mochaya · 1 year
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Corticospinal tracts & Khayr 🤍🐈
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brightlotusmoon · 3 months
Me, looking up prevalence of trigeminal nerve pain as a cerebral palsy comorbidity:
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What I found:
"Individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) experience impairments in the control of head and neck movements, suggesting dysfunction in brain stem circuitry. To examine if brain stem circuitry is altered in CP, we compared reflexes evoked in the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscle by trigeminal nerve stimulation in adults with CP and in age/sex-matched controls.
Increasing the intensity of trigeminal nerve stimulation produced progressive increases in the long-latency suppression of ongoing SCM electromyography in controls. In contrast, participants with CP showed progressively increased facilitation around the same reflex window, suggesting heightened excitability of brain stem pathways.
We also examined if there was altered activation of cortico-brain stem pathways in response to prenatal injury of the brain. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) in the SCM that were conditioned by a prior trigeminal afferent stimulation were more facilitated in CP compared with controls, especially in ipsilateral MEPs that are likely mediated by corticoreticulospinal pathways.
In some participants with CP, but not in controls, a combined trigeminal nerve and cortical stimulation near threshold intensities produced large, long-lasting responses in both the SCM and biceps brachii muscles.
We propose that the enhanced excitatory responses evoked from trigeminal and cortical inputs in CP are produced by heightened excitability of brain stem circuits, resulting in the augmented activation of reticulospinal pathways. Enhanced activation of reticulospinal pathways in response to early injury of the corticospinal tract may provide a compensated activation of the spinal cord or, alternatively, contribute to impairments in the precise control of head and neck functions.
NEW & NOTEWORTHY This is the first study to show that in adults with spastic cerebral palsy, activation of brain stem circuits by cortical and/or trigeminal afferents produces excitatory responses in anterior neck muscles compared with inhibitory responses in age/sex-matched controls. This may reflect a more excitable reticulospinal tract in response to early brain injury to provide a compensated activation of postural muscles. On the other hand, a hyperexcitable brain stem may contribute to impairments in the precise control of head and neck functions."
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The new GP remarked that my cerebral palsy display is one of the more mild and subtle she's worked with. I'm used to hearing that. Let's see what happens when our next visit gets into excruciating detail!
(if we don't do our own fucking homework, the doctors won't either)
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ameerunsblog · 10 months
Brainstem Important Question And Answers
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Understanding Pronator Drift: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment
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Pronator drift is a neurological condition that causes the forearm to rotate and move downwards, indicating damage to the corticospinal tract in the brain. It is often used as a clinical sign to identify the presence of neurological disorders such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and brain tumors. In this article, we will discuss the symptoms, causes, and treatment options available for pronator drift.
Symptoms Of Pronator Drift
The primary symptom of pronator drift is the involuntary rotation and downward movement of the forearm. This movement is often accompanied by weakness or loss of sensation in the affected arm. Additionally, patients may also experience difficulty with fine motor tasks such as writing, buttoning shirts, or using utensils.
In severe cases, patients may also experience additional neurological symptoms such as difficulty speaking, loss of balance, or vision changes. However, these symptoms are not always present in patients with pronator drift and may vary depending on the underlying condition causing the condition.
Causes Of Pronator Drift
The underlying cause of pronator drift is damage to the corticospinal tract, which is responsible for the voluntary movement of the limbs. This damage can occur due to a variety of neurological conditions, including:
Stroke: A stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is interrupted, resulting in damage to the brain tissue. Depending on the location and severity of the stroke, the corticospinal tract may be damaged, leading to pronator drift.
Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis is a debilitating autoimmune disorder that attacks and destroys the protective myelin coating of nerve fibers in the central nervous system. Injuries to the corticospinal tract may disrupt nerve impulses and cause pronator drift.
Brain Tumors: Brain tumors can compress the corticospinal tract, leading to damage and pronator drift.
Traumatic Brain Injury: A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in damage to the corticospinal tract, leading to pronator drift. TBIs can occur due to a variety of causes, including car accidents, falls, and sports injuries.
Diagnosing Pronator Drift
Diagnosing pronator drift involves a physical examination, neurological tests, and imaging studies. During a physical examination, the doctor will evaluate the patient’s ability to move their arms, legs, and fingers. They will also test the patient’s strength, reflexes, and sensation.
Neurological tests such as the Babinski reflex and Hoffman sign may also be performed to evaluate the patient’s neurological function. Imaging studies such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans may be used to visualize the brain and identify any abnormalities that may be causing the pronator drift…Read More
Source: Millionaire Business Articles
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drdanielyribeiro · 1 year
Quatro vias descendentes mediais controlam os músculos axiais e das cinturas para regular a postura. Músculos axiais e das cinturas são controlados funda- mentalmente pelas quatro vias descendentes medial- mente: o trato corticospinal anterior, os tratos reticulos- pinais, o trato tetospinal e o trato vestibulospinal. As vias descendentes mediais exercem controle bilateral sobre músculos axiais e das cinturas.
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longhaulerbear · 1 year
From 2021. Brains may physically adapt.
Poliomyelitis survivors exhibit no frank grey or white matter degeneration. To the contrary, increased partial volumes can be detected in the brainstem, cerebellum and occipital lobes compared to healthy individuals. Higher fractional anisotropy was also noted in the corticospinal tracts, cerebellum, bilateral mesial temporal lobes and inferior frontal brain regions in poliomyelitis survivors in contrast to controls. Anatomical patterns of superior integrity metrics in polio survivors were concordant with anatomical regions of focal degeneration in ALS. Our imaging data indicate cortical and white matter reorganisation in polio survivors, which may be interpreted as compensatory adaptation to severe lower motor neuron injury acquired in infancy.
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rnewspost · 1 year
Stimulating axon regrowth after spinal cord injury
Stimulating axon regrowth after spinal cord injury
Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A new study by Burke Neurological Institute (BNI), Weill Cornell Medicine, finds that activation of MAP2K signaling by genetic engineering or non-invasive repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) promotes corticospinal tract (CST) axon sprouting and functional regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI) in mice. rTMS is a noninvasive technique that…
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newstrendline · 2 years
Motor neuron disease
Motor Neuron Disease Motor neuron disease (MND) is a degenerative condition that affects the nerve cells that control movement. The disease starts with the degeneration of motor neurons in the frontal lobe (Brodmann area 4). The neurons then travel through the pontine base, lateral corticospinal tracts, and cerebral peduncles. In addition, hardening of the spinal cord’s dorsolateral portion is…
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bankercoat03 · 2 years
Benefits of Bio-Mechanical Stimulation Massage
Bio-Mechanical Stimulation massage can be applied to any part of the body, relieving the pain and stimulating smooth movements in the affected area. It relaxes the muscles which can help with various ailments. These are only a few of the many benefits of Bio-Mechanical stimulation massage. They include: Reducing tension in muscles, increases blood flow, improves neurological excitability, and reduces pain. Increases blood flow Bio-mechanical stimulation (BMS) is a method of increasing blood flow. Although blood flow isn't directly controlled or controlled by the heart (a review of scientific research has found that massage can increase it), there are some ways to boost it. Because skeletal muscles comprise only 20% of the heart output at rest, their blood flow during exercise is higher. They have a metabolic regulation that regulates blood flow. The sympathetic vasoconstrictors, particular, are responsible for innervating the muscles' blood vessels. Research shows that bio-mechanical stimulation massage can boost circulation and strengthen the circulatory system and heart. It reduces muscle pain and helps combat chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis. It improves immunity and helps prevent chronic pain. While there are no adverse effects from bio-mechanical stimulation, many people who have tried it have noticed improvements in their muscles, pains and aches. Reduces tension in the muscles Bio-mechanical stimulation massage eases tension in muscles and improves tissue elasticity. By relaxing the muscles that are smooth and line blood vessels, it increases blood flow. The increased blood flow increases the temperature of muscles and their elasticity, which allows muscles to move freely. This leads to less tension and a lower chance of injury. Relaxation is a major component of this massage. It relieves tension in muscles and improves range-of-motion. It is great for relieving the stress of strenuous physical activity. Bio-mechanical stimulation is a way to ease muscle tension and promote balance and healing. This kind of massage is often part of a holistic therapeutic program. In addition to relaxing muscle tension and increasing blood flow, biomechanical stimulation has many other advantages that include pain relief. Sleep disorders and inactivity are two of the most frequent causes of anxiety. Bio-mechanical stimulation massage may be used to ease strain on muscles and increase blood flow. Neurological excitability rises Massage is a well-known method for relieving muscle tension, increasing flexibility, and boosting the immune system. However, the benefits of massage are not well-documented. Although it has been proven to improve various physiological measures like the temperature and tone of muscles but limited research has indicated that massage can increase neuromuscular excitability. This article will explore some possible mechanisms. The authors address the limitations of research done in the past and make recommendations for future research. CP can cause spasticity and tremor. This disorder impairs the activity of the dorsal reticulospinal system, which originates in the ventromedial bulbar reticular formation which is a region of the spinal cord that has a powerful inhibitory effect on the activity of muscles. This region is affected by the premotor cortex. Biomechanical stimulation has shown that it can enhance corticospinal excitability. This is crucial for the basic tasks. Reduces pain Bio-mechanical stimulation has been proven to be a method to lessen pain. Studies have proven that this form of therapy can lessen pain on various levels of the body, as well as reducing the sensation of pain by modifying nociceptive processing. A therapist may perform therapeutic massage to send an "safety message to the body." This safety message can help reduce pain and potentially minimize the transition from chronic pain to acute. Researchers have also demonstrated that passive mobilization can be helpful in fighting nerve inflammation. This method incorporates stretching and relaxation cycles to reduce the pain. Furthermore, bio-mechanical stimulation assists in reducing muscle tension and promotes body balance and healing. In many cases anxiety-related muscle strains are caused by a lack of exercise or sleep disorders, so a bio-mechanical massage is a great method to reduce tension in the muscles and give you the much-needed relaxation. Bio-mechanical stimulation can also be beneficial in decreasing depression and stress levels. It promotes a sense of wellbeing, and good quality sleep. Helps you find a balance between your physical and mental state The effectiveness of Bio-mechanical stimulation massage depends on how the patient experiences the sensations. A clear mind is the best tool to release mental imbalances. However the attachment to pleasure and aversion towards discomfort can diminish the therapeutic effect. To have a calm mind, Equanimity is essential. The attachment to discomfort or pleasure can negatively affect the mental well-being of a person. Regular massage sessions can be beneficial to those with emotional disorders. They can aid in relaxation, boost your mood, and improve your performance. They can also assist you to keep a healthy balance in your mental and physical health. Massage can improve your mood, anxiety, and self-image. By making it a point to make time for yourself, regular massages can help improve your physical and mental health. This is a great choice for those with long hair
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Long hair is a great benefit. If you're a female, there are great ways to style it. There are many styles to choose from like rock 'n' roll hair tied to your neck, a sexy Afro or a sumo look with knots. But long hair is susceptible to tangles and everyday wear. Here are some tips to keep your hair looking flattering. First of all, hair that is long is a sign of strength. https://pansymassage.com/suwon/ The ancient tribes of Native America wore their hair long to show strength, and cutting it was a sign of submission. The most fierce warriors of history had hair that was long. Short hair is synonymous with professionalism in the workplace. For example, if you're in a law firm or in sales, people are likely to reject you. Also, a man bun isn't an ideal first impression, so don't wear it if you're in these kinds of jobs.
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Respiratory abnormalities in coma. The full details are available in episode 13 of ‘Clinical neurology with KD’ podcast. Cheyne -stokes breathing. There are brief periods of hyperpnoea regularly alternating with an even shorter duration of apnoea. After the apneic phase, respiratory movement's amplitude increases to a peak before slowly waning off to the following apnea. It represents a more severe degree of normal post-hyperventilation apnea due to bilateral cortical dysfunction. Brainstem hyperventilation Patients with midbrain and pontine lesions can have rapid and prolonged hyperventilation. Lowering the local CSF pH and stimulating the respiratory centre of the medulla is one of the postulated mechanisms. Kussmaul's breathing is deep, rapid breathing seen in metabolic acidosis. Apneustic breathing In apneustic breathing, there is a prolonged inspiratory time followed by a long inspiratory pause. The air is retained for several seconds and released. The expiratory time is short, and a pontine lesion usually causes it. Cluster breathing It is a cluster of breaths following each other in an irregular sequence. It results from low pontine or high medullary lesions. Ataxic breathing The breathing pattern is entirely irregular. It is called the atrial fibrillation of breathing. The inspiration is of different amplitudes and lengths and intermixed with variable periods of apnea. It is often seen in terminally ill patients and suggests impending respiratory failure. The site of the lesion is the dorsomedial medulla. A paramedian medullary infarct, bleed, or tumour can produce it. The classical breathing described by Biot in severe meningitis is ataxic. Central hypoventilation The pathway of voluntary respiration from the cortex descends via the corticospinal tract. The automatic respiration fibres from the medulla descend in the ventrolateral cord, with anatomic separation of inspiratory and expiratory pathways. #neurology #neuroscience #coma #emergencymedicine #criticalcare #internalmedicine #neuro #neurologyteachingclub #clinicalneurology #respiration #respiratorymedicine #neurocriticalcare #neuroresident #medicineresidency #neetss https://www.instagram.com/p/ChEkwNAvGSl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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breadticket69 · 2 years
HELICOBACTER PYLORI Long-term GASTRITIS ON People Together with PREMALIGNANT Situations: OLGA Along with OLGIM EVALUATION Along with Solution DihydrotestosteroneMARKERS Overall performance
The aim of the current research was to figure out sensory correlates Regarding purposeful generator responses as well as the purposeful inhibition of motor replies inside a #Link# group of wholesome topics. Therefore, a new go/nogo/voluntary variety model was used. In the non-reflex selection situation subjects made a decision readily getting in touch with respond using a key push soon after Government business presentation. Well-designed MRI files along with event-related potentials have been purchased concurrently to be able to dependably examine spatial and temporal traits of these answers. The final results revealed decision-related enhanced sensory replies mainly inside the inside frontal gyrus/supplementary motor place, lateral frontal mental faculties locations and also the poor parietal gyrus. Extra activations linked to voluntary moves ended up detected from the front vision industry and also human brain locations immediately linked to engine #Link# responses (electronic.gary. somatosensory cortical regions). Totally, decision procedures were been shown to be fairly independent of the kind of reaction chosen. Sound Brain Mapp 25:2971-2985, 2009. (Chemical) 09 Wiley-Liss. Incorporated.This specific document provides any platform for manipulating the progression of the general program in the inside vitro angiogenesis method. Depending on on the web rating associated with cellular progress as well as a stochastic mobile or portable inhabitants product, a new closed-loop handle product is produced for controlling the procedure for mobile migration and vascular technique improvement. Angiogenesis is recognized as in a microfluidic surroundings, exactly where chemical and also mechanical toys does apply for the cellular inhabitants. Any systems-level outline of the angiogenesis process can be created, and a handle plan that prefers an ideal series associated with handle information drive an automobile collective mobile styles towards a desired target can be presented on this papers. As a result of control inputs, the particular k-step ahead conjecture regarding morphologic pattern steps can be assessed, and the input that reduces estimated squared problem involving the potential evaluate and its particular preferred worth is chosen to the existing management. Original simulators experiments show that general development can be well guided in the direction of a desired morphologic pattern by using this approach.Paired associative stimulation (PAS), where side-line lack of feeling toys are usually accompanied by transcranial permanent magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the electric motor cortex, may produce a long lasting alteration of cortical excitability. With an interstimulus period of time a bit reduced as opposed to time needed for that afferent inputs to arrive at cerebral cortex (12 microsof company), engine cortex excitability diminishes. Indirect data secure the #Link# theory which PAS with this interval (PAS10) entails Limited like-changes throughout cortical synapses. The goal of existing paper was to check out much more right PAS10 outcomes. We all noted corticospinal descending volleys evoked through solitary heart beat TMS before PAS10 by 50 % mindful themes who had a top cervical epidural electrode inserted with regard to discomfort control.
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beastbeetle8 · 2 years
Fluorouracil Boosts Platelet-Mediated Staphylococcus aureus Harming Causing Settlement of Bacteremia
The difference in C peptide area below curve between the canakinumab along with placebo groupings at Twelve months ended up being 2.01 nmol/L (95% CI -0.11 in order to 3.15; p=0.Ninety), and relating to the anakinra along with the placebo groups from Being unfaithful a few months has been Zero.02 nmol/L (-0.2009 in order to Zero.Fifteen; p=0.71). The quantity and also harshness of adverse occasions would not diff im involving groups inside the canakinumab tryout. Within the anakinra test, people inside the anakinra group acquired drastically greater marks regarding undesirable situations than the placebo party #Link# (p=0.018), that was due to the fact of a better quantity of shot website side effects from the anakinra party. Interpretation Canakinumab and also anakinra have been risk-free yet were not efficient because individual immunomodulatory drugs in recent-onset type 1 diabetes. Interleukin-1 blockage is more good at conjunction with remedies that target adaptive defenses in organ-specific autoimmune issues.Human being electric motor behavior is revised judging by errors involving sought after along with actual activity results. It can be appearing that the function played out by the primary motor cortex (M1) with this course of action depends upon many different elements, such as the character with the process staying performed, and the period #Link# involving understanding. Take a look at utilized recurring TMS to evaluate the hypothesis that M1 will be intimately active in the initial phase of sensorimotor adaptation. Inhibitory theta burst stimulation ended up being used on M1 prior to a job needing customization of torques made concerning the elbow/forearm complicated in response to rotations of the aesthetic feedback present. Individuals had been very first encountered with any 30 degrees clockwise (CW) rotation (Block The), a 60 diplomas counterclockwise revolving (Stop B), used quickly by a subsequent stop regarding 40 diplomas CW rotation (A2). In the STIM condition, participants gotten Twenty s of steady theta break open excitement (cTBS) before the initial A new Block. Within the standard (CON) situation, absolutely no arousal was applied. The particular obvious features involving performance from the two conditions ended up essentially similar based on the mistakes showed after experience a new variant in the process #Link# . There are even so, powerful distinctions between the problems from the latency involving result planning, along with the excitability regarding corticospinal projections through M1, which followed phases regarding de-adaptation along with re-adaptation (during Obstructs W and A2). After up coming experience the actual A rotator 24 l later, the pace involving re-adaptation ended up being lower in your excitement problem present in the conventional issue. These kind of outcomes offer the record that principal generator cortex thinks an integral role in a community that will mediates edition for you to visuomotor perturbation, and emphasise that it is involved yourself functionally was developed stage of learning. (D) Next year Elsevier Limited.
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drdanielyribeiro · 1 year
Duas vias descendentes laterais controlam os músculos dos membros: O trato corticospinal lateral e o trato rubrospinal são as duas vias motoras laterais.
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indianeck40 · 2 years
Dealing with Enzalutamide-Induced Hyperglycemia using Minimal Carbs Diet plans and also Sodium-Glucose Co-Transporter Two Inhibitors: An incident String
Injuries signify an increasing health-related problem as a result of a maturing inhabitants. Nurses enjoy a vital part inside hurt supervision and their theoretical idea of simple injure administration could possibly be likely to affect the caliber of hurt treatments basically. Within this study, we looked at the amount of expertise in injury supervision inside 136 Danish nursing staff working in 3 different options: innovative injure proper care hospitals, home care as well as basic medical center sectors. Many of us learned that clinic nurse practitioners got less theoretical expertise as compared to home care nurse practitioners and also healthcare professionals doing work with superior hurt attention centers. In addition we found that along experience (modified with regard to business office and also schooling) did not have virtually any influence on nurses' expertise. Nurses' knowledge of scientific research had been constantly under their expertise in therapy along with symptoms. This research supplies benchmarking information regarding the current reputation involving injure supervision inside Denmark and also implies how changes might be reached.These studies researched components that affect your functionality associated with Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) (Acari: Phytoseiidae) slow discharge sachets, centering on dispersal within situations along with non-continuous canopies and high experience of garden greenhouse ecological situations. When released coming from a main seed inside a dish, the particular syndication of N. cucumeris across all the plant life has been irregular using the most of insects recoverable on the launch position. Treatment by a grow canopy panels diminished your indicate interior heat of the sachets, temp peaks were a smaller amount obvious and also the comparable wetness ended up being higher than in open sachets. Nearly all In. cucumeris quit the actual uncovered sachets inside the first full week, as well as diminished emergence no signs of breeding had been seen in the actual sachets. Sachets in the seed canopy acquired low introduction throughout the very first full week, escalating after that. Overall, grow canopy sachets introduced much more And. cucumeris than uncovered sachets. Breakthrough designs associated with D. cucumeris coming from sachets beneath greenhouse and ideal situations have been varied, with sachets normally executing better beneath perfect situations. Also beneath regular perfect conditions, the number of N. cucumeris launched via sachets different between groups plus some made the suboptimal variety of potential predators or innovators. Results show that subjected #Link# green house problems can easily seriously affect the overall performance of In. cucumeris sachets understanding that great coverage is required to make up for minimal dispersal in non-continuous place the canopy #Link# .This evaluation thinks about the whole process of the particular corticospinal method inside primates. There is a relatively prevalent cortical place that contains corticospinal components one muscles and so any motoneurone pool gets corticospinal insight coming from a broad place from the cortex. Additionally, corticospinal cellular material them selves get divergent intraspinal branches which usually innervate several motoneuronal pool however the complete couplings relating to the a lot of hands muscle tissue could be more various when compared with #Link# may be lodged simply by preset habits regarding corticospinal divergence. Numerous studies making use of transcranial magnet excitement with the man electric motor cortex possess featured the capacity of the cortex to change its clear excitability as a result of altered afferent information, training and various pathologies. Studies using cortical activation in 'very low' extremes which in turn elicit simply short-latency suppression in the turmoil generator models have said that the quickly doing corticospinal axons (activated at increased intensities) drive motoneurones within typical voluntary contractions. There are also major non-linearities generated in a backbone stage from the regards involving corticospinal output and the productivity from the motoneurone pool.
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themedicalstate · 4 years
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Neural Connections Bolstered in Monkeys That Lift Weights
By Jef Akst (The-Scientist)
A study in two macaques reveals the importance of increasing connectivity between muscles and the reticulospinal tract that runs from the brain stem down the spinal cord.
Of the two major neural highways that carry messages about movement down the spinal cord, one—the reticulospinal tract—is decidedly less fashionable, according to neuroscientist Stuart Baker of Newcastle University in the UK. In contrast to the corticospinal tract (CST), which evolved more recently and helps control complex, uniquely human movements such as playing the piano, the reticulospinal tract (RST) is associated with “boring” functions such as posture and walking, Baker says. But he suspects that the RST plays a bigger role in our movements than researchers currently appreciate.
To test for the RST’s possible contribution to strength training, Baker’s PhD student Isabel Glover, now a postdoc at University College London, taught two macaque monkeys to grasp and pull a handle attached to a pulley with their right paws. Feeding the monkeys fruit, nuts, or bits of chocolate as rewards for successful reps, she gradually increased the weight on the other end of the pulley. After a couple of months, the animals were able to pull their own body weight.  
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LIFT, AND LOWER: Over the course of two months, researchers trained macaque monkeys to lift more and more weight, until they were able to do the equivalent of a one-armed pull-up. When the researchers stimulated a bundle of nerves in the spinal cord known as the reticulospinal tract (RST), they saw increases in the resulting neuronal electrical signals in the monkeys’ arm muscles as training progressed, while they did not see the same consistent upward trend in the muscles’ responses to stimulation of the corticospinal tract (CST). The results suggest that RST connectivity may play a critical role in muscle strengthening. © KELLY FINAN
Prior to the weight training, the researchers had implanted electrodes in the monkeys’ brain stems and arm muscles. This allowed the scientists to stimulate the CST or the RST and measure the electrical response in the muscles. Glover did this as the monkeys pulled an unweighted lever each morning before training began. Then she and Baker looked at how the neural connections changed over the course of the experiment.
They found a marked uptick in the muscles’ response to RST stimulation as weight training continued. By the end of training, responses had increased by about 50 percent. The team continued to track the strength of the neural connections for two weeks after training was complete and found that the increased connectivity persisted. The muscles’ responses to CST stimulation did not show the same steady increase during training, however, and in one monkey, CST connectivity appeared to decrease. After the training, the monkeys were killed, and looking inside their spinal cords, Baker and Glover found further evidence of the RST’s role in weight training: the connections on the trained (right) side were stronger than on the untrained (left) side, as evidenced by greater electrical responses of neurons in the spinal cord to stimulation of the brain stem. “It’s as if the volume was turned up on the trained side,” Baker says. There was no difference between the two sides for the CST.
“The most interesting [part] to me was the spinal cord result,” says Timothy Carroll, a neuroscientist at the University of Queensland in Australia who was not involved in the research. “It’s a level of analysis that just hasn’t been attempted for this type of exercise before.” He agrees with Baker that the RST is “underappreciated,” noting that “there is a really strong overemphasis on the cortex in controlling movement.” The new study, he adds, “is a nice example that there’s probably a lot going on in the brain stem and probably the spinal cord” during movement.
In the future, Baker is interested in understanding how increased connectivity of the RST relates to how the body heals after injury and how to help accelerate the process. For example, a study he published with colleagues earlier this year found that noninvasive brain stimulation could speed the recovery of hand function in stroke patients. “We’re very interested in using targeted stimulation of the RST to improve recovery after damage,” he says.
The paper: I.S. Glover, S.N. Baker, “Cortical, corticospinal, and reticulospinal contributions to strength training,” J Neurosci, 40:5820–32, 2020.
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healthinnovations · 7 years
First human study targets cortical neurons in the brain to improve motor function.
First human study targets cortical neurons in the brain to improve motor function. Thoughts health innovators?
The spinal cord is very sensitive to injury, however, unlike other parts of the body, the spinal cord does not have the ability to repair itself when damaged. A spinal cord injury occurs when there is damage either from trauma, loss of its normal blood supply, or pressure due to a tumour or infection. A main goal of rehabilitation strategies in humans with spinal cord injury is to strengthen…
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