#coronavirus vaccine discovery
sophsweet · 2 months
Quotes from Coronavirus Vaccine Designers and Researchers since SARS-COV1
Coronavirus Vaccine History Back in 2004, SARS vaccine trial spotlights continued peril by Helen Pearson was published in the science press. But public-health experts remain concerned that a second wave of infections could erupt, either from human contact with infected animals or by the virus escaping from laboratory samples.Pearson, Helen SARS vaccine trial spotlights continued peril. Nature…
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medalytica · 11 months
In honor of today being Juneteenth, I would like to commemorate the contributions that the black community has done for modern medicine :)
-James McCune Smith, MD: He was the man to start it all. He was the first black American to ever receive a medical degree in 1837. As well as being an abolitionist and a writer, Smith heavily involved himself in anti-slavery movements and edited and wrote articles revolving around the topic. His contributions to ending slavery as well as inspiring others to follow in his footsteps should not be forgotten.
-Daniel Hale Williams, MD: He was the first person to open a non-segregated black-owned hospital in 1891, and he was among one of the first ever to successfully operate open heart surgery in 1893. Two years later, he also founded the National Medical Association, one of the oldest African-American representative organizations.
-Jane Cooke Wright, MD: She was the first African-American woman to ever be titled dean associate, the highest title ever for her demographics at the time. She worked with her father as a researcher for cancer treatment. Together, they researched the effects of drugs on patients with conditions such as leukemia in order to contribute to the development of chemotherapy. After her father, unfortunately, passed away from tuberculosis in 1952, Wright was appointed the head of the Cancer Research Association. Through her extensive research using human somatic cells instead of mice, Wright evolved the use of chemotherapy as a viable way of modern treatment for cancer.
-Ben Carson, MD: He was the first person ever to successfully surgically separate the heads of conjoined twins in 1987. Additionally, he refined techniques for hemispherectomy, which helped to prevent seizures for those with severe epilepsy. As well as serving as a politician, plastic surgeon, and pediatrician, it is no secret that this man is talented and has contributed so much to the world.
-Kizzmekia S. Corbett, Ph.D.: She was one of the leading scientists to help discover the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, one of the quickest vaccine discoveries in modern-day history. With years of experience researching diseases under her belt, she is working to also find a vaccine cure for influenza.
These are only 5 of the very, very many black citizens that have contributed to making our world a better place. Thank you for all of your hard work in order to keep everyone moving forward. Happy Juneteenth. <3
here are, of course, the sources:
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stuartbramhall · 2 months
Pentagon issued 'COVID-19 Research’ contract 3 months before COVID known to exist: Fauci/Moderna had vaccine ready in Dec 2019
The Expose The discovery of a contract awarded by the U.S. Department of Defense to Labyrinth Global Health for “COVID-19 Research” in November 2019 has raised questions about the permanent U.S. Government’s knowledge of the novel coronavirus. The contract was part of a larger project for a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine,” suggesting the permanent U.S. Government was at the very…
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healthstyle101 · 7 months
Karikó and Weissman win Nobel Prize in medicine for work that enabled mRNA vaccines against COVID-19
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Nobel Prize for Pioneering mRNA Vaccine Scientists Two scientists, Hungarian-American Katalin Karikó and American Drew Weissman, received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for their groundbreaking work that paved the way for mRNA vaccines against COVID-19. These vaccines played a crucial role in combatting the pandemic and are now being explored for fighting cancer and other diseases. Traditionally, vaccine production involved growing and purifying viruses. In contrast, mRNA vaccines use a small piece of genetic code to instruct the body to create specific proteins, effectively turning the body into a vaccine factory. Initially, lab-grown mRNA faced challenges as it triggered immune responses when injected into animals. However, Karikó and Weissman discovered a subtle RNA modification that made it evade the immune system. Katalin Karikó is the 13th woman to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine. Their collaboration, which began by chance when they met while photocopying research papers in the 1990s, has had a profound impact on global health. The mRNA vaccines, developed in partnership with BioNTech-Pfizer and Moderna, are described as a "game changer" in combating COVID-19. Dr. Paul Hunter from the University of East Anglia credits these vaccines with saving millions of lives. The Nobel-winning research on mRNA vaccines, combined with earlier discoveries such as a fatty coating to facilitate mRNA entry into cells and the stabilization of the coronavirus spike protein, culminated in the creation of COVID-19 vaccines. The technology behind mRNA vaccines holds great promise for developing vaccines for diseases like Ebola, malaria, dengue, as well as vaccines for cancer and autoimmune diseases like lupus. Both Karikó and Weissman were initially skeptical when they received the Nobel Prize news, believing it to be a prank. Their collaboration, spanning decades, has led to significant advances in medical science. Before COVID-19, mRNA vaccines were being explored for diseases like Zika, influenza, and rabies. The pandemic has thrust this approach into the spotlight, with scientists now investigating its potential for various medical applications, including cancer treatment and allergy management. The Nobel Prize in Medicine carries a cash award of 11 million Swedish kronor ($1 million) and will be presented at ceremonies on December 10th, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. Nobel announcements for physics, chemistry, literature, and peace are forthcoming. Read the full article
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sbgridconsortium · 8 months
Second Takes - Andrea Thorn - University of Hamburg
Sharing some of our #SBGrid developer tales from the last year. This one from February 2023.
Andrea Thorn had been a junior group leader for a less than a year when, in early January 2020, researchers in China identified the cause of a mysterious contagious illness with pneumonia-like symptoms. Less than a week later, they released its genetic code, which revealed the novel virus to be a close cousin to the SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV-1) that caused an outbreak in 2002-2003.
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The rapid scientific response gave Thorn an idea for a talk she was due to give over coffee and cake to colleagues in her building at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg in Germany. She ran the only lab there focused on new computational methods for experimental structural biology. Most scientists in the building were infectious disease specialists.
"I needed to explain to them how my work was relevant," she says. Thorn works on ways to better model the atomic structures of RNA and proteins to make them useful for structure-based drug discovery, something that quickly would become more important as researchers rushed to respond to COVID-19.
Molecular models are a foundation of modern drug and vaccine development. They enable scientists to identify how to break the cycle of infection by targeting the right spot in the right protein. But even the most carefully determined structures reported in the most prestigious journals are imperfect interpretations of experimental data, Thorn says. Small errors can have large consequences in the search for a drug with the right fit.
When Thorn was preparing for her talk, no structures from the SARS-CoV-2 virus had been published yet. But more than 100 structures from SARS-CoV-1 were available in the worldwide Protein Data Bank (wwPDB). The structures ranged from a key protease in viral replication to the spike protein needed to attach and enter host cells.
From a random sample of five, Thorn found three SARS structures to illustrate the point of her research: Most protein structures can be improved with additional analysis.
Her talk was well received, germinating the seed of another idea that first seemed outlandishly bold and then became increasingly urgent as COVID-19 spread and the death toll soared. Thorn floated the idea over dinner with her mentor, Arwen Pearson in Hamburg: Analyze and correct all SARS structures. Pearson encouraged her, as did another senior colleague, Elspeth Garman of Oxford University.
In March 2020, as the first SARS-CoV-2 structures were being reported, Thorn first got her own small group on board and within a week pulled together a team of like-minded and mostly junior structural biology developers from all over the globe as the “Coronavirus Structural Task Force”. Many of them were international specialists in their respective fields, she notes.
They met online every weekday and posted daily updates to GitHub for anyone to access. Every Wednesday, when new wwPDB structures were released, their automated pipeline identified new coronavirus structures and assessed the quality of a representative sample of models and experimental data. When they improved a structure, they sent it back to the original authors to update the wwPDB entry, no strings attached.
For their web site (https://insidecorona.net), the group wrote blog posts to share with colleagues the larger story emerging from aggregated data of multiple structures. They wrote explanatory pieces for the public. They posted a 3D printable model of SARS-CoV-2.
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Coronavirus Structural Task Force website: https://insidecorona.net. Image credit: Thomas Splettstößer
A year into the pandemic, structural biologists had released a total of 1,146 SARS structures covering 18 proteins from both SARS-CoV-1 and SARS-CoV-2. Most were derived by X-ray crystallography (73%) and single particle cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) (24%) (Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, January 2021).
The task force's analytical pipeline deployed software programs from contributors inside and outside the Task Force. Among them were two tools previously developed by Thorn—AUSPEX, used for experimental X-ray data to detect sample measurement and processing problems (Acta Crystallographica, 2017) and, for experimental cryo-EM data, HARUSPEX, a neural network tool to automatically distinguish between nucleic acids and protein and to assign secondary protein structure elements (Angewandte Chemie, International Edition, 2020).
"We didn't do any peer reviewed publication until 2021," Thorn says about the task force. "We just wanted to fight the pandemic. The whole thing was fast. We pushed and pushed and pushed against corona so that drug developers and vaccine developers would have the right data. You know, it's been fantastic. It was born out of spontaneous willingness. I wish science would always be like this."
The task force published a description of its work (Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, May 2021). In 2023, Thorn says a dozen articles are in progress for peer-reviewed journals to summarize the combined information and results of their work, as well as to note questions yet to be answered about SARS-CoV-2. The task force will wind down in summer 2023. Thorn is strategizing on the next steps for a tenured academic position.
Thorn grew up in Germany in an intellectual family. Her father is a chemist, her mother an artist and entrepreneur. She is the third-born child with three brothers.
She calls her path to structural biology straightforward. One of her early science-related memories goes back to age 3, when her father explained surface tension to her with the gravity-defying demonstration of floating a needle on water. "My dad showed that to me with his always huge confidence that I would understand everything," Thorn says.
The family moved four times when Thorn was in elementary school. She supplemented the patchwork early education with natural curiosity. She read voraciously from the family library, made observations with a home microscope, and conducted chemistry experiments on the sly. In her mother's atelier, she also painted on large blank canvases.
In her teens, she and her friends were early adopters of live action role-playing games that have subsequently become popular in Germany. Participants assume the roles of characters and act out scenarios in a collaborative storytelling experience. To prepare for her roles, she researched scenarios ranging from futuristic military campaigns in Libya to glial cell retrieval from patients. "I read up to 600 pages a day when I was a teenager," she says.
In school, Thorn's studies became concentrated in chemistry and art. She continued first to a bachelor's degree and a master's degree, a prerequisite for her PhD.
She excelled in the lab and in computational chemistry, but her breakthrough lessons came after she failed quantum chemistry. She sought a tutor in the solid-state physics department, where her academic track record was unknown. A professor she consulted for a referral, Helmuth Zimmermann, volunteered to oversee weekly tutoring for Thorn and other classmates who needed help.
"Arguably those tutoring sessions did more for my education than everything else that semester," she says. "I'd never used maths before to describe things in nature in that way and fell in love with that."
One day, in response to Thorn's curiosity, the professor explained his research, which was measuring crystals to determine the structure of molecules. "I was hooked, because that meant the maths that I just learned could be applied far beyond class," she says. "It meant you could use them to find out the structure of crystal lattices and, with the structure of crystal lattices, the structure of molecules."
She skipped her prescribed medicinal chemistry classes in favor of crystallography lectures, which were not in her curriculum plan. One day, her crystallography lecturer refused to answer her question about SHELX, a crystal structure refinement program, saying she wasn't smart enough to understand.
"I was so angry, I printed out the SHELX manual, which is 100 pages, and I read the whole fricking thing." She came to the next class armed with new and more detailed questions. "It turned out he didn't know so much about crystallography," she says.
When it came time to choose a PhD group, Thorn had a list. The list included George Sheldrick at University of Göttingen, who developed SHELX. On the way to a holiday live role-play destination, she stopped by his lab to scout it out informally. Unexpectedly, she had a long conversation with him that ended with an immediate offer of doing her PhD thesis in his group.
She thrived in the high-performing lab and found fellow role-play enthusiasts. When she was teaching her first classes as a PhD student, a friend came to collect her for lunch. He noted her stance in front of the students (who were much older than her) looked like the last weekend's live role play when she had played a commanding leader with feet planted and shoulders squared as she led her warriors into battle.
In 2011, Thorn graduated with her doctorate and four new first-author publications from her thesis. The morning after her defense, she married her childhood sweetheart, a chemist. Within a year, she had secured a prestigious three-year Marie Curie fellowship for independent research at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology in Cambridge, followed by a brief but productive stint at University of Oxford.
Homesick for Germany and their parents, she returned with high expectations of becoming an assistant professor, something that remains a goal. She secured outside funding and became a group leader at University of Würzburg in 2019 and moved to Universität Hamburg in 2020.
The task force may be winding down, but its value lingers in Thorn's mind as an unmet need in science. She has been thinking about the volume of data being generated by the structural biology community and how to combine the data for more meaningful interpretation and usefulness. She also takes it as an example of what is possible when experts across the globe start to collaborate on an important problem.
"We are generating data like crazy," she says, “beyond the capacity of individuals to assimilate and make sense of details from different techniques across labs. "In Germany, we have this beautiful word, Datennachnutzung. It means you are using experimental data for a second time to find new insights. And that's something we absolutely need to do."
-Carol Cruzan Morton
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charles5436 · 8 months
Role Of Technology In Tracking A Potential COVID Hotspot || NeoDrafts
Role Of Technology In Tracking A Potential COVID Hotspot. Coronavirus has remained a hot topic in and around the world for approximately 7 months. Ignoring the conspiracy theories and the blame game that the nations are playing with each other, COVID 19 is a legitimate threat to humanity. With no known cure and a vaccine doubtful in the foreseeable future, the only way to protect oneself comes down to prevention.  Such is the gravity of the pandemic situation.
Role Of Google In The Mission Of “Prevention” Of COVID 19 Causing Virus:
The unofficial king of data collection and data prediction is Google. And this feature of Google has come to aid the world suffering from this deadly pandemic causing novel coronavirus. Apart from providing with the latest news of the virus-like vaccine updates, country-wise breakdown of COVID cases, etc., Google has successfully used it’s technological advancement to humanity’s advantage.
According to a survey, Google can predict the next potential coronavirus hotspot. This is not the first time that the search engine has been used to predict the next possible outbreak location. This powerful tool has been already used to track influenza.
Let Us Learn How Google Is Predicting The Possible COVID 19 Hotspot:
A US study has successfully discovered a correlation. It is between the search of specific ailments on Google to the developments of COVID hotspots within a month’s gap. Analyzing the data collected from January to April this year (2020), Massachusetts General Hospital had found that when there was a spike in searches for gastrointestinal symptoms, a COVID hotspot emerged in the area weeks later.
In other areas from New York, New Jersey, California, Illinois and Massachusetts, a similar search trend on the loss of smell and taste on Google, ended with a discovery of a COVID hotspot at the location of the searches in the following three to four weeks.
What Is The Advantage Of This Search Tool?
In most of these cases, search words like “Why can’t I smell” etc. have almost perfectly matched the outbreak locations. Google declared these locations as hotspots approximately 14 days later. An idea of a possible hotspot even before the drastic spread of the virus would be a godsend to prevent the number of deaths caused by COVID by arresting it’s spread to vulnerable people. Survey of search words for Gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea and loss of appetite have also yielded the same results. That is an accurate pinpoint of a potential COVID hotspot.
The results of this survey helps in curbing or at the least, helps authorities to equip and face the situation. Whether technology is a boon or a bane has been a topic of debate since decades. But considering the pandemic situation, it is a blessing in disguise. Powerful tools such as Google Trends have proven to be successful in data collection and prediction. Both are related to public health and other sensitive yet significant matters.
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brieftheoristmiracle · 8 months
Global Coronavirus Treatment Drugs Market Is Estimated To Witness High Growth Owing To Increasing Investments in R&D
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The global Coronavirus Treatment Drugs Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 15,912 million in 2020 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 17.5% over the forecast period (2020-2027), as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights.  Market Overview: The Coronavirus Treatment Drugs Market comprises various pharmaceutical products and therapies developed to treat and manage the symptoms of coronavirus infection. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for effective treatment drugs has surged globally. The market offers a wide range of products such as antiviral drugs, monoclonal antibodies, immunomodulators, and convalescent plasma therapy. These treatments aim to alleviate symptoms, reduce the severity of illness, and prevent further complications associated with coronavirus infection. Market Key Trends: One key trend observed in the Coronavirus Treatment Drugs Market Growth  is the increasing investments in research and development (R&activities. Pharmaceutical companies and research institutions are actively engaged in exploring potential drug candidates and therapies for the treatment of COVID-19. The race for developing a safe and effective vaccine against the virus has further accelerated the R&D efforts. For instance, Pfizer Inc. and its partner BioNTech SE have invested heavily in their mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccine candidate, which has shown promising results in clinical trials. PEST Analysis: Political: Governments worldwide have taken various measures to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, including regulatory approvals for emergency use of drugs and vaccines. Policy initiatives have been implemented to fast-track the development and distribution of coronavirus treatment drugs. Economic: The economic impact of the pandemic has led to an increased focus on developing affordable treatment drugs. Companies are also exploring partnerships and collaborations to ensure widespread availability of these drugs at affordable prices. Social: The global healthcare infrastructure has been severely impacted by the pandemic, leading to an increased demand for effective treatment drugs. The public awareness and acceptance of these drugs have also increased, driving market growth. Technological: Advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, are being used for drug discovery and development. These technologies assist in identifying potential drug candidates and predicting their efficacy against the virus, thereby expediting the drug development process. Key Takeaways: - Key players operating in the global Coronavirus Treatment Drugs Market include Serum Institute of India, Pfizer Inc., AstraZeneca plc., Bharat Biotech International Limited, Cadila Healthcare Limited, Johnson & Johnson, Moderna, GlaxoSmithKline plc., CanSino Biologics, Sinovac Biotech, Novavax, Inc., Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Limited, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories, and Merck & Co., Inc. These companies are actively involved in developing and commercializing treatment drugs for COVID-19. In conclusion, the global Coronavirus Treatment Drugs Market is projected to witness significant growth in the coming years. The increasing investments in R&D activities, coupled with technological advancements, are expected to drive market expansion.
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research--blog · 10 months
Liquid Handling Systems Market Worth $6.99 Billion by 2029 – Exclusive Report by Meticulous Research®
According to a new market research report, ‘Liquid Handling Systems Market By Type (Automated, Electronic, Manual), Product (Pipette, Consumables, Burette, Software, Microplate), Application (Drug Discovery, Cancer & Genomics, Clinical), End User (Hospital, Diagnostic Lab) – Global Forecast to 2029,’ published by Meticulous Research®, the liquid handling systems market is projected to reach $6.99 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 6.4% from 2022 to 2029.
Download Free Report Sample Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5397
A liquid handling system involves any equipment used for transferring liquids in a laboratory from a pipette to the multifunction workstation. Liquid handling is usually required in the laboratory for various applications such as ELISA, nucleic acid preparation, PCR reaction, next-generation sequencing for genomic research, and liquid-liquid extraction. Liquid handling systems are crucial in increasing laboratory procedures requiring high-throughput screening.
Major factors driving the liquid handling systems market are the rapid growth and expansion of the pharmaceutical & biotechnology industry, increasing R&D expenditure of biopharmaceutical companies, rapid adoption of automation in laboratories, and growing demand for high-throughput screening. Furthermore, emerging economies and growing genomics and proteomics research are expected to provide significant growth opportunities for this market.
However, the high costs of automated liquid handling systems are expected to restrain the growth of this market to a notable extent. In addition, factors such as the slow adoption of automation among small & medium-sized laboratories and additional training required by the laboratory personnel for operating automated robotic liquid handling workstations are the major challenges to the growth of this market.
The Impact of COVID-19 on the Liquid Handling Systems Market
The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak in March 2020 impacted nearly every country around the globe. According to the WHO, as of 17th November 2022, there were 633.2 million confirmed cases and 6.6 million confirmed deaths. During the initial months of the pandemic, there were nationwide lockdowns and restrictions in several countries. This led to a global supply chain disruption and shortages of equipment & consumables. Further, according to the International Monetary Fund, the pandemic shrunk the global economy by about 3.5% in 2020. These factors had a short-term negative impact on the global liquid handling systems market.
However, due to the pandemic, there was an increased demand for COVID-19 testing in laboratories. Large volumes of samples were to be tested, and liquid handling systems were a crucial part of performing these tests. This led to an increased demand for liquid handling systems in clinical diagnostics laboratories. In addition, there was an increased demand for drug discovery and vaccine development. The demand for various types of liquid handling systems in pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies also increased. Thus, the COVID-19 pandemic ultimately had a positive impact on the liquid handling systems market.
Speak to our Analysts to Understand the Impact of COVID-19 on Your Business: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/speak-to-analyst/cp_id=5397
The liquid handling systems market is segmented by Type (Automated Liquid Handling Systems, Electronic Liquid Handling Systems, and Manual Liquid Handling Systems), Product (Pipettes [Semi-Automated Pipettes, Manual Pipettes, and Electronic Pipettes], Consumables, Liquid Handling Workstations, Burettes, Software, Microplate Reagents Dispensers, Microplate Washers, and Other Products), Application (Drug Discovery, Cancer & Genomics Research, Clinical Diagnostics, and Other Applications), End User (Hospitals & Diagnostic Laboratories, Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industries, Research & Academic Institutes, and Other End Users), and Geography. The study also evaluates industry competitors and analyzes their market share at global and regional levels.
Based on type, in 2022, the automated liquid handling systems segment is expected to account for the largest share of the liquid handling systems market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to factors such as the increased demand for high-throughput screening, the advantages of automated liquid handling systems, and the increased capabilities of end users to acquire advanced automated liquid handling systems.
Based on product, in 2022, the pipette segment is expected to account for the largest share of the liquid handling systems market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the basic utility of pipettes in the liquid handling process and its applicability in a wide range of applications such as in sample preparation, serial dilution, and various types of assays.
Based on application, in 2022, the drug discovery segment is expected to account for the largest share of the liquid handling systems market. This segment’s large market share is attributed to the high demand for newer personalized drugs for treating a wide range of diseases, increased R&D expenditure, and increased focus on the efficient development of new drugs through molecular screening.
Based on end user, in 2022, the biotechnology & pharmaceutical industries segment is expected to account for the largest share of the liquid handling systems market. The large market share of this segment is attributed to the higher demand for liquid handling systems in the biotechnology & pharmaceutical industry, especially for drug discovery and manufacturing applications, and increased R&D expenditure in biopharma companies.
Quick Buy – Liquid Handling Systems Market- Global Opportunity Analysis And Industry Forecast (2022-2029), Research Report: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/Checkout/54879600
Based on geography, in 2022, North America is expected to account for the largest share of the liquid handling systems market, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. North America’s large market share is attributed to its robust healthcare and R&D infrastructure, high R&D spending and investments, collaborations with large academic universities and the presence of key players in the region.
The report also includes an extensive assessment of the type, product portfolio, application, end user, and geography, and key strategic developments adopted by leading market participants in the industry over the past years (2020–2022). In recent years, the liquid handling systems market has witnessed numerous product launches & approvals, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, and mergers & acquisitions.
Some of the key players operating in this market study are Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. (U.S.), Agilent Technologies, Inc. (U.S.), Danaher Corporation (U.S.), Eppendorf AG (Germany), Hamilton Company (U.S.), PerkinElmer, Inc. (U.S.), Tecan Group Ltd. (Switzerland), PRIMADAG SAS (France), BRAND GMBH + CO KG (Germany), Hudson Robotics (U.S.), SPT Labtech (U.K.), F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. (Switzerland), QIAGEN N.V. (Netherlands), and Mettler-Toledo International, Inc (U.S.).
To gain more insights into the market with a detailed table of content and figures, click here: https://www.meticulousresearch.com/product/liquid-handling-systems-market-5397
Scope of the Report:
Liquid Handling Systems Market, by Type
Automated Liquid Handling Systems
Electronic Liquid Handling Systems
Manual Liquid Handling Systems
Liquid Handling Systems Market, by Product
Semi-automated pipettes
Manual Pipettes
Electronic Pipettes
Liquid Handling Workstations
Microplate Reagents Dispensers
Microplate Washers
Other Products
(Other Products include stackers, flocculation tester, pipetting aid, and laboratory glassware)
Liquid Handling Systems Market, by Application
Drug Discovery
Cancer & Genomics Research
Clinical Diagnostics
Other Applications
(Other applications include proteomics, bioprocessing in biotechnology, basic research, and microbiology)
Liquid Handling Systems Market, by End User
Hospitals & Diagnostic Laboratories
Biotechnology & Pharmaceutical Industries
Research & Academic Institutes
Other End users
(Other end users include contract research organizations, forensic laboratories, and government laboratories)
Liquid Handling Systems Market, by Geography
North America
Rest of Europe (RoE)
Rest of APAC (RoAPAC)
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
Download Free Report Sample Now @ https://www.meticulousresearch.com/download-sample-report/cp_id=5397
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stuartbramhall · 8 months
Australia’s first COVID deaths were all FULLY VACCINATED
The discovery process in a court case launched by a cohort of Australian doctors suing the government of Queensland for its Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccine” mandates has brought to light the fact that the very first “COVID” deaths that occurred in the state were fully vaccinated. You read that right: the very first people to die from “COVID” in Queensland were people who had taken all the…
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How much Door Hanger Advertising costs?
Following the discovery of a Covid-19 Vaccine, businesses have begun resumption of their operations. This is after normal business operations stopped following the surge of Coronavirus infections. Therefore, business executives are now focusing on ways to regain their market. For the businesses operating in competitive environments, the marketing department has to step up their game. Otherwise, competitors will overtake your once dominated market.
Unfortunately, many businesses have limited capital, and so they cannot increase their marketing budget. This is following months of the low season, where enterprises could not manufacture any products leave alone sell the ready products. Thousands of enterprises were incurring huge losses, while others had to shut down for lack of funds. For those that are resuming business operations, raising the full marketing budget will not be easy.
How to Lower the Cost of Advertising
If you are getting a fraction of the expected marketing budget, do not lose hope yet. Low-cost advertising methods can bail you out. A good example is door hanger advertising. Door hanger advertising cost is low because the method involves hanging printed cards on the doorknobs of your targeted customers. Therefore, while the targeted customer is reaching the doorknob, he interacts with your advertisement. Eventually, the advertisement method helps brands to reach the target audience in a cheap and effective approach.
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Why is Door Hanger Advertising Cost-Effective?
There are various reasons that make door hanger advertising cost pocket friendly to your business. Let us explain why you should trust door hanger advertising as a cost-effective approach to reaching your customers.
●      Cheaper to Print
Compared to the cost of printing the billboards, a door hanger costs less to print. In fact, the door hangers do not need specialized printers, like is the case when printing the huge banners advertisers are using on subways.
●      No Need To Pay for Adverts Space
In most residential places, you will not have to pay to access the targeted customers. For the subways and the billboards, you have to pay so that the advert gets space. in most cases, the advertiser ends up spending half of the marketing budget paying for the adverts space.
●      Higher Returns on Investment Making Hence a worthwhile Investment
Door hanger advertising sends the message directly to the target audience. Besides, the advertiser customizes the message to achieve a top-level of impact. Therefore, the high returns on investment make it the most effective method of advertising.
Are you worried about what the door hanger advertising cost shall be to your business? With an effective plan, this is one of the low-cost advertising methods. Thus, for a business that is just recovering from the tough economic times, the door hanger advertising method is the way to go.
At Adzze, we have built the capacity to provide businesses effective post-COVID low-cost advertising methods. With our door hanger advertising method, you do not have to worry about the limited advertising budget. Talk to us today for the best door hanger advertising strategies.
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khartoumnews · 1 year
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osamu-jinguji · 1 year
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My favorite books in Mar-2023 - #5 The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race – March 9, 2021 by Walter Isaacson (Author) A Best Book of 2021 by Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Time, and The Washington Post The bestselling author of Leonardo da Vinci and Steve Jobs returns with a “compelling” (The Washington Post) account of how Nobel Prize winner Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues launched a revolution that will allow us to cure diseases, fend off viruses, and have healthier babies. When Jennifer Doudna was in sixth grade, she came home one day to find that her dad had left a paperback titled The Double Helix on her bed. She put it aside, thinking it was one of those detective tales she loved. When she read it on a rainy Saturday, she discovered she was right, in a way. As she sped through the pages, she became enthralled by the intense drama behind the competition to discover the code of life. Even though her high school counselor told her girls didn’t become scientists, she decided she would. Driven by a passion to understand how nature works and to turn discoveries into inventions, she would help to make what the book’s author, James Watson, told her was the most important biological advance since his codiscovery of the structure of DNA. She and her collaborators turned a curiosity of nature into an invention that will transform the human race: an easy-to-use tool that can edit DNA. Known as CRISPR, it opened a brave new world of medical miracles and moral questions. The development of CRISPR and the race to create vaccines for coronavirus will hasten our transition to the next great innovation revolution. The past half-century has been a digital age, based on the microchip, computer, and internet. Now we are entering a life-science revolution. Children who study digital coding will be joined by those who study genetic code. Should we use our new evolution-hacking powers to make us less susceptible to viruses? What a wonderful boon that would be! And what about preventing depression? Hmmm…Should we allow parents, if they can afford it, to enhance the height or muscles or IQ of their kids? After helping to discover CRISPR, Doudna became a leader in wrestling with these moral issues and, with her collaborator Emmanuelle Charpentier, won the Nobel Prize in 2020. Her story is an “enthralling detective story” (Oprah Daily) that involves the most profound wonders of nature, from the origins of life to the future of our species. Walter Isaacson Walter Isaacson, University Professor of History at Tulane, has been CEO of the Aspen Institute, chairman of CNN, and editor of Time magazine. He is the author of Leonardo da Vinci; Steve Jobs; Einstein: His Life and Universe; Benjamin Franklin: An American Life; and Kissinger: A Biography. He is also the coauthor of The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made
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Biosimulation Market Current and Future Trends, Leading Players, Industry Segments and Regional Forecast to 2023 to 2032 | Says FMI
The Global Biosimulation Market according to a recent market study by Future Market Insights, was valued at US$ 2.6 billion in 2021 and is predicted to grow to US$ 20.9 billion by 2032. According to the report’s conclusions, biosimulation software will continue to be crucial for the market because it will account for the majority of sales. Software biosimulation will give the trials better and more effective findings, and there are many different types of software accessible for different types of research and application. From 2015 through 2021, the software segment’s revenue increased at a CAGR of 14.3%.
Revenue through Drug Development to Continue being growth Axis For Biosimulation Market
Pharmaceutical companies use biosimulation for drug development.  During a drug, development process biosimulation helps to identify the possible effects that the drug can have on a patient. The market through the drug development segment recorded a CAGR of 16.3% during 2015-2021.
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Biosimulation Market: Competition Insights
The key companies operating in the biosimulation market include Certara, Dassault Systemes, Advanced Chemistry Development, Simulation Plus Inc., Schrodinger, Inc., Chemical Computing Group, Physiomics Plc, Rosa & Co. LLC, BioSimulation Consulting Inc., Genedata AG, Instem Group of Companies, PPD, Inc., Insilico Biotechnology AG,  Rhenovia Pharma, LeadInvent Technologies, Nuventra Pharma, and In Silico  Biosciences.
Some of the recent developments by key providers of biosimulation are as follows:
In June 2022, Certara announced its new version of Biosimulation software for the progress of Novel Biologics. The new version includes Immunogenicity (IG), Immuno-Oncology (IO), and Vaccine simulators to understand and predict how drugs work and point out the key questions in the development of novel biologic therapies.
In June 2022, Genedata AG announced that Syros Pharmaceuticals has chosen Genedata AG’s Genedata Profiler as its data integration and investigative platform to accelerate its translational research strategy.
In March 2022, Advanced Chemistry labs announced that Pharmaron Inc. has chosen its NMR processing and interpretation software.
In March 2022, Simulation Plus, Inc. released its Membrane Plus 3.0 software. The new software includes improved data handling and simulation performance for in vitro-in vivo for extrapolation (IVIVE) for permeability, skin penetration, and release assay systems.
In February 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the license for Certara’s Immunogenicity (IG) stimulator to research and assess immunogenicity in protein-based remedies.
In February 2022, Physiomics Plc updated a new agreement with ValiRx plc. According to the new agreement, ValiRx will be able to use Physiomics Plc’s latest version of its Virtual Tumour technology. Physiomics Plc will also help ValiRx in modeling the use of VAL201 peptide in endometriosis (VAL301) and Coronavirus (BC201).
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More Insights Available
Future Market Insights, in its new offering, presents an unbiased analysis of the Biosimulation Market, presenting historical market data (2017-2021) and forecast statistics for the period of 2022-2032.
The study reveals essential insights by Product Type (Services (In-house services, Contract services), Software), by Deployment mode (Drug Development, Drug Discovery, Other Applications), by End-use (Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology Companies, CROs, Regulatory Authorities, Academic Research Institutions), across five regions (North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Middle East & Africa).
Key Segments Covered in Biosimulation Industry Survey
Biosimulation Market by Product Type:
In-house services
Contract services
Biosimulation Market by Deployment Mode:
Drug Development
Drug Discovery
Other Applications
Biosimulation Market by End-use:
Pharmaceutical &Biotechnology Companies
Regulatory Authorities
Academic Research Instituitons
Full Report @ https://www.futuremarketinsights.com/reports/biosimulation-market
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thesheel · 1 year
For those great "historians," please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took place on my watch! (Donald Trump)   The worst example of politics over lives has been seen in recent times in the USA. With more than 15 million infections and almost 290,000 deaths, the United States is the most affected country by the novel coronavirus. The coronavirus pandemic was allowed to roam freely in the country, with few steps taken by the politicians to save the people from the deadly diseases. The preference of politics over lives was demonstrated by the incumbent president when Donald Trump refused to take additional doses of the vaccine from Pfizer earlier this year as the vaccine development was underway.  Now, when the vaccination is developed, Trump has realized his mistake and wants to pursue his "America First" policy once again. However, the vaccine company says that it cannot provide the United States with more vaccines than previously ordered due to its commitment to other countries. Now Trump is trying to get more vaccines with an executive order to "save America." Why did Trump refuse to accept the offer of the vaccination when he knew that America was the worst-hit country from the virus? It seems obvious that he preferred to play politics over lives by trying to play his cheap and dirty politics on coronavirus. The government representatives, instead of public awareness, propagated unprecedented misinformation, a phenomenon called as Infodemic by the UN. The lives of the people were compromised heavily by the government, which, instead of working on the health infrastructure, continued to blame China for the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a sad state of affairs that developing countries with inadequate health facilities managed to provide an effective response. However, with all its technological development, the United States failed to save its people from destruction.  While on the one hand, the COVID-19 pandemic has taken the lives of the masses, on the other, it has shattered the US economic infrastructure as well.  With closed businesses and rising unemployment, the country is facing the worst economic recession since the Great Depression of the 1930s. Hope emerged recently when Pfizer announced that it had developed a vaccine in collaboration with German BioNTech, but no other than the president himself also politicized the vaccine. While announcing the development of the vaccine in a press conference, President Donald Trump mentioned that the vaccine would be distributed to the whole country except some states, including New York, a Democrats stronghold, as the New York governor expressed his concerns concerning the vaccine approval process.  Playing politics on coronavirus in such a dangerous situation should be discouraged, considering the WHO has already called it a global health emergency. Similarly, Trump also claimed that the discovery of vaccines is a success of the Trump administration. However, Pfizer busted the claims saying that no money was taken from the US government in this regard. The United States, the first country to develop a 95 percent effective vaccine, will have a significant role to play in the pandemic. The vaccine politics which Trump started have now reached the different corners of the world. How is the world facing COVID vaccine politics? What can the potential consequences be of playing dirty politics on the coronavirus and preferring politics over lives? Let's have a look. Denying the Availability of Vaccinations to the Americans: Trump's Attempt to Murder Americans Systematically The United States of America was expected to get the vaccines earlier than any other country. This actually happened when Pfizer offered to make an agreement with the Trump administration. However, the Trump administration decided to make a compromise with the lives of Americans. Had it not been for Trump's politics on coronavirus, every American was expected to be vaccinated in early 20
21.  However, Trump denied buying more than 100 million vaccines, a dose for almost 50 million people. The US had the opportunity to take 3 billion vaccines, which the Trump administration refused. As the situation goes far worse than expected, Trump will sign an executive order to force Pfizer to prefer Americans over other countries. This flawed approach suggests that he played politics on coronavirus. I don't care if you die; let me take credit for the vaccine first: COVID Vaccine Politics in the US In May 2020, the Trump Administration launched Operation Warp Speed, aiming to manufacture and deliver 300 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine by January 2021. The operation was started in April when the Department of the Health and Human Service argued in the White House that a successful operation would be the only way out, amid the government's failure. Pharmaceutical companies burned the midnight oil, and the American company Pfizer with Germany's BioNTech were able to make a 95 percent effective vaccine against COVID-19. But, unfortunately, with the arrival of the vaccine, politics on the coronavirus also started. The pursuit of the vaccine was driven by nationalism, domestic politics, and pharmaceutical profits. Hence the preference of politics over lives was evident amid all the process. The Trump Administration is currently busy complicating the transition process for President-elect Joe Biden. This is delaying the approval of the vaccine. This is not shocking news as many believe that Donald Trump wants to give a shattered America to Biden. Ignoring the health infrastructure purposefully is just one of the plans of Trump to destroy America, which he is pursuing in his last days at the office.  In a normal transition process, the outgoing administration is responsible for informing the incoming administration about the ongoing projects. Similarly, the sitting administration also advises the upcoming administration on the further direction of the projects. However, this time, Trump has got some dangerous plans as he loses the electoral college. Now, amid the challenging health and economic infrastructure, Trump is intentionally ignoring the Biden administration as much as possible. This denial of information is dangerous not only from the economic perspective but also to the lives of the people as Trump plays politics on coronavirus. The Senate Majority Leader and House Speaker have decided on passing a new bill before the new administration takes over. However, President Donald Trump is expected to oppose the legislation and force a government shutdown, making it even more challenging for the upcoming Biden administration. The budget measures will profoundly affect the COVID-19 vaccine. Similarly, it will also impact Coronavirus relief packages, strangling the Biden administration right from the very beginning. All of this suggests that Trump is playing politics over the coronavirus as he prefers politics over lives.  In October, the FDA called for stricter guidelines on the vaccine approval process. However, the request was declined by the White House Chief of Staff to make things difficult for the Biden administration.  The White House wanted to have a vaccine before the election to provide considerable advantage to President Trump in the November 3 elections. However, FDA sought other avenues to ensure that no vaccine could be approved before it is fully safe for use.  There has been a constant tug of war between the White House and federal agencies. This happened as Trump wanted to announce a vaccine before the election day so that the Trump campaign could brag about it to get the edge in the election. Americans to Embrace Scientific Research on the Virus Instead of Praising Trump: "(We will) liberate our scientists from any bureaucracy and keep Pfizer out of politics." (Albert Bourla, CEO Pfizer) Americans have shown that politically motivated vaccines will be reject
ed.  According to a survey conducted by STAT and Harris Polls, 78 percent of Americans have concerns about political influence in the vaccine approval process.  The poll also suggested that only 46 percent of Americans trust President Donald Trump or the White House to provide accurate information on the vaccine. In another study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, the attitude of Americans towards the COVID vaccine was evaluated. The study concluded that vaccine-related attitudes and politics are closely associated with each other. The research paper published under the title, "Factors associated with US Adults' Likelihood of Accepting COVID-19 Vaccination," suggested that the public will be more willing to accept a COVID-19 vaccine if health experts and scientists are involved in the process rather than the politicians. A Yale University study suggested that the announcement of the vaccine one week before the election would decrease people's willingness to get vaccinated. Although the vaccine was announced after the election, the politics on coronavirus is making the vaccine controversial. Recent CNN polls show only half of Black Americans say that they will get vaccinated. A Pew research survey suggests that 71 percent of Black Americans say they know someone who has died from COVID-19.  This is astonishing, as Black Americans are one of those groups that are found to be most affected by the pandemic. The research suggests that this rejection of the vaccine is largely due to the politics on coronavirus, which the Trump administration has been doing for a long while. Pfizer has also reiterated to keep politics out of the vaccination process, and that's why they have decided not to attend a vaccine summit. "It is disappointing that the prevention for a deadly disease was discussed (in the presidential debates) in political terms rather than scientific facts." (Alert Bourla, CEO Pfizer) Politics on Coronavirus Vaccine: The Dirty Game of the Anti-vaccine Groups: The anti-vaccine groups have again emerged to spread misinformation about the vaccine through their online platforms. Such movements have been active in the United States and other parts of the world for a long time. Many rare viruses such as measles have experienced outbreaks due to the declining vaccination rates. Such groups were already looking to sabotage the COVID-19 vaccine. As they play politics on coronavirus, the politicization of the virus by President Trump himself has even motivated them further.  Now that the United States has a vaccine, the only thing that matters is the vaccination process. The current political infrastructure of the United States is going to influence the distribution of the vaccine heavily.  While the Internet has made access to information easier for the world, some elements are misusing the technology to propagate their own agenda.  Due to these elements, public health is prone to danger. The anti-vaccine groups have become a disease in the United States in a previous couple of years.  They are providing fertile ground to the conspiracy theorists resulting in increased tensions.   This is resulting in the spread of the coronavirus at an unprecedented rate. As soon as the Food and Drug Administration approved the emergency use of the COVID-19 vaccine, these groups took to social media to turn the public against the vaccine. In fact, these groups were trying to turn people against the vaccine even before the arrival of vaccines. For instance, Bill Gates implanting trackable chips in the coronavirus vaccine is a well-known conspiracy theory related to COVID. The politics on the coronavirus and the COVID vaccine by the Trump administration enabled these groups to propagate the vision of Trump. These groups are not new in the world. They even launched a full-fledged campaign against the polio vaccine as well when the poliovirus left the world in devastat
ion. However, governments worldwide are now urging social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter to take action concerning the anti-vaccine rhetoric on their platforms. The rejection of the scientific suggestions and the procedures from President Donald Trump has helped these groups to further their agenda.  This problem is not strictly related to the United States. Rather, any country where the leaders disagree and fail to comply with the scientific standards witness such a situation.  For instance, consider the following situations.  Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was also involved in spreading misinformation about COVID-19. As a result, he ended up making India the second-worst affected country due to coronavirus. A similar situation could be witnessed in Brazil, where President Jair Bolsonaro even refused to comply with the WHO's SOPs. This resulted in an uprising in the infection rate in Brazil, making it the third-largest infected country in the world. Similarly, the United Kingdom's Boris Johnson also failed to provide an effective response and politicized the process largely.     Rejecting the politics on the coronavirus: Everything you need to know about the transparent vaccine approval procedure: Most of the misinformation spread by the anti-vaccine groups is related to the vaccine approval process.  That is why we have decided to inform our readers of the process that the Food and Drug Administration uses to approve any vaccine. The process starts with vaccine development. After a vaccine is developed, the FDA is responsible for ensuring that it complies with the standards. The clinical development of the vaccine is divided into four major phases. In phase 1, a small group of people is vaccinated. If the results are fair, trials fall into the second phase.  In phase 2, the volunteer group is expanded, and they are divided into certain groups based on their age and other physical characteristics.  In phase 3, the vaccine is given to thousands of people suffering from the intended disease to test safety and efficacy.  In phase 4, a vaccine is formally licensed and approved. Even after approving the vaccine, the FDA continues to ensure that the vaccine complies with the previous standards. This includes constant monitoring of the manufacturing process, along with inspection of the manufacturing facilities. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting system collaborates with the FDA and ensures to report any event that occurs after a vaccine is licensed. Reports can be submitted by any individual and will be looked into with the utmost care.    The Necessity to Get Vaccinated: Save Yourself, Save the World: Wearing masks and observing social distancing has become a new normal in the world in recent times. People living in the pandemic have become mentally and emotionally weak. Dr. Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has largely denied the idea of herd immunity in one of his interviews. However, he suggested that herd immunity achieved through vaccination can prove to be effective. This response came while answering a question related to the "Great Barrington Declaration," which is an online platform spreading the idea that herd immunity will be better than vaccination.  Dr. Fauci suggested that we need to get at least 75 percent of people to be vaccinated. Only the herd immunity generated by getting 75 percent of the people vaccinated will work; otherwise, one without vaccination is likely to be dangerous, as he termed this "nonsense" and" dangerous." A recent Oxford study suggested that even when someone is fully recovered from the COVID-19, the virus still impacts the lungs afterward. Even if a small population is left without vaccination, they risk spreading the virus again due to the contagious nature of the disease.  The current economic infrastructure is unable to afford another global
lockdown. It will just leave more people unemployed in the times to come. If the novel virus continues to spread, as usual, every individual will be infected with millions of deaths. Due to the aforementioned facts, the necessity to take vaccines is increased significantly. Hence, by rejecting the politics on coronavirus, we must take the vaccines, when available, to save the lives in bulk.   Conclusion The COVID-19 crisis has largely been subjected to politics in the United States. Politics has contributed to making the situation worse by spreading fake information for the personal gains of the political leaders.  Now that we have the vaccine to save the world from the pandemic, politics is again sabotaging the vaccination process. It has provided a path to anti-vaccine campaigns to spread misinformation related to the vaccines.  The COVID-19 vaccine goes through a whole process before its approval, and the FDA ensures that it complies with the standards of safety and efficacy. Therefore, by rejecting all the politics on coronavirus, we should not hesitate in our vaccination. This way, we can extend our contributions to a COVID-free world while the politicians who want anarchy bites the dust.
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In April 2020, as COVID was circumnavigating the globe and demolishing normalcy everywhere, The New York Times published an article titled “How Long Will a Vaccine Really Take?” Although Trump-administration officials aimed to unveil a COVID vaccine within 18 months—that is, by the fall of 2021—the journalist Stuart Thompson reminded readers that the shortest time in history for developing a new vaccine was four years. “The grim truth,” he wrote, “is that a vaccine probably won’t arrive any time soon.” But then it did. The first mRNA vaccines were administered before the end of 2020.
The COVID vaccines underline a second lesson from the smallpox story. Some technology myths make it seem like progress is exclusively the work of geniuses, untouched by the grubby hands of politicians and bureaucrats. But a rogue cadre of inventors didn’t eradicate smallpox. States did. Agencies did. Progress is often political, because the policy decisions of states and international organizations frequently build the bridges between discovery and deployment.
The story of the mRNA vaccines can be traced back to the ’90s, when the Hungarian-born scientist Katalin Karikó began her research on the pharmaceutical potential of mRNA, a small but mighty molecule that tells our cells what proteins to make. Her work, along with that of her fellow University of Pennsylvania researcher Drew Weissman, gradually raised our mastery of mRNA to the point where it could be deployed for a vaccine. In early 2020, within 48 hours of receiving the genetic sequencing of the coronavirus, Moderna had prepared its COVID-vaccine recipe, and BioNTech, a German firm that later partnered with Pfizer, had designed its own vaccine candidate.
These technological breakthroughs, building on decades of basic research, were themselves miracles. But alone, they weren’t enough. The U.S. also needed a policy miracle—a feat of bureaucratic ingenuity that would make, distribute, and administer novel vaccines with record-breaking efficiency. We got just that with Operation Warp Speed, which belongs with the Apollo program and the Manhattan Project as one of the most important technology programs in the history of modern federal policy. It likely saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives.
From the beginning, Warp Speed’s job seemed nearly impossible. To create the fastest vaccine program ever, officials had to essentially map out the entire journey of a new therapy—from research and clinical trials to regulatory approval and distribution—and turn this obstacle course into something like a glide path. They invested in both traditional and mRNA vaccine approaches, paid up front for clinical trials, and placed billions of dollars in advance orders to urge pharmaceutical companies to move as fast as possible. When Moderna needed more manufacturing facilities, Warp Speed provided funding for additional factory space. When the government identified a shortage of the special material that mRNA vaccines require for ultracold transport, Warp Speed granted $347 million to SiO2 and Corning, two manufacturers of glass vials. And because standard vaccine approval from the FDA can take years, the program’s leaders allowed vaccine makers to proceed with emergency use authorizations to speed up the review process.
“The single most important thing that Operation Warp Speed did was to provide a whole-of-government urgency” to the goal of rapid deployment, Caleb Watney, a co-founder of the Institute for Progress, told me. “Getting everything right meant you needed to make a million correct decisions in the right order.” If the government had bet only on traditional vaccine technology, we would have had no mRNA therapies. If the government hadn’t done extensive supply-chain mapping in the summer of 2020, the initial vaccine rollout might have taken months rather than weeks. And if the government hadn’t bought out vaccines from the pharmaceutical companies, they wouldn’t have been free to consumers. But because Operation Warp Speed did all of this, the vaccines were expeditiously approved, manufactured, and distributed at no cost to the public.
Warp Speed was a special case, essentially a wartime policy applied to a health crisis. Few people would recommend such an aggressive approach for developing ordinary consumer technology. And the government is certainly capable of making bad choices as to exactly what technology to develop, and how. But while too much government action on this front can waste money, too little can waste time and even lives, stymieing possible breakthroughs. Warp Speed showed that smart government action can accelerate discovery and deployment. Just as significant, it showed that the kinds of bets the government can place, such as FDA reforms, don’t necessarily involve spending any money at all.
  —  Why the Age of American Progress Ended
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