#covid test is negative YAY
niallandtommo · 2 years
not to alarm anyone but i'm seeing harry next week
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montanabohemian · 5 months
guess who gets sick on christmas. for the first time since 2019.
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pastafossa · 2 years
hoping and praying that ur covid test was negative!!!!
Ty anon! It appears I get to keep my Covid-Free Since Feb 2020 badge (look, it rhymes!) , fortunately! Which is great because I like my badge and also because my lungs are still kinda wheezy from the Feb 2020 bout haaa and i wondered why that hotel doc wanted me to go to the er why is he acting like something's going on im at disney disney is safe look at all these PEOPLE safe here from ALL OVER THE WORLD *belated* oh shit
I do have a fever now in addition to the other symptoms but at this point if it's not covid I'll take it as a win.
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"you should be at the club" can't I have a mini panic attack every time I test for covid
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probayern · 8 months
finished my Big Test and immediately got sick love this for me
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lovecolibri · 2 years
You guys my throat is on fire and I feel sooo awful and I have a wedding rehearsal in 2 days 😫 thank goodness I'm just there for helping hands and not IN the wedding party. I'm so miserable. Plus side, my boss stopped in my office today and took one look and said I could work from home tomorrow so, small victory! I bought soup and ginger ale and cough drops and cold medicine on the way home and i will only be vacating the couch to go to bed later. Wish me luck!
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camembertlythere · 2 years
Realizing that so much of what I found attractive about the pop punk bandmen of my youth was just gender envy has brought a pretty wild sense of relief about .....idk something ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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britishraptor · 2 years
*doesnt leave the house for literal weeks*
*Gets moderately ill*
Me: this house is a prison. Release me, so I may feel the light upon my skin
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sylvansleuth · 2 years
What is something that you are looking forward to?
this Seems like a randomly generated question that i'd get on tellonym LMAO but first thing to come to mind is i cannot Wait to Not be sick anymore- i feel like GARBAGE! big fat covid scare only to have a Normal cold lmao
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wren-was-here · 2 years
god how am i supposed to know if i have covid when i have (mild) covid symptoms daily. like i experience congestion, fatigue, cough, runny nose, and headaches daily so how do i Know
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rascheln · 2 years
something weird i've noticed, but before covid my colds would usually be mostly runny-nose and cough heavy, but after about a year of not really getting sick and the three shots, the couple times i've now had colds they consistently start with my throat aching and then maybe some runny nose/coughing the following days.
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swordmaid · 2 years
i feel like shit!!!!!!!!! again.
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continuousmeowing · 8 months
wwhen covid comes into the picture i immediately lose all rationality. the feeling of contamination fucks me up big time.
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droolik · 2 years
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coffeestainedcamera · 6 months
Started watching Carol and the End of the World bc flu got me (but yay, tested negative for covid). Anyways, that intro made me question if my feverish brain was causing issues. But nah, it's a nightmare of someone who's not handling an impeding apocalypse well.
I mean, Carol's depression and desire to revisit her childhood via haunting the abandoned Applebee's is an understandable reaction. I'd party through a planetary apocalypse but you know. I get her reaction.
This is such a mundane horror story, though. Like, she still worries about credit card debt until she's finally told that the bank doesn't care anymore. American tourists still have "life-changing" trips to Tibet. People still drink La Croix and need to deal with the laundry day. They have weirdo one-night stands. Somehow, the accounting department still needs to show up to work despite an apocalypse lol.
Also, it's neat how we have a quiet big middle-aged lady as a protagonist. Not particularly common on TV, even though streaming is supposed to be more diverse.
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mystic-kitten-writer · 2 months
Update :)
It's funny how it's been such a long time since I've posted here, yet it still feels like home—hello, loves~!
It goes without saying that I owe an explanation as to why I disappeared from the face of the Earth for so long.
The last time I was able to truly connect with you was when my family and I caught Covid (great times, let me tell you) - after that, I totally disappeared, and as much as I would love to say it was for good and positive reasons, to be very blunt and straight to the point, it wasn't.
For those sensitive to the topics of illness and mental health, skip to the image of a giant cat for the good news!
Once again, as everyone knows, my whole family got COVID-19. While my Mom, Dad, and I weren't too hot, we were functioning. But my husband was really struggling. And when weeks passed, and his health started to get worse and worse, we realized that this was something more than just COVID-19.
My husband is hesitant to provide full details about what occurred, primarily because it's still a recent event and something he's currently grappling with. Still, my husband went from being a healthy, physically active person to being bedridden.
It was a really hard time for everyone because my husband is like the sun. All smiles and outgoing - to suddenly unable to eat or hold down food, needing help with showering and to be very blunt, depressed and suicidal because he lost everything due to this sickness.
Unfortunately, cancer runs in his family, and while he got tested multiple times and came back negative (yay!), he is still not out of the dark. He has done numerous surgeries in hopes of getting better (his most recent this January), and at this time, his last resort is getting a colostomy bag. He is currently undergoing some experimental treatments because doctors don't want to do the surgery based on his age.
It goes without saying why I haven't been posting and updating anything. There's been a lot going on, and I want to be on his side as much as possible.
But there is some good news!
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I am mainly posting this message because he has improved greatly these past few weeks and is now in a much better physical and mental state. Seeing him get his feet back on the ground has given me the confidence to resume writing.
I have never stopped writing, but I have stopped publicly posting my writing mainly because I didn't have the time to sit down and properly edit.
My friends behind the scenes have been real stars. They have kept me going and encouraged me to keep writing.
I aim to post small works and drabbles until I feel confident enough to finish my biggest baby, Limerence.
To all those messages saying you missed Yue and Zuko, they're back - sorry, not sorry.
Thank you to everyone who has written messages to me. Trust me when I say I read them all, and I truly appreciate them. It meant a lot to get them and read them when I was not active because there were a few dark moments during my time away with everything going on, and honestly, it made me really happy. While I could never express my thanks in enough words, please know I greatly valued it.
I wanted to keep this short and sweet, but as we know, I am not known for short things (I try I swear askdjahjhksdj)😅
Thank you, and I wish everyone a fabulous day with tons of hugs and kisses.
I can't wait to write to you all soon~ ❤️
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