up in his hold, furiously blinking your eyes open as you jump up to look overs hunters shoulder, finding that he was almost done decorating the tree. A few red and green ornaments hung at the bottom with some candy canes at the center, the only thing that was missing was the big star that would be placed at the tip of the tree.
Darting your eyes from the tree and to his hand, you watch as he picks up the said star from the little box full of Christmas supplies before going to place it at the top of the spruce. You stop him. "I wanna do it." You jump again, your arms wrapped tightly around his waist. "I wanna do it." You repeat.
"Okay," he hums, crouching down to his knees. You send him a confused look, "what are you doing?"
"Helping you reach the top of the tree. You know, you're short." You scoff in return, rolling your eyes before climbing onto the latters back and circling your arms around his neck for safety.
He pushes up with his legs and passes you the star, his hands coming down to hold the back of your thighs, watching as you happily place the star at the top, giving it small adjustments so it didnt look crooked. When you were done, you wiggled your foot to signal to hunter to let you down, but he doesnt seem to notice.
"Hunter- AHH!" when you least expected it, hunter spins his body around, throwing you to the couch before grabbing your face to press all sorts of kisses on it. "Merry Christmas, princess." He says, ticking your sides before getting up and leaving for some breakfast.
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kiribread · 1 year
Monster Hunter au
finally got some more hunter au designs hehehe 💃
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Starting with the designs:
I don't have too much on the designs so im just lumping them together
All of the hunters will have a mostly black uniform with an optional few pops of color
I wanted their uniforms to be baggy but not too baggy
The purple stripes throughout mt. Lady's body is magic deposited near the surface of the skin and hair
All hunters have logos aswell. Logos are mostly used as stamps to sign paperwork but can also be used to identify a dead hunter if they're too mangled up to be identified.
Mt. Lady's logo i haven't quite figured out a special meaning for but Edgeshot's is his crow; he loves his crow <3
Also yes Edgeshot's sword is inspired by mitsuri's sword from demon slayer! I thought it woud be a nice play on his quirk in the cannon universe hehe
Edgeshot also has a scar bc yes
Mt. Lady:
Mt. Lady comes from a pretty well-off family, not poor not rich but upper middle class
He dad was often at work so it was mostly just her and her mom
One time when she was playing outside when she wasn't suposed to be someone came by and cursed her!
Although the curse gave her magic that magic fed on certain emotions and feelings. Those being attention, love, and stuff similar to that.
So this basically made her into a never filling pit of those things, no matter how much love, attention, affection, ect she got it'd never be enough to satisfy; it's all just eaten by the curse.
The more of those emotions/feeling the curse eats the more magic is stored. The magic is stored in those purple streaks and become more vibrant as more is stored.
She knows basic spells but also has a few signature spells aswell with those most having to do with making things bigger. She can make biotic and abiotic things bigger.
The reason she became a hunter is to find the perpetrator of the cure and hopefully have them remove it
The only problem is that she was no idea who did it but she feels like she would know if she saw them or heard their voice
She has a familiar fancy rat named Bubbles! It is too magic and it basically forms magic bubbles!
[I'll put he connection with kamui in a different post]
Edgeshot is ranked 3rd in the Hunter Safety Comission (HSC)
He often watches the pest being from afar then ambushes them when he gets the chance! (Like a ninja!)
Due to his technique he often works alone
He's also good with healing
Aside from hunting pest he also runs arons for supplies
He usually gathers herbs from shinji and they're good friends
Just ignore that shinji may've almost killed him one bc he thought Edgeshot was coming to kill him 💀
But they're all good now!
Edgeshot is treated as family due to being so close and his adoptive parent recently
(The parent died of a heart attact when Edgeshot was about 26)
Edgeshot also occasionally helps out with the herbs and stuff but he doesnt have the green thumb that they all do.
Besides shinji he also has befriended tsunagu which admitted had a very rocky start 💀
[See here]
Now occasionally tsunagu joins Edgeshot rather he's summoned or not
When Edgeshot was some free time he goes to visit him in the abandoned castle since that was apart of the deal
they do quite a bit of arts and crafts kinda of dates!
They do sewing, crocheting, origami, ect with their favorite one being the crochet
Phillip Edgeshot's crow doesn't have any magic
Edgeshot found him in an abandoned nest and took him in
Now phillip rarely leaves his side <3333
Well this is all i feel like typing rn so if u got any questions just send an ask! Please...
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Akdjaisjs okay
Chan doesnt often get to go out with you but when he does, he makes the wait worth it. Anywhere you wanna go, doesnt matter if its the place down the street you have to an hour for to get in, hot pot where he grills the meat for you, or a random fast food place where the two of you are the only ones there that late. He will also be the one to order and ask for something if you want it. He wants you to feel taken care of since you take such good care of him while he's wrapped up in the studio and hiding out practically
Felix will do the most random things with you. Tell him that you're going to a discount store looking for candles after a date? Next 45 minutes will be spent sniffing candles in the middle of the aisle and seeing which scents the two of you like. You kinda wanna roam around the grocery store bc you're craving something but can't figure out what? He'll push the cart while just saying whatever he might be thinking, be it weird food combos or just something the two of you havent had in a while or gotten to try yet
Arcade dates with jeongin are the best. Shitty food and soju once the two of you have spent too much money on games. Getting cheap stuffed animals unless you go to the nice arcade that has funko pops, k pop and anime prizes and other things you might actually want. Naming the stuffed animals you gather on the dates after him and the rest of the boys, and the two of you will only refer to them as their respective names
Hyunjin loves going to craft stores with you. Even if you dont specifically paint or draw, he will 100% ask your opinion on different colors and medium types. Take him to the section of the store that has supplies for you as well though, he will love it and point out different things and ways to use them that you might not have thought about.
Seungmin and nights in are a holy match. You both pick out a couple of movies, maybe ones you wanna re watch or a new one he saw the preview for awhile ago that finally came out. Swapping the sheets for fresh ones, one of you starting dinner while the other gets a nice shower and once they're done, you go get in as they finish it. Making sure to have it all set up before you sit down and decide on what movue to start with
Changbin cant help himself from wanting to go shopping with you, one of his main love languages is quality time and he will 100% just, take the bag from the counter not matter how hard you try to fight him on it. Often making silly suggestions for some of the most outrageous pieces the two of you find but also offering genuine advice if he finds you getring frustrated. He prides himself on knowing what you like, if you have any issues with certain fabrics, what you think are fashion abominations etc
Jisung and pottery are a better mix than you might expect. Going to the classes or workshops is always so fun with him. The pieces might not look the best but they're made with such love and joy that neither of you mind. When they get fired and you have to go pick them up, he makes sure to send you a text between schedules to remind you of the time that you need to be there. Mismatched bowls, cups and plates sit in your cupboard as a sign of love. He would sob if he or one of the boys accidentally broke one of the pieces you made for him.
sorry these are so long akxjajdjs -🦇
I fucking love all of these. Especially the Jeongin and Hyunjin ones.
Going to an arcade with Jeongin is legit my new dream, and I will do anything to make it come true. I will sell my best friend, if it meant I can go on an arcade date with Jeongin. I will fight all three of the demogorgons from Stranger Things if it meant I could go on that date. I will fight the coven from season 3 of American Horror Story, including both the witches and warlocks and Michael Langdon and his army if it meant I could go on that date. I will fight the nemesis from the Resident Evil Movies, with Alice and the other victims of the t-virus by his side. I will legit do anything to go on that date with Jeongin.
The date with Chan tho. I love it. It'd be so cute. Going to a fast food restaurant when it's raining and eating in the parking lot while giggling and laughing at everything and feeding each other really cutesy.
Taking Felix to the grocery store while you just talk on and on about what type of food you're craving, and what he's thinking you might like but in reality he's just secretly looking at you with the biggest heart eyes.
BACK TO THE ARCADE WITH JEONGIN. Playing those games with him that require two people and you two just being competitive in a friendly and loving way and giggling about the the entire time. And then playing different types of claw machines to win each other cute little plushies and then exchanging them in the car. Then after, getting some cheap shitty food and, same as with Chan, feeding it to each other in the car while discussing the different names you're gonna give to the plushies you two got for each other. When you both get back home, you and him sit on the couch and watch some sort of kdrama or anime while Jeongjn cuddles into your side. Maybe at the end of the night, when you two are laying in bed, I turns into either a cute little make out session or just Jeongin laying on his back with you on your side, pressing kisses on his neck that cause him to giggle while also tilting his head to the side to allow you more room.
Going to the craft store with Hyunjin and helping him pick out paint while he helps pick out whatever it I you use. I personally sew, crochet, paint, and draw. Imagine doing whatever it is you do and Hyunjin drawing or painting you while you do it. OR OR OR, YOU DRAW/PAINT HIM WHILE HE DRAWS/PAINTS YOU. Omg it'd be so cute.
Night in with Seungmin where you two binge watch a shit ton of movies, eat a shit ton of junk food, and just laugh for hours on end. Or, you end up making him watch a horror movie where he ends up hiding his face in your neck through most of the movie.
Shopping at a mall with Changbin, and making him try on ridiculous clothing to try and find a matching outfit for the two of you. And then taking him to the food court and getting burnt mall food while discussing all the things you got. Omg, imagine taking him to Hot Topic or Spencer's and making him try on the different crop tops and shit they have there. Or taking him to Barns And Nobles and buying kpop albums.
Jisung and pottery class. . . Bora.exe has stopped working. I've always wanted to take a pottery class, and doing it with Jisung would literally be perfect. The matching dishes would be so cute. He would buy a display case just to store all your guys's creations and show it off everytime someone new would come over or he'd just post it all over Instagram. If one of the boys or him did break one of your gifts to him, he would not stop bawling for hours on end. Like Felix with the vial of blood, he would never forgive himself. Let's be honest, he probably almost got into a major fight with the one who broke it.
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3lsmp · 3 years
3rd Life Season 2 / Last Life spoilers!
Enjoy this Bdubs fic :D
Come on Bdubs. stop worrying, the curse is probably a hoax, probably nothing.
And what are the chances of it being you anyway? 1 in 17? those are.. those are.. good odds?
It wont be you! it doesnt matter anyway! no need to panic! It wont be you! it wont be Etho!
You are... the Boogeyman.
Trembling fingers clutched the spruce logs tightly as bdubs felt the curse wind into his chest. It sat and it stirred like a thick sickening dread deep in his soul. "N-Nope!! Not me!" He said with a nervous chuckle, staring his partner and friend in the eye. Maybe the silver haired man could see something inside him was different.
"Well, It's not me either." Etho said as he turned back the mine he'd been digging in. Bdubs knew he shouldn't feel the need to dig his stone axe into Etho's back. He knew he shouldn't.. but he does. He wants the twisting feeling of aggression in his throat to fade so badly and if he could just aim one axe swing right-
"Do you wanna dig in front now?" Etho called up the staircase, the sound of stone being mined a backdrop to his words. "Huh?" The words pulled Bdubs from his trance instantly, almost made him afraid he'd been thinking out loud. "N-No I don't wanna dig in the front- wh- Is it a cave? Im not scared.." He followed the man down the staircase, the two of them collecting coal, iron and other various resources. They bumped into Tango and Skizzle during their adventuring and Bdubs would be lying if he said he didn't consider driving his sword into Tango or Skizz's chests at least once during that encounter. This wasn't him. It felt dirty and wrong and he could never let himself go enough to just.. do it. So he supplied his friends with gifts, he thanked Tango for the diamond he gave him and instead of turning it into a weapon crafted a jukebox to mess with. He tried his best to give Etho the materials to defend himself, even if Etho often declined, so should he go too far at least the man would have a chance. Despite the fact that Bdubs knew Etho would best him in combat regardless.
He couldn't kill Etho. He couldn't.... wouldn't.... won't.... he won't kill Etho..
But he could kill Grian.
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Request: can i request a little something with izuku and shouto with a shy artist s/o? 👉👈 - @beanst0ck
Genre: Fluff
A/N for Requester: Omg thank you for requesting - ilysm and I hope you’re having a good day! She’s an amazing writer too so check out her work!
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• You two have been dating for only a few months now
• He loves watching you draw it DOESNT MATTER what it is
• You love drawing people, so when he sees sketches of himself he blushes as red as a tomato
• Your other classmates try to get you to draw them for sure!
Denki: Y/n paint me like one of your French girls 🥺🙈👉🏽👈🏽
• Iida scolded him for Deku for sure
• He LOVES going to supply stores with you when you splurge on yourself buying all the coolest art utensils
• You’re really creative so when you have an art project you want to try he’s automatically going to the nearest store with you to buy everything
• If you two decided to paint something he’s always trying to paint something for you
• YUP you got a whole wall of Deku’s toddler looking amazing paintings it’s the thought that counts
• You don’t let ANYONE touch your art supplies but him
Bakugo: oh here’s a blue colored pencil-
Y/n: *rips it out of his hands glaring at him and hands it to Deku*
Deku: Oh! Cool a blue pencil ☺️
• You gave Deku a large painting of him and all night for his room
• He cried like a baby so did all might but we ain’t ready for that convo
• Sometimes when you’re painting you spend hours on end painting and frantically mixing colors - and you forget to eat
• When Deku notices he buys you your favorite takeout and leaves it in your room while you’re trying out different shades of whatever color with your headphones shoved in
• When you smell the food you look around and see neatly wrapped up and a water bottle next to it
• All in all, he supports your passion for art, He’s the cutest
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• You LOVEEE painting, and you have since you and Todoroki were kids
• You were often finger painting while he was next to you watching - he refused to get his hands dirty
• He would join you though when you had a coloring book, he colored one side and you colored the other
• As You grew Older You loved painting, shading with colored pencils, drawing with pens, pro-create EVERYTHING
• He loves buying you gifts and what better way to spend daddy Endeavors money than buying you the best art supplies 😘
• When he found sketches of him you did during the Sports Festival he got shy, homeboy didn’t know what to do knowing you drew him
Y/n: It’s because you’re so pretty Shouto 🥺
Todoroki: No ❤️
• He refuses to believe you love drawing him
• He doesn’t really like doing arts and crafts but if it’s for something you want, like a cute painting with your hand prints he’ll do it for you
• When you go out and he’s not training/isn’t busy he definitely sharpens your pencils, organizes your art supplies, and cleans you brushes/your paint water for you
• When you throw yourself into a piece of art and work for a long time he physically drags you out of your room
Y/n: No! I have to finish it I was almost done
Todoroki: You weren’t, You weren’t even half way
• He knows your art habits inside and out so you can’t fool the boy you definitely can but you would rather not
• He also gets a tad bit sad when you focus more on your art rather than him, and you notice because he sits on your bed pouting
• He’s watched a few Bob Ross tutorials because he’s a man of culture he wants to learn some basic painting techniques so he could join you in painting :’)
• He just loves doing the little things for you and definitely loves seeing your happiness when he does said little things 🥺
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neverendingparable · 3 years
"Boss, if you would just listen-"
"I thought I made myself very clear. The experiments are on hold."
"But we've already gotten a new shipment and they're not going to last forever-"
EJ turns and his cold blue eyes sweep over the group of Mariellas pleading with him. They shrink back at his expression.
"I said. The experiments. Are. Halted." He repeats in a dangerous tone. He waits for a protest, just one more, to unleash his infamous rage on his unhappy servants.
None of them do, despite their obvious opposition.
He doesnt care about their opinions, however. They are meant to follow his orders - instantly - without question. This is one of the reasons why he has managed to run his operation for so long.
Jon contemplates returning to his personal room, but knows that he is too distracted to read over his notes and sleep is far from his grasp. He dreads the nightmares that will come when he eventually does pass out.
Perhaps he should focus his efforts on keeping his dreams at bay for now. Crafting around will give him something to do while he figures out how to get himself out of his current...predicament.
There is not a moment that goes by where he doesnt think about what happened a week ago. The feeling of Maelle's blade entering his body, as if he was made out of nothing but soft pliable sand, is still fresh as ever. The stab didn’t hurt his abdomen, but he would take the feeling of being ripped apart over this any day.
He thought he knew what torture was. After all, one could argue his experiments were based on it, picking apart his subjects minds and bodies, seeing what reactions were satisfactory and how far he could push until they succumbed to one thing or another.
But this— this is worse than anything he ever experienced in his life. Worse even than being pitied.
His soul feels like it is being cooked alive, stewing in emotions that both anger and scare him.
He has never felt guilt before. It sits inside his rib cage like glowing hot coal, uncomfortable at best and painful when there is a lull in his distractions. No matter how he turns or twists, it refuses to dislodge itself. 
It’s just as much violating as it is suffocating and so far, he hasn’t found a way to escape the discomfort.
As he enters his laboratory to clear the desk of his previous projects and start finding a hopefully permanent cure for dreams, he is distracted from his thoughts by a muffled gasp of surprise.
And when he glances over his shoulder, it is the last person Jon expects to see.
The ex-fusion Stanley, who had spent months escaping his facility, only to return nearly two years later with a new shadowy friend to steal some medical supplies for unknown reasons. Back then Jon had welcomed their presence (annoying shadows aside) as it had helped him capture a new object of interest, the being that called itself God.
The Masochist had spent every moment he was in Jon's presence letting him know just how much he hated it. But now he's back, once again standing before the exhausted Vichtel.
Jon wonders if his masochism has gone too far. Perhaps it is exciting for him, returning to the place of his most traumatic memories.
The Masochist looks around as if contemplating how to escape now that he's been caught, but Jon isnt interested today. He ignores him and returns to his desk, shoving the notes and books aside.
"If you are going to go, just go." He says after a moment of pause.
"So it is true," Maso replies. "You were stabbed by that guilt-y sword."
"I am not in the mood for a conversation."
Maso glances at the vent he came out of, but Jon can tell he is too curious to leave yet. Just his luck.
He doesnt call the Mariellas though, not wanting to deal with their silent judgement of their Boss's sudden change in character.
"Soooo, do you regret kidnapping Stanleys?" The Masochist steps to his desk and despite his wariness, he’s wearing a conceited smile. "Do you feel guilty for making me? I hope so. Not like it would change anything, but I want to imagine you sitting there suf-fer-ing~"
Jon eyes him up and down. "I do regret making you, but not because I sympathize with how much it must've hurt to be violated in every aspect of your nature." He says. Guilt or not, the Masochist is still annoying enough that Jon takes quiet satisfaction in watching that smile become strained with poorly hidden anger.
"I wanted to make a perfect fusion of two men in one, yet I just made a monstrosity of some sort. Useless, loud, obnoxious. I should've exterminated you instead of keeping you around like a screwed up trophy."
"Too bad, but I don’t care about your pity party." Maso puffs out his chest. "I became pretty cool, actually. I have many arms, an interesting body I can use for cheap party tricks to impress cuties aand I have the best of both world from Bradley's and Stellan's personalities."
"Your fake bravado doesnt impress me," Jon snaps. "And you aren't truly a fusion anymore. You are more Spencer than you are Sommers, you know this. You just want to make yourself more interesting than you are."
"Go back to feeling like shit, Jon."
Maso turns on his heels. Jon opens his notebook to a blank page, but then stops as a thought occurs to him.
"What if I can unfuse you?" He says suddenly.
He hears Maso pause.
"I still have the machine. I could return you back to normal."  If he could reverse his mistakes, starting with one of his biggest, perhaps that's enough to make the nagging guilt stop. Enough for him to stop thinking about it. 
He spares a glance at Maso, who is studying him with an unreadable expression. 
After a long moment of silence, he finally speaks up. "I'd refuse, Jon. I don’t want to return back to normal and forget this ever happened, because it has happened and no amount of body modification can change it. That's why I never let anyone ‘fix’ me."
He hesitates, then sighs.
"Not like I give a shit about your guilt. You can rot in here crying about how idiotic you were for all I care. But you don’t fix your mistakes by covering them up and pretending they never happened. You have to own up to them, otherwise you're just a coward. And then you can try and figure out how to proceed. My advice is stop pretending like you're something special and just go talk to some people who aren’t Mariellas."
Jon finds himself staring despite himself. He wants to ask what Maso means and exactly how he can talk to anyone if they either treat him like a god or the devil himself, but the words are stuck in his throat and suddenly the idea of embarrassing himself is worse than the guilt.
He lets himself form a familiar scowl instead.
"Get out of my Office before I pump the vents full of pesticide, you abhorrent thing." He snarls at the Masochist.
Maso just sticks his tongue out in the most childish way possible and swings himself back into the vents.
He considers going through with his threat but decides he doesnt want to find out what happens if he angers the shadows as well.
So he grabs the notebook again and starts scribbling down outlines of his new experiment until his eyes hurt too much to keep open. In his dedication to stay distracted, one thing slips his mind completely.
What was the Masochist doing in his lab in the first place?
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pbandjesse · 4 years
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Jess is texting me and shes super upset because she had now tried to order food 3 times but each time the place calls and there is a reason they cant give her her order. And apparently her landlord caught her oven on fire today so she cant cook at home. I am trying to talk her down but shes really upset. We are so simpler in our meltdowns sometimes. But it is so hard to try to talk her down through text and I hate that she doesnt have someone like James there to ground her. Ugh. I just want my friend to be happy. 
It makes me want to be better so I can be there for her though. Like I am very tired and in pain but I am trying to hold off any sad feelings I might have because I need to be there for her. 
And today was a good day. I am just tired. 
I slept well but I didnt want to get up. Once I did I felt okay. I was annoyed because my stupid toothbrush isnt working right. Which made me leave a couple minutes later then I wanted. Not that it actually matters because no one notices if youre a few minutes late at camp. But still. 
I really liked my outfit today. And I used spin pins to put my hair back and that made me feel real cue. I said goodbye to James and headed out. And like I thought no one noticed when I was there a little later. Other people came after me. I felt very. Isolated today. Not for the whole day, but I mostly just wanted to be alone. People seem concerned about it but I just want to spend time with me. 
And my chest still hurt. So I talked to the nurse and she said to come by later. But first was check in. Except they didnt need me to walk anyone over to their cabins. Again. Like always. Just let me stay in the arts building you dont even need me!! But I did get a couple kids and walked them up as I was going to the arts shed but they only came with me because I stopped Ellen from walking them up since I was going over there anyway. 
After I dropped them off I went to get the art from yesterday. Took that all over to the cabins. I brought the doll eyes for one of the little girls that's stuffie lost an eye yesterday. And then I went to get set up. 
I didnt have the YPL student today, she'll be back friday apparently. But thats okay, Like I said I enjoyed my own company today. I had some podcasts to listen to. I set up my projects and chilled for a while. 
I did some cleaning. And I waited for my groups. I had 2 groups today, but they were big groups! 13 kids each. Which yes isnt actually big. But its big for camp. 
But honestly both groups were great. The first group I did have some behavioral issues with one boy who screamed at me. But they are littles and I just looked and him and I was like "Youre not going to hurt my feelings?" Like he was screaming because he had to wait to use to the bathroom? I cant let you wander away calm down. 
But they were still a good group and they did a good job making their stencil arts. 
I had a big break in the middle. I went to the nurse and got some ibuprofen. Which I then dropped in the field, didnt notice until I got back to the shed,  and had to search for it. But I found it. And it helped a lot.
In my time before lunch I collected materials and made sure I had enough for the thursday groups. I had to go and get a student list which was a whole thing. 
And while I waited for that I played Bop It! I hadnt played that in a long long time but I got the high score. It was beat a few times after that today but it was fun in that moment to get the highscore on my first time playing in over a decade. 
I had lunch on the porch. Enjoyed talking to other counselors. But soon after that I took a long walk around camp. Went and pet the ponies. Checked on Lani the rat. Still alive. And then back to arts and crafts to wait for my group.
The second group had more issue with the project but they were still great. And their counselor Matt is super helpful. Like he kept asking and I was like Im good! But I appreciate the offers regardless. 
I finished up cleaning after the kids headed out. I had like an hour before pick up so I tried to get some of the reclaimed clay I had in the water bucket dried and read to use. But omg. It smells like death. I dont know why but it smells so horrible. I put it between some large pieces of paper and left it out and well see if it improves but this might be a loss. I have plenty of clay for next week so Im not worried but I am frustrated. I washed my hands like 6 times and still struggled to get the terrible smell off. 
 After I did though I went to offer help with pick up but again they do not need me. So when there was a need to walk a child to the other side of camp I offered my services and then took the bus kids down from there to the office on my way back. I just want to be helpful. It was funny though one of my jobs in walking the kids was to stop them from eating the wineberries on the paths. Like they are basically ripe but they eat them all and then we dont have them for jam making and dying fabrics. I want to try these berries though. Maybe that will be an experiment tomorrow. 
I headed home after that. Was really glad to be back here. It felt like a longer drive than normal. And more and more cars are on the road and I hate that. But I got back in one piece. And Mr Will was painting in the foyer. It was nice to see him. He fixed the broken part of the roof which was nice. I joked with him for a minute. Then I saw I had some packages and was excited about that. 
I went upstairs. Had a snack. Opened my packages. One was my causebox and I know they had some issues because of the pandemic so while it wasnt the best box, it is still a good one. I got a fancy facial brush thing. And honestly it made my skin feel so soft when I used it to wash my face. Awesome. 
I played animal crossing for a little. I painted my nails. And now I am just laying here hoping Jess is okay and wishing James was home. 
Tomorrow is my day without classes. I have some stuff to do for this week and next. And then I might do some planning for future weeks. Because projects are supposed to start repeating but I am not 100% sure how Im doing that. So I will try to work through that and get supplies. Well see. 
I hope you all have a nice night tonight. Sleep good. 
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cybernightwanderer · 4 years
30 years old trapped living with my mom in quarantine.
So basicly if you saw my last post, or didnt doesnt matter. According to my mother ( of three - me, and two older brothers ) i owe her my life, while my brothers dont. ( Because she raised me LOL ) According to my mother i have to serve her and financialy contribute/support her my whole life, even if it means i wont be able to gather for my own house or life. My mom controls my money. My life. And tries to control how i act, dress, or look overall, what i like, what dreams i can , and cannot have. If i can leave a emotionally and physical harming job or not. If i get to have a roof over my head or not. And this is how : - I had a dept i had to pay, and its fully payed of, and since she is my mother ofc i dont have “ receits “ of what i payed her. But its simply a matter of memory and math,and checking my contracts of  the three largest jobs i worked ( 2 years and half each ) i payed her every month between 150-210 every month. ( i started paying before that, i mean i even quit school because she pushed my into depression because of it ) I would also pay my own medical buills, transportation, food, etc. My own shit basicly. If i do confront her claiming that i already payed her, she will either : Invalidate , deny that i payed her, or payed her enought.  And that i dont have proof. Threaten me to kick me off the house, to beat me, to leave me on the road etc, shes not very creative, its always the same. And that if i already payed her my dept, that i still have to pay 200 to stay home for food and gast and shit THAT I USE, or she will kick me out. ( and of i dont have money to sustain myself because of this ) However gas, light and water, cable its expenses i already pay half by half with her wich sums about to 50 euros per month ( wich also includes her OWN cellphone bill ) So she demands me paying that. PAYING food ( that i already do if you do the math , specially because i can spend a whole month eating just cereal or not eating at all ) So i pay her 200 a month ( aside if i owe her something i will also pay, but now i refuse her attempts of lending me money, because i always run out of money half way into the month. ( note she will get offended if i do not accept her offer to lend me money because she is  “ concerned for my health “ LOL ) So making an easier note  i pay for : - Half of the bills - gas, light , water, cable , and half of her phone ( she forces me , and threatens me if i try to refuse ) - This sums up to 50 euros. - The right to be in my mothers house , the right to eat the food she buys. - This sums up to 150 euros. Aside from this i pay with whats left of my money : - Transportation - 40 euros. - My own cellphone bill. like 20 euros.
- Food sometimes - 50 euros every two weeks,( wich she also eats, for example if i buy lactose free yogurts like 10 , she will drink 5. If i buy smooth cookies ( because i have three broken teeth ) she will eat more than half , if not the whole packadge. If i eat cereal , or barely eat she will constantly yell and chase me down to eat something. So lets say i dont have much money and i dont wanna spend the leftover money i have on food, because i might need something else, she will not leave me alone. Yet i already pay for food costs on the general 200 montly bill, yet if i do not pay for my own food at the supermarquet or even eat the food she bought she will make my life a living hell for two weeks or more. Meaning its a vicious cicle and it has no end, its always looping. -Mecial bills - for my hernias back and legg pain, depression, anxiety and respiratory alergies. - wich leads up to 50-80 euros , if i dont go to medical apointments ( wich i dont anymore, that would be more 180 euros ) And medical buills in general, i tend to have a lot of teeth infections because i cannot afford going to the dentist, so im always buying antibiotics or painkillers to “ hold on “ , and can never go to an actual apointment. -My own living supplies, if i need clothes, shoes or wtv. And living in my mothers house : - I have no privacy or personal space, meaning she will enter my room, after knocking , most of the times not even knocking, even if i say no SHE WILL enter. At least 10 times or more, half ot the times to yell or complain at me. Usualy between 14 - 21 . Meaning if i wanna do an art project : recordings, painting time lapses and shit, BASICLY BE IN MY OWN ROOM i have to ask for permission and explain why lol. And still she wont respect it. - If i dont wax  either my face or leggs or something , she will spend at least half an hour everyday telling me how bad it looks and how shamefull it is. Either in public or in private ( its humiliating ). The same goes to : - If i wear certain clothes or makeup - im either dressing badly and she wont allow me to go out to the grocery store with her, and will pressure me ( force me and yell at me ) if i dont. If i overdress, she will also shame me. I mean she just humiliates me and makes me feel bad overall for any decision on my own life basicly. Specially little things. - She will treat me badly for two weeks or more ( like a tantrum ) i dont do things exacly like she orders , like if i dont do my bed ( i mean im depressed and just want to die, and she makes my life harder than it is to a point i can barely get out of bed sometimes ) she will get in my room 5 to 6 times and yell everyday for not making my bed, or my room not being tidy. Up until 3 years ago , she would come up to my room and organize my display shelf the way she wanted and yell at me for complaining about it. Like i have certain arts and crafts pastel paste in one tiny pink basquet, pendants in a green one and glus and stuff in a blue one. She would come up and take everything out and put it in a trash. It took a lotttt, and i do mean a lot of daily arguments, head heat for her to stop messing with my display cabnet. - At the age of 28(?) i did my first two piercings, she spent a whole week shaming me and telling me how ugly it made me look and that i ruined my face. Even tho its something i had always dreamed of, and she never allowed me to. - Like i said before i buy my own clothes, and sometimes i sell the old ones. She will take the ones i wanna sell, for herlsef because she needs them and i have no right to sell them. I mean, if its mine, if i bought it, and i wanna sell it, so use the money to buy something difrent, then its mine right? She either will “ borrow “ clothes without permission , when she does ask permission i have to tell yes because, you know, she will unleash hell. The only thing i ask her is to leave the things where she found it after using it because while working i dont have much time before leaving for looking for them. And after a while of not asking for permission i notice, a lot of clothes go missing. She later on, keeps the clothes for weeks or even a month, and then claims its hers , or just forgets where she put it ( she lost already a few pieces of mine, specialy my favourite tshirt ) And if i ask for them , she will yell at me for acusing her LOL. For example. Early last month she has the tendancy to force me to wash my clothes with hers. I usualy refuse because she will stupidly charge me for it, or confuse my clothes with hers. So i always do my laundry separate. She hates it when i do it btw. Recently there was a major fight, she almost kicked me ouf ot the house/car in the midle of the highway.
She has a black V neck BODY ( note a full body shirt ) in black with layered strippes. I have a black turtle neck crop top size S  also with the black layered stripes( meaning its a really short shirt, its impossible to mistake ) But NOTE , one is a turtle neck crop top , the other is a V neck BODY, i mean, theres no way you can confuse them , specialy if you put the in a HANGER FFS. I usualy wear it to work, because, well. Well.. what can i say my coworkers are fuckers and cant handle personal style. So i tend to tone it down a bit, already get humiliated for too many things on a daily basis at work, dont need more. And the shirt went missing for two weeks after i brought it home after washing and put it in a hanger. I have it also in two other colors in yellow and pink. So i spent looking for it an hour or two , because i knew i had put it there. I didnt even dare to ask her, and she came up to me and asked me what i was looking for. And i showed her the pink and yellow one, and told her. She said SHE NEVER SAW THAT SHIRT OR ANYTHING LIKE IT. I mean....if you have one “like “ it , you could at least check no? Well lets just say this shit ended badly after i found ou my shirt was HIDDEN in her room. I came home with my washed laundry, she trew everything on the ground and stepped all over the wash clothes humiliating me and calling me names... SO yeah FUN. Carrying on. My mom always had the tendancy to go in my room and trought my things. What can i do.. Anyway , this is all for now.
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ald-fan-girl · 5 years
So my aunt is in the hospital, skip if you want
I'm gonna talk about a lot of bad things here like death and medical stuff so... go ahead and skip this if you want. I just need a place to put all my feelings so I don't explode again at work or at my best friend.
So my favorite aunt is in the hospital with a number of things wrong with her. She has congestive heart failure so the right side of her heart isn't working. She hasn't walked for about two weeks and her "caregiver" didn't tell us. She has COPD to the max. Like her lungs are shot from smoking her whole life. She has fecal and urinary incontinence. And her CO2 levels are over 100. 40 is the normal. At 60 you start to lose your brain. Hers are over 100... and she's not breathing very well without a mask on.
She's told me she's ready to go, that she has a DNR and she doesnt want to br intubated. She's begged me for chocolate pudding and death. Since I was all out of the second one I went to the store to grab her the first.
I have a lot of feelings about my aunt. I love her to death. She was always my favorite relative after my grandmothers. And when she goes, which according to doctors could be really soon, it's gonna hurt like hell. She always wanted to hang out and chat and just do stupid art projects and stuff. I had a few birthday parties at her place. She was always dressing up and bringing her tambourine places if there was a band. She was always eccentric. Always loud and ready to party and lit up a room when she came in. Always had a smile.
She always wanted to help people. Strangers, people off the street, it didn't matter. She'd help. And they took advantage of that kindness. She was kind but crazy. A hoarder. Trash, cats... craft supplies she'd never use. It's destroyed two houses. Amazing, beautiful, million dollar houses. She's been on Hoarders. We tried to help. They tried to help. It killed and embarrassed our family.
But seeing her in that bed, unable to get herself comfortable, bed sores hurting her no matter which way she lay... it killed me. It's hard though. Cause she did this herself. She smoked and did drugs since the late 70s. It's hard. She doesn't want to be here anymore.
I don't want her to die but I want her to be better. She doesn't want to get better... she just wants to be dead. So... I don't even know. I'll just put on We Bare Bears and try not to think about it for a while.
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adstargets · 5 years
The logic behind banner advertising and how it work
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Banner advertising is known to be one of the most popular forms of advertising online. it's no news that most it is also the most effective way of adverting online among many other methods of advertising but how does it start and how can online advertisers and publishers benefit most from it?. In this article, we are going to explain what is banner advertising, how it started and how effective is banner advertising. Historically, the first banner ad was created on October 27 in 1994 on Wired Magazine (then it was called hotwired.com). the message on the simple but innovative banner ad states “Have you ever clicked your mouse right here? You will”. the aim was to send traffic to the AT&T website. Now that you know how it all started, let's jump into it.
1. What is Banner Advertising?
The primary aim of banner advertising which is also known as display advertising is to direct potential customers to a website or a specific landing page. Giving it visually and attractiveness, banner ads are usually used for promoting brands across different advertising platform by simply sending traffic from the host website to the advertiser's websites or landing page. Today anyone can start a banner advertising campaign through Google Adwords or Ad networks also called display network.
2. what is Banner Ad?
Banner Ad is a web banner crafted by the advertiser and displayed on a website or a webpage which consists of an image (.jpg, .png, .gif) or of a multimedia object (usually created using Flash or HTML5). Depending on the technology used in creating banner ads, it can be a static banner ad or animated banner ad. The static banner ad can be a simple image or a visual that is acting just like an ad but technically it takes you to the advertiser's website or landing page of the advertisement once you click on it. You may also like One of the most asked questions about on banner ads is “What is an animated banner ad?” because of this, we decided to answer the question here as follows: An animated banner ad (or web banner) is a type of digital advertising that is delivered by an ad server. The aim is primarily similar to static banner ad: to get noticed on the website and make the user click on it. Also, you can call the animated ad a programmatically generated display or sequential visual that creates the illusion that the objects in the image are moving. To learn more about banner ads, watch the video below. 
3. How do Banner Ads work?
The logic behind banner ads is simply to direct traffic to the advertiser's webpage, website or landing page which result to more sales, brand awareness, conversions, lead generation etc. the most common function of banner ads is they must be clickable and send the visitor to the desired destination. This brings us to the next question about banner ads which "why should I use banner Advertising?" the following lines give a brief explanation of why you should use banner advertising. 1. Brand awareness – it helps to give your brand the online and off-line exposure that helps grow your brand awareness so people can easily recognize your products and service which lead to more sales and possibly more profit. Big brands such as Amazon, IBM, Apple, Target and Nike among so many others used banner ads to grow their business. 2. Lead generator – it gives you the opportunity to build your customer list. As a stater, a banner ad can help you to get more users to signup and try your products or services and at the same time maintain a massive list of emails you can reach anytime when you have new products or services listed on your website. 3. Retarget your audience – by using tracking tools, you will be able to re-target visitors who came to your website and did not signup but show some interest. For more information on how banner ads works and the best way to use them, watch the video below
4. Is banner Advertising effective?
One great advantage of online advertising generally over the traditional ones is that it is to measure its effectiveness in comparison to the money spent on it. Regarding banner ads, the main effectiveness indicator for measuring banner ads campaign is the click-through rate. The click-through rate (CTR) is calculated simply by dividing the total number of users who clicked on the banner by the number of times the ad was shown to them (impressions). For example, a marketer can say a particular ad unit has a click-through rate of 4% or 5%. That means that out of 100 impressions delivered, the banner was clicked on four or five times respectively. Therefore, the higher the CTR is, the more effective we can say the advertisement is.
5. Standard banner sizes for advertising
I am sure you come across various kinds of banner sizes, which are designed to fit specific spaces on the publisher's web pages. this helps reduces the amount of work advertisers face when creating a lot of banner ads. When you browse across the Internet it’s likely for you to encounter all kinds of banners in all kinds of sizes. Lucky for us, there are some standards too. And their role is to reduce the amount of work for agencies when faced with the problem of creating many banners and similar sizes for different publishers. And here is where the IAB standards come into play. But we’ll talk more about ad standards in a future post. Check the list below with the banner ad standard size: Ad size Name Where it’s featured Supply 300×250 Medium Rectangle Embedded within or at the end of articles Good inventory 336×280 Large Rectangle Embedded within or at the end of articles Good inventory 728×90 Leaderboard Placed on top or in inserted in an article Good inventory 300×600 Half Page Featured in the right or left-hand side Growing inventory 468×60 Banner Featured in small spaces inside or on the left in articles Limited, declining inventory 234×60 Half Banner Featured in small spaces inside or on the left in articles Limited, declining inventory 120×600 Skyscraper Featured in websites sidebars Limited inventory 160×600 Wide Skyscraper Featured in websites sidebars Good inventory 970×90 Wide Skyscraper Top of website pages Limited inventory 200×200 Small Square Usually featured in the right-hand sidebar Limited inventory 250×250 Square Usually featured in the right-hand sidebar Limited inventory
6. How to create a banner for advertising
Creating banners is no magic and does not require special skills. However, you need a bit of fast learning ability to watch a couple of videos on YouTube and you are good to go. if you choose to use other automated resources online still fine, you will be able to use hundreds of free Canva banner templates Or still you can use the premium banner template on bannersnack. The video below will teach you how to create banners using Photoshop 1. Who is your main target and what do you want from them? Before you design a banner ad you need to know who is your core audience and what you want from them. Maybe you want them to click on your website, or to buy your limited sale product or to try your service for free. Think about that! 2. What is your value proposition? This will help you write the text of your banner and also choose a good CTA button text. 3. Choose a Standard web banner ad size – Because the publishers are usually using the standard banner ad sizes on their websites. So, if you pick another size you limit the reach of your banner ad campaigns. 4. Use readable fonts – You want the user to understand what you want to offer and what he can get if he will click your banner ad. 5. Use high-quality photos – A very low-quality photos and images used in a banner ad can create mistrust between the brand and the user. 54% of users don’t click banner ads because they don’t trust them. 6. Use your brand colors – If you want to create professional banner ads and you want people to recognize your brand on the internet I recommend you to stay close to your brand color. 7. Don’t overcrowd your banner ad – The simpler the banner ad is the easier you can communicate the right message to your audience. 8. Don’t forget to use a branding element (logo, company name or website) – It doesn’t matter how big you are in your industry, you need to use one of your branding elements to show the user that your company is behind that banner ad.
7. How do I advertise my banner?
Advertising your created banners is not difficult at all, there are a lot of platforms how there including Blogs that are relevant to your niche and also have a fair amount of traffic. the most favorable banner advertising platform these days are Ad network such as AdsTargets, Google Adwords, Yahoo and Bing Ads, BuyAds among many others. You can even use the link below to start banner adverting for a very cheap rate.
8. How to start effective banner advertising?
advertising generally require some principles and knowledge for it to be effective advertising champagne, whether you are advertising using Facebook Ads, Google Adwords, AdsTargets, You need to have a strategy on what you want to achieve with your Ad campaign, the great thing about banner ad campaign is the visual presentation of banner ads as it has the ability to use images and videos and can also allow the use of buttons, animations, colours and many more depending on the used technology. so what are the most important things you must know before starting banner Ads 1. What do you want to achieve from your campaign – think strategically about the product or service you are advertising and decide what you want your audience to know about it.hat’s the specific idea you can build your campaign on. 2. Determine your budget – Here you decide on how much you are willing to invest in your advertising campaign to get you the return on investment. You may decide to spend $100 a day or $1000 a month to reach your specific targets audience. since money is valuable, you need to scale your investment in advertising to get the best out of your campaigns. 3. Who is your audience – Understanding who your target audience is will help you create a better banner ad campaign? Knowing your target audience need will help you design banners that will communicate the message in the best possible way to attract them. you may decide to target your audience based on their location, age, gender and their interest depending on the products or services you are selling.
Banner adverting has earned created over the years for playing a strategic role in building most of the biggest brands we know today, for example, e-commerce giants like Amazon were one of the biggest spenders in the early days of Google advertising,Wall Mart, Airbnb, Time Magazine and many others are a living testimony on how effective banner Ads could be. Banner ads have proven to be one of the most effective forms of advertising since its invention. we hope you have learned a lot from this article. Please let us know in the comment section what is your experience with banner advertising :) Read the full article
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ssquared2018 · 6 years
Head canons for Jaylos as dads? And Malvie as moms?
AhHHH. 1, thanks Bunny, getting an ask from you makes me happy. 2, I have a lot (but ill minimize) Ill start by saying I seem them having a collective family. They may not be in a 4 way poly relationship but I do see all of them co-parenting, as well as the girls being biological mothers of the children, and the boys being biological fathers. That is assuming they do not adopt children from the isle.Assuming that they are birthing biological babies:
-Once one of them brings up the idea of having a kid they all have secret mental breakdowns. Eventually they discuss it and decide before going about having a babe they need to seek therapy. They are all afraid of turning out like their parents even though each of them are sure that the others wont. Once they talk to the therapist they all come to the realization that even though theis parents may haunt their dreams they are nothing like them. Once they do decide to have a baby:-Jay would be overly excited and probably go out of his way to help the girls while pregnant. This includes: waking up at 4am to get them food even though he has to work, giving them massages everyday they get home, and helping them with doctor appointments. -Carlos would also do these things but he would prefer to help in other ways. He would probably decorate the room, buy the needed supplies; basically all of the prep stuff, he would probably stay up all night reading “How To Parent” books. He would die for his children (they all would but hes way more over protective). He definitely carries around band-aids and ointments. -Evie would probably be the first one to get pregnant. She wants to bear a child, to have that bond with them. She loves dress up. Always making sure he child looks good. Though she doesnt take their outfits seriously because they are kids, they are going to get messy. She always makes sure that her kids sports team, or drama club, or yo-yo club, or w.e their kids decide to do, is 100% okay with snacks and clothes. Shes basically a soccer mom with style and a murderous punch.-Mal is the devil when shes pregnant, not as bad as Evie though. Mal teaches her kids to control their magic. She doesnt believe in making them suppress it, all she wants is for them to use it responsibly. She loves arts and crafts with them. She collects every piece of art they do, always supporting them. Even when shes not sure if the puicture is an “Owl?? or a Chicken Horse hybrid”. She sometimes uses her magic to stop them from taking too big of a fall or stepping to close to the curb. -The girls support the other while pregnant, making sure they are well taken care of. Emotionally and physically.- No gender reveal, they want their child to feel accepted no matter what their identity is. They also dress them in gender neutral clothing along with ‘gender swap clothing’. (i.e putting their baby boy in dresses or their baby girl in masculine attire). They do this up until the child is able to talk and pick out their own outfits (by pick out i mean show Evie how they want their outfits designed)-They fight the doctor when s(he) tells them only the parents are allowed in the room because they are “ALL THE PARENTS”.-Jay faints, Carlos screams because goddamn their grip is tight, which ever girl that isnt in labor is recording and being yelled at by the one giving birth due to their laughing.-They all make sure their children knows how to defend themselves. They teach them how to use weapons, Jay teaches them how to steal, and Carlos teaches them how to scale walls and do flips.-Evie, and Carlos makes sure they all know how to sew and at the minimum fix a tear in their close.-They all share stories of the Isle with their kid. They dont want them to be ashamed of their ancestry but they want them to learn from it and to appreciate their privileged lives.-Everyone knows not to fuck with their children. Sometimes it gets to the point where children are to scared to befriend them. Thats easily fixed after the kids see how nice the VKs are.
I honestly have to many more head canons for them but i have no idea where to fit them into this list. Thanks again for sending me this ask. I hope you enjoyed it. I might do another one, or maybe one about if they where to adopt a child. Please feel free to send me more if you want.
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A package is left, tagged To: Jan Harlock From: Santa Nex. Inside is a beautifully crafted plasma pistol and a card. "Jan Harlock, you have been good this year. Your devotion to the cause and standing is impeccable. Let this weapon be your guiding light and remember always. As easy as it can work for you, it can be turned against you."
“Nex? I dont know who Santa is but.. Nex, nex... Kaedes? I havent seen that strange one since I was with the raven guard. He saved my life from some assassins as I recall. Hm.”
“That’s twice now he has given a thing I did not deserve. Mh, lets see here...”
Harlock inspected the plasma pistol, wondering idly if it was a practical joke or bomb, but no this was the real deal.
“Very nice. Good craftsmanship on this. I wonder what forge... no matter. Now I’ll need to invest in a good secure holster so one of my idiot officer comrades doesnt try and steal it. Not a bad problem to have.”
Harlock sat at his study, and began typing a message. Knowing how terrible fleet comms were, sending a message to anyone that wasn't physically written with a supply ship was laughably unreliable, but Harlock tried anyway. It kind of felt like tossing a note in a bottle into the ocean.
“Dear Mr. Nex,
Thank you for the present, It’s far superior to what I had on hand, and I’ll use this come what may. Though I shall admit I am not so close to you as others, we are comrades just the same, and, with a bit of luck, should it be within my powers to do so, I’ll gladly lend you what little mortal aid I can in whatever troubles you face. Especially if I get to return the debt of my life. I remember such things rather well.
In any case, I hope the coming holidays treat you well, but I know for certain that they will, this gift demonstrating a certain festive spirit I dont often see in your like comrades.
Best wishes to you and your family... as extended and galaxy spanning as it is. I only wish I had a gift to offer myself. I confess, I do not even know what an astartes would enjoy. Nevertheless, Merry [DATA CORRUPTION], and hopefully the new year brings new glories for you and yours.
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eldritchlulz-blog · 7 years
that went well
nick and moire have irreconcilable differences
so are ye gonna eat paper airplanes all through class tomorrow too or ye gonna tell me what the problem is
my appetite for paper airplanes is endless munro
hope yer hungry for that shiny stuff they print photos on
ugh cmon that shits so bitter it's like letting advil dissolve in your mouth
ye know the terms of the deal walker
ye'd be doing yer stomach a favor
it's not liver damage but we all have our vices
that's true
but yer liver's probably not gonna thank ye for bitter advil paper either
what if i made a really big one out of a whole newspaper
antonov an-225
at least buy me a latte to wash it down with
[moire makes good on her promise in class today. nick gets an expertly-aimed airplane to the cheek within the first ten minutes of class. it's folded from stiff glossy photo-printing paper, which she bartered from the amorphous art supply guardian in exchange for a memory. then he gets another airplane to the temple. and another. and another. long months of fucking around in class have made her an expert at predicting how long professor mothman will have his back turned to the board.] lattes are for when yer not being a dick, [she tells him after class, peeling off down the hallway to physics] i’ll make ye tea though if ye manage to eat em all
TWO DAYS AGO, post sharing dragon videos
so are we friends again or nah
i cant read this over the noises my stomach is still making as it digests photopaper
ye could have had tea
it was a pride thing
i didn't think ye had any left after the third airplane
you would be shocked at how much i manage to retain no matter what i swallow
i guess we all have our talents
damn straight munro
some are just more highly sought after than others
who knew airplane eating is so decidedly respected
anyone in the aviation industry duh
well don't forget who helped launch yer career when yer famous and shit
yeah ill try not to forget the little people
yer like a foot shorter than me
oh well obviously im talking about personality
then yer like two feet shorter
hair doesnt count
neither does punching
luckily those aren't personality traits
which is why youre the little people and im not
lmao all ye have in yer corner is being tiny and rude
youd be surprised how far those two things can get you in life
good for ye
thanks it's been an uphill battle but 18 years in im starting to get the hang of using that stuff in my favor
since youre technically millys aunt im donating a full sentence of real talk which is that i dont really fuck with public drinkers
why not enough personality for ye
ye get high all the time
yeah, and all that happens is i chill out
is this because of the movie night?
did we do something to ye?
no it's just not my thing ok
i dont babysit lightweights and hanging around them always turns into that anyway
lmao i mean ye didn't and no one asked ye to
no offense but have you ever hung out with drinkers because no matter the fuck what eventually
it's the one sober person's job to console whoever just started crying and stop the fights and driving and unprotected sex and i have plenty on my plate right now without heading down that road so i really, really prefer not hanging with people who get drunk on wine during disney movie night like you do you and shit but it's not my scene
i know yer from like
the city and shit
but here i’ve only ever drank with misha and some of the girls in proteus and it’s never been like that
i don’t know in what world ye think ye have to take care of us
i don’t want that lmao and i definitely don’t need it
good to know but there's still that second hand embarrassment factor and the smell of rancid grapes to figure in
like i just dont like hanging with people drinking it's not that deep
good thing ye’ve never done anything embarrassing like proposition yer supposed cousin over the pa system
that’d be real fuckin awkward
whatever walker
if yer gonna ditch cus one night out of the months ye’ve been here we did something that ye didnae like that didnae even affect ye
then seriously
lmao at least i did it fully aware of what i was doing
like damn munro cant a guy choose his company based on personal preferences
lmao weak
i do enough embarrassing stuff sober too kill me for having a good night where i didn’t worry about shit
and ye sure can
my personal preference is hanging out with people who don’t flake without even a heads up
evens out
it's not flaking if we never had plans like ho ly shit why is this such a big deal you wanna get shitfaced and turn your head into a fish that's your prerogative and it's mine not to stick around while it's happening i dont particularly care why you did it im sure being drunk was a blissful reprieve from your tortured thoughts or whatever and i respect that i just dont want to be there
gods ye are literally the one who made this into a big deal nick i just said whatever like three times ye dinnae have to justify yer weird hypocritical bullshit to me
no one said ye had to watch when there were a thousand other things to do and pay attention to that night but yeah ignoring a friend for weeks and not letting them know what’s up is a shitty thing to do and i was trying to like check in but it turns out the mistake was thinking that we were friends in the first place so like i said
i was doing plenty of other things that night and i really dont get why you cant run it through your hair that i dont fuckin like hanging around drunks and forgive me for not realizing we were at the bffs for life stage and thinking it wouldnt be a big deal to drop off your proverbial sea charts
oh nice so i'm a drunk cus i had some wine that’s incredibly reasonable of ye top of the fucking class
i wasn’t saying we were bffs lmao yer supposed to be the human don’t ye have a basic concept of how human relationships work ye don’t have to be bffs to not be a total asshole
you were drunk i dont know what gentle terminology you want me to use here  like was i supposed to hand you an official notice like dear mr and mrs munro this is a letter of resignation on the basis that i dont fucking roll with public wastedness
god i thought you were buried deeper in your hypermasculinity than getting ratty because i decided i didnt wanna hang with you your boy and a bottle of something that could strip paint off a car
the utter fuckin logical leaps yer going through to make hanging out with us about drinking constantly is amazing ye gonna mentally photoshop bottles of liquor into all the times we hung out where we weren’t drinking too
and ye can fuck off with the hypermasculinity bullshit it’s bad if i am and bad if i’m not to ye sorry i don’t fit the perfect image of rambo lmao almost like the way ye stereotype everyone isn’t the way they really are
i don’t get how i’m the fucking unreasonable one here for thinking that i’d fucked something up and wanting to fix it and instead getting a thousand word essay where ye reiterate the point that got old the second time ye said it
luckily ye can consider yerself off the hook
if ive said it so many times then why isnt it going through
and like damn do you think youre like picking away at my layers of carefully crafted denial to get to the real reason i dont wanna hang with you guys anymore or something like i told you it's not that deep and just because i expected you to be oozing masculinity like a frat boy's sti doesnt mean it's a good thing that usually you are
trust me i'm not under any delusion that yer deep lmao
it came through loud and clear the first time
so like i said four fucking times
yer off the hook
see ye in class
yep, this shallow bitch'll catch you later than you overhyped blowfish
also weak
yes, i know, your muscles schwarzenegger youll be back etc etc etc
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tumblunni · 7 years
and I’m just thinking about how much its a great template on how to make a small town feel like a real living world, and how to make you get to know characters organically, and such! there’s so much you can take influence from even in wildly different genres of game that dont share any of the same mechanics! So umm here’s my random post of thinking about things inspired by rune factory that I’d love to incorporate into my own games someday~! I think a lot of it could work best for my ‘cathedral tower’ game cos its about protecting a town of people, or my ‘zombie mum’ game cos it could have a lot of similar scavenging mechanics. HMMMM... This game just makes me so inspired!!!
* I really really REALLY like how you gain stat experience from doing various exploration activities around the world, and it translates into bonuses to your battle and/or farming skills. AND those battle and farming skills give bonuses to each other! Like.. walking, eating, taking a bath, throwing stuff, they all add small amounts to your hp or stamina bar. Which means you can farm more! And all the different types of farming and crafting activities, which you can do more of now, add vitality and accuracy and strength. And now you can battle more! And battling gives a very good growth curve of making you better at battling, there’s levels but there’s also great encouragement to try every weapon and magic in order to pump up your stats. Which is also great incentive to do crafting so you’ll actually be able to handle fighting with a low level weapon long enough to gain all the boosts. Which is a great incentive to farm and explore to get those ingredients in order to craft. Which is a great incentive to befriend the townsfolk, and level them up as your companions, and give them your leftover crafted items in order to equip them all good and make them more useful while raising friendship at the same time. aaaa everything links so well, its so well made! it means you can succeed in the game no matter which part of it you’re better at, and its easier to get into trying the stuff you maybe dont like as much. Except for the soil levelling system, thats annoyingly nonintuituive and non-tutorial’d compared to the rest...
* Anyway! Ideas for how it could be expanded even more to give you even more of a sense of progression! And also to make it less repetitive having to reexplore the same areas again and again looking for stuff that only spawns there. Eventually you’re gonna be stuck with a total lack of some early level item and you have to backtrack searching for where on earth it came from :P ANYWAY! The idea! Maybe you could level up your gathering skills with different forms of gathering? You kinda do have that with the mining/farming/etc, but it doesnt have any effect on what you gain, how fast you can gather, how much you gather, etc. It just gives you the battle stat boosts for gathering a lot. My idea was maybe like... if you have high level mining then maybe you have higher odds of finding rare rocks, getting more drops per rock, getting the rarer drops within the rare rocks, rocks respawning faster, etc. So it becomes less and less difficult the more powerful you get! And instead of lots of items being super limited to certain areas, technically every area contains the same rock items and its only your skill that determines what you get. With maybe just a little bit of a levelling curve, like if you enter a high level area earlier than you’re supposed to then its harder to mine a rock. Takes 50 swings instead of 5, or whatever. But this is also a reward for exploring there early, cos you get 50 chances to win a good item from that rock, instead of 5. (Provided you even have enough stamina to manage that!) And maybe high level rocks give more mining experience, or whatever. Aaaaand maybe there are indeed some area-exclusive drops, rather than necessarily everything scaling to your current level. But they wouldnt be as specific as in RF4, where I have to keep going back to this one haunted mansion thats the only damn place containing spiders so far! Like, have several areas at different levels throughout the game, so there’s always a new [item] hunting area thats relatively close to your level at all times. And maybe the higher level equivelant of like... the spider area, would give out bigger amounts of spider items and more exp and whatever. But you could still totally sit around grinding in the low level spider area and start getting higher level spidermeats if you do it enough, its just easier to grind at the later areas. So the level curve still works out! Man sorry this is a long confusing blabber cos i dunno how to explain this XD
* Alternative idea on how to make low level items still relatively available even when it becomes annoying to backtrack to those areas: Digimon World version! Alternative methods to acquire those items easily without gathering will appear as the game goes on. In DW1 the shops unlock in roughly this pattern. (Well, its a sandbox game so you can sequence break at some points and unlock shops in different orders, but yeah) Like around the time you’re 10 levels above [spider area], you get a merchant who sells those spider things. And by now you’ll be making a lot more profit so its way more feasable to just buy it all from them instead of backtracking to gather. Or maybe it could be part of a reward for befriending people? I thought in the cathedral game it would be good if you could set other characters to do work while you’re out adventuring, once youve earned their trust. So you could get an infinate source of those low level items through this method, and maybe get more appreciation for the characters when they’re being super helpful and all. And maybe you could set up various areas in your home base in order to change the low-level item that the npcs will farm. Like, set up a small pen full of tamed spiders that you can milk for cobwebs every day. And as the game goes on, you can upgrade your base and add more room for multiple item-farming areas at once.
* And also possibly have a small chance of characters randomly appearing each morning? Like, instead of necessarily having to backtrack around the town every single day to talk to everybody, once they’re a high enough friendship level they’ll randomly take the initiative themselves. And give you bonus gifts and sidequests and stuff, or maybe have a chance of doing a small favour for you. Like you wake up and a few squares of your farm are already watered or harvested, or one of your items has had its durability restored, or clues have been added on your map on how to find a new area. Or I dunno.. like... they cleaned your house or made you breakfast and you get a productivity boost from friendship joy. But yeah this randomness would be another way you could still receive old items without having to backtrack. Plus generally other anti-backtracking helpfulness! I think that as your level increases it should get easier to do your daily chores, so you have more time to do [insert whatever thing is currently plot important at this level]. Thats a big problem that makes it exhausting to continue playing farming games after a long time. Like.. the first time you run around the town giving people gifts its fun, but after doing a whole year of it it gets frustrating that it never gets easier or less required. Same for farming and backtrack-gathering, and even battling and exploring to some extent. if the way you do these things eventually started to get easier/change in how you do them, then they’d never get monotonous. Though that might just be a problem for me, I guess? I dunno if I’m weird but i find things more and more difficult the more I do them, routines are frustrating to me instead of easier. I have to find ways to always spice it up!
* Another idea of more ways to interact with characters beyond just giving gifts every day! Maybe have bonuses in certain areas every now and then? like, wake up one day and [character] is saying ‘the harvest in [area] is really good!’, and then if you go there you get a higher quantity of stuff, exp, and some cute friendship scenes with the charrie. Or maybe there’s too many [monster] in [area] and the harvest might actually become bad if you dont team up with [character] and exterminate them! And again, it’d become easier as you get higher levelled. At the beginning you’d pretty much be required to go for these events or else miss the chance, but later on if characters trust you a lot they could do it automatically on their own if you miss the event. So they continue gaining bonus exp even when you’re not travelling with them, you still gain (a slightly smaller amount of) the bonus item in your supply box, and really all you lost was a chance to raise more friendship points with them.
* Also maybe sometimes with regular quests/requests, a character could volunteer to help if they like you enough? Not for main story quests, with those you’d just have the character asking if they can join you for it. But with like... fred asks you for some chestnuts to make a cake for gerald, and mary calls you up to say ‘hey i heard about it, i had a big harvest of chestnuts today!’ And then you get friendship with all three of them, and save some time! And you can still refuse if you wanna do it yourself, that way you’d get bonus friendship with fred. cos like, he heard from mary that you said you wanted to handle the problem personally, and he was flattered. :3 (tho some characters would be different, maybe some would dislike it? i dunno)
* I really love that you can give cute hats to the batchelors and batchelorettes in RF4, and they wear them, and it is cute. This needs to be a thing in all games! I also like that the way its done is sorta easter eggy? Its not really explained as its own unique feaure, youre actually never told you can change party members’s equipment, which is a little bit annoying. But its also nice that its just like... “wow, the game’s much more open than I expected!” You can give gifts to characters and you wonder if you can give every single item, then HUH if you give them hats they actually wear them! And they can use all the same weapons you use! Awesome~ I also like that it seems like they have a chance of randomly wearing every hat you ever gave them? Whenever theyre in your party, they wear whatever equipment you last gave them, but when theyre wandering around the town they randomly wear their entire hat history. Thats so cute and makes them feel more alive! Itd be so neat if characters in these games could ‘remember’ stuff like that more often. Like I dunno... maybe the game logs down the first gift item you ever give each character, and then they bring it up during their final max-affection event. With different cute conversations depending on what it was! Like ‘omg wasnt it hilarious, I really hated it’ or ‘i cant believe you got my fave item on the first try!’ And then if its something of medium level like, maybe they say ‘i never really thought [item] was all that special, but ive become quite fond of it now it makes me remember you’. And i dunno, maybe at the ending the game could remember who you had in your party during every big story quest, and show a montage during the credits ^_^
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fashionoutfit6 · 6 years
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